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Warrior Nun - General Discussion

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Episode 1: Psalm 46:5

God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day

Seems weird that an able-bodied teenage boy would share a room with a beautiful quadriplegic teenage girl. Not enough fighting/Martial Arts, it should more than Nuns giving each other the "Stink Eye" and Young Adults doing drugs and partying. Set in Spain, but I am not catching much of the local culture, seems like it could be anywhere. 

Episode 2: Proverbs 31:25

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

Seems weird that somebody who doesn't look like a nun can just walk into a highly secure fancy party. Not to mention all her priest and nun friends. I was waiting for the Tarask to Shish Kabob Ava's little boy orphan roommate, but no dice. A priest and some nuns walk into a room with a glowing hunk of Divinium and nobody notices, but a young girl can spot how special it is instantly. When checking the texts, the timestamp seem to suggest that all the texts were sent in a short time span, when it seems like they should have been spaced out more.

Edited by AnimeMania

Episode 3: Ephesians 6:11 

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Episode 4: Ecclesiasticus 26:9-10

The whoredom of a woman may be known in her haughty looks and eyelids.

If thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch liberty.

Very nice Warrior Nun Martial Arts sequence, they need to have at least 2 of those an episode. It is strange that Ava is activating all over the place, yet the Tarask is nowhere to be found. It seems like fighting demons has taken a backseat to all the backstabbing an infighting that has been going on, not that I didn't see this coming.

Edited by AnimeMania

Episode 5: Matthew 7:13

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

I hate to tell you this but that is not how a sterile environment works, you can't just put on sterile gloves and remove your shoes to become sterile. If she had put on any kind of protective clothing or had some kind of mist that sprayed her entire body, I might have handwaved that whole scene through.

A black girl and a girl with a huge sword on her back are running through a security checkpoint point, which one do you stop, the black girl of course. You stop the black girl, she has two sawed off shotguns on her, you let her pass and tell her to have a nice day. Where were the security guards when Lilith got on the ship with the huge sword.

Episode 6: Isaiah 30:20-21

Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.

Excellent scenery/location, boring story.

Edited by AnimeMania

Episode 7: Ephesians 4:22-24

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

The T in ARQTECH is the Greek Letter Psi which in science is a mathematical expression that represents the wave function of electrons. In science, Psi (squared) is the probability density. It tells us where the electron is most likely to be found in the space around the nucleus.
I found this strange because the Upper Case Greek Letter Tau looks extremely similar to the letter T although the Lower Case Tau might possibly be distinguishable from a Lower Case t. I am guessing that is why they didn't use it since nobody would realize it is a Greek Letter. This is unfortunate since tau is the symbol for life or resurrection,

I haven't finished it yet, but the best way for someone making a live action superhero/sci fi/fantasy show to know if they are doing a good job is to take what they have written and pretend they are turning it into a cartoon. If you wouldn't watch what you made as a cartoon, it could probably be a lot better. So far it is a bunch of stiff, wooden actors trying to figure out should they do the right thing. You are nuns and the enemy is demons and nobody is sure if they are doing the right thing. Everybody is standing around talking when they should be punching things. I am pretty sure you could splice together an entire episode of people just reading from books.

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Episode 9: 2 Corinthians 10:4

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

This episode is about as exciting as watching old men stand around in a room.

Episode 10: Revelation 2:10

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.

Disappointingly confusing. There is no need for another season.

  • LOL 1

Ok, can someone tell me if I understand what I just watched?

Adriel is a demon who escaped from Hell/demon dimension/whatev with something that looks like a halo. He was chased by a Tarask, killed the Tarask with the halo and then created the first Warrior Nun by hiding the halo in her body. Eventually somebody caught on that he wasn't really an angel and entombed him.

The halo probably belongs to the Tarasks?

Also, I figured out around episode 5 that the Cardinal was actually the good guy and the parish priest was the bad guy. I've watched too much genre tv.

Somebody please correct the parts I got wrong. Thanks.

22 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Ok, can someone tell me if I understand what I just watched?

Adriel is a demon who escaped from Hell/demon dimension/whatev with something that looks like a halo. He was chased by a Tarask, killed the Tarask with the halo and then created the first Warrior Nun by hiding the halo in her body. Eventually somebody caught on that he wasn't really an angel and entombed him.

The halo probably belongs to the Tarasks?

Also, I figured out around episode 5 that the Cardinal was actually the good guy and the parish priest was the bad guy. I've watched too much genre tv.

Somebody please correct the parts I got wrong. Thanks.

If they have another season, I am hoping that Lilith and Ava can travel to the land of the Tarasks and bring me back so answers. It would improve the story if all of the nuns went to the land of the Tarasks and they all got Halos. Speaking of which, is that a Halo that Lilith got implanted in her belly?


This show was aggressively boring. It just tried so hard to have nothing interesting ever happen that it's kind of remarkable. Plus it was just a nonstop checklist of cliches. I even said some lines at the same time as the character ("You remind me of her.") because I'd seen this all play out before in other stories.

Edited by ICantDoThatDave
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For show called Warrior Nun I expected a lot more fighting. I'm only a few episodes in but there is too much drama and not enough action. Also why would a centuries old religious family name their daughter Lilith? Or were they just trying to be on the nose with her being the one most willing to kill. Even though Ava is annoying she's still an innocent. 

I'll give it a few more episodes to see if it picks up.


  • Love 2

I’m a fan of the comics who is two episodes in, and I have questions:

1) Who’s Ava, and why don’t I remember her from the books?

2) Yes, the costumes in the books are sexist, but they were a huge part of the appeal.  If they didn’t want to show skin, cool, but why not just keep the full habits?


8 hours ago, revbfc said:

I’m a fan of the comics who is two episodes in, and I have questions:

1) Who’s Ava, and why don’t I remember her from the books?

2) Yes, the costumes in the books are sexist, but they were a huge part of the appeal.  If they didn’t want to show skin, cool, but why not just keep the full habits?


Ava is not part of the comics.  The show opens with Shannon's (from the comics) death and the passing of the Halo to the new bearer, Ava.  Areala only shows up in flashbacks.  

I finished this today. I was really hoping it was going to fun and silly but it was not lol. I liked the first episode but then it just really meandered until episode 6, which was dreadfully boring but had a few nice moments. 7-10 were more entertaining than 2-5 but they were still mostly just boring. The best part of the show for me was the cheesy stuff between the nuns.

If there's another season, I want it to be just full on silly and stupid and not try to be taken seriously lol.

I fast forwarded a lot of the stuff with the tech woman and her kid so that's probably why but like wtf happened with them at the end? I don't understand what any of that was about lol.


I actually liked it.  The middle episodes dragged, and it seemed like it was taking too long for anything important to happen, but they did that great switch up with who the actual bad guys were (I've still got a few episodes to go though so know that could change again). I will say, while I didn't read the original, I knew enough about it from synopsises and reviews that it's supposed to be pro church. So yeah. This went in a different direction. 

Was some of the acting sub par?  Sure. Not the worst I've seen though. And the lead was okay, except for her truly shitty narration. The camera work, locations and stunts were okay though. And as I said, the writing wasn't that bad after the slow parts were gotten past. I'll finish it next weekend, perhaps. 


Edited by Kromm
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I fast forwarded a lot of the stuff with the tech woman and her kid so that's probably why but like wtf happened with them at the end? I don't understand what any of that was about lol.

The scientist had gotten her hands on some "divinium" and used it to keep her sick child alive and create a portal to what she thought was going to be Heaven so he could be completely healed. Because he had divinium in him he had been communicating with someone who may or may not have been Adriel. At the end of episode 10 the portal to wherever opened and the little kid jumped in when scientist Mom was distracted by her flunky.

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1 hour ago, NeenerNeener said:

At the end of episode 10 the portal to wherever opened and the little kid jumped in when scientist Mom was distracted by her flunky.

That's part of the problem right there.  They ended on a cliffhanger.  This show hadn't earned that  Better shows have squandered their audience on a cliffhanger, but this show was just so.. meh... that they meandered to a cliffhanger who really cares?

  • Love 1

I finished this last night and it was okay.  I hated the cliffhanger.  

The "one chosen girl" has shades of Buffy, but I know nothing of the comics so I could be wrong there.

I think it has potential, but season 1 really felt like a set up for the show.  We finally get Ava as the warrior nun and we have a clear villain. I really didn't need 8 episodes of set up.

Do we think Mary is dead?  I'm not okay with that.  One of the middle episodes I liked was the one with Mary and Ava. 

  • Love 1

We were looking for a fun distraction and are two episodes in .. but this seems to be mainly aimed at the CW network crowd. (Which is fine, really.) 
I'm not heavily invested and may stick around to see how things go .. or not ..
The snarky voice-over narration is difficult to bear. 

Random impressions: 
  Ava has had a hard-knock life in an orphanage (which seems to have only two children) - - yet she is both naive and tough-as-nails.  
 Suddenly free from being a crippled, abused orphan, Ava's main pursuits appear to be dancing, drinking, party drugs, dressing up and hooking up.
  Miraculously (appropriate for this show?), Ava instantly meets her possibly one-true-love and falls into a ready-made, diversified group of youths who live like pirate party kings .. while managing to convince themselves they are morally superior to 'society' and adults. 
  Ava, The Chosen One, is being pursued by the Warrior Nuns, who are protecting the world from EVIL-with-a-capital-E.  Only about four of the nuns manage to get names and personalities  ... but they appear to be somewhat petty and prone to giving one another side-eye.   

This could be a fun show. It shows potential for being outrageous and irreverent. Plus, it is set in Spain(!)  Too bad the powers that be decided to weigh down the beginning with so much baggage. I suppose it is cheaper to produce a show with an emphasis on teenage angst as opposed to action adventure.  Eh,  c'est la vie. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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Finished episode 4: thoughts  ... and spoilers: 

  • As far as hallway fight scenes go, the one with Sister Beatrice (?) was pretty good. 
  • Maybe it is my own prejudice, but I would be happier if the Warrior Nuns appeared to be more of a well-oiled fighting machine and less of a bickering group of semi- mean girls. 
  • From all the books in Ava's room at the orphanage, it seems as if she would have given some thought about what she would want to do with her life if given the chance .. but she really seems to be bumbling around and bouncing from one thing to another. Maybe some of her booksmarts with come to light later.
  • I guess it's because of our current culture that we have to endure Ava constantly obsessing over whether or not she is being repeatedly rescued by a boy.  .. a boy who she has a crush on ..  Does it make her less of a damsel in distress no matter the age, gender or sexuality of the people constantly rescuing her? 
  • So Ava has found insta-crush-love with a world wandering boy named JC  ... could it be that J.C. ?!?  .. I don't think this show is going for subtle or coincidence. 
  • I do appreciate that the show has a somewhat even amount of adult characters versus pretty young people with problems.  .. even tho most of the adults are business and religious megalomaniacs with nefarious agendas ..  

Finished the series: thoughts  ... and spoilers

'Warrior Nun' is a bit of a misnomer: Ava isn't a nun or a warrior. Did the show runners decide they needed a character who could be free to curse, party and have sexy times? I suppose they could fix the warrior part with a 5 minute training montage .. but Ava did very little with regards to fighting or action sequences. 

It seemed as if the writers pulled of a great misdirect with the reveal of the actual person who planned the assassination of the previous Warrior Nun. But thinking back, I'm not positive if that character's actions fit with the surprise reveal. 
  And the reveal about Adriel and the halo - - it felt like the classic trope of a villain needing to explain their elaborate plan to the hero before leaving them to die...

That was probably the fastest selection of a new Pope, like ever.. The Warrior Nun's plan to get in and out of the tomb was around 30 minutes - and that supposedly happened simultaneously with the election of the Pope (2 votes) and all the stuff happening at the lab. Sure.

The sudden disappearance of JC and the diversified squatters  felt abrupt. But that was nothing compared to the moment the show runners decided to end the  season on a cliffhanger. It made the  episode feel as if it was padded out for time. 

On 7/6/2020 at 5:12 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I finished this today. I was really hoping it was going to fun and silly but it was not lol. I liked the first episode but then it just really meandered until episode 6, which was dreadfully boring but had a few nice moments. 7-10 were more entertaining than 2-5 but they were still mostly just boring. The best part of the show for me was the cheesy stuff between the nuns.

If there's another season, I want it to be just full on silly and stupid and not try to be taken seriously lol.

I fast forwarded a lot of the stuff with the tech woman and her kid so that's probably why but like wtf happened with them at the end? I don't understand what any of that was about lol.

I really enjoyed the first episode. I felt the next two episodes were just not as good. I don't know if I will continue with it or not. 

On 7/8/2020 at 7:31 AM, shrewd.buddha said:

Finished episode 4: thoughts  ... and spoilers: 

  • As far as hallway fight scenes go, the one with Sister Beatrice (?) was pretty good. 
  • Maybe it is my own prejudice, but I would be happier if the Warrior Nuns appeared to be more of a well-oiled fighting machine and less of a bickering group of semi- mean girls. 
  • From all the books in Ava's room at the orphanage, it seems as if she would have given some thought about what she would want to do with her life if given the chance .. but she really seems to be bumbling around and bouncing from one thing to another. Maybe some of her booksmarts with come to light later.
  • I guess it's because of our current culture that we have to endure Ava constantly obsessing over whether or not she is being repeatedly rescued by a boy.  .. a boy who she has a crush on ..  Does it make her less of a damsel in distress no matter the age, gender or sexuality of the people constantly rescuing her? 
  • So Ava has found insta-crush-love with a world wandering boy named JC  ... could it be that J.C. ?!?  .. I don't think this show is going for subtle or coincidence. 
  • I do appreciate that the show has a somewhat even amount of adult characters versus pretty young people with problems.  .. even tho most of the adults are business and religious megalomaniacs with nefarious agendas ..  

That is maybe why I stopped watching..... I felt as another person posted, that I was watching a CW teen show. 

Edited by libgirl2
On 7/12/2020 at 6:15 PM, shrewd.buddha said:

but Ava did very little with regards to fighting or action sequences. 

I watched the whole show, didn't love nor hate it. It was just there. But this part above is what I think I appreciated the most. Ava wasn't very good, like at all, at wielding the halo. I think I would have hated it had she been shown to be super uber once she go in fighting and using it. This is a girl who spent most of her live crippled and bound to a bed, so had she shown otherwise with the halo I would have been majorly disappointed.

Those scenes when she did try to be a bad ass and fell flat on her face seemed more realistic. Like when they were trying to escape after retrieving the book from Shannon's hidden room. She steps out with the sword and is all "I am the Halo bear....FWAP (crossbow to the shoulder)...OOWW" or even sneaking up on the guard in tombs who hears her and clocks her in the nose.

I also like Sister Camilla who seemed to do a lot of the paper work and managed the armory. At the end when the were fighting Adriel and they had him on the ground, she shoots him with a crossbow bolt, steps on his back, pulls out the bolt, reloads it, and puts it in the back of his skull, then proceeds to spit on him.

On 7/5/2020 at 6:06 PM, NeenerNeener said:

Adriel is a demon who escaped from Hell/demon dimension/whatev with something that looks like a halo.

That's what I took from it, either demon or alien. I mean it really only mentions another dimension, no proof it's hell.

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I finally binged this. I liked it, for the most part! It dragged in the period where Ava kept running away from the nuns, but once she was part of the group, it really picked up. I loved all of the sisters, especially Beatrice. I liked how the show subverted our expectations that the big tech company would be the main villain of the show (or a villain at all, really). I liked that Duretti was a villain, but more in the sense that he cared about his own ambitions and would step on others to get to the top, and less in the sense that he wanted to unleash a megalomaniacal demon(?) on the world.

If anyone was wondering, season two is entering production now, finally.



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Jumping in to this thread really late, I've just watched the first three episodes of this and it's.....interesting. Not as goofy and campy as I wanted it to be given the premise and it's dragging a bit in the 3rd ep with a hell of a lot of talking and hanging around but not in an interesting way. I like the nuns with speaking parts okay and the Father who's helping them but Ava's still a bit of a cipher to me, despite having *aaallllll* the tragic backstory. I kind of resent spending so much time with her new "outlaw" beautiful people friends. She didn't even question why she was walking much. And I really don't love her VO. 

I haven read any spoilers but are the tech company and the Cardinal going to be together? It's either an evil tech company or evil high up Vatican guy in these things. Or both as I said. 

Of course their headquarters is a dimly lit old church with a million votive candles!

I might as well keep watching


‘Warrior Nun’: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Alum Meena Rayann Among 3 Cast In Season 2 Of Netflix Drama Series


(L-R) Meena Rayann,   Jack Mullarkey  and  Richard Clothier

Meena Rayann will play Yasmine Amunet, a Coptic Nun who is also a scholar and freelance journalist. Yasmine is an intellectual, not a fighter, who finds herself drawn into Warrior Nun Ava’s journey. She is a positive, funny, light-hearted character.

Jack Mullarkey will portray Miguel, a charismatic but mysterious activist who gets caught up in Ava’s mission. He is a keeper of many secrets, and outsiders find him very difficult to figure out.

Richard Clothier is Cardinal William Foster, the second in command at the Vatican. Cardinal Foster is the type of man you want backing you up. Straightforward, loyal and brilliant, he has fulfilled his duties to the letter since his induction into the church.

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