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Married At First Sight (Australia) - General Discussion

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On 5/21/2021 at 1:42 PM, bichonblitz said:

Yes! Closed caption always for this show. I don't understand the women, either. 

I don’t even know how to do closed caption.  Husband keeps buying new TVs and I can’t get used to the remotes.  (image.png.241ce3c84d7c7e04934ab7720ca0aef6.pngstupid)image.png.241ce3c84d7c7e04934ab7720ca0aef6.pngs

Just now, Hangin Out said:

I don’t even know how to do closed caption.  Husband keeps buying new TVs and I can’t get used to the remotes.  (image.png.241ce3c84d7c7e04934ab7720ca0aef6.pngstupid)image.png.241ce3c84d7c7e04934ab7720ca0aef6.pngs

And my nail keeps hitting something and this guy keeps popping up.  WTF?  See what I mean?

  • LOL 4
  • Love 1
On 5/28/2021 at 8:28 AM, Racj82 said:

Mick and Tam kept talking about their time being wasted which is shitty but they were also clearly hurt and upset about all of it. Not just about time wasted.

I can't even watch Jess and Dan because I just want them both to fuck off. Every single thing about the way they handled this was wrong.

When I say they weren’t hurt I mean in the “at least I wanted to leave you anyway” way. Neither wanted their partnership any longer. Yes the disrespect was ridiculous and the experts should have said “get to know each other on your own dime” (wait to see how that works out).

  • Love 5

Watching Mick realize that Jess's whole "I'm staying because I want to be friends with Mick" last week was a filthy lie to be able to be around Dan was heartbreaking.  I know he, and Tam for that matter, were done.  But the total disrespect Jess and Dan showed them was terrible.  And I wanted to smack that smirk off Jess's face as she sat on the couch watching it unfold.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, lh25 said:

Watching Mick realize that Jess's whole "I'm staying because I want to be friends with Mick" last week was a filthy lie to be able to be around Dan was heartbreaking.  I know he, and Tam for that matter, were done.  But the total disrespect Jess and Dan showed them was terrible.  And I wanted to smack that smirk off Jess's face as she sat on the couch watching it unfold.

Jess is gross. She is worse than Dan IMO bc she has been in the experiment from the beginning and has never been nice to Mick, hit on Nic, and hit on Dan immediately after getting turned down by Nic. She has no remorse. She is smug. She made a comment about not caring if she hurt someone trying to meet her mate. Disgusting. At least Dan feels bad about it.

  • Love 7
On 5/27/2021 at 11:17 PM, Adeejay said:

I don't understand why it was okay for Jess and Dan to stay in the experiment, while Ines and Sam got kicked out.  I didn't care for Ines but fair is fair.  Dr. Trish was the expert who advocated for Jess and Dan.

I hate Martha with the rays of a thousand suns.  Silly woman! She is nothing but a Kardashian wanna be.  

Sam announced to the group that he had no long term interest in Ines after he was turned off by her envisioning a future with him. I think that was the only way he felt like he could get the message across because she presented their affair to the group as a love connection (like Jess).

This episode really made me hurt for Michael. That video took a ton of effort and communication with her family/friends and really shows not only how invested he is in Martha, but how much time he's taken to get to know everyone she cares about. He's such a genuinely sweet and caring man. Then he gives her clearly expensive earrings over a fancy dinner and she ruins it with an ultra pessimistic monologue about how she doesn't think distance can work so they'll probably break up anyway. I'm with Michael - if distance is such a dealbreaker, why sign up for a show that could match you with anyone around the country? I think she likes him just fine, but I think she's already signaled she has one foot out the door and will quickly grow bored outside the bubble. He's all in, but to her he's just a fling.

Speaking of pessimism, Ning is a headache and all over the place. One minute she's writing leave and sobbing about not being meant for him, then she's saying she's hoping for romance, then she refuses to commit to anything beyond the experiment, then she spends the entire night trying to seduce Mark. I don't blame his confusion. From his point of view, she won't even reassure him that she'll give them a chance beyond the experiment and then pivots immediately back to insisting they have sex, on the same night?

I never want to hear anyone say they "have the feels" again. It's strange that Ning uses such a juvenile phrase to describe her relationship development over and over again - to the point where the entire group has adopted it as serious vernacular. Mark even said "she's sabotaging this relationship because she has the feels for me..." on the couch. It's so embarrassing and makes everyone sound like they're in high school. Nothing says "I'm committed to this marriage" like "I describe my relationship in terms that a tween would use." 

Oh, Hell no! Are they all going to cozy up to Jess now because she looks sooooo happy? Smiling and laughing like a little school girl? Even hard ass Mike being so nice to her when they met?  I'm pissed at all of them for giving in to the way she and Dan hurt people, lied to people and played people for fools and now they are all gung ho for this cheating, pathetic couple? I hope these two fail miserably once they are out of their love bubble!

  • Love 8

These therapist crack me up. When the unhappy couples sit on the couch and go through all the awful things that happened that week, who said what to who, who did what, why they don't like each other, why they don't think it's going to work. Then.....

The therapist: So, are you going to stay or are you going to leave? WTF

They never contribute anything to help the couples. What a joke. 

  • Love 2


Since it’s been weeks since I’ve visited this site some of my comments will extend beyond the most recent episode and may not be in order of events.

Cyrell & Nic

I LOVED Cyrell. Yes, she was loud and could be over-the-top but she was always honest which I appreciate. I even understand why she felt that Nic didn’t support her in that confrontation with Martha. At the time I didn’t get why she called Martha fake but I certainly do now. I really hope Cyrell gets over her trust issues because she self-sabotages relationships but I think she’s a good person.  

I also really liked Nic but felt like he and Cyrell were poorly matched. I appreciated the effort he put into their relationship but felt like their personalities were too far apart to ever have the long-lasting marriage they both want.  

Billy & Susie

I’m just going to cosign everyone who called her horrid and say that as awkward as it was, I got a great laugh when he finally told her off and gave him a standing ovation.

Heidi & Mike

Mike is definitely abrasive but I appreciate how he refuses to let Jessika slide on her actions. As a viewer it was very frustrating to see the intentionality of her malicious behavior for the past few weeks get swept under the rug by the experts (producers?) and even some of the other couples because she and Dan are pursuing “love.” There are women in their very group who have lingering trust issues because of stuff like this. Shifting to his relationship with Heidi, I think he cares about her but doesn’t want to take the time to really be the emotional support that she needs. That dinner situation was horrible. Even if he didn’t have his cell phone on him (did they ever mention why he didn’t call?) when he discovered that the restaurant was closed, he should have gotten her something! It was unbelievably rude to go home with only food for himself when she was hungry too. Also, the towel situation is a small thing but very annoying if it happens on a daily basis. At best Mike is inconsiderate and at worse he’s completely indifferent to her feelings.

I cannot make up my mind if Heidi is overly sensitive or if she’s just overly sensitive to Mike but either way I don’t see this relationship lasting long-term. For her emotional and mental health, I think it would be better for her if they part ways.   

Ning & Mark

I really don’t have a feel for Mark’s personality but think he’s a generally nice guy. Regarding the accusation Jessika made about him, I can believe that was a joking comment he made with Mick earlier in the season when he and Ning weren’t on good terms which is why neither he nor Mick ever denied it. If that’s true I think it’s a mistake, Ning herself asked when the comment was made and if it was towards the beginning of the season, I think she would have understood.

Ning obviously has trust issues and it’s a shame that she let Jessika derail the progress she and Mark made. I’m not surprised that she didn’t confront Jessika in front of the guys at the dinner, because of the way the female group has insinuated that she and Cyrell were trouble-makers in the past. I could see Cyrell not caring and still pursuing the issue but not Ning after Mike joined the fray. It was probably easier for her to let him fight it out and see if he got anything instead of her getting into that argument and risk alienating the female group. Jessika had Martha to support her lies and Jules and Heidi while skeptical, were still neutral on Jessika at that point. Even Tamara was believing Jessika then. None of them would have made the connection that she (Jessika) was lying or misrepresenting the conversation to deflect from her behavior. Ning’s insistence of consummating the relationship in the last episode was a complete 180 for me and I understand why Mike was reluctant. I don’t see them lasting.  

Martha & Michael

Martha keeping her friend’s secret I understand, Martha helping her maintain her lie by joining into the shenanigans, I cannot. Also, I saw red when she nastily corrected Cyrell’s pronunciation of “youse”. For me, that moment really highlighted her personality apart from the Jessika drama. I think Michael is a nice guy but can’t see him beyond Martha.  

Dan & Tamara

I don’t feel like we really got to know Tamara and agree with whoever said that they were doomed when his mother said no. I was embarrassed for her every time Jessika said there was nothing going on especially since she had her own suspicions of Jessika when they first arrived and resorted to sitting on Dan’s lap during the dinner party. I really felt sorry for her when she started crying and hope she has better luck in her next relationship.

If Dan has any redeeming quality, it’s that he seemed genuinely uncomfortable with what they were doing at that last commitment ceremony and at other times too. When both Tamara and Mick cried, I think (hope) he felt some remorse. This was a not a fine moment for him and I don’t think he and Jessika last either. I know this season already aired 2 years ago in Australia but refuse to look it up until the season is over.

Jessika & Mick

There have been times during this season that I thought Mick was a jerk and I really wouldn’t want to live on his farm either, but I felt sorry for him wanting to leave and being held hostage for weeks. When he started crying it pulled at my heartstrings. I agree with the above poster who said that he and Tam didn’t want to be with their partners but for weeks he’s been saying Jessika’s decisions are distrustful and she’s been gaslighting him. Mentally and emotionally, that had to take a toll.

Jessika’s the worst! She took what Ines did and multiplied it by 10. If this storyline was producer driven, I hope she was well paid for her part because I don’t know how you would go back to real life after being this person on TV unless that’s really who she is. Thanks to whoever reminded us that she tried this with Nic too but he didn’t take the bait. Somewhere Cyrell screamed, “I told you so!” when the truth came out. LOL!!!

The Experts

Thank you to whoever posted the articles about Dr. Trisha. I believe the producers insisted that Jessika and Dan stay and can see how this would weigh on her. I’m glad she decided there were limits and has steeped away from the show for her health. I will continue to watch but know I would feel differently if my professional integrity was on the line. I’m in the camp that the experts are watching an edited version of the dinner parties so they don’t see the stuff happening outside. That said, they do see and comment on the extra-marital flirting and am disappointed that they don’t call out this behavior. Also, shame on whoever wrote this dialogue, “The couples don’t dictate the experiment and that’s why Jessika and Dan should stay” (I’m paraphrasing). They (especially Jessika) were intentionally horrible to many people for weeks. If they wanted her to stay, they should have come up with a better reason.

  • Love 5
On 5/28/2021 at 1:43 PM, Koalagirl said:

How I wish Cyrell would have been there when Jessika spilled the beans.  There would have been huge fireworks.  

"You want fireworks??? I'll show you fireworks!!!!" - slams plate on floor - 

Anyone remember that scene with Samantha's lesbian lover in Sex and the City? Its a great scene.

  • Love 1

I simply adore Cam and his love for Jules! He's  such a beautiful and thoughtful man in every sense, he makes me cry! And that diamond bracelet was spectacular! But mostly as a symbol of his affection, as the entire outing was.

Meanwhile, Mike is all "I know you get seasick and don't really care for boats,  Heidi, but hey---let's go for a sailboat trip! And climb the mast! You'll like it! Oh, wait---that would be me!"

With each episode Jessika makes herself look cheaper.  Plus asking Dan, "Do you like me?" Sure, he does, Jess; you're easy!

I know that Ning is a handful with "baggage," but I simply can't see Mark as marriage material for anyone. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I simply adore Cam and his love for Jules! He's  such a beautiful and thoughtful man in every sense, he makes me cry! And that diamond bracelet was spectacular! But mostly as a symbol of his affection, as the entire outing was.

Cam made me cry last night as well.  I kept wondering why he hadn't been snatched up by some lucky woman.  Jules is a very  lucky woman!


8 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Meanwhile, Mike is all "I know you get seasick and don't really care for boats,  Heidi, but hey---let's go for a sailboat trip! And climb the mast! You'll like it! Oh, wait---that would be me!"

I don't understand Mike at all. I was annoyed when the experts said that Mike and Heidi sweat the small stuff. I totally disagree. I think Heidi is right to keep questioning. Yes, she is drawn to Mike like a moth to a flame, but ultimately they will not work. If you have spent more than half or at least half of your relationship angry and/or crying, then that's a red flag. Heidi is right that Mike does not understand her.  I've disliked Mike from their honeymoon. The dismissive look he gave her and the comments he made when she opened up to him about her entire life, were very rude. He seems like a very selfish individual and thoughtless. If he knew that  Heidi doesn't like boating b/c she gets seasick, why would he choose this as a last romantic date?  Again, he thinks only of himself. And the experts were dismissive of Heidi's complaint that Mike uses up all of the towels and then throws them on the bathroom floor. They felt it wasn't a big deal. Well, yes it is, especially if it's a pattern with Mike. Who was doing all that extra laundry? I doubt it was Mike. Was he leaving her any clean, dry towels to use?  He's shown himself to be thoughtless and Heidi had a right to be angry and hurt when he showed up one night with takeout dinner for himself and none for  Heidi. His rationale was that the restaurant was closed, but did it not occur to him to call Heidi and ask what she'd like instead?

  • Love 12
10 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Cam made me cry last night as well.  I kept wondering why he hadn't been snatched up by some lucky woman.  Jules is a very  lucky woman!


I don't understand Mike at all. I was annoyed when the experts said that Mike and Heidi sweat the small stuff. I totally disagree. I think Heidi is right to keep questioning. Yes, she is drawn to Mike like a moth to a flame, but ultimately they will not work. If you have spent more than half or at least half of your relationship angry and/or crying, then that's a red flag. Heidi is right that Mike does not understand her.  I've disliked Mike from their honeymoon. The dismissive look he gave her and the comments he made when she opened up to him about her entire life, were very rude. He seems like a very selfish individual and thoughtless. If he knew that  Heidi doesn't like boating b/c she gets seasick, why would he choose this as a last romantic date?  Again, he thinks only of himself. And the experts were dismissive of Heidi's complaint that Mike uses up all of the towels and then throws them on the bathroom floor. They felt it wasn't a big deal. Well, yes it is, especially if it's a pattern with Mike. Who was doing all that extra laundry? I doubt it was Mike. Was he leaving her any clean, dry towels to use?  He's shown himself to be thoughtless and Heidi had a right to be angry and hurt when he showed up one night with takeout dinner for himself and none for  Heidi. His rationale was that the restaurant was closed, but did it not occur to him to call Heidi and ask what she'd like instead?

He’s a BABY.   Wa, wa wa.  Wants his own way.  Not too much regard for others, including his wife.

  • Love 1

Dan and Jess, there “spark” is soon going to ignite a dumpster fire. Jess (besides being a self-absorbed manipulative little bitch) is already assuming this little tryst is going to end in marriage and babies. Dan seems to be just getting an inkling of what a mistake he’s made, but is going to get laid as much as possible before it explodes. I don’t think Dan is all that bright btw.

Mike and Heidi are simply just not right for each other, I think they’re both good people in their own way but in the long run neither of them will get what they need from a relationship. Tbh I’ve not been a fan of Mike’s insensitivity, but to see that a man’s man like him wrote a “poem” for her got me a little misty. Makes me sad that they’re not going to make it, at least that’s imo 

  • Love 6

“People cheat.”  The look on Michael’s face when his lovely Martha uttered those words was priceless.  Stay with this shrew and that will be your future.  I used to like him, but he is beyond whipped. I agree with Jules; Jess and Martha are really immature.  “She’s an adult, so she is mature.” Poor Mikey.  She probably carries his balls in her purse.  I cheered when Ying told her to shut up, about time.  I’ve said it before and I will say it again, “Martha is a mean girl.  She is worse than Jess.” 

This show is never ending.  Hard to believe that Matt/Lauren, Mel/Dino, Sam/Liz and Ines/Bronson were on this season. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7

I meant to include this: The way(s) in this one episode in which each remaining man reacts to his SO---physically.

Cam needs to touch Jules, stroking her arm, attaching the bracelet, holding her close while dancing, kissing, and a quick grabbing of her bum! Cheeky monkey! 😄 True caring, enhanced immeasurably by her reciprocity.

Mike distances himself from Heidi, climbing the mast, barely touching a finger of Heidi's when they sat, and no body contact on the couch later.  Feigned caring,  being frayed by the second just as on the beach those weeks ago. Sexual interest only. 

Mark gets out of bed to make a breakfast to fill in the awkwardness of no intimacy. Then we see him at the table with his laptop, his back to Ning, who sits alone on the couch, listlessly paging through some book or magazine. Ning's initial negative response to Mark has come back like an Aussie boomerang towards her. Total indifference. Taken aback by Ning's impulsive kiss from the Mystery Questions," but maybe not in a good way.

Michael is smitten and likes to be physically close to Martha. Defends her against Jules (who really should have kept mum, rather than point out inadvertently her age of 37). True affection.

Dan is a deer entranced by Jessika's "headlights." He is all for a roll in the proverbial hay. But her declaration of love, and her inquiry of his for her, "embarrassed him," as the panel noted. Trapped. Dan will soon be looking for the Exit doors!

So is Jessika lying about Mike's telling her he was thinking of ending it with Heidi? Why, and when, would Mike have confided in Jess??


Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I meant to include this: The way(s) in this one episode in which each remaining man reacts to his SO---physically.

Cam needs to touch Jules, stroking her arm, attaching the bracelet, holding her close while dancing, kissing, and a quick grabbing of her bum! Cheeky monkey! 😄 True caring, enhanced immeasurably by her reciprocity.

Mike distances himself from Heidi, climbing the mast, barely touching a finger of Heidi's when they sat, and no body contact on the couch later.  Feigned caring,  being frayed by the second just as on the beach those weeks ago. Sexual interest only. 

Mark gets out of bed to make a breakfast to fill in the awkwardness of no intimacy. Then we see him at the table with his laptop, his back to Ning, who sits alone on the couch, listlessly paging through some book or magazine. Ning's initial negative response to Mark has come back like an Aussie boomerang towards her. Total indifference. Taken aback by Ning's impulsive kiss from the Mystery Questions," but maybe not in a good way.

Michael is smitten and likes to be physically close to Martha. Defends her against Jules (who really should have kept mum, rather than point out inadvertently her age of 37). True affection.

Dan is a deer entranced by Jessika's "headlights." He is all for a roll in the proverbial hay. But her declaration of love, and her inquiry of his for her, "embarrassed him," as the panel noted. Trapped. Dan will soon be looking for the Exit doors!

So is Jessika lying about Mike's telling her he was thinking of ending it with Heidi? Why, and when, would Mike have confided in Jess??


Very astute! 👏👏

I totally think that Jess fabricated parts of that discussion. Mike did admit that he told Jess that his final date with Heidi didn't go well. Why he would even talk to Jess at this point is confusing me.

  • Love 3

Did anyone point out that Jess has lied about everyone and does it when the spotlight gets too hot for her? If Mike had simply said, “Jess, you’re a serial liar, everyone here knows you are and anyone who believes what you say at this point is woefully misguided,” he’d have finished off that screaming match. 

Dan, good luck. You’ll need it.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Did anyone point out that Jess has lied about everyone and does it when the spotlight gets too hot for her? If Mike had simply said, “Jess, you’re a serial liar, everyone here knows you are and anyone who believes what you say at this point is woefully misguided,” he’d have finished off that screaming match. 

Dan, good luck. You’ll need it.

I liked that Ning pointed out that Jess probably would've talked to Heidi first if it had actually happened. Ning already had her relationship derailed by Jess' bullshit deflections. The entire cast should know by now that Jess' go-to defense mechanism is lying and I'm flabbergasted that the women (other than Martha) still entertain anything she says, especially after learning that Jess had been sneaking around with Dan 2 weeks before she publicized their feelings.

I don't buy for a second that Jess is really "in love." She's in the horny honeymoon phase and thought the declaration would lock him down, but it backfired and now he's backpedaling just like Sam. At least he has some sense. It is funny that a man who bedded and played house with two "wives" in a month is surprised at a hasty love profession. It was fascinating to watch how quickly he became exasperated from embarrassment at her picking fights with the others. Buckle up, buddy!

Jules is like the mom of the group, lol. I agreed with her - Martha and Jess act like teens. It's so weird to remember Martha is 30 (!!!) and that there's only ten years between them and Jules. I thought the petty girls vs. women comment was beneath her, but I don't blame her for getting sick of Jess ruining every event. I was disappointed when Michael took on (his good friend) Jules to defend Martha. He's so nice and Martha turns him into a different person whenever there's drama involved.

Mike immediately resorts to sexist comments whenever he's arguing with the women, which is super unattractive. He also has the maturity of a 12-year-old. "Let's go on a BIG BOAT because I want to! I want to climb the mast! Oh yeah, it's our final date, whatever, watch me Heidi." You shouldn't be constantly fighting and crying and breaking up two months into a relationship. Heidi's perpetual morose doom and gloom lectures would be grating too. It's toxic and codependent. Basically they can't stand each other, but refuse to give up the great sex.

I feel awful for Mark. He always looks so worn out. I know he's attached to Ning, but she doesn't seem healthy for him. It's been two months of walking on eggshells for the tiniest scraps of emotional intimacy. I don't see the situation improving. I was surprised when she said she'd consider moving for him. At this point, I think she gets off on toying with his feelings (FEELS) because it gives her a sense of control.

I still can’t get over the explanation for keeping Dan and Jess in the experiment. "If we intervened it would no longer be an experiment.”  If that is the case, then they shouldn’t be giving advice at the commitment ceremonies.  Plus, they have intervened. If memory serves, they had two sit downs with Cyrell and Nic.

This show seems to be less about matchmaking and more about the drama.  After all, they paired a virgin with a bi-sexual who is into threesomes.  And, since Mike and Jess had their argument, they were paired in the partner swap and assigned seats next to each other. 

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

, especially after learning that Jess had been sneaking around with Dan 2 weeks before she publicized their feelings.

And bold faced lying to their faces the entire time about wanting to be friends with Mick and that’s why she kept writing STAY. Why would anyone listen to her? Yeah, I know.

Anyone have the feeling that Mike’s “poem” was really written by a production assistant? And the producers probably steered Mike into that date on the boat, knowing it would be good for the drama. I’m not implying that he isn’t a tool 🔧so don’t get me wrong. 

  • Useful 3
4 minutes ago, rlc said:

Yeah, Ning definitely wants her croissant heated up. Unfortunately Mark’s toaster is broken.

Whether it’s real or not, I like the way these people eat.  Lots of veggies in their salads and all good healthy things.  Even Miss Duck lips was chopping up a healthy salad.  If it’s real.  She does look like a dimwit.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, rlc said:

Ugh, Mike is such a masterful gas lighter that he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. Heidi- your resistance to Mike is your brain telling you that this man is very, very, selfish and will never, ever take your thoughts and feelings into consideration. Run, don’t walk.

(Continued  below.)


Edited by LennieBriscoe
1 minute ago, LennieBriscoe said:

If they stay together, they'll get a Spin-Off titled "Honey, I Bought a Boat!" Hilarity ensues!

Michael and Martha's? "It's Greek to Me!" 

Ning and Mark's show, with her three children, could be "The Ning Dynasty."

Cam (Merchant) and Jules. Well, my initial idea was "The Merchants of Oz." Or, to make the Spin-Off connection clear, "Life at First Sight."

Dan and Jessika's imaginary show would be called "Two Out of Three Ain't  Bad (But There Ain't No Way I'm Ever Gonna Love You)," with its theme song of "Paradise by The Dashboard Light (Well, Let Me Sleep on It)." Royalties to Meatloaf!  


  • LOL 3
  • Love 1
On 6/4/2021 at 4:12 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

Cam needs to touch Jules, stroking her arm, attaching the bracelet, holding her close while dancing, kissing, and a quick grabbing of her bum! Cheeky monkey! 😄 True caring, enhanced immeasurably by her reciprocity.

Yes.  It was definitely love at first sight.  Both are lucky.  As the years go by tho, will he still be all over her and do the right thing?  I doubt it.  It still will be good, but things lose their luster after awhile.  I think women want the lust and romance forever, but men tend to slack off.  The love is still there, but it’s just different after time.  My friends who have been married as long as me agree.  I still reminisce of our first two years together and wish we could do it all over again.  That’s why I don’t believe in Married at First Sight, the show.  They are missing the excitement of courtship, falling in love and everything that goes with it.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Adeejay said:

they had two sit downs with Cyrell and Nic.

they paired a virgin with a bi-sexual who is into threesomes.

I’m guessing the sit downs were mostly so that the show could cover its ass in terms of liability. They wanted to keep Cyrell for the drama, but she did physically threaten another contestant, so they had to make a big show sitting her down and sternly lecturing her about anger management. 

I don’t really blame the experts as much for the Lauren/Matt fiasco. I feel like they could’ve worked if their interests had lined up more or if she had been more transparent during the interview process. Being bisexual doesn’t mean you are automatically kinky or into threesomes. By the same token, being an adult virgin doesn’t necessarily mean you’re socially awkward or kink averse. However, Lauren stated multiple times that having a dom/sub relationship was crucial for her in order to make her feel sexually satisfied and like she had a healthy sex life with her partner. That’s a different level than just “I’d be open to a third if you were.” As I’ve said before, she set herself up to fail by not emphasizing how important sexuality was to her in the interview process. And I’m guessing the experts need to ask way more in-depth questions. Say what you will about the quality of their counseling or lack thereof, but I believe that they genuinely match people that they actually believe are compatible at the start, as opposed to the US producers who seem to push the experts to cast and match for drama. 

13 hours ago, rlc said:

Yeah, Ning definitely wants her croissant heated up. Unfortunately Mark’s toaster is broken.

I’m getting Sam/Neil vibes from them. Sam pushed him away and basically bullied him the entire experiment, only to turn on a dime and throw herself at him in the last two weeks (remember the awkward car make out attempt?). Ning essentially did the same thing to Mark. I think they both hated being vulnerable in relationships and pushed people away to maintain control, only to realize that they actually liked the person and didn’t want to be abandoned, but by then it was too late to undo the emotional damage and general fatigue their partners felt. Also if we’re being honest I still don’t think she was ever physically attracted to him and is only trying to hold the relationship together for the thrill of the pursuit and maybe emotional stability. I think she finds him comfortable and is still trying to convince herself that that means she can see a future with him as a husband, but I still don’t think all the ingredients are there.

Edited by Guest

The contrast between Mike and Cam is so striking. I try to imagine what Heidi would be like if she were with a guy like Cam who she also felt attracted to.  I doubt she would be referring to herself as difficult and "too much" and other such phrases. 

I do believe the core issue is Mike's lack of empathy in general. Not saying he has no empathy, but that he is someone skews toward the lower end. It probably works for him in his life, in business, he's an attractive guy so can easily get dates... but he falls completely short in an intimate relationship (not surprising). 

And we should note this is how he is acting when he's with a woman he is very attracted to!  That's why I believe he really is deficit in this area... because when a man is very attracted to a woman, he tends, at least initially, to really be on his best behavior. So this is Mike at his best!

Being thoughtful, considerate, attentive, nurturing... these are all behaviors founded on empathy. And Mike struggles with all of them. 

I hope Heidi makes the right choice and walks away from him.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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Show is trying to drum up dramatic suspense about Jules and Cam. We're not buying it, show! This couple is solid

Buttinsky Mom of Dan is a PITA. Maybe Dan does love Jessika. Maybe he is happy with her. Mom didn't like Tamara, so live with the fruits of your comments, Mom of Dan! 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Because I follow Michael on Instagram I knew he was still with Martha, but damn, I really enjoyed his final vows. Watching Martha's face was priceless! She was shocked and worried. Served her right! I despise her. She's so vapid and I honestly don't know what Michael sees in her.

I did feel a little bad for Ning. A case of a little too late. Mark seemed shocked by her decision.

Jules and Cam.....heck,they gave me all the feels! I was a teary mess. My goodness, are they the real deal or what?!

I was shocked by Dan's decision. He's got a young son to think about. Does he really see a future with Jessika? She's going to uproot her whole life. I had thought he was uncomfortable last week when Jess declared her love. To me it seems more like lust than love . 


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Someone probably should have reminded Jess that the “accusations, allegations and confrontations” were brought on by her and Dan’s actions.

 I agree with Ning. Mark should have called it quits a lot earlier. Waiting until the end of the experiment wasn’t a nice thing to do.

Edited by Adeejay
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On 5/29/2021 at 7:25 AM, Hangin Out said:

I want to know why a beautiful girl like Jess (hate her) would plump up those lips so much?  Does she think they make her look sensuous or are they for another purpose that I don’t even want to say.  I think they are disgusting.  Like Lisa Rinna.  They look like a vagina or like one that’s supposed to look like.  Whatever.

I'm struggling through tonight's episode. Currently at Jess/Dan's final decision. All I can think is Jess has her lips so inflated to detract from her chipped front tooth. Possibly from the way she looks, squeezed into that dress, too. Not a flattering dress. Makes her look fat.

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5 hours ago, Lurk said:

I'm struggling through tonight's episode. Currently at Jess/Dan's final decision. All I can think is Jess has her lips so inflated to detract from her chipped front tooth. Possibly from the way she looks, squeezed into that dress, too. Not a flattering dress. Makes her look fat.

"Fat"?! I do not think it means what you think it means. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

"Fat"?! I do not think it means what you think it means. 

yeah, no way does she look fat, but it was not at all flattering, but i despise her, so it's ok with me

once he's over the lust phase and sees her for who she really is, he'll back away from her

i can't believe there is another episode to show the last couple

they could have done away with the time spent on the sloooooow walk to the meeting place and the showing of the swirly gowns and been done with it all

we can pretty much guess what the decision will amount to

i guess they have to show the bride's decision first so they can show the groom offering the ring/proposal at the end, but i would hate to be the bride saying yes, only to have the groom say no.  i feel really bad for ning and hope she can learn from this experience to find someone in the future.


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9 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

was shocked by Dan's decision. He's got a young son to think about. Does he really see a future with Jessika? She's going to uproot her whole life. I had thought he was uncomfortable last week when Jess declared her love. To me it seems more like lust than love . 


If I was Dan, I wouldn’t trust Jess with a ten foot pole.  She’ll flit from one guy to the next.  Besides, there’s a child involved here.

  • Love 4

Sadly Dan’s child will be the loser in all this, because his father is letting his pecker guide his decision. Love, my ass!!! Let’s call it what it is, hormonal teenage lust that NEVER looks good on grownups. It won’t be long until Jess starts her shit-stirring ways, probably with Dan’s family, and their little smarmy fairytale will come to a disastrous end, leaving a shit show in its wake for Dan and his family to deal with. Duck-lipped bitch!!

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On 5/24/2021 at 12:39 PM, ShaNaeNae said:

I did, thank you! Didnt think of that before!


Download the Lifetime app. I was able to catch up on it. 

Thank you! I still haven't watched it but I got the app and will catch up! I think it didn't tape because they finally decided to separate the show from regular MAFS and now you need to set up separate season pass for MAFS Australia.

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I was getting so fucking irate when Dan was talking to his mother and NO ONE ever mentioned what was best for his son, as in “ Why would you want to introduce into your son’s life a woman whom you hardly know, just because the sex is good? What happens to him if you decide you don’t want to marry her after a month or two of living together? Is it okay for your son to feel abandoned yet again? For once, how about putting HIM first?”

Ning will never be happy unless she has something to be miserable about. 

I don’t/refuse to do the social media thing. Any updates on these vile creatures?

Cam seems to be a great guy, but those veneers/implants on his front teeth are not good and very distracting (unless you have an affinity for Chicklets). Maybe Jules knows a good cosmetic dentist.

If Heidi has an ounce of sense, she’ll realize that Mike is a Neanderthal who just doesn’t have the ability to see beyond himself. He’s callous, selfish, misogynistic and shallow. If they stay together, their relationship is doomed. 

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