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S08.E18: Walk Into the Flame


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8 minutes ago, Quilty said:

Really Cate? You need a trip to Florida to talk to April about the trauma she put you through? Just another excuse to not be home with your own kids.

Agreed. Cant they just go to Chili's or something  ?

Maci is trying to look smart with those glasses. 

Edited by Chris Knight
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No Amber fan but Andrew knew what he was in for - he met her on “MarriageBoot Camp” where she was a nightmare, not only toMatt and her mother but to other contestants and yet he thought it would be a good idea to get her pregnant? How dumb do you have to be to get yourself in that situation?  I think he was hoping he could get on the gravy train with Tyler, Taylor andGary. Didn’t work!  If they’ve stopped filming are the checks on hold because those big houses,cars and vacations aren’t going to pay for themselves.

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I couldn’t really stand anyone this episode, except one of the Mackenzies and possibly one of the Taylors:

 Ryan’s Mackenzie getting the ultrasound was the best part of the show, because it showed a baby preparing to come into the world that one parent wants to love for the sake of love, not necessarily clickbait.  I would put Cori’s Taylor into that category too if I knew a little bit more about her.  She seems like one of the good ones, but Cori and his curls and his giant grin that scream social media whore negates anything positive or sweet I can discern about Taylor right now.  

With Andrew, I get the impression that he got caught up in a very dumb, very shitty situation, and he should have known better, but now he’s doing what he thinks is right, and it seems like no one is taking his side.  It even seems like the show is snubbing him somehow.  Gary and Kristina are really beginning to stick in my craw.  They are uneducated and hypocritical.  Why the hell shouldn’t Andrew have released that tape?  If he didn’t release it, and he just gave his side verbally, Gary the brain trust would be asking for him to back up his story.  When Andrew gives his side and stands up for himself with tangible evidence, Gary says “it’s very contradicting” and Kristina says  “he’s grasping at strawls.”  What a match made in heaven.  And Gary complains that Andrew won’t film James.  Yeah, what a shitty parent not to put their child on national TV!  

Oh good, Catelynn is taking some time for herself.  She needs that.  Vaeda was going to be an abortion, but Catelynn is having a baby in another two or three years??  Why, so she can trot out “postpartum” all over again to buy herself a bunch of new seasons?  

Maci getting that birth control stick in her arm looked so painful.  I could never go through with that.  Now I see what Rachel from Teen Mom:  Young and Pregnant was so afraid of.

 It’s so interesting that Maci went from telling Taylor that the IUD cost $1,000 to telling him that there is a place that gives them for free to doing a voiceover that she’s helping “women who can’t afford birth control.”  Does she mean women who can’t afford this particular type of birth control method?  So her story keeps changing.  I’m not saying she’s being disingenuous on purpose, I’m saying she’s not choosing her words carefully and she’s making what she’s attempting to do bigger than it is.  

A woman can get birth control pills for between $0-$9 a month from PP.  I just looked it up online and a box of condoms is $2-$6.  Many insurance companies cover the NuvaRing, including all the government programs.  A contraception patch is $9.99 at Target.  Maci says she’s picky about the things she supports, but this is the second thing in this part of this season (along with turning Chattanooga teal) that makes me scratch my head.  It’s not that it’s not a good thing, but if a woman makes the choice to have unprotected sex because she can’t afford the Cadillac of birth controls, then she’s not all that concerned about getting pregnant in the first place.

And may I remind Maci that she got pregnant because she opted for unprotected sex?  I found it super insulting for Maci to say to the woman from the center that she wished this contraception had been available to her as a teen mom.  I’m older than Maci, and I never knew a single person who didn’t know about alll the various forms of birth control that have been around since the 90s and beyond.

Cori, I’m just going to go there, is a pig for knocking up two women in a row to whom he’s not married (and the women obviously also played a huge part for having unprotected sex with him, but they only messed up once that we know of).  I just don’t understand this way of living.  Obviously it brings them all in a good paycheck for doing nothing for a good few years, but what about the social ramifications?  People do not look kindly on men with two baby mamas, especially if neither of them came from a marriage.  Control your damn reproductive organs.  I am so Team Cheyenne WTF face here.  

Cori’s social media message was so wordy and immature.  Taylor’s was also saccharine and something that I don’t think should be shared with the public, but there was something more selfless about hers.  Cori’s was just so self-serving.  This is pretty much what my ears heard: “what up, what up, y’all;  I don’t know how to say this, so I just will:  I never thought at 28 I would be a father twice, but here you go; I will be.” OMG, grow the fuck up.  (Also, I’m giving him way too much credit for punctuation).  

I’m glad Mackenzie is holding off on the renewing of the vowels.  She needs to stop referring to it as getting “married” too.  Holy storyline.  You only get married when you’re unmarried.  How dumb are these people?  Even if she was one of my best friends, I wouldn’t attend.  A second marriage to someone to whom you’re already married is not a thing.  What if they get married a third and fourth time?  Everyone is supposed to show up with a straight face?  That would never work with anyone I know.  Mackenzie looks really ugly in her glasses; I don’t know why she wears them on TV so much.  

Amber is unplugging.  On film.  Not bizarre at all.  Gary and his pinched up nasally, whiny chick voice is such a camera whore.  Let a producer interview her.  Literally anything would be better time spent—taking care of Amber’s child Leah, spending time with the rest of his family, going to the library and reading a dictionary, going for a fucking walk...I dunno, the possibilities are limitless.

This was a more irritating episode than usual, which is like saying the water is more wet today.  

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You know how they are filming the late shows from home?   I’d actually want to watch these idiots staying home now and taking care of their own children.  I’m guessing that isn’t happening but it would certainly be a big improvement over seeing catelyns millionth trip for her to work on her mental health.   I do hope that most of these people aren’t taking care of their kids now - amber, Jennelle and some others would be very dangerous if they had full responsibility for a small child.  

Edited by kitkat343
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This producer driven pissing on Andrew in favor of Saint Amber is killing me.  It. Must. End.

So Mackenzie is getting married a second time to the guy she is still married to.  Didn't the first marriage ceremony 'stick'? Was there an expiration date on marriage number one?  If you get married twice to the same guy without ever divorcing does that make you Married AF? 

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The producer talking to Andrew, Andrew, and Gary all talk like they can barely breathe.  I feel like I'm being suffocated just listening to them try to suck air into their lungs while they are speaking, as though the very action of speaking while sitting and doing nothing else is beyond their physical limitations.  After those scenes I felt like I needed to find my inhaler.

Yes Cate. Go thousands of miles of way to ambush your mom about your teenage years, those years you have already talked about ad nauseum.  What a great mother - daughter trip that was. Also, yes you and Tyler are doing better than your parents, low bar though that is. But it might be a little better if you, Cate, hung around and actually spent time with the kids you still have instead of constantly talking about your past adoption trauma and 'post partum'.

Also, did anyone notice Vaeda in that high chair, strapped in without a tray, against a wall over  by herself? That made me so nervous. Babies are tricky, they can slide out of shit easier than you'd think they could. And Nova in the living room eating by herself. All the while Cate and Tyler are congratulating themselves on what better parents they are. Thanks for that, MTV.

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I think I'm done with this fakakta show. I find myself in complete agreement with Jenelle that it's crap she and Farrah were both fired and Amber gets to stay. And Amber is always the poor victim. Even when she admits fault in her actions, she still blames Matt or Andrew or whoever she is with for intentionally pushing her to that point. No, Amber, you're just an asshole.

Catelynn and Tyler are just ridiculous. Catelynn will do whatever it takes to not spend time with her kids. And, while she had a rough childhood, she is also the perpetual victim. I give Tyler 6 months after this show ends before he files for divorce and I won't be able to blame him.

I fast forward through Cheyenne as she is neither a teen nor an OG.

Maxi is a big bore, which is good for family stability but doesn't make for good television. She has shown this episode to be a complete moron when it comes birth control.

Mackenzie is the only one slightly interesting and that's mostly because I'm interested in her relationship with her mom.

  • Love 10

Once again taylor is a fucking pussy refusing to get a vasectomy..saying not ready to give up the possibility of more biological children.  U know they r reversible dont you! Once again A man letting the woman be in charge..no thought given to the hormones, chemicals she should be concerned with.  You were perfectly fine with the bodily punishment and pain carrying 2 of your spawn did to her. Look u hooked up with maci used her to get your ass on tv, set up your own ugly tshirt company so u barely work..u l live off her checks. Neither of you have completed any sort of degrees so u can keep that house u bought once this show dries up and blows away.  But  u cant take on the birth control responsibility?  ..what a fucking little bithch u r.  Who u going to get to carry your seed..maci does not want to ..and if u think that bc was expensive..then wait till u see the cost of a surrogate. 

Also maci looks stupid in those glasses and she could have dressed a little better for meeting with the BC place.  I'm tired of her PCOS talk.  My sister has it and they have such pain that she cant drink a keg for like maci does..but most I know who have it have trouble getting pregnant..so they r a bit Insulted by a woman with 4 pregnancies at the drop of a hat trying to be their spokesperson. 

Andrew being surprised at Amber's behavior GMAFB. U saw her with gary and had a front row seat for boot camp.

Amber and Caitlyn have had more than a decade to work on themselves..not like either one of them have had their time limited due to school or a job or actually taking care of their children.  Times up..put on your grownup pants and become an adult.


Edited by Poohbear617
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Desperate for a storyline on all of these moms, MTV seems to be struggling to develop any kind of storyline that would explain why they are still doing this show.

Another trip for Cate? Really? Sure her mother seems to be sober now but she still has some sort of distorted view of her past behavior...I nearly spit my ginger tea out when she claimed that after she would berate and verbally abuse Cate when she was a teen she would ALWAYS follow up with a hug and some kind of reassuring words to her. Say what??? Tyler seemed harsh with Nova...sends her to another room to eat her dinner and makes her cry? Jesus...she was watching something innocent and not being bratty...Tyler is a jerk....he should get that tattooed on his arm.

Cory and his curls...he's just a fame whore who refuses to use birth control. He is so proud of his ability to impregnate a woman. Ugh...I had to laugh when Taylor said that doing reality TV "and stuff" is what they do to make money...ha ha. Good game plan for their future and their love child. I give Cory less than two years with Taylor. Living with the baby mama and juggling that with his Ryder responsibilities will prove to be too demanding after awhile for a player like him.

Andrew must be in a world of anxiety now that he has to stay in Indiana and have to put up with the constant attacks from Gary, Amber and probably all of her family. Gary and Christina need to STFU...it is not up to Gary to be her caretaker and do drop in visits. Amber needs to get off her ass and drive over to his house and spend some time with her daughter. Why they are not being neutral in this issue is perplexing...Gary was physically attacked by Amber and it was filmed and aired on the show...and used in court! But Andrew's audio tapes are off limits and should never have been released? Gary is a hypocrite.

Maci and Taylor...this is just stupid. What is she talking about? I'm sure there was a Planned Parenthood around where she lives when she was a teen. She choose not to go on BC. Is Taylor working anymore or is he just doing what ever Maci is doing and following her around to fundraising events? His stance on not having a vasectomy because he still wants more biological kids was astounding...Maci clearly doesn't want to be pregnant again and last season they talked about adopting so what the hell is going on here? 

I feel sorry for Ryan's children...he is just useless and woefully inadequate in every way. 

Mackenzie and Josh depress me. The vow renewal seems staged and very much a MTV produced event. Why would she go out and spend money on another wedding gown for a vow renewal? Sigh...



  • Love 13

I have those glasses!!  I find myself looking quite fashionable in them, thanks!

I came on here just to laugh at Catelynn and her newest excuse to get away from her family.  If they really wanted to change things try sitting down at the table together without a screen instead of eating out of containers standing at the counter.  Like pigs eating out of a trough. Geez. 

  • Love 11

I have no respect for nuMatt (I won't even call him by his name), but Gary and Kristina need to come the fuck on with blaming him for Amber having to deal with the consequences of her domestic violence. She. Is. Not. A. Victim. Period. It's not ok for her to go nuts and physically threaten nuMatt AND James because she's upset or whatever. Not at all. Not even a little bit. And nuMatt doesn't have to focus on "helping" the lunatic who chased him and his baby with a machete. He is right to be primarily focused on his and his son's well-being. Fuck Amber. And, again, I don't like or respect nuMatt at all, but at least he's not a violent psycho and he takes reasonably good care of his son (who would probably be dead or living with Gary and Kristina if he had to depend on Amber).

On 4/22/2020 at 3:36 PM, BrownBear2012 said:

Tyler seemed harsh with Nova...sends her to another room to eat her dinner and makes her cry? Jesus...she was watching something innocent and not being bratty...Tyler is a jerk....he should get that tattooed on his arm.

Yeah, I couldn't understand why it was a problem for her to be on the computer while she was sitting with them (and they were filming their TV show and talking to each other while ignoring Nova (and Vaeda across the room in a high chair)), but it was ok for her to eat while watching the computer in the other room.

On 4/23/2020 at 2:17 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I came on here just to laugh at Catelynn and her newest excuse to get away from her family.  If they really wanted to change things try sitting down at the table together without a screen instead of eating out of containers standing at the counter.  Like pigs eating out of a trough. Geez. 

Seriously, before Vaeda turned a year old, Cate went on how many overnight trips without either of her kids? A lot. Like more than most moms usually do within the first 10 years of their kids' lives. And it's like any excuse will do- "My friend is going to court for domestic violence," "I'm tired," "I want to talk to my mom," "I have a taste for fried chicken." Geez. Why the hell does she want to have another baby?

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10 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I have no respect for nuMatt (I won't even call him by his name), but Gary and Kristina need to come the fuck on with blaming him for Amber having to deal with the consequences of her domestic violence. She. Is. Not. A. Victim. Period. It's not ok for her to go nuts and physically threaten nuMatt AND James because she's upset or whatever. Not at all. Not even a little bit. And nuMatt doesn't have to focus on "helping" the lunatic who chased him and his baby with a machete. He is right to be primarily focused on his and his son's well-being. Fuck Amber. And, again, I don't like or respect nuMatt at all, but at least he's not a violent psycho and he takes reasonably good care of his son (who would probably be dead or living with Gary and Kristina if he had to depend on Amber).

Yeah, I couldn't understand why it was a problem for her to be on the computer while she was sitting with them (and they were filming their TV show and talking to each other while ignoring Nova (and Vaeda across the room in a high chair)), but it was ok for her to eat while watching the computer in the other room.

Seriously, before Vaeda turned a year old, Cate went on how many overnight trips without either of her kids? A lot. Like more than most moms usually do within the first 10 years of their kids' lives. And it's like any excuse will do- "My friend is going to court for domestic violence," "I'm tired," "I want to talk to my mom," "I have a taste for fried chicken." Geez. Why the hell does she want to have another baby?

Having another baby is the only thing these breeders know how to do...it would show tremendous growth if we could hear Catelynn say she was going to go back to school...even a community college and get some training so she could do something helpful and constructive instead of sitting around the house, biting her nails and yakking about getting pregnant again. Same for Tyler...these two are letting their 20's be the most unproductive time in their life and it is setting the table for a future of potential poverty and zero prospects. When they're 40, there will be no more MTV shows, free trips to resorts or weekends in New York or the West Coast...just a couple of teenage girls to worry about, bills to pay, animals to feed and a big drafty house to heat and repair.

Edited by BrownBear2012
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5 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Having another baby is the only thing these breeders know how to do...it would show tremendous growth if we could hear Catelynn say she was going to go back to school...even a community college and get some training so she could do something helpful and constructive instead of sitting around the house, biting her nails and yakking about getting pregnant again. Same for Tyler...these two are letting their 20's be the most unproductive time in their life and it is setting the table for a future of potential poverty and zero prospects. When they're 40, there will be no more MTV shows, free trips to resorts or weekends in New York or the West Coast...just a couple of teenage girls to worry about, bills to pay, animals to feed and a big drafty house to heat and repair.

And their extended aging family to support.  

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On 4/28/2020 at 2:32 PM, BrownBear2012 said:

Having another baby is the only thing these breeders know how to do...it would show tremendous growth if we could hear Catelynn say she was going to go back to school...even a community college and get some training so she could do something helpful and constructive instead of sitting around the house, biting her nails and yakking about getting pregnant again. Same for Tyler...these two are letting their 20's be the most unproductive time in their life and it is setting the table for a future of potential poverty and zero prospects. When they're 40, there will be no more MTV shows, free trips to resorts or weekends in New York or the West Coast...just a couple of teenage girls to worry about, bills to pay, animals to feed and a big drafty house to heat and repair.

I keep thinking "Where are the adults in their lives to guide them?" and then remember that they have Cate's mom and Butch...not stellar role models.  Tyler's mom has at least had a steady career but I don't think I've seen her on this season?  If they hadn't blown things so badly with Brandon and Theresa, they might've been the only adults in their lives who could provide some sensible guidance for their post-MTV future.  Which Cate and Tyler don't seem to realize is right around the corner.  Aren't they aware of the ratings?  MTV isn't going to continue to pour money into a show that's losing viewers in droves.

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5 hours ago, A-Lo said:

I keep thinking "Where are the adults in their lives to guide them?" and then remember that they have Cate's mom and Butch...not stellar role models.  Tyler's mom has at least had a steady career but I don't think I've seen her on this season?  If they hadn't blown things so badly with Brandon and Theresa, they might've been the only adults in their lives who could provide some sensible guidance for their post-MTV future.  Which Cate and Tyler don't seem to realize is right around the corner.  Aren't they aware of the ratings?  MTV isn't going to continue to pour money into a show that's losing viewers in droves.

I read that Cate and Tyler got slapped with an IRS bill for back taxes they never payed to the tune of $800,000!!!!!!!!

On 4/28/2020 at 4:42 AM, TheRealT said:

I have no respect for nuMatt (I won't even call him by his name), but Gary and Kristina need to come the fuck on with blaming him for Amber having to deal with the consequences of her domestic violence. She. Is. Not. A. Victim. Period. It's not ok for her to go nuts and physically threaten nuMatt AND James because she's upset or whatever. Not at all. Not even a little bit. And nuMatt doesn't have to focus on "helping" the lunatic who chased him and his baby with a machete. He is right to be primarily focused on his and his son's well-being. Fuck Amber. And, again, I don't like or respect nuMatt at all, but at least he's not a violent psycho and he takes reasonably good care of his son (who would probably be dead or living with Gary and Kristina if he had to depend on Amber).


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