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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

She's an elderly lady who has the strength of 17 bodybuilders, can appear & re-appear anywhere and nobody ever notices her presence

Maybe someone sneaked some magic mushrooms into the Newmans and Abbotts diets and the whole Auntie Jordan, Claire and Cole storyline will turn out to have been group hallucinations and the reason why the crack Newman security team can't find Auntie Jordan is because she doesn't actually exist, and Victoria burned down her own house during an hallucinatory frenzy.

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Also Show? Stop trying to make Danny Romalotti 'a thing'. He's a shriveled up prune of a man, with over dyed way too black hair, creepy looking expressions, and he's a supreme puss. Don't tell me Cricket gets hot over that shit, no way. Then again, Pauly 'what's in my pant's' was her hubby so maybe I'm wrong.

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I'm in Canada, so I've already seen Tuesday's US episode. To all the US viewers on here, I strongly encourage you to watch the show today, it was IMO, one of the best episodes of the show in a very long time.

I'm not a fan of Josh Griffith, but I must give credit where credit is due. He was credited as writer for this episode along with Amanda L. Beall, Jeff Beldner, and Marin Gazzaniga. Bravo to all of them, as well as the actors- IMO, this episode was worthy of an Emmy submission. 

Edited by ezzylin
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Thanks to you all who posted about Monday's show.  I tried to write something but for the life of me I couldn't think of one thing, event or character I gave a crap about.  I don't like not liking Show, at least on some level.

It was actually a bit depressing to see Phyllis back, such a pleasure to have had her offscreen for a bit.  Danny and Christine were utter cringe - WHO CARES??  I admit to having enjoyed Danny's pop up visits in the past, a scene or two over a couple of days, and I like Christine, especially in smaller doses but this b.s. is just too much.  All Romalottis of any description and their hangers on can disappear, never to return at this point.

Watching Adam and Sally has become such a slog, with Adam droning on about Connor's heartbreak of psoriasis or whatever and Sally entoning with all seriousness on the wonder of Grampire and Drinki's great love.  STFU and get real, both of you, or begone.

I'm hoping when Lil' Hausenpheffer is found and Please God this Auntie Jordan storyline finally gets put out of our misery, that Victor and Nikki go on a long, long, LONG cruise, preferably on Jaboat, captained by ButtBiscuit and serenaded by Danny with Phyllis shoveling coal into the engine and Daniel and Heather serving as drop anchors and the ship is lost at sea.

I want to like Show again, somehow, someday.

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18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Since when is Christine such a fantastic lawyer that she’s the only lawyer that could defend this person? 

It would be funny to find out that this person had called six other lawyers who turned his case down.


16 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Danny turns me off generally, but that was positively gross.

One word:  Flab

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19 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I can never think of it without associating it with the terrorists.

After cheering on the runners on that sunny day, I was at home and decided to turn on the TV to watch local coverage at the finish line, only to find the local station covering the marathon reporting the bombings, and my first fleeting, disbelieving, thought was that if this was some kind of hoax, it was a truly sick one - the memory of that day does not fade, but the purpose of the marathon lives on.

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1 hour ago, lgprimes said:

Just at the beginning of today’s episode, but why would Summer’s boyfriend, THE FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE, not come with her when she got a call her son had been kidnapped??

Exactly. I don't get it either. Not only that, but since all she did was escalate all the drama, Chance could have also been a calming presence for her.

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8 hours ago, ezzylin said:

I'm in Canada, so I've already seen Tuesday's US episode. To all the US viewers on here, I strongly encourage you to watch the show today, it was IMO, one of the best episodes of the show in a very long time.

I'm a US viewer and I just finished watching Tuesday's episode, and I must ask - ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!? - it was a solid hour of a Allison Lanier ranting, raving and screeching her way from one end of Genoa City to the other - "Oooh, Claire's the devil, she's trying to take my place as his Imperial Majesty's favorite grandchild and I hate her!!!!!"

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^ yes, sadly I agree. The build up made me eager to watch, and then a big nothing burger except for constant whining all around. 

Am I to understand that Jordan commandeered a Florist truck making a delivery late at night?  I may have misunderstood because I was watching my eggs making sure they didn't poach too long.

Edited by MsMalin
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4 hours ago, pvandal said:

Can’t wait!

Let me just say, pvandal, that my opinion of the quality of the Tue., 4/16/24, episode is quite the opposite of ezzylin's - just be forewarned that Summer spends the entire episode ping-ponging between the Abbotts and the Newmans screeching at the top of her lungs about how Claire is evil incarnate and must be banished from the magical kingdom of Newmania.

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This kidnapping a Newman kid for Jordan to have her do-over would've landed a lot harder had this been Baby Ava that was kidnapped.

Adam would go scorched earth and nearly have a breakdown. Nick would be the big brother trying to keep him together. Adam would be tempted to hold Nikki and Victoria responsible.

Victor would have some kind of feelings about Nikki since he told her to leave Jordan alone and it was her need to confront the woman that allowed her to get free to kidnap Ava.

Victoria and Nikki would lose their righteous anger at Adam and Sally since their actions put their child in danger. They may have to do some groveling since Victor would take Adam's side in this over theirs.

Sally would go OFF on Nikki and Victoria for their selfishness and short sightedness and firmly have a grudge against those two even after they get Ava back.

We'd wonder if Adam would go dark over this or shun his impulses in the end to go after Nikki and Victoria for this. In the end he'd turn away from the darkness to enjoy his family with Sally and Ava.

Adam or Sally or one of the Newman's would kill Jordan over this. Would Claire feel some kind of way about it?  Would SHE go dark? Would she then become a wolf in sheep's clothing as she has a mental break and begins targeting the Newmans as Jordan intended?

Would whoever killed Jordan have to pay for it? Adam or Sally would go to trial and then the culprit is revealed - it was Cole. He had to end the madness and killed his own aunt to save the Newmans. Alas, see above as Clair isn't saved and becomes the new Adam, terrorizing the family....

Instead we got Summer pout screeching at Kyle and the Abbotts dragged into this mess. Heck, Abby's son Dominic would've been a better Newman child to take than Harrison but apparently Abby's not a Newman or an Abott anymore....

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4 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

This kidnapping a Newman kid for Jordan to have her do-over would've landed a lot harder had this been Baby Ava that was kidnapped.

Seeing as how Harrison is just Summer's stepchild, not her biological child, he does not qualify as a Newman, so if Auntie Jordan kidnapped him thinking His Imperial Majesty, King Victor of Newmania, would give a damn about some kid who was not the progeny of the progeny of his progeny, she'd be up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

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1 hour ago, MsMalin said:

Am I to understand that Jordan commandeered a Florist truck making a delivery late at night?  I may have misunderstood because I was watching my eggs making sure they didn't poach too long.

I hope your eggs are okay but there are several characters on today's episode who have evidently been poached beyond repair.  

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Victoria needs to slap Summer across her face and calm that hysterical lunatic. Yelling about psychopaths when her own mom is one. And she needs to quit calling Harrison her son! She is not his mom. She is no longer his step mom.  She did not adopt him. Kyle needs to cut her nasty ass off from that boy! 

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55 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Kyle needs to cut her nasty ass off from that boy! 

Bravo, Chatty Cake, bravo - - and I really did want someone to, figuratively speaking, of course, drop that bitch in her tracks with a right hook - - she has no standing whatsoever as a parent of that child, and someone in the Abbott family should have thought about contacting his actual mother, Tara Locke, about this particular turn of events - in prison, or not in prison, she still has her rights as far as her child is concerned.

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Some thoughts on today's show:

1. Anyone else think that Allison Lanier and Michael Mealor's acting skills peaked in high school?

2. Summer obviously has trouble recognizing boundaries, hence her psychotic rantings about her son being kidnapped by the evil Claire.

3. Shouldn't someone in the Abbott family have thought about contacting Tara Locke in prison to let her know that her son had been kidnapped?

4. Shouldn't someone in the Abbott or Newman families have stopped Summer in her tracks by asking if Harrison's actual mother had been notified of his kidnapping.

5. All of Summer's screeching, ranting and raving about her son being kidnapped by the evil Claire makes her look like an attention-seeking psycho.

6. Is Summer in fear of Claire becoming the next Mrs. Kyle Abbott and, therefore, Harrison's next step-mommy?

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11 hours ago, ezzylin said:

I'm in Canada, so I've already seen Tuesday's US episode. To all the US viewers on here, I strongly encourage you to watch the show today, it was IMO, one of the best episodes of the show in a very long time.

I'm not a fan of Josh Griffith, but I must give credit where credit is due. He was credited as writer for this episode along with Amanda L. Beall, Jeff Beldner, and Marin Gazzaniga. Bravo to all of them, as well as the actors- IMO, this episode was worthy of an Emmy submission. 

Here's a blast of fresh cold Canadian air from me for your assessment of today's episode. I don't care who wrote it, it sucked. The actress playing Summer was chewing the scenery, the other members of the ensemble looked shocked...not from the storyline but the inanity of the lines they had to perform in response to her. BTW, has anyone here got a reason why Cole can be ruled out as a collaborator of Auntie J's? He's never over exerted about her shenanigans, he's either a stoner, or just needs to go and take a neverending nap like Ashley. To date IMO, he's not advanced, any storyline or brought anything of value to the show. Yawn.



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So, if Auntie Jordan has her Claire-replacement in Harrison, what did she do with Claire; is Claire lying unconscious somewhere, is she tied up and gagged and hidden away in the Abbott mansion basement - and what happened to the real florist delivery person, or did Auntie Jordan steal the florist's delivery van?

Do the writers know how ridiculous it is to keep having the Abbotts and Newmans talk about their "crack" security teams when villains can show up, at will, on any, and all, of their properties, and family members can be abducted from any, and all, of their properties - how did Auntie Jordan get to burn down Victoria's house when it was supposed to be under 24/7 surveillance - and wasn't there a character a while back who was found to have been living in the walls of the Newman estate - how naive do the writers think the audience for this show are?

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Florist delivery driver was probably the same one that drove the ambulance for Phyllis and Jeremy Stark. I still haven't figured out who the real morgue corpse in there was, same as who was the baby that everyone believed was the deceased Eve/Claire? JG has massive sinkholes in a lot of his storylines. 

Edited by Julyolo
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It’s high time Tara Locke breeze into town and get her son back. She’s done plenty of time for her white-collar crimes. I only remember her being very caring for Harrison.  
Maybe she can thank Jordan for showing Kyle’s ineptitude, in case there is a custody battle.

 My favorite moment of today’s episode was Victoria reminding Summer “I was his step-mother before you were!”

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Let me be clear, IMO of this episode is based on the fact that I actually sat through the entire thing. I rarely post about the show anymore because I find it for the most part, unwatchable. So, compared to what I usually see, I felt this was probably the best episode I've seen in a long time, especially for something that JG wrote.

Was it perfect? No. 

Did I think Summer went way too far going off blaming Claire? Yes. But, her mother is Phyllis, so doing the most is in her DNA. Also, her constantly referring to Harrison as her son, needs to stop immediately. I'm glad Victoria addressed it.  

Everyone reacted to Claire and Harrison being missing exactly as I thought they would, and Victoria showed remarkable restraint by not losing her shit on Summer.

I know the bar is set low, but I thought comparatively speaking, I thought this episode was well done. <Shrug>


Edited by ezzylin
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Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️, you blame Claire/Eve for going along with what Auntie Jordan did but haven’t you gone along with everything your mother did?  As I said before, if you had a brain, your mother was brainwashing you into going along with all her nefarious schemes for probably as many years as Claire/Eve was under Auntie Jordan’s thumb. 

Jack has another amazing security team that can’t see the forest for the trees.  

Nikki is the only one able to see what really happened with Auntie Jordan being behind this. I believe that Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ really doesn’t like Claire/Eve more out of being jealous than distrust. Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ really doesn’t like to compete with women her own age and the fact that Kyle likes her. 

All in all episode is a comedy in the ilk of the Keystone Cops. I could only laugh in the absurdity with basically everyone running around with their hair on fire.  

We see that Auntie Jordan has Harrison but we don’t see Claire/Eve. Is the next big mystery going to be what  Auntie Jordan has done with her or is Claire/Eve really an accomplice?  Auntie Jordan might be able to do a Jedi mind trick on a newborn but I would imagine that Harrison would be a lot harder to convince. 

I also agree that Chance should have been there with Summee❄️❄️❄️❄️.  He has really good observation skills and has separate the truth from the bull shit before.  One other thing it seemed that there wasn’t a detective at the scene. 

One last observation, Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ looks prettier without makeup.  

Edited by Waldo13
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43 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️, you blame Claire/Eve for going along with what Auntie Jordan did but haven’t you gone along with everything your mother did?  As I said before, if you had a brain, your mother was brainwashing you into going along with all her nefarious schemes for probably as many years as Claire/Eve was under Auntie Jordan’s thumb. 

This bimbo would NEVER appreciate the irony of the situation.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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I'm gonna get one of them prime jobs with either the Newman or the Abbott security teams!  Seems that you don't have to do a damn thing AND you can sleep on the job.  Until the screwup with Ashland, you could even have a smoke when you wanted.  Do you get a hat and a badge, too??

I hope Auntie J hoisted a few of Lil' Hausenpheffer's clothes cuz he's going to look a bit silly going around town in those green pajamas, even with the fake moustache and beard she'll put on him.  I hope he gets to wear her flat cap and driving jacket from her last disguise.

I thought Alison Lanier did a fine job, especially considering what we would have had to sit through if Hunter King was still in the role.  HK could never act like anything but a Daisy Duck who had her feathers ruffled but AL made me want to reach through the screen and give her a shut up slap.  

Auntie J is definitely a psycho, we know, but Dummer was okay with letting Harrison around Phyllis and that nutjob has been two cans short of a six pack since the 90's.  So, kindly take it down a notch.

It's supremely annoying to have to hear Dummer constantly calling herself Harrison's mom so, like others of you said, it was nice to hear Victoria correct her on the right version of history.   I also can't forget that when Victor had Jack kidnapped and replaced with a doppleganger, and Dummer's mother was being raped by said doppleganger, Dummer barely gave Victor a sorry look when it all came out.  I can't stand Phyllis but Dummer brushed off what Victor put her through in the most unpleasant manner.  So she can STFU in dragging Kyle for this.

I did enjoy the energy of today's show and I also enjoyed the good acting we saw from some of the cast, particularly Susan Walters and Beth Maitland.  Peter Bergman also underplayed things with effectiveness.  J. Eddie Peck, on the other hand, plays Cole like a guy who's got secret access to the BEST weed and he ain't sharing it with anybody.

No matter what, this storyline better end with somebody dropping a house on Auntie Jordan and finishing this for good.

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Poor Abbotts. It doesn't pay to be connected to the Newmans when they've got the most wily supervillain ever after them.

Summer's no makeup look was a lot. That usually means Emmy grab. She'll have to compete with Kyle's untied bow tie though.

Diane wanted to accuse Ashley of being involved in Harrison's disappearance. Low blow, Diane. You better rein that emotion in.

When Summer went to the ranch, Nikki had changed clothes again. Nik was on the fourth outfit for this 24-hour period. What's that all about?

Victor had Jack's cell number in his contacts list. Surprising.

First thing I'm gonna do when I win the billion dollar lottery is start having fresh flowers delivered every evening. So I can be fancy like the Abbotts. 😈

Wow, does Jordan hate Claire this much? At this point Claire's rebuilt reputation is hanging by a string and Summer's running around with a big 'ol pair of scissors.

Pssht, how many times has Victor said he's going to get Jordan once and for all? Sure, Victor, look how scared she is. Jordan could've left the hemisphere by now but she's still coming at you and yours.

I'm confused. Did Jordan intend to kidnap Harrison and Claire just happened to be there? I thought she went after Claire and Harrison became the new game plan by accident. Oy, stop trying to be complex and sh!t, JG. 😒

Summer should consult with her mommy on relating to the mind of a psycho. Jordan and Phyllis even have the same tastes in NoTell Motels, ha ha.

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Let me tell ya how high falutin' the Abbott's are: Most people have Uber Eats deliver late night. The Abbott's have flowers delivered.

Me and Hubby coming home from a party:  "I'm starving!  How lame was that party! That food sucked!!! Lets order a pizza! "

Jack Abbott: "Diane, it looks like your pussy willows have dried out. Quick order some pronto!"

Diane: yes, and your Jack-In-The-Pulpit is looking a bit long in the tooth as well. I'll get on it right away.


Who in the world has a pissing match over who was a step mother first?  That was a new low especially considering there will be at least 3 more before Kyle hits 40.

Edited by MsMalin
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Good grief, today's US show was abysmal! Dummer running all over town squawking felt like one long drawn out advert for Adderall. I didnt mind her yelling at Kid Pomp though because he's such a douche. I lauggggghhhhed and lauuughed every time everytime the Abbots and Newmans mentioned their crack security teams! Like, these are the suckiest security teams in the history of security teams. They're supposed to prevent threats, not run around after the fact like the Keystone Cops. And dont get me started on ol PeePaw sitting in his chair of virility, staring off into space like he was in a nursing home for wayward, snowflake making orphans. Drinkki, have a swig, you earned it tonight baby.

The creepiest award goes to the scene at the end with Jordan mind fucking Little Lord Fauntleroy in his green pjs. That? Was creepy AF. They have to kill off Toulouse Latrc now,  please for the love of all that's right in the world, kill her off.

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On 4/16/2024 at 2:30 PM, TobinAlbers said:

This kidnapping a Newman kid for Jordan to have her do-over would've landed a lot harder had this been Baby Ava that was kidnapped.

Adam would go scorched earth and nearly have a breakdown. Nick would be the big brother trying to keep him together. Adam would be tempted to hold Nikki and Victoria responsible.

Victor would have some kind of feelings about Nikki since he told her to leave Jordan alone and it was her need to confront the woman that allowed her to get free to kidnap Ava.

Victoria and Nikki would lose their righteous anger at Adam and Sally since their actions put their child in danger. They may have to do some groveling since Victor would take Adam's side in this over theirs.

Sally would go OFF on Nikki and Victoria for their selfishness and short sightedness and firmly have a grudge against those two even after they get Ava back.

We'd wonder if Adam would go dark over this or shun his impulses in the end to go after Nikki and Victoria for this. In the end he'd turn away from the darkness to enjoy his family with Sally and Ava.

Adam or Sally or one of the Newman's would kill Jordan over this. Would Claire feel some kind of way about it?  Would SHE go dark? Would she then become a wolf in sheep's clothing as she has a mental break and begins targeting the Newmans as Jordan intended?

Would whoever killed Jordan have to pay for it? Adam or Sally would go to trial and then the culprit is revealed - it was Cole. He had to end the madness and killed his own aunt to save the Newmans. Alas, see above as Clair isn't saved and becomes the new Adam, terrorizing the family....

Instead we got Summer pout screeching at Kyle and the Abbotts dragged into this mess. Heck, Abby's son Dominic would've been a better Newman child to take than Harrison but apparently Abby's not a Newman or an Abott anymore....

^^^Now this happening would be worthy an Emmy. Wonderful post!

Now that you mention it, another reason I don't find Claire a suitable addition is she essentially feels like a half-assed replacement for baby Ava. A popular(or at least formerly popular) pairing, with more promise was shitted out of a daughter just so we could sit through wooden Cole, hypocrite Victoria, and hamfisted, rectonned beyond belief Claire. Then there's equally unnecessary soap kid Harrison being shoved into this played out Jordan shit like it makes sense.....like how are people actually paid to fuck up a show this spectacularly???? 

Even in relation to the usual drivel this episode sucked ass. I agree with @boes that Allison Lainer did a good job but I say this as someone who still haunted by HK's Dummer. I still stand on Claire not being owed anything, but I will concede that since Dummer still has her trash ass mother in her life & has yet to pull Grampire's card over Marco, she can't tell anyone else what to do about their chosen psychopath, and needs to pump the brakes. 

Edited by Skarzero
misspelled Allison's name
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OMG, will Diane ever take off that tacky sparkly purple dress?  Ever?

AL gunning for an Emmy nod?  Meh.  Her screeching got on my nerves.  Dummer was acting like an asshole.  Hmmm, like mom much?  Will she dump Chance & endlessly chase after some wrinkly has-been "musician" (just like mom)?

So much mention of security teams, but the cops have vast resources, their idiotic security teams wouldn't.  And the police could immediately put out APB's on her & despite the dopey disguises, there are always witnesses who'll come forward, especially if rewards are offered.  And there are cameras EVERYWHERE!  Man, the writers really do take us for morons. 

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I cannot believe that Show is only writing for a handful of people.  Victor, Nicki, Claire, Victoria; Ashley, and recently Summer and Kyle.  Everyone else seems like day contract actors/actresses.  They pop in and out. I am sick to death of Claire - how has she come on and basically taken over the show?  Nicki is exhausting. As is Ashley. Yet here they are, seemingly everyday. 

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18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I'm a US viewer and I just finished watching Tuesday's episode, and I must ask - ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!? - it was a solid hour of a Allison Lanier ranting, raving and screeching her way from one end of Genoa City to the other - "Oooh, Claire's the devil, she's trying to take my place as his Imperial Majesty's favorite grandchild and I hate her!!!!!"

LOL. The acting was done well but I was so annoyed at Summer. I'm thinking like take it down a notch. I feel for you but you are certainly not helping the situation with all your ranting and raving and just making everyone around you feel worse. It felt very Phyllis to me.

18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Let me just say, pvandal, that my opinion of the quality of the Tue., 4/16/24, episode is quite the opposite of ezzylin's - just be forewarned that Summer spends the entire episode ping-ponging between the Abbotts and the Newmans screeching at the top of her lungs about how Claire is evil incarnate and must be banished from the magical kingdom of Newmania.

Maybe I said it was good acting because if she wanted to make us succeed in being annoyed with her, she definitely succeed. 

Edited by realitytvfan1017
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18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

. . . or, he would have seen her for the schizoid perpetual adolescent that she is and made a fast, but polite, exit, wondering if it might be possible to get Sharon back.

Perhaps I was just hoping he was going to save us from having to hear Summer go on about Claire for an hour. I don't know if the writers wanted us to feel bad for Summer and not for Claire and Victoria and Kyle but they succeeded with the opposite. 

14 hours ago, ezzylin said:

Let me be clear, IMO of this episode is based on the fact that I actually sat through the entire thing. I rarely post about the show anymore because I find it for the most part, unwatchable. So, compared to what I usually see, I felt this was probably the best episode I've seen in a long time, especially for something that JG wrote.

Was it perfect? No. 

Did I think Summer went way too far going off blaming Claire? Yes. But, her mother is Phyllis, so doing the most is in her DNA. Also, her constantly referring to Harrison as her son, needs to stop immediately. I'm glad Victoria addressed it.  

Everyone reacted to Claire and Harrison being missing exactly as I thought they would, and Victoria showed remarkable restraint by not losing her shit on Summer.

I know the bar is set low, but I thought comparatively speaking, I thought this episode was well done. <Shrug>


Yes I was along the lines of you.

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15 hours ago, Js Nana said:
15 hours ago, lgprimes said:


In the real world, the stepmother of a child whose mother was still living and who carried on like Summer is, would be carted off for immediate psychiatric intervention.

Especially an EX-stepmother!

 Kyle should have yelled “don’t let the door smack ya where the lord cracked ya” as she stormed out, and then changed the locks.

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18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

5. All of Summer's screeching, ranting and raving about her son being kidnapped by the evil Claire makes her look like an attention-seeking psycho.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


17 hours ago, ezzylin said:

know the bar is set low, but I thought comparatively speaking, I thought this episode was well done. <Shrug>

Don't beat yourself up.  There were some good parts- like the fact that the action kept moving.  We weren't subjected to a couple sitting in CL or Society talking about what had happened off screen,  we actually saw some interaction of the characters that kept me awake.  Coulda done without Dummer's screeching. (When did she change clothes and take off her makeup, by the way?) 

However, the plot holes in this thing are big enough to drive the florist truck through:

  • Flower deliveries at night?  I realize that it may have not been that late when the party ended since Hairyson was still up but it had to be at the very least after eight.  Your weekly flower delivery comes at night?  I like my flowers in the morning, thank you, when they are fresh.
  • Tracy saying that she was up every hour to check on SleepingMyBeauty.  And she didn't hear a body been schlepped down the stairs?  And how did Jordan get by Kyle who admits he was downstairs?
  • Tracy speculating that someone must have been staking out the house to know when the deliveries were being made.  It would have been nice to foreshadow why would anyone want to steal Hairyson so that alternate theory could work.
  • It taking so long for everyone (except Drinnki) to realize accept that Jordan didn't leave town and just might be responsible for this!
  • Jack and Victor on each other's contacts. I thought Jack blocked Viktor a long time ago.  And them combining their 'security' teams.  0 plus 0 still equals 0, boys.
Edited by MollyB
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