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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Why are two grown women (chronologically at least) fighting over a washed up rock star? Or any man for that matter? And damn Phyllis really doesn’t have any personal boundaries does she? Does MSt think Phyllis is being a vixen or something? I HATE the way she invades people’s spaces like that!

so once again someone tells Devon that he doesn’t play well with others and once again he just shakes his head and says that person has no idea what they’re talking about. Meanwhile Nate, Lily and Jill to name just three, have said the exact same thing to him. But no, Mr. Perfect isn’t to blame. It must be everyone else. I am so sick of him. Maybe he can go to California and be with Lily for a while?

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Collaborative. There's a word I would've never applied to Billy. Whatchutalkinbout, Nate? (And now I can't stop focusing on Nate's suit buttons. Sigh.)

Yay, Amanda's back! Loved her hair.

Wait, Amanda is acting as chief legal counsel of Chancellor-Winters? I thought that was Heather. 🤔

Chase defending Billy to Nate was not on my Wednesday WTFery bingo card. Phillip IV is a loyal nephew to his uncle.

Phyllis apparently subscribes to the "if I keep repeating my lies over and over they'll eventually become true" theory. Shut up, you thirsty slag.

Of course Christine showed up at Daniel's place too. 🙄 Gah, Danny needs to get restraining orders on those yappy broads.

Wow, Phyllis admitted she doesn't believe in boundaries. This is my shocked face.

I don't know about Amanda going to Abby to get a read on Devon. Abby has no reason to contradict Devon behind his back. What are you up to, Amanda?

A music festival. Hmm. Seems to me Minneapolis or Chicago would already have that kind of entertainment event covered for that area of the US. I dunno about your bright idea, Chance.

Danny mentioned his next concert tour. Come on, who under the age of 72 is paying to see him? Him or his lacquered hair. 😼

Leave it to Lauren to be the one to switch the light bulb on above Danny's trying-to-juggle-two-women head. Thanks bunches, Lauren.

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5 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

A music festival. Hmm. Seems to me Minneapolis or Chicago would already have that kind of entertainment event covered for that area of the US. I dunno about your bright idea, Chance

Okay I missed that part, but isn’t it the same thing Nate proposed to Devon last year that Devon blew off? So of course Nate would be all over it, and Devon will still slam the door shut on the idea. 

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So Christine stopped off at the Piggly Wiggly and bought Danny a box of tea? Wow, how inspiring.  Now I think he should choose Phyllis if it was an expensive wine that she brought. Although I still think Prunella   would be the best way to go. The way he looks nowadays Id say he needs a laxative.

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6 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Okay I missed that part, but isn’t it the same thing Nate proposed to Devon last year that Devon blew off? So of course Nate would be all over it, and Devon will still slam the door shut on the idea. 

Yes, Nate told Chance he had already tried and failed to get a similar idea past Devon. However, he encouraged Chance to go forward with it. Chance might have more success since he's related to Jill and Billy, but the brewing Abbotts vs. Winters battle might be further inflamed.


brunello - a very expensive type of wine

This is the second reference within a week to special types of wines. Wonder what that's all about?


the cheap sets

I was taken aback yesterday at how small the Newman ranch living room set is now. The Abbott manse set is smaller too but IMO it's less noticeable because the interior decoration is so busy. Then the show has half the characters living in what seems to be the same room at the GCAC. What has happened to Y&R is so sad to me.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

was taken aback yesterday at how small the Newman ranch living room set is now. The Abbott manse set is smaller too but IMO it's less noticeable because the interior decoration is so busy. Then the show has half the characters living in what seems to be the same room at the GCAC. What has happened to Y&R is so sad to me.

Sadder still, Y&R looks way better than the other soaps.  

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BlueFang🕷️ makes me want to 🤢🤮. Especially when she acts all pathetic and remorseful.  Let’s face it, BlueFang🕷️and Christine hate each other but their combative encounter are getting quite trite.  Danny walks out. Smart move. 

Did I hear Amanda correctly that she is still Chief Legal Counsel for CW?  I guess Ananda was still employed in absentia.  It looks like Chance is taking the side of his uncle and grandmother.  

I see no reason to add Abbott to the corporate name and Devon is correct that it can be associated with Jabot.  Devon is also correct that the name Abbott was not brought up until Nostrils’ entrance as a temp fill in for Lily. Nostrils is more your way or the highway than Devon.  At least Devon is thoughtful but Nostrils is very impulsive.  What part of Amanda’s advice to make peace with Devon didn’t Nostrils understand.  Nostrils couldn’t be more combative. 


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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

At least Devon is thoughtful

Sure, as long as you agree with him. Otherwise he’ll be thoughtful enough to tell you what to do with your idea. 

I’m no Billy fan either, but Devon is a sanctimonious ass. He’s always been ‘my way or the highway, even with Lily. 

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2 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Just realized that we all missed the point of Christine coming over with today's gift for Danny. I think it was a hint that she wants him to teabag her.

Then he better start hitting that bottle of Prunella HARD, especially if Phyllis "I have changed" Summers pushes her way in line.

God, now I REALLY hope she's "changed", and Danny better hope that, too.

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There was more flammable gas being tossed about in today's episode than when the Hindenberg exploded.  

And not once, watching these sad excuses for people did I get even close to saying, "Oh, the humanity".

Speaking of Prunella, does Devon down a bottle of that each morning or is he able to achieve that look of abdominal distress all on his own?  Does ButtBiscuit chug two bottles of Prunella, presumably nasally, to achieve that self-satisfied smirk of reptilian satisfaction?  There's something so unsettling to me when there's a conflict between two equally annoying counterparts.  If there's any way for both ButtBiscuit and Devon to lose, I'm all for it.

Devon doesn't play well with others, that's been apparent for quite some time now.  ButtBiscuit, though, is such a lightweight in the brains department that it can't be long before we see him floating around town, suspended in air by his swollen head, like an escaped balloon from the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.  

Rather than change the name of CW, how bout Show finally tell us WHAT THE COMPANY DOES besides give jobs to family members who otherwise would be forming a family clog dancing group to make a living??

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me present the 

Folk Dance Mummers GIF by Culture Vannin

Chancellor Winters Family Dancers!  Hey ButtBiscuit, Hey Jill, you still wanna put your name on THIS?

It sure was fun watching Amanda poke Abby, though.  

I wish Christine would just walk away from all the nonsense with Danny and Phyllis, she's better than all this.  Danny is a waste of space and Phyllis is and always will be a dumpster fire.  I sorta wish Christine would let Phyllis devour Danny just so she could have the satisfaction of seeing those two implode on their own.

So Chance and Nate are going to try and put on a concert to benefit CW?  I hope they know those Partridge Family cover bands don't come cheap!

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Yeah, I can't believe Danny is "both-sides"-ing Cricket and Phyllis.  Is he having issues with his long-term memory?

I'm with Devon on this one.  Jill has a Rolodex of surnames she pulls from.  I thought she was going by Fenmore now?  And Amanda said that Lily has ties to the Chancellor name.  How is that?

They don't necessarily have to kill Tucker off.  A Who Shot JR? scenario could go a long way to re-set his various troubled relationships while serving up a good mystery.

Edited by Snaporaz
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2 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I'm with Devon on this one.  Jill has a Rolodex of surnames she pulls from.  I thought she was going by Fenmore now?  And Amanda said that Lily has ties to the Chancellor name.  How is that?

Exactly.  Why does her marriage roulette wheel now stop on Abbott?  Is it because she was married to John twice?  Because she and John had a nasal infection/son together?  

She was married to Phillip Chancellor.  CHANCELLOR.  So her name is already in the company title.  Yeah, that marriage turned out to be invalid as I remember, but she got a son out of that, and a grandson.  As well as the truly most important relationship of her life, her rivalry, frenemy, emotionally entangled decades long dance with Katherine.

  Abbott, Schmabbott, Beely Boy.  Go sit in the corner and pick your nose.  There's gold in them thar hills.

If ButtBiscuit really wants to honor his mother, then maybe he could start by trying his damndest not to be such a once and forever putz.

These family companies sure are turning out to be joy for all involved, aren't they?

Edited by boes
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On 2/20/2024 at 8:34 PM, boes said:

What's up with Nate and that goddam middle button on his suit jackets?  We're all accustomed to his arched back, stiff-legged power butt strut, that walk he does whenever he's ready to impress, browbeat, or simply do his signature sexay stroll, but he always accompanies that walk with the button/unbutton thing.  

Before he sits, he unbuttons as he slowly lowers his fine self into his chair and when he's ready to leave, he ascends to full height, and with panache, buttons up that middle button.

Olivia may have sent L'il Nate to a Miss Manners or Cotilion class where boys learn how to be gentlemen and unbutton their suit jacket when they sit down so that it doesn't bunch up.  Plus, it gives Nate something to do to relieve the boredom of the pathetic dialog when he is not called upon to pretend to drink out of an empty coffee cup.

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I honestly doubt they'd kill Tucker anytime soon because in all fairness, he's a legacy character too. He's Katherine Chancellor's son. As @Snaporazsuggested, a "who shot Tucker" SL might be more feasible. But if any show runner was lousy enough to kill him off, it would be Josh Griffith. So we'll just have to see. 

I always thought shoving Chancellor & Hamilton Winters together was stupid and doomed to fail, and it's fitting that it's being divided in a equally stupid manner.  

Chance, your uncle is making a mountain out of a molehill and he's not worth the loyalty. I wonder if Chance would feel as defensive of Billy if he knew that he once preyed on his new object of affection for revenge sex. 

Devon has a self-righteous, self-absorbed asshole streak like ButtBiscuit, so I get not comfortably taking his side. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. Jill suddenly caring about (one of) her marriage names when the guy she got it from has been dead nearly 20 years is horseshit. As mentioned upthread, Chancellor is already in, Jill has Chancellor family. In fact her Chancellor son is older and much less of a fuck up than her Abbott son, so I'm surprised Chance isn't offended at her staunch Abbott declaration but whatever....While it didn't go unnoticed that she kept going by Jill Abbott, I figured that was her(the writers) being lazy. Or at most, nostalgia of better days from her marriage to John. It really shouldn't be this deep.

Devon is wrong about alot of things, but not buckling to a rando name change because a grown toddler said so, ain't one of them. 

Sucks that Amanda was brought back to take up for Billy's annoying ass. Still good to see her though. 

15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, Amanda is acting as chief legal counsel of Chancellor-Winters? I thought that was Heather. 🤔

Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. The less we see of whisper-gasp-her lines the better lmao 

Edited by Skarzero
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Christine and Phyllis can throw their underwear at him on stage. 

But Phyllis doesn't wear underwear, does she? She has to let her cooch breathe free in case an opportunity for dumpster sex suddenly arises.


wonder if Chance would feel as defensive of Billy if he knew that he once preyed on his new object of affection for revenge sex. 

I still think Summer should tell Chance about what Billy did. However, it seems like word went out in soap forum world a few weeks ago that it's a dead issue and no one should be bringing it up anymore. Whatever.


Amanda said that Lily has ties to the Chancellor name.  How is that?

Yeah, I don't get that either. Neil was once CEO of Chancellor Industries, and Dru and Neil got married their first time on the Chancellor estate. Other than those two things I don't know of any tie on Lily's part at all.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 2/20/2024 at 10:34 PM, boes said:

stiff-legged power butt strut

I saw Stiff-Legged Power Butt Strut open for the Kinks in Copenhagen. Great show.

32 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Other than those two things I don't of any tie on Lily's part at all

Perhaps it was her marriage to fake ass Chancellor son, the Aussie vampire and original bleached skeever, Cane. 

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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Gah, Danny needs to get restraining orders on those yappy broads.

Well, yeah, right after he grows a pair and stops letting them into his personal space.  Instead of shutting the door on Phylth and locking it he lets her in to say one. more. thing.  Which, if he has been paying attention at all, he already knows what that one thing is.  And then we have Christine serendipitously show up and he lets her in!  Man up, Danny.  You can't get a restraining order if you are abetting the harasser. 

Judge:  Mr. Romalatti, did the accused break into your home?

Danny:  No, I let her in.

Judge:  Hmmm, did you ask her to leave?

Danny:  Yes.

Judge:  Did she leave?

Danny:  No.  She moved towards me in a provocative way and then the doorbell rang.  It was my other girlfriend, Cricket, whom I would also like to file a restraining order on.  Then the girls got into a fight over me and I left.

Judge:  Order denied.  Grow a pair.

22 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Although I still think Prunella   would be the best way to go.

Prunella is the Private Reserve of Pruno, aka Jailhouse Wine.  Phylth was incarcerated just long enough to get the recipe.


6 hours ago, Skarzero said:

I honestly doubt they'd kill Tucker anytime soon

When Chance mentioned a music festival my mind went right to Tucker being the promoter for it which leads him to a reconciliation with Devon.

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8 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

    ~le sigh~ another episode I won't watch.

Thanks JG.

I'm sure he'd love to be pelted with baggy old Spanx.

My fast forward button is getting quite a workout this week. I think I'm averaging watching about 5-7 minutes of show per day. What a crashing bore.

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Chloe mentioned needing to make rent on her and Sally's office space. Is it literally in space because we never see it.

Chelsea's hairdo. Yikes. She looked like an alien with a turd on its head to me.

Victor, Adam is in love with Sally and they're a couple. How is wanting her to have no financial obligation to Nick Adam's way of stirring up trouble? You don't even like Sally so what's it to you?

Nikki is a lot. If she's not imposing on Jack, she's making Lauren be her sobriety babysitter. Hope Lauren is getting paid well as the temporary Newman Media COO since it seems to involve plenty of non-work-related activities.

Not sure why Chelsea and Adam were acting like Connor having OCD would be the end of the world. Or why Sharon had to take time out of her busy day being the CEO of an international tech company (🙄) to tell them to consult specialists.

And what was going on with Sharon's hair? Is she letting her dark roots grow out? Okay.

This might be one time I agree with Chloe. IMO going back under NE's thumb promises to be a mistake for her and Sally's boutique design company. They don't need the increased, controlling scrutiny of Adam and Victor.

Too bad Jordan can't use her powers for good. She is next-level at twisting words to manipulate people. Seth's head was practically spinning from listening to her.

Wait, what? Victor said Claire is in a maximum security hospital. That must be why anyone can walk into her unlocked room whenever they want, especially if their last name is Newman.

Oh please, Billy, you're the last thing Connor needs right now. I think Chelsea really shouldn't have been lowkey encouraging Billy to circumvent Adam's parental influence.

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29 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

who is Megan Marshall?

It’s a nickname for Audra. Just like Nostrils, blue fang or banana breath. I’ve seen Audra referred to as Megan Markle as well. Not at all sure why, unless it’s an insinuation that she’s a good digger.

Edited by Sake614
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^^^Except for the part where Audra hasn't been characterized as a gold digger and isn't married to British royalty. The Royals forum got shut down in large part because of the divisive stuff being posted about the Duchess of Sussex. I continue to wonder why it's being brought to this forum.


Will someone please, for the love of Christ tell Devon that the word is "interim." It is not "interm"-it has 3 syllables in-ter-im. I know it's petty, but sue me. 

Oh, okay. I thought he said "intern" and figured BJ was doing a poor job of reading off cue cards or something.


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29 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Not at all sure why, unless it’s an insinuation that she’s a good digger.

bingo/and passive aggressive

Well, if people sire offended i apologize.

21 hours ago, boes said:

I hope they know those Partridge Family cover bands don't come cheap!


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NinjaPenguins you may have seen Stiff-Legged Power Butt Strut open for the Kinks but when I saw them in Genoa City last summer  the Fake Ass Chancellor Sons were the opening act. Maybe Chance can get them both for his festival.

I think "Prunella" is Victor's new pet name for Nicki. 

 Victoria and Cole wearing coordinating outfits. I wonder if they are going steady now. 



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Why doesn’t Chloe get off her complaining ass and get a job since this company crap with Sally isn’t working out? Another thing that needs to happen is for Sally to tell her to shut up about Adam or she can bring up Kevin’s past mistakes and throw them in her face.

Nikki makes a run from the ranch for an outing and chooses Crimson Lights? These people don’t know they’re rich?

Connor is diagnosed with possible OCD and Chelsea and Adam go to Sharon instead of talking to Connors doctor? 


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Mrs Chipmunk is like an annoying cricket that only knows how to play only one tune. As I said, put Mr Chipmunk’s acorns in your mouth and STFU.  Yes Mrs Chipmunk, it’s ok for Sally to take Banana Breath’s money but not Adam’s money. Yeah right!  Mrs Chipmunk, your bias is showing. You rather go out of business than let Adam help you but technically it’s Sally’s business not yours. 

Are we going to get a PSA on OCD?  There are quite a few variations of OCD.  Are they setting Connor up for the most severe form of OCD to make it a life threatening condition or a lesser condition where it can be treated with drugs and therapy.  OCD is not uncommon for about 1 in every 200 children have some form of OCD. 

WTF Victor!  You have no faith in your security team to protect Nikki but you have faith that they can protect Claire and for that matter Victoria?  

Go fuck your self Nostrils. It not your place to go with Breathless Mahoney to Connor’s school. Is Breathless Mahoney going with Nostrils and not tell Adam. Also, fuck you Breathless Mahoney for wanting Nostrils to go. 


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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Chelsea's hairdo. Yikes. She looked like an alien with a turd on its head to me.

Joimiaroxeu, now YOU done killed me ####DEAD#### with that image!

The turd head aliens landed, the one named Chelsea said "Take me to your leader" and lo and behold, they went straight for ButtBiscuit.

ButtBiscuit's proboscis, the Final Frontier.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

^^^Except for the part where Audra hasn't been characterized as a gold digger and isn't married to British royalty. The Royals forum got shut down in large part because of the divisive stuff being posted about the Duchess of Sussex. I continue to wonder why it's being brought to this forum.

Oh, okay. I thought he said "intern" and figured BJ was doing a poor job of reading off cue cards or something.


I agree that the renaming of Audra with the name of a currently controversial celebrity to be problematic in terms of the site just recently shutting down all the Royals forums. It has always felt to me like the insertion of a name, simply for the sake or shock value of doing so.  Nothing in the way this actress physically looks, has been written in the past, or now, even merits the comparison, even by a long stretch of my imagination. I think the actress playing Audra is one of the best new cast members. She is not ham-handed, she doesn't chew the scenery. Her hair, makeup and wardrobe luckily seemed to have escaped the fate of being made to look as garish or clownlike, as some of the her female co-stars. 

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9 hours ago, Julyolo said:

I agree that the renaming of Audra with the name of a currently controversial celebrity to be problematic in terms of the site just recently shutting down all the Royals forums. It has always felt to me like the insertion of a name, simply for the sake or shock value of doing so.  Nothing in the way this actress physically looks, has been written in the past, or now, even merits the comparison, even by a long stretch of my imagination. I think the actress playing Audra is one of the best new cast members. She is not ham-handed, she doesn't chew the scenery. Her hair, makeup and wardrobe luckily seemed to have escaped the fate of being made to look as garish or clownlike, as some of the her female co-stars. 

Thank you Julyolo for expressing this much better than I barely did in the heat of the moment.

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I'm so over Sally. If you "see the logic" in him not getting your hopes up first why are you spending energy on being upset? She gave him comfort over Connor, so I'll give her some credit for that I guess....

So now we enter into "This character gets on my nerves but they're kinda right & it makes me nauseous to say so" a second time this week, with Chloe saying it's a bad idea to work with Victor. Sally has been screwed over by them twice already, in slightly better circumstances. So why she wants to throw in with dysfunctional again is beyond me. Especially how upset she's been with Adam over trying to set it up for her. 

I, like Nikki, wishes that Jordan would just make a move and end this boring story already. I can see TPTB are ready to get Nikki's hands bloody again since they rectonned Diane's death, & they need to hurry the fuck up. I don't think I've ever been this bored with this character before, though I dislike her. I can't even get overly upset that Victor is running roughshod over her life, because that's how much I don't care. Then making Lauren babysit her as if she doesn't have a life busy enough of her own just takes the crap cake.

Why is Connor having OCD being treated like he was diagnosed with Leukemia or something equally serious? Could the writers try to be compelling/realistic here? It feels like every other week they're trying to stick some social issue/disorder on this kid without onscreen build-up & definitely without doing adequate research. But given how botched Nikki's AA story this isn't a surprise. I feel bad for Connor, since if he really is OCD, a walking talking Nostril tagging along with his mother, is bound to trigger the poor guy. 

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Why doesn’t Chloe get off her complaining ass and get a job since this company crap with Sally isn’t working out? Another thing that needs to happen is for Sally to tell her to shut up about Adam or she can bring up Kevin’s past mistakes and throw them in her face.

IKR? Whenever Chloe isn't leaching off Sally, she's attached herself like a barnacle to Chelsea. I think if Sally weren't so desperate for someone she can sort of call a friend, she wouldn't put up with Chloe steady trashing the man Sally loves. Chloe has good reason to hate Adam, but if she can't rein in her feelings AFAIC she shouldn't be working with Sally.


Stiff-Legged Power Butt Strut

I have it on the q.t.: SLPBS are going to play at TSwift's engagement party to TKelce. Something about their name resonated with Tay-Tay. 😉

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Good lord in heaven Sharon looked awful yesterday. She too had the Chelsea do. But in her case the bottom was dark and the top was !ighHt resulting in what looked like a Lhasa apso was plopped on her head.

And her saggy boobs! 

Btw this board is acting up on me agai n 😫

Edited by MsMalin
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One of my frequent complaints about Bold & Beautiful is that it seems to be written by aliens who have observed humans for maybe a day and are awkwardly trying to imitate them. Or to be blunt, none of these scriptwriting motherfuckers have the slightest acquaintance with human nature. Characters do and say shit that no actual person, in any circumstance, would ever do or say. I think Josh Griffith must be writing from the same isolated cave Brad Bell is living in.

People know what OCD is, okay? Maybe if you’ve been cut off from common knowledge, popular culture and any medical information, you wouldn’t. Even if you don’t know the in-depth details, most people have a basic idea of what it is and that it’s actually not as bad as being diagnosed with ebola. As Skarzero points out, Connor isn’t even onscreen! We’re not seeing any of the OCD behaviors; it’s all tell and no show. Meanwhile, Adam and Chelsea act like he’s been stricken with some rare, exotic malady that Sharon needs to explain.

Then you have Victor curing his wife’s addiction by holding her prisoner in her home and paying Lauren to be her warden. Oddly enough, being essentially grounded like a naughty teenager makes Nikki want to drink more. Who knew? I sure hope we have several more weeks of watching her pace the floor and stare at where the liquor used to be kept.

What the fuck is even happening with Seth and Jordan? Seth has devolved into a hot mess after appearing out of nowhere as Nikki’s sponsor. Sitting in a dive bar under a stupid wig and messing with an addict’s head does not a compelling villain make. Seth and Jordan talking about Nikki’s friendship like it can heal the sick is bizarre, even though Jordan is only doing it to manipulate. Their conversations are weird and desperate and off-putting.

I wish someone would give Nick a laxative. That uptight, self-righteous prig pontificating on Adam’s dark side is to laugh. Adam pursued Sally throughout your nasty sexcapades? Reflect upon why you ever got together with her in the first place, idiot. Nick’s sulky, douchebro, moralizing, clenched jaw phase is not his best.

Chloe may be right about not working for Newman, but I just don’t want to hear it from her. Is that so wrong?

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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Didn't Jill have a couple of sisters in the beginning?

She two brothers, Greg and the unfortunately named "Snapper", but I don't remember any sisters.

Maybe they were in the attic polishing their skis.  Ooops!  Wrong show.

3 hours ago, MsMalin said:

humor lord in heaven Sharon looked awful yesterday. She too had the Chelsea do. But in her case the bottom was dark and the top was !ighHt resulting in what looked like a Lhasa apso was plopped on her head.

And her saggy boobs! 

Maybe she should plop those on her head, too.  


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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Or why Sharon had to take time out of her busy day being the CEO of an international tech company (🙄) to tell them to consult specialists.

Well, Adam was skeptical of the doctor who was seeing Connor and diagnosing his condition.  So, of course, the logical next step would be to consult Dr. Sharon who has so much "my training".  She talks as if she is a practicing therapist and keeps up with all the latest information.  She also "knows" some people to refer Adam to. Where did she find the time to keep up with her "practice" when she's running around as a CEO, running a coffee shop and killing off stalkers and fucking Chance?  The woman's a powerhouse!  Or maybe her bi-polar condition allows her to get twice as much done.


16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I continue to wonder why it's being brought to this forum.

I was watching "Suits" when the reference to Megan Markle was made and I just thought it was because they resembled each other and that they are both very beautiful women.

Edited by MollyB
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6 minutes ago, MollyB said:

I was watching "Suits" when the reference to Megan Markle was made and I just thought it was because they resembled each other and that they are both very beautiful women.

Exactly. That's the reference, but I again apologize.

I seem to remember Jill's mom dying of breast cancer.  But maybe I'm conflating another soap with this one. But I could have sworn she had sisters. And wasn't her last name Foster?

I;ll go sit in the corner now.

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43 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Exactly. That's the reference, but I again apologize.

I seem to remember Jill's mom dying of breast cancer.  But maybe I'm conflating another soap with this one. But I could have sworn she had sisters. And wasn't her last name Foster?

I;ll go sit in the corner now.

Her name was Jill Foster.  Her mother, Liz, died in 2010 in Genoa City while on a visit to see Jill.  Short visit as I remember, since she died getting off the plane but lived long enough to tell Jill and Katherine that Jill wasn't Katherine's daughter.  That revelation ultimately led to Jill and Katherine discovering that Jill was a Fenmore and the child Katherine forgot she had wasn't a daughter but instead turned out to be Tucker McCall. 

I think you're thinking of the Brooks sisters.  Snapper, Jill's brother, married one of them.  Their mother, Jennifer, had breast cancer.  

Fuzzy on the details so hopefully someone who remembers better can clean up what I got wrong.

Edited by boes
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