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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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I actually enjoyed most of yesterday’s episode, but leaving out something as big as Phyllis attempting to flat out murder Christine is utterly egregious. It was a defining moment in their story. If you didn’t know anything about them and watched yesterday, you’d think both women had equal parts in the rivalry. Phyllis acting like she’s really making a noble gesture by not letting Christine get in her head was some extra bullshit. Anyone and everyone can call Christine ‘The Bug”. Except Phyllis.

I suppose with Chris at a “career crossroads”, she’ll be joining one of the corporations in town. I mean, JG can’t write anything else.

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3 hours ago, MollyB said:

I'm confused. (and the fact that I ff'd thru all the flashbacks doesn't help) I thought Phylth was driving the car that hit Paul and Christine and left them unable to have children.  When was the Drinnki/Neil hit and run?  Or was Christine run down twice?

Phyllis did the hit & run on The Bug and Paul, and that affected Paul more as he was hit trying to shield/push away The Bug. I think that he was unable to perform in bed or maybe was unable to have kids; obviously he miraculously recovered. 

The other accident was when Nikki was driving, Neil grabbed the wheel and hit The Bug and she lost the baby. If memory serves, she also lost her uterus/reproductive organs as well and couldn't have any more kids.

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8 hours ago, lgprimes said:

 I am surprised at how distressed I am at the thought of two almost year 60 year old women fighting over the same guy they did as 20 year olds. It’s just pathetic. And I particularly don’t care for any of the three in the love triangle, but I don’t usually consider the women pathetic.

I’m with you on that one. Seeing a Cricket/Danny/Phyllis triangle 2.0 does not appeal at all, especially with Danny now looking like a Golden Girl.

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Due to complete boredom, I kept nodding off during today's episode. I did wonder during the scenes with Tucker & Ashley, Kyle & Billy, and finally Nick & Sally..why are all of their dialogs so juvenile? Adults don't discuss things like in the lines the actors had to deliver  in today's scenes. Everyone sounded like they were in the high school cafeteria. The lack of any emotional complexity and nuance in these scenes really says volumes about JG. 


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Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍 once again that he has earned another 🦍. God forbid that Sally even talks to Adam but more so about Victor; but it’s ok for Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍 to talk to Sharon about Victor. 

Nostrils and Kyle are like two entitled pieces of 💩 who are not even worthy of being in the C-Suite.  

Smugly Smug Smug makes a not so subtle suggestion for Victor to take a leave of absence. Then he backs up his actual intention by saying that Adam could take control but he knows that Victor taking a leave of absence puts Groucho🥸🥸🥸 back in the leather drivers seat. Smugly Smug Smug is playing checkers with a chess master. 

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Sally: hi, Nick. How are you?
Nick: I'm good, Sally. How are you?
Sally: fantastic. Your brother hammered it like the fist of Thor up in my suite last night. Oops, did I say that out loud?
Nick: uh, kill me now. And you're a ho, just like my dad said.
Sally: why you mad tho?

The way Ashley was talking to Mamie recently, you'd think Tucker had been abusive to her and that's why he and Ashley broke up. But today during Ashley's conversation with Tucker at Society, he acted like he was her victim. Was he performing for her or does he genuinely feel hurt?

Billy told Kyle Marchetti is Summer's company. I thought Jabot bought it and Kyle became its CEO. Maybe since the divorce Summer moved into that slot but either way, CEO  <> owner. O hai Lily.

Lol, it's amazing how Victor is managing to keep straight his whackadoodle stories. Plus which person he told which story..

Gosh, Tucker broke down and burst into tears. I can't take it! 🙁🙁🙁

Right, Nate. You send Victor on a fake extended business trip to get "treatment," after you have him designate you as indefinite acting-CEO. The crew up on the ISS could see that self-serving ploy coming.

Seriously? Billy figured out Tucker's plan to use Kyle to take over Jabot. JG, why do you hate us? 👿👿👿

Re the previews: noooo! Nina takes a call about her son getting hurt?!? Not Chance!!!! Maybe it's Ronan.

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That interlude where Danny is playing the piano whilst having hot flashes of him and Christine in the past? I needed a barf bag for that tripefrst, ditto when Christine weepily sits next to Danny at the piano. I mean, say what you will about Christine, she still looks pretty good, but damn, Danny looks like someone's been practicing their embalming skills on the dude.

Kid Pomp. don't have a square to spare. 

Ditto every other abysmal, sleep inducing storyline right now. Oh! And what the actual fuck is going on with these near daily flashbacks? Did someone all of a sudden find the flashback option on the editing console???

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17 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Can we please be done with Ashley and Tucker and their dysfunctional “marriage”? I  cannot listen to the same conversation any longer nor can I look at Ashley’s awful hair. 

Yes! How many times does she have to ask if he reallllly loooved her?  Does it matter at all?  The marriage is over, move on, for pete's sake.  And get your hair done by someone that doesn't think Clorox is a hair product.


18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

but it’s ok for Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍 to talk to Sharon about Victor. 

It's cool to talk to your former stepmother about dear old, senile dad.


16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Billy told Kyle Marchetti is Summer's company.

After the way she dressed down Chloe the other day, I'd say she deserves it.  And can I add that Chloe and her 'it's not me, it's you' attitude about the dropping sales (or whatever) can be shipped off to Siberia?  And Chelzz go along with her?

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On 11/4/2023 at 9:18 AM, MollyB said:

And Chelzz go along with her?

Sadly Manjaw isn't going anywhere. She's like herpes, you might think she's gone but nope! She pops right back again and it is painful AF.

On 11/4/2023 at 9:23 AM, PatsyandEddie said:

Ashley’s hair looks like straw! It’s completely overprocessed and waaaaaay too light in colour.

She's a beautiful woman but I don't under the tow headed look shes had gorgeous beachy streaked hair in the past, did that stylist die or move away ir what?!?

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Dear Buttbiscuit;

Lately, everyone has been calling me ‘entitled’ and ‘spoiled’ instead of ‘handsome’ and ‘talented.’ My uncle, the poster nostril for bottomless egos, has been able to scale my hair and get directly into my head. My aunt claims that I’m too much like my uncle, but I think she just needs to get laid bad. Seriously, wtf does a kind, smart, rich woman have to do to get romanced in this town? She has way too much time on her hands to psychoanalyze me, and comparing me to that blanched scallion is beyond the pale. I don’t have dual high capacity air intake valves on my face. I was a damn good co-CEO before he stole the position from me. I had a line of military grade hair volumizers that that could have launched profits into orbit had I not tested it on my bone zone and suffered a minor pruning injury. I will have the last laugh, however. I’m joining forces with a real player, a smooth operator who will mold me into a lean, mean business machine. It’s okay to fight disrespect with disrespect, right? Or maybe I’m a double agent who will vanquish my family’s number one enemy. I can pull this off, can’t I?


Pomp and Circumcision

Dear Pomp;

No. No you can’t. Hey, lackwit, do you even know who writes this column? Yesterday, I said “Hey, I’m writing my Buttbiscuit column. Could you stop crinkling your water bottle before I jackslap you with a sardine?” Your self absorption is off the charts. Your new mentor is going to chew you up and spit you out like a sunflower seed no matter what game you decide to play. I bet your uncle didn’t give you enough swirlies growing up and would be happy to remedy that oversight. Too bad he’s busy making it rain all up in this bitch with his new line of ultra premium nasal grooming tools, including a zamboni sized sinus smoothing device for the nostrilly endowed. That’s how you innovate, dawg. Maybe you should actually accomplish something before demanding the throne. You sound like the kind of fool who would be asking me how you can put my ass in a new Hyundai were it not for your last name. To summarize: you’re never going to harpoon that fail whale, boo. When your ship limps back into harbor, you’ll be in the brig with a turtleneck flying from the mast. Aye aye, douchebag!

Dear Buttbiscuit;

So I’m sitting here on my terlet, addicted to this frenchy attachment called a bidet. My anger is as hot as the vending machine sushi currently scorching my bunghole. My kid brother is up to his usual tricks and messing with my fam. I ran into my old penis cozy, and boy, she was being a nosy posey about my dad’s TOP SECRET health problems. I just know she got the intel from my bro, probably straight from his dick. He used our father’s imaginary crisis to mooch a pity fuck outta my ex, and the worst part? She fell for it! She thinks my brother actually cares about our dad and sincerely wants to help him. Hah! He’s such a liar; fortunately I remembered to keep dad’s fake dementia scam to myself and pretended it was totally real. She’d probably give him a sympathy bj if she knew my sister and I were letting him think dad was sick. Ugh. She wants me to team up with my bro to tackle this health crisis. I’m torn, because I need to look like a good guy no matter what, but I hate that little farm boy. What should I do? Also, do they make pocket sized bidets that can be implanted?


Bananas for Bidets

Dear Bananas;

Where the hell have you been? I’ve been on the bidet bandwagon since boarding school. My nickname was Jabidet. Lest you think we’re going to join some bidet brotherhood, let me just state that you, sir, are a bully. Picking on little brothers seems to be the favorite pastime in Genoa City, but I’m making a stand in my column today. Look, I’m sorry that your bro has ‘it’ while you ain’t got shit, but it’s time to put your all consuming jealousy of his youth and charisma aside for the good of your fucked up family. Take it from me, getting involved with your brother’s lady is a surprisingly dumb move. The only thing dumber than that is calling a woman a penis cozy. Imagine if someone called your daughter tha - you know what? Never mind. You’re not going to look good at all when it comes out that your father is faking losing his marbles and you’re playing along. And it will come out, even if I have to whisper it gently in your brother’s ear. Little brothers of the world, unite!

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On 11/3/2023 at 11:51 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

I suppose with Chris at a “career crossroads”, she’ll be joining one of the corporations in town. I mean, JG can’t write anything else.

Well, I say it's high time for Cricket to become a CEO. She's been in town for nearly a month now. What's taking JG so long?


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I missed the flashback episode which is fine with me. My appreciation for Danny Romalotti does not run deep enough to sit through a Phyllis centered episode. Although the other stories all suck too. A butt hurt Nick is an annoying Nick. I'm holding out hope that Pomp is attempting some sort of trickery of Tucker to win favor with Daddy. 

Why don't the Newbrats just put Victor in a home? Let him cool his emotional blackmailing ass in a facility where people are actually sick. 

Chelseas back? Why? I was hoping shenever resurfaced with no mention if her again except maybe  Connor saying that his life is better without her so he left her at Anitas. 

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On 11/3/2023 at 12:23 PM, Jaded said:

Phyllis is to Y&R like Carly is to General Hospital. Neither are a good thing IMHO.

Agreed but i'll give Young and the Restless, both the show & fanbase, credit here. Because unlike GH, Y&R doesn’t seem to have large swaths of the fandom that take up for and identify with Phyllis' shitty behavior like GH fans do for Carly. Nor does nearly every character in Genoa City kiss Phyllis' ass like most of Port Charles kisses Carly's. 

Outside of a few outliers(unsurprisingly on twitter it is the internet's septic tank after all) it seems more or less unanimous that Phyllis is a narcissistic garbage bin of a human being, too far gone to care about. Carly is a long time writers pet that'd be more palatable if she was just knocked down a few thousand pegs imo. There's just no saving Phyllis.

And while I'm on the subject, certain factions of B&B and DOOL fans aren't much better. I'm more understanding where DOOL is concerned since the lines are a bit less defined because everyone in Salem sucks in similar capacities. So it's a crapshoot no matter who you root for. 

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On 11/3/2023 at 6:19 PM, Gam2 said:

Can we please be done with Ashley and Tucker and their dysfunctional “marriage”? I  cannot listen to the same conversation any longer nor can I look at Ashley’s awful hair. 

DITTO!! I have always hated Ashley’s over bleached hair!  And her habit of slightly leaning forward while she swipes her bangs back with one hand!  EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

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ITA, MsMalin. The scene with baby Aria handsdown beat all the faux corporate intrigues and dysfunctional families and couples we've been tortured with by JG for too many months. I'm sorry, but I failed to get the scene where Adam was honestly expressing concern for his father, and Nick and Victoria were side-eyeing him. They know Victor is faking, as I understand the storyline. They should be giving Victor strange looks for continuing to carry out this charade on Adam, even if they despise Adam.  Personally, I think in this day and age, Victor's manipulative narcissistic behavior would be seen as toxic, pathological, and meeting every criteria of him deserving an in depth psychiatric evaluation. Victoria, Nikki, and Nick co-signing the continued gaslighting of Adam like this makes them equally ill. Just my opinion, a very sick storyline.


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I’m sorry but they are making Mariah and Tessa being overly dramatic about Aria’s hearing loss. Even without the ability to hear she would be a very functional part of society. On Big Brother right now is a deaf contestant in the final 3, on the Amazing Race the is a deaf contestant doing very well. Even Marlee Matlin won an Oscar and was able to compete on Dancing With The Stars.  Marlee couldn’t hear the music but she could feel the music. Mariah, I got news for you, Aria could grow up feeling different even if she could hear. Look at the Newmans and the Abbotts, they feel above it all from their penthouse offices to their elite estates.  Is it my imagination or is Sharon actually making sense in talking to Mariah and Tessa. Who would have thunk it. 

I’m so happy that they didn’t abuse the baby playing Aria by putting fake hearing aids in her ears. Playing with her ear is a natural thing that she does and the just had to wait until they can filming her doing so. All in all, Aria is a very adorable baby. 

Smugly Smug Smug you epically failed the test that Victor gave you by telling Groucho🥸🥸🥸 that Victor thinks he needs help when he swore you to secrecy.  Victor was testing if he was more loyal to him or Groucho🥸🥸🥸

There you go, it’s now Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 for throwing Adam under the bus.  I give you and your sister a major FUCK YOU!!  

Of course Claire has a hidden agenda. Why would we think there would be anything different?  Who’s aunt Jorden?  Let the speculation begin. 

On final thought, the board of heath would not think highly of Sharon serving coffee in a sequin jacket.  Ok I fibbed, there is another final final thought. Nikki has lost a lot of weight and it shows quite a bit in her face. I’m so glad that Nikki is embracing her wrinkles and has not resorted to a face lift or Botox. 


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Sharon's jacket. Yikes. As soon as I saw it I started humming 🎶"...like a rhinestone cowboy..."🎶 in my head.

Meanwhile, Nikki is loving her pantsuits. Seems like she has one in every color.

So now TGVN is supposedly making business deal mistakes. Unless Victor was pretty sure Victoria would catch them, that struck me as too risky a move to be part of a scheme. 🤔

Claire really wants to be up in Nikki's personal business. Hope she realizes what a cesspool she might be wading into, lol.

Yep, Victor knew Nate wouldn't keep his mouth shut about his mysterious mental condition. Nate violated doctor/patient confidentiality by telling Victoria, no? I hope Victor fires him. 😈

Whee, Nick straight up ratted on Adam to Victor right in front of Adam! Adam should've never trusted Nick with his plan.

Aw, Aria's wee apple cheeks. Yummy yum yum.

Was Claire lowkey flirting with Nate again? You go, girl! I don't what you're up to but if it includes taking down Partless, I am here for it.

Great staging of the scene where Aria hears her mommies for the first time. Got me right in the feels.

Finally Victor's going to tell everyone the truth about his rumored condition. Sure. I hope he does a headstand on his desk, yells a few sentences in gibberish, then somersaults out the door and down the executive stairwell. That'd leave them speechless.

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Tessa: Yay! We’re on again! I can’t believe it.

Mariah: I don’t know why. Aria’s hearing aids will definitely work. We never get any drama anymore.

Sharon: Feel free to share your predictable worries in tedious detail. I have a metric fuckton of prosaic, homespun wisdom nearing its expiration date.


Nikki Newman stands at her office window, catatonic. Her mind wanders back a few days to Victoria crabbing at her, the memory materializing in pretentious black and white. La dee da, someone sure thinks they’re a fancy pants.

Claire: Mrs. Newman, have you been replaced by a wax statue?

Nikki: Hmmm?

Claire: You seem stressed. I’m a good listener and in no way trolling for personal information. I just love my job. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? Is it one of your kids? Asking for a friend.

Nikki: My husband and I had a minor disagreement. Return to your desk and organize my post-it notes by color.


Nick: Your plan sucks and you suck. That’s two sucks for the price of one, you raggedy bargain basement bitch.

Adam: At least I have a plan.

Nick: Sure. Some fartknocker is gonna do a drive by on dad’s mental state. He’ll see it coming from a mile away.

Adam: Maybe. But I’m not going to stand by while a devious megalomaniac goes out with a whimper.

Nick: Megalomaniac was my favorite Transformer. Watch your mouth.


Victoria: Dad. What the actual fuck with this shipping contract?

Victor: Pardon? I’m going to meet Adam, k? We can discuss this tomorrow.

Victoria: I feel we should discuss it immediately. This is a terrible deal. The numbers make no sense. This company ships adult toys in plain brown wrappers and you want to give them ten million to move appliances? How can you justify this?

Victor: Glare.


Sharon: Everything is going to be fine. Everything is always fine.

Mariah: What if she hates wearing them? What if Aria pulls them out of her ears, eats them and then poops them out?

Tessa: Whoa. Let’s not make this too interesting.

Sharon: Aria will get used to them. I’d be more worried about her hearing all of the assholes who live in this town. 

Mariah: Some really dumb shit gets said in Genoa City. Nick, Summer, Billy, Nate, Phyllis, Summer…

Tessa: Maybe we should move.

Sharon: You two are absolute warriors for your daughter. Go on with your bad selves.

Tessa: I don’t want her to feel different. Like I want her to be who she is, but without society judging her. It would be cool to fit in too. You know what I mean?

Sharon: Aria will be unique. Just like everyone else.


Victor: You think I’m slipping? You dare ask me to justify myself? Ask Julius Caesar how that worked out for him, k? He got the Rubicon shoved up his ass, that’s how!

Victoria: You shoved a whole river up there? Come on, Dad.

Victor: You think I am too feeble? Ask Erik the Red where I stuck that poncy helmet with the horns!

Victoria: Maybe I missed something in the contract that makes it worthwhile. If you could explain-

Victor: Explain this. Victor rises from his chair and squeaks out an oily fart. I am going to meet Adam so we can get this merger of McCall and Newman Media started, k?

Nate: I can drive you.

Victor: Where the hell did you come from?

Victoria: About that meeting - 

Victor: You two are plotting against me. I won’t have it, k? I have a driver, a very good driver. His name is Butterscotch.

Victoria: …

Nate: …


Nick suddenly goes very still, his jaw slack and his eyes glassy. Saliva pools at the corner of his mouth. Monochromatic memories scroll by in slow motion. He’d forgotten about the fried mayo.

Adam: Why is it so difficult to believe I care about our father?

Nick: Hey, you didn’t say anything about a pop quiz.

Adam: I have done a lot for this family. I gave a kidney, remember? To your daughter.

Nick: Big deal. It’s pretty easy to live with three kidneys.

Adam: You know, I saved Faith during a health crisis. Chance defused an explosive device attached to her. Feel free to join the heroics any time.

Nick: Fuck you.

Adam: I took a bullet for dad. That’s pretty hardcore.

Nick: I took a pie for him once. Pecan. I hate pecan pie so you know the sacrifice was real.

Adam: You’re extremely unlikeable.

Victor: Ah, my two sons. What a wonderful surprise.

Nick: Shut your ass, Dad. I’m giving the orders around here.


Victoria: I gotta go make sure Adam doesn’t convince Dad to trust him.

Nate: I need to tell you something. It’s important.

Victoria: More important than one upping Adam?

Nate: Victor swore me to secrecy. He even made me sign my name in blood on some kind of scroll covered in runes. But I want to get laid, so I have to share this with you. Your father confided in me that he genuinely fears he’s losing his marbles.

Victoria: You’ve been holding out on me! Liar, liar parts on fire.

Nate: He just told me this. We worked out a solid plan to address it. I find him a doctor who is discreet, your dad takes a short leave of absence to get treated and in the meantime, you step in as acting CEO.

Victoria: I’m surprised you still have both cheeks attached after suggesting that.

Nate: He said he’d consider it.

Victoria: Then I’d better go seal the deal before Adam blows up my spot. Don’t flirt with any creepily earnest assistants while I’m gone.

Nate: What?


Mariah: Does anyone need me to recap the Aria saga?

Tessa: I think we should worry some more.

Dr. George: I’d be perfectly content just letting the baby do her thing instead of trying to bring the scriptwriter’s soporific prose to life.

Mariah: Good thinking. Wouldn’t it be sweet if she could gesture towards her ear when we talk to her?

Tessa: I guess it’s time to plug ‘em in off screen.

Dr. George: Thank you. It feels like thousands of people are watching me.

Commercial break.

Dr. George: All done.




Tessa: Oh alright. You’ve forced my hand. I’ll sing.


Nick: I came here to fuck up my brother and drink whiskey, and I’m all out of whiskey. This boob was going to spring a specialist on you and pretend it was a random encounter. What a dick.

Adam: You salty canned ham.

Victor: Is that true? Was this an ambush? I once was pursued by a small but ruthless clan of ninjas until my back was against a wall. I brandished my secret weapon and performed the dangerous “golden circle” maneuver. They say the steam can still be seen rising from the cobblestones in Osaka…

Adam: With all due respect, Dad, what the fuck? This is exactly why I did what I did.

Nick: Were any of the ninjas turtles?

Victoria: Daddy, I -

Victor: Just why are you here when I told you my plans? Did you think I would get lost?

Victoria: Uh, no. Nate wanted me to give Adam his lunch orders for the week. 

Adam: Was this a trap, Nick? You ratted me out immediately.

Nick: Shut your butt before I cut your nut.

Victor: You all can shut the hell up, you got that? We’re going back to the office. NOW!


Nate: You didn’t run into me today. Good spatial awareness.

Claire: Thanks! I strive to improve every facet of my performance so I can be Nikki’s best assistant ever.

Nate: You seem stressed.

Claire: I may have been too obvious fishing for information. I think Mrs. Newman caught on.

Nate: She would definitely tell you if you crossed a line. For a snooty, aristocratic wannabe, her people skills are atrocious.

Claire: Maybe we could get together sometime. You could teach me how to succeed at Newman without being a Newman.

Nate: Honestly, the best way to succeed here is to bone an elite tier Newman. Nick’s on the rebound and he is not picky.

Claire: He doesn’t work here though.

Nate: He’s Nikki’s favorite. But, uh, if you want to do things the difficult way, we could have coffee some afternoon while I dazzle you with my insights.

Claire: Yay!


Adam: Tattletale.

Nick: Corncob.

Victoria: Morons.

Nate: What the hell happened?

Nikki: I, too, would like to know.

Victor: It is time I told my family the truth! It all started in Mesopotamia…


Sharon: This order must be for Nikki Newman.

Claire: Are you psychic? Gosh, you must know her so well. Was she your mother-in-law? You must be the luckiest woman on the planet.

Sharon: Sure. You know, I also moonlight as a licensed therapist.

Claire: Maybe later. I have to take this super important call. It’s not from my mysterious aunt who is up to something shady and interesting, no sir! Dun dun dun!

Mariah: Guess what? Everything turned out fine.

Tessa: I sang. It was great.



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Shut your butt before I cut your nut.

Well, there's another one I have to stash away for future use. 🤯

So while the Newmans are experiencing all this Sturm und Drang regarding Victor's mental health, where is Abby? Has anyone bothered to read her in or will this be like the Ashland Locke situation? Nobody thinks of Abby until they need her help in a cover-up.

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10 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Nate: Victor swore me to secrecy. He even made me sign my name in blood on some kind of scroll covered in runes. But I want to get laid, so I have to share this with you. Your father confided in me that he genuinely fears he’s losing his marbles.

Victoria: You’ve been holding out on me! Liar, liar parts on fire.


Faith's bully was named Jordan.  Could she be Aunt Jordan, if Aunt Jordan is one of those aunts who is 20 years younger than their nieces and nephews because their dad was some horny old codger who knocked up his secretary late in his life?  Or does Josh have no memory of anything he wrote two years ago?


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Seriously though, what the fuck are the Newmans doing. Victor admitted he’s faking, Nikki, Victoria and Nick know he’s faking. Why does Victor keep putting on the act when he’s alone with them? Are we supposed to view this as Victor playing some 5d chess or what? Why do Victoria and Nick act brand new when their father puts on the forgetful follies? They’re actively gaslighting Adam and Nate. I do not like Partless, but this is kind of very gross. Goddamn, what a horrible family. I wish Adam would stop trying to win them over. Look at what an ungrateful dick Banana Butt was when Adam brought up the kidney. Fuck off, Newmans.

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Someone asked upthread whether JG actually remembers his prior scripts, could Victor's alleged memory loss storyline maybe be JG's cry for help? Because glad as I was to see Nate get the boot today, VIctoria, Nick and Nikki sitting there passively watching Victor's  chicanery unleashed on Adam and Nate, was repulsive to watch. You bring a family together, and test their loyalties by out and out deception, Grampire, cosigned by your wife and 2 of your kids? The only logical response for Nate after termination should be, "Thank yew!" I guess based on Lucy's wretched new haircolor and styling we're going to be seeing more of her. Wonder how long til she and her dad will be over at CW, creating a new video game to help teens navigate their parents divorce, while living in a penthouse? Does anyone else think the actress playing Chloe has had her lips plumped up to balance out her chipmunk cheeks? She looked stranger to me than her usual strange today.


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Hey, it's Abby.

Odd for Heather and Lucy to make such a big deal about moving into the GCAC. I'm pretty sure they've stayed there before. 🙄

Shut up, Chloe. Sally's good mood is due to the man who loves her, not the loser you keep telling her is a better guy. You stay being confidently wrong.

Wow, Victor actually admitted he's been having troubles with his mental faculties, and he's been trying to divert everyone's attention from it. I did not see that coming.

Meh, I don't know about Abby's advice to Devon, particularly the part regarding Mamie and Nate. She barely knows Mamie, especially this "new and improved" Ms. Moneybags version. And IMO Abby is somewhat blasé about her ex-lover Nate's potential shadiness.

Sally still didn't dare mention to her so-called bestie Chloe that she just spent the night with Adam. Hmm.

Nikki, Victoria, and Nick remained united in deeming Adam The Total Threat. Unbeknownst to them, however, Nate had pretty much assumed control of the "Victor's not well" narrative. The call wasn't coming from inside the house exactly but it was probably in the garage.

I can't decide if I liked Sally's coat or not. The twisted yarn fringe was interesting to me in a "did those fall off Mamie's head?" kind of way. 😼

How many bedrooms does Daniel's new place have? He already promised a room to Danny and then today he told Lucy she'd have one too. 🤔

Of course they're not going to send Victor away to a treatment facility. Not on this cheapa$$ show. Nah, Daddy Vic will be getting all his care from the ranch's living room. Bet.

Dang, that smug look Heather threw at Lily from inside Daniel's apartment. Brr.

WHAT THE WHAT!!!!!!! Victor fired Nate! I'm not mad but I don't quite see why he did it...yet. Lucky for Nate he's meeting Devon for drinks later. He better take a copy of his updated resume, lol.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Mrs Chipmunk’s voice is almost as annoying as Taz🌪️ voice. I can’t imagine waking up every morning, to their voices, before having coffee. 

I know I’m beating a dead horse when I keep asking this question but what is the reason Lucy can’t live with her father?  Daniel’s apartment has two bedrooms but he offers the bedroom to Danny.  Quite randomly Daniel mentions that Lucy will have her own room so does that mean there is 3 bedrooms and Heather will be staying there also?  Very confusing dialog. 

Smugly Smug Smug please STFU. You are not looking for the best interest of Victor. You are not looking out for Victor’s the best interest. It would be in the best interest of you and Groucho🥸🥸🥸. You want to put Victor in a facility and Groucho🥸🥸🥸 once again is elevated to the top spot at NE. What’s to keep you Smugly Smug Smug from having, the facility you’re friendly with to have Victor committed with a bogus diagnosis.  Adam comes up with an excellent solution and Groucho🥸🥸🥸actually agrees with Adam. Knock me over with a feather.  For me this is a moot point because this is still a test and I was right. Smugly Smug Smug failed miserably and gets his ass canned setting up his return to CW.  It was as obvious as the 👃 on Nostrils’ face. 

Mrs Chipmunk, go suck lemons. Did Daniel hire you or did he hire Sally?  So keep your suggestions to your self.  


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Just a couple of minor points, but seeing Abby today and then seeing the rest of the kids gathered in Victor’s office made me realize how easy it is to forget that she’s the fourth child. When was the last time they had a scene together?

Also, I know we haven’t seen the Williams house in 15 years lol, but why wouldn’t Heather and Lucy stay there in the short term? We wouldn’t have to see it, but just hear about it in passing.

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6 minutes ago, Zemiar said:

Drive-by comment, as I'm still catching up— It seems to me that Nate acted from a physician's POV and that put a target on his back. Victor could also be in cahoots with that aunt who's name I can't stand. Either way, he needs to be put in the "loony bin" for real.

Completely agree. I don't know what "game" Victor's been playing, but he asked Nate to act like a doctor, and that's what he did. And for that, he gets fired? Whether Victor gets sent away to a facility, or brings doctors and equipment to his house, he can't be visibly at the head of his company right now. So, Mighty Newmans, what IS the plan?

I'm no fan of this smug, self-righteous version of Nate, but he got a raw deal with this. But at least now he can go back to his family fold with his tail between his legs. Swimming in the Newman cesspool was always going to be a lose-lose for him.

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Ok, I know I'm a dense himbo, but I'm so confused!  Is Victor faking?  Or is he faking the faking, or is he faking that he faked the faking?  Does anyone have some Advil? 

I have to agree that it didn't seem like Nate had any nefarious intentions, although he did straight-up lie to Victor about his discretion, and Victoria knew he was lying.

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2 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Ok, I know I'm a dense himbo, but I'm so confused!  Is Victor faking?  Or is he faking the faking, or is he faking that he faked the faking?  Does anyone have some Advil? 

I have to agree that it didn't seem like Nate had any nefarious intentions, although he did straight-up lie to Victor about his discretion, and Victoria knew he was lying.

As I posted before, Victor was testing Smugly Smug Smug in telling him that was to keep this totally confidential and not to tell anybody.  He didn’t comply and told Groucho🥸🥸🥸.  Victor, in all likelihood, agreed with Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍 about not trusting Smugly Smug Smug. In a way Victor was not all that trusting of Groucho🥸🥸🥸’s taste in choosing a partner since the Locke debacle.  Groucho🥸🥸🥸saved herself by agreeing with Adam that Victor should not go to a “facility” and not knowing that Smugly Smug Smug would suggest that Grouco🥸🥸🥸 take back the leather chair at NE.  Thus Smugly Smug Smug also gain an elevated status at NE. 

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Am I going to hell because I couldn't give a rats ass about Aria and her earabella aids? And with two BIG FACES up in your grill, of course the kid is looking back and forth. If she's lucky she still.cant hear her two idiot moms jibber jabber 24/7. Quiet will be Aria's blessing, not a curse, with those two nitwits.

Also, I'm so fucking over The Great Peepaw Caper of 2023 BUT, I'm totally good with firing Side Part's ass. Soooo good with that. 

I think Dickolas needs to.go to the vet and be neutered.

Edited by surfgirl
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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wow, Victor actually admitted he's been having troubles with his mental faculties, and he's been trying to divert everyone's attention from it. I did not see that coming.

Did he, though?  I'm not at all sure what the hell happened.  He was flat out lying, I thought, at first, and I never knew when the lies stopped and the truth began or even if it began.  

I understand even less than I care, and now, this late in life, thanks to this storyline, I finally understand what negative numbers mean.

If only, when Count Chocula barked out, "You're fired", the camera had panned to Josh Griffith.  But at least Side Part has been made into a Spare Part, though.

I still don't know if Victor is actually any more mentally impaired than he has been for the last 40 years, but I know that my mental acuity has taken a hit due to this storyline.

I don't know if Abby should start charging her supposed family full price for their meals in retaliation for being left out of all of this or send each of them a fruit basket in thanks for leaving her in the dark.

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I can’t decide if Heather is annoyingly dull or dully annoying.

Isn’t it convenient that Part gets fired just when Devon and Lily are thawing out towards him? Josh Griffith really keeps us guessing with those Everest sized anvils he drops. The dementia cosplay is JG gaslighting the audience now. Maybe that’s giving him too much credit, though, because I’m not entirely sure he knows where the fuck any of this Newman bullshit is going.

Hey, Sally is going to partner up with Chloe again, but her joy at receiving vitamin A injections will cause friction. Wow! Telegraph it louder in case someone living in a Siberian cave missed it, JG! 

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

NinjaP ... "dementia cosplay" is brilliant and made me snort laugh this morning.  Thenk yew. 😎

For all that I can't stand Nate, I have to say that the actor is better than Nick, Sharon, Victor, Phyllis.  Off the top of my head.



Just a thought for the folks you mentioned.  I don't think any of them would even notice they were gone.

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16 hours ago, Zemiar said:

It seems to me that Nate acted from a physician's POV and that put a target on his back.

I was actually on Nate's side in this.  The family taking care of him at home and deciding what he has and how to treat it is not a good idea.  They don't know shit and Dr. Google is not going to help.  Even if they have a live in doctor/medical staff, no one is going to listen to them if it's not what they want to hear.  I say leave it to the outside professionals.  And maybe I'm losing my memory a little too, but I thought at first Nate was just suggesting to get a diagnosis and then proceed from there. Where did this lock-him-up plan come from?


16 hours ago, TVForever said:

but he got a raw deal with this

which will make it so much easier for Lily and Devon to hire him back.  Pity fuck hire!  (I hope Mamie will not be right there to offer comfort and unasked for advice and demand they hire him 'for the fambly'.)

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Did he, though?  I'm not at all sure what the hell happened.  He was flat out lying, I thought, at first, and I never knew when the lies stopped and the truth began or even if it began.  

Yeah, I know, JG is trying to be all tricky with it. Plus I doubt EB wants to have Victor looking weak. But Victor getting the upper hand by making it seem like it was all a ruse to expose whoever he couldn't trust makes sense to me. So IMO he really is impaired but he secretly gets treatment via those occasional business trips of his and no one's the wiser. Including Nikki.

And speaking of Nikki, can someone remind me what her issue is against Nate?

What I don't get is why Victor put his family through all of this just to get rid of Nate. He could've fired him weeks ago. I guess we're going to find out he mostly did it at Mamie's behest but since when are Daddy Vic and Auntie M such chums? Now Mamie is rolling with three billionaires? (Four if you count Tucker.) Oh puhleeze.


I assumed Daniel’s condo has at least 3 bedrooms so Daniel, Danny & Lucy would each get one.

Apparently, but it doesn't seem to have a second level like Lily and Nate's penthouses or Adam's condo so I figured it only had two bedrooms. Maybe it's like Dr. Who's TARDIS and is way bigger inside than it looks.


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I swear to God if the Adam bashing doesn't stop I am going to smash my tv. It actually infuriates me now. And I wish Dickalous would just go in a corner and jerk off. What is his fucking problem?😠

4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And speaking of Nikki, can someone remind me what her issue is against Nate?

He is porking her daughter. 🐖

Edited by MsMalin
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My building has 3 bed 2 bath condos all on one floor. Sadly unless they build new sets we’ll probably never know. 😃


I’m not a Nate fan, but when he was yelling at the Newmans…his likability factor with me shot up a bit. Anyone telling them what creeps they are makes me happy. 

And now we know Sharon is the reason Summer knows so she has only herself to blame for Summer’s bedside vigil. 

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MTS really has lost a lot of weight!  Funny when she was bigger the people in wardrobe put her in fitted clothing with huge belts making her look like a stuffed sausage sometimes yet now with her weight loss she is in loose fitting pant suits.  Go figure.  Her hair needs to be cut…AGAIN!  

Sharon sitting across from Nina at the coffee shop.  Is Sharon older than Nina or about her age?  

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