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Quarantine Watching: Movies to Cope

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1 hour ago, Dandesun said:

I drunk bought The Blues Brothers the other day because it's one of my favorite musicals. (Even if it's only for the scene at Ray's Music Exchange... that's what tips it over to musical for me.)

Obviously I have no regrets.

Yes! Another perfect movie for now! Oh John Belushi, I miss you so much. We could've used you for laughs right now, but nooooooooooo....

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10 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

If you're like me and been feeling a lot of rage these days, I recommend Inglourious Basterds. Especially that last sequence at the theater. Its very soothing.

I love that movie! Its so much fun watching them killing Nazis. Its only Tarantino movie that I've ever watched and wanted to watch. And the end its so great. I expected something to happen to prevent that since it didn't happen in real life. But it did. And yes its so soothing watching it happened. The only thing I do hate is I wish they killed that one high Nazi who figured out what was going on and helped them. Come on, Pitt takes him all the way out into the woods but then doesn't kill him? Why not? He could easily kill him and get away with it. He already made the remarked about his bosses being unhappy. So then just kill him. He deserved it. But other then that. Its a great movie. 

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1 hour ago, andromeda331 said:

I love that movie! Its so much fun watching them killing Nazis. Its only Tarantino movie that I've ever watched and wanted to watch. And the end its so great. I expected something to happen to prevent that since it didn't happen in real life. But it did. And yes its so soothing watching it happened. The only thing I do hate is I wish they killed that one high Nazi who figured out what was going on and helped them. Come on, Pitt takes him all the way out into the woods but then doesn't kill him? Why not? He could easily kill him and get away with it. He already made the remarked about his bosses being unhappy. So then just kill him. He deserved it. But other then that. Its a great movie. 

Well, the movie ending with his screams of agony as they carved a swatstika into his forehead almost makes up for it.

My one gripe is that Shoshanna didn't live to witness her revenge. Worse, she wound up getting killed by the douchey Nice Guy Nazi because she had a moment of misplaced pity after she shot him. When she heard him moan she should have just fired another bullet into the back of his head. He was a fucking Nazi, she didn't owe him shit!

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4 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

I love that movie! Its so much fun watching them killing Nazis. Its only Tarantino movie that I've ever watched and wanted to watch. And the end its so great. I expected something to happen to prevent that since it didn't happen in real life. But it did. And yes its so soothing watching it happened. The only thing I do hate is I wish they killed that one high Nazi who figured out what was going on and helped them. Come on, Pitt takes him all the way out into the woods but then doesn't kill him? Why not? He could easily kill him and get away with it. He already made the remarked about his bosses being unhappy. So then just kill him. He deserved it. But other then that. Its a great movie. 

I actually like that Landa was spared, but marked.  Now he has to live the rest of his life with a brand he cannot cover.  He was a snake who jumped ship when it was convenient for him, and cut a deal to avoid prosecution.  

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Did I mention Bend it Like Beckham? LOVE IT!

And gems like this one:

After Jules’ mum accused Jess of being a lesbian at her sister’s wedding, in front of ALL her family, one of the aunties says:

”Lesbian? Her birthday’s in March. She’s a Pisces.”


”No she’s not Lebanese. She’s Punjabi “ by Tony’s mum.


Jess’s mum is just like mine! The ranting about “running half naked” whenever I would wear shorts and when she said No more football (American) for you! when puberty hit.

Or when Joe is about to kiss Jess after the wedding and she hesitates and Joe pulls back and says Your father’s not here, is he?”


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Or when Tony tells Jess that he’s gay, her reaction just makes me 😂😂😂

”But, you’re...Indian! 

I swear, once the World is safe and I visit my parents, I’m gonna watch this again with me mum. Just to point my finger at her and tell her that she’s Sukhi!!😂😂😂

And this isn’t a movie, and only available on Netflix, but Trevor Noah’s Afraid of the Dark for his accents alone! His Russian and Indian ones had me 😂😂😂😂😂

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I know I already mentioned Continental Divide earlier on this thread, but I watched it again last night and I so wish I could just hide in the mountains like John Belushi and Blair Brown until this whole miserable mess is over.

And I only just found out that Allen Garfield, who played Belushi's editor in the movie, died of covid back in April. Man, fuck this year!!!

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Watching Coneheads on AMC. Yes, it's a crappy SNL movie but we're all in the garbage heap now. And it's fun to watch the 70s and 90s SNL greats in a movie together. Boy, I miss Phil Hartman and Chris Farley...

It's also funny in a sweet way how everyone just accepts the Coneheads despite their obvious physical differences. 

Reading that Dan Aykroyd came up with the original SNL skit via smoking a joint does not shock me in the least 😂😂😂😂

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I've watched Coherence several times in the last two weeks. It's about friends at a dinner party as a comet passes over causing... well, I won't spoil it. There's a lot to take in, so it keeps me engaged even after watching it a few times. Trying to figure out all that happened gives me something unimportant to think about, which is nice. It's also nice to watch a dinner party, since I can't actually go to a dinner party!

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Now I’m in a Hugh Jackman kick. Most recent I just watched on my teevee (as I did watch the theatrical release) was Prisoners.

I had forgotten that the movie ended on an ambiguous note. I found myself hoping that Gyllenhaal’s blinkblinkblink detective figured out where Dover was and got him out.

Jackman really is an amazing actor-his Portrayal of rage and especially grief of a father who thinks his whole world is gone just gutted me.

And it can’t be repeated enough as I just watched this as well: aside from Sir Patrick Stewart as Xavier, Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto, and newbie/unknown Hugh Jackman as Logan, which was perfect casting, the casting of everyone else just SUCKED. Not only were Barry, Marsden, and Janssen HORRIBLE as Storm, Cyclops, and Jean, they portrayed them as weak and ineffectual mutants. They got their asses handed to them for 99% of the movie.

So I just 😒😒😒😒🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 when Singer says he was “true to the characters.” And disappointed that Stan Lee agreed.

But hey, at least my cofavorite X-Man was spot on by Jackman. Yeah, I love BOTH Cyc and Logan.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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14 minutes ago, twoods said:

Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightly one) is on Netflix and I picked that movie over the dozen movies I haven’t watched yet because I absolutely adore it. Her chemistry with Matthew MacFayden was off the charts, especially that swoon worthy rain scene. I also thought the other actors were perfectly cast. 

I like that one. 

So, I finally watched The Big Lebowski. Over the years, I've seen clips, the numerous references in TV and movies and I thought, a ridiculously relaxed dude, that's what I need during this pandemic.

I have to admit, I don't get it. The dude's excessive manspreading, incredibly annoying Walter, and then in the end, their poor friend dies. Is the point, life is stupid and then your friends get you killed?

It's got a few amusing moments, the progressively worsening car being one of them, and Peter Stormare is hilarious but overall, it felt mostly meandering towards a pointless end and I had a hard time paying attention. Maybe I should not have been sober?

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On 8/8/2020 at 10:57 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Ocean's 8 was on TV, perfect timing. The costume and jewelry porn almost makes up for not having the actual Met Gala this year.

It's also a great "fuck the patriarchy" movie.

I was disappointed when it first came out, because I expected it to be like the best movie ever.  Two years of hype leading up to a film just leads to disaster.

But now, it's become one of my rewatchable favourites.  Almost anything Sandra Bullock is good.

On 8/13/2020 at 10:40 AM, supposebly said:

So, I finally watched The Big Lebowski. Over the years, I've seen clips, the numerous references in TV and movies and I thought, a ridiculously relaxed dude, that's what I need during this pandemic.

I have to admit, I don't get it. The dude's excessive manspreading, incredibly annoying Walter, and then in the end, their poor friend dies. Is the point, life is stupid and then your friends get you killed?

It's got a few amusing moments, the progressively worsening car being one of them, and Peter Stormare is hilarious but overall, it felt mostly meandering towards a pointless end and I had a hard time paying attention. Maybe I should not have been sober?

I didn't get it the first time either.  This is the kind of thing you need to watch a few times.  I was OBSESSED with it in the 2000s.  I think it's really good.  Really funny.  It's in my top 20 or 50 now.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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On 8/13/2020 at 11:34 AM, Shannon L. said:

That's how I feel about every Coen brothers movie I've ever watched. I never even bothered with The Big Lebowski.

I recently was shocked to find out I like a lot of Coen brothers movies, because I really can't handle violence.

Lebowski is by far my favourite, but Barton Fink, The Hudsucker Proxy, O Brother Where Art Thou, and True Grit are all 4 or 5 star movies as well for me.  

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On 8/8/2020 at 9:57 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Ocean's 8 was on TV, perfect timing. The costume and jewelry porn almost makes up for not having the actual Met Gala this year.

It's also a great "fuck the patriarchy" movie.

I’ll have to watch that! I liked it when it came out but I haven’t thought about it in a while. 

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I rented Mr. Destiny on a lark: it's basically a version of It's A Wonderful Life where Michael Caine gives Jim Belushi an alternate life where he's a rich executive. It's pretty cute.

Ironically, with the "everything happens for a reason, even when it feels like it sucks" theme, all I can think is I wish that we were ALL living in an alternate timeline. Unless...this is the nightmare universe. 

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Watched Venom yesterday. It was fun in a dumb B-movie kind of way. But you really can't think too hard about anything that's happening, it's super ridiculous LOL. I did think that Tom Hardy gave the perfect OTT scenery chewing performance such nonsense pulp fiction really needs. He was a major part of the fun. OTOH, Michelle Williams had the worst wig ever and for all her talent just came across as way too serious for the whole movie. You need to match a certain tone with cartoons like that, and IMO she missed.

Edited by katha
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33 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Recent current events and @GHScorpiosRule got me to watch All the President's Men in its entirety, and it's ironic that a political thriller would actually be so soothing after this week.

And may I just say Robert Redford truly is one of the greats.

When watching it through today's lens, it's even more impressive.  We're so accustomed to having so much information in an instant, right at our fingertips, w/o even leaving the home or office, that scenes like the one with them going through all of those phone books look excruciating. It made me appreciate even more what investigators of any kind had to do back then.

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I finally watched 'North by Northwest' the other day. I mean, Cary Grant is a go to. And I somehow managed to go my entire life without really knowing the plot. All I really knew of the movie was that scene with the plane.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it even with the absolute lunacy of the chase scene down Mount Rushmore. And also the house that was just... you know, THERE somehow on the top of Mount Rushmore but still within a small driving distance from the heads? I don't know. Hitchcock, I guess.

Also, one of the funniest final lines I've ever heard.

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Watched The Great Muppet Caper on Disney+ and the chief at Kermit and Fozzie's newspaper was the same actor who played Woodward and Bernstein's boss! Probably did that on purpose.

Any Muppet movie is always therapeutic for now, but all the in-jokes and fourth wall breaks in this one had me howling. Favorite line was Miss Piggy screaming at Charles Grodin "You can't even sing, your voice was dubbed!!!!!"

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I don’t know why but no matter what time of the day it’s on, I will always watch Hitch if it’s on TV. I know it’s on Netflix and I don’t have to worry about commercials but I’ve watched parts of it at least 3 times since quarantine. It still makes me laugh- Will Smith and Kevin James we’re so good together. 

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I know it's a classic. I don't know why. All three characters are morally repugnant. The movie is too long and finishes too late. That destroys any kind of theme Leone was going for. What is Blondie's character arc? He rescues condemned prisoners, only to turn them in for the money, then rescues them again. At the end, he gets away with the money, then frees Tuco one last time.

Does Tuco learn any kind of lesson? Not obviously. I can imagine he'll quickly spend what gold he retrieves, then go straight back to crime. Assuming he doesn't bump into Blondie again, his luck will run out eventually.

Angel Eyes is certainly bad. But he has moments of humanity even outside his goal. Yeah, shades of grey. Yeah, complex villain. But the problem is the end.

It should have stopped at the showdown. All three are worried one of the others will shoot them. But whoever shoots first gets shot by the last one. It's a great mexican standoff, ruined by Blondie killing Angel Eyes, safe in the knowledge that Tuco's gun was unloaded. Tension gone. If it had stopped at the showdown, you'd have a great theme. Greed is bad. It'll get you killed. Great music, great acting, great scenery... great everything except the actual story.

On the other hand, For a Few Dollars More is really good! I can't put my finger on exactly what I like about it, outside a couple of out-clevering scenes. Eastwood and Van Cleef really work well together. But the whole thing just really comes together nicely.

Did Lee Van Cleef ever play a straight up hero? I'm not sure it'd work. He makes a really good amoral mercenary type. But I'd like to see anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Anduin said:

Did Lee Van Cleef ever play a straight up hero?

Sort of? He was in Escape From New York playing Hauk, the guy who sends Snake Plissken after the President. More like a very gray hat rather than an out and out villain, but it was probably the closest thing to a hero he portrayed.

On ‎09‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 1:01 PM, Dandesun said:

I finally watched 'North by Northwest' the other day. I mean, Cary Grant is a go to. And I somehow managed to go my entire life without really knowing the plot. All I really knew of the movie was that scene with the plane.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it even with the absolute lunacy of the chase scene down Mount Rushmore. And also the house that was just... you know, THERE somehow on the top of Mount Rushmore but still within a small driving distance from the heads? I don't know. Hitchcock, I guess.

Also, one of the funniest final lines I've ever heard.

This is one of my very favorite movies, so I'm willing to hand-wave the house on top of Mount Rushmore.  A friend gave me the dvd for Christmas one year - I think I'm going to have to get it out and watch it.

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On 9/3/2020 at 8:47 PM, Scarlett45 said:

I’m watching A Perfect Murder, for some reason it popped in my mind during work today and I remembered how much I liked it. 

Oh I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this movie.  It's in my top 20 !  I watch it like almost every year, I'm serious.  LOL.

On 9/19/2020 at 12:43 AM, twoods said:

I don’t know why but no matter what time of the day it’s on, I will always watch Hitch if it’s on TV. I know it’s on Netflix and I don’t have to worry about commercials but I’ve watched parts of it at least 3 times since quarantine. It still makes me laugh- Will Smith and Kevin James we’re so good together. 

Another great movie and favourite of mine.  The definition of a feel good movie.  

I've watched it many times.

I remember once I turned it on at 1 AM and I didn't stop until it was finished.  And when it was done all I could think was that I was excited to see it again soon.  LOL.

I actually like Will and Eva in it so much that I hope they are friends outside of the movie.  It seems like at least they're friendly so that makes me happy.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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33 minutes ago, kiddo82 said:

Do you do the same movies every year?  Or cycle in new?

P.S.  I love Sleepy Hallow

I have certain ones that always make the list, and I try to have 4-5 new ones that I’ve never seen before. 

This is my list this year. A (*)means never before seen. Bold means it’s guaranteed a spot on my list. 

 Nights of Halloween 2020


Hocus Pocus

Sleepy Hollow

Crimson Peak

Sabrina the teenage witch

The Blair Witch Project


Death Becomes Her

Red Riding Hood

The Witch*

House on Haunted Hill*

The Haunted Mansion


The Invisible Man*

28 Days Later

Corpse Bride

10 Cloverfield Lane*

Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters

The Exorcist*

Interview with a Vampire

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty



Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

Nightmare Before Christmas

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