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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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As if Cody has a say in the matter:). I'm sure Derrick hasn't decided who goes next week. When he does, Derrick will manipulate Cody's mind into Cody telling Derrick he wants out exactly who Derrick wants out. Silly boy with your strong independent thoughts!  I bet you are going to call out Frankie too, aren't you Cody!

Edited by pennben
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I would love Frankie to get wind of this conversation.  I don't doubt Derrick wants Frankie out next.   I think he may be under the impression that Frankie could win jury votes.  He is not seeing what Fankies says and does as we do.  He is thinking get the strong out.  Zack is a waste of vote but they are still in eliminate one who will not cause ripples in the house. 

As if Cody has a say in the matter:). I'm sure Derrick hasn't decided who goes next week. When he does, Derrick will manipulate Cody's mind next week into Cody telling Derrick he wants out exactly who Derrick wants out next week. Silly boy with your strong independent thoughts!  I bet you are going to call out Frankie too, aren't you Cody!


Other than a self-induced strike out with Brittany/Paola/Amber, cuddling with Christine, and being Derrick's puppet, what has Cody done in this game?  Oh yeah, he won an HOH; but considering who was his partner in winning that, is it really a certifiable win?  Dislike Frankie all you want, and I do!, but he's a bit of a beast himself when it comes to comps [at least 3 HOHs, 1 BOB, and a Veto].  Oh wait, I almost forgot; he plays a lot of pool.  That has to count for something, right??


So yeah, Cody, Donny [w/ an HOH, & numerous BOBs and Veto's] is just 'skating through' the game.  You keep 'playing' as incredibly hard as you have been, kid!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I was just saying earlier to Mr. Irritable how rare it is to even see Cody upright, much less actually doing anything besides lay around bitching about something while getting head and body rubs.  When he sits up at the table to eat, it looks like an effort.  He says Veto competitions just aren't his thing, and I wonder, what exactly IS your thing, Cody, because I can only recall you winning one HoH and nothing else.  I'm not sure what he is using to measure his awesomeness, exactly, when he talks about how useless other people are.


I've been trying to find the stats on what each person has won so far, and their popularity rankings, with no luck.  Would someone mind hooking a sister up with a link?  I'd really appreciate it, and promise not to put you up if I win HoH next week. 

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I was just saying earlier to Mr. Irritable how rare it is to even see Cody upright, much less actually doing anything besides lay around bitching about something while getting head and body rubs.  When he sits up at the table to eat, it looks like an effort.  He says Veto competitions just aren't his thing, and I wonder, what exactly IS your thing, Cody, because I can only recall you winning one HoH and nothing else.  I'm not sure what he is using to measure his awesomeness, exactly, when he talks about how useless other people are.


I've been trying to find the stats on what each person has won so far, and their popularity rankings, with no luck.  Would someone mind hooking a sister up with a link?  I'd really appreciate it, and promise not to put you up if I win HoH next week


I'd do it, but I don't want to get blood on my hands.  Sorry!


(well that, and I don't where to look for such things, either)

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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From Hamsterwatch:


HOHs in order, *indicates the surviving HOH
Frankie/Caleb*, Amber/Devin*, Nicole/Derrick*, Cody*/Frankie, Frankie*/Zach, Nicole*/Donny, Caleb, Nicole/Christine*, Derrick/Frankie*

BOB wins in order
Brittany/Victoria, Hayden/Nicole, Amber/Donny, Amber/Jocasta, Christine/Nicole, Caleb/Victoria, (none), Frankie/(Caleb), Donny/Christine

Veto wins in order
Donny, Devin, Donny, Victoria, Hayden, Christine, Donny, Zach, Frankie


Popularity from folks that vote at Jokers (by week):


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Thanks, wings707!  I have never seen FORT, I will check it out.  I looked all over the CBS site thinking that is the first place the hamsters will look to see their rank and couldn't find a thing.


I rarelywatchtv36, you're my next target!!!


Thank you, duskyliterati!  I'll make you a sandwich next time you finish being a Have Not.  So Cody really has only won 1 competition total.  And no one in the house is talking about the fact that he is even less of a threat than Victoria.  Makes perfect sense!


It makes me beam with joy that Joey is still to this day ranking higher than Frankie and Christine.  BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  And that Cody is only on the entire chart something like 4 times.  ZING!

Edited by Irritable
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Thanks, wings707!  I have never seen FORT, I will check it out.  I looked all over the CBS site thinking that is the first place the hamsters will look to see their rank and couldn't find a thing.


I rarelywatchtv36, you're my next target!!!


That's alright, Irritable, I'll just talk to Derrick.  He'll turn your opinion, thought process, and game around in no time.


I'm not above hiding behind someone else to save my game.  :)

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Cody does realize it, but whenever he mentions how much of a LITERAL loser he is in this game, whoever he's talking to always says something to excuse it, like "well, that was a REALLY hard competition" and then he nods and says, "Yeah, it was", and seems to feel a little better.  I need for people to instead say, "Yeah, Cody, I was surprised you lost again, I thought for sure this time you would finally win something, but even Victoria lasted longer than you did."


I laugh whenever Caleb loses, and then goes on and on to people about how he ALMOST won, and details how close he was and the millisecond between him winning and the reason that millisecond cost him the win.  It's like he really still technically thinks he won, but someone else just won a second sooner.  He is the winner even when he loses, because he still lost better than the other losers. 

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I think there was a zing from Zingbot about Cody being pointless or worthless.  He was talking about it right at the beginning of BBAD, but the zing itself isn't explained.  I think also something about Zac Efron, and he was trying to say that compared to Zac Efron of course he's a nobody but people "DEFINITELY know who he is in the game".  I don't think he knows at all that he's become an invisible character on the broadcast episodes. (Other than hitting himself in the face)


I dunno if there will be a Christine/Cody segment.  The best thing about all of that was Caleb making fun of them in HoH earlier this week, but Nicole was in the room, so they can't show that without some fancy editing. Or I guess they could do the "Day 56" or whatever day overlay like they did in the Victoria cries to Derrick montage. But tonight they have to have nominations, which includes the Skittles draw, plus the BoB competition.  Might be a little tight.  More likely today than Wednesday though where they have POV, Zingbot, renoms and TA challenge. Unless they put TA on Thursday.... they clearly had room in the Thursday show this past week!

I can hardly recall when Cody did a DR or what he talked about. He literally has gotten an invisible edit. Of course, it would also require him to actually do something besides fondle Christine. I think TPTB thought he was going to be the stud challenge jock. Instead, he's pretty much in bed all the time & Derrick has been doing all the work. That said, he'll probably make the Final 2.

I can't believe Frankie is saying to Derrick that he's putting up Zach and even thinking of taking Cody down as a way for them all to be closer! Please let Frankie be lying about putting Zach up. I mean, I would love for Frankie to blow up his own game, but I can't bear for anyone to be so oblivious. Frankie even told Derrick that putting up Victoria would be best for his own game when Derrick said, "Do what's best for your game."

So Frankie just suggested to Caleb that, for his speech during the Veto ceremony, he should just suck Frankie's dick a lot. Then I imagined him saying that to a woman, and how much worse that would come off. Since we know this show will never address sexism against women, I wonder if they would ever show how Frankie basically sexually harasses the other guys. Whatever, apparently this show just loves to cast men who are dickheads.

Edited by Liqidclark
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So now it appears that Zach will be blamed for the missing stuff during the meeting in which he will be informed he's being put up and voted out. Frankie said "We'll use him one more time."

Wow. I thought he deserved a portion of the TA $$$ weeks ago after being used as a fall guy for them.

Edited by TimWil

I can't believe Frankie is saying to Derrick that he's putting up Zach and even thinking of taking Cody down as a way for them all to be closer! Please let Frankie be lying about putting Zach up. I mean, I would love for Frankie to blow up his own game, but I can't bear for anyone to be so oblivious. Frankie even told Derrick that putting up Victoria would be best for his own game when Derrick said, "Do what's best for your game."



The plan as always been to back door Zack since they decided who to nominate.   I don't see this changing.  They are all on a bonding high. 

So now it appears that Zach will be blamed for the missing stuff during the meeting in which he will be informed he's being put up and voted out. Frankie said "We'll use him one more time."

Wow. I thought he deserved a portion of the TA $$$ weeks ago after being used as a fall guy for them.


Seriously. He's been my unofficial TA since the beginning. Too bad America didn't vote for him, he would have had a lot of fun with it! 

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This is why I will be voting for Zach for America's favorite.  Donny is going to get $15K (20? can't remember bc TA is stupid) that Zach actually did the "work" for.  Donny seems like a lovely person, but Derrick was the strategy of the season and will be rewarded with his $500K and Zach was the entertainment of the season and should get the $25K. Donny can take his TA money and be quite happy with it I imagine.

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I consider everything happening to Zach to be fair game. If he was in on doing this to someone else, he would be positively giddy planning their downfall. Kind of like he was the week of Amber's eviction. So yeah, no pity from me. 


I understand, and agree, where you're coming from... but I can't wish out Donny's last hope for someone to be on his side, even just the teeniest, slightest bit.  Yeah, Zach is Zach, but at least he can - & does - lend a faux-sympathetic ear to Donny occasionally. 


But with the most likely combined HOH/Juror re-entry comp this week, Zach may not leave at all; or hopefully either (or both) Hayden/Nicole come back and team with Donny to go after Derrick [& Cody, by extension].

Can Donny out Team America?  He totally should if not as soon as they lay the blame on Zach then as Donny is headed out the door.

If I remember correctly, any member of TA can tell others about their own involvement but they cannot out any of the other members. If they do so, they forfeit any winnings.


These guys are going to make a huge deal out of their stuff being gone yet some of them, Caleb in particular, have taken things from other HGs - Amber's bunny slippers, her make up brushes, Donny's overalls, etc. I'm starting to think that Caleb came into the house with nothing of his own.

The paranoia from this TA task right now is pretty amusing, I have to admit. It just sucks that it's putting all the heat on the only entertaining housemate, Zach. They all think he's the saboteur, and Caleb has already suggested that Zach be nominated and voted out for that reason.


It's also really creepy seeing Derrick, an officer of the law, so easily frame an innocent person.


Edit: It's actually kind of smart of Zach to confess to being the saboteur, because he wouldn't be allowed to confess if he truly was working in secret. Also, he likes the attention.

Edited by Liqidclark
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And she knows exactly which empty slot she wants to put it in.  ;-)



[oh man, I really went there.  but they make it so easy!  *puts head down in shame*]

C-c-carefulllll - if youuurrrre putting your head down anywhere near C-C-Cody, you might have to get C-C-Christine's head out of the way firrrst!!!


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This is spiralling out of control. If Zach ends up being put up and voted out because he's thought of as being The Saboteur (and it will have sprung from a TA mission) then this show is in deep doo doo. This is a person's life in the game being threatened by something completely out of his control. I hope Production can somehow step in and stop this.

Uhhh...is Christine's stuffed toy tiger a "piece of clothing"? Team America FAIL.

Edited by TimWil
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