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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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The problem I'm having is that I can't predict what anyone will do because most of them are terrible at the act of thinking logically.


Eric Stein from BB8 said in an interview recently (I am paraphrasing a bit here) that it's harder to work with bad players than smart players because if you're relatively smart, you can suss out what the most logical options for someone else's game and you'll be able to predict their moves because they, like you, are operating logically. Stupid players don't do this. Stupid players are threats because they think flashy moves are awesome (and attention grabbing) and anyone with the ability to charm a stupid player will get these stupid players to do a "big move" which will propel the manipulator's game further and completely end the stupid person's game, if they are successful. Examples: Derrick getting Christine ti nominate Nicole this week, Brittany getting Devin to take her off of the block (I think that was one a pretty underrated move, intentional or not).


I think Big Brother could benefit from an under 30 vs. over 30 season, kind of like Survivor had. I think that the show casts young players who end up barely playing and they end up just crossing their fingers hoping not to get booted. 

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I hope Frankie does put up Donny/Zach, and Derrick puts up Christine/Caleb (maybe Victoria, but he IS close with her so...)


I hope Donny/Zach win BOB, because that means one of the Detonators will probably be going home. Unfortunately, they could just choose to evict Victoria, but seeing as Derrick wants her in the final 2 with him, he might convince them to keep her.

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Derrick is going to get everyone together to decide who will be the pawn next to Donny to throw BOB. Whatta joy this season is!

Maybe the pawn will be Caleb and he'll screw it up and win :-)  I wish one of the HOH's would pull something rather than just go after Donny, I guess it could be kind of interesting to hear how they decide who to put up since there's always a chance Donny could win BOB or veto. In that case, I guess Derrick would  put up Donny and Zach or Donny and Christine? Would he risk putting Victoria on the block with Donny? 

They are not nomming Victoria. Derrick is saying it's so they have her as an option if Donny wins veto, but it's really because he will protect her at all costs.


Zach already said he'll go up with Donny and throw BOB. Neither Caleb or Cody is willing yet to agree to be nommed with Christine. They'll talk later and decide. By which I mean Derrick will decide and the person he picks will just go along with it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Derrick has known for weeks that Donny is the only person who's on to him/ he doesn't control. The only reason he hasn't gotten rid of him is TA and it might keep him from doing it even now. I'll be shocked if he actually agrees to be the person to nom Donny. He'll try to make Frankie do it and I doubt Frankie will agree easily. Might be interesting.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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With the awful, awful dual HOH twist (the longer it lasts, the closer it is getting to America's Player in my mind for worst twist ever), it actually behooves Donny to NOT win HoH. This way he has two shots at staying off of the block. Either win BotB or win POV. In both of those scenarios, he'd also be able to compete for HoH next week. Without this awful, awful twist, it would obviously still be better to just win HoH this week and see if you can break alliances up, but if he was a dual HoH, the odds are slim that he'd remain HoH so he would be nominating people without any benefit to him. 

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With the awful, awful dual HOH twist (the longer it lasts, the closer it is getting to America's Player in my mind for worst twist ever), it actually

behooves Donny to NOT win HoH. This way he has two shots at staying off of the block.


I think that this might make the week ahead quite interesting.  I'd want to be a nominee, too.

I can't give Cody a pass. He handed his balls to Derrick the week he was HOH, and since has done nothing but snort, grope himself (and Christine) and breathlessly gossip like a 14 year old mean girl about anyone (except Derrick) who's not in the room. He's beginning to annoy me more than Frankie's Fame Whore Circus. At least Frankie is winning some comps and playing the game. 

I laughed so hard at this comment. Thanks for the laugh.

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Frankie and Derr-ICK won HoH this week?  Gross!  So glad I didn't waste an hour watching the show this evening.  I love that it's already a given that Christine is going on the block this week, and that it's only a question of whether Caleb or Cody sits next to her.  If she had any brains at all, this should demonstrate to her where she stands in this Detonators alliance: at the bottom.  Even lower than Victoria, who isn't even IN the alliance.  It serves Christine right after the crap she pulled this week by putting up Nicole.  Also, if eliminated I don't think Christine is a threat in terms of coming back from the jury house.  Whether it's a comp or an America's Vote, I don't see Christine winning her way back into the game, which means a better player like Nicole or Hayden (or both, please!) could get back in the house.  So yeah, I'm pulling hard to see Christine evicted this week.


This season is truly awful.  Last season's houseguests were more repulsive as human beings, but at least they were entertaining.  This season's houseguests are boring and predictable.  I used to love this show, but this is the second season in a row that I've had to stop watching.  That's a shame... they need to seriously re-think things for the future IMO.

Edited by me5671
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Typically, no one should really volunteer to be nominated so as useless as Cody has been, I can't blame him; I'm just waiting for the fallout when it happens. However, with the immunity granted by BotB, it theoretically makes more sense to be nominated than it even does to be HoH. I think if Zach really plans to throw BotB so Donny can remain on the block, then he's a fool.


I'm hoping that Zach is outright lying about throwing BotB because he realizes it would be better to be on the block with Donny because Donny is only one in the house who truthfully has no incentive to throw the competition. I would be more suspicious of my place in the pecking order if I were in the detonators and I was going up against another member instead of Donny or Victoria. But, again, these people are fucking idiots.

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Typically, no one should really volunteer to be nominated so as useless as Cody has been, I can't blame him; I'm just waiting for the fallout when it happens. However, with the immunity granted by BotB, it theoretically makes more sense to be nominated than it even does to be HoH. I think if Zach really plans to throw BotB so Donny can remain on the block, then he's a fool.


I'm hoping that Zach is outright lying about throwing BotB because he realizes it would be better to be on the block with Donny because Donny is only one in the house who truthfully has no incentive to throw the competition. I would be more suspicious of my place in the pecking order if I were in the detonators and I was going up against another member instead of Donny or Victoria. But, again, these people are fucking idiots.


Yeah, I'm right there with you when it comes to "Maybe Player X is doing this because it would be a good strategic mov...oh wait, no, they're all morons besides Donny, so it is unlikely that Player X is doing that for a strategic reason."

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This season is truly awful.  Last season's houseguests were more repulsive as human beings, but at least they were entertaining.  This season's houseguests are boring and predictable.  I used to love this show, but this is the second season in a row that I've had to stop watching.  That's a shame... they need to seriously re-think things for the future IMO.


The problem is that the show's ratings are extremely steady. It's a very solid performer for CBS during the summer (especially since it fills up three programming hours during the week). So there really is no incentive for them to change anything. That's what makes me worry about the dual HoH twist returning next year. Honestly, I think the concept could work OKAY if they literally split the house into two teams, with each team getting an HoH who would nominate two players from the other team. That's a rapidly different game from what we currently know as Big Brother, but it is at least fairer than this nonsense (plus you'd actually get BotBs where everyone would be playing hard to win). 

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I think in the beginning BB thought that there would be two sides to the house. Remember the houseguest came in two groups and the first HOHs came from each group. Maybe production was hoping the house would continue to be divided but it didn't work out that way.

When that didn't happen, the dual twist should have been discontinued. It's been a failure all around.


Watching Derrick work Donny to go on the block is pretty masterful but Donny standing his ground is even better.

Edited by LGGirl
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Derrick and Donny are in the hive room. I have to give it up to Derrick, he's doing this very well, although I think Donny is bullshitting him as well. When I first started watching, derrick told Donny he "thought" he could get Donny nominated with Zach, which would be a good thing, because Zach won the POV, therefore he's great at comps. Although thinking about it, the man who had to deal with Zach freaking out at the last BOB, which contributed to them losing to one person probably doesn't think that is a good thing. But Derrick made it sound like one!

Then Derrick mentioned possibly pulling everyone upstairs to see who else would go on the block, even though Victoria is the target, even though they can't put her initially up in case she wins the BOb just because of her partner, because that would ruin everything.

But the key is that Derrick totally has Donny's back, and is doing everything he can to keep Donny safe. But it's tough, man, it's tough.

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When that didn't happen, the dual twist should have been discontinued. It's been a failure all around.


I think its serving the purpose the show wants which is an extra competition that has stakes bigger than a luxury competition. etc.  This is a pretty dull group.  I wouldn't be surprised if they extended the dual HoH when they realized that. 

Derrick is saying that they should draw straws as to who will go up on the block for those other three spots since he's covering Victoria this week. Like... I like Donny, I don't want to see him ganged up on, but really, the rest of the alliance needs to tell Derrick "go fuck yourself, I didn't come here to draw straws because you're too much of a wimp to make a decision. Put Victoria up with Donny or we'll be after you next week." Why are these people so fucking blind to this?!




ETA: I feel like watching Derrick lead the detonators is like watching a bizzaro version of S6 where Maggie's alliance decimated Janelle's side early on and yet... they still can't see the forest for the trees.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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Derrick is saying that they should draw straws as to who will go up on the block for those other three spots since he's covering Victoria this week. Like... I like Donny, I don't want to see him ganged up on, but really, the rest of the alliance needs to tell Derrick "go fuck yourself, I didn't come here to draw straws because you're too much of a wimp to make a decision. Put Victoria up with Donny or we'll be after you next week." Why are these people so fucking blind to this?


I don't know if this would work this season.  There does not seem to be anyone that is going to vote for the person with the best game no matter how much they dislike them.  I think the dual HoH is contributing to that because there are no opportunities to make a big move.  You've got to agree with another HoH on noms at least enough that you don't pick the same ones, then you've got a 50/50 chance your noms hold, then you've got a veto competition. 


There is no upside to making enemies when the HoH can put you up and you are specifically calling out jury members.  They love their "I don't want blood on my hands" this season.


The best bet might actually be to refuse to draw straws and tell Derrick to put them up, publically, if he can't make a decision.  Then hopefully you get off and have found a way to argue that you made a move and weakened Derrick.

Edited by ParadoxLost


The best bet might actually be to refuse to draw straws and tell Derrick to put them up, publically, if he can't make a decision.  Then hopefully you get off and have found a way to argue that you made a move and weakened Derrick.


That's where I was going with my post, though my frustration with Derrick running the game came through. I think it makes more sense on this point to be nominated than not at this point in the game because if you win BotB you can't be backdoored, and if you lose, you're still guaranteed to play veto. The fact that the losing HoH can end up backdoored is the one massive oversight of the dual HoH twist. That rule lead to a boring season and to two of the most catastrophic HoH weeks this season when it was Donny and Nicole - both were too afraid to nominate all the guys or work together in a way that allowed for Donny/Nicole to go after who they really wanted to since they didn't trust each other - then Nicole and Christine where Christine sent Nicole home, the only player left in house that would have had her back for whatever reason. Really, the losing HoH should've remained immune for the week, because then people wouldn't have been as freaked out about losing BotB.


I really think if Grodner wanted to protect the "stronger players" who get booted early on because of the veto structure - and it's understandable from a business standpoint why production would want that if they think those players are entertaining - then there were better options to providing the opportunity to protect those players than this BotB nonsense: another separate immunity challenge, more players in the veto competitions, etc.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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You know what I really hate about this dual HOH twist, seeing Frankie win HOH. I want to vomit.


That's true, and yet another reason to despise the dual-HOH system is; 


{Not quite the same, as Frankie wasn't an HOH last week, but...}  If you're a player, you almost want to lose your initial HOH status after BOB each time, because you can keep competing in and winning HOH comps week after week after week [as long as you aren't BD'd somewhere before the game defaults back to the normal single HOH].

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I really think if Grodner wanted to protect the "stronger players" who get booted early on because of the veto structure - and it's understandable from a business standpoint why production would want that if they think those players are entertaining - then there were better options to providing the opportunity to protect those players than this BotB nonsense: another separate immunity challenge, more players in the veto competitions, etc.


I think you've hit on a great idea (well, I don't like it personally, but I think it is fair to say that the show IS likely looking at this as "Wow, all three episodes can have competitions in them now!" so I think they might want to keep that format going forward and this is a hell of a lot better than BotB). Have an immunity challenge every week on top of the POV. Have it before nominations. One person cannot be nominated during the week if they win immunity. That helps the Jeffs and the Franks of the world but it also doesn't completely ruin the power of HoH like dual HoHs do. 

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I really think if Grodner wanted to protect the "stronger players" who get booted early on because of the veto structure - and it's understandable from a business standpoint why production would want that if they think those players are entertaining - then there were better options to providing the opportunity to protect those players than this BotB nonsense: another separate immunity challenge, more players in the veto competitions, etc.

I think this is a good point. Considering how many guys went out pre-jury last year. As much as I hate the twist I am somewhat happy they stuck with it. Eric Stein mentioned how it seemed obvious based on pre-game interviews they showed Season 12 in sequester so the girls would not end up in a brigade situation. Instead they ended up giving the guys a blueprint to a brigade season.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I am so totally hating this season. I was thoroughly disgusted with last season, but why, oh why couldn't we have a happy medium between the 2 seasons??? I am so tired of people throwing comps. These people are hopelessly not entertaining. I can't stand Derrick or Frankie, but Frankie talks so condescendingly to people that it just irks me to no end. And that "acting" he did at the comp where Caleb wouldn't help just all seemed so contrived. We had the little soap opera with Caleb beforehand, then Frankie with the chains wrapped around his arms, and his half cry half scream at his win. I didn't notice whether they showed the last few balls going into the holes from a distance or just the close-ups. If they didn't, who knows who was actually doing it? Frankie or Grodner. If they do this double HOH next year, I'm done with BB. I feel so sorry for Donny all alone in a house full of lemmings. He's too gentle & sweet a soul for this game. Thankfully, he's much smarter than the rest give him credit for and hasn't fallen under Rasputin's spell. (Not a nickname for Derrick, just a reference to someone who can snow people easily). 

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So, Survivor it is! 


Like I say, I don't like it either (because yes, it DOES change the game I know and sort of love) but I can understand from their perspective the appeal of having a competition for every episode and luxury comps clearly don't have the same drama as BotB and since I absolutely hate hate hate BotB, I would gladly trade an immunity challenge for BotB. 

Edited by Brian Cronin

Question re: Cody's punching himself in his sleep... did that happen before or after Caleb talking about punching himself in the face repeatedly to prove to his HS girlfriend that he could protect her from outside threats?


I'm curious if he wasn't maybe dreaming about it in his sleep - or something his mind made up from that tale - and his body just unconciously performed an action similar to his dreaming about it.  Just wondering... doesn't change the fact that it will always be hilarious.


they showed Season 12 in sequester

Do they only show the TV episodes, or do they have access to the feeds to kind of fast forward watch through them? Because if you are new to the game and don't know the live feeds stuff, you are really missing a huge part of what actually goes on. It almost seems misleading to prep houseguests this way.


In other news- as a TV only viewer and live feed reader, I didn't know they were still doing have nots. I miss luxury comps.

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Reading updates to try and figure out what happened last night took a long time! Apparently Zach decided he would NOT throw BoB and that set them back to square one for noms.

Everyone but Donny and Vic met in HoH to discuss. Everyone refused to volunteer to throw BoB. Caleb got pretty pissed at Zach for not doing it and Zach got pissed at everyone for assuming he should. Eventually, they assigned themselves a Skittle color and did a random draw. Christine got picked to go up with Donny and throw BoB as Derrick's nom. Other side is Caleb and Cody.

Caleb is super pissed he is going up. Discussions of backdoor include Zach (Caleb's hope), Frankie (Cody's hope), and people are saying Victoria but there is no way Derrick will do that (they don't know that). Christine is scared (surprise) about throwing BoB. It's soooo scaaarrrry.

Let me know what I missed :)

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Reading updates to try and figure out what happened last night took a long time! Apparently Zach decided he would NOT throw BoB and that set them back to square one for noms.

Everyone but Donny and Vic met in HoH to discuss. Everyone refused to volunteer to throw BoB. Caleb got pretty pissed at Zach for not doing it and Zach got pissed at everyone for assuming he should. Eventually, they assigned themselves a Skittle color and did a random draw. Christine got picked to go up with Donny and throw BoB as Derrick's nom. Other side is Caleb and Cody.

Caleb is super pissed he is going up. Discussions of backdoor include Zach (Caleb's hope), Frankie (Cody's hope), and people are saying Victoria but there is no way Derrick will do that (they don't know that). Christine is scared (surprise) about throwing BoB. It's soooo scaaarrrry.

Let me know what I missed :)


FIFY.  Before you have to send in a royalty check for stealing one of Christine's signature comments.  :)


Because it really literally could happen.  Yeah Cody, I'm looking at you, kid.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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