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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I never thought I would be saying this, but I'm kind of liking Nicole's game right now. She knows not to trust Christine, she seems to be willing to make big moves (i.e. voting out Zach or Frankie), she doesn't want to waste her HOH sending home a floater like Jocasta, and she set up a final 4 with Derrick, Cody, and Hayden. Also, even though she's not necessarily working with Donny, she doesn't want to put him up because she's not his target and she realizes he could be helpful to her. And she has managed to play a social enough game that everyone seems to like her. I want Donny to win, but I'm not sure he will be as cutthroat as he needs to be. If he doesn't pull it off, at this point I'm rooting for Nicole. Of course, that could all change in a heartbeat with this show.

  • Love 10

Does anyone know much about Zach and Frankie's warning about not using production as a part of their game strategy? I have some theories and want to see what others think.


I think in the days prior to airing, they really felt each other out and made some calculated decisions, because within the first few hours of broadcast, they were making a final two up in the HOH room, front and center for their closeups. They have stuck to the plan as far as being loyal to each other, setting up other groups of alliances- Frankie with Christine, tasked to play Andy and be in every conversation, Zach with LTA, bro central, headquarters of misogyny and the He-Man woman haters club. Unfortunately their actual personal connection derailed their plan to keep separate and talk once a week or so, and got people noticing them, even though Frankie amped up the Zach trash talk, and the Detonators was Zach's attempt to include everyone to try and avoid suspicion of side alliances. 


They are aware of Zankie as some kind of "thing" and have talked about how much production asks them about it. Add in the really scripted talking heads that they did (he would be my man, just make a move), and it isn't hard for two very smart people to figure out that they are probably valuable to production.  


They already know that there are no other showmances going on, and based on the questions that the powers that be are giving them, that there is significant interest. In addition to the bro/showmance story, they both have "characters"--Zach being aggressive and loud and Frankie being the hot houseboy, amidst a kind of low key bunch of people. Pretty much anyone else with real spunk/interest factor has been evicted (PaoPao, Joey, Devin). 


Because of the emotional (which I do think is real) slip up, they are now in danger, although they don't know exactly what, but I'm sure there have been some very pointed questions in the DR. So for example, after becoming aware of the extent of the danger by breaking prod rules and discussing DR sessions, Zankie decided that they wanted to force production into keeping them both. Reset, ultimate veto, pandora's box--whatever, they don't care, thats Production's job to worry about in order to save (what Zankie have deduced themselves to be) a very big draw. If they threatened to walk if one is evicted (with the major loss being Zach--let's be real), that would be a calculated risk. They really have nothing to lose though, because if either one is voted off, the other will be gone not much later, so why not see how much they were really worth to AG before taking a loss. Frankie just said on camera the other day in the rock room where a few other people were all cuddling, paraphrased "Zach, I want to have sex with you. If you get evicted, I will self evict to be alone with you." Although no one in the room did more than giggle, who knows if it was a little test or barb to production? 


So maybe they were discussing this, or some other way to manipulate the other houseguests or system,  which was a violation of using production for game strategy. They are both very calculating people, and I wouldn't put it past them, especially after they get a grip on their personal feelings. That may be a little hard though, seeing as how they decided they were going to have an "intercourse date" that they both needed (Zach's words) and even mentioned living together after this.  They can't go more than an hour or two without some kind of physical contact.  I don't know how people aren't talking more about them, especially their relationship which is pretty obvious to me from the feeds. Are these people just blind? Zankie are the definition of a power couple. Complete loyalty due to personal connection, both strong at the game. Now they want to work the meta part of the game to their advantage. 


tl;dr  they figured out they are a hot ticket item, manipulating production into saving them because their personal relationship got their heads out of the game, but still a strong duo to contend with after a get out of jail free card.


Hell, if production could save/bring back old tired ass Judd last season, or completely shut down the game for Carrot Top, they can do something for Zankie, to protect ratings and possibly to position them for Amazing Race. 


Edited for clarity and to add that Cody snuggles with everyone. He sleeps with Hayden every night, cuddles with Frankie at least once a day, then has the girls fill in other times. He also likes to roughhouse with Zach (his crush, IMO). This is the most affectionate cast I've ever seen. The other day before BOTB, Victoria was laying fully on top of Derrick on a bed in the Fire room and he is always giving her huge hugs.    Caleb likes Frankie to lay on him, and of course, Zach and Frankie are Zach and Frankie.

Edited by sunsheyen
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Yeah, attraction probably isn't the right word, but the fake cuddle buddy stuff with no threat of it ever turning sexual just seems really odd to me.

I agree and I vacillate between thinking that he's the one that really needs all the touching and that it is more of a tactical move in that he knows the women like it and it helps make him loveable in their eyes and maybe think that the two of them are "close". So I just figure it's a mixture of both. I have to admit though that I think this cuddling thing with women he's not sexually interested in probably is something he does in the real world.

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Yeah, they will definitely save Frankie, I mean that stupid little owl of After Dark has Frankie's hair photoshopped on and TMZ covers Frankie. I didn't hear about the warnings about using production though.

Frankie's bullshitting gets to me; he told Nicole she looked amazing last night, she had her hair in a messy pony on the top of her head and she had on a hoody and booty shorts like always. His compliments are always so obviously put on; Caleb falls for 'em but hopefully Nicole is wiser.

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From Joker's


This is pretty sketchy of Hayden.  If Zach is a target, why would he take him off if he wins POV?  I think Hayden is playing Nicole; Jocasta should come down and Frankie go up next to Zach.  Talking to Derrick and Cody is the worst thing for Nicole to do.


The convo that Nicole/Hayden had was very weird on Hayden's end and I wonder if Nicole picked up on that. He was just very suspicious, telling her that Frankie should be the target but then saying Zach will 100% go after her and then saying he'd like to use the veto on Zach. Hayden is so sketchy.


I cannot wait to see who picks who to play in the POV (I'd be willing to bet 80% of the chips are HG choice), who wins POV, and what happens with the POV. This week is finally fun.


Finally! I am so excited for today. But I have been excited about 10 times this season all for it to go to shit, so I'm not holding my breath. But if by Monday we have Zach vs. Frankie on the block, man, shit is gonna get good!


The interesting question for me, now, is how much Hayden is paying attention.  He knows Derrick/Cody were in the BS originally without him.  He knows that Derrick/Cody were in a final 3 with Zach.  Does he know about the Detonators?  Does he know about the Derrick/Nicole final two "deal"?  Does he realize that D/C are in virtually every alliance?


Hayden seemed to be the only person besides Donny that saw Derrick as the head of the snake about 3 or 4 weeks ago, so I'm really hoping he still has that in the back of his mind and he's just waiting until the right time to do something about it. The thing is, Derrick has this game on lock right now and if they wait too long there won't be any way to change that.


I never thought I would be saying this, but I'm kind of liking Nicole's game right now ... she set up a final 4 with Derrick, Cody, and Hayden. 


That F4 seems disastrous for Nicole to me. She would pretty much have to win her way to F2 and then she'd have no chance of beating any of them in F2 so it'd be kinda pointless. Although Nicole doesn't really have a lot of options, especially since she was so keen on voting out all the women up until this point. Nicole should have brought Victoria and Jocasta into her alliance with Hayden because those 2 and maybe Christine/Caleb are the only people she could beat.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Is it possible Production is waiting to see how things shake down this week before deciding on when the Jury begins? If Frankie and Zach were to be evicted Thursday I highly doubt they'd be excluded from Jury. If the two evictees this week, however, were Jocasta and Victoria I can see them not getting to go to the Jury House. If Victoria got evicted I'd love it if her parting shot to Frankie is "I'll say hi to your famous sister for you!"

Edited by TimWil
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I very much enjoyed both of your long posts, sunsheyen!  Hayden is a very interesting player.  What he is lacking is the general pull with the house that Derrick has.  Could Hayden really affect Victoria? Zach? Christine?  Not really, I don't think.  Derrick though is still highly in control.  I've gotten the Maggie BB6 winner vibe from him for at least a month.  I hope he doesn't win, because we should not be able to pinpoint a winner 2 months ahead of the finale, but someone is going to have to take a major swing at him. 


As for Frankie/Zach and production... I would pretty much bet 100% that Frankie has used the "don't you know who I am?" thing with production. I'm sure he saw himself as the golden castmate by being "famous". And then I think the whole house knows that Zach is getting tons off airtime (Julie has addressed him more than anyone else), plus then the DR asking about Zankie...  I honestly don't see how they couldn't at least throw it out there to production? I'm sure Will/Boogie did the same in All Stars.  Frankie even got some idea that the season is boring from the last TA task.  I don't really fault them for it.


In the video I posted in Zach's forum (an interview with Zach's parents), even his mom was like (paraphrasing), "CBS better take care of him for all he's done for this boring season". She was talking about after the show, but the sentiment is the same within the context of the show.  She seems like a nice person besides that underlying entitlement, but just putting it out there.  (I happen to agree with her a bit... he is making the show, at least in our household. My husband likes Zach a lot too. Me too, obviously. Do I have to disclose that every time?  I like him a lot.)


I hope Zach wins POV.  I am fine with Frankie going.  I would prefer it.  And Zach, if not on the block against Frankie, absolutely will go home, poem and all, on Thursday and I don't want that.


Here is the poem, via Joker's:


Roses are red. Violets are blue. Nicole is my target. I'm coming for you.
I love all of you so much and I am so grateful
Maybe I'll even change my ways and not be so hateful.
You've all made it to jury. You're on the right track.
Fans at home, please hashtag #zachattack

The ceremony is important. The wrong choice may cost ya.

So when you go into the Diary Room, Please vote out Jocasta!


ETA - Zankie fans have also started a twitter campaign telling CBS it would be a huge mistake for the show for either of them to go.  I take that completely with a grain of salt.  I also hate that I even know it's occurring. Time to make my twitter searches significantly more intelligent.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Ugh, the Zankie fans are probably gonna get Production all scared and they'll keep us from getting the amazing week we'd have if it was Zach vs. Frankie on the block. Dammit!


It would be interesting to see who production would try to save. Obviously their horse at the beginning was Frankie, but he has lost popularity so much and is not well liked at all now. Meanwhile Zach has steadily gained in popularity and is now probably the most popular after Donny.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Honestly, as much fun as the Frankie/Zach noms would be for Thursday, I absolutely worry that Zach will be the one sent packing instead of Frankie. I like Zach a lot more than Frankie, I think he's more valuable to players like Derrick and Cody, and I think he's more beneficial than a powerful player such as Frankie, as I have stated before. Frankie, though, is good at manipulating people and he has shown that he's capable of throwing Zach under the bus 100%, showcasing his untrustworthiness. Zach staying would be infinitely more interesting due to his undying loyalty to his 'best bro friend' Frankie. He would cause an uproar come eviction night, for sure, and his anger would definitely become a highlight of the season, if production can steer it this way. Frankie, to be honest, would probably be a bit sad for about 2.5 seconds and then move on. He's said that he's falling in love with Zach, and he may be able to hide it well because it wouldn't affect his game much, in my opinion.


As long as jury starts this week, then I honestly have less problems with Zach going. But it would be stupid to let Zach go this early for Derrick and Cody. Maybe not for people like Christine and Nicole, but it's better for the guys' games (and maybe even Victoria...occasionally) if Zach was the one to stay. Derrick's pointed out that they have a for sure vote with Zach, but Jocasta's the wild card, yet they'd gladly get rid of Zach if the noms stayed the same. I hope that's just a front for others because, as much as I think Jocasta's ok, she's played a very bad game, she's boring and she doesn't really bring anything to the table so, therefore, I don't want her sticking around. Her and Victoria could leave this week and I wouldn't be sad about it. 

Zach is one of only 2 I can marginally stand, but I won't care if he goes. And you're right that Zach is more beneficial to Cody/Derrick, so I may even want him to go more actually as I want those two to get fucked over. 


Basically I'm good with anyone going, but I'd rather see Frankie/Zach/Derrick/Cody go because they run the game right now and I'm bored. And since I'm bored, I want drama/excitement/unpredictability and Zach vs. Frankie will provide that while Jocasta vs. either won't.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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That F4 seems disastrous for Nicole to me. She would pretty much have to win her way to F2 and then she'd have no chance of beating any of them in F2 so it'd be kinda pointless. Although Nicole doesn't really have a lot of options, especially since she was so keen on voting out all the women up until this point. Nicole should have brought Victoria and Jocasta into her alliance with Hayden because those 2 and maybe Christine/Caleb are the only people she could beat.

I think all three would take her to F2 just because she would be the easiest to beat. As for her winning once she got there... you're right, not much of a chance unless she makes some big moves and starts winning comps. But then she wouldn't be so appealing as a F2, so there's the conundrum.

I don't agree. Frankie actually ruins the feeds for me. Zach can be entertaining, but he can also be even more sexist and gross than the rest of them, plus he lets the others talk him out of anything anyway. And honestly I've grown super embarrassed by him just ripping off Dr. Will's game but playing it really badly. Cody does nothing for me and I hate Derrick, plus all he does is keep anything interesting from being able to happen.


I'm not entertained by the feeds or the show right now. I might be if someone goes that might change the dynamics and the only way that potentially happens is if, well, Derrick goes, but Cody/Frankie/Zach could go too and it might help the dynamics drastically.


ETA: @TexasChic, Nicole will never beat any man (and neither will Christine, Jocasta, or Victoria) except maybe Caleb, so if she actually wants to win it's ridiculous for her to want Cody/Derrick/Hayden in F4. And she should know that more than anyone since she's an actual superfan. But this is the girl who loved the Amanda/Aaryn/Andy/McCrae alliance so.


ETAA: I legitimately do not understand why Frankie wants Zach out. I mean he's been trying to get him out since like week 2. It makes absoultely no sense.


LOL at Frankie still acting like HOH and having no idea whatsoever that he may get BDed. It's so fun! He also legitimately believes he can get Nicole to BD Donny. His arrogance is making him so ignorant and it's delicious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

There isn't anyone I would be super broken up about leaving, because I'm not sure I love anyone who is left. Amber and Brittany were my favorites, and they're gone. Usually I have at least one or two I like a lot left at the end, but this season I'm kind of meh on everyone. Now I'm just here for some excitement. Which is severely lacking, so because of that, I want one of the guys to go. The women may not be anything to write home about, but I'm tired of another week, another woman heading out the door.


Jocasta leaving doesn't really affect anyone. Zach or Frankie leaving is like someone finally taking a shot, and I want to see if it sets off a war. Especially since it will be followed by the DE.

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Exactly,  @flipflopdiva. And, wow, you're so right about how it's even more amazing because it'll be during a DE. Imagine if Frankie went first during DE and then Derrick. Wow!


I really think that if Donny doesn't get HOH or POV during DE, he'll probably go and even though I don't particularly care for him too much anymore, he is my fave so I don't wanna see that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

ETA: @TexasChic, Nicole will never beat any man (and neither will Christine, Jocasta, or Victoria) except maybe Caleb, so if she actually wants to win it's ridiculous for her to want Cody/Derrick/Hayden in F4. And she should know that more than anyone since she's an actual superfan. But this is the girl who loved the Amanda/Aaryn/Andy/McCrae alliance so.

Crap, I forgot about the 'no guy will ever vote for a woman over a man' thing. I would just really like to see a woman outwit the men (who think they are using her) and then somehow reveal it all at the end, earning their respect. But I guess that is a hopeless dream.

  • Love 3

Have these people talked about what they would do those 3 days Frankie was on the block? Frankie is no Amber and can be ruthless, would he really believe he's safe and has votes and keep his mouth shut? I still think it's smarter to BD him as the second evicted so he has no time to do anything if that's the road they're taking.

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Victoria and Caleb are both playing. Don't know the third yet.


ETA: Frankie's hosting, which will make it even more hilarious if he gets BDed.


ETAA: Christine is the third player.

This probably isn't a good draw for the Frankie BD plan. Hopefully there's a miracle and Jocasta wins POV!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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So no Frankie in the POV. Good.


I really hope Jocasta wins this, but who else do we think is likely to take someone off the block? I don't know where these people truly stand on the plan to BD Frankie, since I find it extra hard to believe what anyone is saying at this point. Especially since I'm trying not to get my hopes up. 

i feel like the oldest person in America, I don't even know a song she sings.  And this show is not going to make me seek her out.  I'm tired of the Disney machine, at least Motown's creation had talent.  All this music feels like autotune and entitled 15 year olds.


That makes at least two of us. All of these top singers sound exactly the same and the lyrics are always whiny wanting love, within Autotuned repetitive music. With the notable exceptions of Lorde and Adele, of course. 

  • Love 6

I think I like pop music, but its older pop music.....Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Milli Vanilli, Tears for Fears, Wham, George Michael, Samantha Fox, Taylor Dane.....OMG, I think I just came up with the playlist for if I ever have a BBQ!  I actually heard one of my favorite songs the other day...on the oldies station....it was a moment....





Please send me a copy of that mix because it sounds amazing! I was so stoked to recently get satellite radio because they play all this stuff and more. Lisa Lisa is my jam!Please send me a copy of that mix because it sounds amazing! I was so stoked to recently get satellite radio because they play all this stuff and more. Lisa Lisa is my jam!


I like about half of that list....but i definitely would prefer it all to the terrible selections the houseguests request when they're HOH! I guess I'm lucky that I live in Canada (for many reasons, but music would be right up there) - we have great Canadian artists and the exposure to the best of the British scene! And because I'm older, I can enjoy my favourite decades music - the 80s - both on the radio and by shopping in Loblaws! Thank goodness we never have to hear elevator music anymore whenever we're out in public. I'm a bit curious to find out what kind of music Donny likes although I suspect it's primarily country.

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I don't mean to drag this conversation into the gutter, but last night Caleb claimed he only goes #2 once a week... that can not be a good sign of physical health. We'll see if Victoria calls bullshit on that claim. (sorry)



Well, I'm not sure what it says about me, but these are the kinds of things I live for.  All the game talk eventually turns into just background droning for me, like the adults in Peanuts, because there are a million things thrown around and in the end only one of them sticks, so I get tired of hearing all the things that don't.  I will admit that I've enjoyed the game talk more since Nicole and Donny won than I have the rest of the entire season so far, but I'm really just here for the snippets of things like this.  I seriously doubt it's true that Caleb only has to poo once a week, I think it's yet another of his enormous lies, and it's so funny to me that he is so out of control that he would even lie about his bodily functions.  There have been many times he's been sitting on the toilet that I can remember specifically, so unless he's a sit-to-pee like Cody then he's definitely going more than he claims.


Also fun for me was that he then went on to educate everyone about how he eats, because that's what keeps him from needing to go potty.  In his regular life and when he's not on slop, he barely eats any food  (which has to be true because giant, muscular bodies don't require much nourishment at all), and when he is, he only eats about 6 or 7 spoonfuls of slop at a time, then waits a few hours to eat more spoonfuls.  This causes his body to absorb it faster (???) so it doesn't turn into poop.  I laughed out loud at that.  How can someone be so dumb that they don't have even the most basic understanding of how digestion works, and still sort of, almost function as an adult?  I'm kind of shocked that he was able to be potty trained, you would think that level of cluelessness would lead to a lot of "Oops, I crapped my pants!" moments because it's always a surprise if he needs to go more than once in a week. 


My favorite is that whenever he talks, no matter what he says or how ludicrous it is, no matter how much his statements BEG for someone to challenge them, everyone just stays silent and lets him ramble until he's finished.  I always mentally insert crickets chirping every time he ends one of his stories because there is inevitably this moment of silence while everyone just waits to see if he's really done.  I definitely don't want Caleb to go, he is so incredibly entertaining to me.  I wouldn't even mind if he took 2nd place next to Donny, because I know he would blow the $50K on something so hilariously dumb, like a pair of $25,000 cowboy boots for himself, and a car for Amber.

Edited by Irritable
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Crap, I forgot about the 'no guy will ever vote for a woman over a man' thing.

This cast is only going to double down on that.  Honestly even if say Nicole runs the table from here to the end and takes Caleb as her number two, I can just hear the rest of the guys voting for him and saying "well, he was a loyal vote for us to the end."




ETA: Frankie's hosting, which will make it even more hilarious if he gets BDed.


Amber hosted last week.   I can't  stand him, but I would love to see all the damage and hellfire he would bring if he goes up.  That might be one thing that could hurt Derrick, which honestly I need.    I think one reason this is so boring is that he's just running away with the game at this point.  





Maybe Nicole, but I don't really believe she has the gumption to do it herself.


I really doubt she would myself as well, but maybe she would if she thought Jocosta would leave.  She admitted that would be a waste of a HOH to  see Jocosta go.

Edited by vb68
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@Stinamaia, the only way Frankie would've removed Zach is if Nicole convinced him she'd BD Donny because the only person Frankie wants out more than Zach is Donny. But, Frankie isn't playing POV so it doesn't matter.

I really doubt she would myself as well, but maybe she would if she thought Jocosta would leave.  She admitted that would be a waste of a HOH to  see Jocosta go.


True. But Derrick et al. would tell her they'll vote out Zach even if they won't and she'll do what they want.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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From Joker's:

11:53 AM Donny in kitchen with screaming and monkey business in the background. Donny: "They ought to do a grown-up Big Brother." NT

I love Donny and I really wish he had a chance at winning this thing. I think he's really starting to feel like a fish out of water given the way the majority of the other HGs are behaving. I worry that he might just start to give up unless there is a significant shake up in this game. I really hope he doesn't go out in the DE and actually wins one of the HOHs and has a chance to do something with it.


This game definitely needs a big shake up since, as many of us have mentioned, this season is ridiculously boring and predictable. I think unless Frankie and/or Derrick is in jeopardy or they are forced to go against each other soon (not when there are only a few people left and there aren't any other options) this season is going to end up being a complete waste of time.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 7

I don't mean to drag this conversation into the gutter, but last night Caleb claimed he only goes #2 once a week... that can not be a good sign of physical health. We'll see if Victoria calls bullshit on that claim. (sorry)

I realize this is just Caleb being stupid, but this does sometimes happen to people when they are in an environment that's not home. It's really common and may be why Jocasta had such issues at first. Although it seems like sick is her modus operandi. In any case, I used to have that issue. Went to summer camp and it took 10 days before I could poop. Since I broke that seal, though, I can poop anytime, anywhere. It's a gift, really.

  • Love 3

True, I've had the vacation block myself, but Caleb was saying that this is a regular thing for him, his body only poops once or maybe twice a week as a general rule.   Honestly, it came across like bragging, which is why it struck me so funny...there is nothing this guy won't brag about and exaggerate to the extreme while doing it.  Even his bowel movements (or lack thereof) are impressive!  Someone as full of shit as he always is should need to poop more than the average person, not less.

  • Love 10

The posts about Caleb's bathroom habits made me laugh out loud. I believe he could be like that -- I knew someone like that and she didn't realize the rest of the world wasn't like her. It was his ridiculous explanation that did it for me, too. And irritable, your entire post made me laugh but the line with "oops, I crapped my pants" made me choke on my drink. Wasn't that an old SNL skit?

I don't know if Caleb is lying or not, but it's not totally crazy if he really poops that little. I know someone who is the same way, and he's not a particularly unhealthy guy.

Someone asked earlier how Caleb can get away with stealing another HG's stuff, and I would really like to know the answer to that too. I would think production could demand they be returned (but who knows if Amber really wants them back anyway? Those damn bunny slippers are permanently tainted with his crazy). How pathetic must you be to hold someone's property hostage in order to get a date?

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@Stinamaia, the only way Frankie would've removed Zach is if Nicole convinced him she'd BD Donny because the only person Frankie wants out more than Zach is Donny. But, Frankie isn't playing POV so it doesn't matter.


Oh, I thought Frankie was one of those picked. I must have misread. I don't get the impression Frankie really wants Zach out, but only pretends he does to down play their alliance. But you are more knowledgable about BB than I am.


In his regular life and when he's not on slop, he barely eats any food  (which has to be true because giant, muscular bodies don't require much nourishment at all), and when he is, he only eats about 6 or 7 spoonfuls of slop at a time, then waits a few hours to eat more spoonfuls.  This causes his body to absorb it faster (???) so it doesn't turn into poop.

Irritable, this made me laugh out loud and scare the cat!

Here's a link to a page on Reddit with a list of Caleb's "Achievements."  Hilarious!




My first reaction:  that is so funny!  My second reaction:  that is so sad!


I see over at Jokers that Derrick and Cody are already talking about not trusting Nicole and Hayden.  I thought it seemed mighty convenient that those two decided they wanted to be in alliance with N/H during the week Nicole is HOH.


Derrick, is a lot more level headed and has been playing a very good game. His game has been to do NOTHING but be a mirror-sponge. He listens to people's theories, absorbs them, bounces them back with a few questions (do you think that will work? what might stop that?) and basically harvests all these ideas and plans and shapes those that are best for his goals.



Not an expert or anything (just watch a lot of movies), that sounds like interrogation technique 101.




With the notable exceptions of Lorde and Adele, of course.



Just add Amy Winehouse and Janelle Monae, and I'm right there with you, PreBabylonia.

Edited by Newbietunes
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Apparently, Derrick went into DR a while ago and when he came out, he was already whispering to Cody that they should be keeping Zach and maybe not backdoor Frankie. I don't know the context, as I just read it online, but I'm not surprised that production may be getting into Derrick's ear already.

Oh, of course - god forbid they lose Frankie.  Why is production intent on keeping this season so boring?

Yeah, now Derrick and Cody are talking about some elaborate plan the other side of the house has to whittle down their numbers. Oh, if they only knew how passive the other side of the house really is. Derrick is pushing hard and trying to talk Cody into it. Now Derrick is saying they need to protect Frankie and Zach and get Hayden and Nicole out. I can definitely see the DR asking very pointed questions about numbers, etc. to help this along but I also think Derrick's focus on Donny and Nicole and Hayden's friendship with Donny is driving some of this as well. I think Derrick would pull this even if he didn't really believe it just to get closer to evicting Donny since he believes Donny is the only one targeting him.

Oh, I thought Frankie was one of those picked. I must have misread. I don't get the impression Frankie really wants Zach out, but only pretends he does to down play their alliance. But you are more knowledgable about BB than I am.


I mean, it's certainly possible Frankie is doing just that. To me Frankie is a snake and I don't believe he gives a fuck about keeping Zach. I mean he was the sole reason Zach got put up in week 2 and honestly he would've gone then if Frankie had his way. He pushed so hard for it. He pushes way too hard for it to be to downplay their alliance, IMO. But at the same time, Frankie has to realize that Zach is his puppet and would probably give up his own game for Frankie because he's an idiot, so I don't know why he would want Zach gone. I think Frankie is just very arrogant and thinks he's running the game.


I think Derrick would pull this even if he didn't really believe it just to get closer to evicting Donny since he believes Donny is the only one targeting him.


I guess it's possible DR is trying to save Frankie/Zach, but I would think they would want this to happen since the show is so boring. I didn't believe Derrick was ever into this whole thing anyway and that eventually he would've talked his puppets out of it.


Hayden/Nicole are completely onto Christine, too. I pray that Nicole/Hayden/Donny actually try to do something about this. I hope Donny/Hayden remember how they called Derrick as the ringleader like a month ago. I would love to see Hayden or Donny get HOH in DE and get Derrick out.


Veto going on now. Man, I need Jocasta to win this!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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