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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Crap, they are doing the "What the house wants" bs again.  The house wants Joey gone.  Not only was she recruited and had never watched BB before but after she knew she was going to be on, she didn't even do a BB cram session.  She can go.  She looks so much like Tatiana Maslany that I think of her as "Seattle Clone.":


Caleb has rehashed the conversation with Amber to just about everyone.  Guys....I get it now...Amber loves him she's just afraid to say it because she has a mic on.  It's so obvious.  Also she only dates black men but that was before she met the god that is Caleb.  Seriously though, I think he isn't aware that Amber is black.  He thinks she just has a really nice tan or something.  


Is it just me or are the feeds not showing us Frankie and Zach when they're alone together?

  • Love 2

You mean "tater chips."  Groundskeeper Donnie's accent is killing me.



Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Donny wasn't amping up the accent on purpose. If you're a Southerner wanting to downplay your smarts around non-Southerners, there's no better way. Plus, it's fun. Ever see a bunch of New Yorkers when a Southerner is talking in a slow drawl? They're standing there vibrating like tuning forks, waiting to jump in at the next pause in the conversation. :D


Dayum the guy looks good but he's batshit crazy.  All meat and no potatoes with this one.


As soon as I read this one, I had to go tell my wife. :)

  • Love 5

Crap, they are doing the "What the house wants" bs again.  

That's the crap Amanda introduced last year - twisting the "picking who the House wants minimizes the target on my back" mindset into "NOT picking who the House wants MAXIMIZES the target on my back" - with her (Amanda), of course, being the authority on "who the House wants". I hated it then, and I still hate it now.

I am a bit confused because I can;t sit at my computer all day watching the feeds (unfortunately) so I miss a lot. But i really thought Devon was telling multiple people that he wanted to keep Joey SAFE because he "like likes" her. Did this not happen? Did I imagine this? 


Because Caleb thinks that IF there was one vote to save Joey it would be Christine's. He hasn't heard Devon's claims? What am I missing here. 

    Damn it, you guys are making me wish I had a live feed, because they're sure as hell not going to show Caleb being CrazyPants over Amber because I get the feeling he'll only get a positive edit until he gets an eviction for being CrazyPants.

I'm with you wishing I had the feeds but I don't have the time to watch them much.  Feeds are free on TV guide network from 12-2.  Craziest act I think was wearing the dress around his neck. Hope Amber treads lightly with CrazyPants.  Aren't other HG's noticing how crazy he is acting.


That's the crap Amanda introduced last year - twisting the "picking who the House wants minimizes the target on my back" mindset into "NOT picking who the House wants MAXIMIZES the target on my back" - with her (Amanda), of course, being the authority on "who the House wants". I hated it then, and I still hate it now.


Voting with the house has been a thing in a lot of seasons. I always hate it. I love when people go against it and don't give a fuck, even though it really is terrible game play to do that.


Which is why even though Brittany is playing really bad right now, I appreciate that she won't just go along with voting with the house.


Because Caleb thinks that IF there was one vote to save Joey it would be Christine's. He hasn't heard Devon's claims? What am I missing here. 


No one thinks Christine will keep Joey. Everyone thinks that if Joey gets a vote to stay, it'll be from Brittany. Brittany has basically been (stupidly) campaigning for Joey to stay even though it is painfully obvious that she's the person 'the house' wants gone.


The HGs are planning a BB Prom. I pray for Amber! Caleb will probably go even more insane if she does/doesn't go with him.


I just really hope Brittany wins HOH. She is the only one who'd actually go for Devin/Caleb. And honestly unless one of them goes soon all the women are done. Well actually it'd be best for Frankie to go, but there's no chance in that happening.


Frankie kinda threw Zach under the bus to Victoria earlier, so I think Zach is more into Zrankie than Frankie is.

Edited by peachmangosteen


ay what?  These people are cra-cra.  At least they're not vile like last year's players--or haven't shown it yet.

There's been nothing in that vein, if anything I get the feeling they're all working overtime to make sure they don't say anything that way. Actually it's bizarro world in there anyway. The pre season "racist homophobe" who was quoted on line before the show railing against fags and the Muslim monkey in the White House is obsessing over a biracial girl and sleeping with (and suggestively dancing with on more than one occasion) an extremely flamboyant gay guy who came into the house with pink hair (and this is HIS idea. When Frankie lost the second HOH room, Caleb asked him to stay because he didn't want to sleep alone so now they're sharing a bed). It just gets odder and odder. The second topless female on the feeds was the orthodox Jewish woman who can't share a bedroom with men, although to be fair it happened in the bathroom where at least half of them are convinced there are no cameras. There has also been far more full on Hoyay! than showmance going on at his point. Frankie has gotten closer to showmancing than any of the women in the house and he's the only out man in there.  

Edited by SteveAC10

Because Caleb thinks that IF there was one vote to save Joey it would be Christine's. He hasn't heard Devon's claims? What am I missing here.


No one thinks Christine will keep Joey. Eveyyone thinks that if Joey gets a vote to stay, it'll be from Brittany. Brittany has basically been (stupidly) campaigning for Joey to stay even though it is painfully obvious that she's the person 'the house' wants gone.


Oops sorry I meant Brittany the mom! I keep thinking her name is Christine. Did Devon say that he would save Joey though? That is what I am confused about!

Edited by Stinger97
Fixed quoting issue.

Caleb is now officially full of shit. His dd moved him to Dallas when he was 11, but he grew up with his single mom. He was a Diesel model in Dallas, When? According to his bio he joined the army and and was stationed in Afghanistan. When did he do all of this, and how? This guy is so full of shit outhouses are jealous. 


Hayden and Nicole are so fucking with him about his obsession and he totally does not get it. Call the asylum!

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I'm confused about the theme song. What theme song? I don't remember a theme song with words ever being a part of the show.

What am I missing?


I never saw season one but I remember reading that there were lyrics for the season one theme song.  So when I was reading this thread I thought they were talking about that.  I guess I was wrong about him singing that song but I still believe that season one's son had lyrics.

I usually hate the whole house group think when it comes to early boots, but in Joey's case I'm totally on board. First, because she's an awful player. Second, because it screws up the America's team, which makes me laugh. And third, because I agree that people who have never watched the show, and think that Dr. Will was a freaking psychologist and that's why he was so good at the game need to be booted just because they offend me so much. Because it's all about me.

It is interesting that Gina Marie's obsession was creepy as hell but I felt it was harmless, while Caleb's similar obsession with Amber makes me incredibly uneasy. I don't know if that says something about me, or what. But I did feel bad for Nick last year, and I do feel bad for Amber this year. And I hate all showmances. I hate the word showmance. Less kissing, more strategy, please!

  • Love 6

I never saw season one but I remember reading that there were lyrics for the season one theme song.  So when I was reading this thread I thought they were talking about that.  I guess I was wrong about him singing that song but I still believe that season one's son had lyrics.

Here's a compilation video someone did of the show opening, Seasons 1-15.


Season 1 did indeed have it's own theme.  Still just instrumental, but some weird Jazzy song.  The big split  for the rest of the seasons is between the "strings and tinkly piano" version of the theme (S2 through S5), and the Season 6+ "loud synthesizer" version(s) (listening to it all in a row, as we usually wouldn't do, you can hear they slightly redid the synthesizer version several times--S11 and S14).


As I said in an episode thread, one thing I am REALLY glad is gone this year is the stupid Heads-in-Boxes thing. I always hated that.



EDIT: Just 'cause I realized how off-topic this talk about the credits is probably getting, I just created a new topic called Show miscellany: Credits, music, ratings, talk about show rules, etc.(I talk about the NEW credits there, for example).

Edited by Kromm
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while Caleb's similar obsession with Amber makes me incredibly uneasy

It's the eyes. Caleb has "crazy eyes" and it's creepy. Also Gina Marie's obsessions was laughable because Nick was already out of the house. Caleb's is a little too Fatal Attraction for comfort. 


On a more personal note, Cody is insufferably hot with his glasses on. Plus... that boy plays with his junk constantly - I've never seen a HG put his hands in his pants as often as he does. Not sure how much longer I can take that.

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I asked this in Amber's thread, but I'll re-ask here.  Does Caleb even know that Amber is biracial?  I mean I know it seems obvious she is, but maybe he's a dumbass who's convinced himself "it's just a good tan".


Of course the other possibility is the old racist standby that they're okay with fucking the slaves, as long as they're the pretty ones and don't get too "uppity".


I asked this in Amber's thread, but I'll re-ask here.  Does Caleb even know that Amber is biracial?  I mean I know it seems obvious she is, but maybe he's a dumbass who's convinced himself "it's just a good tan".

Of course the other possibility is the old racist standby that they're okay with fucking the slaves, as long as they're the pretty ones and don't get too "uppity".

From the feeds ys. He is fully aware. Beyond that he's talked about how she's one he would take to meet mom and dad. Bottom line....he's a mess.


   That doesn't even get into the VERY suggestive dance he had with Frankie.


    I just thought it was funny that tonight on BB After Dark there was yet ANOTHER talk about Amber, with Devin trying to convince Caleb he needs to let it go, but trying to be nice about it.


     It's amazing how  guy who looks so good on the outside can be that fucked up inside.

Edited by methodwriter85

   That doesn't even get into the VERY suggestive dance he had with Frankie.


    I just thought it was funny that tonight on BB After Dark there was yet ANOTHER talk about Amber, with Devin trying to convince Caleb he needs to let it go, but trying to be nice about it.


     It's amazing how  guy who looks so good on the outside can be that fucked up inside.

Hmm.  My conspiracy theory on the casting of Caleb and Amber here.

On a more personal note, Cody is insufferably hot with his glasses on. Plus... that boy plays with his junk constantly - I've never seen a HG put his hands in his pants as often as he does. Not sure how much longer I can take that.


You must not have watched Big Brother Canada season 2! But also, yes, Cody is SO hot in his nerd glasses. And like all the other times, too. Dammit, I'm into that boy!


I just thought it was funny that tonight on BB After Dark there was yet ANOTHER talk about Amber, with Devin trying to convince Caleb he needs to let it go, but trying to be nice about it.


I'm glad to hear one of the guys was trying to talk Caleb down, but it's Devin, who is quite insane himself so.

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Is it just me or are the feeds not showing us Frankie and Zach when they're alone together?

I think you may be on to something. I haven't been watching the feeds too much so haven't seen the dynamic between these two but just saw a conversation between Cody and Victoria (not sure if I have the name for her right but I mean the mom). Victoria said that she was envisioning a showmance between Zach and Frankie. Cody said that Zach told Cody on day 2 that he wanted to f*** Frankie. Cody said it shocked him because he hadn't really even talked to Zach yet and Zach was so open about it. Victoria said she agreed about Zach being so open because he had said in front of her a few other women that Frankie was turning him on. Cody also said that all three were sharing a bed and that Zach and Frankie were cuddling and Cody had the feeling that the two were going to start making out.  Not sure if anything would actually happen since I'm not sure that Frankie is that into Zach but I think you're probably right that CBS is having the cameras stay away from those two when they're alone.  Geesh, Frankie must have some powerful charisma because it seems like most of the house loves him.

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I don't know if CBS would want a same sex anything.  They've never put more than 1 openly gay guys in a house together.  It is American network TV afterall, they shy away from this kind of thing.  I'm thinking of those "groups" that boycott advertisers over scripted same sex kisses and the fact that no openly gay person can win talent competitions such as American Idol.  I for one find this riveting, Zach looks at Frankie with cartoon hearts coming out of his eyes, he's lovingly stroked his face but still given his interview and DR I'm left wondering if he's playing the hell out of Frankie.  If he is, it's a long con since he made those comments to Cody and Frankie on day 2.  Frankie said yesterday that he would never make a move on a guy that has told him he's straight, that the guy would literally have to grab him and kiss him for anything to happen.  I want this to happen but if it does will CBS have the balls to air it?

  • Love 1

There were two seasons with openly gay males in the house. Season 8 had three people come onto the show that had a rocky relationship with one of the house guests and one of the relationships was ex boyfriends. Season 9, the winter one where they coupled them up in "love matches" had two guys but one had to leave. I didn't watch the feeds (did they have feeds back then?) so I don't know what was going on other than what was aired on the show. And there was no relationship. I think it would be really cool if they did show us Frankie and Zach's relationship. I also hope that Frankie isn't using Zach (as well as vice versa). Maybe Zach has never been interested in a guy before or been with a guy before but Frankie just does it for him and he's going with it? 

since he made those comments to Cody and Frankie on day 2.



Has Zach actually told Frankie that he's attracted to him?


I was kind of wondering if Frankie was toying with Zach but now that you mention it, Whyjen8, I can see Zach being the type to lead someone on not just to try to win but just because he can. Hope that's not the case.

  • Love 1

I don't know. I do have a feeling that Zach does have genuine feelings for Frankie, just for the sole way he continues to look at him every time I see them on the feeds. He literally has this lovestruck, awestruck look in his eyes and if he's faking it, then I give full props to him because I'm buying it. Plus with the constant compliments (which feel real, but he could also be faking) and the way he's always touching him, I feel like on Zach's end, it might be real. Frankie's a harder read. He might have feelings for Zach, but he's flirting with most of the guys so it's hard to tell. 


I personally think that having the showmance of the summer being two guys could be the best thing for CBS. It shows diversity and yes it's controversial, but compared to last season, this would probably boost their ratings. I think if Zach and Frankie do end up being a couple, or even if they just kiss, they would be wise to show it on TV instead of pretending it's just a bromance. 


Even if it's not real and Zach is playing Frankie (and all of us), then I'll actually be majorly impressed and I might actually be rooting him to win for his impeccable acting skills.

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I know it's only been about three weeks -- and maybe my PTSD from all the seasons I've watched isn't being triggered due to the lack of overt hostility -- but it seems that at this point in previous seasons, at least a few people were really not getting along by now. Even though there's plenty of talking behind each others' backs and strategizing, there don't appear to be any demeaning comments, name-calling ("bitch") or "jokes" about defiling a houseguest's corpse. Maybe it's too soon and I'm just being naive.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 1

I agree. Aside from Caleb and Devin, who are clearly insane in their own unique ways, these houseguests strike me as borderline normal, nice people. Some annoying tendencies, yes, but nobody strikes me as a terrible human being. At this point last season, almost half the cast had already exposed themselves as racist/sexist assholes.


But I'll admit that I may also be naive and hopelessly optimistic despite being continuously let down by this show.

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I never had the live feeds, but wasn't there this whole bromance going on between Beau and Howie during season 6 of Big Brother? People claimed that they actually made out and of course, it was never shown. They did do a bit about it but not much. My impression was that Howie was flirting with Beau because he wanted to mess with the Friendship.


CBS in general seems pretty skittish about same-sex stuff so I won't be surprised if they pretend nothing happens and quickly take away their cam if it does. Then again, the Beau/Howie stuff happened back in 2005, and it's almost a decade later so you never know.


Honestly, Frankie strikes me as a guy who's been around the block many, many times, and I can't see him getting played by Zach, even if Zach is just conning him.

I just caught the tail-end of a convo between Zach and Caleb where Caleb was telling Zach that Amber was trying to use him to get farther and he's done with her and she has to go first from their alliance and yada yada yada. Then Christine came in and I kinda stopped listening because I do not like her, but she looked like she was eating it all up, idiot that she is. Anyway, now Zach and Derrick are talking about how Christine messed up and she needs to stop playing and just do nothing and whatnot.


Now Cody is there and him, Derrick, and Zach are talking about backdooring Devin next week.

Has Joey lost her mind? Dressing up and yelling at the house as her "brother" Alex, throwing stuff around? Yikes. I'm not quite sure what she thought she was going to accomplish with that, but she seemed to think it broke the ice and was funny. I heard her get called into the diary room, I wonder if she's going to get a talking to about throwing weights in the backyard and throwing the bean bag pillows in the Beehive room while it was filled with people.


That was just odd.

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I'm hoping that was Team America stunt and she just earned $5,000 otherwise she's lost her damn mind.  :o




I just caught the tail-end of a convo between Zach and Caleb where Caleb was telling Zach that Amber was trying to use him to get farther and he's done with her and she has to go first from their alliance and yada yada yada. Then Christine came in and I kinda stopped listening because I do not like her, but she looked like she was eating it all up, idiot that she is.

Caleb is claiming she led him on, used him for game purposes, etc. etc..... and now she is to be shunned.  When Amber had the audacity to enter the same room and take a seat facing him he seethed.  This is not a poker player people you could tell exactly what Caleb was thinking and it wasn't nice thoughts at all.


Bowcasta is getting into the feeds now.  LOL, she was shocked that Joey as Alex said "bad words."  




I know it's only been about three weeks -- and maybe my PTSD from all the seasons I've watched isn't being triggered due to the lack of overt hostility -- but it seems that at this point in previous seasons, at least a few people are really not getting along by now. Even though there's plenty of talking behind each others' backs and strategizing, there don't appear to be any demeaning comments, name-calling ("bitch") or "jokes" about defiling a houseguest's corpse. Maybe it's too soon and I'm just being naive.


They seem to have given the house some rules this season.  They have to refrain from saying certain words, I'm guessing they can't do much bashing.  I just wonder if there's a punishment for breaking the rules.



ETA:  If Dr. Will and Dan had a love child it would be Zach.

Edited by whyjen8
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Caleb seems to have turned on Amber.  Apparently she said something "bad" about Caleb to Devin and Pao Pao, and Caleb's feelings are hurt.  Devin is being the voice of reason trying to keep Caleb from saying something to Amber and ruining the alliance.  Caleb is saying he will no longer protect her or help her and that "I'm not going to keep acting toward her the way I've been acting."   He later said he's been nicer to Amber than he has been to any girl in the last 4 years.  


ETA, apparently Amber said that Caleb "was all about himself."  

Edited by Thalia

I am so confused about Derrick. I generally forget he is even there, but I also haven't had a lot of feed time so far (darn job, then stupid loss of electricity due to storms last night). Does he seem to really have a presence?


I think someone said that he sleeps a lot.


It's pretty boring how they all seem to be getting along and so in love with each other.  I don't want a repeat of last year, but come on, let's have some friction.


Caleb seems to have turned on Amber.  Apparently she said something "bad" about Caleb to Devin and Pao Pao, and Caleb's feelings are hurt.  Devin is being the voice of reason trying to keep Caleb from saying something to Amber and ruining the alliance.  Caleb is saying he will no longer protect her or help her and that "I'm not going to keep acting toward her the way I've been acting."   He later said he's been nicer to Amber than he has been to any girl in the last 4 years.  


ETA, apparently Amber said that Caleb "was all about himself."  


Apparently this all started because Devin made some shit up about what Amber had said. I enjoyed watching him try to reign in Caleb's crazy since he was the one that got that ball rolling!


I feel so bad for Amber. Everyone is talking about how sad they are for Caleb and how he's such a sweet guy. Who cares? Amber doesn't have to like him!


ETA: Wow, Christine is so damn dumb. Like she thinks she's so cool because she's in this dude bro alliance. I can't wait until she gets Britneyed.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Christine hasn't even told her supposed bff Nicole about the alliance?  That really surprises me and yeah also disappoints me.  I wanna see the fall out.  Maybe Devin was right to trust her after all.


With Derrick, my impression is that he doesn't  suffer fools easily.  I think he tries to past time on his own than put up with silly drama. 

Edited by vb68
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Christine hasn't even told her supposed bff Nicole about the alliance?


Nope. And she told Zach she'd cut Nicole because she has "no idea what she's doing in this game." Ugh. I mean even if she's playing the dude bros, she's still just gonna sit there and do jack shit and think they're gonna carry her to F8 and then she'll 'make her move.' Dumbass either way, IMO.



What's with all the obnoxious, brightly colored baseball hats all the guys wear?  Did production give them all them?


College-aged and twentysomething guys are wearing a lot of neon now for some reason, especially the bro types. I've also seen a lot of the flower pattern hat that Cody's wearing.

Edited by methodwriter85

This Joey as "Alex" stuff is so weird and kinda uncomfortable to watch.  I do hope it's part of Team America although I think they would come up with something better than that.  But yeah, otherwise she really is a mess. I was cringing watching Frankie try to have a conversation with Alex. 


ETA: And I just saw the part with Devin.  His eyes said it all.

Edited by vb68

Joey is pretending to be a man again. Named Alex. I'd like to think it was a challenge, but wouldn't "America" know about it being a challenge before it was a challenge? I don't know, I just think Joey is so completely out of her element, has no clue about this game or how it works, and has decided to force her 'quirky' personality on the house to get her out of this jam of most definitely being evicted. Probably because she has most likely been told most of her adult life that she has such a 'quirky' personality, and that it's a good thing. People need to stop doing that.

  • Love 1

So it was Frankie's turn to baby-sit Caleb about his Amber obsession, who has now decided that Amber is a cockteasing bitch, but he's accepting that she's such a bitch that can't appreciate the God that is him, because he's got so many girls after him anyway. But, I mean, if Amber DID decide to grab a bite to eat with him after the show, he wouldn't mind, but if not, he'll just be all, "Peace out, nice knowing ya."


My. Fucking. God. How Frankie and the rest of the hamsters don't laugh right in his face about this is crazy. This is a 26-year old man acting like an 11-year old boy who is pissed off that the hottest girl in the 6th grade didn't check the "yes" box on his "Do You Like Me Or Not?" homeroom note.


Edited to add: On my fucking god, Caleb wants to write a speech where he "gets back" at Amber for "dissing" him. You really just can't let down a psycho stalker type easily, can you?

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 3

Okay, so I think the CBS master plan has worked for them.  Remember, last year they seemed to pretty much go in the "no press is bad press" direction.  So rolling with the conspiracy theory (that Crazy Probably Racist Caleb and Amber the Hot Biracial Girl and Frankie the Flashy Gay Guy) are all there together on purpose, to CAUSE an incident/drama I mean, then here we go.  I doubt CBS expected this particular kind of incident (rather than Caleb goin' all race and sexuality cursey on people), but they can't be unhappy with this result, going by their typical standard of Not Actually Giving A Shit As Long As It Gets The Show Ratings/Attention.


And of course the way the OTHERS are all reacting, allowing it to happen, seems to once more reinforce that this is the single most misogynistic show in existence (and CBS doesn't even PRETEND to apologize for that, unlike the racism). 

Edited by Kromm


My. Fucking. God. How Frankie and the rest of the hamsters don't laugh right in his face about this is crazy. This is a 26-year old man acting like an 11-year old boy who is pissed off that the hottest girl in the 6th grade didn't check the "yes" box on his "Do You Like Me Or Not?" homeroom note.

I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it. Most of us gave that sort of thing up by the time the first digit turned to a 2 at the VERY latest. It's laughable on one hand and scary as shit on the other. 


On a lighter note...the latest Zankie convo ended with: Frankie: I'll see you downstairs, I have to take a shit. Zach: I'll miss you. Frankie:I'll miss you too! Wow!

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