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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I think he's already kicking himself over nom'ing Brit. This just serves as a physical illustration.

Incidentally, to complete 2400 goals in 24 hours works out to a required average of a goal every 36 seconds. I think she's running substantially ahead of that now. What time did she start?

ETA: starting time question.

Just timed a few of Brit's shots. At present, she's averaging a goal every 15 seconds (barring distractions by the other HGs). I doubt she can maintain this pace indefinitely, but right now she's on track to finish in approx. ten hours. Dang.


If he weren't such a weak-willed pawn to Derrick and the others, he would have realized that nom'ing - instead of BD'ing Brittany, if it had to come down to that -- was the worst thing he could have done.  It paints him in a bad light with Jocasta and Donny if she goes.  If she stays, he's screwed unless she's dumb enough to play 'his' game with him.


ETA:  Hilarious.  Brittany asking the cast to tell their 5 favorite things/memories since being there... and we get crickets for a couple minutes, before talk starts.


ETAA:  She's really starting to feel it now, and wear down.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Watching Brittany do these goals is exhausting. I can't imagine the little blow to your mindset every time you 'just' miss the goal. I'd be telling her if she was missing more than she was making, she needed a 15 minute break, but I know she wants to at least power through to a 1,000. And she definitely wants no part of doing this in the sun.

Derrick is so thoroughly gross.  He scolded Zach for saying that Christine had a thing for Cody, not because it was offensive to Christine, of course, but because it might be insulting to her husband.  Then, according to Jokers, he says to Cody, "We send Brit home and Amber will be licking your balls."  So in his code of ethics, you can say anything about a woman, as long as there's no man to take offense.  Dude, you have a DAUGHTER!


And this bull**** about, "She wants to take the food out of my kids mouth---no. You're going home. And I'm not even talking about the 500k, I'm talking about the jury money."  I can't with the entitlement.


He is so much more gross and awful than Devin could ever hope to have been.

  • Love 7

I've been away all day and catching up on the feeds. I won't lie, I'm kinda glad Victoria won POV because go girl go all the way to the big prize. But I haven't seen a lot of Victoria mentioned. She really seemed to want to leave the house last night and seemed to be over the game. She even said at one point that she would campaign for Brittany to stay. Has her mind set changed about wanting to leave? If she's really over it, I wish I could tell her to use the Veto on Brittany instead, and go out in a blaze of fuck you glory. I mean, she obviously has to know that Brittany is the target to leave. 

Yeah, I know it'll never happen. But if it could, wouldn't it be cool?


I really hope Cody comes to his senses and throws Caleb up there instead of Donny. He's so undeserving of this. Where's the Cootie Taw when you need it?

ETA: My favourite moment of the day happened before the POV contest. Caleb proved that he really has no idea how Big Brother works, because everyone knows the live feeds are 24/7. Most people seem to understand that. Caleb was informing Donny that he could tell when they weren't live, because the lights in the HOH bathroom fish tank are on then. Oh. Okay then, Caleb. He said something a few hours ago to Derrick in the backyard, whispering in his mic to tell Big Brother that Cody was falling asleep in the back yard so wake him up for his punishment (because Amber was with Cody) and that Zach had fallen asleep in the hammock, so call him out on it. When they didn't, he told Derrick that he guessed they weren't live. Derrick pointed out that a camera had been pointed right at them, zooming in and out the whole time. Dumbass.

Edited by Callaphera
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Zach doesn't believe you need a condom for anal sex. He's a special guy, he is.


Anyhow, Derrick and Frankie just had a long and interesting discussion where they have convinced themselves that Brit doesn't really need the money (Frankie at least concedes that he could be telling himself that just to feel better about voting her out) but more importantly, game-wise, they seem pretty devoted to keeping Donny around. They seem to be most concerned, oddly enough, about how "America" would view them getting rid of Donny.


So if Brit wants to have a chance, she needs Cody not to put up Donny.But that's going to be exactly who she pushes him to put up. So I guess you're screwed, Brit!

  • Love 2

Zach doesn't believe you need a condom for anal sex. He's a special guy, he is.


Anyhow, Derrick and Frankie just had a long and interesting discussion where they have convinced themselves that Brit doesn't really need the money (Frankie at least concedes that he could be telling himself that just to feel better about voting her out) but more importantly, game-wise, they seem pretty devoted to keeping Donny around. They seem to be most concerned, oddly enough, about how "America" would view them getting rid of Donny.


So if Brit wants to have a chance, she needs Cody not to put up Donny.But that's going to be exactly who she pushes him to put up. So I guess you're screwed, Brit!


Unfortunately, so true.  And more unfortunately, so true again.  The person she should push Cody to BD-nom is Caleb; using quite a few [valid] reasons for doing so.  But - *sigh* - she'll want and push for Donny.

While it was a dumb idea at the time and it just happened to work out beautifully, the best thing that Devin did for the guys alliance was to add Christine to it, I don't think she was even thinking about being in a guys alliance until Devin asked her and she has latched on to it like a moron, but a devoted moron. 

That one decision has informed so much of the game, as it keeps the girls from ever having a chance of banding together. And since they can never get together because of Christine constantly stopping the attempts (as she is needed because she controls Nicole) then the girls never actually get to the point of seeing where everyone stands. That is very important because it leads to stuff like Brit stupidly believing that Donny would be a better idea to put up than Caleb. 


And here's the killer thing - we might all want Cody to put Caleb up, but it really doesn't benefit him to do so. The men really are sitting pretty right now. They seem prepared to Brigade their way to the end with this awful dual HoH twist. Why rock the boat when your alliance:


A. Will likely win at least one of the HoHs every time

B. Will win BotB if two of your members are paired together somehow and

C. Will not be evicted if one of your members is paired with someone else

  • Love 8

Regarding America's Team, this rather interesting conversation between Derrick and Frankie was posted on Jokers at 07/20/14 02:24 AM:

They have not heard any questions from DR about their mission, but the whole house agreed Amber is a physical threat and Donny agreed too. Derrick thinks they have at least 6 more weeks of missions and it will end at Final 3. Frankie thinks with the $4000 in stipend, $10,000 in missions so far, and $5,000 in mission next week, he's almost made enough already to build one school ($20,000)...


Will talk to Donny after Cody puts him up to ask what happened between Donnie and Cody. Want Donny around -- Frankie says he zones it out when people talk about getting Donny out because he knows he is safe with Donny. [/b]They want Donny to make jury and Frankie also said we can't get rid of him because we'd be a**holes...


Derrick then also says Team America is his alliance now, because going against it would look like an a**-clown, and America knows something about Frankie and Donny that he doesn't know. Frankie agrees and says if we get to Final 3 with Donny that's great. Derrick says we have been kind of honest with each other with you and your schools and me and my checkered past. Frankie still thinks Donny is a war hero. Derrick thinks Donny is former military who doesn't have much now, because a lot of his story does add up.


Derrick says he's asked in DR about whether he's really working with Donny since they don't talk. He says it doesn't matter because they won't go against each other. Team America is his real alliance. Derrick wonders if the twist will expose them at some point. Frankie thinks that may happen with Donny accidentally, like the other day he said "If America wants me to wake up..." and Donny also slipped up about $10,000 the other day. Derrick says by contract if Donny exposes them, he forfeits all his money. Frankie says they are allowed to say themselves are America's Player, but can't expose the others. Derrick doesn't see why anyone would want to do that.


So Derrick and Frankie are still treating Donny like a fifth wheel, and even though Derrick says Team America is his real alliance, he's not only not warning Donny that he's going up, he's going to Donny after Cody puts him up to ask "What happened between you and Cody that made him put you on the block?"  They still don't quite trust Donny because they both think Donny was in the military even though Donny has told everyone he's never been in the service.  And they both feel that Donny needs to be dragged along with them because he's obviously not as smart as they are.  To be honest, if Donny has been slipping up and mentioning things he shouldn't, I can see how they would want to keep him in the dark as much as possible.  But since I like Donny a lot more than I like Derrick and Frankie, I'm still choosing to be snippy about it. 


Either way, even the DR appears to be questioning the strength of the teams bond.  Even though Derrick and Frankie agree that a Final 3 with Donny would be "great", in the same conversation they also appear to really only be invested in getting Donny to Jury.  I think that since Derrick had to tell Frankie about the America's Team contract, he may have asked the DR to provide clarification on what would happen if somehow Team America were found out by the other houseguests.


This makes me wonder if Derrick and Frankie might actually be hoping for Donny to go home.  They might be running around talking about how much they want Donny to stay so America won't be angry if Donny gets voted out.

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Frankie/Derrick telling everyone that Brit doesn't need the money.  How she has been to the Hefner mansion, has a bmw (which she should have kept to herself) etc. 


Frankie, don't hear you telling anyone what perks you've had being Ariana's brother?  I'm sure you have been to some swank places cause of her.


Only thing I'm looking forward to is when the new Have Nots are revealed (if it's based on low activity points) with nobody having a sayso.

Edited by njbarmaid
  • Love 4

I do think Brit has already worked Cody a little bit.  I heard she asked him directly  what he thinks her father thinks of him now and that seemed to get under his skin.


Well, we all know Cody has a thing for fathers!


Derrick is so thoroughly gross.  He scolded Zach for saying that Christine had a thing for Cody, not because it was offensive to Christine, of course, but because it might be insulting to her husband.  Then, according to Jokers, he says to Cody, "We send Brit home and Amber will be licking your balls."  So in his code of ethics, you can say anything about a woman, as long as there's no man to take offense.  Dude, you have a DAUGHTER!


And this bull**** about, "She wants to take the food out of my kids mouth---no. You're going home. And I'm not even talking about the 500k, I'm talking about the jury money."  I can't with the entitlement.


He is so much more gross and awful than Devin could ever hope to have been.


Derrick is disgusting. He is the worse person in the house, IMO. I'd rather listen to Caleb's stories than spend one more minute listening to Derrick talk. I think what really makes me hate Derrick is that he's looked at as some great guy when he's a sexist piece of shit.


They seem to be most concerned, oddly enough, about how "America" would view them getting rid of Donny.


That doesn't surprise me. If they thought America would still love them, they'd get Donny out immediately. I'm glad Donny is TA because otherwise he'd be gone by now.


Frankie/Derrick telling everyone that Brit doesn't need the money.  How she has been to the Hefner mansion, has a bmw (which she should have kept to herself) etc. 


She told them that she got her BMW at a great deal because her aunt (or some relative) works at a dealership or something. She said it was less than it'd be for her to lease like a KIA. And now they're using this to make themselves feel better. So, yea, that was a dumb thing for her to bring up.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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As much as these guys wanted to get rid of Devin, they are sitting pretty because of him. I don't think Derdick's sexist ass would have brought Christine in the fold.

Too bad the girls didn't have the foresight to make a deal with Devin and keep him. He'd always be a target and could have blown Derdick's posse.

These girls are serious dumb asses. I just hope the do away with the dual HOH and Amber wins HOH. It will be fun to watch the guys scramble.

If the usual trend holds up, does anyone know which week they'll start jury or how many more evictions before jury? Is it typical that a double eviction is held at the jury mark? From what I've read, it sounds like enough people are over Amber and that she could be the next one to go. Does anyone know if there's a push to make Donny the next one or to get him out before jury? I know Frankie and Derrick are thinking about getting rid of Donny but does anyone else want him out? Unfortunately, I could see them wanting to drag Victoria and/or Jocasta along instead of Donny. 


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that as soon as jury starts, someone in BS/detonaters will want to strike first at their alliance mates and a few of the "outsiders" will squeak through. I want Hayden to win an HOH, but I'm afraid his #1 target is Caleb when it should be Derrick or Frankie. Despite their gross comments and condescending attitudes, I do have to give Frankie and Derrick credit for not being the #1 target for anyone, at least as far as I know. I'm thinking that Derrick and Frankie won't want to go to the end together and so I'm looking forward to watching them go after each other.

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If the jury is 9, which it most likely will be, then next week will be the last non jury member eviction.


Last week Hayden (and Donny) seemed to recognize that Derrick was the ring leader. And everyone knows Frankie is a rat. I do think that once dual HOH is over, those two will probably be the biggest targets. Maybe I'm just hopeful though!


ETA: Brittany is just over halfway there now. She's really hurting though. Wondering out loud to Donny if it's worth it since she knows she's going home. She said the only reason she's even doing it is out of pride.


ETAA: She said she's giving up. Donny told her to just take a break and think about it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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As much as these guys wanted to get rid of Devin, they are sitting pretty because of him. I don't think Derdick's sexist ass would have brought Christine in the fold.

Too bad the girls didn't have the foresight to make a deal with Devin and keep him. He'd always be a target and could have blown Derdick's posse.

These girls are serious dumb asses. I just hope the do away with the dual HOH and Amber wins HOH. It will be fun to watch the guys scramble.


I agree, and said it a couple of times before.  Amber especially should have been working to get Caleb evicted.  I'm not sure how he is in live feeds, but I figure its only a matter of time before her continued rejection of him is no longer really seen as an attractive challenge in his mind, but as her welshing on a deal that she never agreed to when he put himself on the block for her.  If he turns on her, now she has an enemy, and if the misogyny is that deep in the household, then its possible the other guys turn on her.  And if the men hold sway over what the women think..... 

Last night Caleb told Cody that Frankie told Amber that Cody said Amber offered herself on the block and that's why Frankie put her up. Cody is pissed because it puts her nomination right on his shoulders instead of Frankie's which was the original plan. I hope Cody is smart enough to target Frankie soon but I doubt that will happen. After all, Derrick is calling all the shots. Asshole!



Well, we all know Cody has a thing for fathers!

I've seen this referenced a few times but don't know what it means. Can someone explain?

Yep, he kissed him full on the lips and several times on the neck. The kind of male affection you see in soccer and rugby tournaments oveseas.

Which brings me to the PoV-since it seems to have been World Cup related was the Germ-tard and trip to Germany enough of a tip-off to let Cody (a soccer player) know that Germany won? That should be in a True or False HoH While You Were In The House comp which nobody can throw.

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Brittany has a harsh penalty for sure and it's impressive how well she's holding up. She should use her feet more instead of bending over every time she picks up the ball.


One thing that really made me mad on the feeds is the whiny Nicole saying wearing her costume is just as bad a punishment as kicking the balls. I think Nicole is my least favorite HG.

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They always let Jordan get away with not always wearing it too. Nicole reminds me a bit of BB13 Jordan.


One thing that really made me mad on the feeds is the whiny Nicole saying wearing her costume is just as bad a punishment as kicking the balls. I think Nicole is my least favorite HG.


That was embarrassing. I mean if she honestly thinks that then she's just an idiot!


I think Brittany's gonna be able to do it. She has almost 1680 now. She got 100 in a 1/2 hour. She is gonna be so sore though. If she were to stay and it was an endurance HOH she'd be totally fucked.


Donny has been so sweet with her. She credits him for her being able to continue. So cute!


Brittany mentioned to Cody that she thought he'd have to do his a lot more and then, low and behold, they started calling him to do it a bunch of times. LOL!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Is this the most sadistic season of Big Brother yet? The Have Not room is probably the worst I can remember seeing, and now Brittany's 2400 goals in 24 hours just makes me wonder what kind of torture they'll inflict on them as the season goes on. Oh, and of course, Nicole's unitard, because it's totally as bad as continuing to kick a soccer ball forever. Brittany keeps hoping that if she makes the 2400, BB will give her some sort of prize. She's mentioned being safe from eviction, getting money... sorry, Britt. All you're going to get is a heavily edited 5 minute segment showing you kicking the ball. I'm no Brittany fan, but I'm definitely impressed with her powering through this.

I was dying earlier when Cody kept trying to leave the backyard and would keep getting his penalty kick whistle just as he would think he had escaped. Keep it up, BB. More kicks to the ass.

  • Love 5

Is this the most sadistic season of Big Brother yet? The Have Not room is probably the worst I can remember seeing, and now Brittany's 2400 goals in 24 hours just makes me wonder what kind of torture they'll inflict on them as the season goes on. 


I hope it's awful and that Nicole, Christine, Derrick, Frankie, and Cody take the brunt of it. 


All I have left to look forward to is hopefully getting to see these assholes get screwed. Like I can not wait until Christine gets Brigaded. That's gonna be so fun.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

If the jury is 9, which it most likely will be, then next week will be the last non jury member eviction.


Last week Hayden (and Donny) seemed to recognize that Derrick was the ring leader. And everyone knows Frankie is a rat. I do think that once dual HOH is over, those two will probably be the biggest targets. Maybe I'm just hopeful though!

Thanks for the info on jury. Hoping that plans don't change for next week and that Donny stays safe. I want Donny and Hayden to pull off some HOH wins and start getting some of the other guys out. I'm glad to hear that both Donny and Hayden see that Derrick is likely the one in charge. I agree that most of them have said that they know Frankie had been playing both sides and that he stirs up trouble but I never hear anyone talk about getting rid of him -- unlike Zach and Caleb, for example, who are suggested as pawns and targets by nearly everyone in the house.


I feel for Brittany because of this ridiculous soccer task and appreciated her wanting to do something to turn things around in the house but I have to admit that I never really cared for her. I just never thought she was that good at playing the game, seemed surprised and horrified by stuff that happens every season, and to me was a tad self righteous. Was she a fan or a recruit? I guess I've been assuming she was a fan and so I wondered why she made the choices she made. At least she can be satisfied that she didn't do anything she really didn't want to do, like stroke Cody's and Derrick's egos, since she never had much of a chance to make it to the end anyway.  

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The only prize that will be given out if Brittany wins the soccer challenge is $5k each to TA. Grodner will say she is a physical threat. Which will make me sick because It will just fuel Derdick's, Cody's and Frankie's misogamy even more.

Not only are the girls screwing over themselves but production is doing it to them, too. It's not even fun to watch.

Note to Grodner: As much as we woman like to see Cody with his shirt off, we would like it more to see some strong woman play the game and kick some ass.

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Personally, I would love the twist for next season be no tattoos. Could they do it? Doubt it. Anyway, why is Brittany even doing kicking punishment? Couldn't she just say, F this?! I wish someone (anyone) would start bringing up that Frankie is playing both sides. Maybe, when (unfortunately) more the girls get evicted it will be brought up. I liked when Frankie & Derrick were in love. Now, not so much. I just can't.

I agree that most of them have said that they know Frankie had been playing both sides and that he stirs up trouble but I never hear anyone talk about getting rid of him -- unlike Zach and Caleb, for example, who are suggested as pawns and targets by nearly everyone in the house.


Shit, you're probably right. Derdick will probably win the whole game, too. I should just prepare myself for the terrible!


Note to Grodner: As much as we woman like to see Cody with his shirt off, we would like it more to see some strong woman play the game and kick some ass.


After seeing BB Canada, which has the same casting director, I definitely think we can blame Grodner 100% for this. BBCan had so many women who played, fought, and weren't there to just be carried by some guy.

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I can't believe that I'm sitting here watching Brittany kicking that soccer ball on last night's BBAD, and reading here that she is still doing it now.  That's crazy.  Did Jocasta sit with her the whole time?  Did the others all go in to sleep and just leave her out there kicking all night? 


That's too much, Production.  Far too much. 

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It's been hard to go to the feeds and watch Brit be in so much pain. She is saying she would rather be in labor than deal with this pain (as one who had a 9 pound kid with no drugs, that must really be hurting her).


Donny has been I think the most consistent in being out there with her.  Hayden and Nicole all comfy in the fire room bashing Brit saying anyone else would have been done by now and how badly she kicks.   IMO unless you are Pele or Beckham, most people would be in pain and maybe a little bit ahead of her.  I'm sure production must have done some testing to get an average/hour to figure out that this task while hard, could be achieved.

Edited by njbarmaid
  • Love 1

Donny has a hate on for Caleb. Donny is putting a bug in Cody's ear to nominate Caleb. Let's see if he can get into Cody's head. Donny telling Cody that Caleb is a selfish player only focused on Amber and he doesn't play as a team. He said that Caleb is the reason that Brittany is in this spot with the goals.


ETA: There goes Christine undoing Donny's words. Cody still seems to be under Derrick's spell. The more Cody talks the more he's talking about putting up Caleb. Seems like since he hasn't spoken to Derrick since last night the spell may be weakening a bit. He's finally talking about his personal game vs. other people's games.

Edited by kellog010
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I keep saying it, but poor Brittany. She made a huge mistake on her most recent break by taking off her shoes and socks and dipping her feet in the pool. It always hurts more when you can see the damage done. She says there's blisters under her toenails, that they're turning black and blue, and one toenail is going to fall off. She had a nice little cry, a yogurt, some Bible readings from Jocasta and seems to be back at it. 400 to go, and still 5-ish hours to do it? At least she's pretty accurate with the backwards heel kick.

I don't subscribe to the feeds, but try to keep up with developments here. Obviously, my interest has been waning a bit with the inevitability of recent occurrences. A specific question: I know Caleb has telegraphed his displeasure with Amber and Cody flirting, but has he directly talked about hypothetically targeting Cody, or is that just an inductive conclusion/paranoia on Cody's part?

I actually watched her get her last 67 goals; the show is on pause. Everyone else came out with ten left and cheered her on and did the wave and I thought it was so cute until I realized that everyone there other than Donny and Jacosta probably just cared because they knew it would be on TV. Because these people suck. I haven't liked her much the last few weeks, but Brittany has definitely earned my respect on this one. One of her toenails is apparently falling off, and she literally could not kick even the last one with her toes. She's a badass.

  • Love 8

Brittany did it! Despite all the asshole behavior that goes on, it was awesome to see them all there cheering her on, chanting her name, and then celebrating when the last kick went in. She deserved that jump into the pool when it was all said and done. Too bad it won't get her any further ahead in the game and she'll most likely be leaving anyway. Hell of an effort on her part. I bet she never wants to kick a soccer ball ever again.

  • Love 3

Might land her a soccer player, though. A professional one like David Beckham.

I'm afraid I'm in the camp that believes Donny was there a lot of the time because he liked to watch her boobs bounce. Something tells me he might have been a big fan of The Battle Of The Network Stars when it was on ABC in the 1970s and 1980s. Marki Post and Cathy Lee Crosby were probably the subjects of his very first crush.

Edited by TimWil

Good for her!  I really didn't think she'd be able to finish it.  While I think the better game move would have been to not finish it so she could present the argument that she was a dead duck next week to buy another week, I'm not sure that would have saved her anyway.  So kudos for her to get to go out on a moral victory note.


And good for Donny for supporting her the entire day, especially walking her back from the brink of quitting this morning.  What a genuinely kind human being.

Edited by pennben
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