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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Julie told Frankie the date of the finale at the end of his interview,  he registered surprise, she said more on that later.  The explanation never came.  Does anyone know why CBS is doing this?  They never announced the "why."  Survivor doesn't need the attention if it was to air on the same night as its premiere.  Anyone know?.

Maybe they realized that with this boring ass season and inevitable ending the only way to get people to watch the finale was to tie it to survivor

  • Love 1


Yes, Victoria is young, naïve and inexperienced with men, but from all indications she's healthily curious sexually.  Of course, all this is moot because even if she admitted or denied her true feelings for Derrick, there's no way we'll even know.  And because we won't, I don't feel comfortable continuing a discussion about something that could be extremely injurious to her.  That being said "tm", in my mind there absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Victoria goes to bed every night imagining herself with Derrick sexually and also, in my mind, she envisions herself as Derrick's wife and his daughter as their child.



I agree slasherboy.  The clip show illustrated this without even putting a direct focus on it.  It was just in the course of a day, so casually present. 

Edited by wings707

I turned on the TV this morning, and am watching 'Blowout' - criminy...it really is eerie how much Cody looks like Travolta, circa 1981.  There was a split second I thought 'Did we not erase last night's BB' (Granted, I didn't have my coffee, and the neighbors kid is outside literally shouting for unknown reasons at 6:30 a.m.  So I'm still not fully awake until the coffee and the blinding rage that the assmunches in the apartment next door seem to feel their 6 year old's shouting is something people in our building want to hear on a Saturday morning....but I disgress.)


...and I realized I watch entirely too much Big Brother.

  • Love 5

Answering tweets is exciting but I cannot figure out how that is going to work.  Tweets are generally just opinions or announcements. .  


Big Brother will likely tell people that they can tweet questions to the BB Twitter account and they'll pick a few safe questions and have them answer those. It won't be informative at all, but it MIGHT (stress MIGHT) at least lead to a couple of amusing answers. Like someone might ask Victoria about the crow story. 

Big Brother will likely tell people that they can tweet questions to the BB Twitter account and they'll pick a few safe questions and have them answer those. It won't be informative at all, but it MIGHT (stress MIGHT) at least lead to a couple of amusing answers. Like someone might ask Victoria about the crow story. 


Oh, so this is just a time filler.  I thought it was involved in the final HOH somehow.   

Edited by wings707


He only wins if he takes Victoria. But he won't do it. Idiot!

Yeah, it's dumb but I think besides his warped sense of loyalty there's the fear of losing to a woman. I'd really be surprised if Cody took a chance on that happening. If he walked away with $50K as a loser to Derrick he could live with that but it would haunt him forever if he "let" Victoria beat him.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu

Yeah, it's dumb but I think besides his warped sense of loyalty there's the fear of losing to a woman. I'd really be surprised if Cody took a chance on that happening. If he walked away with $50K as a loser to Derrick he could live with that but it would haunt him forever if he "let" Victoria beat him.



I think it is entirely about loyalty.  If he lost to her he fears he would be criticized/hated for being a turncoat, akin to a dishonorable discharge in his mind.   All of the F4 stressed this daily.  They were all stumping not to be evicted and did not mean a word of that, of course! 


Hit man, schmit man.  Jesus.  



He has no clue that he would get kudos for evicting Caleb and leaving Derrick behind.   2 big moves. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I do wonder if Derrick throws Cody under the bus in someway during the Q&A. Usually, the questions are lame but their answers and their plead to the jury includes some shade of the other person. I think if Derrick senses that the questions are hurting his chances of a win he might resort to dumping on Cody. Just a thought.

  • Love 1

Derrick can avoid all of this, of course, by just winning the final HOH, which I hope he does so I don't have to deal with how painfully dumb Cody is anymore. 


I want Cody to win that final HOH and take Derrick to just really drive the point home on how badly he played this game. It would be super funny.


The problem with Cody is that he actually thinks he played a great game. I really want to be a fly on the wall when his family tells him how horrible he played.


Me too! I just know his brother is gonna rag on him so much. 


Derrick beat Victoria by 15 minutes. She took 30 minutes and actually thought she had done awesome and might have won.


I mean it's not like Derrick has proven himself to be a fierce physical competitor.


She played the game pretty much the only way she knew how: hitching herself to someone and riding along as close to the end as she could. Even though it isn't much game, she played it well. In my heart of hearts, I want her in final 2 because this season deserves it and I want Derrick on that last jury seat because if we can't have nice things, why should he? Dumb versus dumber for final 2. I know it won't happen, but still. 


This. A F2 of the 2 dumbest players in a season full of dumb players is what the season deserves. Plus it's just comedy!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

My final hope for an interesting finale is the the jury just annihilates Cody. Just makes fun of him hardcore right to his face. That'd be fun!


I mean, just, I can't believe Cody knows he's would 100% win against Victoria and will 100% lose against Derrick and he will take Derrick. Like wow.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

It appears Victoria lost. I cannot believe it. Literally.


No way!  How could that happen???  Unreal!  *sarcasm*


Wednesday night is the first night of Rosh Hashanah and Victoria is Jewish... as well as Zach. It's sort of disrespectful for CBS to schedule the finale on that night when the families will have to be there as well. 


I agree, especially since they moved the date of the finale.  I guess it would be different, but still shitty if the contestants knew it when they signed up and signed on anyways, but changing to the high Jewish holiday in the middle of the game is just totally uncool.  This wouldn't even be considered an option if it was a big Christian holiday that they were considering.  

  • Love 6

Oh my god Victoria...shut up.  The only reason you are still sitting there at all is because Derrick put things in place to have you sitting there.  So, you'd feeling stupid?  Feel lucky and IMO grateful you made it this far.  It would be smarter for Derrick to take Victoria, but good dammit, I want him to take Cody.  

  • Love 3

I could swear Hijinks are afoot in the AFP voting:  I would bet dollars to donuts that I was NOT able to get my 20 in for Donny via the web before I got the message I'd used my votes for the day.



I wouldn't doubt it.  The  terms and conditions for AFP voting basically state CBS can do whatever they want, for any reason. 

Edited by Overwhelming No

My only hope for the redemption of this season is that Julie presents a button at the finale that the F2 have the choice of pushing. One of them pushes is an it's a BB rewind that deletes the entire game and awards AFP the $500,000, unless AFP ends of being Frankie (please god no).


The only thing that kept me watching all season was the HOPE that Frankie would be eliminated.

Edited by Picketfences
  • Love 3
Wednesday night is the first night of Rosh Hashanah and Victoria is Jewish... as well as Zach. It's sort of disrespectful for CBS to schedule the finale on that night when the families will have to be there as well.



Isn't Alison Grodner's background Jewish?

Hey, baby, it's OK -- can't we just enjoy what we have? Let's just see where it goes. Why do we have to put a label on things?"



And even though Victoria has heard these lines several times in her young life, she always thinks she's hearing it for the first time.

  • Love 1

I wouldn't doubt it.  The  terms and conditions for AFP voting basically state CBS can do whatever they want, for any reason. 


It didn't sound like that to me.  The clauses that they could change things were all about electronic voting or hacking meaning they would not count votes placed illegally.  I don't think they care who wins FF.  Why would they?  It doesn't serve CBS to have one win over another.  

Me too.  It never takes 20 anymore... only like 8 or 9.



Yep, me too. 11 this time. 

It didn't sound like that to me.  The clauses that they could change things were all about electronic voting or hacking meaning they would not count votes placed illegally.  I don't think they care who wins FF.  Why would they?  It doesn't serve CBS to have one win over another.  



Yep, me too. 11 this time. 


Hmm.  Interesting.  I just went and voted....for Zach this time and so I counted.  It let me vote all 20 times.  

Wow, Derrick's conversation with Victoria reads like a guy who's dating multiple people and wants to keep both of them on the hook: "Hey, baby, it's OK -- can't we just enjoy what we have? Let's just see where it goes. Why do we have to put a label on things?"

That was my exact thought. Also, it's yet another illustration of Derrick's smooth double talk and the stupidity and timidity of the others in their failure to just pin him down to a simple answer to a simple question. Victoria wants Derrick to say, "I was just playing along with this Hitmen thing. You and I have a rock solid final 2 deal like we've been promising each other all along. If I win the HOH, of course I'm taking you." The fact that he's not willing to say that makes it obvious that what she's crying about and talking about indirectly (him playing her for the whole game and having an equal/greater relationship with Cody) is true. Yet, she won't just say that because she's falling for Derrick's manipulation, twisting things around to make it about him being put in an awkward position, him being unfairly attacked when he did nothing wrong, etc.


This isn't exactly brilliant manipulation, though. Victoria could easily cut through the bullshit by saying, "Are you taking me if you win? Yes or no?" If she were just slightly better at playing her own manipulation game, she could add, "I get that it's a game, but for the sake of our friendship outside this house I think you at least owe me the courtesy of being honest with me. You gave Frankie that much respect." If she had even the most minimal game skills, she would tell him that if he doesn't take her that will prove that he's been lying to her the whole game and she will vote for Cody and encourage others in the jury to do the same. Instead, she just cries and whines, reveling in the attention Derrick is giving her as it sinks in that not only is she not going to win, she's looked like a fool on TV (her worst fear). This is Derrick's competition, along with Cody who knows that he'll lose $450K by taking Derrick to F2, but will do so anyway because... Derrick told him to? It's the honorable thing to do? It will make badass TV? I don't even know what Cody's thinking at this point, actually.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 13

I don't think it's shenanigans in that way.  I have been voting for Zach and I am getting random numbers of times to vote.  I think it's just a website glitch.  And if online polls are any indication, Donny has it in a landslide.  I don't think Frankie will win as I have not seen any indication that the Arianators (gross.) are voting.  You would be able to see the conversation on Twitter, and it's not there.  Happily!

  • Love 3

That was my exact thought. Also, it's yet another illustration of Derrick's smooth double talk and the stupidity and timidity of the others in their failure to just pin him down to a simple answer to a simple question. Victoria wants Derrick to say, "I was just playing along with this Hitmen thing. You and I have a rock solid final 2 deal like we've been promising each other all along. If I win the HOH, of course I'm taking you." The fact that he's not willing to say that makes it obvious that what she's crying about and talking about indirectly (him playing her for the whole game and having an equal/greater relationship with Cody) is true. Yet, she won't just say that because she's falling for Derrick's manipulation, twisting things around to make it about him being put in an awkward position, him being unfairly attacked when he did nothing wrong, etc.


This isn't exactly brilliant manipulation, though. Victoria could easily cut through the bullshit by saying, "Are you taking me if you win? Yes or no?" If she were just slightly better at playing her own manipulation game, she could add, "I get that it's a game, but for the sake of our friendship outside this house I think you at least owe me the courtesy of being honest with me. You gave Frankie that much respect." If she had even the most minimal game skills, she would tell him that if he doesn't take her that will prove that he's been lying to her the whole game and she will vote for Cody and encourage others in the jury to do the same. Instead, she just cries and whines, reveling in the attention Derrick is giving her as it sinks in that not only is she not going to win, she's looked like a fool on TV (her worst fear). This is Derrick's competition, along with Cody who knows that he'll lose $450K by taking Derrick to F2, but will do so anyway because... Derrick told him to? It's the honorable thing to do? It will make badass TV? I don't even know what Cody's thinking at this point, actually.



I agree and have nothing more to add.  Thumbs up. 

I think it's just a website glitch.  And if online polls are any indication, Donny has it in a landslide.  I don't think Frankie will win as I have not seen any indication that the Arianators (gross.) are voting.  You would be able to see the conversation on Twitter, and it's not there.  Happily!



Yes, I agree.

  • Love 2
If she were just slightly better at playing her own manipulation game, she could add, "I get that it's a game, but for the sake of our friendship outside this house I think you at least owe me the courtesy of being honest with me. You gave Frankie that much respect." If she had even the most minimal game skills, she would tell him that if he doesn't take her that will prove that he's been lying to her the whole game and she will vote for Cody and encourage others in the jury to do the same.


This reminds me so much of Boston Rob vs. Lex in Survivor: All Stars. Derrick is trying to split that same hair between "I asked you a favor because we're friends outside of the game" and "I broke a deal with you as a competitor inside the game."


Actually, if Derrick wasn't moralizing about his starving daughter and the lie about his profession, I'd say he was attempting to do what Boston Rob could not: win by persuading a group of people with whom he had outside the game friendships to overlook his inside the game tactics. It's a valid strategy, and it almost worked for Rob. But I don't believe Derrick will be able to resist getting in a word or two about the world's hungriest child. Which is one reason I can't respect his game. I'll be happy to be proven wrong if he makes nothing but in-game arguments about his gameplay, and appeals to the jury about the friendships they formed in the house. I just have a feeling there will be an air of "But I have a family, so I deserve this." Which makes him the male Dawn from Survivor instead of the new Boston Rob.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 7

Wednesday night is the first night of Rosh Hashanah and Victoria is Jewish... as well as Zach. It's sort of disrespectful for CBS to schedule the finale on that night when the families will have to be there as well. 


I agree, especially since they moved the date of the finale.  I guess it would be different, but still shitty if the contestants knew it when they signed up and signed on anyways, but changing to the high Jewish holiday in the middle of the game is just totally uncool.  This wouldn't even be considered an option if it was a big Christian holiday that they were considering.

I'm pretty sure at one point I heard Derrick say that they told him he had to be available until the 26th.  Which, if true would mean that Victoria signed the contract knowing if she at least made the jury she could be there until that date. 


I think Victoria is also sad because the game is coming to an end and her time with Derrick and her life inside the house will soon be over. She's going through a mixed bag of emotions. 

You're probably right DakotaLavender.  When was the last time we saw a final three hg not excited to get the hell out of that house. Victoria will miss 'being the only girl' and Derrick, and of course access to all those mirrors. 

  • Love 7

The problem with Cody is that he actually thinks he played a great game. I really want to be a fly on the wall when his family tells him how horrible he played.

I don't think his family will have the need to tell him. IF Cody takes Derrick, (which he will) he will realize his game play wasn't anything special from the questions he's asked by the jury, Derrick's F2 speech to the jury, when he finds out how many players thought they had a F2 with Derrick, and from common sense. However, I wouldn't put it past his brother to kid him about it...for YEARS.



Victoria was not my favorite at all this season and she might be quite horrible at comps the poor thing, abd thought she was at summer camp. But she has made it 90+ Days, never won an HOH to get a letter from her family or photos (yes she got that video, but she's had the least contact out of everyone). She was on slop 2 weeks and complained far less then BMC. She was catty at times but she was a supportive to Nicole when she was at her lowest. And has made it through living in that house without completely losing it. She spent ALOT of time by herself. So props to her. I still don't want her to win any money. But mad props. I would of gone crazy.

I believe Victoria would gladly stay another 90 days if it meant she would be spending every one of those days with Derrick. It has become her happy imaginary world, of sorts. The best thing that could happen to her is to leave the game at F3, find out Derrick used her, and let her anger rise as she faces reality. If not, she'll definitely need to see a shrink.



So, the show on Wednesday will consist of HOH 1,2 &3. Then Team America, Derrick is a cop, Donny really is a landscaper, Caleb really was a stalker, the reading of the votes & then Fan Favorite. Did I miss anything?

...and those last six things will ALL happen in the last ten minutes of the show. I've always hated how the finale is produced. HATE!



I don't think it's shenanigans in that way.  I have been voting for Zach and I am getting random numbers of times to vote.  I think it's just a website glitch.  And if online polls are any indication, Donny has it in a landslide.  I don't think Frankie will win as I have not seen any indication that the Arianators (gross.) are voting.  You would be able to see the conversation on Twitter, and it's not there.  Happily!

I've not had any problems getting my 20 votes in for Donny. However, I've only used one of my email accounts to vote. Maybe CBS can tell if a number of emails are being used from one computer.

Well, now that there only a few days left of BB16, I've FINALLY figured how to use the multiple quote feature of this site. Good God!!

Edited by tinderbox
  • Love 4

okay, I do have something to add in the Derrick/Victoria conversation!  


First, I want Derrick to win because he is the only one who is playing the game.  I have no problem with HGs lying and manipulating, it happens every season.  BUT................


Derrick has gone too far with Victoria and even though he sees that now he cannot stop.  His ass has been bitten.  He should have walked away from that conversation long before he did.   Go to bed, claim a headache, anything.


He emphasizes the 'little sister" title way too often for me to believe he does not sense she is in love with him.   He is not going to socialize with her outside this game and he knows it.  His wife sees the bigger picture and will not want him to continue contact.  She knows he is not interested in her beyond the game so no jealously there but why on earth would she want to associate with a woman who is clearly smitten with her man?   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

I just have a feeling there will be an air of "But I have a family, so I deserve this."

Hell, even Frankie said something along that line to Julie!  He mentioned that Derrick was playing for more than the rest of them; he was playing for his family.  Ugh.  I hate that kind of reasoning.  Big Brother isn't a charity and I don't care if the winner blows it all in Vegas, pretends to build schools in Africa but really takes a luxury trip, or sends his kid to college.  

  • Love 9
Big Brother isn't a charity and I don't care if the winner blows it all in Vegas, pretends to build schools in Africa but really takes a luxury trip, or sends his kid to college.


I agree, Cosmocrush.  The fact that Frankie was playing for his "charity" certainly did upset Zach.  Even if I DID believe it, I just don't care.

  • Love 1

Derrick has said things before about how he thinks there is something "more" to Victoria.  I think he might be projecting a bit, since he is hiding so much of his life from them, he thinks other people are doing the same.  Now, I really cannot be sure that there is not a lot more to Victoria then what we are seeing, but... I really don't think there is.  She says silly things about being tough or a "warrior princess" (even if DR gave her those words, I think she thinks there is truth behind them).  I don't see her as a strong, empowered woman in her day-to-day life, but I think Derrick thinks there is this strong person there that he can't see in the game.


My point is that I think he does want to remain friends with her, but really, what does that even mean?  They live far apart, have completely different lifestyles, etc.  Sure they will text or maybe even visit (but how awkward, right?!? Is she going to go stay at his house with his family?  Yeah, no.) Either way, they will be friends, but it's going to be an odd adjustment for her when she's no longer the #1 or even #5 woman in his life.

  • Love 1

...Derrick has gone too far with Victoria and even though he sees that now he cannot stop.  His ass has been bitten.  He should have walked away from that conversation long before he did.   Go to bed, claim a headache, anything...

That's because, throughout this game, Derrick has had the tendency to beat people over the head with a frying pan over and over again within the same conversation. I think his overly fast paced manipulative double talk worked for him most of the time but he doesn't seem to have the sense to know.when.to.stop. if he thinks he's not getting his point across to someone. He just never ever wants to yield to someone else's opinion when he thinks his point is more important to his endgame. THAT's what I dislike about his strategy.

Please let me add:

Cody seriously needs to see a barber/hair stylist asap after he returns to NJ. That poor guy's hair has been butchered the entire season.

I have never believed Ariana Grande's fans would have any real impact on BB16. I don't believe most tweens have a vested interest in BB nor would they take the time to vote for their favorite player if they actually were a fan of the show. I don't even think the majority of Ariana's fans would have voted for Frankie for AFP, as a group, if she had asked.

Edited by tinderbox
  • Love 6

I've not had any problems getting my 20 votes in for Donny. However, I've only used one of my email accounts to vote. Maybe CBS can tell if a number of emails are being used from one computer.

The Terms&Conditions on the online voting are somewhat vague. It simply says there is a maximum of twenty (20) votes per person per day for this voting period, but it doesn't detail its criteria for defining what constitutes a "person". When the AFP voting pitch airs at the end of the broadcast show, however, it is much more specific - the text blurb at the bottom of the screen says 20 votes per IP address per day.

So regardless of how many different CBS accounts/email addresses you're using, you're liable to be limited to twenty votes per computer - or per household, depending on how your home network is configured.

You know what would be crappy about being on this show?  Not watching sports.  Zach is currently locked in a hotel room not allowed to watch TV while Florida is tied with Alabama on the road (now winning, WOW).  Plus it's down to the wire in baseball season which many would enjoy.  At least they are out in time for the Ryder Cup.  Maybe I enjoy sports more than most, but being cut off from them and knowing it was a college football Saturday would be so frustrating to me.

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 5

It didn't sound like that to me.  The clauses that they could change things were all about electronic voting or hacking meaning they would not count votes placed illegally. 


My attorney husband read it and agrees with what I previously stated.  They can do whatever they want, legally, because they state it in the Terms and Conditions, which are quoted here, (italics are mine for emphasis):



6. Conditions for Voting: Administrators reserve the right to disqualify, block or remove any votes from any individual who votes by any electronic, mechanical or automated means, or otherwise tampers with the Program, or for any other reason, as determined by Administrators in their sole discretion.


Administrators are not responsible for any damages to voters' device(s) that may occur from use of service. Administrators reserve the right, for any reason and in their sole discretion, to modify, suspend or discontinue the Program without prior notice.


That very last sentence appears also appears previously in  "Additional Disclaimers", (Section 5).  


I'm not saying they have changed anything, just that they could.  I also maintain that they would, if it served their purposes, which might include making sure a producer favorite won AFP, *coughFrankEudycough*

  • Love 3

This reminds me so much of Boston Rob vs. Lex in Survivor: All Stars. Derrick is trying to split that same hair between "I asked you a favor because we're friends outside of the game" and "I broke a deal with you as a competitor inside the game."


Actually, if Derrick wasn't moralizing about his starving daughter and the lie about his profession, I'd say he was attempting to do what Boston Rob could not: win by persuading a group of people with whom he had outside the game friendships to overlook his inside the game tactics. It's a valid strategy, and it almost worked for Rob. But I don't believe Derrick will be able to resist getting in a word or two about the world's hungriest child. Which is one reason I can't respect his game. I'll be happy to be proven wrong if he makes nothing but in-game arguments about his gameplay, and appeals to the jury about the friendships they formed in the house. I just have a feeling there will be an air of "But I have a family, so I deserve this." Which makes him the male Dawn from Survivor instead of the new Boston Rob.

Lex was a complete and utter hypocrite. He did Rob a favour because it suited him and thought it would benefit his game - although he also said it was Kathy's decision not his. The entire game Lex was spouting its business not friendship yet when it was flipped on him he couldn't handle it and he became the most bitterest juror ever.


I've never been a fan of the moralising over who deserves what and really dislike when contestants play the deserving card. IMHO any strategy that gets someone to the end is valid - if they can sell it to the jury well done. 

  • Love 2

You know what would be crappy about being on this show?  Not watching sports.  Zach is currently locked in a hotel room not allowed to watch TV while Florida is tied with Alabama on the road (now winning, WOW).  Plus it's down to the wire in baseball season which many would enjoy.  At least they are out in time for the Ryder Cup.  Maybe I enjoy sports more than most, but being cut off from them and knowing it was a college football Saturday would be so frustrating to me.


I so agree on this.  I am a wee bit obsessed with sports and in particular baseball.  I am a die hard Red Sox fan and watch the games every single day.  It would drive me crazy to not know what and how the Sox were doing for that long.  I'd be constantly tempted to ask Julie...HOW ARE THE SOX DOING? during the live broadcasts.  

  • Love 1

You know what would be crappy about being on this show? Not watching sports. Zach is currently locked in a hotel room not allowed to watch TV while Florida is tied with Alabama on the road (now winning, WOW). Plus it's down to the wire in baseball season which many would enjoy. At least they are out in time for the Ryder Cup. Maybe I enjoy sports more than most, but being cut off from them and knowing it was a college football Saturday would be so frustrating to me.

I'm a huge baseball fan and I would be dying if I didn't know what was going on with my Yankees. But besides from the sports it's crazy to think how much goes on in the 3 months that they have been in the house/jury house.

We have everything that is going on with ISIS, the Middle East in Gaza, Deaths. Domestic issues. It's crazy what has dominated the news this summer and they know nothing.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 3

No way!  How could that happen???  Unreal!  *sarcasm*



I agree, especially since they moved the date of the finale.  I guess it would be different, but still shitty if the contestants knew it when they signed up and signed on anyways, but changing to the high Jewish holiday in the middle of the game is just totally uncool.  This wouldn't even be considered an option if it was a big Christian holiday that they were considering.  

Isn't the head of CBS, Les Moonves Jewish?


ETA: He is Jewish according to Wiki he is. Probably just not as Orthodox as Victoria, though. With this holiday being a major one, you'd think he'd be celebrating it, though. 

Edited by burgerbitz

I do wonder if Derrick throws Cody under the bus in someway during the Q&A. Usually, the questions are lame but their answers and their plead to the jury includes some shade of the other person. I think if Derrick senses that the questions are hurting his chances of a win he might resort to dumping on Cody. Just a thought.

I think Derrick would throw his own mother under the bus to win. 

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