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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Hmm... so apparently TA(FY!)'s next mission is to get the females' most physical threat nom'd; which both Fr/Derr agree is Amber.  And Fr wants Cody to nom her, (or maybe has to get Cody to nom her, if that's the TA mission details).



I don't think BB specified the "female" part of the physical threat. I think TA(FY) just made Amber fit the description, kind of like shoving a square peg into a round hole. They had already wanted Amber up on the block, if they call her a physical threat (not saying she isn't), then they fulfill the requirements of their $5k mission. Of course, those who voted for the physical threat expected that they would put up a male physical threat, but all these fools are too scared to get blood on their hands. Maybe if a member of TA(FY) wasn't HOH, it might have gone down differently. Do we still have hope that the DR could tell them to choose someone else?


From Jokers - 12:43a Brittany to Derr : I think Cody will put me up, I'm the only one that doesn't chase him  & 12:49a Derr tells Brittany maybe you need to get on it (flirt with Cody like the others) she says I'm not going to.


Someone wants to go home this week.  I am not saying or condoning that she 'whore' herself out, but she's contradicting herself in her intro video from ep. 2; where she stated that would "flirt a little bit, if I have to (to win)".  How long until evicts start going to Jury house?  2, or 3, weeks?  Guess paying back dad (or is it one of the moms), and trying to earn more money for support of kids, isn't as important as much as she's continually played it up as.


Kinda disappointed in the lack of effort.  Her "lows" are killing her game.  Cody told Derr earlier that he wasn't like how she was acting, after the HOH comp, and so would have no problem putting her up.

I don't put much stock in the introduction videos or pre-house interviews. BB likes to create their own narrative rather than let it play out, and strategies change once they get in the house, start making alliances, etc. I have my issues with Brittany, what with her sob story about not knowing if her rent is going to be paid, if she'll have custody of her kids when she gets out... but she goes on BB and spends tons of cosmetic stuff like her eyelashes. Okay, then. But I do give her credit if she sticks to her guns and doesn't start cozying up to Cody in an attempt to save herself. I think Brittany is on borrowed time in the house, anyway. She's going to continue to be a target because she doesn't bend to the guys and do what they want her to. No point in making herself look bad by ramping up an insincere flirting game.


Everyone seems to really hate Caleb, Zach compared talking to him as going to the dentist, and they all made fun of his speech. I'd vote him out too just so I wouldn't have listen to his non-stop talking and explaining that lower body makes your muscles look more defined (no shit, Caleb).

I don't understand why Veronica tells that story about the crow so often.

Heh. I love how Victoria is such a non-entity on the show and the feeds, that we're not even getting her name right. Like Hayden said, "No, really, what is your name?" The crow story cracks me up every time.


It's not like production hasn't rigged things before, so why not? At least this time it would save someone likable.

I think they already fixed TA(FY). I can buy Joey getting the pre-show votes, because she started channeling Alex. I can buy Donny getting the votes, and Frankie getting the votes. I can't buy Derrick getting the popular vote (okay, so at worst, was top 4 in votes). By the time Derrick became part of TA(FY), he was barely on the show's radar. They didn't show a lot of him. Now, because of TA(FY) and his HOH run, he got more showtime. But before? I think he was chosen by the producers. Do they show the results of the voting? 

But I agree. This is quickly shaping up to another Brigade season. When they had announced the two HOH twist, I predicted that it was going to bring about the Brigade 2.0. I would not be against a little rigging and a Cootie Taw like power if it shook up the game and moved it away from the way it's going. Then again, if the other side of the house can see what's happening and don't band together or try something, then maybe they deserve to be taken out one by one. Are the producers trying to ensure that it's a boring ass season after last year's fireworks? Last night's HOH wins didn't help.

Edited by Callaphera
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Yikes, Hayden was explaining his "cuddling" session with Victoria before the comp yesterday. It's around 2:30 am if anyone wants to hear it. Sounds like Victoria, who insisted that she couldn't sleep in the same room as a man, is not so innocent as she plays.


Although I can understand Brit's attitude toward Cody and Derrick, I wish she could just tell them what they want to hear. She doesn't have to flirt, she could bullshit them like house guests do every year when they think they might be nominated and then laugh about it in the DR. But she seemed like she was in a really bad mood yesterday after the comp and probably couldn't even force herself to pretend to suck up even if she wanted to. She was telling Frankie that she wasn't going to try to get Cody alone while all the girls in the house are chasing him. She sounded a little bitter -- again, I can understand if she's bitter because she believes if she  doesn't fawn all over him, he'll turn on her but it seemed like there was other stuff going on as well.


Zach cannot stop talking about Victoria. They teased him last night saying he was going to pull a Devin and realize that he really loves her and I was thinking the same thing. I swear I won't be surprised if they have a fling. Well, I guess I would be surprised if Victoria did, but not so much with Zach.


Even though the Britt/Cody talk was very awkward this morning, I did like how Britt called the remaining scenarios and all Cody wanted was for her to say sorry I should have sucked up to you more.

LOL! Cody is such a baby. I'm glad Britt won't just give in to him. Although, I wonder if it would even do any good. I'm sure Derrick wouldn't allow Cody to forgive her anyway.



I love how Victoria is such a non-entity on the show and the feeds, that we're not even getting her name right. Like Hayden said, "No, really, what is your name?"

Hayden actually likes Victoria, never participates in the trash talk against her, and spends quite a bit of time with her, so I'm fairly sure that was a Production fed line/segment. All because they're determined to portray women as stupid non-entities and the men as smart and lovable.

Victoria has never claimed to be innocent. At first, she didn't want to share a room with the men because her religion doesn't allow it. Everyone whined about that, so she gave up on it. And she still gets constantly shit talked. She really can't win.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Victoria has never claimed to be innocent. At first, she didn't want to share a room with the men because her religion doesn't allow it. Everyone whined about that, so she gave up on it. And she still gets constantly shit talked. She really can't win.

I think their problem with it is that she said that she can't sleep in the same room as guys, then She realized that it might not be possible and gave up on that. But then she goes around cuddling them all and apparently groping them all so I think they are just all confused as to why she says one thing and then acts another way. That is my view of their conversations. I think she's a non entity in the game and the segment they had on her yesterday was hysterical. But the things she says are pretty awesome sometimes. She was abducted by a crow, she would be a Unicorn. It's pretty funny. She did say yesterday that she knows that everyone is laughing at her not with her. So I think she is catching on in that aspect. But I think still think her presence there is pointless.

Zach is gay, right? I mean that's why his Father told him, "your Grandmother will be watching", when he left.

I think it's possible that he could be questioning his sexuality and could possibly be Bi. Or he just really loves Frankie as a brother and he's secure in himself and his sexual orientation that he could give two craps about what people think and loves having him as a friend. He could also just be really confused and doesn't want to actually act out on his feelings on Television and just wait until he's out of the house, just like Nicole and Hayden you can too she likes him but doesn't want to kiss or do anything more than that on national television. Everyone in this cast is pretty touchy feely. His mother seems to be aboard the "Zankie" train she reposts stuff about the two of them all time on Twitter . Edited by SiobhanJW

This does seem like the Brigade 2.0. It amazes me how these HGs are patterning their game after previous HGs.  Frankie admitted he is playing Andy's game. Newsflash Frank, Andy was likeable. 

The problem with these meat heads trying to replicate the Brigade and go with an all guy alliance, is that they don't have a Matt or Ragan to be the brains of the operation,  The core aliance is so full of themselves and are so worried about the feeds, it is laughable.  I miss Enzo. lol


Zach is gay, right? I mean that's why his Father told him, "your Grandmother will be watching", when he left.  


I think that's possible. The way his dad said that was very pointed.


Newsflash Frank, Andy was likeable. 


Andy was likeable?!


Amber is pissed she's nommed. Honey, you basically told them you were OK with it.. She is so stupid, damn. Also, apparently last night she asked Derrick if he would please allow her to be the last girl standing. I can't!


Why do I do this to myself every year? I should've learned by now that this show is shit!


ETA: Brittany would rather whine about how much more she deserves to be there than Victoria than fucking see that her precious boys fucked her over and that every woman there is completely expendable. I'm over her. She can go.


I'm just over all the women. There's no hope there. Donny and Hayden better step up soon.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just can't with these women.  Amber, Jocasta, Britney discussing that it's all women again and Amber doesn't understand why she's on the block again.  D'oh they are picking you women off. Ding, ding, ding, ding.


ETA: Cody has nominated Brittany and Victoria, and Frankie has nominated Amber and Jocasta for eviction

Edited by duskyliterati

Honestly, this season is the weakest of recent years when it comes to the women of the house, at least for me. The women aren't as interesting as they have been in previous seasons (Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa, Britney, Daniele, Janelle, Rachel, to name a few). Usually it's the guys who don't keep my full attention, besides Dan and maybe Matt from season 12. So this year, I actually wouldn't mind if a guy wins. That being said, the way some of these guys this season treat women is absolutely horrible. Victoria is treated like crap by pretty much everyone for reasons I don't fully understand, Amber's treated horribly just because Caleb's obsessed with her and she's looped in with him, and Brittany's treated badly just because she doesn't flirt with the guys. Most of the guys only care about the girls' appearance and none of them really care to get to know the women on a personal level.


I'll admit none of the girls really interest me, nor have any of them done much for their game. People like Jocasta online but she's done nothing to prove that she's playing the game. Nicole and Christine seem to be very petty and say mean things about the girls, so that turns me off.  I like Victoria; she's cute and all, but I do get the feeling she is image-obsessed and she was up in Derrick's HOH room last week several times and I feel like she was just kissing ass, much like Andy had done last season. I like Amber too and think she's a sweetheart, but she has followed Caleb around and I wish she would just stand up to him and finally say no. It's not like he can murder her in the house (luckily) and he needs to get the hint so she can play her own game. I like Brittany, but it's clear she's still getting the hang of playing the game.


Although I am more interested in the guys (Hayden, Donny and Zach more so), I think I need a girl win next week and have them nominate four guys. They are clearly interested in more of an all-male alliance and I'm honestly sick of those so if it means losing someone like Frankie, Cody or Derrick, then so be it. 


I agree. He's as spineless and useless as these women.


Someone needs to put up Frankie and Derrick or this season is already over.

Victoria: I feel if I went home, nothing would change in this game. No offense to me.


Aw, she's such a gem! At least she has self-awareness, unlike, well, pretty much everyone else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Why don't the girls want to sleep with Victoria?

I don't know the details but they say she's very needy and high maintenance. Even Jocasta, who I don't think criticizes people very much or at all, doesn't want to sleep with her. Frankie did an imitation of what she did to him in the middle of the night and he acted out her sitting up and whipping the covers off of Frankie and onto herself so that Frankie was left with nothing. Not the end of the world since you could just grab the blanket back but I think it's just stuff like this that surprises them and that they would never do to another house guest.

Am/Jo won the BotB.   Honestly, I'm kinda glad.  I know Brittany has her faults - her constant going on of "other than Jo, she's the only female and HG overall who deserves to win because of her personal situation" - but still doesn't change the fact that I am a bit superficial and think she's hot.


So, with her still on the block, and she doesn't win POV or isn't pulled off with it; she's most likely going home.  And she seems to want that, anyways.


And with her leaving, I can cut back on my attention to all this and get back to a somewhat normal sleeping schedule.  As well as getting back time to do other things.  Because after she's gone, Victoria/Jocasta/Donny & Amber are easy pickings.  And I will not watch something like this play out "by the numbers".


Amber and Jacosta win BotB.  Cody is still HoH.


Unless there's a twist involved, it should be Frankie still in power, as his nom's won BotB.


ETA:  NM, I  think I'm an idiot.  Cause didn't Amber/Donny win the last BotB?  And Nicole was the one who put them up, yet it was Derrick that kept HOH.  So, then yeah, Cody would still be HOH in that case.  Like I said, I'm an idiot.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Oh man, I was watching feeds before the BOB and Brittany told Victoria about the bed situation. She actually told Victoria that they were drawing numbers to see who would sleep with her. I think Brittany was still on such a self-righteous tear that she lost sight of what she was saying and to whom. I felt really sorry for Victoria--she looked horrified. I think she was really hurt at first and then got angry. Brittany started covering for herself saying she just didn't want to sleep with her because Victoria giggles and laughs during the night and it bothers her if she's sleeping with her. At first Victoria was like Oh my gosh, I'll sleep in the bathroom but then it kind of turned to this is so stupid, people are looking for the dumbest things to hold against me.

I think the camera operators are trolling us now. Every time Victoria eats, the camera zooms in on her face as she stares ahead all dead-eyed, chomping away. Thankfully, yogurt was a little quieter than an apple but no less annoying. Thanks a lot, camera monkeys.

Caleb may say he's over Amber, but holy hell, he still will not shut up about her, particularly that she didn't say anything to Caleb about people talking about flipping the vote to evict him the other day. Cody already warned Amber, saying he wasn't sure if Caleb was mad about something, but he'll be coming to talk to you. At least she has some advanced warning this time.

It's hard to watch Victoria right now. Imagine what it's like to find out everyone hates you and has been talking shit about you behind your back for weeks. It's so sad.


I'm really so over Brittany. I mean I think there's a chance she'd actually go after guys if she stayed, but it's not like she has much of a chance to win a comp anyway. And honestly she'd probably just put up Victoria anyway since she 'doesn't deserve to be here' and she's 'weak.'


Why do I do this to myself every year?!

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Amber is soooooo stupid.  She complains to Cody about being put up again & always being a pawn, but all he has to do is flash her a smile and give her a hug, and she's all good again.  Ugh.  Her & Caleb deserve each other.


I wonder if she will try to really cozy up to him this week and since his 'showmance' chances with Brittany are effectively over, he'll go after her now [especially with Caleb now professing that he is "over Amber", despite his complete attention still being on her].


I am just mad that Britt/Jo didn't pull off the HOH win last night.  That was the only chance - other than Donny/Hayden - to shake up the house 'status quo'; but no, we get the most predictable and boring HOH winners possible.



ETA:  According to Jokers, Amber was trying to rally all the girls to go against the guys, but Christine [ugh, I really don't like her] ratted her out to the guys.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I would LMAO if Donny won POV and took down Brittany. Nicole would go up and then maybe she'd fucking get it. Of course then Victoria would go home and she's the only person besides Donny that I truly like, but she has no chance anyway so better she goes now and I can just enjoy hating everyone and not worry about who goes.

ETA:  According to Jokers, Amber was trying to rally all the girls to go against the guys, but Christine [ugh, I really don't like her] ratted her out to the guys.



Wow!  I mean, even if Christine does actually consider Nicole and possibly Hayden to be her real alliance, what does she think:  that once the guys have eliminated all the other women and Donny, that the three of them can take on Derrick, Cody, Zach, Frankie and Caleb and go on to win.  If she does, then she's an idiot.  And if she thinks she's not at the bottom of the (stupid-new-alliance-name-for-those-5-guys-that-I-refuse-to-use), then she is still an idiot.  I really wanted to like Christine, and I still have a soft spot for Nicole.  I haven't heard any of the trash talk they've engaged in, but enough people here are talking about it that I'm sure it's true.  But just on gameplay alone, from a couple of supposed superfans, they really suck.


I had such high hopes for this season.

Edited by Newbietunes
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This Victoria mystery is driving me nuts. To recap: at some point, either before or after BotB, Victoria was in the shower and called for Derrick (who was eating) to go over there and pass her a brush. Amber and Jocasta talked to him afterwards about how they know he's a happily married man but it could look bad. After that, Victoria was crying to Hayden about Bed-Gate 2014, At some point, Victoria gets called to the DR, and then comes out sobbing while Zach is in the kitchen. They go into the storage room, and as Victoria says, "Do you know why I just got called in? It's not-" And we get fish.

Victoria disappears from the feeds at some point during the fish. Gets called back into the DR. Zach and Derrick at some point are informed of why she was upset. A little later, Derrick says that Victoria made some accusations that he can't talk about, was assuming things, but it's all cool now. Victoria is currently curled up in one bed in the fire bedroom with Brittany in another, whispering about the noms and Frankie and how much Victoria just doesn't care and can't do this anymore.

What the hell was going on?! Most exciting thing to happen in the house since Devin's veto meeting taking down Brittany, and they keep fishing us. 

Victoria went from a non-entity to me to the one I'm rooting for. Even though she's given up, even though she's saying that she's going to campaign for Brittany to stay and how she feels like she's in hell in the house, I'm rooting for her 100%. The poor girl. But I'm still curious. Did she want to DOR? Does it have something to do with Derrick and the brush (no clue, but I included it just in case)? Lay off the fish for once!

ETA: Before our next round of fish, Zach and Victoria were whispering about whatever her issue was, and the consensus seems to think (as did I from my frantic headphone pressing into ear/volume cranking routine) that she said, "I don't want someone to lose their job." Production? Someone in the house? This is getting more and more interesting. And more fish screen-y.

Edited by Callaphera
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Honest to God, I really want to freaking eye-laser-beam those damned fish most of the time!


Its like when they sing, and its really early in the morning, they go to fish instead of loud-speaking to tell them to stop singing.  What the hell is the deal with that, anyways?  Wanting to avoid possible lawsuits for copyright infringements, or what??



Seriously, I'm really wondering why I paid money to watch the feeds - even if the cost is pretty cheap, overall - when about 20-25% of the average time is either FotH or interviews.  And sometimes, that average is much higher.  Not to mention that you can't actually choose the camera(s) you want to watch.  4 cams, and its really just 2, with 2 views of 1 area.

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Caleb may say he's over Amber, but holy hell, he still will not shut up about her, particularly that she didn't say anything to Caleb about people talking about flipping the vote to evict him the other day. Cody already warned Amber, saying he wasn't sure if Caleb was mad about something, but he'll be coming to talk to you. At least she has some advanced warning this time.


 I thought this was a commercial for Big Brother:



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Frankie was claiming earlier in the HOH room that people can't say they (him and Cody) are sexist just because they put four women on the block. The BotB was apparently some sort of chess-like game, and he was making fun of the nominees for not knowing how to move in an L shape. So, they're not sexist, they just put up the weakest players, proven by their BotB performance. But they all shudder to think that *gasp* the women will want to nominate men if they win HOH next week. I'm waiting for them to claim that the women will be sexist then.


You can't have it both ways, guys. Either you nominated them because they're a threat or because they're weak. You can't keep flip flopping between the two. But just to be sure, not sexist. 

  • Love 3

Frankie was claiming earlier in the HOH room that people can't say they (him and Cody) are sexist just because they put four women on the block. The BotB was apparently some sort of chess-like game, and he was making fun of the nominees for not knowing how to move in an L shape. So, they're not sexist, they just put up the weakest players, proven by their BotB performance. But they all shudder to think that *gasp* the women will want to nominate men if they win HOH next week. I'm waiting for them to claim that the women will be sexist then.


You can't have it both ways, guys. Either you nominated them because they're a threat or because they're weak. You can't keep flip flopping between the two. But just to be sure, not sexist. 


Not only that, but from reading updates, Cody was outright helping Amber out [i'm guessing on which way to move, or how to move as a chess piece].  That should be automatic disqualification for both her 'team' and Cody as HOH.   Maybe someone was helping the other team out at the same time, but until its said or shown, we only have that to go on.


What kind of fair 'game' is BB allowing to be played when something like that happens?

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