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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Of fucking course Derrick wins HOH to insure this is the most boring week in an already boring season.


The F4 noms mean literally nothing and yet still people get all up in arms about them. It's always so hilarious. Didn't Cody/Derrick discuss nomming each other if one of them were to win HOH? That makes the most sense. Derrick should nom Cody/Victoria because Caleb is probably dumb enough to think that means something.


Well, at least now I don't have to watch any more eps until next Wednesday!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Of fucking course Derrick wins HOH to insure this is the most boring week in an already boring season.

The F4 noms mean literally nothing and yet still people get all up in arms about them. It's always so hilarious. Didn't Cody/Derrick discuss nomming each other if one of them were to win HOH? That makes the most sense. Derrick should nom Cody/Victoria because Caleb is probably dumb enough to think that means something.

Well, at least now I don't have to watch any more eps until next Wednesday!

They were talking about noming one another just so that Caleb doesn't feel like he is the odd man out.

They were talking about noming one another just so that Caleb doesn't feel like he is the odd man out.


Yea, I thought so. It makes the most sense really so I figure that's what Derrick will do.


I think the guy that posted that there were no boos and no surprises is probably the most reliable source we have right now, so I'm assuming Frankie got evicted without boos and then Derrick won HOH. Otherwise known as my worst nightmare.


But I'll still gonna hold onto hope that at least one of the other rumors, there were boos/Victoria won HOH, is true because well, I guess so I can be even more disappointed by what actually happened.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Of fucking course Derrick wins HOH to insure this is the most boring week in an already boring season.

This is why I totally believe that he is indeed HOH. He probably convinced the others to throw it to him for some reason. The only "interesting" thing that could happen now would be for Caleb to go on a comp run, which would give us a F2 of him and Cody. Hence the quotes around 'interesting.' It would be fun to see the wheels come off of Derricks Master Plan at the last possible minute, but not particularly fun otherwise. Actually, as I think about it, I guess Derrick losing is the only possible satisfying thing that could happen in this dismal season, so I guess that's what I'll root for, as unlikely as it seems.

  • Love 4

I'm with you on all that, TheRealT.


I'd actually love a F2 of Cody/Caleb because they're probably the two dumbest people of the season and that is just hilarious to me. And if Derrick went at F3, man, that would be the most satisfying BB finale ever for me probably. I would laugh for days!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 10

As Team Derrick, I still don't think the other house guests see him as a target.  I could see both Cody and Caleb targeting each other for the F3 and thinking it made more sense to bring Derrick to the F2 because he is someone who is "weaker" and easier to beat.  If only they knew what we know and what the jury seems to know.  


I was on vacation last week, so I wasn't as up on getting info from you awesome feedsters and my friend who doesn't watch the show remarked at how I search to find out what happens and then still watch the show as it airs.  She was dumbfounded by this all.  I said OF COURSE....I have to know ahead of time, but still enjoy watching it unroll.  And that is still true BIG BROTHER....WE HAVE TO KNOW....WE MUST KNOW!!!  


I can't believe one of those special invite people didn't make a fake twitter account and tweet it out.  Come on now.  It's not hard.  No one has to know it was you. Bleck.  

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If it came down to Cody/Caleb, I'd love to see Caleb take it, in spite of his misogynistic ways. Cody spent most of the season doing nothing but being wrapped around Christina. At least Caleb is amusing - I'm still snickering about "Judy-chops". Drifting into imagination...... Now, there's a woman for him! She wouldn't take any of his misogynistic crap! She'd just live up to her nickname and Judy-chop him in the mouth!

Edited by Skycatcher
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It's hard for me to root for Caleb because of his behavior when Amber was there, but he was cracking me up so much in the jury comp segment and the 'heard dat' segment that I almost do root for him.


At least if the F2 was Caleb/Cody there is maybe so uncertainty in how people would vote. If the F3 ends up being Derrick/Cody/Victoria then not only is there no suspense on who will be F2, there isn't any about who would win either. Derrick would win heartily, probably with every vote. Boring!

  • Love 2

They were talking about noming one another just so that Caleb doesn't feel like he is the odd man out.


Newsflash, Derrick and Cody: it's not a "secret" alliance when there has only ever been one alliance the whole game. I swear, the show better not try to sell this to me as some kind of "Renegades 2.0," who actually nominated each other throughout the game, to hide a secret alliance when there were multiple factions in the house. It's like, does anyone not realize Derrick and Cody are working together? Would that be a huge shock or a master strategic move? And you know if they make it to final 2, it will be "We formed a secret alliance called the Hitmen" (who were in a giant alliance that everyone knew about where everyone had final 2 deals with everyone, but pay no attention to the man behind the curtain), and everyone will ooh and ahh -- secret alliance, very wow, much strategery.


I never thought I'd say this, but as boring as The Brigade season was, the end of the Brigade season was actually interesting. The whole Enzo/Lane/Hayden hierarchy was fascinating at the end -- how Enzo the architect of the Brigade ended up getting shut out of the alliance he created.


I'm sorry, Derrick has played a manipulative and personal game very well, but his endgame is dull as dirt, and the show has been acting like a parent overpraising a toddler for taking his first steps with how they have framed everything he's done (with DRs, editing, etc.) "Oh my gosh, Derrick is bringing a goat to the end! Wow, the mastermind! Look at that brilliant fake 'fight'! Nobody has ever done that before! See how people were fooled! Unbelievable! He has a secret final 2 alliance! What a puppetmaster!"


And it does seem disingenuous to me because of his profession. It'd be like having Mark Cuban as a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice. "You broker deals and make celebrity contacts for a living? Wow, how are you such a natural at this?"


Give me a break, show. Please.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 13

Word, Eolivet.


I'm sorry, Derrick has played a manipulative and personal game very well, but his endgame is dull as dirt, and the show has been acting like a parent overpraising a toddler for taking his first steps with how they have framed everything he's done (with DRs, editing, etc.) "Oh my gosh, Derrick is bringing a goat to the end! Wow, the mastermind! Look at that brilliant fake 'fight'! Nobody has ever done that before! See how people were fooled! Unbelievable! He has a secret final 2 alliance! What a puppetmaster!"


LOL! Perfect. It's so infuriating to me that Derrick is gonna get praised as up there with the greats. Hayden had a harder time than this guy for pete's sake!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I really actually want F2 of Caleb/Cody. It's the only vote that would actually create some much needed suspense, plus I just really want to hear what those two would come up with as their jury speeches. Especially Cody. Caleb can at least list comp wins and his unswerving loyalty to the Bomb Squad.

  • Love 6


I'm sorry, Derrick has played a manipulative and personal game very well, but his endgame is dull as dirt, and the show has been acting like a parent overpraising a toddler for taking his first steps with how they have framed everything he's done (with DRs, editing, etc.) "Oh my gosh, Derrick is bringing a goat to the end! Wow, the mastermind! Look at that brilliant fake 'fight'! Nobody has ever done that before! See how people were fooled! Unbelievable! He has a secret final 2 alliance! What a puppetmaster!"

I think this is why it's been so hard for Derrick to "connect" with the audience and why the show has had such a hard time constructing a narrative for his game. His gameplay is very manipulative, personal, and, I would say, weaselly. In contrast, the persona he's tried to portray is "Derrick the nice guy, family man, normal, good, honest, all-American guy." It's fallen flat with the audience, particularly feedwatchers, because it's fake. It hasn't really worked for the show because his actions and his words don't match. He pretends to be a basically honest, decent guy who genuinely cares about his fellow HG's and is reluctantly stabbing people in the back because of the game. In reality, he has no real loyalty to anyone in the game. Not a single person. I don't believe that Derrick has genuinely felt bad about sending anyone out. Which is fine and doesn't make him a "bad person," but it would be one thing for him to own that in DRs and be like, "Kaching! Sorry, buddy, but now I'm one step closer to that money!" Dr. Will (whom I have always hated) was not remotely warm or fuzzy, but he didn't pretend to care about most of the other contestants and he was genuinely loyal to the (horrible) people he claimed to care about. Love him or hate him, Dr. Will was a believable "character" whose actions made sense and were relatable in that way. Derrick, not so much. His actions make sense if you understand that his sole motivation is to get as much money as possible out of this experience, but he hides that fact. Actually, I would say that he has a secondary motivation to look good/not bad to the public. That's the part that keeps him from connecting with the audience; he's trying to con us too. Apparently, he's not comfortable with owning his cutthroat, emotionally manipulative gameplay, but I think people would actually like him better if he did. No, he wouldn't be an "America's Dad" type figure, which seems to be what he's going for, but he'd be a notable and relatable character.


I noted one interesting example of where he's really coming from during the slip and slide comp in which he won $5K. At some point Victoria realized that she had no hope of winning HOH and was going to go for the $5K, but she saw that Derrick was going for it and said she wouldn't so that he could get the money. If Derrick really cared so much about her and/or felt remotely bad about using her in the game, he could have done what would just be good sportsmanship anyway and told her to try for it and let the best person win. If they ended up being close, he could have even let her take it. He knew that he was getting lots of extra money through TA and that he was likely going to win the whole game. Victoria has talked to him about how her family is having financial problems and she wants to win the game to help her parents out. He didn't do that because he's there to get money, period. That's fine and that's ostensibly why they're all there, but it's telling that he is able to stay so focused and unemotional and unsympathetic while deliberately getting these people to open up to him and dedicate themselves to helping him, even at the expense of their own games.

  • Love 18

So many good points there, TheRealT. Great post.


You know, I've always thought I was someone who didn't give a fuck about loyalty in these games, but you pointing out that even Will was loyal to the people he truly wanted to be loyal too and I thought about how Dan was as well and maybe loyalty actually does mean more to me. I mean, it doesn't mean so much that I think people should ruin their own games for it (Hi Caleb! Hi Cody!), but i think it helps make players more rootable as people to me. And actually, the players I really love were all, I think, pretty damn loyal.


I mean Derrick, as you said, has absolutely no loyalty at all. Even still, it really is the fact that he's trying to cultivate an image for himself that presents him as such a great, loyal guy that really pisses me off. I can't remember any other player that lied so much to the audience.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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You're absolutely on the money, TheRealT. It makes me wonder what Derrick's DRs would have been like if he wasn't on TA, though.

I should think they will have to give out AFP now. There's been too much speculation about it both inside and outside the house and CBS/Grodner are well aware that it might be an added incentive to get viewers to watch. Well, at least the last half hour.

I still wonder if Finale Night being on Rosh Hoshaneh will impact on Victoria and her family. Isn't that a particularly significant religious holiday? Victoria and her family are Orthodox Jews. I just can't see her and them just shrugging it off.

Edited by TimWil
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It's hard for me to root for Caleb because of his behavior when Amber was there, but he was cracking me up so much in the jury comp segment and the 'heard dat' segment that I almost do root for him.

I can't root for him to win because he's still acting like he's got a shot at Amber and doesn't seem to recognize what he did wrong toward her. I do like the guy though because he is just a riot. Unfortunately for him, I don't think all his antics are intended to be funny. He's so happily clueless I can't help but wonder if he was dropped on his head as a baby or something. (I keed, I keed.)


I still wonder if Finale Night being on Rosh Hoshaneh will impact on Victoria and her family. Isn't that a particularly significant religious holiday? Victoria and her family are Orthodox Jews. I just can't see her and them just shrugging it off.

There's an explanation here on how CBS could accommodate Victoria and her family. The blogger is Jewish and has been considering how to make their own arrangements around the show's broadcast times.

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I want to clarify, I would watch a show with Caleb commenting on other people and doing silly, dumb things, but keep him away from attractive women! Stalking is never cool and neither is the aggressive way he talk about women, such as putting them on time-out, punching, them, etc. I hope that he takes into consideration how uncomfortable he feels with the attention he gets from Frankie and realizes that that's how he made Amber feel with his unwanted attention and learns from it.

  • Love 3

I'm not sure where this idea that Derrick has fallen flat with the audience is coming from? He's become a favorite with the mainstream audience and BB vets, and even with the tough crowd at Jokers his ranking has steadily risen.

Derrick may not be liked by some very vocal repeat posters, but I don't agree that opinion represents the wider audience. He seems to have quite a lot of fans who have appreciated his sly, subtle game without personalizing it.

The reason he had no opposition in the house is because by the time someone realized they should make a move against him, he'd send them packing. So I don't see it a case of Derrick playing against a house full of weak players. I see it as Derrick taking control so early and so tightly that no one ever saw him as a threat until it was too late. A good player does not always have to make big moves, and a great player can get others to make the big moves for him.

I agree with you. I have several friends who watch the show and do not go online and talk about the show or look for spoilers or watch feeds and they want Derrick to win. They think he is playing an awesome game.

I agree also that the second someone starts to get an inkling at what Derrick has been doing he gives them the boot. He was all for Christine and then backdooring Frankie that week of the Double Eviction and the second Nicole compared him to Dan and how his game was similar he was all for her to leave again.

I think that Derrick had been loyal to Cody and Victoria. He literally has carried Victoria to the final 4. Cody he didn't carry as much but I sincerely think that Cody is his number one. And I don't think anyone really caught on to that early on. Frankie knew I'm sure more recently, but Caleb is clueless. Donny I think underestimated their relationship I think he thought that Cody was just a number for Derrick, not Derricks actually number one person. That's why all of Donny's talks with Cody went nowhere because Cody trusts Derrick 100%. It might not win him the 500K like he thinks is going to happent. But it's gonna win him the 50K for sure if they get there.

It'll be interesting to see how these next few days turn out. If Caleb doesn't win Veto he's gonna be shocked that they give him the boot. But maybe if they tell them in his speech that they have had a deal since Day 2 they he will probably respect their loyalty.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I get that there are a million reasons to not want to be Christine's BFF, but she's getting vilified by the general audience way more than I expected. She needs to grow up, and she made some huge mistakes, but I don't think she deserves the vilification she's gotten. And I'm not talking about here in the forums - I have no issue with the way she's been discussed here at all.  I'm no Christine fan. I guess I'm just surprised that she's turned out to be so incredibly unpopular.  If it's true what that guy tweeted, that there were no boos, then that means she's more hated than Frankie, doesn't it? And that makes no sense to me at all. Unless there were no boos because these dummies chickened out and it was Victoria who got voted out.


Agreed. I don't understand the intense Christine hate that's out there. At the beginning of the season I was actually excited for a possible Christine/Nicole geeky alliance, and found myself disappointed by the way Christine chose to play the game; but do I think she's worse than some of the other past "hated" players, or even worse than Frankie? No. Not IMO. That's why I think her shunning by the other players and online vilification, as you put it, is a bit much. 

  • Love 4

Both religious and spiritual beliefs are personal guidance tools.  To ask another to accommodate your rituals is akin to requiring others to behave as you choose.  If they are inflexible and cannot change some details to support their daughter then so be it.  The choice is theirs, it is not up to CBS.

Edited by wings707
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I agree also that the second someone starts to get an inkling at what Derrick has been doing he gives them the boot. He was all for Christine and then backdooring Frankie that week of the Double Eviction and the second Nicole compared him to Dan and how his game was similar he was all for her to leave again.



How is this anything but smart?  I don't mean it disrespectfully - I don't understand.  To me that's just playing the game -- the same way I wouldn't blame Donnie for taking out Derrick, knowing that without Derrick the core house alliance would fragment.  It would absolutely be the best game move to make.  


I haven't found Derrick to be playing a bad or underhanded game at all -- it certainly was never his intention to join an 8-10 person alliance, I'm sure, but he made sure he was in it, and all its sequels.  While he hasn't stood up and defended people his alliance were mocking, on the whole the worst he did was join in laughing, rather than outright contributing, and for the most part this male alliance has been far less offensive than any of the others I can recall.  I also keep in mind that in previous undercover work he probably had to listen, seemingly unmoved, to a hell of a lot worse.  He's laid low and played the hand he was dealt, which was a bunch of alpha male doofuses he could harness to remove threats to him and take him to the end.    


It would have been more entertaining for the audience for him to team up with Nicole and Hayden, but frankly what I saw from them in the first couple of weeks would not have inspired a lot of confidence that that would work.  

Edited by kassa
  • Love 10

I'm not sure where this idea that Derrick has fallen flat with the audience is coming from? He's become a favorite with the mainstream audience and BB vets, and even with the tough crowd at Jokers his ranking has steadily risen.

Derrick may not be liked by some very vocal repeat posters, but I don't agree that opinion represents the wider audience. He seems to have quite a lot of fans who have appreciated his sly, subtle game without personalizing it.

The reason he had no opposition in the house is because by the time someone realized they should make a move against him, he'd send them packing. So I don't see it a case of Derrick playing against a house full of weak players. I see it as Derrick taking control so early and so tightly that no one ever saw him as a threat until it was too late. A good player does not always have to make big moves, and a great player can get others to make the big moves for him.


I agree with you, too, Sonoma. (Although I do think the youth and lack of life experience of a lot of the HGs did lift his game a bit)

Are there any examples of lying to the audience? I can't think of one.

The one I see is usually about Donny's good bye video and Nichole. But both times we did see him trying to keep them but I once he realized he didn't have the numbers he backed off. The problqm was he was willing to work with others but never at the expense of his game and him saying he liked Donny must be a lie since he got him out of the house.

I've appreciated his game because he has stayed loyal to Victoria and Cody but he will not let his friendship affect what him came to do. It's great to be nice and all that but if you are giving up your life for three months, you need to stay focused on winning as much money as possible. You can be friends after the game is over and if someone chooses to not be your friend becaise of the game, it is what it is. It's not like these are lifetime friends, you've only known them three months.

  • Love 3

So many good points there, TheRealT. Great post.


You know, I've always thought I was someone who didn't give a fuck about loyalty in these games, but you pointing out that even Will was loyal to the people he truly wanted to be loyal too and I thought about how Dan was as well and maybe loyalty actually does mean more to me. I mean, it doesn't mean so much that I think people should ruin their own games for it (Hi Caleb! Hi Cody!), but i think it helps make players more rootable as people to me. And actually, the players I really love were all, I think, pretty damn loyal.


I mean Derrick, as you said, has absolutely no loyalty at all. Even still, it really is the fact that he's trying to cultivate an image for himself that presents him as such a great, loyal guy that really pisses me off. I can't remember any other player that lied so much to the audience.

I love everything you post, peachmangosteen!


I think the loyalty/compassion/affection thing is kind of a necessary element to make "characters" human and therefore, rootable and relatable. Well written and acted fictional characters who are bad, but beloved anyway, always have some soft spot, someone they truly care about and connect with. Otherwise the character is like the evil robots in The Terminator, who can be admirable for their badassness, but aren't really rootable. Derrick is very much like that to me. I don't doubt that he loves his family and others in real life, but he strikes me as the type of person who has a fairly closed inner circle and is very slow to trust/open up to people outside that group. Which would work well for his job and Big Brother, but doesn't make for a great reality show character. It's not surprising that Zach, who is a goofy kid and a bad BB player, is much, much more of a hit with the audience than Derrick. Zach is very human and was very open and vulnerable with the audience on many occasions. I don't know that Derrick has ever been open and vulnerable throughout the summer. He's had a few moments where it seemed to me that he was exhibiting genuine emotion, mostly anger at people he thought were threatening his game. When he was crying after watching the video of his daughter at first I wondered whether it was real because it was so strange to see him like that. I think the tears were real, but, even then, he was very guarded and he quickly snapped back into game mode. He covered his face and kind of withdrew from the group and when others asked him what was wrong he didn't say much, just that he missed his daughter, and within minutes he regained his composure and used the moment to remind the others how important it was that he win lest he be missing this time with his daughter for nothing.


I think Derrick is used to hiding/softening his harder edges in real life. I don't think he's a "bad person," but I can see him being the pragmatic, unemotional one in situations a lot, like, "Yeah, I'm sorry your friend is having a hard time, but she's not coming on vacation with us...," but he probably doesn't go around saying, "I feel bad for Sue, but I was not gonna let her ruin our vacation. Fuck her.," except to select people who he knows will be ok with it. Being an honest "villain" in the DR basically entails announcing "Fuck Sue." in the town square and I think Derrick is used to handling his "dark side" differently in his normal life.


I'm not sure where this idea that Derrick has fallen flat with the audience is coming from? He's become a favorite with the mainstream audience and BB vets, and even with the tough crowd at Jokers his ranking has steadily risen.

Derrick may not be liked by some very vocal repeat posters, but I don't agree that opinion represents the wider audience. He seems to have quite a lot of fans who have appreciated his sly, subtle game without personalizing it.

I own being a very vocal repeat poster who dislikes Derrick. Personally, I speak of him not being popular because, to my knowledge, he's ranked low in popularity polls for most/all of the season. I don't really monitor that sort of thing, so I could be wrong and maybe he's more popular now. it also seems to me that the way the show has edited him indicates that they haven't thought he was popular or known quite how to shape his narrative. It seems to me that now that it's all but inevitable that he'll win they're twisting themselves in knots to create a "character" and narrative with him as the good-natured mastermind. IMO, they told him to change his approach to DRs a couple of weeks ago and to own his scheming and be more upbeat, so he's been giving them better material to work with and they've finally decided what his story is going to be. Personally, I have no problem whatsoever with people liking Derrick and/or his gameplay. I wouldn't care if someone thought Victoria was playing a great game (though I'd disagree).


I think that Derrick had been loyal to Cody and Victoria.

I don't. I think he's kept them because they fit into his game plan and he would let either of them go without shedding a tear (literally or figuratively).


Are there any examples of lying to the audience?  I can't think of one.

The one that immediately springs to mind for me is when they evicted Donny and he DRed that he had tried to keep Donny, but the house wanted him out and there was nothing Derrick could do. Derrick had been leading the charge to evict Donny for weeks, which had been featured on the show.

  • Love 6

How is this anything but smart?  I don't mean it disrespectfully - I don't understand.  To me that's just playing the game -- the same way I wouldn't blame Donnie for taking out Derrick, knowing that without Derrick the core house alliance would fragment.  It would absolutely be the best game move to make. 

I believe the poster was pointing out that Derrick was playing a smart game and not just a personal one.

  • Love 1

Unfortunately for him, I don't think all his antics are intended to be funny. 


But how fortunate for us! That's the best thing about him!


Are there any examples of lying to the audience?  I can't think of one.


Derrick's DRs. Particularly any about Donny. 


I don't understand the intense Christine hate that's out there. At the beginning of the season I was actually excited for a possible Christine/Nicole geeky alliance, and found myself disappointed by the way Christine chose to play the game; but do I think she's worse than some of the other past "hated" players, or even worse than Frankie? No. Not IMO. That's why I think her shunning by the other players and online vilification, as you put it, is a bit much. 


Yea, I mean, Christine sucks, but it's hard to understand why she gets such visceral hate, enough to be booed more than an overt racist, when there's people like Frankie in the house.


I feel like hating Derrick this season must be like how it felt for the people who hated Dan in BB14. But Dan lost, so at least they have that!


I'm not sure where this idea that Derrick has fallen flat with the audience is coming from? He's become a favorite with the mainstream audience and BB vets, and even with the tough crowd at Jokers his ranking has steadily risen.


I think initially Derrick wasn't even a blip on the radar as far as online support (which is really the only support we can really speculate on because we can see it.) because for at least the first 3 weeks he wasn't shown at all of the shows and was basically invisible on the feeds. Then he seemed to pick up some traction almost immediately since he got on TA, so they had to feature him, and we got to see just how much he was dominating the game. He slowly but surely lost a lot of online support, or maybe more accurately, others gained more support and he plateaued. He's gotten more support lately probably because there aren't many people left, everyone else is stupid and/or awful, and he's playing the best game/will win.


Everyone here has stated their own opinions about Derrick and I personally haven't seen anyone say in any post that everyone hates Derrick. Honestly, most people here seem to like him a lot/are rooting for him. And good for them, they've probably really enjoyed this season and will love the finale. Lucky bastards!


... it certainly was never his intention to join an 8-10 person alliance, I'm sure, but he made sure he was in it, and all its sequels. 


I don't think he made sure he was in it. He literally lucked into being a part of it. And that's the main reason I don't think Derrick's game is particularly amazing. He's been so damn lucky! Which honestly all the winners have a huge element in luck in their games, but Derrick's game just feels super dependent on luck, to me.

  • Love 2

I was actually rooting for Derrick until this added bonus as a TA member was introduced, if it is indeed true.  I just can't get behind offering him an additional $50K for winning just because he was a member of TA.  The TA members were voted on when we barely knew the house guests.  Even though I can't stand Frankie, I think it's unfair to both Frankie and Donny that Derrick may get this additional money.  I really hope this isn't true at all.  It also pisses me off to think that Zach was a big part in some of the TA missions, but isn't getting a monetary reward for it. 


I also have a hard time listening to Derrick lie in the DR while addressing the audience, particularly lying to the viewers about Donny's eviction and to Donny is his goodbye message .  This has clouded my view of him.  I guess I'm hoping for either a Victoria/Cody F2 or a Caleb/Cody F2.  I'd even settle for a Caleb/Victoria F2.  I just don't want Derrick to win now. I could live with him being in the F2, but not the winner. 

Edited by Sammich63
  • Love 5
He seems to have quite a lot of fans who have appreciated his sly, subtle game without personalizing it.


I'd appreciate his "sly, subtle game" in the same way I'd appreciate that expert baker who made a gorgeous three-tiered cake with spun sugar against amateur bakers who made brownies from a mix. I'd appreciate it a lot more if he was on Celebrity Apprentice or Amazing Race or Hell's Kitchen or a show that wasn't about blending in and manipulating to advance one's own agenda.


Another reason Derrick bothers me, as a huge Survivor and Big Brother fan, is that I considered both games, in a way, to be pretty much ringer-proof. It's psychological gameplay and the social experiment of people insulated from the outside world and the decisions about who stays and who leaves are made within the group itself (and not "America" voting or a judge with a producer whispering in his ear about who makes better TV). This is a game where people are removed from their professional identities and roles and are just seen as people. Unexpected leaders emerge. People who are natural leaders in their profession can't rally people around them. As others mentioned before, it's neat to see a show where some of the greats have professions like a dermatologist and a Catholic school teacher. Where a nurse can be a cult leader. Where two cocktail waitresses are some of the biggest competition beasts you've ever seen.


Until this year, where the show put in someone who was good enough at what he did that he got paid to blend in, manipulate and advance an agenda --  pretty much the mold for winning. They put in someone whose profession was ingrained into his personality. This wasn't "Gary Hogeboom, simple contractor." One whiff of "undercover cop," and even the dimmest bulbs would've had a target on Derrick (and rightfully so!).


So, when the show tries to tell me this is some kind of incredible game play, my response is basically, "Duh -- or he'd be dead right now." They've crafted this narrative for us to be shocked and awed by what he's done, when it's basically what he does for a living. It's not the contestants are that dumb -- it's just this is what he got paid to do. He got paid to play Big Brother with bad guys.


I look at the editing for Derrick like I looked at Len Goodman being shocked -- shocked, I tell you -- that Kristi Yamaguchi had such artistry in her dances. It was her job! What she got paid to do!


Yeah, Derrick is probably going to win. He's earned it -- just like he earned every last one of his paychecks, manipulating people smarter than Caleb, Cody and Victoria. Putting his Big Brother-playing skills to work keeping his community safe. Good for him. That doesn't mean the show has to play as dumb as Caleb, Cody and Victoria, all shocked and awed by his masterful game. He went undercover and he will likely win, much in the same way he likely "won" every assignment he ever had. This was a paycheck, just like all his other paychecks. This one just happens to have a few more zeroes on it.


But as a fan of social experiment reality shows with psychological gameplay, his victory will be hollow for me, because...well, duh. Or he'd be dead right now.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 13

When Derrick was approached about the alliance, he admitted in his DR that it was too early but he jumped right into the conversation and started giving his opinion about who else to add. He then chose his true alliances and has been loyal to them. Yes, he lucked out that he was approached, however, as has been seen in the past getting into an alliance is easier than staying in one so I don't think it's purely luck. He made sure since the start to let everyone know he was always available to talk, didn't have a problem getting woken up to resolve issues and usually had a kind word for everyone. To me, that's not just luck but also work, game and people smarts.

How is this anything but smart? I don't mean it disrespectfully - I don't understand. To me that's just playing the game -- the same way I wouldn't blame Donnie for taking out Derrick, knowing that without Derrick the core house alliance would fragment. It would absolutely be the best game move to make.

I haven't found Derrick to be playing a bad or underhanded game at all -- it certainly was never his intention to join an 8-10 person alliance, I'm sure, but he made sure he was in it, and all its sequels. While he hasn't stood up and defended people his alliance were mocking, on the whole the worst he did was join in laughing, rather than outright contributing, and for the most part this male alliance has been far less offensive than any of the others I can recall. I also keep in mind that in previous undercover work he probably had to listen, seemingly unmoved, to a hell of a lot worse. He's laid low and played the hand he was dealt, which was a bunch of alpha male doofuses he could harness to remove threats to him and take him to the end.

It would have been more entertaining for the audience for him to team up with Nicole and Hayden, but frankly what I saw from them in the first couple of weeks would not have inspired a lot of confidence that that would work.

No I think it's incredibly smart what he did. I wasn't knocking it I was praising it. It's very very smart.


It would have been more entertaining for the audience for him to team up with Nicole and Hayden, but frankly what I saw from them in the first couple of weeks would not have inspired a lot of confidence that that would work.



Kassa, he did try, they were the "Rationale!"  In a DR session he said he was in 2 alliances and didn't know which one would work out yet.  


I think Derrick is playing a good game and all the reasons have been stated already and very well.  

  • Love 2

Yea, that 50K bonus is just really hard to swallow. It makes so sense! Honestly, if it had been announced at the beginning with TA, it'd be fine. Sorta grossly unfair, but meh, who cares, the game isn't fair. But it's obvious Production never intended for it and then randomly decided 2 weeks before the finale to give Derrick 50K extra. HUH?! I guess they're just really concerned for his starving daughter.


I think Derrick is playing a good game, too. I think all the Derrick 'haters' here have stated that he's playing a good game actually. I just don't think he's playing one of the best games I've ever seen or even a particularly great one. And I don't want him to win because I watch the show for my own entertainment and it will entertain me if he loses.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

Another reason I can't put Derrick up there with Will or Dan is because I just don't think there's a chance in hell he'd make it as far on his second try as they did on their's. But of course that's just speculation and can't be proven unless he plays again. Which I'm sure he won't because I'm sure he knows he'd be fucked!

  • Love 5

If Frankie is, indeed, gone, all I can say is "Thank god our long national nightmare is over."  I don't care who wins the next HOH or POV or the whole enchilada.  All I hope for now is that there is no America's Favorite because it'll be a shame if Ariana's fans get the win for Frankie.  That would be CBS just throwing money away because no way is the lowest rated houseguest on Jokers the favorite of "America".  How they could even justify giving him the $25,000 is beyond me.

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The one I see is usually about Donny's good bye video and Nichole. But both times we did see him trying to keep them but I once he realized he didn't have the numbers he backed off. The problqm was he was willing to work with others but never at the expense of his game and him saying he liked Donny must be a lie since he got him out of the house.


I don't think voting someone out of the house means you dislike them. The impression I get is Derrick does genuinely like Donny however Donny just wasn't good for his game.

  • Love 5

Frankie was the first to be told about the extra $50k, right? Didn't he try to spin it in a way that caused them both to question if they both needed to be in F2? I see Derrick and Frankie as having had a bit of an advantage in the game, TBH, Frankie more-so though because he has a famous sister in a house full of famewhores, Derrick's job might give him an advantage but it sure didn't help Kathy out and I know a lot of cops that don't have his skills, I wish the dumb double HOH twist and TA had never happened because I think they really messed with everyone's game. I think most of them have said that it made them all adjust their strategy. The double HOH could be seen as rigging for the physically strong players like Caleb as well. Sorry if my post doesn't make sense, ADD kicked in.

  • Love 2


If Frankie is, indeed, gone, all I can say is "Thank god our long national nightmare is over."

Thank you for reminding me of this ray of light in our dark BB universe. Since it's not official yet, it hasn't really sunk in for me yet and I haven't really taken the time to CELEBRATE! the demise of The Loathsome Frankie. Praises!

  • Love 2

I'm another one who is pissed about Production offering Derrick an extra $50,000 if he wins.  Most of the TA tasks were so easy that there was no way that they were worth $5,000 each, so the TA guys have already been overpaid.  I also hated that Frankie got to have his sister, mom and grandma in the video from home, and Derrick's featured his wife, daughter and dogs, while the others were told they could only have one person.  Just goes to show how much Derrick and Frankie have been favored the whole season.  Both CBS and Production suck for inflicting this pathetic, sorry season on us! 

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Juliet retweeted this Ariana tweet ...

i just want @juliechen to say "sashay... away..." to @frankiejgrande if he goes tomorrow. miss u & can't wait to have ur silly ass back home

Dammit, Julie! She totally gave him a tongue bath in the exit interview. Sigh.


Does anyone remember when they normally announce the America's Favorite vote? I believe it's at the end of the F4 eviction ep. So, we'll know by tomorrow night if they're doing it or not. I really don't believe they will. They're way too cheap and they've already given out like 10 bajillion extra dollars.


Derrick claiming to like Donny in DRs isn't the lying anyone is referring to. It's him acting like all he's ever done was try to save Donny when, in fact, he is the one that had been targeting Donny for weeks. And being annoyed by that has nothing to with liking Donny. I'd respect Derrick a lot more if he'd told the truth about that (and many other things) in the DR. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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