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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Cody has had quite a few Mean Girl moments, he's very shallow and prone to talk shit about people's physical appearances especially Caleb's.


When Caleb wore Cody's shirt a couple of the girls said he looked hot and Cody said he does not, then got pissed about Caleb wearing his shirt. Cody also recently said that Caleb's body isn't any good pretty much, that it's just bulk and anyone can get a body like Caleb's if they eat a lot, that Cody's body was the hot one. I think he sad that to Frankie. He also kept calling the girls ugly. 

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I read that, too. Like you, I'm not a big fan of Christine's, but that's a real Mean Girl moment for Cody. What little respect I had left for him is gone.

I take it as that Cody was willing to whore himself out for the game.

If Cody was a woman and was all over and leading on a homely married man, I can only imagine the horrible names she'd be called. Not to mention the boos.

I think Cody liked Christine as a friend. But he can't let his boys know that. Either way he comes off as a douche

When Christine sees this, she'll be crushed. I almost feel for her. Almost.

  • Love 7

So I just thought to myself, OK, it's Satuday, time for veto. Maybe it's time for the morph comp. That might be something Victoria could actually be good at. How awesome would it be if she saved herself and Frankie had to put up Caleb or Derrick? And then I remembered that nothing matters this week. Stupid, stupid "twist".

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My 2 cents (Although I'm sure no one cares)


Derrick and photogate - Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation is usually the right one.  Derrick's reaction, IMO, is too extreme to be caused by what the family claims.  Derrick is obviously a smooth and calm liar, yet he was thrown by the picture.  I still think it has to do with his police work.  I almost wonder if it's a picture of a good friend/partner who works under cover, and Derrick doesn't want that picture shown to the general public.  Sure it wouldn't make sense for the family to submit the picture if that's the case, but they usually manipulate their appearance on the job, and he probably looks much different in his day to day life.  I know they are very protective of under cover officers to the extent that I've seen video of dog fighting rings being busted, with the cops faces blurred and voices distorted.  Just a thought.


Frankie and homosexuality - First, I've been very impressed that this season's HGs have shown little homophobia.  They tolerated Frankie long before they knew about his famous sister.  If they were irritated by him, it wasn't because of how he dressed, acted, wore makeup, or any other gay stereotype.  They dislike Frankie because he's a snake.  I found it refreshing that even a macho guy like Caleb would be comfortable and unthreatened by (non-sexual) physical affection from Frankie.  It's been said for a while now that the younger generation is much more open and accepting of all sexual preferences, and this season's HGs give me hope that it's true.


Second, I think Frankie is doing a disservice to the gay community.  He could not fit the myth more of a homosexual trying to lure over heterosexuals if he tried.

  • Love 15

I think Christine probably got booed for a variety of reasons. Is adulterous cuddling really that frowned upon in America? I think they saw her as a rat who betrayed Nicole, so she would get booed but Cody wouldn't get the same reaction.

I don't understand why Cody thinks anyone could get Caleb's body but not anyone could get his. Zach and Frankie would always tell Caleb he was better looking than Cody, imagine if Cody knew that. And it's just so funny how everyone in the house said girls are catty and can't get a long when the two gym bros are the catty ones.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 3

Oh, my.... did anyone catch this?  Per Jokers:  Derrick to Cody "You would use to sleep, and Christine would stare at you". Cody said that Christine reminded him of the old woman from Insidious.  


No fan of Christine, but ouch.  She's in for a world of pain.


I've never seen Insidious.  What does the old woman look like?  

I'm infuriated with Frankie. All the good done by showing these guys being at ease living with a gay man is being thrown out the window. It's like a bad joke. So much for telling people, "Don't worry, just because a guy is gay doesn't mean he's going to be constantly trying to grab your dick or something."

  • Love 14

Can I ask a question?  Is there a reason to think the brouhaha over the picture is more than Derrick not wanting people to guess he's a cop? Or are the wild conspiracy theories a side effect of nothing else worth talking about?


There could be tons of reasons - ,my guess is it's a relative/family friend who did not sign a release and/or his wife is not on good terms with.  He's probably aware that there is some 'splainin to do back home with the Victoria situation - and he may not want to compound it by having a display of someone his wife doesn't like/get along with. 


I have this awful feeling Victoria will end up crushing the Veto this weekend...the one time it doesn't make a bit of difference.

Can I ask a question?  Is there a reason to think the brouhaha over the picture is more than Derrick not wanting people to guess he's a cop? Or are the wild conspiracy theories a side effect of nothing else worth talking about?



His family and BB knew he was keeping his job a secret.  Neither would mistakenly give him a picture that would betray his strategy.  CBS stated that in this link. So being afraid of exposing his job is not the issue.  I haven't read any of the wild ideas out there.  Derrick's reaction to the photo and subsequent conversation about it is very odd. 


It is not a family member who did not want to be on TV.  That is a lame cover story.  Derrick would have said that straight away without hesitation.   I have no theories, 



Edited by wings707

I think it's still worthwhile, BeatrixK.  Frankie will have to nominate either Derrick or Caleb, and then they are going to have to decide which of the boys is going home, even if they suspect the BGB will change things up.  Pointing out to those boys which one of them is on the bottom of the totem pole is not a bad thing, even if it's meaningless.  If nothing else, if Frankie noms Caleb it will re-focus Frankie as Caleb's #1 target in case something shiny distracted him from that goal.  Whatever it takes to make people aim to get Frankie is not a waste.

  • Love 4

There could be tons of reasons - ,my guess is it's a relative/family friend who did not sign a release and/or his wife is not on good terms with.  He's probably aware that there is some 'splainin to do back home with the Victoria situation - and he may not want to compound it by having a display of someone his wife doesn't like/get along with. 


I have this awful feeling Victoria will end up crushing the Veto this weekend...the one time it doesn't make a bit of difference.



His wife must have been the one who sent the picture.   I don't think his wife is upset about Victoria.  It is crystal clear that she is needy and he is being nice.  And his original intent of taking her to the end has been obvious. 


And ohhhhhhh, god!  You could be right about Victoria and veto!  

His family and BB knew he was keeping his job a secret.  Neither would mistakenly give him a picture that would betray his strategy.  CBS stated that in this link. So being afraid of exposing his job is not the issue.  I haven't read any of the wild ideas out there.  Derrick's reaction to the photo and subsequent conversation about it is very odd. 


It is not a family member who did not want to be on TV.  That is a lame cover story.  Derrick would have said that straight away without hesitation.   I have no theories, 




That link explains why I'm confused.  That article makes it seem like the picture is a mystery.  Someone linked something last night that seemed to have a screen grab of the picture and blew it up.  It seemed like the picture was one of his daughter in a police hat.  It seemed legit, not that I thought about it that much.  Which is why I thought it was mystery solved (Derrick worried about his game and they made a mistake in a picture they sent of Derrick's daughter).  I'll go see if I can find that link so we can scrutinize its legitimacy.

Edited by ParadoxLost

That link explains why I'm confused.  That article makes it seem like the picture is a mystery.  Someone linked something last night that seemed to have a screen grab of the picture and blew it up.  It seemed like the picture was one of his daughter in a police hat.  It seemed legit, not that I thought about it that much.  Which is why I thought it was mystery solved (Derrick worried about his game and they made a mistake in a picture they sent of Derrick's daughter).  I'll go see if I can find that link so we can scrutinize its legitimacy.



I agree that the link brought up more questions than it solved.  It confuses me too.  It only confirms one thing.  CBS did not give Derrick a pic that would expose him as a cop. 


The picture looked like Tenley in a police hat, to me, as well.

Edited by wings707

I have been away from my computer a few days so I refuse to go back and read through all these great comments, (BTW, I love this forum as much as my beloved TWOP). , but I am reading something over at another site that the booing of Christine could have been because the fans were angry she got evicted. Is this the reason, because I did read a couple days ago that she was crying backstage after the show and wanted to go home. I myself couldn't stand her mean girl actions, but I think the only one in that house that deserves all the booing is that pink haired lizard looking freak that all the guys are afraid of cause of who he is, and because of that, he ruined this whole season!

  • Love 1

If the crowd boos over anger at a HG going home it would have been Donny or Nicole or even Zach.   I think they just don't like Christine for a variety of reasons.



I agree. Stupid theory.  I have been looking all over for a screencap of Derricks picture and cannot find it.  I saw it on twitter on feedster or leaks but it is not there now.  

Can I ask a question?  Is there a reason to think the brouhaha over the picture is more than Derrick not wanting people to guess he's a cop? Or are the wild conspiracy theories a side effect of nothing else worth talking about?​

Someone linked something last night that seemed to have a screen grab of the picture and blew it up.  It seemed like the picture was one of his daughter in a police hat.



For me, it was interesting because of how weirdly Derrick and production acted about it.  Not a big brouhaha, I guess, just weird, and had me wondering what the picture could have been to cause that reaction.  I can't believe that it was just a family member who didn't want to be shown or who Derrick didn't want shown, because his family is the one who picks out the pictures to send - surely if there was an estranged relative somewhere, his own wife would know about it.  And given the conversation between Cody & Derrick when Cody first saw the pic ("Is that your brother?"), I'm pretty sure that blown up pic that was posted was doctored - there must have been at least one man in the pic, and that blown up pic looked to me like a (very fuzzy) picture of just a baby.  Anyway, not a huge deal, it was just unusual and interesting, I thought.  So I'm sticking with my theory that it was probably a partner or other cop, not in uniform, in the background or something.  And yes, probably a little bit of it is that there just isn't much more on the feeds to talk about these days!

  • Love 1

Just caught up on BBAD..one thing stood out..


Frankie...don't smack your lips when you eat! Oy vey! The mother in me was thinking "I wanna smack him"! Also...anyone notice the look on Frankie's face when he was cooking whatever it was that he was cooking...I think when they were talking about who would go up? (I am a bit hard of hearing)..he just had that stink face going on..


Happy to see they cleaned the sty though...that mess would've given me a twitch!

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For me, it was interesting because of how weirdly Derrick and production acted about it.  Not a big brouhaha, I guess, just weird, and had me wondering what the picture could have been to cause that reaction.  I can't believe that it was just a family member who didn't want to be shown or who Derrick didn't want shown, because his family is the one who picks out the pictures to send - surely if there was an estranged relative somewhere, his own wife would know about it.  And given the conversation between Cody & Derrick when Cody first saw the pic ("Is that your brother?"), I'm pretty sure that blown up pic that was posted was doctored - there must have been at least one man in the pic, and that blown up pic looked to me like a (very fuzzy) picture of just a baby.  Anyway, not a huge deal, it was just unusual and interesting, I thought.  So I'm sticking with my theory that it was probably a partner or other cop, not in uniform, in the background or something.  And yes, probably a little bit of it is that there just isn't much more on the feeds to talk about these days!



Yes, it is weird.  That is all I have been able to say about this,  I don't believe the cover story either. I hope an aggressive interviewer asks him about this and refuses accept the lame cover story.  I will be the only interesting thing to talk about with him.  After interviews are pretty lame. 

I don't understand why these men aren't telling Frankie to stop grabbing at them in a way that makes him understand that it won't be tolerated. They just push his hand away and he does it again another time. I also don't know why production is allowing it. If a man was grabbing at women in the house this way, production would put a stop to it. I don't understand why Frankie is getting away with this behavior.

I agree...it's like sexual harassment..and often times I wonder if they don't say anything for fear or being put up on the block or voted out....if so..that stinks. Frankie needs to go..he has become of one my most disliked contestants ever.

  • Love 5

I agree. Stupid theory.  I have been looking all over for a screencap of Derricks picture and cannot find it.  I saw it on twitter on feedster or leaks but it is not there now.  


Here is the picture but I can't find what I read last night.



So I'm sticking with my theory that it was probably a partner or other cop, not in uniform, in the background or something.


Derrick's partner or another cop makes the most sense, if only because it raises the most questions for Derrick: "Who is that holding your daughter?" "Uh...my friend who's a cop (hence the hat)." "How come you never mentioned you had a friend who was a cop?", etc. If he hasn't invented a similar-age family member who's a cop, the person becomes suspicious (or more suspicious).


I believe Derrick would reject the photo based on it not being easily explained to others (hence Cody's "Is that your uncle" -- likely the man in the picture was too young for that). I still feel like the face of the person was likely not shown, because his wife wouldn't want to actively blow his cover. She might've thought since it was a picture of his daughter, the person holding her wouldn't make a difference. But Derrick wanted to cover all his bases.

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I don't know what the deal with the picture is, either, but I do know that I wouldn't take anything his family says as confirmation of anything. Same with Derrick. He might be lying, he might not be, but I wouldn't presume he wasn't lying. 



Funny but this is probably the first time Derrick didn't lie.  He could not come up with one!  He was at a loss for words ending with "it isn't a good picture, it is all jacked up."   

  • Love 5

Based on the jokers recap I thought it had something to do with his wife. Maybe and X, or an unflattering picture or someone she doesn't get along with. But it doesn't make sense if she was the one to send the picture in.

From jokers, read up from the bottom:

Fri 12:32 AM BBT Each time Derrick talks about his wife we get fish. NT - Poopie

Fri 12:32 AM BBT Victoria goes to sit next to Derrick on the LR couch. Derr starts to talk about his wife every other sentence. we get fish NT - Poopie

Fri 12:29 AM BBT Frank: I dont think people think i am funny anymore. NT - Poopie

Fri 12:29 AM BBT frank: no, i dont think you should, i think you should let someone else, whatever. Finish. Cal: finishes and is called to DR NT - Poopie

Fri 12:28 AM BBT Caleb said he loves the worthers original candy commercial (he describes it) Frank interrupted his story, Cal: can i finish? NT - Poopie

Fri 12:25 AM BBT Back from fish Derr says "I love her to death. I think that would hurt her." Then it cuts to fish again. Possibly about the pic. NT - eureca

Here is the picture but I can't find what I read last night.





Thanks.  It appears Tenley is taking up most of the picture.  There is no one's face that I can see..   The black thing is probably not a police hat though could be interpreted as such.  Cody saw the pic and asked if that was his brother.  So there is an image there that he identified as NOT Derrick. 


I love this mystery.  I read them, wanted to be a PI and often act like one.  

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Whatever the picture was Derrick sure had a reaction to it. It's even more telling because Cody didn't think it was Derrick either. Maybe, Derrick used to be 300 pounds and had lost weight. Who knows? Derrick didn't like the picture, didn't want it and Cody sees it and can't figure out who it is. Very odd. It's also about the only interesting thing going on. That said, it will probably never make the broadcast since it will "hurt" Derrick. Whatev!

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 1

Whatever the picture was Derrick sure had a reaction to it. It's even more telling because Cody didn't think it was Derrick either. Maybe, Derrick used to be 300 pounds and had lost weight. Who knows? Derrick didn't like the picture, didn't want it and Cody sees it and can't figure out who it is. Very odd. It's also about the only interesting thing going on. That said, it will probably never make the broadcast since it will "hurt" Derrick. Whatev!



Oh. wow. I think you may have nailed this.  Derrick looks chubby in the pic on the wall and clearly lost weight before he entered the house.  And it looks as though he has lost more while there.  That is it.  It is a pic of him when Tenely was born or thereabouts and he was fat.  THAT is the only thing that makes sense to me.  All the pieces of the puzzle fit this explanation.  Kudos  

Edited by wings707
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I just looked at the pic again.  I got it.  The top most flesh colored splotch is Derricks face.  The bottom flesh colored splotch is Tenley as a tiny infant.  Derricks head is tilted.  Forget the black spot, it is something on the wall.  So Derricks body is the majority of the back ground and he clearly looks so different being heavy that Cody did not even recognize him.  That's it!!!   Thank you Buyanose for that idea! 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I just looked at the pic again.  I got it.  The top most flesh colored splotch is Derricks face.  The bottom flesh colored splotch is Tenley as a tiny infant.  Derricks head is tilted.  Forget the black spot, it is something on the wall.  So Derricks body is the majority of the back ground and he clearly looks so different being heavy that Cody did not even recognize him.  That's it!!!   Thank you Buyanose for that idea! 


Ha. Ha.  This is starting to get unnervingly like when scripted shows tweet a pic of the writers room and there is a script page laying around.  The spoiler threads then turn into the CIA central as posters collectively try to get a couple lines of dialogue.


Ok.  Ok,  Get that light off me, I admit it.  I once participated in trying to read through the top cover of a script page to get all the guest names for the episode backwards, upside down, and in X-ray.  They should have known better than tweeting that episode title page.  The paper was too thin and the ink just dark enough to read on zoom.  I mean really, what were they expecting?


But I'm not doing that for reality TV.  I'm not.  I have my pride.  However, I will gladly leave that to others and read every theory and pretend I'm above it all ;)

That reminds me that Caleb thought that Jeff was going to ask him to sing yesterday.


From earlier today, Derrick's views on some of the HG's:


Derr & Caleb talking about Pao Pao and that for only being there 2 weeks, she had an impact on the game. Derr wasn't a huge fan of

Chris from the start - thought she was fake.
Devin thought he was manipulating everyone but people would walk away and be like i'm not buying it.
Jocasta... kept Derrick grounded, praying felt like a confessional even though it wasn't. She didn't really do anything.
Derrick thinks Brit and Christine were most transparent about how they were going to play the game.
Derrick liked Brit, she had heart... that's why he didn't put her up, but saw quite quickly how she was going to play. Always going up to HOH...
Donny had heart
Amber was beautiful, a true southern girl

Edited by willpwr
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The houseguests are 100% convinced a celebrity (BB or otherwise) is going in the house to host the POV.  I have my doubts.  Jeff was just there yesterday, how many guests do they expect?​



It is a little weird, but they do have a point - who is going to host veto?  They're all playing, so no one is left to host, and it's not a live show, so Julie won't be doing it.  I can't remember how they usually handle veto comps this late in the game, but it's entirely possible they will bring in a guest host.  Not to say that these HGs aren't totally ridiculous and delusional, though!  

He wants to keep Frankie around a little longer due to TA. For Derrick, it's all about the money.

If Derrick wants to keep Frankie around to make an extra $5,000, it might end up costing him $500,000 in the end.  Being greedy could bite him in the ass and, if it does, I will laugh and laugh and laugh.

  • Love 12

As it is now game time, I finally choose an avatar.


The houseguests are 100% convinced a celebrity (BB or otherwise) is going in the house to host the POV.  I have my doubts.  Jeff was just there yesterday, how many guests do they expect?


I like!! As a Michigan fan living in Indiana, Go Blue!!

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So, everything is null and void until Wednesday night. What a waste of time. I guess the "real" show won't start till about 8:20. Then, they'll know about the rewind & start all over. Of course, nothing could change or everything could change. I doubt it change much but it will be interesting to see who gets screwed in the end.

Not necessarily, ByaNose! Paranoia is high right now and if Frankie does have to put up a replacement, we could get those *fireworks* we've been waiting for oh-so-unpatiently this season. It could totally wreck Frankie's game!


Prayer circle, people! Join me!!


ETA: last nite I just discovered we have 'likes' here. lol I'm not internet savvy in the least. So please don't anyone take it personally that I haven't 'liked' your post, ok?? :) I read every post here and greatly appreciate them all.

Edited by housecat
  • Love 10

It is a little weird, but they do have a point - who is going to host veto? They're all playing, so no one is left to host, and it's not a live show, so Julie won't be doing it.

Hasn't Julie hosted in the past? Just because it isn't live doesn't mean she can't pop in to host it. Edited by Meatball
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