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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I can't imagine how boring and mind numbing the feeds and the broadcast show will be for all the Frankie haters if he is voted out this week. At least the majority of BB fans have something to bond over with him in the house. I think there will be a resounding silence for a while. Be careful what you wish for!!!

BBAD and the feeds have been utterly painful the last few days.

Edited by tinderbox
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We vote on Wednesday and they give the mission to them, when?

When they had to do the hanky vote (the week that Amber left) it was voted on Wednesday night and the vote I think lasted until Midnight West Coast time. I think they were given the task like at 1am Thursday morning. So it's possible.

Either that or they have us vote on who gets some sort of special power like the Cout or whatever it's called. They could tell Nicole early Thursday morning cuz she would def use it to save herself.

But nothing good happens so never mind haha

I really wish Nicole would make some awesome statement as she is leaving. What was the girl's name that told some guy to get a backbone and said the rest of the people were wimps.

Nicole should remind them that there will now be 5 in the jury house that the bomb squad got rid of, so there is your majority. Also tell them that she would vote for someone who made an individual move not just went "with the house" all season long.

If only.

Me too. I hope she calls someone out. Maybe Caleb for being a chicken. She's gotta go out with a blaze of glory. It's not like she will get another chance to go back in.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I really wish Nicole would make some awesome statement as she is leaving. What was the girl's name that told some guy to get a backbone and said the rest of the people were wimps.

Nicole should remind them that there will now be 5 in the jury house that the bomb squad got rid of, so there is your majority. Also tell them that she would vote for someone who made an individual move not just went "with the house" all season long.

If only.



Oh would my heart, but still it's beating.

When they had to do the hanky vote (the week that Amber left) it was voted on Wednesday night and the vote I think lasted until Midnight West Coast time. I think they were given the task like at 1am Thursday morning. So it's possible.

Either that or they have us vote on who gets some sort of special power like the Cout or whatever it's called. They could tell Nicole early Thursday morning cuz she would def use it to save herself.

But nothing good happens so never mind haha

Me too. I hope she calls someone out. Maybe Caleb for being a chicken. She's gotta go out with a blaze of glory. It's not like she will get another chance to go back in.


Hanky vote?  I have no clue what this means! 


I have forgotten how the coup d'état was given, used and executed in previous seasons.  Someone please refresh my memory.  Thanks. 


ETA:  I found the description.


The Coup d'Etat (pronounced koo-day-tah) is a power given to a houseguest. Its first appearance in Big Brother was as a prize in Big Brother All Stars. The power appeared once again in Big Brother 11; the holder of the power was chosen by  America. The holder of the Coup d'Etat has the power to overthrow the Head of Household's nominations. They are also able to name their own replacement nominees. However, they may not choose the current HOH or POV Holder.

It shares similarities to the Diamond Power of Veto. However, the holder can remove two nominees and replace them with two other House Guests (minus the HOH and POV Holder), as opposed to the Diamond Power of Veto, which can only remove one nominee and replace them with another HouseGuest.

Edited by wings707
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Hanky vote? I have no clue what this means!

The week that Amber left America voted that the Team America members had to vote against the house and then blame other people after the Eviction ceremony. Aka throw in a Hinky vote (not Hanky whoops) throw a vote in there that confuses everyone since it was supposed to be unanimous. Edited by SiobhanJW
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 Most people are embarrassed to admit to their friends and family that they even watch this show! (I saw a funny discussion on Joker's to this effect a couple of days ago... a bunch of people saying no way would I ever tell anyone I like this show!)  I love Big Brother in a love/hate guilty pleasure way (mostly love, even with a horrid cast), but it's not like I tell people I like it.  It's not Lost.  I'll talk about Lost to co-workers to this day, but I'm a scientist and everyone is a nerd, so they give me a pass.

I'm so lucky that a close coworker is also into it. I introduced her to this thread as she never knew anything about what happened on the broadcast vs. the feeds. Yesterday, she told me she wasn't going to watch the show anymore, given how frustrating it is. She's just going to continue reading this thread.

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JOKERS just now:


Nic: This has been a slow death. Der: I don't want you to connect dots that don't exist. NT
Scott3325 0 0    09/03/14 10:53 AM
* Der denying that there is a final four. NT 
Scott3325 10 0    09/03/14 10:51 AM
* Der: I'm really offended. I'm the only person besides Vic who has been hanging out with you. NT 
Scott3325 12 0    09/03/14 10:50 AM
* Nic: I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but my feelings are extremely hurt. Nic starts crying. NT 
Scott3325 15 0    09/03/14 10:48 AM
* Der: I expect a text message apology. (After Nic sees what has happened in the house.) NT 
Scott3325 52 0    09/03/14 10:47 AM
* Der to Nic: You're going to look very bad on camera if you think 90% of what you just told me is true. NT 
Scott3325 39 0    09/03/14 10:46 AM
* Der defensive. Nic fighting back. NT 
Scott3325 49 0    09/03/14 10:45 AM
* Nic giving her opinion of the game to Der. Nic: Everything I tell you definitely gets back to Cody. NT

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Call me crazy but I want Christine or Cody gone in the DE above anyone else. With Derrick being the puppet master to 5/6 people left the likelihood of Frankie going home is extremely high. If by some miracle Frankie does survive I think his blinders were removed and he will take out Derrick. Too bad he's the only one and it's too late. Nicole, was such a disappointment in her comeback.

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Caleb: "Amber, if you're watching the live feeds, can't wait to see you again. I'll take you on cruise if you're down for it."



Caleb, Caleb, Caleb... the girl didn't even want to eat a ham sandwich at the same table with you!


From upthread... is Cody really wearing Christine's wedding ring or was that some twisted joke?  Because if true... that's just...  speechless

Edited by kassa
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Apparently, Caleb re enacted his hog killing for the HGs. They, naturally, were horrified.

Of course they are; they're city folk. If they ever had to actually kill what they ate on a daily basis, most of them would be death within a month. Hey - talk about an idea for a new twist...!!!


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Most people are embarrassed to admit to their friends and family that they even watch this show!

You got that right!  Ok, this is kind of terrible.  My friend has cancer and I do her grocery shopping for her.  She has turned off her cable and we needed shows we could watch and then discuss.  So I got her on this show and the Bachelor in Paradise.

[meekly walks away]

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You got that right!  Ok, this is kind of terrible.  My friend has cancer and I do her grocery shopping for her.  She has turned off her cable and we needed shows we could watch and then discuss.  So I got her on this show and the Bachelor in Paradise.

[meekly walks away]

This may be off topic, but you're a wonderful friend. Some people don't even have relatives that would be so kind. Back on topic, it looks like you picked a bad season to start her on. :-)

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I did something similar. My best friend moved cross country and she loves this show, so I started watching so we could have something to regularly discuss. She's quite appreciative of my obsession with the feeds and my updates to her.  I think it's nice you did this for your friend.


And just to stay on topic, but seriously - I thought Caleb was over Amber. Not yet, eh?

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Of the five people left (after Nicole is gone), I want to see Derrick win because he has worked the house all season and, up to this point, has earned it.  However, if he doesn't talk them into getting rid of Frankie in the DE, then I hope it comes back to bite him in the ass.  The other night when he met with Caleb and Cody, they talked for hours and couldn't come up with a decision, and it was because Derrick brings up every scenario over and over until he has the others totally confused.  Playing with their minds is one thing, but sometimes I think he talks too much, and it may be his downfall.  With four guys in the end, and paranoia setting in, he may just find himself on the block and out the door. 


Oh, and after the game is over, I hope Nicole texts him and tells him she's waiting for his apology.   

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Most people are embarrassed to admit to their friends and family that they even watch this show! (I saw a funny discussion on Joker's to this effect a couple of days ago... a bunch of people saying no way would I ever tell anyone I like this show!)  

My wife got hung on it right from Season 1, the year after Survivor had introduced most of America to the concept of the "reality show". She kept after me to watch it with her, but I didn't cave until sometime during Season 3 (first episode I ever watched, the House was in an uproar because some guy hadn't washed his hands after using the WC and went right to fixing a meal). Now she's burned out on it, and I'm stuck with an addiction. :P

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And just to stay on topic, but seriously - I thought Caleb was over Amber. Not yet, eh?

Well... Everybody in the House now knows what Caleb would be like in a relationship, so every time he tries scouting up a replacement, the prospect's friends or family shut him down. Big Country just can't move on, donchaknow.

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I don't like him, but Derrick should win because he's played the best game. Even though I agree he worked the house hard all season, I think it helped his game tremendously that he had a group of for the most part, easily influenced, mindless sheep who fell in line. No matter who was HOH Derrick got what he wanted without getting blood on his hands or being hated. I give him props for how he played the game, but I still don't like him. And I feel like no matter who he's sitting next to at the end, he's going to win probably unanimously. Especially once the jury begins the deliberations and puts it all together. The only fly in the ointment for him that I can see is if the jury decides to vote for whoever the other person is just to spite him, but I feel like the rationale of  "he played the best game" will make him the winner.

Edited by parrotlover
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Of the five people left (after Nicole is gone), I want to see Derrick win because he has worked the house all season and, up to this point, has earned it.  However, if he doesn't talk them into getting rid of Frankie in the DE, then I hope it comes back to bite him in the ass.  The other night when he met with Caleb and Cody, they talked for hours and couldn't come up with a decision, and it was because Derrick brings up every scenario over and over until he has the others totally confused.  Playing with their minds is one thing, but sometimes I think he talks too much, and it may be his downfall.  With four guys in the end, and paranoia setting in, he may just find himself on the block and out the door. 


Oh, and after the game is over, I hope Nicole texts him and tells him she's waiting for his apology.   



Good post!  That is it.  You hit the nail on the head as to why decisions are not being made.  Derrick has gotten carried away with the devils advocate to the point we don't even know what he wants.  He seems to be manipulating for someone specific out and then, he isn't.  He changed his mind. Is it his way to avoid making a decision?  Or is he avoiding having anything pinned on him.  I wonder if indecision is a problem in his real life. 

According to Caleb, Cody wore her wedding ring the day before while he played pool, badminton, etc.


Okay, that is way over the line.  How odd.  

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I'm glad for Nicole's sake that the Have Nots are over, but wish Frankie could have had one last turn.


He should have, but despite his efforts to not be a dickfuck, he managed to skate and be the only one in the house to do it once.

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He seems to be manipulating for someone specific out and then, he isn't.


Sometimes he seems to be manipulating just to manipulate.  In other words, "let me show my masterful ability to yank these bozo's chains over and over" just for sport.  If he keeps it up, he's going to end up screwing himself, showing that he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

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From Jokers:


"Do you think they have Viewers Discretion Advised?" Frankie- "Yes... because there's homosexuals in the house"  He continues that they had it last year so they'll probably always have it now.


The reason they had the Viewers Discretion Advised disclaimer was because of the racist remarks being made.  It had nothing to do with the fact that a homosexual (Andy) was in the house.  Someone should make a list of all the misinformation Frankie spews like they did all of Caleb's lies. 

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Sometimes he seems to be manipulating just to manipulate.  In other words, "let me show my masterful ability to yank these bozo's chains over and over" just for sport.  If he keeps it up, he's going to end up screwing himself, showing that he's not as smart as he thinks he is.



Yes, I see that clearly now.   Take a stand for fuck sake.  You are down to the wire, now. 

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Oh, and after the game is over, I hope Nicole texts him and tells him she's waiting for his apology.


I was sad when Nicole began to trust and befriend Derrick again upon her return because it seemed he snowed her, too. Now, she's been struck square between the eyes and reminded exactly how Derrick operates within the game. In fact, the other night while speaking with Derrick, she said, "You hide your game." almost as a throw away statement. She didn't realize the pinpoint accuracy of her assessment. I hope Nicole continues to process the information and carries these hurt feelings back to the jury house. I think it could be the only hope of somebody other than Derrick winning the game.

Too bad her return was such a failure!

Edited by tinderbox
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Good post!  That is it.  You hit the nail on the head as to why decisions are not being made.  Derrick has gotten carried away with the devils advocate to the point we don't even know what he wants.  He seems to be manipulating for someone specific out and then, he isn't.  He changed his mind. Is it his way to avoid making a decision?  Or is he avoiding having anything pinned on him.  I wonder if indecision is a problem in his real life. 



 I agree with both of you - He doesn't use a mist like Dan, he just confuses the hell out of everyone, spins them in circles and then points them in the direction of the donkey's tail. He's been very lucky to be surrounded by so many pliable personalities.

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I think that one reason why Derrick is so wishy-washy is because he knows that anything he says will get back to someone eventually. When it came down to Frankie vs. Nicole and they were going around asking each person's opinion he said (in the DR) that he didn't want to say anyone's name because he knew it would come back to bite him in the ass. So instead he dropped his head into his hands in mock despair and confusion and said "I just don't know." I think it's ALL part of his game and he's doing a great job of it. The more he flops around, the less people take him seriously. I think what people take away from it is that Derrick isn't gunning for anyone of them. Which is ridiculous.


And I do think he's going to start pulling comp wins out any day now.

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I think that one reason why Derrick is so wishy-washy is because he knows that anything he says will get back to someone eventually. When it came down to Frankie vs. Nicole and they were going around asking each person's opinion he said (in the DR) that he didn't want to say anyone's name because he knew it would come back to bite him in the ass. So instead he dropped his head into his hands in mock despair and confusion and said "I just don't know." I think it's ALL part of his game and he's doing a great job of it. The more he flops around, the less people take him seriously. I think what people take away from it is that Derrick isn't gunning for anyone of them. Which is ridiculous.


And I do think he's going to start pulling comp wins out any day now.



Yes, that is clear.   That has been his strategy.  It is time to stop that.  He is overdoing it.  He has to take a stand and he will find that Cody and Caleb agree that Frankie out is what they all want.  Everyone is walking on eggshells.  Just do something!  Stand up for what you want and fight to win comps.  Go for it and stop worrying about what you want getting back to others.  

Edited by wings707
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I don't know, he kind of is going for it, with his strategy. Why would he change it up when it's working? He doesn't give a crap that he's not entertaining us - he wants the money. And as boring as it is, he's got his eye on the prize and it sure seems to be working for him. If making a big move doesn't serve him, why would he do it?

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I don't know, he kind of is going for it, with his strategy. Why would he change it up when it's working? He doesn't give a crap that he's not entertaining us - he wants the money. And as boring as it is, he's got his eye on the prize and it sure seems to be working for him. If making a big move doesn't serve him, why would he do it?



What I see happening is that by crippling the others so they fear making a move, it is hurting his own game in the long run.  He is not a target so encourage the others to make a big move rather than pulling them back.  I think it will bite him.  When someone comes up with evicting Frankie, Derrick goes through all the scenarios that could happen and of course it isn't without risk.  So it has reached a point where his style is not serving him.  That is what I see. 

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I was sad when Nicole began to trust and befriend Derrick again upon her return because it seemed he snowed her, too. Now, she's been struck square between the eyes and reminded exactly how Derrick operates within the game. In fact, the other night while speaking with Derrick, she said, "You hide your game." almost as a throw away statement. She didn't realize the pinpoint accuracy of her assessment. I hope Nicole continues to process the information and carries these hurt feelings back to the jury house. I think it could be the only hope of somebody other than Derrick winning the game.

Too bad her return was such a failure!

I almost wonder if her return didn't serve to finally, firmly show her that Hayden was right about Derrick and now she can take that back to everyone in the jury house and cost him at least four votes.  In that case, her return was worth something. 

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Victoria seems to still think they only have two weeks left rather than 3. I want her to be evicted next week and on live TV, when Julie says to her "We'll see you back here on Finale Night September 24th," I want to see her eyes widen in horror and she says "But THAT'S Rosh Hoshaneh!"

Edited by TimWil
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I do like Derrick and I do definitely want him to win over everyone else. How I see Derrick's game play is one that is actually not half bad. It may not be fantastic, like other's, but every season is different and every season has its best game plays and its worst, and Derrick's is definitely the best. He's somehow managed to control almost every single eviction (I'd say starting from Zach's first almost eviction/Paola's eviction). He manages to play into everyone's emotions/game play and is somehow not caught for it. I think once he managed to convince Caleb to save Zach in week 2 when he had been 100% dead set on evicting Zach for Devin, that's when he found what really worked for him and he continued with that. Derrick is the only one thinking about the money, but at the same time isn't burning bridges with people. He may have said some awful stuff, but I see that as him getting into 'character', so to speak, and appealing to his audience, which is the other houseguests. I think Derrick really is treating this as an undercover role. He has to get into a character, or a specific role, in order to achieve his goal, which is to win. He may laugh along with others and he may agree with people's awful opinions, but I actually don't think he means any of it. I think he has to play along and agree with others in order to snow them into voting for him at the end, which is working. I think he has a lot of votes behind him. 


Donny, of course, never fell for it and good for him. Everyone else, though, is falling for it hard. I think everyone, even Donny, would vote for him at the end, just for the sole reason that Derrick's game is on point for this season. He appeals to the houseguests, but he never shares his own personal opinion because that would be exposing his hand. Derrick knows and is aware of how boring this season is and he probably realizes that some of the houseguests aren't liked at all, but he still lies to them and says that America must love them. Him not wanting to be associated with Frankie's hatred toward America and Donny seemed to just solidify this. 


I think once it gets to the wire and there's only, like, four people left, he'll show his cards more if it comes down to it. He knows that his strategy can't last him forever and even if he can get to the final 3 and lose because he knows someone will take him to the final 2, then he will. But as of right now, he's sticking to his strategy because nobody is going to put him up this week or during the double eviction. Even if he does go up, it'll be as a pawn, but I highly doubt he's going up. Cody'll go up before Derrick ever will and that's because he's earned the trust in every single person in that house. Derrick has earned all his money and I'm not surprised when he wins the 500k. Of course the smart move would be to get him out ASAP, but that's not going to happen, not unless something drastic happens. Sure, would evicting Derrick make for good television? Probably, because then the houseguests would actually have to think for themselves. But is anyone else deserving of the money? No, not at all. I wasn't happy with GinaMarie and Spencer being in the finals because they did shit to get there. Spencer was a pawn and GM put up Amanda/McCrae and that's about it. Even when Andy won it, I only hated it less because he deserved it more than the other two, but not by much. 


I think Derrick knows exactly how he wants it to play out, but he's not an idiot; he knows plans can change in an instant and I think he does a great job in adapting to change. He knows he wants Victoria in the final 2 with him because he'll win 100% against her, plus I think he does genuinely like her. It's funny because you'd think he would want his bestie, Cody, to be beside him to get the 50k but I think he's partially afraid that Cody might have a shot at winning. Even though Derrick could easily tell the jury everything he's done vs Cody doing what he's said, I don't know if he's trying not to burn bridges with Cody by throwing him under the bus or trying not to show his strategy or what. But that small sliver of doubt with him winning against Cody makes me think that he'll gun for Cody's eviction in a sly way once Frankie/Christine are gone. I think he'd rather have Caleb in the final 3 over Cody.


Sure, the feeds are boring to us, and I know I've basically quit watching them because nothing interesting is happening, but Derrick is playing for himself. Everyone else seems to be doing whatever, but Derrick does have a plan in mind and he knows it's not fun for us viewers. But is he going to change his strategy? Not until it fails him. Again, he's the best winner of this season and everyone else would just pale in comparison. 

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Willpwr, I don't have the feeds this year (a stroke of genius on my part) but my take on Frankie is, he suspects Caleb was the one who wanted to put him up and is feeling him out.   They had a conversation a couple of days ago where Caleb all but said he was considering putting Frankie up!  I was astounded that he was that forthcoming.  


If Frankie won HoH, I think he would either put up Caleb or Cody.  No doubt.  He's take a strike at someone in the alliance.  


Good post!  That is it.  You hit the nail on the head as to why decisions are not being made.  Derrick has gotten carried away with the devils advocate to the point we don't even know what he wants.  He seems to be manipulating for someone specific out and then, he isn't.  He changed his mind. Is it his way to avoid making a decision?  Or is he avoiding having anything pinned on him.  I wonder if indecision is a problem in his real life. 


Okay, that is way over the line.  How odd.  


I think it's crystal clear to us on the outside what Derrick wants, but it is not clear to those on the inside and that's just the way he wants it.  Derrick doesn't want to look like he already knows what he wants and that it is a consensus decision for those in the alliance, when he is getting what he wants all along.  No one sees Derrick as a huge threat and that will serve him well in the long run.  


I almost wonder if her return didn't serve to finally, firmly show her that Hayden was right about Derrick and now she can take that back to everyone in the jury house and cost him at least four votes.  In that case, her return was worth something. 


Or it might end up helping Derrick out.  If Nicole sees what Derrick is doing and brings it to the house, he might get votes (depending on who he is sitting next to) because he has earned it with how he has totally managed the people and the game.  

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What I see happening is that by crippling the others so they fear making a move, it is hurting his own game in the long run.  He is not a target so encourage the others to make a big move rather than pulling them back.  I think it will bite him.  When someone comes up with evicting Frankie, Derrick goes through all the scenarios that could happen and of course it isn't without risk.  So it has reached a point where his style is not serving him.  That is what I see. 

I agree. Derrick has convinced the Bomb Hit Detonators that it will be EPIC for them all to go to F4 together and that any one of them would be stupid to flip on the group. That plan is actually problematic for him because he'll have to rely on winning comps or controlling the comp winners at the end. Even if he's been purposely throwing comps, he can't count on winning everything at the end. He also can't count on controlling the comp winners now because Christine, Frankie, or Caleb might win and do something to screw up his game. He should have left a couple of isolated, powerless people in and let others do the dirty work of getting rid of his "allies" Frankie and Christine at least. I think it was a mistake to send Nicole home this week instead of Frankie. Frankie got everyone paranoid about a phantom girls' alliance, but Derrick knows that there is no possibility of a girls' alliance because he controls Victoria. He could have easily gotten Nicole off of any idea of targeting him just as he's gotten in her ear for her jury vote. If Nicole stayed she would still be a major target for Caleb, whose biggest fear is losing to a girl, whereas Caleb might align with Frankie at any time, especially if Frankie wins HOH. Donny still being around instead of Frankie would be better for Derrick too. Even if Donny won HOH and put Derrick up, he wouldn't have had the votes to get him out. Donny would still be isolated because everyone else would be afraid to align with him against "the house." Derrick has tried to play a no risk game and it may bite him in the ass.

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Can anyone tell me why the finale date was moved back a week and why the HGs don't know this? I know CBS likes to couple it with the premiere of Survivor, but surely they knew months ago what the date would be. Trying to understand why they would keep that from that HGs. Expect the unexpected? There's been virtually nothing in regards to that motto happening this summer so that can't be why.

Edited by parrotlover
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TheRealT,  I agree with you 100%.   Derrick has himself in a position where he has to win comps and he isn't even sure he can because he hasn't tried.  This going to F4 together is nuts and that is where they are headed.  I hate to type this but I see Victoria out the second elimination tomorrow.  

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Derrick has convinced the Bomb Hit Detonators that it will be EPIC for them all to go to F4 together and that any one of them would be stupid to flip on the group. That plan is actually problematic for him because he'll have to rely on winning comps or controlling the comp winners at the end.


Yeah, I was just going to say, this plan only works if nobody else makes a "big move" or if the person who gets out Frankie or even Cody isn't sitting beside him in the final 2. I was thinking Derrick's game is actually better suited for Survivor, because there is no "leader," just the illusion of control. You can claim credit for moves your alliance makes. But Big Brother has the HoH role, which allows people to actually say "I got so-and-so out."


"I controlled all the evictions," even if it's true, is difficult to prove with only one legitimate HoH win, and next to anyone else but Victoria. Especially if he's against someone who put up/got out Frankie or Cody.

Edited by Eolivet
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I can't imagine how boring and mind numbing the feeds and the broadcast show will be for all the Frankie haters if he is voted out this week. At least the majority of BB fans have something to bond over with him in the house. I think there will be a resounding silence for a while. Be careful what you wish for!!!

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I mentioned this in another thread awhile ago, but there are people you love to hate (like Rachael), and people you just hate. I hate Frankie. He is a scourge on my TV and getting rid of him gives me only joy. I can't even stand to watch BBAD as I sit in fear he will appear on the screen. It's not rational, but I do want him gone so we can watch the Detonators (-Z, +C) implode in peace and sans glitter. Edited by AndreaK1041
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Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I mentioned this in another thread awhile ago, but there are people you love to hate (like Rachael), and people you just hate. I hate Frankie. He is a scourge on my TV and getting rid of him gives me only joy. I can't even stand to watch BBAD as I sit in fear he will appear on the screen. It's not rational, but I do want him gone so we can watch the Detonators (-Z, +C) implode in peace and sans glitter.



I agree!  I don't need Frankie to bond with anyone!  

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Cody "If I win DE HOH I'm putting Frankie up. I have to take a shot at him" Caleb "if you do that you have to put Christine up
09/03/14 03:10 PM
next to him" he tells this to Caleb... not sure Derrick can hear.

Frankie comes in, saying he thinks they're building something.

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Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I mentioned this in another thread awhile ago, but there are people you love to hate (like Rachael), and people you just hate. I hate Frankie. He is a scourge on my TV and getting rid of him gives me only joy. I can't even stand to watch BBAD as I sit in fear he will appear on the screen. It's not rational, but I do want him gone so we can watch the Detonators (-Z, +C) implode in peace and sans glitter.

Same here. It's gotten to the point I let my DVR catch the first hour of BBAD before I start watching, for the express purpose of being able to FF past any scene where Frankie is acting up for the camera.

Any camera.

Which may be pointed his way.

Or even if it's not.

Because it might be later.

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Cody comes up to HOH, Derr turns off the shower remaining in the bathroom.. and Caleb finally spills about his covo with Frankie last night....
09/03/14 03:08 


Anyone know what that conversation was about?  

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I agree. Derrick has convinced the Bomb Hit Detonators that it will be EPIC for them all to go to F4 together and that any one of them would be stupid to flip on the group. That plan is actually problematic for him because he'll have to rely on winning comps or controlling the comp winners at the end. Even if he's been purposely throwing comps, he can't count on winning everything at the end. He also can't count on controlling the comp winners now because Christine, Frankie, or Caleb might win and do something to screw up his game. He should have left a couple of isolated, powerless people in and let others do the dirty work of getting rid of his "allies" Frankie and Christine at least. I think it was a mistake to send Nicole home this week instead of Frankie. Frankie got everyone paranoid about a phantom girls' alliance, but Derrick knows that there is no possibility of a girls' alliance because he controls Victoria. He could have easily gotten Nicole off of any idea of targeting him just as he's gotten in her ear for her jury vote. If Nicole stayed she would still be a major target for Caleb, whose biggest fear is losing to a girl, whereas Caleb might align with Frankie at any time, especially if Frankie wins HOH. Donny still being around instead of Frankie would be better for Derrick too. Even if Donny won HOH and put Derrick up, he wouldn't have had the votes to get him out. Donny would still be isolated because everyone else would be afraid to align with him against "the house." Derrick has tried to play a no risk game and it may bite him in the ass.


ITA with this, especially the bolded parts.  Derrick has played very well to get to this point.  Until now, he has never faced any real danger.  No one ever targeted him, and he was never even on anyone's radar as a possible nominee other than Donny's.  Even if he had been put up for eviction, he would have had the votes to stay in the game.  Although I'm not a fan of his, I applaud his gameplay to get to where he is now.


That being said, he is at risk of majorly screwing up the endgame if he isn't careful.  He NEEDS to take a risk and make a big move.  He probably should have this week and he DEFINITELY should during DE.  There simply aren't enough people left in the game at this point to play it safe anymore, so he should take the opportunity to eliminate real threats to his game rather than a sitting duck like Nicole.  Also, he has to start building his resume to the jury.  Although Derrick's strategy served him well in getting him this far, he's going to have to step it up now that we're getting to the endgame.  His victory seems likely, but it isn't the lock that I used to think it was.  The wrong combination of people winning the comps or a jury that doesn't see how well he's played everyone can seriously end up costing him the money.  His poor daughter... what will she eat if the food is taken out of her mouth?!

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Cody comes up to HOH, Derr turns off the shower remaining in the bathroom.. and Caleb finally spills about his covo with Frankie last night....

09/03/14 03:08 


Anyone know what that conversation was about?  


I imagine it was Frankie wanting to know who it was who wanted to BD Frankie.  Feedsters said Frankie was pressing Caleb hard to know if it was Cody or Derrick.  What a way to make yourself even MORE of a target Frankie *cackles*  

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