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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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The feeds have been on fish for a very long time, not even Jeff interviews or live feed highlights. I wonder what's taking so long. I assumed it was going to be nominations, but they usually don't last that long.

ETA: Of course, as soon as I say that, they come back.

Edited by Callaphera

Oh, wait, Caleb is going to throw BotB. This is delightful! Hopefully this ends in Caleb getting evicted. Although I'm OK with Jocasta going because she's never going to actually play the game since her alliance is only with Jesus.

This IS embarrassing.  It's not like doing this didn't backfire on someone like... a day ago.

Edited by Kromm

Derrick wanted her to nominate Donny; and that is not the first time he's thrown Donny under the bus.  It actually started just before they cut for the Live Show, when Frankie was starting crap already by insinuating that Donny was trying to flip the house to save Pao. I'd hoped, that since many have begun to mistrust Frankie, that Derrick wouldn't even give that a thought.  I mean, Donny flat out told everyone he was voting Zach out because Pao was his friend...  But, shortly after the Live show when the feeds returned I'll be danged if I didn't hear Derrick repeat the same thing to Caleb.  I was not amused.


ETA:  So while Derrick may be all buddy, buddy, rah rah, Team America to Donny's face, for some reason he seems to be more with Frankie (regarding TA), and Caleb (the not alliance of 8); in my opinion. I hope I am wrong. 

Yep, Derrick is straight up lying to Donny right now in the SR about his involvement in the Bomb Squad.


Edited by LuvizBlind
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Derrick is throwing Donny under the bus because Derrick can't manipulate him like the others. Does Donny see Derrick's game? Most likely. Donny plays the game without much emotion. He's level headed. He observes. Not the kind of player Derrick wants around.

Derrick, IMO, is becoming Devin 2.0. He needs to dial or back or he will be the next one on the block.

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It's so disappointing when women refer to themselves as a 'guy's girl' because it always comes with the connotation that women are just so catty and jealous.

I agree, it is disappointing - but that doesn't mean it isn't sometimes based in fact. My perspective is purely my own, but it is drawn from (a) being the father of two daughters (both in their 20s now) and being around them and their friends from grade school through college, and (b) a decade of coaching Little League girl's softball. When they think an adult isn't listening or paying attention, some of the discussions you hear in the dugout or the back of the car will blow your mind - especially during the junior high/high school years. : o

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I never think this about 'guy's girls.' I hate that term. It's so disappointing when women refer to themselves as a 'guy's girl' because it always comes with the connotation that women are just so catty and jealous. I'm fairly sure though that Amber doesn't think of herself like that and I haven't heard anyone really say anything about thinking she prefers the men. I think the problem with Amber is she's just a bad player and she has a tendency to let someone else (a man) make her decisions and then run around telling everyone she doesn't know anything/didn't do anything. I think that's what gets her hate. I wish Nicole/Christine didn't spend their time bashing the other women, but I can see why they'd be annoyed with Amber. Of course they've had a hate on for her since the beginning it seems, so it might actually be some pettiness/jealousy issues. Wow, this comment got away from me! Sorry!



Actually, Victoria and Jocasta socialize a lot. The problem for Jocasta is she pretty much refuses to talk game with anyone, but everyone likes and respects her. But at the end of the day I think that won't be enough if she won't make any real deals. Victoria is very social and she seems to want to talk game and tries, but people just don't particularly like her/take her seriously. So, in Victoria's case, I feel bad for her because she tries but she can't really get anyone to be on her side. Jocasta just isn't playing the game, now whether that's her strategy and she plans to actually make a move at some point or not, I don't know.



Which isn't saying much! But I agree, I like this year's cast. I mean they're no BB10, but they beat BB12-15 for sure.


ETA: I got sidetracked and forgot to mention this: Apparently Derrick and Nicole told Victoria that Caleb agreed to throw the BotB comp. Did they learn nothing from last week?!



I agree, it is disappointing - but that doesn't mean it isn't sometimes based in fact. My perspective is purely my own, but it is drawn from (a) being the father of two daughters (both in their 20s now) and being around them and their friends from grade school through college, and (b) a decade of coaching Little League girl's softball. When they think an adult isn't listening or paying attention, some of the discussions you hear in the dugout or the back of the car will blow your mind - especially during the junior high/high school years. : o

I can't even begin to imagine the conversation of high school girls.  Actually, I couldn't begin to imagine the conversation of high school boys, or anyone in that age range.  I believe that when you get older you should be able to tune that out, like how you can't hear high pitched tones past a certain age.  


As for being a girls girl or a guys girl, I think its just so complex.  I think a lot of it has to do with relationships and boys and what not.  There are some girls that are just "tomboys" and they prefer things that are more seen as "guys things" and so it is easier for them sometimes to form relationships and friendships with boys because very few girls in their area have the same interests.  And then sometimes there is the fact that its hard for any girl to play second fiddle all the time.  And I say this, as a girl who doesn't like to play second fiddle.  So its hard for a girl, IMO, to have to hang out with a girl who ALWAYS gets ALL the attention, and they get none of the attention.  And so even if you're a cute girl, if you're hanging out with a woman who is a Victoria Secret model its going to be tough to see that you NEVER get attention, and that other person is always getting attention when you hang out.  its bound to mess with your ego.  And so some of those really beautiful girls end up not being able to make female friends because its just hard for them to not become a little jealous.  So then these girls, if they want friends, have to become friends with guys.  I think it takes a fairly strong and confident woman to be friends with a beautiful woman, and that can be hard to find.


Although - to be fair - I think Amber is kinda lilly livered and comes off as weak.  She basically handed over her HOH to Devin.  And I've seen her a couple of times with the "I don't remember...""I don't know......"  And that bothers me.  I think women should be able to be strong, and not constantly put themselves in the background.  

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Does Derrick think that Donny is a bit slow or what?


I have gotten that impression before.  I think it was an undercurrent in the conversation Derrick had with Frankie talking about how he didn't know if Donny could really help that much with TA.  Even if Derrick doesn't think that, it has come across like  he does to me.

I read that after Derrick talked to Donnie, he said to Nicole or someone that Donnie had disrespected him. Not sure what that was about but I think Donnie spoke up when he didn't agree with Derrick, unlike Frankie who will let something go and try to address it later is a sneaky, second-hand way. I get the feeling that maybe Derrick doesn't like it so much when he can't so easily convince someone of something.


Also read that Derrick and Nicole were saying that Amber had run upstairs saying that Donnie was trying to pull something again and that's what made up their minds to nominate Donnie. Nicole told Donnie that Amber had provided them with some information before noms but I don't think she said what it was. It also seems that they're mad as Donnie for "running his mouth." I guess he repeated the plan for Caleb to throw the comp to someone and now it's gotten around  (because nobody else in that house tells tales out school!)  I agree that Derrick better slow things down a bit or more people are going to turn on him. 


I love that both Donnie and Hayden seem to see through a lot of stuff despite the fact that I think they were not seen as strategic threats at all in the beginning. I just hope Donnie can learn to be not so forthright with his opinions when talking to people like Derrick and Frankie.


Although some of the women's dislike of Amber may have something to do with her beauty (but I hope not!), I think there's a lot more to it. 



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It seems the rumour Team America (fuck yeah) is going to try and spread is that Zach is related to Amanda from last season. They plan on starting it with Victoria and Caleb, since they're both blabbermouths. Heh. I could kind of see it.


It's actually a pretty good lie to pick.  Paolo (sp?) has told a couple of HGs (Hayden and I can't recall who else) that she knew two people from S15.  They are framing the rumor as that Paolo told this to Donny on her way out the door.  Amanda and Zack are both from Florida.


Now, I think Frankie chose it to put heat back on Zack, but it randomly should work quite well.

Edited by pennben


ETA: he apparently got snippy with production, too.

 Oh, do tell.  What was his problem with them?   Maybe he'll throw a mic in the hot tub next.



Now, I think Frankie chose it to put heat back on Zack

 Jesus, let it go Frankie.  What is his deal with Zack?  Is this how he treats ex-boyfriends that "slighted" him?

When do they play " Battle of the Block?"

I think they are right now, we're back to Jeff hosted highlights. Why is it always Jeff?


 Oh, do tell.  What was his problem with them?   Maybe he'll throw a mic in the hot tub next.

LOL! I would love to see him pull a Chima. I don't think it was anything serious. He was probably jokingly saying Screw You to the production PA voice, but since it's Devin, he probably aimed for joking and landed on dead serious/intimidating. I missed it by like a minute last night, just going off the updates.


It's actually a pretty good lie to pick.  Paolo (sp?) has told a couple of HGs that she knew two people from S15--Hayden and I can't recall who else.  They are framing the rumor as that Paolo told this to Donny on her way out the door.  Amanda and Zack are both from Florida.


Now, I think Frankie chose it to put heat back on Zack, but it randomly should work quite well.

I think it was GM that she knew, but I'm not sure she admitted it. Then again, I don't know who in their right mind would want to admit that they're friends/acquaintances with much of the last season cast. It was a pretty good choice, and Zach could potentially go nuts, thinking that someone is trying to ruin his game somehow.  Whether they actually manage to convince anyone is an entirely different story. I'm not sure they'll be able to pull it off.


Whether they actually manage to convince anyone is an entirely different story. I'm not sure they'll be able to pull it off.


I don't think they need to convince them do they?  I think they only need to get three other HGs to talk about it.  Since these folks all repeat everything they hear, I do think that it can work, even if some are just saying "can you believe the crap Frankie is saying now against Zack, that he is related to Amanda".  I think that would count.

I have gotten that impression before.  I think it was an undercurrent in the conversation Derrick had with Frankie talking about how he didn't know if Donny could really help that much with TA.  Even if Derrick doesn't think that, it has come across like  he does to me.

I remember that convo, Derrick said to Frankie that, 'We're pretty much gonna have to carry Donnie through this' and then later made some reference to dragging him that I didn't fully hear.  

I read that after Derrick talked to Donnie, he said to Nicole or someone that Donnie had disrespected him. Not sure what that was about but I think Donnie spoke up when he didn't agree with Derrick, unlike Frankie who will let something go and try to address it later is a sneaky, second-hand way. I get the feeling that maybe Derrick doesn't like it so much when he can't so easily convince someone of something.


Also read that Derrick and Nicole were saying that Amber had run upstairs saying that Donnie was trying to pull something again and that's what made up their minds to nominate Donnie. Nicole told Donnie that Amber had provided them with some information before noms but I don't think she said what it was. It also seems that they're mad as Donnie for "running his mouth." I guess he repeated the plan for Caleb to throw the comp to someone and now it's gotten around  (because nobody else in that house tells tales out school!)  I agree that Derrick better slow things down a bit or more people are going to turn on him. 


I love that both Donnie and Hayden seem to see through a lot of stuff despite the fact that I think they were not seen as strategic threats at all in the beginning. I just hope Donnie can learn to be not so forthright with his opinions when talking to people like Derrick and Frankie.


Although some of the women's dislike of Amber may have something to do with her beauty (but I hope not!), I think there's a lot more to it. 

It all comes back to the 'alliance of 8' if you ask me.  There's still some semblance of it existing, and Derrick, as Donnie pointed out once awhile back, was in the 'keep the numbers' camp. 

It's actually a pretty good lie to pick.  Paolo (sp?) has told a couple of HGs (Hayden and I can't recall who else) that she knew two people from S15.  They are framing the rumor as that Paolo told this to Donny on her way out the door.  Amanda and Zack are both from Florida.


Now, I think Frankie chose it to put heat back on Zack, but it randomly should work quite well.

Yeah, and if it gets outed some way as being false I fully expect Frankie and Derrick to point right back at Donnie and how he's shady and always trying to flip things.  I hope karma starts biting those two in the ass.

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I don't think they need to convince them do they?  I think they only need to get three other HGs to talk about it.  Since these folks all repeat everything they hear, I do think that it can work, even if some are just saying "can you believe the crap Frankie is saying now against Zack, that he is related to Amanda".  I think that would count.

That's no fun! I thought they actually had to convince them, not just get someone else to say it. If that's all it is, Victoria and Caleb should win them $5k for sure.

Just a huge LOL at all of Team America basically trying to get each other out. Grodner's twist strikes again!


I pray Donny/Amber win BotB because I think the chances of Donny going are probably pretty high and he's the only person I actually fully like at this point.


I love that Derrick talks to Donny like he's an idiot and tells Frankie they'll have to carry him when he's so clearly threatened by Donny. That basically sums up why I can't stand Derrick's game. 


I was actually kinda proud when I saw Nicole nommed Donny, thinking she decided to stick with her own convictions rather than do what Derrick wanted her to do, but it actually sounds like she did exactly what Derrick wanted. Sigh.

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Yup. But I could see him either having a change of heart and playing hard without telling anyone, or Donny and Amber could suck so bad, it would be like last season when everyone was trying to throw a comp so Amanda could win, and (I think) McCrae ended up winning, because she couldn't come up with the answer. It'll probably depend on how Caleb's Queen is doing.

ETA: guess he threw it after all. Amber and Donny off the block, Nicole no longer HOH and wearing a frog outfit. 

Edited by Callaphera

Derrick thinks Donny was being disrespectful to him and that's why he got nommed. Derrick's HOHitis has hit a full swing.


Really all these guys are so damn cocky and I'm just so mad/sad that there's no one that has the balls/ability to go after them.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm totally hoping that Caleb gets evicted this week.  Because stupid shouldn't be rewarded.  And, I have no desire to see him thinking Amber owes him because of his devotion and sacrifice for her.  She's horrible at this game, but she doesn't deserve his crazy all over her.

Edited by pennben
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Derrick is really throwing Donny under a bus to Caleb and Cody. These people are all bus drivers.


ETA: It's actually amazing how everyone is wary of Frankie yet never discuss putting him up for anything. Maybe that will still come up since these people can't have an opinion for more than 4 hours. 

Edited by kellog010

Oh, Derrick, take a damn breath already. Well, I has rooting for him to win HOH, and I guess I got what I wished for. I like him better when he was just subtly manipulating people, and not when he was talking 90 words a minute and talking about "disrespect". I wouldn't be at all surprised if Jacosta left this week, because the guys need to stick together, y'all, it's just math that the womens will pick them off one by one if they don't! Blech.

Edited by Katesus7
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Oh, Derrick, take a damn breath already. Well, I has rooting for him to win HOH, and I guess I got what I wished for. I like him better when he was just subtlety manipulating people, and not when he was talking 90 words a minute and talking about "disrespect". I wouldn't be at all surprised if Jacosta left this week, because the guys need to stick together, y'all, it's just math that the womens will pick them off one by one if they don't! Blech.


Derrick is really letting this destroy his great game play.


Also, yea, I feel like Jocasta is going to end up getting evicted. Which, again, who cares, but still. I'm still gonna hold out hope Caleb goes this week.


Although, I do I think there's also a possibility that Derrick will try to BD Brittany. For some reason he has a stick up his butt about her. He probably thinks she disrespected him.


Nicole has to wear a frog costume all week.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I really think there might be!


Cody and Derrick are so bent out of shape about Brittany. I don't get it. Like honestly they are insane about it. And she literally trusts them completely and tells everyone this. I pray she finally just cuts ties with them now.


ETA: Thankfully Cody/Derrick are alone now and want to get Caleb out, but Cody is expressing concern about that possibly making the house scatter and messing with their numbers. And of course now Cody is like yea we gotta do it and now Derrick is backtracking on it a bit. These people DAMN!


I need a flow chart for all these mini alliances and who's playing who. I can't keep up. Plan seems to be get Devin out but if things go south in the POV then Caleb is the target (Caleb may be the main target, who knows). Derrick needs to chill out. He has not stopped talking. Dude needs to breathe. Victoria being used as a pawn for information for every little group is hilarious.


ETA: This is my first time watching BB and the live feeds, it feels to me that finding one true friend in this competition is the key to winning this thing.


ETA2: Derrick has not stopped talking.

Edited by kellog010

Derrick thinks Donny was being disrespectful to him and that's why he got nommed.


 What exactly is he saying Donny did to disrespect him?  

Very disappointed in Derrick. Is there some kind of behavior-altering gas they're pumping into the HOH room at night? Why does every HOH go nuts like this?

 This remind me so much of a schlocky Survivor riff Mark Burnett did several summers ago called Pirate Master.  It was hilariously dreadful in many ways.  The contestants would battle to be "the Captain" each week and every damn person--no matter how rational they were before winning--became some delusional, power-mad fool.  Part of the foolish fun was that "the Captain" got a fancy-dancy hat to wear and I always assumed there was something in the hat.   Maybe the ubiquitous floral print hats this sesason came from the same factory.


Cody and Derrick are so bent out of shape about Brittany. I don't get it. 

Last I heard, Cody was all hot n bothered over Brittany, wanting to--among other things--give her CPR.

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What exactly is he saying Donny did to disrespect him?

Apparently he smiled. And said 'yep.' LOL.


Last I heard, Cody was all hot n bothered over Brittany, wanting to--among other things--give her CPR.

I assume Derrick/Cody are mad because they thought they had Brittany under their thumb and then she didn't run immediately to them when BS was outted. Basically they're mad she isn't their bitch I guess.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I truly enjoy Derrick and his magic words and domination of this game.  I am, however, worried that he is starting to lose the forrest for the trees.  It seems like he feels he has to win every conversation, every decision, every game related move.  And, perhaps he is right in this approach, but I'm getting concerned that he's playing too hard right now. 

Edited by pennben

I expected Derrick, given his undercover experience, would be a master at operating a low key game.  His behavior makes me wonder how he kept from getting himself outed when he was in situations where more than money was at stake.  Of course, I don't suppose drug gangs have HOH rooms...

Edited by Thalia
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