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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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How could they stop him, really ?


Call him to the DR mid-snip of the scissors ?  Threaten him with a penalty nom (which never means anything) ?


He was talking to another HG and told them that they didn't want him to shave.  I don't know the exact way anything was worded because Donny was telling the story.  I know they like to keep appearances consistent for continuity when taping DR talks for the show.  Maybe that was why.  And perhaps they will say, go ahead at a later time if he survives this week.   OR it could have been before they started filming. 

How could they stop him, really ?


Actors generally have stiff about not drastically changing their appearance in contracts.  I'm sure that reality contestants have similar stipulations only a thousand times worse. 


Its really bad what they are doing to Victoria.  They better hope they have medical people checking Victoria on camera and her refusing treatment.  You'd think they would feat the publicity at least.

I can't figure out how they intended the schedule to work out. The season was extended, apparently, after it started, but we did start with a large number of houseguests and had a returning one. Was there another DE scheduled, that had to be dropped when the season was set to end on the 24th? Is there still a way to have another DE, and if so, would pulling Victoria simply mean that the upcoming DE is now off? I just don't them pulling Vic and then calling it a day for this week's eviction - maybe if this had happened on Tuesday night or Wednesday, but not this early.

He was talking to another HG and told them that they didn't want him to shave.  I don't know the exact way anything was worded because Donny was telling the story.  I know they like to keep appearances consistent for continuity when taping DR talks for the show.  Maybe that was why.  And perhaps they will say, go ahead at a later time if he survives this week.   OR it could have been before they started filming.


Caleb had to shave his head as part of a BotB condition, of course that just changed him being an asshole to a bald asshole.  


Maybe production fears the beard as well. </snark>

I have no idea if they have a DE planned but I don't think they'll stop the eviction even if there isn't a DE because the airing schedule can't cover Vic is out, there is no veto, there is no live show eviction.  What are they going to fill the time with?  Maybe if they'd already done the veto but I don't think they are creative enough to put together a live show that has no eviction.


I think they do something like.  Veto happens. Eviction happens.  And if there was no DE then they do another buyback comp.

Edited by ParadoxLost
They are back sitting around the table talking about liquor.  Probably told not to discuss Victoria.


I'm starting to think that Victoria is Keyser Soze -- to paraphrase Verbal Kint from 'The Usual Suspects':


"That was her power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. she's gone."

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I liked Dan and Ian, and I might have liked Dr. Will and Rachael more if I'd followed the feeds, but back then I just watched the broadcast shows.  Actually, I wonder if I'd followed the feeds back then if I'd have ended up liking Ian and Dan.  Food for thought...


See, as a broadcast only watcher, back during that famous second season, I actually liked Hardy, and thought he was treated terribly by the Chilltown gang.  Then much later when I started perusing boards like these, I was shocked to find that Hardy was one of the most hated houseguests ever by the feed watchers.


That's why I love this thread, and all y'alls posting here, because I kind of feel like I got burned by the BB editors stitching together carefully selected bits of footage to tell the story they wanted told, and not the real story of what was happening in the BB house.  I felt like they'd broken their contract.


But now it is almost like it is coming full circle.  For years, the feed viewers and followers (like me) were kind of isolated in our own universe of private discussion threads and websites, and the BB editors were free to do whatever they wanted and the general viewing public would know no better.  But now, with the explosion of social media, the stuff that happens in the live feeds is getting more and more attention, and not just from specialized niche websites like Jokers and Hamstertime, but in more mainstream sites like Twitter and Reddit.   So now, the BB editors have to play an interesting game of cat and mouse.  They still clearly want to tell a particular story, but they can't go too far or they'll get called out.  I think last season's broadcast shows would have been pretty different if all that dirty laundry hadn't had its airing out on the Twitterverse and other places.  Heck, I wonder if the beloved Evel Dick and his season would have made out under today's conditions!


All that said...I'm actually OK with a Derrick win though.  He's played a very skillful and measured game.  He wasn't nasty like Andy from last year, or obnoxiously fame-whorish like Rachael.  I think of him as kind of a BB Boston Rob, only without the charm and magnetism.  But if Donny could pull the wool off some eyes, and the rug out from under him, I'd be all for that too!

I agree with you about Derrick's game being similar to Boston Rob's. I wondered if perhaps Derrick was also a Survivor fan and a fan of Rob's. Also agree about the lack of charm and charisma! Derrick used a line in the DR recently something like "You're either with me or against me" thats classic Rob.


Where I think they differ is Rob would never have allowed Frankie to stay in the game. Even though I loathe him clearly Frankie has been able to charm some of the others in the house and that just would not be ok with Rob. I also think he would have had a side alliance with Donnie.


Rob was great at making everyone feel included apparently they all thought they had a final 2 deal with him & Andrea said he built individual relationships with every person in the alliance.

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Zach's unmedicated zaniness could be annoying and non strategic but I don't remember him spewing hatred.  He got angry at HGs but from a game perspective, not personal attacks on their character.  .


But he did in the beginning. I think it was just his "zany antics" towards the end that distracted from his desire to punch Victoria in the face, throw her over the balcony outside the HOH, and "destroy her life". He really took a strong dislike towards her in the beginning, Whether that mellowed or not, it put a sour taste in my mouth where Zach was involved. It was why I didn't enjoy his later antics as much.


Just wondering about this post....how in hell could two non-doctors be making decisions about what narcotics Victoria is to be using? I had surgery for four impacted wisdom teeth years ago, and they gave me Percocet for the pain followng the surgery. I spent hours sitting and staring at the wall. It definitely killed the pain - I didn't feel (or think about) anything, but they refused to give me any more after I finished my one prescription. They said, not a chance, it's a narcotic, and gave me a prescription for Tylenol with codeine instead (it's a little bit stronger than the one you can purchase over the counter). If Victoria is in need of surgery, then she needs to be taken out of the house STAT and receive proper treatment, screw the game. (And yes, that might screw Derrick's game, ha ha). It's not as if she has any mental smarts or the self-awareness to realize that she should disqualify herself.



Your post had me very confused. Are you saying that it's easier to guess your dosage if you're taking drugs regularly (An addict?) An earlier post from a feed watcher said that Derrick and Frankie had percocet, oxycontin and Tylenol with codeine, and they were deciding what to administer, and in what amounts. That's what I was questioning. 

As it was originally my post that covered the conversation, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Derrick and Frankie weren't administering the drugs to her, they were speculating on what the DR would give her. Derrick and Frankie were discussing the Percocet, which Victoria had no idea what it was and they described it as "fun" or something stupid like that. It was just speculation on their parts. From what I saw and heard later, it sounded like they had her on a basic anti-inflammatory, but high doses of it and wasn't she drinking last night? Not a good idea to mix the two. Frankie was also asking Victoria when she had to take the meds next and was kinda keeping an eye on the clock for her. Much as I dislike Frankie and would love to see him tarred and feathered every night, he does seem to care a bit and was trying to help take care of her. For a bit, anyway.


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Pre-Babolonia, I had the impression that Derrick and Frankie were speculating about the kind of drugs production might give her, and not that they were themselves making that decision. As someone else pointed out, only a doctor can authorize the dispensation of narcotics. It is illegal for production or house guests to provide narcotics to anyone. From what I've seen of the show, none of the HGs even has access to any but over the counter meds anyway. Prescription meds are kept by production and doled out per prescription.

It seems to me that Victoria was only taking over the counter ibuprophen. The only thing that worries me is if she had access to Tylenol. It's easy to overdose on Tylenol and most people don't realize it. Anyway, production has seemed rather heartless about Victoria's predicament. I hope that's not true.

Edited by Stinamaia
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So who would everybody say is the most entertaining hamster there now? I kinda wanna watch the feeds, but why?


Caleb. Caleb and his crazy stories and stupid claims. If it wasn't for the Amber obsession, I think I probably would have been rooting for him to win. I'd probably want to run into him in a bar, buy him a beer, and get him to tell me all those ridiculous stories all night. But he had to be a creeper obsessed with a woman who didn't want him. So now I just laugh at him and enjoy the show, but I also won't complain when he gets voted out. I hope he lasts a bit longer, though, because there isn't much entertainment in that house for me besides him. Maybe the Christine and Cody show, but that's more of a horrified "I wonder how far they will take it tonight" reaction.

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throw her over the balcony outside the HOH,






Actually I think this was Hayden and he was talking about Amber, because I know Hayden did say this once. I know Zach has said he wanted to punch Victoria in the face, but I also know he apologized for that. He did also say that he would ruin her life, but nothing ever came out of that either. Not that anything he's said or done is excusable but I realize that this was all part of an act for the cameras, to get more camera time and to be entertaining. It's really sucky game play, of course, because he's really not that bad. I got the impression of Zach being a really good guy with all of his other actions when he's one on one with people. When he's in a group, he plays the villain role a lot but when he's alone with people, like Victoria for example, he's actually a sweet guy. I always felt his hatred toward people like Nicole and Victoria was forced in a way. He probably doesn't mind them as much as he makes it out to be. He may love like them a whole lot, but I don't get the sense that he legitimately hates them to the point of wanting to punch them in the face. Again, not to disregard things he's done and said, because he's made some piss poor choices with some of the females in the house. 

I agree with you about Derrick's game being similar to Boston Rob's. I wondered if perhaps Derrick was also a Survivor fan and a fan of Rob's. Also agree about the lack of charm and charisma! Derrick used a line in the DR recently something like "You're either with me or against me" thats classic Rob.


Where I think they differ is Rob would never have allowed Frankie to stay in the game. Even though I loathe him clearly Frankie has been able to charm some of the others in the house and that just would not be ok with Rob. I also think he would have had a side alliance with Donnie.


Rob was great at making everyone feel included apparently they all thought they had a final 2 deal with him & Andrea said he built individual relationships with every person in the alliance.


I think the difference is that Rob always had a game plan and he stuck to it but generally didn't lose sight of this is a game attitude.


Derrick had a well thought out game plan.  It was a good one and he's still playing it but he's buckling under the pressure.  He's too emotional about the game.  He's wants to be the good guy that America likes so he's making outsiders the enemy for more reasons than just controlling his alliance.  I think the difference is that Rob would know that is what he is doing, setting up a pawn as a victim to further his game..  Maybe Derrick did once, but now he really does buy into his own BS..


Its like the stock market, you've got to avoid emotional investing or you sell low and buy high.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Donny pulled Derrick into SR and said that TA was to create a mission of their own, complete it and America will vote if it is a good one or not.  Donny suggests taking him off the block!  Who knows if Donny is making this up or not.  My guess is no, he is telling the truth because it is too easy to check in DR. 

They say the veto comp will be late because production is held up with the Victoria situation.  They said she should not have taken so many advil.

I think the difference is that Rob always had a game plan and he stuck to it but generally didn't lose sight of this is a game attitude.


Derrick had a well thought out game plan.  It was a good one and he's still playing it but he's buckling under the pressure.  He's too emotional about the game.  He's wants to be the good guy that America likes so he's making outsiders the enemy for more reasons than just controlling his alliance.  I think the difference is that Rob would know that is what he is doing, setting up a pawn as a victim to further his game..  Maybe Derrick did once, but now he really does buy into his own BS..


Its like the stock market, you've got to avoid emotional investing or you sell low and buy high.

I agree he did always have a game plan and was very good at being able to see it as just a game, he never seemed to take himself to serious, which I think Derrick does.


He kept tabs on everyone and made sure if someone looked like they were building a strong relationship within the alliance with anyone other than him then one of them was targeted- Matt being the obvious example.

Pre-Babolonia, I had the impression that Derrick and Frankie were speculating about the kind of drugs production might give her, and not that they were themselves making that decision. 



Yes, the original post was:


Derrick and Frankie were debating earlier about whether they would give her Percocet or Vicodin, decided maybe Tylenol with codeine



Bolding mine.  I understood the word "they" to mean the doctor, dentist, production people, etc., not Derrick and Frankie themselves.

Edited by Gemma Violet

Huh. I never knew that was Hayden that said that. With how boring this season has been, the beginning of it seems like forever ago so I probably did get it wrong. Either way, Zach said enough things that, whether he was playing a part for the cameras or not, I just couldn't root for him or find his antics that amusing. His unscripted, unrehearsed antics were somewhat amusing (until I would remember what he had said in the beginning) but when he started to rehearse those stupid speeches over and over and over... but it's not just Zach. I dislike ANYONE who continues to go over their speeches for a long period of time. Unless it's Caleb's speech to Frankie when he threw the POV. "My mom told me, when I was a kid, that I wasn't allowed to play with snakes. So,sorry Frankie, I guess you're on your own."


I realize it makes me a bit hypocritical. I love watching Caleb on the feeds, despite the fact that he was a creepy stalker towards Amber until she was evicted. I disliked him as much as I disliked Zach. But Caleb's stories come out sounding so genuine, like he really does believe this story about this mysterious African man healing his paralysis or how many NFL players he has in his phone, that it could almost be endearing if it wasn't for his earlier Amber love.


I wanted to like Zach. I did a bit in the beginning, and he made me laugh a few times. Maybe if he were awake for that five hours a day, he could have turned it around for me.

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I'm starting to think that Victoria is Keyser Soze -- to paraphrase Verbal Kint from 'The Usual Suspects':


"That was her power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. she's gone."

Maybe that's why she's always gazing at the mirror/windows, she's watching for covert directives from Production, waiting for the right moment to turn the house upside down, guns blazing (not literally - sorry Cody). I feel like we've been in limbo for so long, as if it's the calm before the storm ... but without the storm. Victoria's teeth are causing more drama than the entire cast, thanks to Derrick promptly defusing any drama/suspense/combat. Bomb Squad indeed. I agree with everyone who's lamented this season as the dullest in BB history.


I'm absolutely not wishing any pain or suffering on Victoria - I truly hope she's adequately treated. But I'm secretly hoping she drops out, and they bring back another jury member via a pedicab competition.


Or perhaps PB forces Derrick into isolation for 48 hours. That might be enough time for the others to wake up. Or probably not with this brain-dead gang.

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I know the DR manipulates but not to the point of destroying someone's game by telling an HG to get rid of them so we can give you more air time. .

I was being sarcastic and attempting at being funny. And a touch of wishful thinking.

Derrick is complaining that no one ever cleans. Has Derrick ever cleaned? I don't like Frankie, but he does cook for everyone, and he washes dishes.

Cleaning up is woman's work. Maybe Derrick should have kept a few more around to clean up after him.

Hope Victoria gets the medical help she needs. Maybe the DR is dragging their heels with her in hopes of her leaving the game for medical reasons.

Hope Donny's plan doesn't backfire on him. Looks like the DR is trying to work some magic.

Edited by LGGirl
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I'm so sad about Derrick being compared to Boston Rob. Rob is so great and Derrick is... Derrick.

My favorite thing Rob ever did was on the Amazing Race. They had a task where they were supposed to eat a huge plate of meat and Rob quickly realized he couldn't do it. He then systematically convinced every person who was doing it that it was impossible and that they should all quit and take the 4 hour "quit the task" penalty. And they all did it! Even people who were already started he convinced them to stop and start their penalty time immediately so they wouldn't be too far behind.

This was a group of people who he was not allied with, who knew he was a schemer from seeing him on Survivor, and still did it! Btw, the task wasn't impossible, some people who arrived later did it and moved on.

Anyhow, I think the BR charm cannot be underestimated. Derrick has done a great job this season making everyone trust him, but he's no Boston Rob.

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I saw Cody's brother Paulie on Big Brother AfterBuzz. He looks just like him but with lighter hair. Apprently, both brothers are big into underwear modeling and I mean they do it a lot. I thought Cody was a salesman or something. I didn't realize that Cody (and, his brother) are wannabe reality tv people.

Not just Cody, but Caleb too.  Last night in the living room, someone said Caleb was going to be recognized and probably famous after this and he replied, "About time."   Heh.  In Cody's case, I'm not sure he is really qualified for any kind of work that involves him thinking and talking.  Sports and modeling go to his strengths. 


I am sure there is a dentist that is involved with Victoria.  The meds are dispensed from the DR, she does not dose herself. 

I doubt it.  There is no reason her condition needed to get to this level - a dentist/doctor should have been called within 12 hours of her symptoms.  A dentist wouldn't have just given her advil and left her in the house.  


Infections/impacted teeth, etc. can be very very serious if not treated.  I learned this the hard way when my husband's Friday toothache turned into a swollen face and fever by Saturday afternoon - we couldn't get ahold of the dentist and went to the emergency room.  Finally, the dentist met us at his office Sunday morning.  It's a big deal that ended in a surgical (with a general anesthesia)  extraction and about a week totally out of commission. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Derrick talking about how "Beastmode Frankie's" comp stats are so impressive. Caleb says he if played more comps, though, his
08/23/14 01:09 PM




stats wouldn't be like that.

Derrick says that with Frankie's social game, plus reason he's playing, he wouldn't stand a chance vs Frankie F2.

Caleb replies that he thinks he'd win vs. Frankie because he has a sister that's a multi-millionaire.

Still, Derrick maintains, his winning percentage is phenomenal.



Okay, we might see Frankie on the block if Donny or Nichole win veto.  Derrick is planting the seeds.  Excellent! .

Edited by wings707
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HA! So Caleb, in talking about finale speeches to Derrick and what Frankie will say about giving all the prize money to charity, is now talking about giving some of the money to his father's "wounded warrior... thing". So where do you want the money to go, to kids in another country or people here at home. They're also talking about not believing Frankie's claim that he's giving all the prize money to charity. 


I don't know whether this conversation is interesting or if I'm just bored and the other camera is on Nicole and Donny sleeping in the HN room.

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm so sad about Derrick being compared to Boston Rob. Rob is so great and Derrick is... Derrick.

My favorite thing Rob ever did was on the Amazing Race. They had a task where they were supposed to eat a huge plate of meat and Rob quickly realized he couldn't do it. He then systematically convinced every person who was doing it that it was impossible and that they should all quit and take the 4 hour "quit the task" penalty. And they all did it! Even people who were already started he convinced them to stop and start their penalty time immediately so they wouldn't be too far behind.

This was a group of people who he was not allied with, who knew he was a schemer from seeing him on Survivor, and still did it! Btw, the task wasn't impossible, some people who arrived later did it and moved on.

Anyhow, I think the BR charm cannot be underestimated. Derrick has done a great job this season making everyone trust him, but he's no Boston Rob.

I completely agree and yes the Amazing Race eating challenge was a stroke of genius. I think Derrick's a fan of Rob's - maybe he see's himself as BB Boston Rob. In some ways he is succeeding but he has neither the skill, charm or finesse Rob had.

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I just looked at the fitness tracker, Zach gained 15 lbs.


I feel bad for Victoria, I hope she's okay.


If Donny and Nicole survive this week, their best bet, IMO is to align with Derrick, not Frankie. With Derrick's realization that it's boring to have the house vote the same way, I think he might do some stealth turning against his alliance since he knows Donny and Nicole are strong competitors. He also probably thinks his alliance would still vote for him over them in F2. Frankie seems to think he'll be okay and is a lock for F2 because people would be too scared to compete against him for fan favorite. He wants the screen time, winning might not be his priority.


I think Donny's mistake has been not approaching Derrick, everyone else runs to tell Derrick everything anyway. I know there's a lot of dislike there but nobody would expect them to be allies and they are probably smart enough to realize that..

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I hesitate to get too excited but there is a real possibility that we will see a shake up this week. 


Donny's idea of having the TA mission to be getting him off the block is brilliant.  


Derrick gets 5k and gets a huge competitor out if he can convince Caleb and Cody this is the way to go.  I have faith he will be able to do that easily.

We have some drama afoot.  Victoria is milking it. 

Edited by wings707
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This is why I love Victoria. She goes to the hospital, gets an IV, drugs, etc. She talks to Christine about how the pain made her pass out and how it was "hell" and whatnot while she plugs in her straightening iron. Christine goes to make Victoria peanut butter and jelly toast because she was told to eat something, and Victoria straightens the front of her hair and starts putting on her makeup. When Christine comes back with the toast, she asks Victoria "Are you all right to stand up like that?" Victoria: "No, not really" and finishes the last few swipes with her makeup brush.


I don't like Christine, but her and Victoria in the bathroom giggling about what happened is kind of cute.

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Victoria is putting on her makeup and doing her hair.  Her first thoughts were about how she looked and doesn't want the medic coming in to be on the show.  Clearly she is fine, tired but fine.


She was dehydrated and low blood sugar.  Christine is making her PBJ toast and grape juice per order of doctor.  No mention of teeth yet.  I would be totally fine not hearing another word about her "trauma" that involves an IV which was painful.  Oh please. 

But there's always a chance Donny could survive and make it to F2 on his own. Maybe he'll start doing his own mist and get everyone to turn on Derrick.


I will put this drink down now.


Good idea!  ha ha ha!    But I may sit here and sip some with you.  I like this plan.

Edited by wings707
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JOKERS: Vic: "I can't believe I'm going through this on national television. So embarrassing!" Chris says she'll get sympathy, it's good. NTVic: "I can't believe I'm going through this on national television. So embarrassing!" Chris says she'll get sympathy, it's good. NT


I have to laugh at how both Christine and Victoria keep mentioning national TV!   You are all over the internet, ladies and that goes all over the world. 

Edited by wings707
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I am thinking that they will not allow Victoria to step out of competition.  If her name is drawn she will have to do her best or sit out but they will not draw anyone in her place.  It is really the only fair way to do this.  Not that fair has anything to do with much at all.  It just gives Donny and Nicole better odds if the plan to allow Donny to win is not in place.   I don't think it is because I have not see it reported that Derrick has shared Donny's idea for TA with Frankie. 

A few tweets from Christine's husband

Timothy Brecht ‏@timstinks

I'm seeing what people mean when they bring up how much crap Christine talks about other HGs...

Laura @Sugar__Lumps

@timstinks But it's she like that normally or is she trying to fit in with the powerful boys.

Timothy Brecht @timstinks

@Sugar__Lumps she's trying to fit in for sure...but she has said a LOT of mean stuff hahaha

Erin @erincorrie

@timstinks as a superfan she should know how bad that's gonna be for her when she gets out..wish she would stop. Not helping her game.#BB16

Timothy Brecht @timstinks

@erincorrie well, she dug her own grave I guess hahaha

The "hahaha" is weird.

I agree with this its creepy or coming across as a tic.

Re:  Victoria and her teeth.  Last night I watched her eating, with great vigor, the contents of a bag labeled "popcorn."  I kept thinking that if there was really something wrong with her teeth then she must have been on some cray-cray level pain meds. 


I spent the whole day not thinking about these people.  It was a nice day.  

Edited by Thalia
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