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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Overnight all hell as broke loose, Devin is imploding and now the votes are flipping again as Caleb now is on Team Zach. I still have no clue which side Frankie is actually on and for some reason I am hoping that he is sticking to his and Zach's plan and will vote for Zach to stay on Thursday. The house in chaos, it's not going to matter who votes Pao out because Devin has Christine and Amber in his sights over Zach. We still have another day and half for this to explode again. It's hard to have a full time job and keep up with the drama in this house and it's only week 2! Every single person in the house except Victoria knows about the Bomb Squad which I find hilarious.

Edited by kellog010
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Eight person alliances are just too hard to handle. Heck a six person alliance would have been hard that early in the game. You don't know people well enough to know what they are going to do.


If Devin had been smart, he would have told Christine and Amber about the bomb squad but told them to not let anyone else know about it. Then form a final three with them and work to keep them safe. Amber would have been easy enough to keep safe, Caleb's obsession would be useful. Christine doesn't seem to be much of a threat in her own right and probably not a target.


Overnight all hell as broke loose, Devin is imploding and now the votes are flipping again as Caleb now is on Team Zach. I still have no clue which side Frankie is actually on and for some reason I am hoping that he is sticking to his and Zach's plan and will vote for Zach to stay on Thursday. The house in chaos, it's not going to matter who votes Pao out because Devin has Christine and Amber in his sights over Zach. We still have another day and half for this to explode again. It's hard to have a full time job and keep up with the drama in this house and it's only week 2! Every single person in the house except Victoria knows about the Bomb Squad which I find hilarious.


Freakin' tell me about it.  And I won't know much again until about 7:30-8P BBT tonight, after I get home from work.


Yeah, this is all far from over; and only week 2.  Effing crazy.

Derrick begging Brittany to talk about it, and she's having none of it.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Dang it! I only actually caved and got feeds for All-Stars, just so I could watch Dr. Will do his thang. Now that BBAD is on a channel I don't have to pay extra for, I was hoping that would be enough. But clearly not this season! I have no idea what's going to happen, I'm pretty sure everyone is lying to everyone, and I have no idea who is actually with whom. Everyone seems to be involved in something, and I just can't keep up. I need a flow chart - one that is updated hourly or something.

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I'm getting a few hours' sleep before work later, but one last update...


Brittany/Jocasta plan on keeping the info to themselves.  But bad moves on giving away that they know everything already.  All they had to say was that Devin was telling them that he was trying to get Zach out, but seems like the house is voting to keep him.  That was all.  (wouldn't have been believed, but at least more to cover themselves, than total stone walling)


Paola isn't, especially in the physical comps [which the majority of HOH and POVs are]. 


Normally the majority of HOHs really aren't physical. They are normally mostly questions, some skill (i.e. crap shoot), and a few physical (normally endurance based). But I'm afraid that until the 2 HOH twist is over they actually will be more physical based, which I personally hate.


Devin has Christine and Amber in his sights over Zach.


This excites me! I'm glad someone has Christine as a target.


Brittany feels so betrayed by Derrick and I can't wait to see where that goes. 


This delights me! I am so glad Derrick might catch some actual heat. I want to see how he plays when he doesn't have it completely easy. He's probably good enough to smooth it over real quick though.


As I was watching for much of the early day yesterday, Christine and Frankie's plan was to orchestrate the vote so that Zach would stay, but they would be able to tell Devin/Caleb/Amber they voted to evict him. Which was so stupid and made them look not only shady but pathetic. Have they given up on this? It looks like they probably have since at this point everyone will probably just evict Pao.


LOL this week has been amazing. And I really thought it'd be awful.


And it's wake up time. Let the games begin! I hope today is just as nuts as the rest of the week has been.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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If Devin had been smart, he would have told Christine and Amber about the bomb squad but told them to not let anyone else know about it. Then form a final three with them and work to keep them safe. Amber would have been easy enough to keep safe, Caleb's obsession would be useful. Christine doesn't seem to be much of a threat in her own right and probably not a target.

Devin is the polar opposite of smart.


The smart way to work an alliance on this show is the Onion method.  The Bomb Squad seeming to be the total opposite of that, was the dumbest thing ever.

Yeah, I've often wondered about that.  Especially last year, with how odious most of the hamsters were.  I'd be tempted to swing the remote cameras around all night to disturb their sleep, purposely only film them from unflattering angles, rewire their battery packs to give 'em a little *zing* shock every once in a while, provide only the really nasty, cheap booze etc. But those in production probably sign contracts and are closely supervised to prevent that sort of stuff.


The camera angles do sometimes give away how Production feels and it is so hilarious.


There was a TA convo this morning and Derrick was like, "With our three votes, we control the game." Calm down, buddy! TA has him so cocky. Thankfully though, when Frankie left, Derrick and Donny said they don't trust him and want to get rid of him eventually.


Donny wants to vote to evict Zach to give Pao a vote because she's his 'best friend.' Awww! But also, I will LMAO if Frankie continues on this split vote thing to protect himself and then Donny's vote actually ends up evicting Zach.


Derrick has the audacity to be mad at Brittany for not telling him that Devin told her about BS. Bitch, you have been lying to her about BS for 3 weeks!

Edited by peachmangosteen

What changed them?  Because a few hours ago, they were for Zach going.  Why would anyone wanna keep him?

1. If you're a player in this game, keeping Zach in the game provides a great big target for HGs to focus on other than you.

2. Paola is the favorite weak pawn in the game, and she's already demonstrated she's willing to throw comps - and in the process throw her block-buddy to the wolves - to save her own skin. Who would want to take a chance on being paired with her in a nomination?

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Thanks to all for the updates. It's funny how the shows are so different from what is actually happening.




It's hard to have a full time job and keep up with the drama in this house and it's only week 2! 

Freakin' tell me about it.  And I won't know much again until about 7:30-8P BBT tonight, after I get home from work.

 Opposite problem for me. I have time at work to catch up on the feeds but too busy afterwards to go online.  

Okay, I was really enjoying Derrick — and I do for the most part — but he seriously spent like the past 2 hours making Brittany feel bad that she didn't come running to him when Devin spilled the beans about the BS. And he thinks she should apologize to him for not trusting him when he was the one in a secret alliance with 7 other people that didn't include her and didn't mention it to her. But don't worry because she's really the only one he trusts!




Then he told Frankie and Victoria that Brittany was hurt by the revelations, so they now think Derrick/Brittany are an alliance.


Though to be honest I'm not really sure where anyone's true intentions/allegiances lie anymore. I am very much looking forward to DRs on Thursday's episode.

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I doubt the DRs will give us much. These next two eps must have been a bitch to edit. There's absolutely no way they can show even a tenth of what actually went down. I imagine they will keep Frankie's role in this completely out of it, for one.


Derrick lost me completely today. I hope him and Frankie are evicted soon. Donny is the only Team America we need anyway!


ETA: Brittany basically just said that she wanted to reject the veto, but they wouldn't let her. Production totally wanted Zach on the block!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I've officially given up on trying to understand who is voting for who, who is in an alliance with who, who Nicole is flirting with this time... I'm just enjoying the crazy. Hopefully, after the next eviction, it'll be easier to follow (yeah, right). They do realize that there's only been one eviction, right? Sometimes, watching how hard they're all playing, *I* forget that there's only been one. They're all playing so hard and so fast, they're going to burn out by the fourth eviction, and it'll get boring later on.

Honestly, I hope Devin survives next week somehow and stays for a bit longer. Annoying as shit? Yup. Horrible game player? Probably. But he's absolutely Live Feed Gold. I'd much rather see Caleb and his fake glasses go first, or Amber, just to see if Caleb goes squirrely and starts toting around and crying into a dress that isn't Amber's.

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Brittany basically just said that she wanted to reject the veto, but they wouldn't let her. Production totally wanted Zach on the block!

I've thought about this a bit, in the context of someone other than a nom'ed HG winning the POV. In the sense of its gameplay role, the POV isn't really about the HG on whom it is used. At its heart, it's a strategic bargaining chip for:

1. The HG who wins it. What deals can that HG cut for the use/non-use of the POV?

2. The HOH whose noms are affected by its use/non-use. What deal can the HOH cut with the POV winner about whether or not to use it? If it *is* used, what deals can be done with other HGs to keep themselves off - or put someone else on - the block as a replacement nom?

In addition - the HOH has achieved special consideration by winning the HOH comp, and the POV holder has achieved special consideration by winning the PoV comp. In contrast, the HG on the block is relatively notable for his/her lack of achievement - both in competition (not winning either HOH or POV to keep themselves off) and in social game (hey, they were put on the block in the first place for SOME reason). Giving a "chosen" nom the power to reject POV use would be taking the power of that strategic bargaining chip from two people who have demonstrated some degree of merit worthy of reward, and putting it in the hands of one person who has not.

And finally - the taking-from-two-to-put-in-the-hands-of-one cuts the number of possible game permutations by at least half. I don't think TPTB are interested in anything which reduces the variables - and related chaos - in the House. Simply put, it would be a bad gaming decision.

ETA: correcting the autocorrect typos.

Edited by Nashville
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I think allowing people to refuse the POV would be interesting myself. But honestly they may have never even considered it happening really, because it is very dumb.


Honestly, I hope Devin survives next week somehow and stays for a bit longer. Annoying as shit? Yup. Horrible game player? Probably. But he's absolutely Live Feed Gold. I'd much rather see Caleb and his fake glasses go first, or Amber, just to see if Caleb goes squirrely and starts toting around and crying into a dress that isn't Amber's.


I'm the same. I would rather see Frankie, Derrick, or Christine targeted/evicted before Devin. Mostly because I don't like them but also because they have a chance of actually making it far and Devin doesn't. I wouldn't mind seeing Amber go either because she's boring and a bad player, plus yes it would be interesting to see how Caleb would react. I'd rather see Caleb go before Devin too because his brand of crazy is uncomfortable and Devin's is just hilarious.


Devin told Nicole about BS. She looked bored throughout and it was hilarious. So, as of now, everyone but Pao and Vic know about BS, but they pretty much know too, even if they weren't told all the details like everyone else.


Brittany still plans on pretending like she doesn't know, which is deeply stupid and has already hurt her game. She told Nicole if she got HOH she would nom Amber/Devin with the intent to backdoor Caleb. So, BRITTANY FOR HOH!


Hayden told Donny that the 'house' targets are Brittany, Devin, Amber, and Jocasta. He also told Donny about his "Turn Caleb Against Amber" plan. He has decided to be obsessed with hating Amber. I get that he's mad she nominated him, but she isn't a threat to his game in any way and it's a mistake for him to target her, I think.


ETA: Nicole just compared Frankie to Andy. Bless her! I wish Nicole wasn't aligned with Christine, didn't bash the women with Christine, and didn't think she's a special snowflake because she doesn't wear name brands/shops at Walmart because I really wanna like her.


ETAA: I don't know if they meant for us to see this or if it was a mistake, but all the HGs got fitbits and they were told that America will be able to keep track of how many steps they take, how many calories they burn, etc. Like WTF? Why?! What a strange development.

Edited by peachmangosteen

ETAA: I don't know if they meant for us to see this or if it was a mistake, but all the HGs got fitbits and they were told that America will be able to keep track of how many steps they take, how many calories they burn, etc. Like WTF? Why?! What a strange development.

I wonder if the Team America task is going to have something to do with this. At first, I thought HOH comp, but I don't see how. Otherwise, it's just odd. Why would anyone care?

This morning there was an audio leak of someone in Production talking about Zach breaking his mic. The production guy said, "Zach feels extremely fucked up about it, which makes me hate him less." LOL! I never really think about how Production must love and hate these people the same way we do.

Priceless. :D

After the show, I don't think it's Team America, I just think it's advertising. Bet you anything it will be a segment on the show. Much like a luxury competition to get to watch a crappy movie that they highlight for five freaking minutes on the episode.


I thought this at first too, and it makes the most sense, but the sheet they got to read out loud didn't even mention Fitbit by name, so I don't know.


LOL at the Fitbit development because I was thinking this week how much I would miss mine being in the BB house without it.  Didn't really want to post my thoughts in the episode thread because it also deals with the comments made in this thread.  Reading all the comments from the live feed was very confusing this week and trying to determine where everyone was standing as regards their votes.  Unless they really edited the hell out of it,  I had to agree with Devin's logic about keeping Paola over Brittany (even while admitting that part of it was personal).  Yes, he's very controlling and a bit cray cray but I think he clearly articulated his argument.  To me, Brittany really showed how much she's playing the game (and thereby a bigger threat than Paola) by picking up on Devin's weakness regarding children and using that to gain sympathy to pull her off the block (of course they didn't show all the stuff about him being attracted to her).  Paola has proven herself to be a willing pawn and she's not even in the alliance.  Plus as he said, he had promised to pull off her so he takes the bullet for the alliance he backs out of that.


Also, the whole Zach situation was a little clearer.  As Frankie said, don't tell the truth on BB (look what happened with Joey last week).  He painted the target on his own back because Devin wasn't initially thinking about putting up an alliance member.  Finally, I didn't like Derrick's DR comments that the girls were vocal away from Devin and didn't open their mouths during the meeting.  Well, dude, neither did any of the guys except Zach (again may have been the editing) and we see what happened to Zach.


The only bad thing about them having the Fitbit is I doubt they will get access to add activities such as weightlifting and other exercise via the Dashboard since you would need access to a computer or app (or log their food).  So they won't get a true representation of calories in vs calories out.

Edited by duskyliterati

Well, tomorrow's HOH is a crapshoot. The big question is, do the top two performers win HOH, or do they divide the women and the men again, and the top from each group win HOH? It doesn't really matter, it's a crapshoot. This might be the first time in....well, ever, I'm rooting for a total crapshoot.

Devin can't win HOH, which is good. There's exactly one other person I don't want to win, which is Caleb. But he's only one person, and there has to be two HOHs. These people are weird to me. I like many things about many of them them, but I dislike a few things about most of them. I'm personally rooting for a Christine, Cody or Zach HOH (a combo of those three). I like them, and I want to see them more in my feeds and see how aggressive they are willing to go.

Although a small part of me would laugh my ass off if somehow Victoria and Donny crapshot their way to a win.

Edited by Katesus7
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If Caleb or Frankie wins one of the HOHs this week, its going to suck hardcore.  Anyone but them.  I do think Caleb could be swayed to go after Devin - if not already in that mindset - but he'll screw anyone,  thats's outside the alliance, to do it.  I could also see him going after someone like Victoria instead, out of 'loyalty' to Devin.


We'll find out just how smart Brittany is and how good she can 'game'; because if she wants to survive for at least 2 more weeks, after this coming one, she needs to start making the Derrick/Cody/Zach trio feel like she still "trusts" them & can help their games, and they can sway Caleb/Amber/Frankie to that too.   She's already stated she doesn't think the BS is breaking up, no matter what's said to non-members.  "Can't beat 'em, join 'em"... at least until the opportunity opens up to make moves against them.


I think Victoria and Jocasta are sitting ducks.  They can talk about going against the '8', but they won't be able to actually do much about it (IMO).

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I'm not sure Brittany is playing a good game.  In a BeeHive discussion this evening, Brittany thought that when Christine joined the Bomb Squad alliance she began playing 'their' game.  It didn't occur to her that joining the alliance might have been in Christine's best interest.  Whether it was or not, it wasn't a move Brittany considered 'playing her own game'.  

She also spoke about who deserves to be in the house, which sets my teeth on edge.

I don't know if Frankie was just talking out his ass or what, but he was telling Zach & Christine earlier that the twist this year was that the HGs were made up of 8 BB Superfans and 8 people who never watched the show before.  I doubt it, but would make some sense, seeing as how Devin is doing what he has.

Weight lifting actually doesn't burn that many calories. It is listed as a separate category on My Fitness Pal and does not earn you calories back. What the weight lifting does is build more muscle which allows you to burn more calories during the day no matter what you are doing. I think it does something that forces calcium into the bones more and allows for more calcium to be absorbed so that bones are stronger. But there is no real caloric loss. This is why circuit training is popular because you combine the cardio (calorie burn) with the weights (muscle development). So a Fitbit will do a fine job telling them what their calorie burn is.


Are they allowing them to use the dashboard to enter the food that they are eating? If not it is not a big deal because they won't be able to compare calories in and calories out. I wonder how many calories a slopsicle has?

Derrick and Donny had a conversation last night that they will only talk to Frankie about Team America stuff because Donny thinks Frankie is still in the Devin/Caleb/Amber camp and this "breakup" of bomb squad is all a sham. Derrick said he doesn't care because Devin is out no matter what. Frankie needs to switch his game if he plans to stay because once the obvious targets are taken care of, he's next. The only person he has completely on his side is Zach who is the person who could go home tonight so should be interesting.

I don't know if Frankie was just talking out his ass or what, but he was telling Zach & Christine earlier that the twist this year was that the HGs were made up of 8 BB Superfans and 8 people who never watched the show before.


From what people on other forums have gathered from the conversations on the feeds and from the Hamsters pre-show interviews, there are indeed half recruits and half "fans" (aka people that have watched this show more than once in their lives) this year. They stick out like coal in a bag of rice when they say stuff like Spencer was their favorite player or McCrae was "great player."


We know that's not the twist, but the boy is perceptive. Or he just straight up asked people whether they were recruited or not before the cameras cut on.


These people are weird to me. I like many things about many of them them, but I dislike a few things about most of them.


I'm the same. It's weird. I normally have people that I hate no matter what and people that I love no matter what, but that's not really happening this season. Well, that's not true, I hate Frankie! And I mostly hate Christine, Caleb, Devin, and Derrick. I hate Nicole sometimes but love her other times. I love Victoria and Hayden most times, especially when they're together. I mean they call each other prince/princess in Hebrew and that is just too damn cute.


I don't know if Frankie was just talking out his ass or what, but he was telling Zach & Christine earlier that the twist this year was that the HGs were made up of 8 BB Superfans and 8 people who never watched the show before.  I doubt it, but would make some sense, seeing as how Devin is doing what he has.


We already know the twists. And honestly, there are no super fans this season. If you don't watch the feeds you just can't call yourself a super fan and none of these people watch the feeds. Nicole maybe does though and she's just lying to the HGs.

Edited by peachmangosteen


The only person he has completely on his side is Zach who is the person who could go home tonight so should be interesting


And he's the person that Frankie has not only thrown under the bus repeatedly the past week as often and as hard as he could, but I think Frankie has also backed  the bus up four or five times at least for extra measure.  Just saying.

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My favorite part of the feeds from last night was one amazing conversation between Nicole and Christine. I did my best to summarize / capture it, but it takes place between 2 and 2:30 am PST.Lying in bed together, Christine and Nicole discuss Donny. 

Nicole: Donny is smart.
Christine: He is very smart!
Nicole: I think he’s more than what he says
Christine: Actually, I didn’t think that at first, but I really think that now.

Nicole: And that beard!
Christine: He could be a professor of medicine because his best friend is a professor of math.
Nicole: I think he’s a professor….I think he’s a freaking professor….I can’t wait to find out what he is. He knows how to play chess. No one knows how to play chess in the country….He’s like a biology professor or something.
Christine: Oh my gosh, I bet you anything….He could even be a professor in the army or something.

In the middle of this conversation, they see a light shining on them which they figure out is coming from the exit sign. Nicole keeps saying that she "hates this room" and that she doesn't feel safe because she doesn't think that she and Christine could defend themselves. Christine suggests that they invite Hayden in, but Nicole insists that would be too sketch and then adds that even though she thinks Cody is the hottest guy there, she is "intruiged" by Hayden. [Nicole goes on to say that Cody is too big of a flirt and couldn't be trusted in a relationship]. Christine reassures Nicole that Hayden & Nicole won't become a target because they're a showmance. Nicole agrees, saying that Hayden is careful to make sure they're not together too long. Nicole admits he tried to kiss her the other night and both girls adorably wiggle around in bed. Apparently, they were snuggling together one night and he leaned in, so she turned her head, and he kissed her cheeck instead. Christine concludes, "That is so awkward !....That is so hilarious and awkward." Nicole is afraid that Hayden will get tired of hanging out with her.

After talking about Donny and Hayden, they move on to discussing their goodbye videos to PowPow. Nicole says that hers sucks and she hopes they won't show it; this naturally transitions into insulting the BombSquad and Devin, then debating how HoH might play out. Nicole hopes that Brittany will win because she trusts that Brittany will make big moves--without Nicole herself having to do it. However, things are complicated on the Brittany front, because Brittany considers Christine somewhat of a target; Nicole argues that she can keep Christine safe from Brittany but says that she's nervous because of how much Brittany still trusts Cody and Derrick.

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I see from updates last night that Caleb seems determined to ruin Amber's game, going around saying that they're not in an alliance together, but he'll still protect her as far through the game as he can. All he's doing is putting more of a target on Amber, rather than putting the fear of Caleb in the rest of the HGs. She's been saying for the past few days that she wants to play her game, but she's not going to get much of a chance, with Caleb going on and on about protecting his princess to everyone else. I'm hoping whoever wins HOH, they conspire and nominate Caleb and Amber separately. They'd probably blow the BotB out of the water if they were teamed together, although I'd be curious to see if he would sacrifice himself for her to stay (I really doubt it, but still).

I also saw that he was bragging once again about killing a wild boar with a stick. Because that's something to be proud of.

You know, I was talking with my sister and this is her first season of Big Brother that she's watching (her new bf watches it and I've tried to get her to watch it for years). I told her about the Caleb/Amber relationship and she made a comment about him being a hunter and then I jokingly said "Oh yeah, Caleb's a hunter and he's stalking out his prey (Amber)". But...thinking about it, it's a pretty accurate statement. He may not be as bad as Devin when it comes to treating women with 'respect' or whatever, but Caleb does not leave this poor girl alone, nor does he take the hint that she doesn't like him. He even 'has to protect her/them' when she is capable of doing it herself. It's like, dude, when you have to go around and say that you're not in an alliance, it's pretty clear that you are. I actually feel bad for Amber, who is only going to be known for being associated with Caleb. It's too bad, because I wish she would get away from him, stand up for herself and play her own game.

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I truly believe that Amber's game was shot the moment Caleb fixated on her and started telling everyone in the house. I only see two possible ways for her to play past it: either do something to make him uninterested but not angry at her (unlikely to impossible), or if Caleb somehow gets evicted this next week and she's free to play her own game. I don't really see either happening, and if it did, I think she would find herself a target anyway. It's hard to tell what people actually think in the house, since they give a different opinion to different people, and they seem to change their minds as often as Amber and Victoria change clothes.

Hmmm... I'm pretty sure I don't believe this, but TIFIW... from Morty's TV[Note: The web site "Big Brother Extra" reports that three additional HGs will be entering the house tonight and there will be another eviction on Monday. I'm not familiar with this web site, and I have no idea if they're reliable, but I guess we will see in a few hours.]


I don't see that happening, at least this early in the game, but it would certainly stir stuff up all over again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not that it's going to do a lick of good for him, but Devin was/has been trying to apologize for screwing over the rest of the BS [going by updates, looks like he's talked to Caleb/Frankie/Derrick].   Sorry bud, that grave's dug; all that's left is picking out a good headstone.

I just found out that tonight's show is bumped to 1:30 am in my area because of a baseball game. Does anyone know if the live feeds come back after the show or if they delay it until BB After Dark starts?


I can't provide a concrete answer for you; but going just by last year, they will probably show snippets of the live HOH comp(s), but not until its over will the live feeds come back full time.  Which I personaly think is criminally stupid to just not show the comp in its entirety to LFers, because we're going to know immediately afterwards who the HOHs are.

  • Love 1

He may not be as bad as Devin when it comes to treating women with 'respect' or whatever, but Caleb does not leave this poor girl alone, nor does he take the hint that she doesn't like him. He even 'has to protect her/them' when she is capable of doing it herself

I feel the same way. I think "We ain't going to put up with disrespecting women!" is the same as "Don't pick on someone less than you!" And I've seen them mention a few times that they think Zach is going to be in trouble with America for calling Victoria a bitch, which obviously isn't nice, but I'm pretty desensitized to the word bitch at this point and as far as I can tell there isn't a huge backlash against Zach for it. The house is strange this year regarding gender politics.

Edited by Morbs

... they seem to change their minds as often as Amber and Victoria change clothes.


I was laughing about this the other day. Victoria though, she seems to wear the same thing every damn day, I think. She has like three outfits. Apparently because she 'has nothing to wear.' Early on though, Amber was trying to help her pick out an outfit and she has so many clothes. LOL. But anyway, yes, I once saw Amber change 3-4 times in like 2 hours. I've also seen Nicole change multiple times. Nicole also messes with her hair so much. One day Victoria did a braid in her hair that took like a half hour and she took it out about 10 minutes later. If I was Victoria I wouldn't be braiding her hair anymore. It's probably the boredom.


NeelyO, the feeds will come back pretty shortly after the episode airs on the east coast. It's usually back within 15 minutes, maybe a bit longer if there's an endurance comp. Although if that rumor up thread is true (which I doubt) and there's some kind of twist, then maybe not. Also, my area isn't showing the ep on time either, but I thankfully have two other channels that show CBS and they're showing it!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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