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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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They added an extra week. So would 2 jurors coming back be possible? I just boarded a plane so I have to turn my phone off so I can't figure it out right now. But I remember someone figuring it out when they announced the extra week and said it was possible if they follow their normal schedule.

The hamsters still don't know about the extra week right?

I don't think the "Returning HG" was a twist originally planned for this season; I think they added it in to stretch the schedule that additional week. And I believe you're right about the hamsters not knowing. Any time it's come up in discussion, they all still seem to be under the impression the Finale is scheduled around Sept. 16/17 or thereabouts.

Damn, I forgot that he hated Donny.  He is is such dimwit.

Cody vocalizes it as such, but I don't think it's truly a case of I-hate-Donny-itis; rather, I think Cody is still mortified at his own personal degree of wussiedom in promising Donny there was NO way Cody was going to put him in the block, and nom'ing him seven minutes later*. Donny's continued presence in the House is a constant and galling reminder of Cody's lack of testicular fortitude.

* Maybe not exactly seven minutes - but close enough for government work.

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Is this a production rule?




Donny winning HOH on Thursday would be amazing. I don't see it happening though, sadly. It's almost guaranteed to be endurance and I just don't think that's a Donny comp. He's surprised me before though, so maybe!


Zach campaigning to Caleb now, he asked Caleb if Cody has his back or Derrick's back more and Caleb didn't know. LOL. Zach is like it's so obvious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I didn't realize Zach has a big Twitter fan base.  I know Donny is very popular on FB, but he may not have much of a presence on Twitter due to the fact that he isn't on social media.  This could hurt his chances for being voted AFP.  I do follow some BB accounts on Twitter, but I haven't noticed the Zach stans.  I'd rather Donny be voted AFP, but if it can't be him then I'd want it to be Zach.  


My biggest hope is that Cody realizes in the end how disliked he is as a player on this show.  He probably thinks he's so well loved because he's generally nice to everyone (with the exception of Donny).  I think he's one of the most useless hamsters ever cast on this show.  I truly wish he was the one leaving on Thursday!

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The thing Donny has going for him in endurance is that he is a fighter. He was about to die during the DE veto but he pushed through because he knew he was fucked and he isn't ready to give up yet. Plus, he is the smallest guy there and that tends to be an advantage in a lot of the endurance comps they do. 


But I do think Hayden has the best shot at winning endurance and there's a chance he would actually go at Derrick.


Cody whining about Zach throwing him UTB when he's not around. LOL Cody what game are you playing?!

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A mildly amusing bit from last night-Christine said something to Victoria about Zach and Victoria said "Do me a favor!" Christine said "What the hell does that mean? You meant to say, like, give me a break?" Victoria swore that Nicole used that expression, which I'm pretty sure is used primarily by the British. Maybe Nicole is a secret fan of EastEnders? Or maybe Bridget Jones has said it.

Edited by TimWil

Cody ran and told daddy that Zach and Caleb were talking, so of course Derrick ran out there to ruin everything, yet again.

Zach vs. Frankie right now. They give me the heebie jeebies. Frankie is so gross. Also, he is open mouth chewing through this whole convo and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Cody doesn't realize this but he may take the place of Victoria should she get evicited in a lapse of god knows what.  He is certainly earning ____________ affection for being such a good boy.


I deleted the name I used for Derrick realizing it was name calling.  Oops.  I don't even like name calling.  Well, it wasn't a name, really, it was a job title!

Edited by wings707
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Yea, Cody is actually Derrick's best bet now for F2. No one respects him, he's done nothing, and Derrick can claim loyalty. 


Can Zach just ignore Frankie instead of this? That would really piss Frankie off. Also, I can't stand to listen to Frankie berate Zach and talk down to him and then be all "I love you as a person!" He doesn't even have a vote, Zach, and he doesn't control any other votes, just ignore him!

ETA: Caleb just said to Victoria, "I want to hit you so hard in the nose right now." What a lovely guy!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I'm curious - and please forgive this middle aged woman and her spotty memory.  But...the last time they did the HG comp to bring an evicted member of the house back...did the returning HG who won the comp ALSO - by virtue of winning - also become HoH?


For some reason that is stuck in my head...and if it happens..Oh, how Glorious would that be:  Hayden/Nicole wins...and they are automatically HoH.  Also, given that it's the first week Dual HoH's don't factor in...would also dovetail nicely to help remove THAT from our memory.


Taste THAT Rainbow, Detonators!


It certainly is the only scenario to throw some much needed shakeup to the season.

I'm curious - and please forgive this middle aged woman and her spotty memory.  But...the last time they did the HG comp to bring an evicted member of the house back...did the returning HG who won the comp ALSO - by virtue of winning - also become HoH?


No. That didn't happen. Judd lasted the longest out of the jurors, so he won reentry. Then, he could continue to stay in the comp to try and win HOH, which he didn't do.

ETA: Watching Zach and Frankie is like watching an abusive relationship.

I hope these two figure something out!!!


Jokers 08/18/14 02:09 PM

Zach telling Donny everything that went down this week. Z - It started bc I didn't want to throw it. I would feel horrible!

Z - I would feel worse throwing it and throwing you under the bus than me actually going home.

Zach going over how "everyone else" told him he had to throw it, how Z refused, and that's how the Skittles came into play.

Z now pleading to Donny not to give up. He says it will be hard but not impossible, and that his stroke of luck hasn't happened yet. He tells Donny he hopes he makes it far.

Donny - I wish there was a way to turn 'em against each other.

Zach - Well if it involves me, hopefully I can help you out on my way out the door.

Donny - Yea but they'll be expecting that. If you think there may be a weakness [in the house alliance], you let me know.

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Does anyone remember how the timing worked last year for the jury member comp? Did they have the eviction vote on Thurs as usual and had the newly evicted person join the other jury members outside for an immediate comp? Or did the fourth jury member evicted actually leave the house and the next hoh comp was delayed and held on another day? 

From BB Leak:

Donny says it broke his heart when he found out Christine was giving Caleb/Cody bones during the BOB comp. Donny: "Didn't feel good"



Does anyone remember how the timing worked last year for the jury member comp? Did they have the eviction vote on Thurs as usual and had the newly evicted person join the other jury members outside for an immediate comp? Or did the fourth jury member evicted actually leave the house and the next hoh comp was delayed and held on another day?

They immediately held the HoH comp (endurance) right then and there.

Edited by duskyliterati
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Was the Frankie/Zach argument two sided?  I could only read updates, and it seemed like Frankie was ranting and Zach was not.  I know the updater hates Frankie though, so maybe they are projecting.


Eta: I like this update though:

Derrick: "Oh, Frankie definitely has plans for me and you [ed:Cody]. He said some sh*t today to Zach that I was like, 'You muthaf*cker'."



Edited by AndreaK1041
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I hope these two figure something out!!!


Jokers 08/18/14 02:09 PM

Zach telling Donny everything that went down this week. Z - It started bc I didn't want to throw it. I would feel horrible!

Z - I would feel worse throwing it and throwing you under the bus than me actually going home.

Zach going over how "everyone else" told him he had to throw it, how Z refused, and that's how the Skittles came into play.

Z now pleading to Donny not to give up. He says it will be hard but not impossible, and that his stroke of luck hasn't happened yet. He tells Donny he hopes he makes it far.

Donny - I wish there was a way to turn 'em against each other.

Zach - Well if it involves me, hopefully I can help you out on my way out the door.

Donny - Yea but they'll be expecting that. If you think there may be a weakness [in the house alliance], you let me know.

Please, BB Gods - don't toy with us.  Zach going scorched Earth and Donny reaping the benefits would be SWEEEETTTTTT!!!!

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[hand slaps head]  I knew Cody reminded me of someone and its.........Spencer from Good Luck Charlie. 


Stay strong Donnie!  He should shave off his beard. I think the perception of him being a different "person" couldn't hurt.  They are all looking a bit ratty (I'm looking at you Frankie) and by shaving it will freshen Donnie up a bit.

There is definately a little shifting going on.  As predicted Cody and Derrick are "tight" now and not trusting Caleb much.  He says they have to win HOH or one of them may be going up.  Yes, I think so too. :)  I hope I am not fooling myself but I do think Frankie and Derrick are probably the targets for all of them at this point.  Anyone else picking up on this too?   

Pixel, I am reading the feeds this season.  I don't regret that choice though I won't do it again.  I thought I might not spend so much time on the computer.  Well, wrong.

BB said they did not get clothes from Christine (teddy bear doesn't count).  They are checking the feeds now. 

[hand slaps head] I knew Cody reminded me of someone and its.........Spencer from Good Luck Charlie.

Stay strong Donnie! He should shave off his beard. I think the perception of him being a different "person" couldn't hurt. They are all looking a bit ratty (I'm looking at you Frankie) and by shaving it will freshen Donnie up a bit.

Dunno if he wants to jar their perception of him at this point. The other HGs thinking of him as a smart but ineffectual old man has kept him in the Game so far. Donny shaving his beard at this point would probably drop ten years off his appearance - and in this Game, younger = more energetic = more dangerous.

Besides, he may be saving that special shaven treat for his Kristine when he gets back home. ;>

ETA: spell his lady's name right, dammit

Edited by Nashville
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As much as I want to see it, I don't believe Zach can maintain a lower level of whatever it'll take to really shake up the house and help Donny in the process.  At some point, he's going to lose it and as someone already said, go 'Scorched Earth' on everyone, and that will probably help Donny the least.  I think a big blowup will have the rest of them unified in their decision to get Zach out and then they'll get to thinking, "wait, a minute, he's been hanging around Donny a lot, and he knows he's leaving, so something's up...".

Was the Frankie/Zach argument two sided?  I could only read updates, and it seemed like Frankie was ranting and Zach was not.  I know the updater hates Frankie though, so maybe they are projecting.


It was pretty much one-sided. Zach said maybe like 3 things, and they were like, "You're playing a great game," "My game sucks," and "I'm going home."


BB told TA that Christine's teddy bear didn't count for the mission. Apparently Frankie says he took some comp clothes of her's too, so BB is gonna check the tape. I hope they fail this mission, too. Worst twist ever.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yes - but they keep circling back around to the same sad fact: what Donny knows or doesn't know is immaterial, because he doesn't have enough social muscle in the game to act upon it.

Or... is it sad? So long as Donny is perceived as powerless in the House, his presence makes for a great attention diverter to the right people.

Plus - consider the fact the hamsters still think this season is a week shorter than its actual schedule. I think the reason we rarely hear them worrying about a returning HG (a "buyback") for any length of time is by their (erroneous) reckoning, there's not enough time left in the season's run.

ETA: correcting autocorrect corrections. Again. :P

Edited by Nashville
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From Joker's:

Mon 3:58 PM BBT Frankie & Christine wondering what mayhem Zach will be up to this week. Christine belches. Frankie says it sounded like a murderous wild boar.

Better hope Caleb doesn't have a pointy stick handy.


Maybe Cody will let him borrow his, ya know, to poke her with.  ;-)    (ZING!)

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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From Jokers:


The feeds return to Cody giving Christine a big bear hug, picking her up and twirling her around.

Donny: "Cody, watch that.  Zingbot's watching you."

Cody: "Zingbot's got nothing between me and my girl!"


Shit like this just makes me want to beat the crap out of both Cody and Christine!   

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Jokers 08/18/14 04:13 PM

Frankie tells Christine he told Zach he had to stop calling Frankie a liar, because all that will get him is his wrath, and that's the one thing Zach won't survive, inside or outside the house. Christine thrilled by this.

Yeah, I had that reaction too. Legend in his own mind.


To borrow a line from Christine: <cackle>

ETA: accuracy

Edited by Nashville
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Jokers 08/18/14 04:13 PM

Frankie tells Christine he told Zach he had to stop calling Frankie a liar, because all that will get him is his wrath, and that's the one thing Zach won't survive, inside or outside the house. Christine thrilled by this.

Zach's leaving no matter what. So who about Frankie's wrath. What an idiot.

Seriously I hate this guy (Frankie). He's an embarrassment to his family. But I'm pretty sure they are use to it and have been making excuses for him for years.

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