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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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If Frankie were to win AFP, I think the biggest factor will be that Donny/Zach fans split the vote.  If there is not a unanimous alternative, it's like a third party candidate causing an upset in an election.

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From Joker's:

2:42 AM Frankie and Caleb now talking about who would get AFP.Frankie says he doesn't want to win AFP because of his sister, he wants to win it because he played a good game and because america want him to. he says he want his sister to support him but he doesn't want to win because of her.

Caleb says AFP will definitely be between the two of them. Frankie says i agree.

I'm just so happy right now.

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From jokers

Caleb on Amber: That girl's in love with me. On finale I'm going to grab her face & kiss that girl on stage, I don't even care. NT - PowerofVito

Sun 3:17 AM BBT 2:28am. Frankie: I don't want to be blindsided. I don't want the world to see that. I don't want the world to be pissed. NT - PowerofVito

Ahh there's the stalker Caleb we all know


Edited by brdwygurl
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From Jokers at approx. 4:10 BBT, after the shaving cream war


Frankie: This is what my apartment looks like after an orgy... semen and shaving cream everywhere.
Victoria: Is an orgy with more than one person?


Stay classy, Frankie.  Your mother must be proud.


Victoria, for once, read a book, any book, instead of gazing at yourself in the mirror all the time -- please learn something about the outside world.  Anything.  It's embarrassing for someone your age to be this stupid and uninformed.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Sun 3:17 AM BBT 2:28am. Frankie: I don't want to be blindsided. I don't want the world to see that. I don't want the world to be pissed. NT


I should no longer be shocked by his delusions.  But I am.  

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If Frankie were to win AFP, I think the biggest factor will be that Donny/Zach fans split the vote.  If there is not a unanimous alternative, it's like a third party candidate causing an upset in an election.


Really?  I feel like the most obvious winner is Nicole.  

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Frankie totally exposed Derricks game to Caleb last night.Frankie basically told him thay Derrick is playing an impeccable social game. Has been dropping seeds all season long. Etc. Caleb blew him off and told him no he isn't winning the money. He can't beat anyone.

I wonder if he is gonna tell Derrick what Frankie said.

I wonder if the Monday eviction will be a surprise to them. And Julie will just come on screen! That would be great no time to tell Frankie anything.

Also, Victoria told Cody that Hayden doesn't like him. Which pissed Derrick off and he had a rant to the feedsters again about how no one knows how to keep their mouths shut. Haha. Which is true, everyone in this house seems to like to tell everyone everything. Lol.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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From Jokers

Caleb on Amber: That girl's in love with me. On finale I'm going to grab her face & kiss that girl on stage, I don't even care.

That there is the reason I would hate Caleb to win. As funny and as clueless as he is I can't forgive or forget his stalkerish delusions about Amber.

He destroyed that girls game because he's completely deluded and clueless. 

Edited by elizacat
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Frankie totally exposed Derricks game to Caleb last night.Frankie basically told him thay Derrick is playing an impeccable social game. Has been dropping seeds all season long. Etc. Caleb blew him off and told him no he isn't winning the money. He can't beat anyone.

I wonder if he is gonna tell Derrick what Frankie said.

I wonder if the Monday eviction will be a surprise to them. And Julie will just come on screen! That would be great no time to tell Frankie anything.

Also, Victoria told Cody that Hayden doesn't like him. Which pissed Derrick off and he had a rant to the feedsters again about how no one knows how to keep their mouths shut. Haha. Which is true, everyone in this house seems to like to tell everyone everything. Lol.



Thanks for this info.  I think, at this point, they know what they are doing and nothing Frankie can say will change their minds. They want him gone and they know he is fighting to stay and will do or say anything to change their minds.  Caleb and Cody are convinced they can beat Derrick.  One factor that is working for Derrick is he is not a "cool" guy in their minds.  They see themselves as hip/current/hot so taking the dweeb, who cannot win comps, to the end is the clear choice.   

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All this talk about telling Frankie his is going before the vote is against the rules and could cause him to come off the block.  I know this rule has never been enforced but it is foolish to risk it.  


That isn't a rule. There is a 'rule' that the HOH can't tell someone they are being nominated. But the voters can tell people if they are or are not voting them out. So, they can tell him and nothing will happen.


Victoria is washing celery stalks for the salad...with soap. WITH DISH SOAP.


Elissa washed fruit and vegetables with dish soap. She said she uses that produce spray stuff at home, but they didn't have it there, so she just used soap. As someone else said, at least she's washing it! I see too many people just pick it up and start cutting/eating it. I wonder if for some reason people who are super nasty tend to apply for BB or if being on BB makes you become super nasty?


I would love for Production to not let them know about the eviction until it happened. Or at least until they do the first run-through on Monday. I wanna see these idiots sweat!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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That isn't a rule. There is a 'rule' that the HOH can't tell someone they are being nominated. But the voters can tell people if they are or are not voting them out. So, they can tell him and nothing will happen.


Yeah, I've never heard of that rule either.  I don't think it's a thing; people tell the nominees they are/are not gonna vote for them all the time.  Remember Britney Haynes?  


However, I would add that it's generally not a good idea to tell the person they're going ahead of time.  That gives them time to throw a Hail Mary and try one last move to save themselves.  So IMO telling Frankie early would still be risky even if there isn't a rule against it.

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They shouldn't tell him too early, especially since it's Frankie, but they would actually be stupid to not tell him, IMO. For the most part, it's dumb to blindside jury members.


I'm more mad about the extra 50K twist now that we know it isn't for if TA both gets F2. Like what is the fucking point of it then? At least if it was for them both to make F2 we'd know why it was done, the reason makes sense. Now it just seems like they wanna give Derrick extra money for creating the most boring season of all time or something. It doesn't make sense. 


Also, I am pretty sure now that there will not be an AF this season. They're throwing around way too much money. Plus, I had forgotten about this, there wasn't an AF prize in BB8 most likely because of there being an America's Player, so I assume since there was a TA this season, they won't do it.


Ugh, now Frankie can go about his life believing that he would've won AF if there had been one. Dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It's kinda tough because they're his family, of course they're gonna want him to win AF, they're gonna support him, they're gonna ask their friends to support him. All the families do that and should do that. They just have to be so obnoxious about it because, well, they're obnoxious people. His mother didn't need to tweet what she tweeted.


But yea, it's probably a blessing if we don't get AF because honestly there really is a good chance Frankie would win and that would just be blasphemous!


ETA: I hope Derrick/Cody give us a ETA on when they're gonna tell Frankie because i would like to watch that. But they'll probably end up telling him on the day and the feeds will be down.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't think Ariana's fans are going to rush to vote for her brother on a show they don't watch just because she is tweeting to do so.  And those who watch, will not vote for him.  


Donny's brother said that he has become quite the local hero.  Right there you have a lot of votes. 

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Because Frankie's family is trying to stack the deck, I hope there isn't AFP.

I have mixed feelings about it. Last year Elissa's win was probably largely due to her sister siccing the Brenchel Army on the voting. It's kind of the same thing with Frankie except he's widely loathed and Elissa wasn't.

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OK, here I go - I've hauled the soapbox out from under the bed again.  As much as I dislike him, I'm uncomfortable with the trashing of Frankie's family.  Most mothers would go the extra mile to see their kids succeed.   Whether its an AFP vote, or a singing career. I'm sure Frankie's Mom doesn't see that she's unleashed two self-entitled brats on the world.  She's very proud of their successes, as a Mom should  be - Mom's are allowed a certain degree of blindness with their progeny - it's in the Mom's contract..  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and if she is this unaware, her "apples" will share the same personal unawareness.  If I would fault anyone, it would be the mindless fans who cannot/will not see the flaws in their idols. I would fault The  System, whether educational, governmental, capitalistic or anything else, that encourages such lemming-like behavior, especially to the enrichment of such fools. Personally, I am baffled as to how anyone can idolize a newcomer like Ariana, but that's just me. Appreciate her, yes, but idolize?  Give her time to develop something worth idolizing.  For Frankie and Mom to hitch their wagons to her star, that's human nature.  But I cannot be comfortable with trashing them for Frankie's behavior.  He is an adult, makes adult choices, and will have to live with them.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

And ultimately, Frankie will learn the truth of this statement, with or without his Mom and sister. Maybe Rig Brother will provide that moment?

(Pushing soapbox back under the bed.....)

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For Frankie and Mom to hitch their wagons to her star, that's human nature. But I cannot be comfortable with trashing them for Frankie's behavior.

I think they've all done enough as individuals to 'trash' them for their own behavior. And they all put themselves out there to be talked about.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The Soup?  Someone featured Adrian Maloof (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) washing salad fixin's with dish soap.


Adrianna Maloof was washing chicken with dish soap.  She was talking with either Kyle or Lisa on the phone at the time and they were laughing about it.


It's kinda tough because they're his family, of course they're gonna want him to win AF, they're gonna support him, they're gonna ask their friends to support him.


Of course houseguests' families are going to ask their friends for support, but Frankie also has his little group of followers and his sister's huge fanbase.  Hopefully, most of Ariana's fans don't bother to vote because they don't watch the show, but a lot probably will just because she asks them to.  As for Frankie's fans, I can't believe he has a 12 year old fanbase.   Kids that age think of people over 30 as being OLD, and are busy following people like Bieber, Katy Perry and Selena Gomez.  Besides, parents who monitor their kids' social media aren't letting them watch crap like his Topless Tuesday Youtube videos.  At least, I hope they're not.


If there's a chance that Frankie will win, then I hope they don't have the AFP this year.    

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I have mixed feelings about it. Last year Elissa's win was probably largely due to her sister siccing the Brenchel Army on the voting. It's kind of the same thing with Frankie except he's widely loathed and Elissa wasn't.

Yeah but at least Brenchels Army actually watch Big Brother.

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I also don't think moms automatically think each and every thing their children does is wonderful. Christine's mom sure didn't give her a pass for her behavior. I know plenty of moms who want their children to succeed but think the children must succeed on their own with only modest help from parents. So, I'm not really buyingu that argument. When a parent buys success for an adult child with money or with influence, that creates dependence and entitlement, and not true success.

I don't apply this to Ariana because she is earning her success. Frankie is relying on someone else for success.

Yeah but at least Brenchels Army actually watch Big Brother.

And also Elissa did some things to earn respect with the viewers such as disagreeing with the prevalent racism in the house and going against Amanda. Edited by Stinamaia
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I think it's good that Ariana and her mom are publicly supporting Frankie again, after all they seem to have encouraged his obnoxious behavior and they all seem to be self-entitled assholes so i thought it was wrong of them when they seemed to be distancing themselves from him in public. Family should stick together IMO. The Grande's are polarizing, however, due to their shitty attitudes and they have talked about how being a Grande basically makes them superior, they also have a huge advantage due to not only Ariana's fanbase but also her celebrity friends tweeting in support of him winning so I see both sides of the argument in regards to them. I blame production for having cast him in the first place and then for seemingly doing whatever they can to keep him. I think it would be awesome if Frankie didn't win even with all the odds appearing to be in his favor, that would hopefully not only bring down his ego but also have him reflect on his actions and help him grow as a person. 

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I have mixed feelings about it. Last year Elissa's win was probably largely due to her sister siccing the Brenchel Army on the voting. It's kind of the same thing with Frankie except he's widely loathed and Elissa wasn't.

I think Ellissa won because she was the least disgusting HG. My family loved her and being Rachel's sister had nothing to do with it.

ETA: But winning that dumb twist -- can't remember the name -- where they get to nominate a third HG, was won because she was Rachel's sister.

Edited by LGGirl
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I don't think Ariana's fans are going to rush to vote for her brother on a show they don't watch just because she is tweeting to do so.  And those who watch, will not vote for him.



The power of teenage fans and Twitter followers cannot be denied...sadly.

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I also don't think moms automatically think each and every thing their children does is wonderful. Christine's mom sure didn't give her a pass for her behavior. I know plenty of moms who want their children to succeed but think the children must succeed on their own with only modest help from parents. So, I'm not really buyingu that argument. When a parent buys success for an adult child with money or with influence, that creates dependence and entitlement, and not true success.

I don't apply this to Ariana because she is earning her success. Frankie is relying on someone else for success.

And also Elisse did some things to earn respect with the viewers such as disagreeing with the prevalent racism in the house and going against Amanda.

The thing I appreciated about Christine's parents is that I think they are very realistic, I think they will definitely talk to her about how her actions were questionable to say the least and that they raised her to be respectful. They didn't distance themselves when asked or ignored what was going on, they acknowledged it head on and I don't think they were mean about it, they seemed more embarrassed than anything IMO. I think they are truly invested in Christine as a person and daughter. I may be wrong but I see the Grande's as invested in superstardom and money more than anything, they seem to excuse all bad behavior, act as if only their opinions matter and nobody else's, whoever disagrees is an "asshole", etc... it's like they're a brand and not a family to me, it's strange.

Edited by willpwr
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Donny and Zach are by far the most popular online. Nicole is a distant third.


I'm sure you're right but I'm curious-- online where?  Is there a poll somewhere?  That's not snarky, I'm really curious.  

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I may be wrong but I see the Grande's as invested in superstardom and money more than anything, they seem to excuse all bad behavior, act as if only their opinions matter and nobody else's, whoever disagrees is an "asshole", etc... it's like they're a brand and not a family to me, it's strange.

Maybe the Grandes fancy themselves on par with The Kardasians and this is in their grand, no pun intended, scheme of things.

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Frankie totally exposed Derricks game to Caleb last night.Frankie basically told him thay Derrick is playing an impeccable social game. Has been dropping seeds all season long. Etc. Caleb blew him off and told him no he isn't winning the money. He can't beat anyone.

I wonder if he is gonna tell Derrick what Frankie said.

This was a stupid tack for Frankie to take with Caleb, of all people. Caleb believes winning comps totally trumps any social game aspects with the Jury - and in their constant stroking of Caleb's ego, both Derrick AND Frankie himself have reinforced that belief repeatedly.

I wonder if the Monday eviction will be a surprise to them. And Julie will just come on screen! That would be great no time to tell Frankie anything.

They almost certainly don't know about Monday; they're expecting a DE on Wednesday.. During their "last family dinner" talk last night, Frankie suggested they have their last formal meal as a group on Tuesday evening, and everybody agreed.

It's kinda tough because they're his family, of course they're gonna want him to win AF, they're gonna support him, they're gonna ask their friends to support him. All the families do that and should do that. They just have to be so obnoxious about it because, well, they're obnoxious people. His mother didn't need to tweet what she tweeted.

I have mixed feelings about it. Last year Elissa's win was probably largely due to her sister siccing the Brenchel Army on the voting. It's kind of the same thing with Frankie except he's widely loathed and Elissa wasn't.

Yeah but at least Brenchels Army actually watch Big Brother.

All this.

1. I don't have a problem with a family supporting their HG family member.

2. I do have a problem with it when (a) they have access to a large non-BB-associated fan pool, and exploit THAT to get their HG family member a financially rewarding win the HG could NEVER have earned on their own with the show fans.

3. Much as I'm certain she loves her son, I think it is disingenuous as hell for Mama Grande to pretend spiking the voting pool with Arianator votes isn't a totally dishonest move. Support your son? Sure! Cheat to guarantee him a win? Hell no! If this is an example of her previous parenting style, no wonder Frankie acts so much like an entitled brat child. He's 31 years old, for crying out loud - let him win this on his own.

4. Comparing the Brenchel Army to the Arianators is an apples-to-oranges comparison. As @SiobhanJW noted above, the BA coalesced out of the BB fan base. Not even close with the Arianators. Bringing them in would be a blatant poisoning of the well.

ETA: at this point - IF they still intend to have an AFP this season, which is by no means a given - I think the only way to avoid such widespread tainting of the vote pool would be to limit the voting to live feeders. This would personally sadden me greatly, as I would be among those excluded from the vote; however, it's the only way I can think of to keep the vote limited to a cadre who actually support the show in the ratings.

Edited by Nashville
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There is one on jokers and I suppose other Big Brother sites as well.

Also there are polls on FB and Twitter. Zach and Donny have been consistently in the lead, and way ahead of any others. I also don't think we will have AFP this year, so it's probably a moot issue.

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Also there are polls on FB and Twitter. Zach and Donny have been consistently in the lead, and way ahead of any others. I also don't think we will have AFP this year, so it's probably a moot issue.

Interesting.  You guys are probably right.  I'm hesitant to trust social media site stats for things where viewer voting is concerned because they're poor predictors on the other reality shows I watch (singing and dancing, mostly) but maybe it's different for BB.  


I wish they would all get rid of AFP type awards.  To me, all it is is a "best edit" award, which is already a reward in itself, so why add money to it?  The person doesn't control their edit.  I was glad the last Survivor season didn't have it.

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ETA: at this point - IF they still intend to have an AFP this season, which is by no means a given - I think the only way to avoid such widespread tainting of the vote pool would be to limit the voting to live feeders. This would personally sadden me greatly, as I would be among those excluded from the vote; however, it's the only way I can think of to keep the vote limited to a cadre who actually support the show in the ratings.


If they only accepted votes on the CBS site (they have a limit), that would deter those who hang out on twitter.  You have to register with CBS to vote so it is a step that may slow people who don't really care.  I can hear them say, fuck that.  

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Comparing the Brenchel Army to the Arianators is an apples-to-oranges comparison. As @SiobhanJW noted above, the BA coalesced out of the BB fan base. Not even close with the Arianators. Bringing them in would be a blatant poisoning of the well.

I take your point. Yes, Frankie's family enlisting Ariana's fans to game the system would be unsporting. However, I think Frankie's fans--however many of them are independent of Ariana's--are fair game.


Actually, I think CBS already tried to game the outcome by bringing Frankie in to begin with. They knew who he was related to and they knew he had his own fair-sized social media presence. Too bad for them that the Grande influence didn't pan out how they probably expected, that is as a huge jump in the ratings. At this point any influence Frankie and his gang have on the ratings is likely due to so many people loathing him and waiting to see him lose. The Nielsen ratings system should add a category for Schadenfreude.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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The Nielsen ratings system should add a category for Schadenfreude.

This is an excellent idea. My household would send this number off the charts! They could do a correlation between shows on Bravo and pure schadenfreude. Since I watch almost all of them... high rank!

Here are daily rankings on jokers for those interested:


Edited by AndreaK1041
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All of them will check Jokers when out.  I am surprised Jocosta (ugh) isn't right above Christine.. I like seeing Derrick move up the graph! 

Sure we can! But we can do it with STYLE.



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If they only accepted votes on the CBS site (they have a limit), that would deter those who hang out on twitter.  You have to register with CBS to vote so it is a step that may slow people who don't really care.  I can hear them say, fuck that.

It's possible that this might deter some of the Ariana fans as well. If they have to register and sign up they might just be like ugh whatever. But who knows.

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As for Frankie's fans, I can't believe he has a 12 year old fanbase.   Kids that age think of people over 30 as being OLD, and are busy following people like Bieber, Katy Perry and Selena Gomez.  Besides, parents who monitor their kids' social media aren't letting them watch crap like his Topless Tuesday Youtube videos.  At least, I hope they're not.

Ah, but they don't know he's 31.  My 13 year old niece  knew exactly who Frankie was when I asked her about Ariana at the start of the summer but had no idea he was 31, although to her credit she said "that's gross" when I told her.  Heh. 


I think Ellissa won because she was the least disgusting HG.

Some seasons  I feel like they should change America's Favorite Player to Least Disgusting Houseguest  for accuracy. 


4. Comparing the Brenchel Army to the Arianators is an apples-to-oranges comparison. As @SiobhanJW noted above, the BA coalesced out of the BB fan base. Not even close with the Arianators. Bringing them in would be a blatant poisoning of the well.

Good point Nashville!   I'd like to see them skip it this year.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I take your point. Yes, Frankie's family enlisting Ariana's fans to game the system would be unsporting. However, I think Frankie's fans--however many of them are independent of Ariana's--are fair game.


Actually, I think CBS already tried to game the outcome by bringing Frankie in to begin with. They knew who he was related to and they knew he had his own fair-sized social media presence. Too bad for them that the Grande influence didn't pan out how they probably expected, that is as a huge jump in the ratings. At this point any influence Frankie and his gang have on the ratings is likely due to so many people loathing him and waiting to see him lose. The Nielsen ratings system should add a category for Schadenfreude.

Relating to a post a few pages back (sorry, couldn't find it) that quoted frankie as expecting his mom to show up with an agent, finally, it would seem Frankie is in this for the sole purpose of getting the exposure required for an agent to take him on. I still don't know if an agent would take him after this summer though. If it were based on live feeds and productions input they'd know he was a high maintenance, talentless, nasty person. If it were based on his 90 day montage of auditions I'd think it would be an even bigger no, because really, as a personality, as an actor, he sucks.

Derrick is the actor! OMG! how upset will Frankie be to find out that his awful entitled personality and strained manufactured auditions were running alongside the act that is Derrick?! Or the comedy show that is Caleb and Cody? The weirdness that is Zach is more compelling and the matter of fact Donny is more relatable. Compare and contrast anyone?

I think it's hilarious that CBS cast him on Big Brother AFTER he had applied a few times to Survivor.

The CBS thought process I envision:

This guy's been hounding us. He wants Survivor because he thinks he's all that and it's our completely edited "elite" reality show, but he's a liability. He's too entitled. He has been to Africa staying in hotels and thinks he'll get a 39 day road to fame vacation in an exotic spot; but he has never actually roughed it. He'll DOR on day 2. Not to mention that he's too camera aware and will be mugging hassling and driving our camera people crazy. He IS related to Ariana who is booked to really make her mark this summer..... God is he a pain! He is more suited to Big Brother.

HEY.....we could stash this fame whore for 90 days on Big Brother! That way we don't have to think too much about him. We'd get him out of our hair for the summer while his sister is rocking it! He'll have no personal access to cameramen the way they do on survivor, so THEY won't complain, and with a run of 90 days he'll either make or break himself and we won't have him pounding on our doors anymore.

Win win... Except for the other house guests...Hahahah

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They all think there is a double eviction on Wednesday. I really hope they don't tell them and just surprise them tomorrow. That would be gold.

I love how Caleb told Frankie that he is annoying when he eats. Lol.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Frankie totally exposed Derricks game to Caleb last night.Frankie basically told him thay Derrick is playing an impeccable social game. Has been dropping seeds all season long. Etc. Caleb blew him off and told him no he isn't winning the money. He can't beat anyone.

I wonder if he is gonna tell Derrick what Frankie said.

I wonder if the Monday eviction will be a surprise to them. And Julie will just come on screen! That would be great no time to tell Frankie anything.

Also, Victoria told Cody that Hayden doesn't like him. Which pissed Derrick off and he had a rant to the feedsters again about how no one knows how to keep their mouths shut. Haha. Which is true, everyone in this house seems to like to tell everyone everything. Lol.

I just hate the thoughts of having to see Frankie's mouth agape (which always happens when he's even mildly surprised. (Can you imagine him at Christmas???) for 45 minutes. I'm so tired of seeing his digestive tract. ugh. 

Edited by burgerbitz
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