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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Why did the TA idgets still vote out Donny? They didn't have too. Derrick, I know it was you that got Donny out. Frankie and Caleb wanted him to stay. V and Christine wanted Donny to go. Derrick said Donny had to go and so they all STUPIDLY, ANNOYINGLY voted TOGETHER. AGAIN!!!! Seriously, what the hell? Why the block voting?

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It would have been nice for Donny to hear the vote was not unanimous which it wasn't!  Derrick telling Donny in his good bye that he tried to keep him.  Oh good god.

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I wish Donny;s girlfriend would have been there with her brother for the video message. 

This endurance comp will go overtime.  The stupid things America has to vote for are horrific!  We dont want to hear holla every 5 minutes for the rest of the season, what are they thinking?  Want people to drop the feeds?

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That's true, tone does have a lot to do with it. I sometimes call women my age or even younger than me "ma'am" and it's definitely not meant in a rude manner or to imply they're old.


I get so frustrated when women argue about the title that should be ascribed to them.  Men are generally:  Mr. (adult), Master (a child) and Sir.  Women seem to have to deal with: Little Lady (child), Ms., Mz., Mrs., and the equivalent to Sir is Ma'am, but apparently sometimes that's insulting.


Perhaps less time should be spent on fighting about "titles", more time spent fighting on real issues. 


PS, despite my name (long story), I'm a woman.

Edited by pennben
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Can't imagine any of the other HGs getting an offer to be on a show.  Well, maybe Zach.  Something tells me Victoria will not be happy to hear about Donny being on The Bold and the Beautiful.  LOL.

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We dont want to hear holla every 5 minutes for the rest of the season, what are they thinking?  Want people to drop the feeds?



That's the first thing I thought:  that's not just a punishment for the winner, it's a punishment for the whole house -- and the live-feeders.

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They won't! Frankie will freak out when he hears that Donny got this!!!!!!!!!

Oh, me too. Now that Donny is out, I find myself just wishing misery and humiliation on Frankie. Not very Christian of me, I admit. But that boy pushes my buttons!!!

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I get so frustrated when women argue about the title that should be ascribed to them. 


I don't hear anyone arguing, I hear people sharing their experience and opinions.  

That's the first thing I thought:  that's not just a punishment for the winner, it's a punishment for the whole house -- and the live-feeders.


As this is the most boring season to date, I think they keep desperately trying to find things to make it more exciting.  Sadly, none of them seem to be working for me.  So far no one seems to be taking the bait since I think it is probably way too late in the game to be risking the crucial reward of HOH.  

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I'm really looking forward to watching Frankie, and possibly Derrick, freak out about failing the mission and wondering if America hates them.  And then I'm looking forward to everyone turning on Frankie.

Edited by Turtle
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Big Brother is getting vindictive with the "over whelming no" and having Christine's family taking her to task on camera.


I say they need to up the ante.  Film the guest shot while Donny is in the jury and air the thing for the house guests before the show ends.


It they can't pull that off the finale includes footage of Frankie being told.  Or maybe Julie can tell the HGs at the next eviction.  Twist the knife.

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I say they need to up the ante. Film the guest shot while Donny is in the jury and air the thing for the house guests before the show ends.

It they can't pull that off the finale includes footage of Frankie being told. Or maybe Julie can tell the HGs at the next eviction. Twist the knife.

Oh, that would be delicious. I am just so sick of Frankie and his preening, I want it shoved down his throat that Donny is America's favorite, not him.

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I was really annoyed they didn't put their ears to the door and marvel at how loud the cheering was like with Zach.


The feeds better be filled with America hates us because America loves Donny for a while after the HoH.

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The nights these endurance comps are on are the nights that I most wish I had the feeds.  Even though I don't consider this comp to be a true endurance comp.  I like the ones where winning depends on just the sheer will to hang on the longest.  Nevertheless, I will be refreshing frequently until someone wins (especially as I don't have to work tomorrow, yay!).  Come on, Nic, you're from Michigan!  It's ice!

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Cody would of killed this competition good thing he won last week!

If you could keep him from cuddling with the snowman.


ETA: This might still be going on when BBAD comes on.  They are nowhere near the smile yet.

Edited by duskyliterati
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I'm watching the feeds and a spreecast discussion.

Right now the way the camera angles are, Nic, Frankie and Chris seem to be neck and neck. Hard to see if Caleb is keeping up the early lead he had. Derrick and Vic way behind.

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Yeah, they've all kind of got a rhythm going, with Victoria the unsteadiest, but it is going to take a while.  They are going to be in bad shape tomorrow, given the general lethargy of this group.  

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I hate these HOHs. Unlike what I consider "real" endurance, everyone is too busy and focused and out of breath to do any talking. The best part of endurance challenges is when it comes down to the last two, and one or both try to cut a deal with everyone else watching. Or even better, when they would ask everyone to go inside so they could talk. This is just a race to the finish. Boring. I'll watch when it gets close.

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I hate these HOHs. Unlike what I consider "real" endurance, everyone is too busy and focused and out of breath to do any talking. The best part of endurance challenges is when it comes down to the last two, and one or both try to cut a deal with everyone else watching. Or even better, when they would ask everyone to go inside so they could talk. This is just a race to the finish. Boring. I'll watch when it gets close.

I love those let's cut a deal moments! Although it would drive me crazy when the hamsters would ask the others to leave and they would. I'd be all hell no, I'm staying right here and making sure I'm part of the deal too.

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Christine is keeping up a good pace.


ETA:  Everyone in the chat for the feeds is telling Derrick to STFU.  He keeps talking encouraging the others and asking Cody and Frankie to tell a story.

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Christine is getting closer to the smile pretty quickly. I wish she would just keep biffing it and landing on her butt. I had a good laugh at that.

ETA: So is Frankie, damn it. Please, anyone but Frankie!

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