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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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That was seriously the most awkward beginning to the feeds I've ever seen!  

First they are all sitting around together having odd conversation, and looking weirdly at each other...  Just when I think, man, these peeps are thunderstruck; they suddenly all jump up and dance, hoot and hollar, and booty shake all over the house taking turns famewhoring in the cameras! 


And we've had Team America nakedness right off the bat after that!  


We are off!


Paola and Caleb are chatting, and it seems like something happened that had him in tears?  People thinking he's mean or something?  Oh, those of us with the internet know who and what the "Real Caleb" is ...


Pretty sure Paola isn't going to be on his side as this goes on.  But I'm curious about what I missed - did anyone catch the source of this?  All I'm seeing is the aftermath, with Caleb saying someone came up to his room at 3:30 am, blah blah blah.  

Which brings up the question - how long have they been in the house?? Clearly, Caleb et al didn't just get there today.

Edited by Turtle


Which brings up the question - how long have they been in the house?

It's usually about a week before the premiere. You could tell they never cut to the audience when the houseguests were being sent into the house. 


Based on the Frankie/Zach convo there are alliances flying around all over the place. Zach has an "official" one with Derrick, which Frankie knows about. Frankie is working Christine, but hasn't made an official deal yet. It also sound like Frankie has Caleb in his pocket as well - apparently they have bonded sharing the HOH - Caleb was practically gushing about Frankie to Paola (who knew Frankie would be the one they all like). Also per F/Z, Devin has gone nuts on the alliance front and they view him a very unstable and vulnerable. There is also a plan afoot to backdoor Joey - which Frankie, Zach and Derrick are all working to thwart. It looks like they want Paola gone. Smart plan. 


Amber and Brit have earned the gratitude of the have nots already. They have pickles with the slop and they made deep fried pickles and cookies with the slop that they were all raving about. They'll need the energy, the have not room looks brutal. They're borrowing clothes from the haves to sleep on. 


Caleb has it BAD for Amber, it's all he talked about for 2 hours. He's reaching Gina Marie levels of obsession, and it appears to be throwing him off his game in a big way. 

Edited by SteveAC10

I wonder how Frankie and Zach  latched on to each other.  I didn't think those two were going to be able to stand each other.


Unfortunately at this stage, Donny is just an easy pick for the first vote.  And I'm sure the twist didn't help.


BTW from what I saw of that Frankie and Zach convo, Frankie confirmed that he is no longer the HOH. 


I also thought it was interesting that they also had the Dan and Memphis talk from BB10 when they formed the Renegades that they were fine with each other on who gets first and second place at the end.  So at least for right now, I think that is a legit alliance.

Edited by vb68

I don't know the names of the group that joined last night.  Except Zach.  We hate Zach.  But the woman with three kids has been up eating breakfast.   She then went back into the have not room.  If those aren't solid blocks of ice they are solid something that is cold.  She stood up on one of the beds and there was zero give.  She then got into a bed with another female hamster and they started giggling hysterically about the noise made by those foil-like heat retaining survival blankets.  At least they have a sense of humor.  

Hi everyone! So good to see so many of you from TWOP here! To a great summer...!

1st question:

Who are the Have Nots?

? Britney (the Mom, I don't know how to spell it yet)

? Amber

? Cody or Zack

I watched the feeds but still could not figure out for sure. I went to bed before them.

#2 Who did Caleb nominate for eviction that won the battle of the block?

I think it was Britney and another girl-- not sure (Caleb's noms) who beat Pao Pao (ugh... I can't with that, sorry girl) Paola and Donny? Is that correct? So Frankie is no longer HOH and back in the mass population? Britney, Amber and Devyn were giving a cheer up pep talk to Pao last night to get ready for veto today.

So who did Caleb nom ... AND is Pao upset Frankie nom'd her?


Actually, it was Frankie who nommed Brittany and, I believe but I'm not 100% sure, Victoria. They won the BotB comp and, therefore, are not nominated anymore and also Frankie is no longer HOH. Caleb is now sole HOH and his noms, Paola and Donny, are still nominated.


It seems like veto will be played today. And, in fact, might be going on right now.


I think I hate almost everyone already. LOL. Caleb/Devin/Frankie had a talk this morning and it was insufferable. Then Frabkie/Zach talked and they are so high on themselves and how great they are at the game. It was also insufferable.


I think I may like Amber and Brittany, if only because it seems like the rest of the HGs don't like them and I usually end up rooting for the person every hates.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Thanks Peach! (Waving hand!) So glad to *see* you and you VB and others.

Thanks for clearing that up. It didn't make sense to me that Frankie nominated people from the original 8, but the who stays HOH left me confoozed. So Victoria dropped first. Did Brittany drop next? Was that the excuse for the noms?

Interesting to watch Paola meet Caleb and they have a conversation about the upcoming HOH comp with "Do you want to win it?" "Would you throw it?" "I would never throw any competition." Really, the whole time it was like two alpha dogs meeting and checking each other out, circling each other, testing the perimeter and boundaries and sniffing each other's scent. You see it with guys more often. It was interesting to see with Paola. She said later, she didn't like him, he was a real threat to her. So right away they zoned in on each other... or her questioning him put him on guard and notice her strength. So he won and nominated her. Her behavior since has been submissive in a pack dynamic. Quiet, under the radar. I think she is laying low and hoping to rest up to win POV and get off the block or stay quiet and have the house focus on Donny as the threat to get out. Caleb changed her game up quick.

I need to try to go back to those AM convo's to learn more about these peeps, but when I go back my screens keep freezing and it is making me nutty, so thanks for info from today and what is going on in there!

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It appears that a lot of the alpha males-- Frankie (which, alpha... haha), Zach, Caleb, Devin, and Cody as well as three other people (Christine, Amber, and one other person I can't remember) have formed this mega-alliance called the Bomb Squad. So, far, Frankie's been running around trying to keep all the alliance members in check before the veto, so Zach is calling him "The Defuser". Ugh, Zach. Devin, on the other hand, keeps blowing everything up because he's manically overplaying. He brought in Christine and Amber, and the others aren't happy about it, especially Frankie and Zach who think they're running the game. 


Frankie's like BB15 Andy-- wanting to be in every conversation, sucking up to anyone who will listen. But, he's also got the added bonuses of 1) A ginormous head because of his sister; 2) A propensity for singing.


Unfortunately, the Goon Squad seem to be the only ones really playing the game, so the feeds all over them.

I'm wondering how the BoTB will play in to how the 3 shows a week are scheduled. Bc until now, we'd see the HOH comp on Sunday, then nominations decisions, and the very end of the show was the nomination ceremony. are they going to keep us in suspense until Wednesdy and show both the BoTB and the POV + POV ceremony on Weds? or show the BoTB on Sunday, thus ending the years-long tradition of the viewrs going out Sunday night with the nomination knowledge?

Hi Peach!  Good to see you here!  It's not BB without you! :)


Isn't Amber the one who Caleb thinks should be his?  I didn't realize everyone hated her.  I also thought she got some points last night for deep frying the slop with pickles.  But maybe I'm just confused.  It's still early.


I think you're confusing Joey(blue hair) and Amber (curly blondish hair).

It appears that a lot of the alpha males-- Frankie (which, alpha... haha), Zach, Caleb, Devin, and Cody as well as three other people (Christine, Amber, and one other person I can't remember)

The last member is Derrick.

Devin talking to Caleb and Frankie in HoH at 11:09 AM making a pitch that the Bomb Squad save Donny with POV and make him promise that of he gets HOH he won't put up any of "these 8 people", but we won't call it an alliance- it just has to be one of those other 7. Frankie was like, "Um, no... he is not an idiot. That is a huge move and he will know exactly what it means."

Devin is pushing to have Joey put up and voted out because he says she pulled a stunt and it work out well and everyone will understand that as the reason she has to go.

Anyone know... What did Joey do?

From what I have seen, she seems always "on" at a high volume starting at breakfast. But did something happen that people are annoyed with her?


From what I have seen, she seems always "on" at a high volume starting at breakfast. But did something happen that people are annoyed with her?

She definitely is the annoying one, although Hayden is giving her a run for the money. Frankie, at best, would rank number 3. The difference I can see already between Frankie and Andy is that he is not becoming one of the "girls" He has 2 of the 4 alphas wrapped around his little finger and they seem to come when summoned. Andy was always there but never running things until near the end - I saw him as the power floater. Frankie just dove right in and at the moment seems to control the game despite the fact Caleb is HOH. The alpha males are proving to be a dysfunctional lot. Devin is excitable and paranoid, Zach is a spaz (who appears to have a man crush on Frankie), Cody is kind of a sad sack who always looks like he's about to cry, and Caleb is more focused on pining for Amber than playing the game. 

Joey definitely needs to calm down. She was really impressive in her interviews which is why I guess she was voted for Team America's Alliance. She's tough to watch (and listen to) in live feeds, though.

I look forward to Frankie immediately targeting whoever has the nerve to actually question the impact of Ariana Grande on American pop culture these past few years.


Yay! I'm a bad person, so I want America's Player to go. Perhaps if these stupid twists keep blowing up in Grodner's face, she'll stop doing them. Plus, Joey's likely to turn up again in another retread season.


Of course, I'll bet on tons of Diary Room pressure to keep Joey, to avoid it blowing up in Grodner's face. If that means Paola goes home, I'm down with that too. Any friend of GinaMarie is no friend of mine.

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 3

Ok, I guess the "reason" to put Joey up is that she made an all- girl alliance and it failed, according to Caleb. And people think she could do it again!

Meanwhile, it wasn't Joey it was Paola and Amber and Nicole too. Joey just blabbed about it not working and falling apart.

The guys are so aghast someone dared make a girls alliance. Last summer, the guys lived in fear of the (non-existent) girls alliance.

I'm curious why all the contests are finished for the week by today -- BotB was completed by yesterday and the POV was completed today, and that gives them all pretty much nothing to do for a week until the eviction on the live show next Thursday.


I'm also curious what happens to Team America if one of the members is evicted even before the missions are started -- will they put in a substitute ?


I can't tell if Caleb is pissed about losing the POV or if this is just his normal demeanor.  He is talking to Frankie.  Caleb said that Amber said he should put up Joey and that Brittany said to put up Devon. 


The HOH room decor is horrid and looks smaller.  And given the way clothes are strewn hither and yon, it must not have any closets or drawers.  /sarcasm-off/


Frankie just told Zach that "I'm pretty sure we're backdooring Joey."  The POV challenge involved spelling, so they took a moment to mock her word choice/and or spelling abilities. 

Edited by Thalia

If the first Team America member goes first I will LOL for days. 


I have barely watched the feeds yet and I already hate so many of these people. Hopefully something happens soon to take Frankie out or expose his deals because otherwise this is going to be a very boring and insufferable season.


Cody is a very fine looking man. I need a Cody cam at all times so I don't have to listen to the rest of them.

  • Love 1

Ok, I guess the "reason" to put Joey up is that she made an all- girl alliance and it failed, according to Caleb. And people think she could do it again!

Meanwhile, it wasn't Joey it was Paola and Amber and Nicole too. Joey just blabbed about it not working and falling apart.

The guys are so aghast someone dared make a girls alliance. Last summer, the guys lived in fear of the (non-existent) girls alliance.

It's even sketchier than that...  They put up Paola because Joey outed that she was the 'leader' and one that pushed for the all girl's alliance.  But; he claims 'some people' have brought it to his attention that she could have just said that to make them think she was doing them a solid by telling but really she could be trying to hide the fact that she wants to put an all female alliance together.   My question is, Does he seriously think that? In which case this guy is way over thinking and will reach burn out level soon.  Anyone know what the real reason is, if any?


ETA - And none of his crew think Paola is a competition threat.  Um, and they think Joey is?  What gives?

Edited by LuvizBlind


But; he claims 'some people' have brought it to his attention that she could have just said that to make them think she was doing them a solid by telling but really she could be trying to hide the fact that she wants to put an all female alliance together

This is freaking hysterical.


I figured it would be because she outed her alliance so the Crazy 8 group was worried she'd out them too. But this is way funnier.

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