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Save My Skin - General Discussion


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As a lifelong eczema sufferer, I was mystified why Louise abandoned treatment. My parents had to tie me to my bed when I was a toddler, in order to prevent me from scratching myself bloody. If corticosteroids had existed, we would have been overjoyed-all we had were calamine lotion and ultraviolet light treatments.

There are side effects to everything, but as the derm noted, leaving this untreated opens your skin up to horrendous bacterial invasion and potential widespread scarring or worse. I also couldn't understand how taking an immuno-suppressant was acceptable to Louise, who I honestly think has some untreated emotional problems.

I was also confused about how the back-acne guy was claiming his cysts would explode spontaneously while he was at work. Based on what we saw of his condition, the cysts took a lot of cutting and squeezing to open up. Also, revolting as it sounds, maybe the wife needs to help out with those giant blackheads- it seemed kind of extravagant to pay a Harley Street doctor for such a mundane task.

I prefer this to Dr. PP, just for the attractive surroundings and accents!

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On 2/29/2020 at 6:16 AM, Rickster said:

I was surprised there was no follow up with the keloid patient on the last show. Maybe it didn’t work out well?

I was going to say that I am a sucker for a Scots accent, then I read that Dr. Emma is originally from Northern Ireland (although trained in Scotland).

I thought it was a Scottish accent too.   Eczema girl must not have realized that the immunotherapy was more dangerous that the steroid cream.  And to go cold turkey off steroids like that. That looked miserable.  

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55 minutes ago, seasons said:

The first patient - that poor woman with the neurofibromas - did they say if she actually has them in her mouth too? She sort of had a speech impediment.

I am guessing she has some hearing loss that impacts her speech as she was wearing hearing aids. I can’t imagine how irritated those “lumps and bumps” get where they rub up against each other and her clothes. That batch around her bra strap looked extra miserable. So glad she’s able to stand the removal so well. 

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Oh, I'm glad @auntjess got us a place to talk about this show.

I'm such a fan. Thanks for the info on Dr. Emma. I hadn't looked her up but her accent struck me as Irish. 

I'm with @sempervivum, in thinking that Louise, the young woman with eczema, has some emotional/psychological problems. I really didn't follow her logic as to quitting the treatments she'd been given and then suffering such horrendous symptoms. Including such an increased risk of severe infection. Her parents were willing and able to house and support her while she essentially rendered herself disabled; I hope she appreciates that not every person in her situation would have that kind of housing and support. IIRC her mom has eczema too so I suppose was more patient with Louise than many would be, but I have an idea that mom was MORE than ready for Louise to get a grip and get some effective treatment. 

I've actually happily watched repeats of the few episodes that have aired so far, since I've missed things on first viewing. (I rarely just sit and watch TV; I'm usually reading, or on the laptop, doing little tasks around the house, etc.)

Edited by Jeeves
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10 hours ago, seasons said:

Another good episode tonight. Dr Emma and staff help people so much. I prefer this show to dr lee, this one not as cutesy if that makes sense. Of course dr lee helps so many as well though! 

I agree. I think this show has a better balance of backstories and procedures. I also like the follow up visits in the office, which doesn’t seem to happen that much with Dr Lee.

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Interesting that Dr. Emma's got herself all branded as a 'Mohs surgeon', which is apparently a thing.

For some reason, it seems that Dr. Emma has much more medical equipment than Dr. Lee- I was impressed by her multi-technique approach to the soldier with cystic acne scars. I know Dr. Lee has had patients with that, but I don't think she ever did 4 different things to them. But then, a lot of her patients don't seem to see her more than once or twice.

Dr. Emma's daughter is a cutie-pie; I'm impressed that the doc bikes to work!

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On 3/20/2020 at 12:27 PM, sempervivum said:

For some reason, it seems that Dr. Emma has much more medical equipment than Dr. Lee- I was impressed by her multi-technique approach to the soldier with cystic acne scars. I know Dr. Lee has had patients with that, but I don't think she ever did 4 different things to them. But then, a lot of her patients don't seem to see her more than once or twice.

I think Dr Emma is an NHS doctor, and the government pays for the patients.
With Dr. Lee, she treats them from all over for just whatever TLC or her youtube channel pay, and her patients often come from hundreds or a thousand or so miles, so she sometimes arranges local follow-ups for them.

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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2020 at 2:17 PM, auntjess said:

I think Dr Emma is an NHS doctor, and the government pays for the patients.
With Dr. Lee, she treats them from all over for just whatever TLC or her youtube channel pay, and her patients often come from hundreds or a thousand or so miles, so she sometimes arranges local follow-ups for them.

I could be wrong, but I had assumed that Dr. Emma was a private physician, at least for the patients she sees at her London office.  It is in a very nice area with a lot of private practices.

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The guy on the most recent episode with the huge lipoma on the back of his head that Dr. Emma had to refer out - when the other doctor was operating on him it didn't look like he got the entire thing. And then at the end during the follow-up when they showed him from the side it still looked like he had a large bump on the back of his head, plus an ugly scar. Did anyone else notice this?

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2 hours ago, Jadzia said:

The guy on the most recent episode with the huge lipoma on the back of his head that Dr. Emma had to refer out - when the other doctor was operating on him it didn't look like he got the entire thing. And then at the end during the follow-up when they showed him from the side it still looked like he had a large bump on the back of his head, plus an ugly scar. Did anyone else notice this?

I wondered if the whole thing was out but the surgeon sure seemed to think it was. And yes I thought the back of his head looked to be an odd shape afterwards. I thought that maybe  there was swelling that just hadn't yet gone down, at the site of the incision. 

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4 hours ago, Jadzia said:

The guy on the most recent episode with the huge lipoma on the back of his head that Dr. Emma had to refer out - when the other doctor was operating on him it didn't look like he got the entire thing. And then at the end during the follow-up when they showed him from the side it still looked like he had a large bump on the back of his head, plus an ugly scar. Did anyone else notice this?

Yes, we wondered too. My girlfriend thought maybe there was a pouch of loose skin they hadn’t tightened up for some reason. I didn’t see a really good “after” close up, like they did for the before pictures.

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I'm glad this show is back too, but the two new episodes I saw tonight felt different to me. Dr Emma seemed kind of giggly and not as serious, even with patients. And more banter with the nurses, like Dr Sandra Lee, which got annoying and unnecessary imo. 

Wonder if Dr Emma was told to lighten it up a little? Ugh. I hope not. I liked the more serious vibe of season one.

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I love how the right medication can completely transform one's life. As a woman who has struggled with depression and anxiety my entire life, I know too well how important medication can be to lead a functional life. There's a huge swath of the population who are ableist and say they "don't take pills," but I guess they've been fortunate to not have to deal with chronic conditions. I nearly wept for the young woman with psoriasis and the man with eczema after they were virtually cured via medication. Dr. Emma is so kind and thorough to help people find real solutions.

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For those who are critical of Discovery+ for scooping up the newer content, here's some news. I have D+ (for a year free, courtesy of a Verizon promotion). I cut TV from my Xfinity package, and watch cable channels via YouTube TV (nice monthly savings). I hadn't realized  that new episodes of this show were coming up, so failed to add it to my "library" on YTTV. Meaning I had no access there to recorded episodes. 

So, I went to D+ - but as of now they STILL don't have any of the new episodes for this show. Just the first season episodes. Fortunately I was able to log onto tlc.com as a YTTV subscriber, and watch the new episodes. I don't know what the deal is with this show, but it's one case for sure where D+ subscribers are worse off than regular TLC viewers. 

I enjoyed the new episodes. I like that in the intro, Dr. Emma explains that she's an NHS doctor but has the private clinic where the show is filmed. I think she must be one of several doctors who practice there although we only see her on the show. That would also explain the nice equipment, if it's a group practice they can probably afford to equip the clinic that well. I could do with a bit less of the banter with the nurses, as @seasons said. 

I was glad that Dr. Emma sent that poor woman with the keloids on her buttocks, to a surgeon who could help her. I can't imagine how painful it must have been to have that constricted, stiff area of skin where your body needs to flex so you can sit and walk, and how much of a relief it was when the surgery fixed that.

I loved the big smile on that woman whose cysts Dr. Emma was able to remove on her back and chest. I hope she does find someone special, she seemed so nice.

And the woman who thought she had melasma (I think it was), who actually was experiencing ark sink patches which were symptoms of uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes - wow. I hope she continues to deal with her T2D; if those dark skin patches caused her to take it seriously, they did her a favor.  (Don't let me get started about Type 2 diabetes; I have some relatives who developed it, and hate how the medical establishment just throws drugs at it instead of promoting the dietary changes that can reverse most cases. Grrr.)

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On 4/14/2021 at 10:28 PM, seasons said:

I'm glad this show is back too, but the two new episodes I saw tonight felt different to me. Dr Emma seemed kind of giggly and not as serious, even with patients. And more banter with the nurses, like Dr Sandra Lee, which got annoying and unnecessary imo. 

Wonder if Dr Emma was told to lighten it up a little? Ugh. I hope not. I liked the more serious vibe of season one.

I was thinking the same ...

Plus, likening the extracted things to common foods  has worn itself out. I mean even 14 year olds would probably be bored with it by now.




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On 4/19/2021 at 6:27 PM, ethalfrida said:

Plus, likening the extracted things to common foods  has worn itself out. I mean even 14 year olds would probably be bored with it by now

It may get old, but it's what doctors do all the time.  I don't know why, it's just how it is.  Abscess contents are described like different types of cheeses or sauces, growths that look like fruits and vegetables...  It's hard to explain if you've never done it, but performing surgery tends to make you hungry!

I adore Dr. Emma and hope she doesn't go down the Dr. PP road.  Dr. Lee wasn't bad in the beginning, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was told to be more entertaining.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

The mother of the veterinary nurse with the skin condition on her hands and feet is quite something to look at.  She turned the makeup gun to lunatic for the show.

She kind of looked like Boy George with those pale pale blue eyes. WTF was that eye makeup with the dot/dash pattern going all the way around each eye? Not just the makeup, either- that absurd hair with the big purple scrunchy and the1987 clothing! (Although her shoes actually looked pretty much like her daughter's).

The guy with the lipoma on his forehead was really obsessed with getting rid of it; since we didn't see it post-healing, I wonder if the scar was less noticeable than the lump?

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1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

The guy with the lipoma on his forehead was really obsessed with getting rid of it; since we didn't see it post-healing, I wonder if the scar was less noticeable than the lump?

Most of the people...wait--most of the men have said they don't mind scars.  My little boy (he's 52 now) was born with a tiny birthmark--a "freckle," on his lower leg. By the time he was 7-8, it was the size of a quarter and he was always embarrassed when other kids asked him about it.  His father would NOT let us have it checked by a doctor.  That husband left (without warning) when my son was nine.  One of the first things he said was, "NOW can I get my birthmark taken off?"  We had to wait for the divorce and the "medical insurance" stuff to settle.  When we went to a dermatologist, we learned it was a pre-cancerous birthmark, congenital hairy nevus. Diagnosed...then removed. He ended up with a six-inch (long) scar and has ALWAYS been glad. His father ended up with the co-pay.  Son said, "I like this scar. Sometimes I tell kids someone knifed me," and sillier stories.

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On 4/14/2021 at 10:28 PM, seasons said:

Wonder if Dr Emma was told to lighten it up a little? Ugh. I hope not. I liked the more serious vibe of season one.

I've never seen Season One, so I simply see a kind, cheerful and COMPETENT doctor.  Often patients are nervous or embarrassed bringing a problem to any doctor.  I think Emma's demeanor would make things less stressful.  Still, this is the only way I've seen her -- very enjoyable.

On 4/23/2021 at 3:46 AM, cynicat said:
On 4/19/2021 at 3:27 PM, ethalfrida said:

Plus, likening the extracted things to common foods  has worn itself out. I mean even 14 year olds would probably be bored with it by now

It may get old, but it's what doctors do all the time.

Maybe it gets old to viewers ... but this might be the first time each PATIENT hears the reference ... just another trick to put a patient at ease.

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On 5/5/2021 at 10:33 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

The mother of the veterinary nurse with the skin condition on her hands and feet is quite something to look at.  She turned the makeup gun to lunatic for the show.

That was my very first response to her too.  Then I realized she seemed like a great, caring mom so I let the craziness pass. Mostly...

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On 5/5/2021 at 8:33 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

The mother of the veterinary nurse with the skin condition on her hands and feet is quite something to look at.  She turned the makeup gun to lunatic for the show.


1 minute ago, cynicat said:

That was my very first response to her too.  Then I realized she seemed like a great, caring mom so I let the craziness pass. Mostly...

Oh wow, she was quite the sight! I agree, she seemed warm and supportive of her daughter. Hey, it's her face, her choice as to what she puts on it. I'm glad her daughter's skin condition is cleared up and she can continue working with animals. 

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Why the incredibly annoying background music?!?!?!?

I can hardly hear what the people on the show are saying!

Sometimes I just listen to the tv while dozing. Try it sometime on some of these"reality shows" - just listen don't watch. See if you notice the same thing. I've noticed it on other reality shows too.

This show in particular feels so over produced this season - first the haha joking around during surgery , silly laughing, nurses I don't care about, now this music.

Yes, I'm crabby.

Get off my lawn.


Edited by seasons
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I was impressed by Dr. Emma's treatment of Rizwan (?), the very good looking tall guy with serious acne scars. She had to use various creams, lasers, and fillers to improve his condition over many months, and while his skin was still imperfect, it was much less noticeable. His joy was heart-warming.

I do wonder about the NHS, though. All of the patients have previously gone to doctors, sometimes many times, and haven't even gotten a correct diagnosis, much less proper treatment.

Dr. Emma's hair is Kate Middleton-worthy when she lets it down. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she admitted to using retinol on herself for wrinkle prevention.

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18 hours ago, sempervivum said:

I was impressed by Dr. Emma's treatment of Rizwan (?), the very good looking tall guy with serious acne scars. She had to use various creams, lasers, and fillers to improve his condition over many months, and while his skin was still imperfect, it was much less noticeable. His joy was heart-warming.

Dr. Emma does wonders with scars, and it's incredible how much dermatology has advanced.  

I felt bad for him but with or without scars,  I agree with sempervivum that wow, he sure is a handsome man!   

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On 6/17/2021 at 8:26 AM, sempervivum said:

I do wonder about the NHS, though. All of the patients have previously gone to doctors, sometimes many times, and haven't even gotten a correct diagnosis, much less proper treatment.

NHS comes to my mind too...but it's during her interviews.  She asks some probing questions that end up with some answers regarding their psyches.  There must be a "serious reason" required for them to visit Dr. Emma and she's getting "testimony" on camera.

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1 hour ago, sempervivum said:
12 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

NHS comes to my mind too...but it's during her interviews.  She asks some probing questions that end up with some answers regarding their psyches.  There must be a "serious reason" required for them to visit Dr. Emma and she's getting "testimony" on camera.

Not sure what you mean. 

That perhaps NHS has demanding criteria (social, psychological, physical) before allowing a British citizen to see a specialist like Dr. Emma.  She almost always gets an answer about how they have lost confidence...how they have lost self-esteem.  She asks the correct leading questions to obtain the answers that NHS requires.

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On 5/20/2021 at 1:21 PM, Back Atcha said:

Too many "unscripted reality*" shows have added music.  WHY?  It's annoying...and it's just another expense.

*The "Fiance" shows, for example.

Thank You For posting this. The background music on these reality shows drives me crazy. And it is loud, so loud that it is sometimes hard to hear the conversations. All the channels do this, hgtv, animal channels, etc. The shows are too "produced" to me.

Edited by seasons
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