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S05.E15: I Will Do No Harm

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To air on February 26, 2020:

Dr. Charles and Dr. Manning treat a patient who is fully invested in pretending to be someone other than himself. Noah doubts his abilities as a doctor. Dr. Marcel and Dr. Choi face a tough ethical decision. Dr. Halstead puts his faith in an addict.

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So it’s okay for Ethan to compartmentalize, but he and his woman consistently judge Crockett for doing the same. Crockett was peeettttty in the OR, when he “accidentally “ splashed Ethan with the patient’s blood. That’s what he gets for wasting Dr. Marcel’s time. Noah needs to stop depending on April or else he won’t learn. Crockett doesn’t seem like the type of doctor who would invest in someone, if he doesn’t think they’re good. I’m sensing an “April regrets being a nurse and wants to be a doctor storyline” coming soon.

I understand the patient not wanting anyone but her OBGYN to treat her, because she’s grown to trust her. At least she and her baby will be fine. Poor Will, if an addict isn’t ready they won’t stop using. He really thought that a night in the sheets would help? 

That mother needed to be committed. Who hires an actor to pretend to be their daughter’s father? I agree with Natalie for once. These writers really think this is “Days of our lives.”

Edited by spunky
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I hated this entire episode.

I missed the first five minutes of the episode, so I didn't understand at all this storyline of the dad or fake dad.  Seemed like a stupid waste of story time.

So when did April become Dr. April?  And when did Dr. Noah all of a sudden turn into meek and insecure Resident Noah?

Are Crockett and Ethan ever going to see eye to eye?  Every single interaction, they are on opposite sides of the see saw.  Ethan wants to operate, Crockett ends up killing him.  
And dousing Ethan with blood in the process.  Why is Ethan even scrubbed into surgery?  He's an ER doctor, not a surgeon.

The quicker this Halstead and OBGYN addict storyline goes away, the better.  No interest.

If this show went away, I don't think I'd be that disappointed...

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I’ve seen next week’s “doctor(s) kidnapped to save life of thug or else” on another series before.

Yeah, the “hiring an actor to play your kid’s dad only to discover he is nuts” plot was totally whack. 🙄 How long had the mom been hiring him?

Dr. Marcel is so hawt! 😏

Why were the screws from Indiana upset that he had died on the table? 

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'This patient is nuts'....is that your 'professional' opinion Natalie....And I use the term professional very very loosely.

Surely a bike would have been a better option than getting the fat guy to run on a treadmill, the top half of his body would be more stable....but then I am reminded that these people are idiots so the treadmill makes 'sense'. That whole storyline was just stupid.

The love triangle nonsense is so boring. Choi needs to pull the stick out of his ass.

I guess the mother & the baby was 'lucky' Natalie was preoccupied otherwise it would have been curtains for one or both of them.

I wish they'd given some warning before we almost saw Halstead's lily white ass, I would have worn my sunglasses to stop the irreparable damage to my retinas.

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This show is so stupid.  The actor playing April's brother must cringe when he goes to work.  April is such a know-it-all.  How did he become a doctor if he doesn't know anything?

As far as the inmate goes, I'm surprised we didn't have the usual intervention by Natalie or Will or April and someone took it upon themselves to save the inmate from the terrible justice system.  The people in this hospital are so whacko anything is possible.  Natalie right away told the mother of the kid with the fake father that she was going to involve children's services.  It is so hard to watch this show.  At this house, we are pretty much at our limit.

So tired of Crockett and Ethan and bat crazy April.  Put some normal people on staff for crying out loud!!!  I thought Crockett was ok but they drove him off the cliff with the stupid April storyline.  People in charge of a hospital should not be portrayed as juvenile, pining for each other while at work.  It is not interesting or appropriate behavior while at work.  We have Will taking off from ER to go look for another doctor that didn't show up for work.  Never in the world should that hospital be operating - totally unprofessional....




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Natalie claiming that the patient was nuts was a bit much.  How could she be sure at that point that what the mother was even telling her was true?  
How far was the patient with April and her brother from the hospital?  Couldn’t they have walked or jogged him to it instead of being on a treadmill?  

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4 hours ago, marionette said:

This show is so stupid.  The actor playing April's brother must cringe when he goes to work.  April is such a know-it-all.  How did he become a doctor if he doesn't know anything?

As far as the inmate goes, I'm surprised we didn't have the usual intervention by Natalie or Will or April and someone took it upon themselves to save the inmate from the terrible justice system.  The people in this hospital are so whacko anything is possible.  Natalie right away told the mother of the kid with the fake father that she was going to involve children's services.  It is so hard to watch this show.  At this house, we are pretty much at our limit.

So tired of Crockett and Ethan and bat crazy April.  Put some normal people on staff for crying out loud!!!  I thought Crockett was ok but they drove him off the cliff with the stupid April storyline.  People in charge of a hospital should not be portrayed as juvenile, pining for each other while at work.  It is not interesting or appropriate behavior while at work.  We have Will taking off from ER to go look for another doctor that didn't show up for work.  Never in the world should that hospital be operating - totally unprofessional....




Crockett seems to be over April. She's the one that's immature and can't work with someone she has a crush on. He just enjoys laughing at her stupidity.

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3 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

Natalie claiming that the patient was nuts was a bit much.  How could she be sure at that point that what the mother was even telling her was true?

Because her first reaction to any situation is always the truth or it could be a lie, it just depends which side of the bed she got up on. The Manning, April, Choi, Will, first impressions are the only thing that counts. That's this week, next week it could be the total opposite. Do you get where I'm going with this?

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1 hour ago, preeya said:

Because her first reaction to any situation is always the truth or it could be a lie, it just depends which side of the bed she got up on. The Manning, April, Choi, Will, first impressions are the only thing that counts. That's this week, next week it could be the total opposite. Do you get where I'm going with this?

Would've loved it if it turned out that the mother was completely delusional & had some brain tumour or something & he was the actual father. The stunned stupid expression on Natalie's face would have been epic.....but no, we get this drivel instead.

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5 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

Natalie claiming that the patient was nuts was a bit much.  How could she be sure at that point that what the mother was even telling her was true?  
How far was the patient with April and her brother from the hospital?  Couldn’t they have walked or jogged him to it instead of being on a treadmill?  

And the usual sensible psych doc (love him but forgot his name) just decides to agree with the mighty Natalie right away and it could just as easily have been the mother that was wacko.

Yeah, that treadmill idea was stupid and dangerous. And setting it to 5mph?  really? very risky and unnecessary.  Walk, jog, bike, but put him on a moving platform????


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On 2/27/2020 at 1:45 PM, Laurie4H said:

Natalie claiming that the patient was nuts was a bit much.  How could she be sure at that point that what the mother was even telling her was true?  
How far was the patient with April and her brother from the hospital?  Couldn’t they have walked or jogged him to it instead of being on a treadmill?  


On 2/27/2020 at 6:03 PM, Guildford said:

Would've loved it if it turned out that the mother was completely delusional & had some brain tumour or something & he was the actual father. The stunned stupid expression on Natalie's face would have been epic.....but no, we get this drivel instead.

I was absolutely sure that we were going to quickly see that the mom was lying and he was really the dad, but no.  That could have been interesting (although they probably would have found the most boring and unrealistic way to tell that story too).

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On 2/27/2020 at 5:51 PM, cinsays said:

Yeah, that treadmill idea was stupid and dangerous. And setting it to 5mph?  really? very risky and unnecessary.  Walk, jog, bike, but put him on a moving platform????

Once they had him in a gym, a recumbent cycle would have been best. Exercise the heart rate without him hurting himself if he passed out and a much more stable location to do heart procedures from. Although I swear there's a way to artificially make your heart race that they use for stress tests where the person can't physically exercise to that level. Maybe try that, guys.

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Good point. Adenosine, dipyridamole (Persantine), and dobutamine are all used for chemical stress tests for people who can't do the physical stress test because they are too frail.

There was nothing about that story that made any sense at all, especially April once again being a better doctor than her second year resident brother. They were both just bumbling around there with that man's life.

That poor little girl is going to be scarred for life.

The best of the stories was the prisoner on death row because there have been enough stories of botched executions that some prisons started refusing to do them.  Now that Rhodes is gone, it's Choi's turn to be ruined.  He's thwarted the rules enough times that his crying "Rules!" now is cheap.  I don't know why he and Crockett didn't just say "The injection cut off blood supply and killed the muscle so necrosis set in."  It has the benefit of being the truth.

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Not much to add... since the episode was so over the top, wasn't even sure if I wanted to respond.   Think all the salient points have been made but my two cents for whatever it's worth.    Agreed - this was one of the WORST.EPISODES.EVER.    Who's thinking of these storylines?   The mom/actor/daughter - asinine.    Noah/April - why is he even a doctor?   The drug-addict doctor and Will - what's the point?   Crockett/Choi? - I agreed with Crockett - why subject this prisoner to any more trauma?  He was going to die anyway after the amputation.   Talk about cruel and unusual...that was unnecessary but Choi wanted to forge on so Crockett relented.

16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I don't know why he and Crockett didn't just say "The injection cut off blood supply and killed the muscle so necrosis set in."  It has the benefit of being the truth.

...I thought this IS what Crockett said to Choi but at this point of the episode, my mind may have wandered!

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On 2/15/2020 at 9:21 PM, WendyCR72 said:

Dr. Halstead puts his faith in an addict.

Well...I don't know about "putting his faith in an addict"; he is so gullible.   She proved, at least to me, in the previous episode(s) that she felt she could do this by herself--without any help--clearly you can't.   And if she knew she was to be somewhere, why didn't she call Will to say, "Hey, I have a flat" or "I'm at NA", whatever.  It just seemed suspicious and unbelievable.  But they way these storylines have gone, who knows if they want her to tell the truth or just be the addict she is which I presume, the drug-sniffing dogs confirmed?   For me, it's an uninteresting storyline I can do without.

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The addict doctor is a good example of how this show blows potentially good storylines.  An arc about safe injection sites devolves into this bad "Will falls for the wrong woman again" story. They've given us no insight into how she got addicted or whether she really wants to get clean, and completely ignored any red flags that the hospital may be having about her behaviour. Then Will, having caught the Judgey Flu that is going around the ER, contacts security himself, the security guard finds a drug-sniffing dog from somewhere (because I'm pretty sure they're not on regular hospital staff) and Will goes with the security guard and they find drugs in her car just as she walks up. Maximum drama, minimum logic.

Also, what did they do to Jessy Shram?  I saw her in a Hallmark movie yesterday and she was really pretty, 20x more attractive than on Chicago Med. They've dulled her hair from blonde to muddy and taken away the charm she usually has.

1 hour ago, cathmed said:

...I thought this IS what Crockett said to Choi but at this point of the episode, my mind may have wandered!

Yes, Crockett said that to Choi in the ER room. I didn't explain well, I meant that that's what they should have said to the guards (so stupid), and especially to Sharon when she was grilling them at the end clearly not believing them.

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On 2/26/2020 at 11:14 PM, rhys said:

That actor/dad story line was the craziest thing to come out of a writers' room in a long time. Gah! 

No kidding! I could maybe see if this were 1950 or something; but in today's world, a kid without a dad isn't anything shameful or unusual. And if she really wanted Harper to have a man in her life, wouldn't it have been easier to try to find a new partner rather than paying someone to pretend over four years???

On 2/27/2020 at 7:55 AM, icemiser69 said:

Why do I get the feeling that the addict was telling the truth?   She probably did have a blown tire and phone issues.  

If that really were the case, though, why hadn't she called from someone else's phone to let work know what was going on? When Will stopped in her office, they said nobody had heard from her and she hadn't shown up yet. We know that somehow she had to have gotten to the hospital.

On 2/27/2020 at 6:55 AM, Guildford said:

Surely a bike would have been a better option than getting the fat guy to run on a treadmill, the top half of his body would be more stable....but then I am reminded that these people are idiots so the treadmill makes 'sense'. That whole storyline was just stupid.

Personally I just felt terrible for the actor! Poor guy, lands a part on a major show...and it involves all this running and sweating and falling. As the actor was indeed kind of overweight, I'm sure it wasn't easy for him, even if of course it wasn't as much running as we were supposed to believe was happening.

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On 2/26/2020 at 11:14 PM, rhys said:

That actor/dad story line was the craziest thing to come out of a writers' room in a long time. Gah! 

That was so bizarre. I literally laughed. The girl appeared to be about 10 but acting like a four year old. Her fake confusion at him dying, then instantly not dying was just laughable. 

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