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S06.E18: Something To Sing About

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I hope the therapist/mediator helps her accept her life choices, maybe enjoy her kids and the fabulous apartment instead of worrying about her jerk husband whose company she doesn't seem to enjoy when he does show.

Josh? Is that you?!

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Oh for Pete's sake on Aviva's "inhaler". "Did you see the size of that thing?" "It could blow the back of her head off." :paraphrased. That was an Advair Diskus which I have had when I have had bronchitis but it's also given with other COPD's (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It's not large because it's under any kind of pressure and it certainly won't blow the back of anything out. IIRC, it's like you huff the medication back, it's not *shot* down your lungs. It's a very common medication. The diagnosis of asthma can be completely subjectively determined. A practitioner does not have to hear wheezing. All you REALLY have to do is tell a Dr. you are short of breath, and even if they can't find any physical signs, they will probably treat you for asthma because if someone really has it, and you didn't treat them and they had a BAD attack like that kills them, there's your lawsuit.

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I forgot about that, but having read the Widow's Guide I was assuming Carole's had based the book on her "dating" Clooney. Ralph Fiennes is so much more interesting. He was so hot back in the day. Now, eh.

I have always thought her mentioning who she's dated seems like bragging. It's awkward and irrelevant. I think Carole quite fancies herself.

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I cannot believe the size of Kristen's ego-"I was a successful model in NY and moved to LA where I was the big fish in the small pond."  She then went on to say she blew through all the top modeling jobs out there.  I find Kristen delusional.  She would have been about 28-29 or so when she moved to LA.  Something tells me there is a whole group of younger woman who probably stepped into those LA jobs.  The women is obnoxious and I find she and Josh the perfect couple. 

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Kristen whines too much and definitely has the former model entitlement going on that Brandi and Kelly Bensimon share where they haven't quite come to terms with not being catered to as they were in their primes (for the modeling industry). I think her biggest issue is needing to make her points immediately when she should wait until neither she nor Josh are as emotional.

I do feel bad for her though, because I think she fell in love with the man Josh was when they first met, and look what she's done for him: moved across country twice with no warning, gave up the waning end of her modeling career to have his kids (I somehow doubt he was involved with the pregnancies), has done the lion's share of child rearing, takes them to their doctor's appointments and Kingsley's therapy, etc. Josh complains that he doesn't come home because she doesn't cook, so she cooks and Josh can't take thirty seconds to text her "last minute conf call, I may be late". Even if there's a nanny that doesn't fit into her plot, and even though she can afford a lot of mommy time at the spa, I can absolutely see her resentment.

ETA , Mario was totally singing about his mistress being effortless and easy to love compared to Ramona.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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The thing that gets me with Josh's lame-o excuse about why he couldn't text that he was running late is that he won't get off his phone when he's with family, but with work and clients he'll happily leave his phone somewhere else. It's a power play. He'll nakedly display that he is in demand with a person who has no power over him (Kristen), but is much more hesitant to do so when the power differential is equal or superior to him (work). It's a douche move that's all about ego.

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Kristin married Josh thinking she found someone whose wealth and looks were enough to satisfy her sense of entitlement from being just so dog on pretty.  While making sure she was the dog on pretty one in the marriage and afford her enough power to at least be equal.  Now she is finding out that the adulation in Josh's eyes back when they got married was merely the self love of seeing himself reflected in her eyes.  Plus he follows Donald Trump's philosophy that "Penis will appear larger when standing next to a model".


Just a few minutes of Carole tonight goes a long way to explain how and why she is friends with Andy "Squirrel!" Cohen.


Gawd Luann is such a bad singer.  Heather and Mario were both painful as well.


Sonja is delusional if she thinks she can afford to lose Ramona as a friend by cozening Aviva for absolutely no reason.  Even if Harry were ever to hook his wagon to the drooping nag that is Sonja who can't even find her way back to her own stable, Aviva will never be okay with that.  And no amount of reality show ass kissing will fix that. 

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I am beginning to think that Kristen and Shannon from OC are pretty much the same person having the same issues with their marriages.

It seems funny that the divas of both shows have taken up for them, Ramona for Kristen and Vicki for Shannon.



If it weren't for his sleazy cheating, I would think that Mario may be the best looking husband on all HW shows but cheating is not an attractive quality in a man.


Why didn't Sonja tell Aviva that it was Carole who was talking the most shade about it.

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Just read the blogs. Aviva's is typically LOL-ridiculous. She throws so much venom at Carole - who was in tonight's episode for maybe a minute. It was the flashback scene of Carole labeling Aviva's sickness as Munchausen syndrome (which, btw, I totally agree with). Aviva thinks that Carole had to use Google to look that up (I think it's a fairly known syndrome), and basically insulted her repeatedly for being a so-called journalist who has to use Google for information - all based on her assumption that Carole used Google!. All this did was show that Miss Vassar is the one who didn't know what Münchausen syndrome is, and that she's as dim as she is crazy!

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I thought that both Ramona's "gay husband" (unfortunately I can't remember his name) and Bravo were very gracious to Ramona in this episode.  Her male friend for referencing her at the nightclub right before Mario began to sing, and Bravo for showing romantic clips of Ramona and Mario during the song.  I respected her friend and Bravo for that.  As for Mario himself, never one time did he even come close to looking like he was singing to her or about her… not at their apartment and not at the nightclub.  


I thought the scene with Carole and her assistant was an interesting contrast to the scene with Sonja and her interviewee.  Carole was informative and friendly while discussing marketing her new book, while Sonja was humorless and self-important while discussing all the ways her assistants have to cater to her.  And for what, exactly?


I really like Carole, and I like that we got a look at an author in her NY apartment getting ready for a book tour.  Scenes like that make this my favorite franchise.

Edited by Miss February
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I thought the scene with Carole and her assistant was an interesting contrast to the scene with Sonja and her interviewee.  Carole was informative and friendly while discussing marketing of her new book, while Sonja was humorless and self-important while discussing all the ways her assistants have to cater to her.  For what?  Who knows.

Wait 'til you read Sonja's blog. She goes on and on about how ultra-qualified her interns have to be to help her run her empire. I know, I know - what empire? She is so delusional. It would be sad if she weren't so nasty.

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Josh is a jerk for many, many reasons, but I kind of felt some sympathy for him. After working for a law firm this past summer, I understand that there are some jobs where you cannot have a regular schedule. I was so upset when I had to meet a friend late because I was working on a project;  I am always on time. The client wants the work done right away. It does not matter what time of the day it is or what your personal obligations are. If you tell the client, sorry I have to go and have dinner with my wife, the client will find someone else.


That does not mean he could not have spent 5 seconds and sent a text. Or that he should have started a new business without talking to Kristen. But I think she needs to be a little more understanding of his schedule.

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I don't think Josh's work schedule is even close to what's really the problem between he and Kristen. The way she yells at him over being late and how he yells back and says she just "doesn't understand" what business life is like - they're just manifestations of how they regard each other and what they want/don't want in a spouse.

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Josh is a jerk for many, many reasons, but I kind of felt some sympathy for him. After working for a law firm this past summer, I understand that there are some jobs where you cannot have a regular schedule. I was so upset when I had to meet a friend late because I was working on a project;  I am always on time. The client wants the work done right away. It does not matter what time of the day it is or what your personal obligations are. If you tell the client, sorry I have to go and have dinner with my wife, the client will find someone else.


That does not mean he could not have spent 5 seconds and sent a text. Or that he should have started a new business without talking to Kristen. But I think she needs to be a little more understanding of his schedule.

I think Josh's delivery is very rough and if I were Kristen I would have been far more concerned how my husband was able to shut down his company in 10 days and move across the country.


I agree there are many occupations that you simply cannot plead-date night with my wife and expect to stay employed.  Not every job allows you to just shoot a text. From what I could gather from Josh-it was an unpleasant conference call.  My mind would not be going to where I needed to be.   I can just imagine an attorney running over in closing argument and stopping to text home.  I am surprised Josh is expected to get out of the office by 5 pm.  Seems early for a CEO of a nationally distributed product-that's 2 pm California time.  I think even if Josh was able to have an assistant call her, text her or e-mail her she would be unsatisfied.  She is one demanding person.  We are talking about someone who is not smart enough to turn off the oven.  I would never have dinner ready precisely at 6:00 pm-doesn't a person want to come home and say hi to the kids and relax for a minute?  Aw the things the will learn from the mediator.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Newsflash, Kristen --  hun, you married an asshole dickhead jerk.  I saw him for a second & knew it.  Can Kristen be so stupid not to realize this, after being with him for 10 years?  Sure, Kristen is justified in her complaints about Josh, but she just goes on & on & on & on & on & on  . . . GAH!  And what for?  It's wasted effort.  The dickhead is never gonna listen or think he could possibly be wrong.  Honestly, I don't feel any sympathy or empathy for her in the least.  It's her choice to be married to this asswipe.


Yeah, so finally, finally, finally, we saw the real Pepe LePew (er, Jacques) -- the nasty, charmless, smug, asshole I always suspected he was.  I had a feeling he was as ugly on the inside as he is homely on the outside.  Well, he really was absolutely shitty to Lu.  And the producers must have been thrilled to at least have this quick crappy scene they could show.


Mario sucked ass.  He really made me wanna vomit.  I was laughing hard at the Moaner.  I mean really -- how can Moaner not be humiliated by all this. Can she be that delusional?  Hmmm, guess so.


Ah Sonja.  How many of us would be buds with someone who called us "white trash" & then said we were just like Anna Nicole Smith?  So Sonja really wants us to believe she cares so much for Veevs?  Anyone believing that one?  Yeah, I'd really want a supposed friend to tell me all the awful shit people are saying about me.  Real nice friend there, Sonja.  Not that Veevs doesn't deserve it.  She does.  The woman just never stops being an asshole.


I wish Sonja would stop with the intern crap cuz it really makes me angry.  Internships were not created to make unpaid slaves for her.  This is annoying as fuck.  I absolutely hate this bullshit.


Way to name drop, Carole.  Guess she just had to get in that Barbara Walters connection, eh?

Classic moment in this one -- Harry chowing thru that chicken bone while slimy Mario is oozing slime (er, singing).  Awesome!


Heather was OK.  Whatever.  Sheesh, I couldn't care less to see Heather perform.  The producers don't know what to do with these women anymore.  It's time for a recast.  I predict more shitty ratings.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Kristen whines too much...

ETA , Mario was totally singing about his mistress being effortless and easy to love compared to Ramona.



Bingo!  Kristen makes me want to pick up my e pot and take a hit way before my bedtime.  That's because I can't handle the voice on a chalkboard...whine whine whine.


LuMann should have jumped over the booth like a linebacker she is and tackle Ramona and spike her wine glass on Ramona's forehead!  


Mario was NOT singing that song to crazy eyes.  It was so obvious.  I actually thought he was singing it to Sonja - with the sexy J and I'm sure yesterday's panties.


Sonja should start a new business and name it "The Walk of Shame"  All inclusive items necessary for the morning after.  Throw in some toaster oven eggs benedict recipes.

Edited by Lablover27
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Btw, I thought Jonathan was so sweet & adorable in this ep.  In a sea of men on this show who are assholes, douchebags or lazy good-for-nothings (Josh, Mario, Harry), Jonathan stands out as the one nice guy.  I haven't a clue what Reid's deal is, but if he wants to be married to a disgusting character like Aviva, he's gotta be as much of a creep as she is.

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Dr. Sonja thinks that the larger the inhaler the more severe the asthma. I predict that next time Aviva shows up with a bellows tucked into her purse.

Yes. Josh's job is stressful, but I've worked a boatload of jobs that have a limited amount of accessibility. He's full of it. I've practiced in a law firm, worked in hospitals, worked in the legislative branch and slept at my desk for days during a filibuster, private industry, and a government agency. I've never had a job were I couldn't surreptitiously sneak a text to let folks know that plans were shot. I would love to figure out how different Josh's job is to every job that I can conceive of.

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Just curious, is Birdland very famous?  Do other New Yorkers know it?  Cuz I've lived in Manhattan for 20 years & don't know it at all.  But I know nothing about & couldn't care less about jazz -- so maybe that's why?

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IMO, Josh had ZERO excuse for not shooting a text saying "I'm going to be late. Tell you about it later."  I've been on contentious conference calls that lasted longer than expected many times in my career.  I've been that lawyer running to court at the last minute.  It's a life balance exercise, and a thumb exercise...text and run!  Yes, you are going to disappoint your family for not being home when you thought you were, but at the very least, you can let them know you spent 15 seconds thinking about their expectations.  I hate that Heather defends Josh on this point in her blog.  I don't believe for a minute she'd not contact somebody at the daycare or whatever where Jax was that she'd be late.  That being said, Kristen needs to gain a spine.  If my partner demanded me TWICE to move on short notice with no consultation, I'd be showing them the door that had a handle that could fit up their backside.  Josh is totally disrespectful, but Kristen is a total doormat.  But, OTOH, she is definitely playing the victim card, like her buddy on the BH. 


I need to go back and rewatch the singing part to see Harry eating, because that would amuse me.  I was distracted by Josh's inappropriate attire and Ramona's bitchiness.


I'm not sure what they're doing with Lu.  Loved her so much this season, but tagging on this "fight" with Jaques?  Weird.  And Aviva, just get her off the show.  She's more delusional than any RH. 

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Hmmmm, Sonja, was Mario singing to you here, hun -- or was it when he was in the shower with you?



Yes. Josh's job is stressful, but I've worked a boatload of jobs that have a limited amount of accessibility. He's full of it. I've practiced in a law firm, worked in hospitals, worked in the legislative branch and slept at my desk for days during a filibuster, private industry, and a government agency. I've never had a job were I couldn't surreptitiously sneak a text to let folks know that plans were shot. I would love to figure out how different Josh's job is to every job that I can conceive of.



Yeah, a big "fuck you, dickhead, you're a lying liar who lies & is completely full of shit" from me to Josh.  Try working a 80+ hour week at a law firm, dickhead, like I did when I first got outta law school.  And yeah, I would always find the time to call or email (cuz there was no texting back then) if I needed to miss something.  Fuckin' dickhead is full of crap, but when isn't he?

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I hope the therapist/mediator helps her accept her life choices, maybe enjoy her kids and the fabulous apartment instead of worrying about her jerk husband whose company she doesn't seem to enjoy when he does show.


Josh? Is that you?!


I actually meant it in a nice way, because even with the whining I still remember liking Kristen a lot at first.  As a couple others have said, it's pretty clear he's a jerk, and he's been that way for awhile...but it's her choice to stay and bitch about it.  Maybe therapy can help her find some peace of mind, at least.  Though I wonder if she'd be the same with her kids once they get old enough to have interests other than her.


The conference call excuse- I've always found a conference call a place where many people read/send email. It just shows everyone else how important/busy you are (and how much of an asshole you are, too).  He could've easily sent a message, and even blamed it on his nag of a wife.

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I actually meant it in a nice way, because even with the whining I still remember liking Kristen a lot at first.  As a couple others have said, it's pretty clear he's a jerk, and he's been that way for awhile...but it's her choice to stay and bitch about it.  Maybe therapy can help her find some peace of mind, at least.  Though I wonder if she'd be the same with her kids once they get old enough to have interests other than her.


The conference call excuse- I've always found a conference call a place where many people read/send email. It just shows everyone else how important/busy you are (and how much of an asshole you are, too).  He could've easily sent a message, and even blamed it on his nag of a wife.

It's funny how a lot of people say that Kristen should just stop whining and leave the guy - like it's so easy! Or look at the positives in your life and stop yer bitching! I know that we see this guy as a dick, but she met him a long time ago, fell in love, and planned a future with him. I think their relationship is changing, or maybe they want different things then when they first married, so it's normal to vent and bicker like this. It's not good, but it's normal (for a couple with problems). And I think it's worth it, esp. when you have young kids, to try to air it out and work on things. Kristen's whining might be annoying, but it's how she expresses these things to Josh. From my tv-viewing perspective, I think they should separate, because they don't seem happy with each other and they seem to want different things. But to their credit, they both went to therapy, and it's probably worked, because Kristen writes in her blog that their marriage is better.

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Yup, another insane & exceptionally nasty Bravo blog from Aviva-


But this is Housewifeland. In Housewifeland when one falls ill, your friends say, "You are a liar, and I hope you die, and you can't have asthma.



Who said they hope she dies?  What overly dramatic ridiculous nonsense.  Lunatic.


Poor Carole. She googled and came up with some serious disease I must have instead of asthma. What makes Carole so angry and vindictive? What is she missing in her life to cause her to put so much venom in her writing? How does she even come up with this sh--? Alternate diseases that one only hears about on Lifetime TV? The big shot journalist with a 20-year career Googles for information? Carole has a wild imagination. Did she call or "google" the Kennedy family when she needed stories for her own memoir? Would she call this "research" a new definition of "journalism." It seems like "journalism" as defined by Carole today is as simple as googling....



Nasty as fuck, eh?  I know, it's just the usual MO from this horrible, awful, awful woman.  But it's stupid too.  It makes no sense & she really does clearly show what an idiot she is.  Um, everyone Googles.  And it certainly doesn't show a lack of credibility for an experienced journalist to Google.  So what the fuckety fuck is Miss Vassar & the law school graduate's point?  That she's a moron & her education was a total waste of time?  Yeah, already knew that one.


Having watched the trip, I am really thankful I didn't go. Looked like a complete bore. And anyway, with friends like Heather, Carole, and Kristen, who are preoccupied with disliking me, why are they so bent out of shape that I didn't go? I can't imagine I would have felt even the slightest bit welcome. Their accusations speak volumes about their own character and how they function as a clique.


No, you just gave yourself away, Aviva, you fuckin' moron.  Ah Veevs, you never wanted to go on that trip cuz you went where you really wanted to go that weekend -- to the Hamptons.  How is this woman still on the show?  She faked out the producers by ditching the Montana trip & creating a fake illness.  Who the fuck can she even talk to anymore?  Nobody on the show thinks much of her -- except for Sonja & she's always full of crap.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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ScoobyDoobs - I wrote something earlier just like this after reading Aviva's blog, only your writing is much more, er, colorful! (That's a compliment). The part about google is just so weird. In her long, venomous rant, it doesn't even occur to her that Carole might have known what Münchausen syndrome was without looking it up. I did, and I'm no Rhodes scholar (but at least I'm preeeettty! Kidding!)

I've been saying for months that Aviva is toast. I think she's not the first HW that the producers don't like and want to fire, but with Aviva they seem to openly hate her. I think the reunion is the last we'll ever see her.

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It's funny how a lot of people say that Kristen should just stop whining and leave the guy - like it's so easy! Or look at the positives in your life and stop yer bitching!


I don't think anyone suggested it was easy, just that some kind of shift seemed necessary.  That's my take, anyway. 


Aviva's blog focused on Carole, but didn't Sonja try to pin the anti-Aviva conversations on Ramona?  I may have missed it- I'm sort of curious what Aviva has to say about that.  Did she address it at all?  

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I don't think anyone suggested it was easy, just that some kind of shift seemed necessary.  That's my take, anyway. 

Some have said they have no sympathy for Kristen -she's been with him a long time, all she does is whine, if she's unhappy, she should leave, etc., etc....


Aviva's blog focused on Carole, but didn't Sonja try to pin the anti-Aviva conversations on Ramona?  I may have missed it- I'm sort of curious what Aviva has to say about that.  Did she address it at all?

No. She's on Team Sonja & Ramona now, don't forget. Anything they say or do will be excused, and any and all blame will shift to Team Carole/Heather/Kristen. For anything. That's the way she rolls.

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Just curious, is Birdland very famous?  Do other New Yorkers know it?  Cuz I've lived in Manhattan for 20 years & don't know it at all.  But I know nothing about & couldn't care less about jazz -- so maybe that's why?

I've heard of it.  Never been there.  I think it's well known but not "famous" as in Studio 54 famous. 


Follow up:  Wikipedia now reminds me that I used to walk by it all the time when it was a small club on 105th and Broadway.  Now it's on West 44th.  So, big promo for club.

Edited by GussieK
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Dear Bravo,


Once again and forever : could you please stop with the "gay husbands" ? The only one who could have say that would have been Danielle, from Orange County. Beside her, none of these women can have a gay husband 'coz : IT'S NOT A REAL THING and I'm pretty sure that's not how those men define themselves in real life.

Thank you, 


Oh ! and kind regards, of course.

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There's so much to marvel at in this episode:  Harry's chomping is one of my all-time favorite moments.  Mario's icy rejection of Ramona while he was preparing to sing--ouch!  Her subsequent kiss blowing and mouthing "I love you" during the song, gestures he did not see because he had his eyes closed--cringeworthy.  Luann's dog was cute!


But I really am fascinated by Sonja's intern interview.  I am still trying to decode what was going on.  We've all been speculating about how she manages to get free intern labor for her household when large companies like Conde Nast and Hearst are eliminating or curbing their internship programs after legal problems.  The government is really tightening up on this and penalizing the employers for getting improper free labor.


She says all her interns leave after they get their credits.  That implied they were students getting credit under a traditional model.  But what college would give credit for working at Sonja's Grey Gardens?  Lingerie Conservation 101?  Advanced Toilet Repair?


She says the interns are people she gets through friends.  That makes more sense in that people here have speculated that they are actually boarders helping her with rent. 


Maybe it is a combo of both, but it appears that Sonja has a racket going. 


She said she wanted the intern to be compulsive about detail (as she clearly is not).  The interviewee seemed a bit long in the tooth for that type of job, but she seemed desperate to get it.  Now here is the real mystery:  Sonja wanted her to help maintain her "schedule of appearances" and inform her immediately by text of the most important offers.  What--is Sonja now paid a couple of hundred dollars to show up at the opening of a paper bag?

Edited by GussieK
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Once again and forever : could you please stop with the "gay husbands" ?



What is with this ridiculous bullshit?  I've never ever seen Andy Cohen with a boyfriend or ever convincingly (to me, at least) express any gay lust whatsoever.  This convinces me he's actually a straight man who's surely got a wife (probably more than one) & 10 kids stashed away somewhere.  OK, slight exaggeration here, but I just know he's a big, huge phony to allow this crap.  I hate it.  It trivializes & demeans gay men.  It's just nasty as hell.  You suck, Andy Cohen.

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Btw, I thought Jonathan was so sweet & adorable in this ep.  In a sea of men on this show who are assholes, douchebags or lazy good-for-nothings (Josh, Mario, Harry), Jonathan stands out as the one nice guy.  I haven't a clue what Reid's deal is, but if he wants to be married to a disgusting character like Aviva, he's gotta be as much of a creep as she is.

Agreed.  I loved the way Heather looked for him and said "where's my husband" right before she started singing. It seems clear that they are so supportive of each other. Such a huge contrast to the fuckery that is Josh and Kristen's marriage. 

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She says all her interns leave after they get their credits.  That implied they were students getting credit under a traditional model.  But what college would give credit for working at Sonja's Grey Gardens?  Lingerie Conservation 101?  Advanced Toilet Repair?



See, now if I were a parent of a kid in college, this would really, really infuriate me.  OK, let's figure this one out, shall we?  So Sonja wants us to believe that a kid "interning" for her -- who is basically running her personal errands -- maybe dusting or doing her laundry -- which we know can ONLY be done in cold water since she can't afford any hot water -- will be doing this for college credits.  OK, would that be the equivalent of maybe 1 or 2 courses -- or even more?  So what exactly would parents be expecting to be spending for this?  Maybe 8 to 10 thousand?  Or more?  To fucking wash Sonja's dirtied up panties in cold water in her crumbling dump next to a 24/7 parking garage?  Like I said, if I was a parent of a kid roped into being Sonja's unpaid slave & I was paying 10 thou for the so-called privilege of doing that, I'd be really fucking pissed AND there's no way in hell I'd ever allow it.

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See, now if I were a parent of a kid in college, this would really, really infuriate me.  OK, let's figure this one out, shall we?  So Sonja wants us to believe that a kid "interning" for her -- who is basically running her personal errands -- maybe dusting or doing her laundry -- which we know can ONLY be done in cold water since she can't afford any hot water -- will be doing this for college credits.  OK, would that be the equivalent of maybe 1 or 2 courses -- or even more?  So what exactly would parents be expecting to be spending for this?  Maybe 8 to 10 thousand?  Or more?  To fucking wash Sonja's dirtied up panties in cold water in her crumbling dump next to a 24/7 parking garage?  Like I said, if I was a parent of a kid roped into being Sonja's unpaid slave & I was paying 10 thou for the so-called privilege of doing that, I'd be really fucking pissed AND there's no way in hell I'd ever allow it.

Yes, great point--you also have to pay tuition for the privilege!

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I am beginning to think that Kristen and Shannon from OC are pretty much the same person having the same issues with their marriages.

It seems funny that the divas of both shows have taken up for them, Ramona for Kristen and Vicki for Shannon.




They are the same person. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Yea, it's hard to not make the comparison between Shannon and Kristen. They spend so much time bitching and moaning about their guys not spending any time with them, but then when they get home, they treat them like absolute shit. Neither one of them act like they are happy to have them home. I absolutely think Josh is the king of dickheads, but he is Kristen's dickhead. She picked him, she procreated with him, and she says she loves him. She bought it and she owns it now. If she is the one who is unhappy with their arrangement, then she is going to have to bear the greater burden of changing the things she can change. It sounds like he is more than happy to work long hours, and come home whenever he wants, spending as little time with her and the kids as possible. She is the one who doesn't like it. So just like Shannon, she is going to have to find a way to make him want to come home and not hate every single minute of it when he is there. I absolutely would have mentioned that a text letting me know he would be late would be much appreciated, but the way she went on and on about it was beyond annoying. I get why she is pissed, I would have been pissed as well, but what about that situation would make him have any interest in ever coming home again?

Both of these gals have the same problem. They have very little going on outside of their marriage, and they are waiting for their spouses to "complete them". As much as I hate Josh and think he is the most terrible husband, he is right when he talks about Kristen not understanding because she has never done any of this on her own before. Yea, he is terrible in the way he demeans her with this topic, but he is absolutely correct. My husband called me years ago when we lived in Dallas and told me he had been promoted to San Antonio and we needed to be there next week. I was stunned, had a big job of my own (worked from home so can work anywhere), but I got that this is what we needed to do. I packed up my home and my office, and on we went. Because I had big stuff of my own going on, I completely got all of the dynamics of what had to happen for our life to move to the next level and I was a total partner in all of that.

The strangest part of this all to me was when Kristen said that this is what all marriages go through and it is tough. No Kristen, this is not what all marriages go through. This is what your marriage has become and it totally sucks.

Yea, it's hard to not make the comparison between Shannon and Kristen. They spend so much time bitching and moaning about their guys not spending any time with them, but then when they get home, they treat them like absolute shit. Neither one of them act like they are happy to have them home. I absolutely think Josh is the king of dickheads, but he is Kristen's dickhead. She picked him, she procreated with him, and she says she loves him. She bought it and she owns it now. If she is the one who is unhappy with their arrangement, then she is going to have to bear the greater burden of changing the things she can change. It sounds like he is more than happy to work long hours, and come home whenever he wants, spending as little time with her and the kids as possible. She is the one who doesn't like it. So just like Shannon, she is going to have to find a way to make him want to come home and not hate every single minute of it when he is there. I absolutely would have mentioned that a text letting me know he would be late would be much appreciated, but the way she went on and on about it was beyond annoying. I get why she is pissed, I would have been pissed as well, but what about that situation would make him have any interest in ever coming home again?

Both of these gals have the same problem. They have very little going on outside of their marriage, and they are waiting for their spouses to "complete them". As much as I hate Josh and think he is the most terrible husband, he is right when he talks about Kristen not understanding because she has never done any of this on her own before. Yea, he is terrible in the way he demeans her with this topic, but he is absolutely correct. My husband called me years ago when we lived in Dallas and told me he had been promoted to San Antonio and we needed to be there next week. I was stunned, had a big job of my own (worked from home so can work anywhere), but I got that this is what we needed to do. I packed up my home and my office, and on we went. Because I had big stuff of my own going on, I completely got all of the dynamics of what had to happen for our life to move to the next level and I was a total partner in all of that.

The strangest part of this all to me was when Kristen said that this is what all marriages go through and it is tough. No Kristen, this is not what all marriages go through. This is what your marriage has become and it totally sucks.

Yes, both suffer from last-wordism. Josh actually thanked Kristen for the dinner, but she couldn't let it go, and she had to needle him again about being late. Way to sour a redeeming moment! Shannon does this all the time too.

Edited by GussieK
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I kind of enjoyed tonight's episode because with different background music it could almost play out as a tragedy.


We had a montage of Ramona and her husband as he may or may not have been singing a love song to a mistress.  


A little clip of Luann being snipped at by her boyfriend.  


There's the weirdness of Kristen bitching about her husband not coming home, then bitching about how he acted when he was home, then crying that he's the love of her life while begging someone to tell her that her marriage is normal.  I hope the therapist/mediator helps her accept her life choices, maybe enjoy her kids and the fabulous apartment instead of worrying about her jerk husband whose company she doesn't seem to enjoy when he does show up.


And then there's Sonja, who is what I imagine Kristen will be like 20 years from now, having a picnic with her long-term fling, telling us she's testing to see if he's ready to be a partner at this point in their relationship while applauding him for not bringing another woman on their date.


Oh- I almost forgot about Carole, laughing at everything, stuffing envelopes with the help of an assistant who reminds her of a younger version of herself so that famous people she may or may not have met can receive a copy of her fabulous new book.


It's all a bit...sad.

Yes, it is definitely sad.....and I wonder if these women have any concept of how they appear to viewers...or probably to anybody in their daily lives

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I have heard others speculate that Andy must love Ramona, since he keeps her dumb ass around. I have always thought the opposite. His body language and questions to her at the reunions always make it seem like he is mocking her and gets that she is ridiculous. I think they keep her around because she makes for great reality TV. She has absolutely zero self-awareness, and therefore has no idea how silly she looks in almost every situation. I think others probably enjoy filming with her because she is pretty much always going to make whoever she is filming with look better and more sane in comparison. If I was on the show, I would be trying to film with her all the time. 


Last night I think she was being mocked big time by Bravo, as she has all season long. They took all the judgment she has thrown at others, all of her pretense of having this perfect marriage and life, and threw it back at her with the montage, the scene of Mario brushing her off when he was "preparing", and just the song in general. No way anyone who knows what was going on in her life could watch that without wondering who Mario was really singing too.  It was sheer perfection, and gives me hope that she will have to address the Mario issue with regard to the way she has treated others in the past at the reunion. 

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I agree that it was a dick move for Josh to not even shoot out a text that he was going to be late, but on the other hand I can understand not doing anything that would further encourage communication with Kristin.


That long, lingering close up of Ramona chugging her pinot while Mario was practicing was golden.

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Ramona, the gift who keeps on giving.  This is the woman who modeled bug-eyed on the catwalk.  This is the woman who went to someone's house in the Berkshires and ordered an air conditioner and then cooled her nether regions with said air conditioner.  That's just a couple of favorites. 

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Josh treats Kristin like a second class citizen, he has zero respect for her and he lets her know that. You don't have to be a big time "entrepreneur" to understand common courtesy and respect for your life partner. Many spouses have changed their lives for the longterm good of one or the other's career, but in a good marriage, it is discussed and agreed upon.

Kristin's job raising their children IS an important job (nanny or no nanny) and If Josh continues to treat her like a piece of shit that doesn't deserve equal say in their present and future, I don't see this marriage lasting very long.

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Who said they hope she dies?  What overly dramatic ridiculous nonsense.  Lunatic.


I might have possibly, maybe, sort of alluded to such a thing in one or two or several posts................ 

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Josh Taekman is a dick. His dickishness continues to grow with each episode. Is Kristen a nag who won't let shit go? Sometimes. But I haven't been watching them their entire life. We might be seeing the frustration of years of putting up with his disrespect. And that's exactly what the problem is. I really don't believe Josh respects his wife. At all. If he did, he would actually care to let her know his schedule as best he can. I think he just wanted to marry some "hot chick" who would give him kids and hold down the fort, but he's still going to come and go as he pleases. How hard would it have been to send her a text or email before the conference call? "Honey, I have this conference call at 5:15. It's only supposed to last 15 minutes. So I'm still planning to be home by 6. But you know how these things are, it's possible it could run late. I will call you as soon as I get out so you can keep the dinner warm if need be." Would that be so hard? Shoot, he's a business man. Has he never had a conference call run late? Can he not foresee possible glitches in his plan? I'm just a lowly housewife with no business experience, but that seems like common sense to me. 


And that's the other thing. I'm sick of his constant condescension towards Kristen in regards to her having no experience in business. So fucking what? That makes her stupid? Somehow a lesser person? And damn Heather for feeding into that shit. He moves his family across the country on a week's notice and Heather is all wistful, "ah, that's the mind of an entrepreneur". Oh please. At the end of the day, Kristen is his WIFE. She is supposed to be his partner. She should absolutely be involved in major household decisions. My husband is the sole provider for our family, and we're actually pretty traditional as far as roles and responsibility goes, but he never thinks for one minute his financial support of the family makes him sole decision maker over our lives. 


I did find it funny that they both think the "mediator" will side with them and prove the other wrong. They're going to be in for a rude awakening, because they BOTH have things to work on. Although, I hope the "mediator" really gives Josh a verbal spanking, because he is a pompous ass who needs to be brought down a dozen notches. And I just want to see him proved wrong so badly!


Sonja continues to be crazy. Forget the fact that it's super catty and high school to bring Aviva over just to let her know she was talked about on the trip. But the girls totally did NOT talk about Aviva the entire time! She was brought up, and it's true the majority thinks she's embellishing her "illness", but then they moved on with the trip, had a good time, and didn't give Aviva a second thought. Here's what I think - Sonja is running out of people who will entertain her tomfoolery and kiss her ass. She acted like a petulant child after the horse races, and clearly expected the girls to come running and beg her to stay, but they were all - "Bye, Felicia!" Both Ramona and Kristen's husband have called her out on her delusions about business. People just aren't about placating her anymore. So I think she sees Aviva, who is equally delusional and full of lies and basically thinks - "I'll feed into your BS if you feed into mine". Either that or production just asked her to film a scene with Aviva since everyone else wants nothing to do with her. 


But really, Aviva? You looked like you were sucking on lemon prior to your shot of tequila with that Advair. Nice try. 



Speaking of delusional - Ramona's swooning over the love serenade was so ridiculous. Look, I think cheating is awful. I don't have any tolerance for it. I don't care what character deficiencies your partner has, you just don't do it. You work things out or split up. But the way Ramona has been SO superior this season and knocking OTHER people's marriages and spouses, I'm just out of fucks to give. Instead, I find it quite hilarious to see Mario supposedly singing this love song to her, but barely looking at her the entire time. I half wondered if his crazy mistress was in the back of the theater and he was secretly singing it to her. But, FTR Ramona, I do not think you're lucky. Not one bit. 


What she is is another catty, high school kid - chiding Luann about not singing. Who fucking cares??? Yea, Luann probably didn't want to sing without a track to back her up. Oh well. It's her choice. She wasn't making a big deal out of it, so why should anyone else? 


When Heather took the stage my eyes about rolled out of my head - Oh, she sings too? It's just old at this point, jack-of-all-trades-Heather. But, honestly, she can't really sing. Yes, she can do the husky voice and puts on quite a show with her moves and facial expressions. But when she got to that long note at the end, she was straining to hold it and very off key. Everyone was going all ga-ga over her, but I bet if she tried to sing "Money Can't Buy You Class" she'd sound just as bad as Luann. I mean, kadooz to her for getting up there and having a great time, but let's not fawn all over the girl like she's the next big thing. 

Nasty as fuck, eh?  I know, it's just the usual MO from this horrible, awful, awful woman.  But it's stupid too.  It makes no sense & she really does clearly show what an idiot she is.  Um, everyone Googles.  And it certainly doesn't show a lack of credibility for an experienced journalist to Google.  So what the fuckety fuck is Miss Vassar & the law school graduate's point?  That she's a moron & her education was a total waste of time?  Yeah, already knew that one.


Did Carole even mention anything about Googling Munchausens? It's not like it's some completely obscure disease. I could have whipped that out at the dinner table myself. 

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