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Lego Masters (USA) - General Discussion

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A little surprised to see Ethan and Dom go home but I think they were actually eliminated for the wrong reason.  If you look at their build it is actually a much easier hole of you hit to the right of the first obstacle and just ignore the entire build.  I think all the other holes forced you to go through them.

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I didn’t think the mousetrap team deserved to be in the bottom two. (sorry, cannot remember names; they’re siblings and she’s channeling Katy Perry). 

They did have some decorative elements - two big cheese chunks and the cats peering over the side. Their actual build was amazing, with a plinko element inside, and it worked beautifully. 

This was an interesting challenge. Some put effort into the mini golf element, others in the theme. Overall, it was entertaining. I wonder if they chose or were randomly assigned a golf green that was a simple rectangle or a right angled one. 

Someone posted recently about how the show started with a diverse group of teams, but all the older and teams of colour are gone. I’m expecting the women to go next, so we get an all white guy final. As usual.

Maybe the Mom will still be there.

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Well I was wrong about the Tik Tok Boys. That being said,  I was surprised they were sent home. I thought this was the week almost all of the builds were decent and this would be the week to have no elimination.  I almost thought the mom and son would be in the bottom, their build was cute but very basic compared to some of the others. 

I agree that the castle totally should have been in the top 2 - that was iconic lego and it looked like it could be on a real mini golf course. 

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On 11/17/2022 at 2:57 PM, Shermie said:

I didn’t think the mousetrap team deserved to be in the bottom two. (sorry, cannot remember names; they’re siblings and she’s channeling Katy Perry). 

They did have some decorative elements - two big cheese chunks and the cats peering over the side. Their actual build was amazing, with a plinko element inside, and it worked beautifully. 

I feel this is where the fact the judges watch the building and talk to the contestants to find out what they have planned works against contestants sometimes.

If the judges hadn't seen the mousetrap team running late and having to rush, just saw the presented build with no prior knowledge, they might not have been like, "This was rough." The build fit a certain Lego aesthetic and so easily could have been done that way intentionally.

It reminds me of a few weeks ago when a team, I forget which one, wanted to do power mechanics, but it wasn't working, so they had to ditch that element of their build. The team got dinged for it when they presented their build because they had told the judges there was going to be that element. But it wasn't a required element of that particular challenge, so I felt it was unfair to ding them for that. If the judges had not had that prior knowledge, they would simply have judged the build strictly as presented.

I'm very glad the mousetrap team didn't go home. I don't see them winning, or even making the finals, but they're one of the best storytelling teams on the show and so I'm not ready to see them go yet. There are a few other teams, TikTok being one, that also aren't likely to make the finals, much less win, they can go first. Stacey's reaction to not being eliminated was hilarious - you could tell she was shocked, then overjoyed but desperately restraining herself from celebrating so as not to rub salt into TikTok's wounds.

I love mini golf, so I loved this challenge. I see that next week we're back to "build the tallest/strongest/whatever" and then "destroy the build!"

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I don't think the mousetrap team are siblings - they're influencers.

I agree that it's disappointing that the majority of the teams left are all male, but at least there is still the blonde on the Canadian sibling team, Stacey on the influencers, and the mom.  The mom can go anytime though.  They weird me out; but it's a lot more her than the son.  I feel bad for the son.

The doctors' build was pretty impressive this week, I'm glad they won.  I don't think they had won any yet, right?  It's nice to see that the same team doesn't keep dominating.

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It may not have been deserved but I'm glad to see the last of the Tik Tok Teens.  Erhan's channel (Ethan The Artisan (@ethan.the.artisan) is fun as he demonstrates speed-builds but Dom's (Dom! (@thedombrack) is boring -- just stupid teen stuff and no builds.  I looked at his Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube videos and didn't see any builds, so how was he chosen?

On 11/17/2022 at 11:57 AM, Shermie said:

Someone posted recently about how the show started with a diverse group of teams, but all the older and teams of colour are gone. I’m expecting the women to go next, so we get an all white guy final. As usual.

Tyler and Amy won Season One, so we've had one season with an all-male top 3.  (Friends Natalie and Michelle came in 4th last season.)

21 hours ago, Black Knight said:

I love mini golf, so I loved this challenge. I see that next week we're back to "build the tallest/strongest/whatever" and then "destroy the build!"

I read an article that said that there was a team that disassembled all the builds on a day or so (maybe less) so all the builds are destroyed.  I bet that team likes the "Destroy The Build" challenges.

2 hours ago, JH Lipton said:

Erhan's channel (Ethan The Artisan (@ethan.the.artisan) is fun as he demonstrates speed-builds but Dom's (Dom! (@thedombrack) is boring -- just stupid teen stuff and no builds.  I looked at his Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube videos and didn't see any builds, so how was he chosen?

Is Ethan the one who was a bit weepy about going home, and who didn't have a girlfriend?

It may be that Ethan is the only one who's actually into Lego, and Dom is just the one person in his life who was willing/able to do the show with him. We've seen a few other teams over the seasons like that.

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Thank goodness that annoying mother finally went home, it certainly was the right choice.

I do think that the challenge was fundamentally unfair - some scenes really were static, while others (like the street scene) really were pretty obvious in terms of dynamic action (not to say that S/S build was not well done, it was great).  This resulted in the builders' having to make some clever choices. 

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Boy, you would’ve thought Emily and Liam were being sent off to die in war by the somber goodbyes they got. But no, just voted off a game show back to their privileges lives. I, for one, am glad they’re gone. I mean, he decides to go to college in Tucson and his mom moves there with him? Sorry, that’s kinda creepy.

Anywho, I think Nick and Stacey are next to go; they’ve been on the bubble for a while now. Happy to see Dave and Emily have really risen through the ranks.

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On 11/25/2022 at 2:05 PM, TimothyQ said:

I mean, he decides to go to college in Tucson and his mom moves there with him? Sorry, that’s kinda creepy.

That's a LOT creepy.  I thought their relationship almost bordered on incestuous.  They couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other.  My DVR cut off a split second before Will announced the loser so I didn't get to see them leave - which I've been hoping to watch since the first episode.

I'm kind of rooting for the firemen although I do wish the larger Stephen would wash his hair.  I thought their display this episode was great.

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On 11/25/2022 at 3:05 PM, TimothyQ said:

Boy, you would’ve thought Emily and Liam were being sent off to die in war by the somber goodbyes they got. But no, just voted off a game show back to their privileges lives. I, for one, am glad they’re gone. I mean, he decides to go to college in Tucson and his mom moves there with him? Sorry, that’s kinda creepy.

Wait, wait, wait... what??  She's going to college with him??  I missed them saying that.  Maybe I was too busy laughing at the other people crying over them leaving.  They are probably very nice people, but they just had something off about them, for sure.  Is it just the two of them?  No dad or other siblings in the picture?

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13 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Wait, wait, wait... what??  She's going to college with him??  I missed them saying that.

In this article [https://ktar.com/story/5257717/arizona-mom-and-son-duo-competing-on-nationally-televised-lego-masters-show/] it says she and Liam moved from Virginia to Tucson when he decided to go to film school at the University of Arizona. Just a bit weird for a mother to move across the country to where her son is going to college.

Edited by TimothyQ
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9 hours ago, TimothyQ said:

In this article [https://ktar.com/story/5257717/arizona-mom-and-son-duo-competing-on-nationally-televised-lego-masters-show/] it says she and Liam moved from Virginia to Tucson when he decided to go to film school at the University of Arizona. Just a bit weird for a mother to move across the country to where her son is going to college.

Thanks, I found another article that says there is a dad and two more brothers.  They all moved to Tucson from Virginia.  Do they not think that maybe he wanted to go to Tucson to get away from them?  And I mean no offense by this, but they were homeschooled... so that does explain a few things (but definitely not all).  

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2 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Do they not think that maybe he wanted to go to Tucson to get away from them?

Exactly my thought too. If I had been homeschooled all through my life, I’d want to get away and strike out on my own as well. But you can tell there’s a co-dependent relationship going on there though. 

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I just watched the last two episodes.

I think eliminating the doctors over Nick and Stacey was the right call. I just found the doctors' build really lacking compared to everyone else's. The brothers complaining initially about getting the jester annoyed me because that was one of the best possibilities - so easy to get lots of fun colors in with that one. But they turned it around and really embraced the concept, so good on them.

I like it on reality shows when competitors don't want each other to totally fail; they'd rather win on their own merits. So I appreciated everyone rooting for Emily and Liam to get their build done. And they were able to at least get something presentable out there.

Liam seems to need some help with emotional regulation, and I wonder if that's why people were so very kind to him during elimination.

It's always interesting to me on the type of challenge that the Marvel one was that teams don't seem to take into account backgrounds when choosing. They get a bit carried away by whatever their personal favorite is. But those backgrounds have always helped make-or-break teams. I knew Dave and Emily were going to be top two just from which scene they had. But I also think maybe that's why the judges went with the brothers: they had the harder scene.

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On 11/29/2022 at 5:33 PM, Black Knight said:

Liam seems to need some help with emotional regulation, and I wonder if that's why people were so very kind to him during elimination.

Liam and the two guys on the Tik Tok team, Ethan and Dom, are all approximately the same age. There were some pretty noticeable differences in maturity levels among them.  I was attributing it to the mom being overbearing and clingy, but maybe that wasn't it. 

22 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I was attributing it to the mom being overbearing and clingy, but maybe that wasn't it. 

Yes, since I don't know anything about the family's history, I can't judge - it's a chicken-or-egg situation. Is he like that because his mom is overbearing and clingy, or is she like that because he's always needed extra help? Or the truth may be somewhere in the middle, where they have both contributed to the dynamic and keep reinforcing it.

Whatever it is, they both seem like nice people and I wish them well in figuring it out.

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Man, they are dragging this season out with the non-elims. Although in a challenge where teams pair up, it’s kind of difficult to decide which pair goes home when they contributed equally. 

Although building a car that a team member could drive was a fun challenge, it seemed like the track didn’t allow room for anyone to pass. So whoever left the pit stop first was automatically going to win.

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When they announced that teams were combining for this challenge, you just knew it would be a non-elimination episode. Kinda weak challenge though, imo. Basically build a frame and put some “deckals” on it? Not too exciting. Can’t believe they literally had one of the Stephans just sitting around at the pit stop, though. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

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I have to wonder how fair the pairing draw was, considering it ended up being Canada vs US.

Leaving one of the team members to twiddle his thumbs during the pitstop was stupid and ultimately cost them the race. 

This ep was basically just a big Nascar promo, but I don't mind; the Lego Gocarts were fun and they did manage to get a distinctive look to each car. Too bad the set was too small to really have a proper race.  They should've grabbed a parking lot and given them more room for the oval. 

With 4 teams left, and paired up like that, a non-elim was pretty much guaranteed.; you can do an Elimination from random pairings when you have a lot of teams left, but it isn't really fair to do it with so few teams around.   

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It was clear that the teams also realized this was a non-elim leg, and so while they all have competitive streaks, they weren't stressed out the same way as if they'd thought it might be an elimination episode. I liked that because we got to know them better, nice as we head into the final stretch. I quite like all four of the remaining teams this season.

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I was happy with the final three teams, happy there wasn’t a chance of a team of young guys winning. 

I thought the Lake Louise build should have placed third. It was impressive, size-wise, but it was kind of boxy. The mountains around Lake Louise are the Rockies, and there’s way more texture to them. I wish the team had concentrated on the mountains’ realism and less on the northern lights, which weren’t realistic either (they’re not rainbow coloured).

Nick and Stacy had the underdog edit, I guess. Constantly on the cusp of elimination but surviving another day to win it all.

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I guess I'm not really any kind of sophisticated or knowledgeable LEGO fan, because I thought Nick and Stacy deserved the win. Thier bookcase really looked like a bookcase, and their various elements were playful and well-done. There was a lot of color, motion and different build techniques.

I've been a big fan of the Stephens throughout the season, but I thought their final build was less than impressive. Way too many micro builds, just massive building of walls. No motion, nothing that really displayed any creativity to me. They also didn't do any kind of job in incorporating their gift sets. Maybe it's because I 'm not Canadian, or because I've never been to Lake Louise, but I didn't have any kind of emotional reaction to the build it seemed stati and boring.

I thought Dave and Emily's build should have been second. It had lots of elements and stories and did a wonderful job of incorporating the sets. I liked all the little details, like the jousting knight being bent backward by the lance. It was colorful and busy.

Generally, I thought that the show did a really nice thing in supplying the childhood sets. You could see how everyone appreciated them, and it helped them to relax.

I have to say that in my opinion, the real winner of this episode was Brickmaster Amy's stylist. She looked fabulous.

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Can someone explain to me why Dave and Emily got into the finals over the brothers (I’m bad at names — sorry). Their tulips didn’t pop up. But Dave and Emily’s flamingo lost a leg. They had the huge green columns. And their water seemed to be just pouring out. What did I miss with the brothers’ build?

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7 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

Can someone explain to me why Dave and Emily got into the finals over the brothers (I

Probably because the brother's build lacked color and "pop" and also had some elements that didn't work (the tulips), but I'm just guessing.

I thought the bookcase was rather "meh", but I suppose it will be easier to explain on display in the Lego flagship store than Lake Louise or the rampaging centipedes. I thought Dave and Emily's build was best. It was more interesting to look at, rampaging centipedes and all.

When they said "24 hour build" did those people really stay up for 24 hours straight, or did  they do this in two 12 hour shifts? I'd be completely incoherent and barely able to stay awake after 24 hours without sleep.

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Yes, the firefighters should have come in third. Their northern lights looked more like a rainbow, and the huge grey walls didn’t do the Rocky Mountains justice.

Nick and Stacy’s bookcase was impressive, with all the details and realistic toys. It will make an impressive display at any Legoland. 

Glad to hear them refer to the bricks as Lego and not Legos (so wrong). Also realized that all three final teams were Canadian. Go Hosers!

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Nick and Stacey's bookcase really matched the theme and the goal of the last build best.  IMO, Stephen and Stephen's build did that second best; that's why I think they came in second.  The task was to build whatever you want, but make it about you, tell a story that's personal to you, and with nostalgia.  How was Dave and Emily's nostalgic, or tell a story about them?  It may have been a more impressive build than the firefighters' build, but it made no sense.  

Based on the final builds, the best team won.  Based on the season as a whole, I think it should have been the firefighters.  JMO.  

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On 12/15/2022 at 6:24 AM, NeenerNeener said:
On 12/14/2022 at 10:58 PM, ShelleySue said:

Can someone explain to me why Dave and Emily got into the finals over the brothers (I

Probably because the brother's build lacked color and "pop" and also had some elements that didn't work (the tulips), but I'm just guessing.

Thank you. I must have missed the lack of "pop." 

Was I the only one that was surprised that Nick and Stacy weren't a couple? I would love to see a close-up of all of the details of everything on the shelves. 

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I’m fine with the win of Nick and Stacey, as they were just judging based on that challenge only. The nostalgic bookcase was a great build, but they were definitely lagging some of the other teams throughout the rest of season though. Stephen and Stephen, I think, we’re the strongest and most consistent builders of the three teams and Dave and Emily was on an upwards trajectory the last few episodes. The Stephens mountain build was just kind blah, imo, though. Dave and Emily’s was fun and would’ve won in a city or scene build, for sure. Honestly I would’ve been fine with just about any team winning, but Nick and Stacy’s was great. 

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Finally caught up and watched the last few episodes.  I was super bummed that Brendan and Greg went home when they did.  They were my favourite team, they were generally consistently strong, and had won quite a number of weeks.  I didn't think they deserved to go home just because their colours didn't pop and the tulips didn't rise.  Their build was on a larger scale than some of the others, and their motion was a lot more impressive.  The water element was great in theirs, the water filled a bucket which then tipped over.

I liked Dave and Emily but they really should have gone home.  Their flamingo actually fell apart and their water was pretty terrible, it was coming out from all over the flamingo.  Because it didn't work.  Also, the reason why their bees spun so fast wasn't because it created the appearance of being very frenetic, as Amy said.  It was because they couldn't control it.

I wasn't thrilled about any of the final builds.  This season's final was weaker than the previous two seasons.  I thought they were all nice, just not really spectacular.  I think the many of the final builds of the prior two seasons would have won over any of these three.  I even think that the monkey and banana from the weird guy of the "you just don't understand Lego" bickering non-couple would have easily beat any of these.  Amy was always looking for colour and detail and story and playfulness, and I didn't think any of these three builds this season got there.

Nick and Stacey's bookshelf was fun and colourful, but I thought the whole thing was kind of a cheat.  They just built small sculptures and models.  Not really sure what kind of story they were telling... without the description of it being their favourite things, it would just look like a bookshelf with stuff on it.  And I can't get over the fact that they were in the bottom two an amazing FOUR times.  

Dave and Emily's build was fun, and as Jamie said, the kind of build kids would flock to at Legoland and study the details and the fun scenes.  They did lose a little bit about "telling us who you are" but I also thought they did the best job of incorporating the retro sets.

Stephen and Stephen, I thought was really impressive, the kind of build you would actually see at Legoland, but it was very static.  I do think they could have told more of a story, like have minifigs demonstrating the many activities there, but I suppose they couldn't do this if they were going for a micro-scale.  Was the yellow moon the only part of their build that incorporated either of the two retro sets?  

On 12/14/2022 at 9:48 PM, Shermie said:

I thought the Lake Louise build should have placed third. It was impressive, size-wise, but it was kind of boxy. The mountains around Lake Louise are the Rockies, and there’s way more texture to them. I wish the team had concentrated on the mountains’ realism and less on the northern lights, which weren’t realistic either (they’re not rainbow coloured).

I thought they said they were incorporating the northern lights to try and give some excuse for including their spaceships in the build, but then... no spaceships!  And I do agree they looked kind of awful with the rainbow colours, but that was Amy's fault.  When she was talking with them about the northern lights, she demanded colour.

On 12/16/2022 at 1:21 PM, ShelleySue said:

Was I the only one that was surprised that Nick and Stacy weren't a couple? 

I think they showed us a photo of him and his girlfriend, which surprised me a lot, because I had gotten the impression that he was gay.

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I finally watched the last two episodes.

It didn't feel right to me either that the brothers were eliminated before the finale. It kind of seemed like the show just wanted them out of the way for some reason. Also, Will was a jerk, approaching them right when they were so crunched for time and stressed. He's lucky neither of them exploded at him.

As for the finale, I'm glad Nick and Stacey won. I liked all of the final four teams, but they were my favorite. I think the firefighters should have been in third place, because they just had the landscape with no stories shown. It wasn't fun like the other two teams' were. I guess it was a tremendous amount of work to build that at that scale, though, and was why the judges gave them second place over Dave/Emily.

I wish Dave/Emily had won a challenge earlier so that they could say they came in first once. There was definitely an earlier challenge that I thought they should have won, so it's not like there wasn't a deserving opportunity.

They need to stop making teams do the episode interviews - especially the finale - after they know the outcome. It's just too obvious. Nick/Stacey were upbeat and bubbly, the Stephens were gloomy, and Dave/Emily were better but still kinda restrained and low-key. Gee, I wonder who won.

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Watched the Holiday Celebrity edition last night. I wonder when this was filmed, as Leslie Jordan was in it and the Season 4 contestant was Dom from the TikTok team. Maybe that's why that team joined Season 4 late, because Dom was busy filming the Holiday edition, although that seems a bit like putting the cart before the horse.

Also, Robin Thicke's hair looked like hell.

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On 4/27/2022 at 1:05 PM, Traveller519 said:

Promo for the new season...

One of my friends in one of the contestants. I'll poke my head in from time to time to see some of the unbiased discourse, but will likely refrain from posting myself.

Thanks everyone for making this season fun to follow along. The community in here was pretty positive of everyone competing. True to my word, I didn't comment during the season, though I may have let a couple reactions fly.

My friend who competed is Stephen C. ("Crash"). It's been a big year for him, they found out they might be competing last Christmas, and then filmed in the spring. He's been upbeat about the process and has had nothing but fantastic things to say about all the competitors, judges, and Will.

Stephen J was recruited for the show, and suggested Stephen C. due to the firefighter connection. Though it is true they met not through work but in line at the Lego Store years ago. 

They rented a movie theater for the premier episode, which was a blast. The place erupted when they won that challenge.

On 11/27/2022 at 2:21 PM, mlp said:

I'm kind of rooting for the firemen although I do wish the larger Stephen would wash his hair.  I thought their display this episode was great.

This was one of his few complaints about the show. He showed up with a long quarantine flow, and got styled early in the process with the loose strand that would fall over his face. He managed to convince them to get rid of the strand, but the big side part sprayed down was the style he had to rock for the rest of filming.
One of the first things he did when he got home was grab a haircut.


Thanks again, everyone, for being a great community!

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7 hours ago, Traveller519 said:

Thanks everyone for making this season fun to follow along. The community in here was pretty positive of everyone competing. True to my word, I didn't comment during the season, though I may have let a couple reactions fly.

My friend who competed is Stephen C. ("Crash"). It's been a big year for him, they found out they might be competing last Christmas, and then filmed in the spring. He's been upbeat about the process and has had nothing but fantastic things to say about all the competitors, judges, and Will.

Stephen J was recruited for the show, and suggested Stephen C. due to the firefighter connection. Though it is true they met not through work but in line at the Lego Store years ago. 

They rented a movie theater for the premier episode, which was a blast. The place erupted when they won that challenge.

This was one of his few complaints about the show. He showed up with a long quarantine flow, and got styled early in the process with the loose strand that would fall over his face. He managed to convince them to get rid of the strand, but the big side part sprayed down was the style he had to rock for the rest of filming.
One of the first things he did when he got home was grab a haircut.


Thanks again, everyone, for being a great community!

The firefighters were one of my favorite teams!  Congratulations to them for doing so well!!

14 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Watched the Holiday Celebrity edition last night. I wonder when this was filmed, as Leslie Jordan was in it and the Season 4 contestant was Dom from the TikTok team. Maybe that's why that team joined Season 4 late, because Dom was busy filming the Holiday edition, although that seems a bit like putting the cart before the horse.

Also, Robin Thicke's hair looked like hell.

Leslie Jordan!!  This is awesome, and he will absolutely be missed.

I'm assuming that they filmed in the summer, since they filmed Season 3 in the spring.  Season 3 was supposed to air this summer, not fall, so it's been made for awhile.  They had plenty of time to film this after Dom competed himself.

My question is about Boone.  Is he not a Lego insider now that he works for Lego?  Seems like a bit of an advantage...

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36 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

Leslie and Mel's sleigh was cuter, and I think that's what the charity money is based on. Since tonight's episode is 2 hours, maybe there will be 2 challenges and each of the other two teams will get a win and charity money as well.

I think the judges also wanted to see Mel's full redemption.  This is just a fun celebrity charity challenge, so I think they can allow more emotions into their decisions.  Mel "needed" that win way more than Boone and Robin.

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3 hours ago, lh25 said:

And I didn't get that jacket/shirt thing he was wearing.

I thought I heard Leslie's partner say something about liking him a lot, esp. in Deep Space Nine?  If so, he's confused. And seeing Leslie on the show was bitter-sweet.

His partner mentioned having watched him in DS9 and in Will & Grace. Leslie did have a brief appearance in DS9 in an episode as a Ferengi character, so that was probably what he was referencing, though it’s not one of his most memorable roles by any stretch.

I'm glad that Will announced that the Finesse/Nathalie team was getting a 10k donation to their charity too, even though they never won a challenge.

I see there was an "In Memorium" for Leslie Jordan at the beginning of the first episode, and I guess I missed it. It was bittersweet seeing him in these episodes, knowing he would be gone soon after.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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