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All Episodes Talk: TRMS 2020 Season

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8 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I forget what exactly she said, but Rachel said something that made me think she's doing the show from her home in Massachusetts instead of in NY.  For some reason I had assumed that she was still doing the weekly commute thing, but maybe not.  Is that the case?  Maybe that's why she's unloading her NY apartment?

I totally thought she meant Massachusetts.  Maybe it was the reference to the pickup.  She certainly needs some kind of second home in NYC, so maybe she is moving up?  

6 hours ago, possibilities said:

I thought it was mean to say we can't see photos! Don't tease us, Rachel!

Yes, way too much of a tease!

Hmm...according to her biography, she purchased a larger apartment in NYC after some fire damage in her much smaller NY apartment.
But, it would make perfect sense for her to broadcast from Massachusetts and cut down on that long drive.
BUT, the bio spells out intense, time-consuming, hectic prep sessions prior to her nightly show.  Not sure how she could do that long-distance.  Zoom, etc, virtual conferences might work, but it would be a stretch.

The handoff to and from Rachel was wonderful on Monday evening, Election Eve.  She clearly needed to connect with Chris Hayes to calm down.  And Lawrence paid her a lovely tribute that ended with him saying that she got us through these four years.  And being Rachel, she said it was not a bit true.  But it is so true.

I suspect most of these anchors would not have much stomach for doing this for four more years.  All the anchors tonight are saying farewell like they are boarding a steamer for a long sea journey.  

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LOD thanked Rach for helping us get thru this 4 year nightmare & ITA.  Will this be the end of the nightmare?  Rach seemed calm & hopeful & not anxious at all.  Believe it or not, Rach made me feel calm & hopeful & not panicked too.  Thank you, Rachel, you have been indispensable these past 4 awful years.

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I LOVED the lawyer in the Biden camp that Rachael had on last night.  It was so nice to see someone not even flustered at what the republicans are trying to do - calmly, but forcefully, stating that what they are doing is ridiculous and it will not pass legal muster.  FULL STOP.  

* Yes.  I am aware the courts are being packed with right-wing judges.  If they ultimately rule that the drive-by votes are thrown out then it is time to ... 



Edited by Xena
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Well, I give Rachel credit for consistently stressing that standing up & making your voice heard, whether thru protests & marches or merely voting, is vital.  I’m hoping her message broke thru.  Or maybe people are just overall tired of the insanity & what may happen would have happened with or without Rachel.

Whatever happens, Rach will still have a great show.  If we do end up with another 4 years of this horror, we know she’ll be on top of it.  And if he finally gets the boot, it won’t make a diff to Rach cuz she never centered her show on him anyway.  The rest of MSNBC (& CNN) will be in big trouble since every single show has been made up of mostly playing Trumps clips endlessly.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Rachel will be back on the air at 7:00 Eastern Time with Nicolle and Joy and Brian.  Not clear if all the evening shows will be replaced by this team coverage.  

Rachel was skeptical in the handoff last week (Friday?) when Lawrence O'D told her that her back would not hurt at all while covering the election, and the hours would fly by, just as they did for him in a past election coverage.  I could see on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning by around 2:00 AM after eight hours straight, that her back was hurting.    

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18 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh no, Rach says she’s been exposed to someone positive & says she’s quarantining!  Listen, you boobs at NBC, ya better have a setup for Rach to still appear!  If anyone should be around for the final announcement that this nightmare is finally over, it certainly is Rachel!

Right? Just set up a screen at her place on the set and let her zoom in.

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25 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

C’mon Rach, we need to see your reaction to this orange nightmare finally being over — Zoom yourself!

Yes!  I was so glad to see her (apparently up North). She seems a little subdued, but must be exhausted from the past five days.  She earned this on-air appearance on this day.  So good to get her analysis.  

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3 minutes ago, freddi said:

Yes!  I was so glad to see her (apparently up North). She seems a little subdued, but must be exhausted from the past five days.  She earned this on-air appearance on this day.  So good to get her analysis.  

And it's like a super-extended handoff with LOD.

Don't recognize her without the black blazer!

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2 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

And it's like a super-extended handoff with LOD.

Don't recognize her without the black blazer!

I wondered if she would wear a different color (navy blue?) post-election or after the inauguration. She had said on her show that she would only wear black during this dreadful administration.  She told us that one evening on the show, when she grabbed a navy blue blazer by accident.  That was about two years ago? 

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She was on with Lawrence earlier today and then with Joy Reid about an hour ago.  She told Lawrence how she found out BIden won - she had spilled her 3 hole punch (it was full since she had been using while making her election night binder(s), so was using a dust buster to suck up the little circles of paper all over her floor.  Lawrence told her they make paper that comes punched and he would send her some!  There are some video clips of her conversation with Lawrence at msnbc.com.

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Well, as we know, Rachel always says — Watch what they do, NOT what they say.  But I really hope Rach doesn’t get sidetracked by following Trump’s foolish behavior.  It’s just a waste of time.  He’s totally irrelevant now.

She should continue with her excellent Covid coverage & specifically spotlight any persons in this dreadful administration who are blocking Biden’s transition strategies, particularly on Covid.  Hopefully, Rach will be back as usual cuz we need her now more than ever . . .

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Ali Velshi tweeted that he is on for Rachel tonight.

Edited since I read further on his Twitter feed -- he will have Sen. Tammy Duckworth on, plus the person who was the GSA person in the Obama/Biden Administration responsible for signing off on transition, Steve Kornacki, and will discuss the "cold chain" aspect of the Pfizer vaccine.  

Edited by Calvada
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Rachel had me at “three-hole punch”.  I have an excellent heavyweight one. 

I sure hope she can do some shows from her quarantine.  Two weeks is a big piece of time right now.  Even Rachel without her mountains of paper prep materials is so much better than anyone else.  

Edited by freddi
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2 hours ago, Calvada said:

Ali Velshi is on again tonight for Rachel.  Rachel only tweeted once today.  I don't know if that has any significance.  I hope she's getting some rest, or is enjoying some fishing.

I didn't see the beginning of the hour but about halfway toward the show Ali referenced something he said at the top of the show and reassured the audience that Rachel was fine, she was quarentining.

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He said something like "Rachel is continuing to quarantine after a close contact tested positive today" which made it sound like someone else in addition to the person last week had tested positive.  I think he sort of ran a couple sentences together, and meant to say "Rachel is continuing to quarantine after a close contact tested positive - PERIOD/FULL STOP.  Today, (news of the day happened)"

Update:  it's now 10:10 pm Central and Rachel has tweeted/retweeted 7 times in the past 45 minutes.  She either just got up from a nap or in from fishing, or someone told her to reassure the viewers Ali Velshi caused to panic!  

Edited by Calvada
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On 11/12/2020 at 2:19 AM, shok said:

Last few days Ali has been saying that Rachel had had close contact with someone that tested positive. Tonight I noticed he said that she has been in contact with someone who has covid. A subtle difference maybe but it sounded ominous to me.  Be well Rachel. We need you back at work!

It also can make a difference in how long she's out, even if she continues to receive negative test results, if the person is someone who lives in her home.  She may have to quarantine a certain amount of time after that person recovers, not just since her initial exposure, such as would be the case if it were someone on her staff to whom she was exposed.  I believe this is day 10 since her announcement that she was going into quarantine.

Ali tweeted that he will be in for Rachel tonight.  

17 hours ago, Calvada said:

It also can make a difference in how long she's out, even if she continues to receive negative test results, if the person is someone who lives in her home.  She may have to quarantine a certain amount of time after that person recovers, not just since her initial exposure, such as would be the case if it were someone on her staff to whom she was exposed.  I believe this is day 10 since her announcement that she was going into quarantine.

Ali tweeted that he will be in for Rachel tonight.  

Shok and Calvada
Co-location seems to be the crux of the issue.

According to Stelter's book, Hoax, Fox installed broadcast studios into all of their anchor's homes.  (Hannity already had one).
But Fox personalities' preparation process does not seem to be so rigorous that it would impede their ability to prepare and deliver a cablecast from home.

However, Rachel's preparation process, as described in Rachel Maddow, a Biography, by Lisa Rogak, would seem to be quite challenging to do via a group webcast.  Do-able, but quite difficult. Perhaps she and her team could manage it, given a high speed, stable internet connection, which should be available in NYC.  West Cummington, Massachusetts,  might be another story, since I am not sure they have upgraded to a high bandwidth capability.

So, in the interim, Ali Velshi will handle the load.  He is terrific. But  I miss the days of Ali and Stephanie Ruhle teaming up to deliver a morning show.

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Our long national nightmare is just about over!!!!!!!!  Ali Velshi just said that Rachel will be back on the air in a "day or two."  

WOOOOOOOOOO!  I am so happy Rachel is well.  

I need Rachel during these crazy days.  Even when she scares the shit out of me 🙂 my day is better when I have that hour with Rachel.  

Edited by Calvada
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Yes, Rachel will be back in a "day or two", and then Lawrence seemed to be saying goodbye to Ali.  That just might mean a different guest host will be in the seat on Wednesday.  But whew -- mainly, that Rachel seems not to have contracted the virus from this contact.  Stay well, Rachel, you have earned the best seat on the fun (?) part of this four-year roller coaster ride.  There will be more lurches and stomach-dropping moments, but now the screams are not all in terror.  

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1 hour ago, Calvada said:

Update - Ali Velshi will host tonight, with 2 special guests:  Stacy Abrams and Rachel!!!

Update to @Calvada's update: Rachel Zoomed in to the show today and said that she is getting to the end of her quarantine time and potentially she will be back tomorrow or Friday. She said she has a lot to tell us 😉

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2 hours ago, freddi said:

"TONIGHT 9 PM ET:  RACHEL'S BACK" --this is currently displaying on the lower right screen corner on MSNBC.  Yippee!  Very curious to hear about the backstory she implied she wants to tell.  But mainly, her perspective will be so welcome!  

I saw that and exclaimed "Yayyyyy!!"

I'm so happy.

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7 minutes ago, Calvada said:

Rachel tweeted "Live from quarantine.  Had to MacGyver mic, camera, lights, etc (not to mention hairdo) so it might all look ridiculous, but ah well!"

I was surprised they did not have her broadcast from the woods before now -- although I know she wants LOTS of prep material!  She looked great last night.  

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I'm so happy Rachel is back.  I'm also glad that Susan is doing better.  Poor Rachel, not able to be with her, but sadly, what so many people have been through, separated from their loved ones as they deal with this terrible disease. 

I think Rachel has so much bottled up with what's been happening in the news in the past 2 weeks - MSNBC should have given her 2 or 3 hours! 

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I assumed that Susan was the "close contact."  I couldn't imagine Rachel having been in close contact with anyone else in this environment.  Glad they're both doing well, or at least better.

My daughter is watching, and when Rachel was deprecating herself over her lack of makeup skills, she said, "Rachel is pretty without makeup."  I agree.  I think she looks adorable, especially with the horn-rimmed glasses.  I don't know why they insist on the contacts and the fake eyelashes.

As a nurse, I have always said that every health care worker should be a patient at least once, to see how it feels.  And now I think that every person who makes pronouncements about COVID should have to experience it in some way, through their own experience or that of someone they dearly love.

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Oh my. Rachel totally brought me to tears. So raw and so real. I had also wondered why she couldn't just do her show from home like so many others are. But this really hit her hard and she was probably an emotional mess who couldn't even do her show until she knew Susan was out of the woods. She still looks drained and exhausted.

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I also was worried it was Susan. Clearly they are able to broadcast from quarantine, so I assumed she was not doing it sooner because of some additional complication, and it makes sense that when you're worried your partner may be in the process of immanently dying, you would need time off.

I really hope Susan recovers fully, and quickly, and they can safely be together again.

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