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S15.E08: Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven

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4 minutes ago, Bergamot said:

Fair enough! And obviously that's what the writers were going for there -- something unexpected and different, and I guess kind of charming.  But the more I think about it, the less it works for me. I don't know if this is because there was not enough time in the episode for them to expand upon their idea, or if (more likely) they didn't bother to think about the implications.

For me it's too facile to just assume that being stuck in the Cage together long enough would eventually lead to Michael and Adam bonding, considering that Adam's relationship with Michael began with acts of duplicity and coercion. I mean, anything is possible, but I find it hard to believe and would need more than we got to convince me that it was inevitable. Or even possible, that two sentient beings trapped together in a little box in Hell would only need enough time to pass in order to come to a state of peaceful coexistence. In that situation I think it much more likely that years of utter boredom, accumulated resentments and petty annoyances would eventually cause a deterioration to a state of stark raving insanity. Call me a cynic, but like I said, I find it hard to believe.

But setting that part aside, at least in the Cage, there were no other options. Now that they are out, their continued relationship seems really problematic to me. For example, you have Adam musing about how he can't go back to college, considering that he has an archangel inside him, and Michael scoffing at Adam's thought that he might want to get a job.Sure, it's sweet of Michael to let Adam sit and enjoy his burger and fries with only a little mild nagging, but I mean, come on, let's not forget that he is USING ADAM'S BODY for himself.

Adam has no bodily autonomy. Dean had to ask Michael's permission to say goodbye to Adam. In their current situation, Adam and Michael can't just agree to disagree. What if Adam does want to go back to school, or find a job, or enjoy a normal life after being all that time in Hell, and Michael doesn't want to? What if Michael decides to go to war against God, and Adam doesn't want to be a part of it? What if Adam wants his BODY back?

Even if Adam is fine with Michael calling the shots, or so attached emotionally to Michael that he is happy to do whatever Michael decides to do, that doesn't make me feel comfortable about the situation. There are just too many unanswered questions, too much potential darkness lurking underneath, for me to automatically buy their easy-going buddy relationship.

Michael could easily go back to heaven where he doesn't need a body and zap Adam nice comfortable life circumstances before he does it. But while Adam asked about the heaven thing, they never seriously discussed splitting up. It seems neither one really wants to.

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Adam asked Michael about going back to heaven, but Michael did not ask Adam if he wanted his body back. Considering how much power Michael has in their relationship, and how little Adam has, I would need to have the question actually asked and answered in order to feel differently.

But you're right, neither of them seemed interested in discussing it. Now, if it were Dean.....
Sorry, I had to pause there for a moment of bitterness. But if it were Dean, I can see him finding a way to make the relationship work with a non-evil version of Michael, if he had no choice, or if it was for the greater good, like they had to stay together to save everybody. But otherwise, I think he would want to be free.

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3 hours ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I go back and forth on Donatello. But he still delivered one of the best lines in Supernatural history - "but I'm an atheist."

I like Donatello.

He has had some great moments that have cracked me up on this show.

And I LOL when Dean told him to go home in this episode.😆

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Another thing I thought was completely off:  apparently in the 1200 years (assuming the Cage runs on the same month/year relationship as Hell itself does) Adam completely forgot that the only thing he had said he wanted—and presumably the reason he said yes to Michael in the first place—was to get back to Heaven and be with his mother. Now it’s all school, job and burgers. 

First Mary and now this. Mothers really get screwed in Dabbernatural, don’t they?

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On 12/13/2019 at 1:04 AM, tennisgurl said:

I am glad that Adam is out of Hell at least, him being stuck there has been one of the worst and saddest dangling plot threads in the whole tapestry that the show has given us. The poor guy went through so much through really no fault of his own, at least he finally got a burger. Jake is no Jensen, but he did a pretty good job with both Michael and Adam, especially this different, more chill version of Michael than the AU one, and I like the idea of a host and angel developing a sort of symbiotic relationship/partnership, its actually kind of interesting, and considering how much they have wrung out of that concept, I can at least appreciate something different. 

Its another guest star-a-palooza! Adam/Michael is back, plus Donatello, and, best of all, Rowena, with awesome hair, who is now Queen of Hell! I am truly shocked that none of them died. Or, in the case of Rowena, died again. 

Eileen and Sam...are boring. So, so very boring. I saw more romantic chemistry between Dean and Christina Kane last week than I do between them, despite them obviously setting her up as a love interest for Sam. Eileen and Sam running off for some random hunt was so stupid, even beyond the fact that it was an obvious trap, like, guys, are you not in the middle of something? 

I dont care how many people they show Chuck randomly kill, he just isnt an intimidating villain to me. 

Back in the day I actually thought Michael and Dean could work out a sort of host/angel symbiotic  relationship but unfortunately Dean had everyone telling him he'd be a failure and doing everything they could to talk him out of it, including beating him up.  

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1 hour ago, tessathereaper said:

Back in the day I actually thought Michael and Dean could work out a sort of host/angel symbiotic  relationship but unfortunately Dean had everyone telling him he'd be a failure and doing everything they could to talk him out of it, including beating him up.  

And funny enough, it seems Michael kept his word about not leaving Dean a drooling mess, given Adam's state was not that.

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10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

And funny enough, it seems Michael kept his word about not leaving Dean a drooling mess, given Adam's state was not that.

I assumed he would keep his word on that. He presented very differently than his brothers and once Dean made his decision he left him alone. 

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17 hours ago, SueB said:

1) Rowena absorbed a HUGE amount of souls at the point of death.  Means she had a huge amount of soul power to rule Hell with.  Add the demon allegiance from fear, she’s got all the power.  
2) She likely still WAS a witch, more powerful than run of the mill Demons.
3) She helped stop the Amara threat, helped saved the world a few times, was Crowley’s Mum.  She’s got street
4) Is there any doubt she immediate sent out a call for badass female demons to be her entourage?  I think Crowley surrounded himself with lesser demons to keep control.  I think Rowena has all the power she needs.

Location, location, location: The real Cage was never in Limbo (in S11). That was a construct Crowley built, with Rowena’s spells, to pull Lucifer pseudo-out in order to communicate.  But with the Book of the Damned, I think she pulled him ALL the way out and had spell work conveniently fail after Lucifer started talking to Sam.  The Cage Michael/Adam were in was deeper in Hell.  Ripped open when Chuck ripped open Hell.  Now it would appear that Rowena is not very far into Hell but she’s where Lilith had HER seat of power, so it’s deep enough.  And Cas had just been there with Belphaghor.  

As for Lilith:

She’s the black ash sitting across from Adam. It seemed like not everyone picked up that she’s completely obliterated.

Michael/Adam Hell Time: If it was 10 years up top, it was over a 1000 years together down below.  Plenty of time to work out issues.

Thanks for the black ash shot. I missed that. It wasn't the usual demon smiting but I left room for Michael to have Advanced powers and he proved to as well with his creation of the interworld rift which Fetus Jack also made accidentally.

Totally Rowena had herself a power-up. The only question is did she know that would happen going into her sacrifice... mmmm... I think yes.

18 hours ago, Lemuria said:

 They don’t necessarily know the current whereabouts but they do know where she was when Chuck first showed up (presuming that they could trust Chuck!): He told him that she was in Vegas. 

 I guess the Dreadful Duo are trying to prove that, no, they aren’t anti-Dean, they are actually equal opportunity dumber-downers by having  Eileen and Sam be absolute idiots at the end of the episode. Not only did they not even appear to suspect that it might be a trap but they also left for an ordinary hunt right in the middle of a considerably more serious and more important situation. 

 I agree with all of the posts that criticized the writing in regard to the fight in hell. When I watched that debacle, all I could think of was a demon, practically crying, saying “It’s the end.  We’re dead. We’re  all dead.“  They really have destroyed the angels. 

Amara was in Reno however she left at the end of episode 2 because Chuck showed up and harshed her chill. Dean can probably pray to her.

Edited by Castiels Cat
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3 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

Thanks for the black ash shot. I missed that. It wasn't the usual demon smiting but I left room for Michael to have Advanced powers and he proved to as well with his creation of the interworld rift which Fetus Jack also made accidentally.

Totally Rowena had herself a power-up. The only question is did she know that would happen going into her sacrifice... mmmm... I think yes.

Amara was in Reno however she left at the end of episode 2 because Chuck showed up and harshed her chill. Dean can probably pray to her.

I  totally picked up on Lilith's being black ash. It seemed a walk in the park for Michael to accomplish that. It almost made me sad. 

Loved, loved, Ruth/Rowena in this episode. Even though it was nowhere near the surprise development that the writers seemed to hope it would be (that pregnant pause between "STOP", and Rowena's actual manifestation), it was so deliciously campy. And in some ways, that's my favorite attitude. This show seems to see-saw between so many, but I always kind of love it when it doesn't take itself too seriously. Maybe that's also one of the reasons that I don't get bent out of shape at inconsistencies in canon and such. Even though there is an overarching mythology, it's always been kind of loose and silly, and taking it all as it comes just seems to make the entire experience more enjoyable than trying to tie it together in some sort of complete and inerrant package. There's a whole basic thing going, and, really, once a show gets this long in the tooth, that's got to be enough. 

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7 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

I assumed he would keep his word on that. He presented very differently than his brothers and once Dean made his decision he left him alone. 

What's surprising is that any of this lot "remember" this (joke: of course they don't remember, it's just coincidence that something they write happens to align with past canon).

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12 hours ago, juppschmitz said:

What's surprising is that any of this lot "remember" this (joke: of course they don't remember, it's just coincidence that something they write happens to align with past canon).

Actually I  think there has been a group watch of seasons 4- 5. There have been enough shout-outs that warrant props for that. This episode was no exception. Things like Michael having special sauce powers is fine since he was the first and most powerful archangel and Chuck probably gave him special powers. Raphael had his electric mojo and Lucifer had red eyes and the gift of jibberjabber.

And also Michael not being crazy is fine with me because some characters are not reliable narrators and both Lucifer and Chuck are demonstrated  liars. Will Michael maybe loose it on reflection having had his worldview blown.... ??? 

And of course Dabb has been with the show since s 5. 

The above does not hold for Nep duo because they are NUcanon4ever.

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19 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

Actually I  think there has been a group watch of seasons 4- 5. There have been enough shout-outs that warrant props for that. This episode was no exception. Things like Michael having special sauce powers is fine since he was the first and most powerful archangel and Chuck probably gave him special powers. Raphael had his electric mojo and Lucifer had red eyes and the gift of jibberjabber.

I bet Chuck regretted gifting jibberjabber within 5 minutes.

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On 12/16/2019 at 12:06 AM, Castiels Cat said:

Amara was in Reno however she left at the end of episode 2 because Chuck showed up and harshed her chill. Dean can probably pray to her.

I don't think she left Reno. All she did was get dolled up to go out. She was probably going back to the casinos to continue her streak in craps.

But yes to the last part. That no one has suggested Dean try to pray to Amara is just bonkers. Dean at least knows that every time he did that, she actually did show up. Whether in person or as a vision. Which is more than can be said for Chuck. I just can't connect with this story for a multitude of reasons and this is one of the big ones. Because I just can't fathom how you can have a God problem and not think to call on his equivalent to help you. If Amara says 'I don't care.', fine. But they don't even try. I just can't swallow that because it makes no sense whatsoever.

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I forgot this was even back on until last week (isn't that sad). So I binge-watched all 8 episodes.

I really, really, REALLY hoped that for the final season, Castiel would be written as being back to his original, badass self.  Nope. Still the sad, dopey, mopey puppy he'd been turned into.


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I said back in the episode where Rowena died that she was going to be the New Queen of Hell. So glad I was right, I really came to love that character (I hated her at first).

I miss Crowley, it's the finale season I don't care what they have to do I need Mark Shepard back for the finale.

I'm so glad they FINALLY addressed the Adam thing...I can't believe they just left him. I'm glad Adam didn't forgive/forget so easily. I really liked Adam!Michael. I thought Jake did a great job with this version of Michael.

I guess the show is setting Sam up for a HEA with Eileen or they're going to give him some happiness before he makes the ultimate sacrifice in the finale.

I'm excited with how the MSF ended. Dean/Cas going back to Purgatory (work it out boys, listen to Auntie Rowena) and we have Sam/Eileen in Chuck's clutches. I saw the trap coming a mile away but, I thought it would be Eileen caught and Said beung forced to choose. I don't think Chuck's going to do anything though; probably just wants to chat.

I'm hoping Amara makes a return and helps TFW lock God up. That would be rather fitting

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On 12/17/2019 at 3:31 PM, AwesomO4000 said:

Poor Sam. He seems to attract badies that like to talk a lot. He's probably going to have Lucifer flashbacks...

There are a lot of monologuing monsters on this show.  

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On 12/12/2019 at 11:21 PM, SueB said:

Rowena, YAAAASSSSSS QUEEN!  And her bodyguards are kickass women.  I’m here for this content.

I did enjoy her entranced but I also rolled my eyes at the boys being whumped for plot sake.  I would have liked a mixture of them almost getting the upper hand and then her entrance as a few more came in and it looks bad for the boys.  I don't like it when they can't save themselves when they have kicked butt in the past but for plot sake this time we throw it out the window.  I didn't mind her being the Queen of Hell and yes it was expected.  I did love her outfit.

On 12/12/2019 at 11:21 PM, SueB said:

Donatello:  I’ve always  liked him.  Glad he keeps his wits about him and wants to be ‘out’.
Eileen hunting.  Nice BadAss opener.

I did enjoy the beginning.

On 12/12/2019 at 11:21 PM, SueB said:

Random Spell of the Week: Pop into Hell, Seal Chuck away, Get spots out of laundry....  It reminds me of Star Trek’s ”Fun with DNA” plotonium.
Chuck: Still not digging this character turn.
VampTrap:  Why all the trouble?  To separate Sam and Dean?  Maybe Chuck is smarter than he’s been acting.

Despite a few ‘nopes’, I thoroughy enjoyed the episode and will be rewatching many times.  

Chuck as the bad guy just fails.  Nope he can't do anything to make them too afraid to stop trying.  He should realize that he needs to kill them to stop them.

On 12/13/2019 at 5:54 AM, Bobcatkitten said:

Man, I hate it when I actually enjoy and episode and then come here lol.

Oh, I get that.  It has happened many times for me over the years.  I didn't hate this one, it has some good moments. I did like their solution for Adam/Michael but yep it does cause some raised eyebrows.  

But some also had some really bad moments.    Did I care that God has Sam and Eileen?  I know better than to have high hopes on the purgatory story.  Michael/Dean let down has made me very, very  jaded. 

I think why I can be more positive, Because I didn't watch the show live.  I just watched several back to back and it did work better that way.  But I no longer feel so excited to  see what is coming next. 

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4 hours ago, 7kstar said:

but I also rolled my eyes at the boys being whumped for plot sake.  I would have liked a mixture of them almost getting the upper hand and then her entrance as a few more came in and it looks bad for the boys. 

I, personally, am sick of them being able to beat demons in a fist fight.  Never would have happened in the first 2 seasons.  Plus, I would think demons would be even stronger in Hell.  Not sure about having solid forms to even punch down there, though.


4 hours ago, 7kstar said:

Chuck as the bad guy just fails.  Nope he can't do anything to make them too afraid to stop trying.  He should realize that he needs to kill them to stop them.

I'm not sure that he can kill Sam without killing himself since they're connected. But, yes, definitely kill everyone else and lock Sam up.  

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I liked this episode. I hadn't watched for a while, and was missing it. I was happy to see I was only behind two episodes. I liked both 7 and 8, thought I liked 7 more. For 8 I was just really happy to see Queen Rowena. She looked radiant and was having so much fun in her role. I would watch an entire series all about Rowena: Empress of Hell. It would be epic! I didn't mind the boys getting beat up because I figured Rowena used her magic to power up her personal guards, so they're much stronger than the old demons the boys are used to dealing with. 

 Adam's story has always been quite sad. I was happy he got a burger and a pizza though. After 1200 years he deserved it! 😄 He simply wasn't Winchester enough to get 12,000 lives, but he's still back and he seems pretty chill. So I guess the half he did get earns him something. Wonder if he'll just disappear never to be seen again or if he'll show up in the finale finale and get sent back to hell or the cage again? 

The less said about the "Dean is dumb" joke, the better. I'm glad the early show writers liked Dean and respected his intelligence. I need to dig around the super early threads sometime to read what it was like during the good ole days. 

I'll enjoy watching as long as Jensen is around though. He is my supernatural, so as long as I've got Dean on my screen no episode can be entirely bad. I also echo the request to bring back Fergus! 



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I rewatched this tonight and it's still meh for me.

The one thing that really fucking chaps my hide is the bit wherein Michael says that Dean let Lucifer walk free while Sam was stuck in the Cage.  THAT NEVER HAPPENED.  THAT IS A TOTAL RETCON that makes Dean out to be the idiot or the bad guy.   Fucking Hell, these writers SUCK.

How is that allowed to stand????

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6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I rewatched this tonight and it's still meh for me.

The one thing that really fucking chaps my hide is the bit wherein Michael says that Dean let Lucifer walk free while Sam was stuck in the Cage.  THAT NEVER HAPPENED.  THAT IS A TOTAL RETCON that makes Dean out to be the idiot or the bad guy.   Fucking Hell, these writers SUCK.

How is that allowed to stand????

I rewatched on Thursday and that pissed me off, too, till I realized he said while "your brother" was stuck in the Cage.  It took a while for me to realize that meant Adam, not Sam.  It's still iffy about Dean letting Lucifer walk free, but at least it's not totally wrong.  

ETA: I tried to doublecheck the quote on Supernatural Wiki, but apparently they haven't transcribed that ep yet.  Anyone else remember?

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How did Dean, more than anyone, 'let Lucifer walk free'? The person directly responsible for Lucifer walking out of the cage is Castiel. Indirectly, Sam went into the cage with him because he believed he was on a mission from God. Rowena double-crossed them all. Dean is pretty far down that list.

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I think you guys are being overly sensitive to how Dean was portrayed. This wasn't directed at Dean, per se. It was to the general you, all of them, who when given the opportunity, freed only Lucifer instead of or including Adam.

This is the current showrunner passing judgment on the previous showrunner for failing to address it.

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10 hours ago, Shannonsspirit said:

I think you guys are being overly sensitive to how Dean was portrayed. This wasn't directed at Dean, per se. It was to the general you, all of them, who when given the opportunity, freed only Lucifer instead of or including Adam.

This is the current showrunner passing judgment on the previous showrunner for failing to address it.


Seems to me its one of three possible scenarios given Michael!Adam was talking only to Dean, and Cas was a bit out of frame on that one.

Scenario 1: Dabb wrote the episode that had Castiel allowing Lucifer to possess him, if that is what was meant by Michael!Adam saying 'you let  Lucifer walk free', whilst looking at Dean. If that is what he meant you'd think there would have been a reaction shot of Cas to drive home the point as that was an unilateral decision by Cas, and only Cas. It's not like this show doesn't rely on reaction shots.  I would doubt Buck Lemming were trying to fix anything. They have a habit of ignoring any Canon that would disrupt their plots so I don't think that was the case. ( Jeremy Carver already had one foot out the door by the s11 midseason finale IMO and only came back to write the finale. I don't think he had much to do with the 2nd half of s11).

Scenerio 2:  If it was Sam that Michael!Adam was talking about, Dean did not let him rot without trying to save him. If it was Adam, Dean did try to save him until Death made Dean choose between Sam and Adam. Dean, expectedly, chose Sam. Again, I don't see Buck Lemming trying to correct a perceived writing/showrunning wrong (which would have been under  Sera Gamble's watch) as much as them not giving a whit about what went before. If anything they disrespect prior showrunners and writers by doing whatever they want.

Scenario 3: Buck Lemming have no idea what happens in the show with episodes and characters they didn't write for and don't care to keep with Canon or flat out ignore it. Continuity schmontiniuity. 

Scenerios 1 and 2 both add up to Scenario 3. IMO


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14 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Scenario 3: Buck Lemming have no idea what happens in the show with episodes and characters they didn't write for and don't care to keep with Canon or flat out ignore it. Continuity schmontiniuity

They don't care about continuity with episodes (and subsequent eps) and characters they did write for.

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3 hours ago, catrox14 said:


Seems to me its one of three possible scenarios given Michael!Adam was talking only to Dean, and Cas was a bit out of frame on that one.

Scenario 1: Dabb wrote the episode that had Castiel allowing Lucifer to possess him, if that is what was meant by Michael!Adam saying 'you let  Lucifer walk free', whilst looking at Dean. If that is what he meant you'd think there would have been a reaction shot of Cas to drive home the point as that was an unilateral decision by Cas, and only Cas. It's not like this show doesn't rely on reaction shots.  I would doubt Buck Lemming were trying to fix anything. They have a habit of ignoring any Canon that would disrupt their plots so I don't think that was the case. ( Jeremy Carver already had one foot out the door by the s11 midseason finale IMO and only came back to write the finale. I don't think he had much to do with the 2nd half of s11).

Scenerio 2:  If it was Sam that Michael!Adam was talking about, Dean did not let him rot without trying to save him. If it was Adam, Dean did try to save him until Death made Dean choose between Sam and Adam. Dean, expectedly, chose Sam. Again, I don't see Buck Lemming trying to correct a perceived writing/showrunning wrong (which would have been under  Sera Gamble's watch) as much as them not giving a whit about what went before. If anything they disrespect prior showrunners and writers by doing whatever they want.

Scenario 3: Buck Lemming have no idea what happens in the show with episodes and characters they didn't write for and don't care to keep with Canon or flat out ignore it. Continuity schmontiniuity. 

Scenerios 1 and 2 both add up to Scenario 3. IMO


I still think it was "you guys" and doesn't really matter what member of "you guys" he was looking at.

It may be an irreverent indifference  to prior lore and canon, or a deliberate decision to undermine them, or both. It is practically impossible to be that incompetent or unaware of key events and established lore as to make that number of changes. Look at the simple spell to cage Chuck, a snap of a finger to open purgatory and annotations in the margin of the tablet.This represents obliterating the previous seasons and struggles. And the most grevious of all...the destruction of free will.

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On 12/13/2019 at 7:53 AM, Bali said:


OK- first off, I'm so glad that they dealt with the Dean Cas crap with simply having Auntie Rowena say, "Get over it." Let them do that off screen so I don't have to see it. 

And hats off to all of us who knew Rowena was going to die, go to Hell, get crowned Queen. 

I love  her and she was fire in that red dress. 

On 12/13/2019 at 8:05 AM, icemiser69 said:

I am not happy that they brought Eileen back at all.  She is a walking talking red shirt.  




This is my problem. I like her as a character and she feels like a plot device. The potential normal life who will be murdered to give Sam the feels.

On 12/13/2019 at 10:09 AM, tennisgurl said:

"Oh, hi random person I met that one time, conveniently calling out of the blue to ask me to come out of the protected zone to help with this random hunt! Come, one of two people that are in the center of a battle against God and are in the middle dealing with both their long lost half brother who they left in hell that one time as well as an extremely powerful arc angel, let us go to the assistance of random person who conveniently needs or help right now! This all seems legit! Better also run off with minimal supplies and not tell anyone else where we went as we go to the second location" 

Somewhere, Admiral Ackbar is just shaking his head.  

It was so ridiculous. The writing is so bad, though, I wasn't 100% sure it wasn't intentional. 😆😭


This was definitely an "and then" spaghetti-on-the-wall episode, but I felt like some of it was okay. I loved Rowena, obviously. I also liked the concept of a symbiotic angel-host relationship. And I am sorta glad the poor kid is out of hell. 

Interestingly, this marks the episode thar was current when I started S1E1, so I have caught up to where the season was when I started the show. That's pretty rad.

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