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Four Saturn Award nominations for The Flash:



Best Superhero Adaptation Television Series

The Flash (The CW)

Best Actor on a Television Series

Grant Gustin
The Flash (The CW)

Best Actress on a Television Series

Candice Patton
The Flash (The CW)

Best Supporting Actress on a Television Series

Danielle Panabaker
The Flash (The CW)


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TV Line's Performer of the Week:


HONORABLE MENTION | The Flash‘s  Mirrorverse arc has been intense, featuring a humorless villain, trapping Iris in a cruel world, and feeling endless after being paused by the pandemic. A blast of levity was greatly needed, and Grant Gustin rose to the occasion in the scenes that saw Barry infused with and channeling the many Wellses. As he affected Sherloque’s French accent, H.R.’s boyish wonder, Harrison’s grizzled rasp and more, you could only wonder how OG Wells Tom Cavanagh reacted between takes. Then, for good measure, Gustin reliably hit the grounded, emotional notes, as Barry shed tears over the actual Wellses’ goodbyes, before assuring the team, with great resolve, they must now outwit Eva and get Iris and the others back.


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Another Season 7 preview interview with Eric Wallace at ComicBook.com:


Besides the crowd scenes, what changes have come about, post-pandemic?

COVID restrictions have forced us to tell stories in an even more streamlined way. Mostly, we cannot have a scene with a whole bunch of people in them. You just can't have eight people -- are there eight or nine series regulars, right? Nine, ten? -- in a scene in the Cortex anymore, because it's not COVID safe.


Not a new photo or quote, but CBS Watch featured Candice for International Women's Day:



The Flash star Candice Patton plays reporter Iris West—originally white in the comics but reimagined as African-American for The CW superhero series. The outspoken Texan tells E! News that she relishes portraying a character who's always "fighting for what is right," something Patton does IRL. She's been using her platform to better Black representation in Hollywood—whether it's Iris embracing more natural hairstyles or Patton calling for lighting teams that know how to properly work with Black skin. "I've never been a person who could keep my mouth shut for too long, especially when it comes to injustice."


  • Love 2

Quotes from Grant Gustin about playing the various Wells characters, and a couple teases for tonight's episode:


Instead of rewatching old episodes of The Flash to prepare, Gustin simply went right to the source, Cavanagh himself, to help figure out how play each character.

"I've spent time with these characters for years, and the other helpful part of it was that Tom was in like every single scene I had as these characters," he said. "So, the prep work started with, for specific lines I would ask if he would send me voice memos of just literally how he would say it, and then I would kind of build on top of that."

He continued: "Obviously, knew some of it was just going to be infused with what I brought to these characters, but I did do my best of just kind of doing impressions of Tom playing these characters. Again, thankfully, he was on set with me the whole time, so I had all my prep work at home and I had Tom there to kind of hold my hand through the process."


TV Line's "post mortem" interview with Grant Gustin discussing the plot twists from 7.02, and teasing some things to come.


Similar interview at EW.


The show continues to give you opportunities to stretch. I thought you did a good job of tracking Barry gradually losing his emotion in this episode. How did you approach playing an emotionless Barry?

GRANT GUSTIN: I was nervous, actually, about it. It was supposed to be toward the end of last season. My first day of shooting that episode was gonna be a Friday, and I think it was March 13 or 14, but that was the day we shut down.

I was nervous about starting it because it was a lot of work. I realized maybe as a crutch that I lean on as an actor, and something that I think helps me make my dialogue for me, is that I memorize it and on the day when we're working, if you fumble something or stutter on a word and it comes out in a way that feels natural (that's how people talk), I've kinda made that part of the way Barry talks. I had to get rid of all of that for this character because it was supposed to be so free flowing and robotic in a way. [Showrunner Eric Wallace] had referred to it as Spock Flash, just completely emotionless. So, there was almost this computer-like staccato rhythm to the dialogue that we had to create, which meant I had to nail it. There were big long-winded lines I had, and I had to get rid of my normal speech pattern as Barry, which was the biggest challenge. Not to mention the vernacular they gave me because the character is saying all of these big scientific, mathematical words that Barry would never usually use.

So, it was definitely a fun challenge. Like you said, I tried to build less and less emotion as the episode went. We were trying to find those checkpoints of, "Okay, here he stops using contractions." There was this progression to the dialogue. It was fun, definitely different than any other challenge I've had on the show.


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You know, I'm really glad Candice was able to find her voice as a Black woman in this series and stand up for herself and have that represented on screen even if stuff wasn't front and center. It took some time, but with the right showrunner, it happened. Of course, if the right showrunner hadn't come along, Candice would probably be fighting and struggling to get her voice heard. You have CBS's All Rise, which is struggling to have the voices of their POC cast heard and POC stories represented while they got a White showrunner who seems to be working against that. This is why representation behind the scenes matters

  • Love 4

Some praise and preview quotes from Grant Gustin at TVLine:


The Flash will have to deal with the sudden return of time-traveling techno-wizard Abra Kadabra (played by guest star David Dastmalchian), to settle a score in Central City.

“That was one of my favorite episodes to film so far this season,” Grant Gustin recently shared with TVLine. “I love working with David Dastmalchian, who’s not only an incredible actor, but he’s just a really good person.”


“He’s the kind of actor you want to work with,” says Gustin. “He’s got good ideas, he’s super giving, he’s genuine… and he kills it. We shot a couple of scenes where I was just in awe of what he was seemingly so easily able to pull off. He’s just a really, really skillful actor.”


...  “we’re going to see something that’s from an arc in the comic books,” Gustin shared. “It’s a cool storyline that we explore for a stretch of episodes [and] I was super-sad when we wrapped it up, actually, because I had such a good time working with [the actors involved]. I think it’s going to be a fun storyline for the fans.”


Brandon McKnight (Chester) talks a bit about his character here: https://www.looper.com/363100/the-flash-actor-teases-his-characters-future-exclusive/


... "Eric Wallace, the showrunner, told me early [on] to think about Chester as being the most empathetic person in every room that he walks into [but] he just doesn't know it," said McKnight. "He doesn't realize it, but he's almost a little bit of a ... I don't want to say a motivational speaker, but he can really lift people up because he's so positive and because he feels everything. So he's definitely a very good support system for the team as well, outside of just his intelligence and his engineering and all the science stuff."


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3 hours ago, adora721 said:

I absolutely love Jordan Fisher, so damn this show for sucking me back in. We'll see if his casting is as on-point as JPK was, she was so stunning in her ability to pick up the mannerisms of both GG and CP. Wish they would COIE-handwave Nora back into existence.

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4 hours ago, adora721 said:

(Of course this news breaks right when I went to work!)

Cool! Seems a little early to announce this, but it's fine. What is a little annoying is how they keep giving the mantles of Barry & Iris' grandchildren to their children. Does no one like the Tornado Twins?? In any case, I hope they learned some lessons from Nora's season and don't make the same mistakes.

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Interview with Brandon McKnight at CBR:


Which aspect of Chester's character do you relate to the most and why?

We're both very big fans of science-y things. I'm a big physics guy and I'm a big comic book guy. Him way more than me, obviously. I also love to just have fun and be excited about things and I consider myself a bit of a big kid as well. I love playing video games, which Chester also loves and is very good at them. [laughs] So our similarities are pretty much just in the things that we really enjoy to do where we're both big nerds. He's just a million times smarter than me and a million times better video games than me.


What do the 90s look like for Chester?

The 90s for Chester! The 90s are the beginning for Chester, so it's the foundation of who he is. It's his childhood, and it's where he -- the 90s is where Chester learned -- first of all, the 90s is full of color, so that's Chester's his time! But also, it's where he started. When we go back in this episode, a lot of people will learn where Chester comes from, why he is the way he is and why he has the skill set that he has, especially when it comes to building things out of nothing and knowing how to do that. Because when he was growing up, he had to do that.

Then you kind of learn through this episode as to how he learned to do that and why he had to learn to do it that way. So the 90s is a colorful time but also a trying time, because that's where Chester went through most of his heavy life stuff, is what I'll call it: the real stuff that really shaped who he is today.


And a couple more quotes from McKnight at ComicBook.com about tonight's episode:


"I think my favorite part, I just want to say the whole thing, but I think my favorite part actually would probably be the stuff with Cisco in the school," McKnight said. "I haven't seen the episode yet, but I know that when we did it there was supposed to be all these scenes of us going through the school and asking a bunch of students a bunch of stuff. And there was something about the energy of shooting those scenes that were hilarious and Jeff [Byrd], who directed the episode, was really, really collaborative and open to me and Carlos just going for it and letting the script go and just doing our own thing with it. So much of it was improv as well. So, that stuff was really fun to do."


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Another Brandon McKnight interview at Looper (from before season 7 started airing, appearantly):


Chester's definitely going to be taking on more of a larger role as he becomes more and more confident throughout the season. We're going to see him come into his own and learn things about him and learn things about his past. We'll see where Chester breaks. He'll be challenged this season, for sure, and he'll have no choice but to become more confident in himself and in the decisions that he makes, especially in this world where things are hitting the fan every day. And this is a guy who's a bit of a pacifist, doesn't really like violence, so he's going to have to become accustomed to that lifestyle and those things happening. And what to do and how to think clearly in these situations. So he definitely becomes a lot more confident throughout the season.

How's his relationship with Cisco?

It's definitely a fun working relationship. Cisco is pretty much Chester's mentor, in a way. He really does show him the ropes. They're both in awe of each other and they're so impressed with each other. Chester's impressed with Cisco for obvious reasons, I mean, the guy's a genius and he's been helming this team since the beginning. And here's Chester coming in with all this knowledge that he doesn't even really know what to do with. And so Cisco really helps him fine tune his brilliance and instead of just making things with trash, now I get to make things with billion-dollar technology and tools and stuff like that. But then on the flip side of that, Cisco can now see trash or will be able to see trash and see "Oh, you know what? This isn't trash, we can create something very helpful with these products that I otherwise would have thrown out." So they definitely feed off each other, but it's definitely much more of a mentorship type of role that Cisco takes on for Chester.


Edited by Trini
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31 minutes ago, adora721 said:

There's a new DP interview in Spanish that someone translated to English on Twitter; I'm not sure of the translation and it's just a screen shot:

I think they just put the site through Google Translate. Here's the original article in Spanish: https://www.hobbyconsolas.com/reportajes/danielle-panabaker-final-flash-probablemente-sea-antes-pensamos-856885

The only real new info (IMHO) is that Panabaker indirectly confirms that some of the cast will be leaving after this season. (As in, they they didn't sign on for more seasons after their 7-season contracts are up.)



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I'm starting to think that the insanity of using a guilty, coddled KF in a story about police corruption is more


about a final send off for DP because she's leaving the show at the end of the season

than about BLM and police brutality. It doesn't make sense to use a guilty, white criminal, who's been harbored from justice for 3 years by two officers of the law and the team, as a representative of groups at risk for police brutalty and corruption in the USA. Either the writers and Eric Wallace are crazy, high, or that stupid or they are using the so-called "accountability" of KF as a final plot for this very problematic character.

A couple more Danielle P. interviews:

At TV Insider:


Now, Frost is this taking this huge step and owning up to her sins. Walk me through this episode, “The People V. Killer Frost” — are we going to get to see her greatest hits?

I don’t know if we’ll see her greatest hits, but she is going to have to take accountability for her actions. Even though she has tried to counterbalance her bad behavior with some of her good behavior, I do think it’s important that she is held accountable for what she did.


And EW:


"It's really interesting historically, especially in the last season or two, what we've really seen is Frost be the more emotional one," says Panabaker. "And Caitlin tends to typically be the more composed person and in episode 8, we're going to see Caitlin be a little bit more irrational. She is scared on a deeper level than I think she's willing to admit about losing Frost, so she acts out in a little bit irrational [way] at times, which is a nice change. I think it's nice to see characters' flawed and make mistakes and learn from them."

Panabaker continues: "Episode 8 was important. I think there [are] some underlying themes about how we treat people who are different than us, whether it's they look different or are different and that element of storytelling was very important to me and there's a lot of weight to it. So it was important to me that I bring my best to this, absolutely."


13 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

Tom and Carlos are leaving the show.  It seems Tom was supposed to leave last season but hey, COVID happened.  


People already figured Tom wasn't a series regular anymore. They noticed he was no longer in the credits. I thought he just dropped to recurring.

With Carlos, people have been speculating since season 5 that he was leaving. I guess they was always right except for when. I guess Carlos was waiting until contract was up.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

Tom and Carlos are leaving the show.  It seems Tom was supposed to leave last season but hey, COVID happened.  


Neither of these is surprising. Sad to see Carlos go; mainly because I don't think they ever did enough with Cisco. I just wonder why they're announcing this now? particularly about Carlos. (PR has really been trash this year.)



Cavanagh, who has played Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash as well as the various versions of Harrison Wells, was actually slated to end his tenure as a series regular at the end of Season 6, I hear. He hinted about that in a February 2020 Instagram post, which didn’t draw much attention at the time. (You can see it below) But a couple of weeks later, the pandemic hit, shutting down all production and cutting short the seasons of dozens of series, including the CW’s The Flash.

As a result, Cavanagh quietly ended his series regular run with Episode 3 of Season 7, “Mother,” which wrapped the outstanding Season 6 storylines, but he continued on the show as a recurring guest star. His status transition was not seamless; he has not appeared since that third episode but the DC drama’s producers have assured fans that he would be back. Online listings indicate that Cavanagh may appear in Episodes 9, 10 and beyond; his final appearance this season is being kept a surprise. There are no current plans for Cavanagh to continue on the show beyond that but there is a possibility for both him and Valdes to do guest stints.

“Tom and Carlos have been an integral part of our show for seven seasons, and will be greatly missed,” The Flash executive producer/showrunner Eric Wallace said in a statement to Deadline. “Both are incredible talents who created beloved characters that fans and audiences around the world have come to love. Which is why we are happily keeping the door open for return appearances.”

Well, the only thing I'm worried about with Cavanagh gone is now I don't think we're ever going to get a good conclusion to the Reverse Flash/Flash's beef.


50 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

With Carlos, people have been speculating since season 5 that he was leaving. I guess they was always right except for when. I guess Carlos was waiting until contract was up.

LOL - or they were always wrong.

Edited by Trini
spelling - d'oh!
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Just heard the news and I can't say I'm too surprised over either exit.  I definitely thought it was noticeable that Cisco hasn't been featured as much as he used to be, and once they brought in Chester; who I find to be similar to him in a lot of ways; I figured Carlos Valdes might be heading out soon.  I wonder if this was mainly him wanting to pursue other opportunities or if the TPTB just feel like the character has run its course.  

Still, I will miss him and I hope Carlos shines elsewhere. Of course, I wouldn't be completely surprised if Cisco makes another appearance somewhere down the line (eventual series finale, perhaps?)  Same with Tom: I suspect he'll at least pop back up sometime in the future.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Trini said:

Neither of these is surprising. Sad to see Carlos go; mainly because I don't think they ever did enough with Cisco. I just wonder why they're announcing this now? particularly about Carlos. (PR has really been trash this year.)

Why did they announce it now? Some people believe episode 12 will be the last time we see him until the finale. I don't know if it's true. However, this line from the article makes it seem true.


Valdes, who plays Cisco Ramon, will end his run as a series regular after the CW drama’s current seventh season with an appearance in the finale.

Maybe it was just worded weird, but why specifically mention "an appearance in the finale"?

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Tom and Carlos are leaving the show.  It seems Tom was supposed to leave last season but hey, COVID happened.  


I clicked through the post reactions about 8 times before deciding to just hit like. I'm not surprised it's happening, but I am surprised they're announcing it now. I'm sad that Carlos is leaving, but I like that Tom is finally ending. That character has been thoroughly overdone. Almost decide to choose the laugh option just because - you have to laugh at how this show continues to bungle the PR (as @Trini said).

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1 hour ago, shantown said:

I'm not surprised it's happening, but I am surprised they're announcing it now.

Several people here and elsewhere online have asked why the announcement is coming now. Some say it's because of the upcoming episodes, but now I wonder if it's because DP basically mentioned OG characters leaving in her recent interview, the Spanish one. She gave away a lot of information in both of her recent interviews; I mean, more than would be expected if you want people to watch and be surprised. 

Edited by adora721
13 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

Why did they announce it now? Some people believe episode 12 will be the last time we see him until the finale. I don't know if it's true. However, this line from the article makes it seem true.

Maybe it was just worded weird, but why specifically mention "an appearance in the finale"?


8 hours ago, shantown said:

I clicked through the post reactions about 8 times before deciding to just hit like. I'm not surprised it's happening, but I am surprised they're announcing it now. I'm sad that Carlos is leaving, but I like that Tom is finally ending. That character has been thoroughly overdone. Almost decide to choose the laugh option just because - you have to laugh at how this show continues to bungle the PR (as @Trini said).

It would would have been better if they had the announcement about Cavanagh after everyone noticed that his name wasn't in the credits anymore. And then the one about Carlos' exit maybe the week before his last (or exit) episode. I'm not in PR, but that just seems basic.

The fact that this news broke only hours before the new episode, and hours after the news about JPK, overshadowing everything, just seems dumb.


6 hours ago, adora721 said:

Several people here and elsewhere online have asked why the announcement is coming now. Some say it's because of the upcoming episodes, but now I wonder if it's because DP basically mentioned OG characters leaving in her recent interview, the Spanish one. She gave away a lot of information in both of her recent interviews; I mean, more than would be expected if you want people to watch and be surprised. 

Because of the upcoming episodes, probably; but even if episode 12 really is Carlos' exit (and we don't know that for sure) then it's still too early, IMHO.

I'm less convinced it was Danielle's interviews, although yes, she gives away some stuff. If anything, they could have asked for those statements to be edited out. But then again, PR dept. has been crap lately.

Edited by Trini
oy, grammar
10 hours ago, adora721 said:

I'm not sure if this was a different DP interview, but the screen shot of her response makes her sound like someone who is leaving the show: 


Sounds like contract speaks to me. She is in the middle of contract negotiations and don't know how it will turn out. I see CW trying to give her whatever she wants after losing two main characters. 

But at the same time, with Jordan and Jessica back on the show, depending on the impact these two have on the fanbase/ratings, I can see CW being willing to let DP go if she is asking for too much and just turn the next season, most likely last, into the Flash family season. 

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