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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yes, James was off unsupervised but isn't he 9?   I'm of the generation that when 9 years old we were free to roam around the neighbourhood as long as we showed up for lunch (or phoned in).

So am I. But I still had to tell my parents/grandparents (we were a nuclear family and all lived together) where I was going.

And the point here, with James? He was making a concerted effort to run and hide from his parents, from Mac, so they couldn't see him. Did he tell them where he was going? Like, I'm going to go see Cody.  Even though I thought Maxie had undone Mac's initial directive that he couldn't have riding lessons with Cody after the FIRST time he ran away--at NIGHT--this was him running off a second time. Without telling Maxie, Felicia, or Mac, where he was going. And instead of punishment, his doing this only gets rewarded.

There was an incident-when my younger sister and cousin, went off somewhere in the neighborhood when they were around 6, and didn't tell anyone. We looked everywhere for them, but couldn't find them. I don't know if my mom called the police or what, but they found them and gave my mom a "warning" to keep a better eye on them.

So since we all view things through our own experiences/prisms, no sympathy for the brat, yes, BRAT, that is James. And that's my final thought on this.

As for no privacy for Cody? Well, he fucking LIVES in the stables, where the wonderful aroma of hay and manure can hit the senses. Maybe if his quarters or apartment was off the stables or somewhere else, he and Sasha could have some sexy times, without interruption, and thus judgmental Olivia wouldn't be able to tell them what they couldn't and could do. But Cody admitted he forgot that Tracy and Violet were coming, so this is on him, this time. I’ve seen pictures of the actor who plays Cody, and I prefer the hair style he has in those-the top of his hair is combed back/fluffed? Instead of laying like a flat cap on his head on the show, which just makes him look dweeby to me. If he styled it like he wears it off-camera, I'd find him more attractive.

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TJ to Molly:  "You and your mom and Sam must be feeling awful about that."  Not one word about how Kristina, just discharged from the hospital and grieving, must feel  Molly apologies to TJ (🤬) and says that she understands why Kristina could have attacked Ava because she was that angry herself. Note that Molly stepped beyond her role as an ADA to confront Ava and attack her but no grace for Kristina from her. Both TJ and Molly are garbage people and Molly deserves him.

Molly: "My office was concerned about a conflict of interest."  Really? Becau what I saw on the screen was Alexis concerned, not her office.

Sam, at home in jeans and 3" stiletto heels. That always makes me laugh on soap operas. I'm only too glad to kick off my shoes when i get home much less wear anything that uncomfortable. I know that in the 50s and 60s that what housewives wore so maybe Sam has found her niche.

Why are judges always called "honourable?" This judge has been on the show before and is the last person to be called honourable.

Cates has apparently had brain cells removed to not file the paperwork.

Nina is a better friend than Ava deserves. At least Ava came clean to her. That was the only balance about the fall that we had today.  I still think they need to sue Carly for flimsy windows.

Laura is lucky to have Kevin.

Rocco: "I still have pictures of Mom so I don't forget what she looks like."  I hope those old pictures are of the new recast.

1 hour ago, Daisy said:

 You're in the Toronto-ish area so you might remember the story of that little girl who was kidnapped and murdered on the way to school and her mother had no idea what she was wearing or the colour of her backpack or anything like that - to this day decades later, regardless of where i am/living since i talk to my mom every day i let her know what i'm wearing - just in case).

A tragic case that reinforced the "stranger danger' days when in reality children are more likely to be abused by a family friend than a stranger. I did a search to remind myself of the details but so much came up about children killed by parents, adoptive parents and foster parents that I couldn't get to it.

I agree that James should be telling his mother or caregiver where he is going -- he was wrong there. I think that it's not such a big deal that James was out without adult supervision at 9, only that he didn't tell anyone where he was going.

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Molly says it was her idea to use Kristina as a surrogate, and if they hadn't they would still have their daughter. Molly apologizes profusely for "failing you as a partner" and TJ coldly (IMO) accepts her apology?! Gross. Nice misogyny, GH!! 

I almost teared up when the teen Rocco actor was talking to Dante about his visits to see his mom and his hope she'll wake up. The two actors have excellent father-son chemistry. 

Didn't see liver failure coming as the Lulu plot point that will most likely bring Lucky back to Port Charles very soon.

It looks like John/Jagger's last air date must be coming soon. Who's the suit who yelled at him in court when Kristina was released? I chuckled a little at Ava's "back away slowly, he's unhinged" face.

Sam really is just a prop in the Davis Family scenes, isn't she.


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1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Molly says it was her idea to use Kristina as a surrogate, and if they hadn't they would still have their daughter.

Oh, just like their first surrogate? Oh wait, she had a miscarriage. Next!

Molly is trash, just like TJ. I had to roll my eyes yesterday, when Molly called Jordan her "mother-in-law." Maybe if you had married TJ, she would be, but you didn't. And unless laws have changed, I don't think entering into a domestic partnership, means your partner's relative become your in-laws.

Yeah, yeah, soap opera, fiction, blah, blah, blah, fishcakes. I'm cranky today.

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Cyrus! Brad! Sam! Is this old home week?

Wow, Kristina is really suffering. She's upstairs in an interrogation room, her brother brought her soup, her dad can visit her seemingly at will. 

Maybe Wagger will end up the victim of a whodunit. The character has been so destroyed I'd rather they get rid of him for good than have him scuttle out of town having been bested by Sonny.

Sonny feels guilty about Karen? Sure, Jan. That's why it's always someone else's fault.

Edited by dubbel zout
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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Maybe Wagger will end up the victim of a whodunit. The character has been so destroyed I'd rather they get rid of him for good than have him scuttle out of town having been bested by Sonny.

That's what I've been hoping for. So of course that won't happen.

4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny feels guilty about Karen? Sure, Jan.

Brady Bunch Jan GIF by MOODMAN

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Molly is trash, just like TJ. I had to roll my eyes yesterday, when Molly called Jordan her "mother-in-law." Maybe if you had married TJ, she would be, but you didn't. And unless laws have changed, I don't think entering into a domestic partnership, means your partner's relative become your in-laws.

I had the same reaction when she used the term MIL for Jordan. It does not apply since Molly was determined she was not marrying TJ and being a "wife." My understanding is that Molly is supposed to be this up-and-coming bad ass attorney in the district attorney's office. So why is she so spineless with TJ? She literally seems afraid to express her thoughts and feelings honestly to him. She doesn't even seem like she wants to be in a relationship with him. Is she just scared to walk away because they've been together for a decade now and she hasn't been in a relationship with anyone else, so she can't fathom the idea of being single/"starting over?" 

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35 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I had the same reaction when she used the term MIL for Jordan. It does not apply since Molly was determined she was not marrying TJ and being a "wife."

not being that person/benefit of the doubt-er person i swear lol -as I really don't know anyone truly who who is "domestic partner" (like hard core like these two use that term though i find most people use "partner" even if they are married now) - 

isn't like in this case "in law" still kinda what you say? like if you are with someone for 10++ years and their parents are ... like an in-law? I'm not really sure if therer's another term (that you can easily say). like i would have rolled my eyes harder if she said "my domestic partner's mother." or anything like that. she's basically an in law.. right? 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Cyrus! Brad! Sam! Is this old home week?

Wow, Kristina is really suffering. She's upstairs in an interrogation room, her brother brought her soup, her dad can visit her seemingly at will. 

It was almost nice to have a Cyrus sighting - though I still don't trust him.

I've never had a c-section but I have had major abdominal surgery and Kristina should realistically have been in a tremendous amount of pain. So I  have the opposite issue with those scenes.

I don't know what to think of the memory flash that Kristina had. I just know I want this storyline put out of its misery. No one is coming off very well and they need to make it go away. They obviously know how to do that.

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11 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I've never had a c-section but I have had major abdominal surgery and Kristina should realistically have been in a tremendous amount of pain.

I haven't had a c-section, but I have had major rounds of abdominal surgery, and I wasn't in a tremendous amount of pain. Everyone has a different threshold.

For me the bigger medical issue was that Kristina was discharged, what, two days after the surgery? The hospital is supposed to be better than that. Sonny would cover any expenses insurance wouldn't. 

My point was that people were swanning in and out of her room as if it wasn't in the PCPD. I know that's pretty par for the course here, but people are always supposed to be suffering like they've never suffered before, when the worst thing is maybe they have to sleep on a four-inch mattress with 100-count sheets. Carly was in jail overnight and everyone acted as if she'd spent a year in the gulag. It's ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Wow, Kristina is really suffering. She's upstairs in an interrogation room, her brother brought her soup, her dad can visit her seemingly at will.

She had a caesarian section a couple (?) of days ago (considered major surgery). Seeing her in a wheelchair instead of lying down makes me hurt. (A caesarian is considered major surgery I was told after I had mine.)

I like the idea of Wagger being in a blow-it-up whodunnit. The character has been completely destroyed.

1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

 Is she just scared to walk away because they've been together for a decade now and she's been in a relationship with anyone else, so she can't fathom the idea of being single/"starting over?" 

I think that you earlier said something about both of them being so focused on their careers that they haven't really worked out how to connect in a relationship.  That's what it looks like to me, that they take a position and then sometimes they compromise and sometimes they don't and then the other partner has to give in.

They have no real relationship skills, the cracks are all papered over, and they have no idea they haven't a clue because they are too busy telling themselves how much better they are than Kristina is.

Edited by statsgirl
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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I haven't had a c-section, but I have had major rounds of abdominal surgery, and I wasn't in a tremendous amount of pain. Everyone has a different threshold.

My point was that people were swanning in and out of her room as if it wasn't in the PCPD. I know that's pretty par for the course here, but people are always supposed to be suffering like they've never suffered before, when the worst thing is maybe they have to sleep on a four-inch mattress with 100-count sheets. Carly was in jail overnight and everyone acted as if she'd spent a year in the gulag. It's ridiculous.

True, pain thresholds differ but sitting hunched up in a wheelchair for hours can't have been comfortable. In fact, Kristina did say that if she was in a cell at least there would be a bed. 🤷‍♀️ Not that anyone listened to her. 

Nina and Ava's scene made me a bit  nostalgic. It never made sense that they were friends given their history but I liked it when they were.

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8 minutes ago, tessaray said:

True, pain thresholds differ but sitting hunched up in a wheelchair for hours can't have been comfortable. In fact, Kristina did say that if she was in a cell at least there would be a bed. 🤷‍♀️ Not that anyone listened to her. 

Nina and Ava's scene made me a bit  nostalgic. It never made sense that they were friends given their history but I liked it when they were.

It likely depends on what pain medication she’s taking. I had a full hysterectomy 10 years ago and I was taking just enough prescribed pain medication to be comfortable enough and that was without it also being part of an accident

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I guess my dvr didn’t want me to have a rage blackout because it cut straight to the Drew Barrymore show promo as Molly started listing all the things she did wrong and returned with Mooby bragging to Alexis about something that would drive Jagger crazy.

Oh SHUT UP, Sam! Why does she always immediately jump to blaming Laura for shit that goes wrong?

Oh great. The Diane ass kissing judge is back.

It was so good to see Alexis back in court! No smug or smarmy tone when arguing for Kristina’s release.

Oh, I see Molly does know Robert’s name and managed to say it without inserting “DA” in front of it.

Oh now I’m really hoping it’s a murder mystery of who killed Jagger. He’s hated Mooby for years-with good cause-but he’s also been a good cop for all these years. Van Etten and Korte can FUCK OFF any time now. Turning Jagger into some obsessed crazy fort Cocoa Puffs, who is now going to LIE and suborn perjury? And that line to Ava that she doesn’t need Scott; HE’S the ONLY one that can help/save her?!!! 

And FUCK YOU TOO, Frank.

Because of course we didn’t get a scene where Jagger confronts Sam.

And shut up again, Sam.


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1 hour ago, DanaK said:

g. I had a full hysterectomy 10 years ago and I was taking just enough prescribed pain medication to be comfortable enough and that was without it also being part of an accident

Ditto. I was on Percocet and Motrin. Alternating between the two every 4 hours. I stupidly tried to do without a few days post op and nearly passed out. My stomach hurt so bad even drinking water hurt!

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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

I've never had a c-section but I have had major abdominal surgery and Kristina should realistically have been in a tremendous amount of pain. So I  have the opposite issue with those scenes.

I had a c-section and I was in pain, but the intensity of that pain kept fluctuating.  I also had pills I needed to take if I was in pain. And I was told to limit my efforts for 6 to 8 weeks. So I was also told to park my ass to help me recover.


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5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Sam really is just a prop in the Davis Family scenes, isn't she.

It felt like she was just thrown in there last minute to use up a min. She didn’t know about Kristina’s arrest at the beginning of the episode yet teleported mid episode to the courthouse for the bail hearing. I could understand Alexis being too preoccupied to call her about it but it’s not like Molly gave her a heads up either and Dante, who also spoke to Kristina at the PCPD, waited until he got home for the day and Sam mentioned going to see Kristina at her mother’s house to tell her. Between today and how she was the last one to find out about Kristina’s accident and was only on for 1 day during it, it’s clear she’s the afterthought in that family. Dante gets more screen time as Kristina’s sibling than she does. 

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh SHUT UP, Sam! Why does she always immediately jump to blaming Laura for shit that goes wrong?

Turning Jagger into some obsessed crazy fort Cocoa Puffs, who is now going to LIE and suborn perjury? And that line to Ava that she doesn’t need Scott; HE’S the ONLY one that can help/save her?!!! 

And FUCK YOU TOO, Frank.

Because of course we didn’t get a scene where Jagger confronts Sam.

And shut up again, Sam.


It's part of Sam's personality to run her mouth when she doesn't know what she's talking about (multiple past storylines). Also, she currently is only a supporting character in storylines, so she doesn't have much to do.

But I guess I missed something? Why would Jagger confront Sam?

Good description of the storyline madness for Jagger! This is worse than what the Show did to Taggert.

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2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

But I guess I missed something? Why would Jagger confront Sam?

She was the one who “distracted” him at the pool so Jar Jar Binks could steal his Federal ID credentials and hack into the FBI database to make a copy of Cujo’s confrontation at the Five Families meeting.

So he should have connected the dots and realized she had a hand in what happened with the recording. She went to Cujo and told her that’s why Jason was working for the Feds. Sure Brennan was the one who erased and got rid of it, but if not for Sam…

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Molly apologizes for her behavior, ~making TJ agree to having Kristina as their surrogate* and making him 'handle everything alone' and instead of saying "I haven't been there for you, either" says..."Apology accepted."  This. Fucking. Show.

Really liked the Ava/Nina scenes.  Ava actually told the unfiltered truth about the accident.  See, girl?  that wasn't hard.

So is Lucky going to come home to donate part of his liver to his sister?  Gee, I JUST DON'T KNOW! /sarcasm

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I hope that Lucky hasn't been drinking because Lulu needs his liver in good shape. Still, it's a twist that I didn't expect.

IIRC, Molly and TJ signed a legal document about their domestic partnership so I guess technically Jordan is Molly's 'mother-in-law'.

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The show literally tried to give Robin and Jason's history to Carly and Jason. It'll have no issue erasing Nikolas' reason for coming to Port Charles - he gave Lulu bone marrow when she had Family Revealing Blood Disease - to say Lucky is a perfect match and the only one who can save her life. 

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Aiden also has the same type of blood as Lulu - she donated blood to him when he was a baby and needed a transfusion but he can't donate as a minor. How old is Cyrus? The Cleveland Clinic says you can't be over sixty.

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6 hours ago, ciarra said:

Wouldn't jailbird Nic be a match for Lulu?


theoretically he should be the perfect match because he donated to Lulu before. 

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12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Really liked the Ava/Nina scenes.  Ava actually told the unfiltered truth about the accident.  See, girl?  that wasn't hard.

Ava continually shoots herself in the foot in the heat of the moment, to mix metaphors. I don't think telling the truth would change anyone's mind that she wasn't responsible for Kristina going out the window, but it would have made the business about the luggage moot, and not lying means she won't have to recant her statement and give a new one.

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6 hours ago, Daisy said:
12 hours ago, ciarra said:

Wouldn't jailbird Nic be a match for Lulu?

theoretically he should be the perfect match because he donated to Lulu before. 

It's what brought him to Port Charles in the first place, FFS. These writers!

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Weird that they've done another 180 with the Nina/Ava friendship.  And suddenly Nina is Ava's confidante, telling her about the FBI duffel bag o' doom.

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The baby gets a name in honor of a woman the parents and biological mother never met, because of how Aunt Stella described her. Makes total sense. SO much whatever about Hat Grandpa's tears - why do we care?? However, Aunt Stella crying in Curtis's arms got me.

It's a beautiful thing to see Trina put Joss in her place when Joss was giving her a hard time about her loyalty to Ava. 

Molly visiting her mom and Kristina however many hours before the funeral to announce the baby's name was a move intended to hurt Kristina and all three knew it.  The only one to feel sorry for in the moment is their mother. I assume Alexis's call/message of demand was to Ric. NLG is rocking all of her scenes. Kicking John/Jagger out of her house was the most on fire she's been on that particular set since the telling off of Carly (when Jax was presumed dead) that won NLG the Daytime Emmy.

It's so odd to see Jason having a real confrontation, using his words, with someone. Interesting use of history between Jason and Anna. 

Shut UP, Sonny. 

Why do I have the feeling that Molly and TJ will ask Ric to take Ava and Kristina to court for wrongful death? Now that she's seen Kristina's papers, she's going to want her sister to suffer (more).  





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12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The baby gets a name in honor of a woman the parents and biological mother never met, because of how Aunt Stella described her. Makes total sense. SO much whatever about Hat Grandpa's tears - why do we care?? However, Aunt Stella crying in Curtis's arms got me.


but that makes sense? I know that TJ isn't biologically related to Curtis - but he went XX years thinking that his grandmother is his grandmother? a lot of people do that all the time  naming people after people they heard about in their family. [owning my "I haven't seen the scene on yt" moment if i am missing something super serious but... that one isn't out of left field for me]

15 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Shut UP, Sonny. 


always and forever. 

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18 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

It's a beautiful thing to see Trina put Joss in her place when Joss was giving her a hard time about her loyalty to Ava. 

It really was. It's also at least the second time Trina has had to tell her that she is going to have a relationship with Ava on her terms, not Joss's. Joss keeps saying she respects why Trina feels a bond with Ava, but it's clear she doesn't when she keeps ragging Trina about it. Joss needs to butt out. (As if!)

Oh, Anna. Asking Jason to choose between your world and Sonny's is only going to disappoint you. He'll never choose yours! You should know better.

I don't care what the tock's name is or who it honors.

If Wagger isn't dead by next week at the latest, I will be shocked. 

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52 minutes ago, Daisy said:

but that makes sense? I know that TJ isn't biologically related to Curtis - but he went XX years thinking that his grandmother is his grandmother? a lot of people do that all the time  naming people after people they heard about in their family. [owning my "I haven't seen the scene on yt" moment if

If they were going to name the baby after someone in TJ's family, it should be Stella in some way. Both Molly and TJ have a good relationship with her; she is a great character who has given them both love and strength. This feels like Molly sucking up to TJ (and his family) because of the anger toward Kristina for the baby's death, and their mutual respect of Stella. Molly never knew Irene, and I think neither did TJ. 

I'm not opposed to a deceased baby being named after a loved one. My middle name is in honor of my great grandmother.  My parents both respected my mom's grandmother. She played an important role in my mother's life. I spent a little time around her in the first years of my life, before she passed away. 

On this show, Maxie named her son after her late husband (who died saving her and the baby) and after her true father, Mac. Alexis named her middle daughter in memory of her sister Kristina, who died while Alexis was pregnant. Sam and Jason-turned-Drew chose their daughter's first name in honor of Emily; Sam knew Jason's sister Emily. 


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I don't get this story line. Kristina and Molly are fighting over something that no longer exists. It's like fighting over air. There is no payoff for the audience aside from Ric showing up and he SHOULD have shown up to support Molly waaaay before this. They don't need this storyline for him to come to town!

And honestly ... I don't care whose fault it is Kristina went out the window. I don't care if she was re-enacting a Nelly Furtado song or she was possessed by Spirit Airlines.


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47 minutes ago, threebluestars said:

I don't care whose fault it is Kristina went out the window.

Carly and Olivia's balsa wood hotel.   Yet no mention of a lawsuit.

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Random thoughts:

I knew a week ago they were going to name the baby Irene. 

Alexis should have shredded that petition that Kristina drew up. Of course Molly found it now when all it means is more hard feelings. The baby is gone but the soul-sucking storyline lives on.

I'm glad that Robin's past with Jason means they'll probably never do Anna and Jason but for a split second today I could kinda see it. 

Until this last week, I would have put my money on Ava's demise but John Cates is doomed, isn't he? Such a waste. 


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I was kinda in love with Jason for a second while he dressed down Anna. She still thinks she is some paragon of justice. When she asked him to choose between her and Sonny, he should have pulled a Kelly Taylor and said "I CHOOSE ME!" 

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7 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Alexis should have shredded that petition that Kristina drew up.

She really should have. But she turned it FACE DOWN, so nothing about it should have caught her attention. So she had no business picking it up, turning it over. But plot has got to plot instead of putting this out of our misery.

10 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I'm glad that Robin's past with Jason means they'll probably never do Anna and Jason

Me too and ewww, not me! I really thought we would get a Robin mention when Mooby called Anna his enemy, or rather how she “made” him hers. I thought Jason would bring Robin up, like remind this asshole that Anna was Robin’s mother.

RIP, Jagger.

Just now, TVbitch said:

I was kinda in love with Jason for a second while he dressed down Anna. She still thinks she is some paragon of justice. When she asked him to choose between her and Sonny, he should have pulled a Kelly Taylor and said "I CHOOSE ME!" 

EXCEPT Kelly* never did that! Over the summer she hooked up with Coke snorting Colin.

*I will DIE ON THIS HILL FOREVAH! The line was good, but Kelly never stuck to it. So it’s meaningless.
She just didn’t choose Dylan or Brandon.

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6 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

She really should have. But she turned it FACE DOWN, so nothing about it should have caught her attention. So she had no business picking it up, turning it over. But plot has got to plot instead of putting this out of our misery.

Me too and ewww, not me! I really thought we would get a Robin mention when Mooby called Anna his enemy, or rather how she “made” him hers. I thought Jason would bring Robin up, like remind this asshole that Anna was Robin’s mother.

RIP, Jagger.

Hey, this (crappy) plot point at least makes sense, as opposed to the completely absurd plot point of a school-age child downing pills from a parent's prescription bottle because she thought they were "vitamins" - as a set-up for the parent to find out he'd been taking placebos. The Show intends for these sisters to be angry at/feeling hurt toward each other instead of leaning on each other over this loss, so choosing a baby name and seeing that petition is the way to set it up. Maybe it leads to them coming back together when one or more of their parents, and maybe even themselves, get accused of murdering Cates? (Btw, I'm just assuming; I have no idea if that is actually the storyline). 

I doubt it would matter if Jason reminded Sonny that Anna is Robin's mother. He cared about Robin when she lived locally and was useful to him (good for his ego re:  nostalgia or being the doctor treating whichever family member had been shot most recently). Now that Anna has in some way negatively impacted his life, he doesn't see a need to be decent to her. I think the only people in his life he values for reasons other than usefulness, are his two young daughters. 

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I wish Ava had laughed in Joss's face when she Carly'd out with her "you would've been the one going out the window" threat.  And I'm glad Trina stood up to Hypocrite Jr. and how she sure 'looks the other way' for the people she cares about.  Girlie could teach classes in that.


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Irene is the perfect name for this baby because it honors someone who looms large in Ashford family lore -- but, let's face it, is not something you're hearing on a lot of playgrounds these days. (Kind of like Donna, heh.)

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12 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I wish Ava had laughed in Joss's face when she Carly'd out with her "you would've been the one going out the window" threat.  And I'm glad Trina stood up to Hypocrite Jr. and how she sure 'looks the other way' for the people she cares about.  Girlie could teach classes in that.


Like she wasn’t just simping over Jason a few months ago. Jason who’s murdered countless people and feels zero remorse and is now back to being Sonny’s lapdog. What exactly makes him any better than Ava other than her mommy telling her since the day she was born that she must worship Jason and thinks he’s the bestest person on the planet no matter what?

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Anna has a done a lot of looking the other way and not legal things. She's letting Valentine run right now. Wasn't Sonny the one who helped her escape from jail? Her attitude towards Sonny is not making her look better. She's just a hypocrite. 

Good for Jason for calling her out. 

Trina came across just appearing blind and stupid talking about her Ava bond. Instead of being so defensive over someone who just altered Sonny's meds and lied to the cops to give false report maybe go hug your cousin. 

Why is she even caring to go the funeral. She's shown no care for TJ at all while crazy enough Joss did more concern for them all. 

Jagger showing up and saying what he did before burying a baby was disgusting. They've ruined this character. 


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<Molly finds the custody papers>

Soooo... Does this mean that Molly and TJ won't be asking Kristina to be their surrogate so they can try again?

Edited by ciarra
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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

 Why is she even caring to go the funeral. She's shown no care for TJ at all while crazy enough Joss did more concern for them all. 

TJ is her family; she and TJ had a scene with Ace a few weeks or months ago (not sure because it's GH time) in the "park" where he talked about anticipating fatherhood. Also, Trina now has a close relationship with her bio/stepfather, Curtis, who TJ calls "uncle" but is more of a father figure to him over the long term than his legal father, who was killed by his bio father when TJ was a kid. Trina's mother, Portia, and TJ are colleagues as well. IIRC, TJ confided in Portia when he found out about the first surrogate's miscarriage. 

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