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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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On 3/2/2025 at 1:45 PM, RebeccatheWriter said:

The cravings are performative just like the cradling of the baby bump. She will do that all 40ish weeks to remind the world that she is pregnant. It validates her just as her claims that she is "super busy." I can guarantee we will see more footage of Carlin at the BSB and doing all sorts of things that she wasn't doing previously. She lives for that attention and validation as someone who is doing it all. Cue in comments from Kelly Jo, Katie, and a few others about how nobody else does as much. She's super woman. 

The baby stuff in gift bags for Zade and Layla to open was a bit anticlimatic because they aren't at a developmental age where it will make sense to them. Without prodding Layla probably associated the outfit with something for her dolls. Zade could identify them but wasn't going to make the leap to understand that Carlin was pregnant. I've seen it done better with the children receiving a gift from the new addition to the family to announce. A game for each of them with a note saying the baby can't wait to play with you would be an option. 

Carlin's trip to Target seemed like a cry for another sponsorship. 

Carlin's trip to Target could be for other reasons that I am not allowed to post.  It is why Target is losing billions of dollars.

Edited by Natalie68
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On 3/3/2025 at 5:06 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

I wonder if Carlin and Whitney have someone managing the day to day stuff...and they only are available for approvals for photos, orders, etc.

I can't imagine Carlin actually does anything more then be a figurehead.  If I recall, Whitney and Erin did most of the decision making and product decisions.

They do have a manager and other employees at the shop.

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

Sharing ownership and paying a manager and employees too? This means that they have less of a net profit to split between the two owners. How in God's name do these 2 families pay their own personal bills and support growing families? The Stewart's lifestyle doesn't add up even more.

Not paying taxes?  Writing off too much?  Give these folks an audit!!!!

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4 hours ago, floridamom said:

Sharing ownership and paying a manager and employees too? This means that they have less of a net profit to split between the two owners. How in God's name do these 2 families pay their own personal bills and support growing families? The Stewart's lifestyle doesn't add up even more.

Here's my take. The Stewarts currently have three income streams. BSB, YouTube, Influencing. When you combine them, I think they're making a pretty penny. Child exploitation is very lucrative. However, I also think they're spending everything that comes in and have next to nothing in savings and retirement. If one of those streams goes bust, they're screwed. 

As far as the BSB staff, they're probably paid peanuts. It also wouldn't surprise me if they're not given enough hours to be classified as full time, so Whit and Carlin don't have to give them benefits (although I'm unfamiliar with TN laws). 

As far as the operation itself, there's signs it's floundering. They did a mall pop up store. The constant cash and carries to dump old stock. Now they're having in-store shopping by appointment. Everything screams "desperate for cash flow." Their clothes are already ridiculously marked up as it is, and in this shaky political and economic climate, most women aren't casually dropping $85 on a cheap fast fashion dress. If BSB is around in three years, I'll eat my hat. 

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Didn't watch their latest vlog but the title of it was something like, "First Pregnancy Scare", so the click bait has begun.  Woo-hoo.  It's going to be a long few month.  Also, I saw a story Carlin posted and they were at the pool store, and I guess they are getting ready to get the pool ready for their fun, fun, fun pool season.

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My prediction is that Carlin will (if she hasn't already) lose interest in BSB as a business/job. We see her less involved other than the occasional photo shoot. She's making enough on her own brand with Evan, influencing/slinging links, and exploiting her children. The question I have is what happens to the world of influencers when the economy tanks and people have less disposable income. Companies of luxury brands are going to have to do a pivot with approach and messaging to make their brands seem less of a splurge and more of a necessity. Will influencers have a role in that pivot? Typically influencers and such do best with aspirational marketing. They target people who want that lifestyle and look. 

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11 hours ago, RebeccatheWriter said:

My prediction is that Carlin will (if she hasn't already) lose interest in BSB as a business/job. We see her less involved other than the occasional photo shoot. She's making enough on her own brand with Evan, influencing/slinging links, and exploiting her children. The question I have is what happens to the world of influencers when the economy tanks and people have less disposable income. Companies of luxury brands are going to have to do a pivot with approach and messaging to make their brands seem less of a splurge and more of a necessity. Will influencers have a role in that pivot? Typically influencers and such do best with aspirational marketing. They target people who want that lifestyle and look. 

If, or when, that happens.... I have a feeling the more thrifty fundie influencers will survive and become popular.

I could see someone like Michaela or even Erin doing well with a more thrifty cost saving approach.

Someone I know that was a big Bringing Up Bates watcher had a theory that perhaps creative differences caused Erin to depart BSB.

When looking on their website, I noticed their selections were less fundy heavy and more mainstream..and maybe that was something Erin didn't like...or maybe her health issues post Covid caused her to pull back.

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5 minutes ago, floridamom said:

She also mentioned some type of abnormality that was shrinking in utero? What was this all about. She went on and on the car for I don't know how long talking without stopping. I couldn't follow her any more and was completely confused. What's the issue there? Does anyone know? Thanks so much for the info.

I don't have the heart to listen to her babbling, but if someone can post some of what she said, especially any medical terms, I'll be happy to give it a go.

As far as something shrinking associated with spotting in early pregnancy, she might've had a small blood clot or hematoma under the placenta.  These are pretty common, usually not large enough to interfere with the pregnancy and will gradualiy dissolve, leading to spotting and the lesion shrinking over time.

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21 hours ago, RebeccatheWriter said:

It was a subchorionic hematoma or subchorionic hemorrhage.  It can cause vaginal bleeding, but most cases resolve on their own without complications. 

Yep, as I thought.  Happens a lot and, even as someone who has diagnosed and treated women with this problem for over 40 years; I could not possibly talk about it for 30 minutes, there just isn't that much to say. Unless you are Carlin and need clicks.

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On 3/13/2025 at 9:53 AM, ginger90 said:

Their clickbait nonsense is ridiculous. Does anyone recall Carlin having an iron fall off a shelf and hit her on the head? The title of the video before the circumstances were known, “I thought she might BLEED OUT! New PROBLEMS and new DOCTORS!”. 


I don’t recall exactly but seem to remember a shelf falling in the laundry room and she got hit w detergent . . . .

On a different note did anyone catch this on IG. Layla was holding some baby cousin - IDK who - it was a boy - maybe Trace’s, maybe Tori’s if she has a baby right now. No idea but Kelly is there and exclaims look how white he looks next to her “Indian skin.” I have no idea if that’s a thing ppl say and whether they mean Asian Indian or Native American. But clearly this kind of race talk is so common in their family that Carlin didn’t even think - hey maybe don’t put this on IG. But then she also thought it was NBD to put out the IG of Trace screaming George Floyd.

And we wonder why Tiff is spending more and more time with her family and less and less w G&K. Like she legit does not visit Knoxville - she sees the in-laws if they visit her.

Edited by cereality
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I've heard people say it before. In most cases, they've been told they have a Native American ancestor, so any features they deemed exotic are referenced back to that. It's not exactly culturally sensitive and given who the Bates are, I'm not surprised. 

With regards to Tiffany, I feel worse and worse for that girl. It seems like she has no one to hang around with except Lawson and her parents. I know they travel all the time which makes it hard to establish friendships, but don't they belong to a church? Surely there must be some young women and moms in her orbit? 

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

I don’t recall exactly but seem to remember a shelf falling in the laundry room and she got hit w detergent . . . .


It was an iron that fell.

1 hour ago, cereality said:

Kelly is there and exclaims look how white he looks next to her “Indian skin.”

The story has probably expired by now but that isn’t exactly what she said. Yes, it was cringe worthy but it’s not a quote. 

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I mean she did say the baby looked white and she did mention Layla's Indian skin. Reddit people are even saying the same. 

2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

With regards to Tiffany, I feel worse and worse for that girl. It seems like she has no one to hang around with except Lawson and her parents. I know they travel all the time which makes it hard to establish friendships, but don't they belong to a church? Surely there must be some young women and moms in her orbit? 

 I think it varies but IRL I do think it can be hard to make friends unless you're seeing people day in and day out/very regularly. There's a reason that for young people so many of their friends can be coworkers - often coworkers from prior jobs who they clicked with but don't work with now. And then people make friends doing recurring activities like work out classes/sports teams, book clubs etc. She's obviously can't/won't work outside the home and isn't doing any of the recurring activities bc they're traveling. Church IDK. There was always that thing about how church gives you a community but I really think it's about where you go to church + what you do there. IDK if they go to a mega church but some of those mega churches are no different than going to the movies or the mall - people go as a transactional thing and are booking it out the door afterwards; sure they interact but often the interaction will be with people they already know - their BIL and his family attends the same church, as does their next door neighbor, and their coworker - bam they have a church friend group and don't need to befriend others. I think to show up as two people by yourselves and expect to make friends without putting in anything more, probably isn't realistic. She'd have to join up some young person/young moms group via church; get on church committees; get on choir etc.

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Not a smart thing for Carlin to post, but in this day and age on social media it's sadly become the norm. It's not just whites that post ignorant and offensive stuff like that.

I swear...social media is the downfall of civilization.

In regards to Tiff, the only person I see her having a decent rapport with in the family is Esther.  In past Lawson videos, she usually is around Esther.

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4 hours ago, cereality said:

I mean she did say the baby looked white and she did mention Layla's Indian skin. Reddit people are even saying the same. 

 I think it varies but IRL I do think it can be hard to make friends unless you're seeing people day in and day out/very regularly. There's a reason that for young people so many of their friends can be coworkers - often coworkers from prior jobs who they clicked with but don't work with now. And then people make friends doing recurring activities like work out classes/sports teams, book clubs etc. She's obviously can't/won't work outside the home and isn't doing any of the recurring activities bc they're traveling. Church IDK. There was always that thing about how church gives you a community but I really think it's about where you go to church + what you do there. IDK if they go to a mega church but some of those mega churches are no different than going to the movies or the mall - people go as a transactional thing and are booking it out the door afterwards; sure they interact but often the interaction will be with people they already know - their BIL and his family attends the same church, as does their next door neighbor, and their coworker - bam they have a church friend group and don't need to befriend others. I think to show up as two people by yourselves and expect to make friends without putting in anything more, probably isn't realistic. She'd have to join up some young person/young moms group via church; get on church committees; get on choir etc.

Exactly. Especially with big churches, you get out what you put in. I used to belong to a very big church (not a mega church, but it was the largest United Methodist in the state). I sang in the choir, participated in a young adult Sunday School class — those were my people. Outside that bubble, I didn’t really know anyone and it was super easy for people to come in and out on Sundays without ever connecting with anyone. You really have to join a group or two.

As for Kelly’s comment, I have no words other than to say I’m not surprised. At all. Not am I surprised Carlin posted it. In my state, they now have vouchers for private schools. On the online application, one of the options for “why do you want to put your child in private schools?” was you wanted your child to go to a school with “a different racial makeup.” In other words, “a white school.” After someone posted it and the state’s liberal paper got hold of it, they removed it from the site.

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2 hours ago, Absolom said:

My ten year old granddaughter is too old for that dress.  You wouldn't be able to talk her into wearing it possibly not even with a substantial bribe.  Carlin really needs to grow up.

I got hammered on the Duggar board for suggesting that Jana was too old for a babydoll. I've found my people. 😀

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8 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I got hammered on the Duggar board for suggesting that Jana was too old for a babydoll. I've found my people. 😀

In this case, it's not just the length; it's the poofy sleeves, juvenile color, and childish embroidery that tip it over the edge for me.  I'm not much bothered by babydoll dresses per se, as long as they are otherwise not too childish.

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56 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Seems like the older she gets the shorter and more immature her clothes get. This dress reminds me of 1960's baby doll pajamas.

From the way he speaks I can't believe Zade is turning 3 either. 

It's honestly shocking. There's been no noticeable improvement in Zade's speech since he started therapy. I'm sure this is 100% Evan and Carlin's fault and not the speech therapist's. They're probably not following the protocol she laid out. Zade is old news now that #3 is on the way and pool season is coming up!

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On 3/21/2025 at 11:45 AM, BitterApple said:

It's honestly shocking. There's been no noticeable improvement in Zade's speech since he started therapy. I'm sure this is 100% Evan and Carlin's fault and not the speech therapist's. They're probably not following the protocol she laid out. Zade is old news now that #3 is on the way and pool season is coming up!

Carlin posted a reel of Zade - last day as a 2 yr old type of thing. They're clearly not taking him to speech therapy or maybe they're taking him but doing nothing else outside those 45 min with the therapist every other week. I mean she asks his name and he says "Me Day." She asks him his favorite thing to do and he sings Happy Birthday which he says "Happa Ba." And not once anywhere does she correct him. Like she couldn't say your name is Zade, say Zade? Happy birthday - have him pronounce it.

While I get this is about viewership and she doesn't want to disrupt the reel, give me a break this is about your actual child. Pretty sure among the directions from the speech therapist initially were to get him to fill in words, correct words, etc. Not just let him go around with baby pronunciations and throw subtitles in there for your viewing audience.

And kudos on continuing to expose Layla to nothing but shopping as a hobby. It's a whole thing to take her to Target to pick out a gift for Zade. I mean fine but girlfriend acts like Target and shopping is the highlight of her life - which it prob is the highlight of her week. I mean no school or friends or anything? And then she parks herself on the floor of Target counting out her money which she places in piles on the floor. I know kid people esp the Bates are more ok with that sort of thing but my God do you need to sit down on the floor of Target - in a dress? Can the parent really not say here, let me count your $ for you and just do it standing up?

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