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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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16 hours ago, writerwoman said:

Going back to potty training for a quick second… did I hallucinate or did I see a kid’s potty set up and plugged in between the “dining/dinning” room and the living room? Didn’t some of her fans, who are the only people she takes advice from, suggest that should stay in the bathroom where the grown up toilets are? That poor child can’t even get any privacy when the cameras are off.

I saw something like that also. It looked like whatever it was, was plugged into an electrical outlet. I cannot imagine a potty seat be plugged into an electrical outlet. If there  are such things out there I am way behind the times. Maybe there was  an electrical cord running behind the potty not part of it.  But putting a potty chair in the living room is weird and disgusting. I wouldn't put it past Carlin to do this out of laziness so that she doesn't have to take Layla to the potty. She could just sit on the couch and tell Layla to go sit on her potty.

The only other thing that I think it might have been was a fountain for the dog to drink from. But that's also disgusting to have in the living room. 

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I wonder if the reason Carlin hasn’t scheduled the 5-day inpatient EEG is because she’s knows that it will show nothing and then the jig is up, because she’s been faking everything?  I say that but then I think about the video I saw of her falling straight backwards (from a standing position) and hitting a concrete floor.  Who in the world would want to fake that?  It had to have really hurt.

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6 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Who in the world would want to fake that?  It had t have really hurt.

It's crazy, but people with factitious disorder will self-harm. I go back and forth as well and I think it's one of two possibilities:

A) Carlin's faking 

B) There's something going on but neither Carlin nor Evan want it to be resolved. As long as Carlin's having episodes and doesn't schedule the EEG, they both get what they want. Evan doesn't have to work a trade he has no interest in and Carlin has him around 24/7 to help with the kids and drive her to nail appointments. She's been damn lucky that none of her seizures have resulted in serious injury and they certainly haven't impacted her travel or social life, so what incentive is there to diagnose and make them stop? 

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At this point I am just baffled and don’t know what to think.  At the beginning I was sympathetic, but as time goes on and they refuse to schedule the one test which might shed some light on the situation I find my sympathy is evaporating. 

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I was sympathetic at first too. I wonder if at this point Carlin is afraid to stay in the hospital for 5 days. She can’t even go to regular appointments by herself, so unless Evan could somehow stay with her, I can see why she is putting this test off. I can’t imagine the hospital allowing Evan (or anyone) to stay the whole time, plus who would take the kids? None of it makes sense.

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There's no reason Carlin couldn't have plenty of visitors during her 5 day EEG, as TN seems to have done away with any covid rules, and Carlin isn't going into the hospital because she's sick (so to speak). I'm guessing if Evan fell asleep in a chair no one would bother him either. I wouldn't be surprised if the Stewarts took the kids for a couple of days either.

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Wonder if suddenly being VERY happy with this dr has something to do with the fact that this dr has expressly said - this isn't over, we'll still keep testing and seeing what we can find. As opposed to the cardiologist who said - there isn't an issue here, you can go. I mean they've been very hot and cold about medical care - lots of sarcasm, comments re how drs do nothing anyway etc. Now all of a sudden in the last few videos it's - the dr is sooo sweet [uh he's a dr, not your bestie], he's Evan's best friend blah blah.

They have said recently that Carlin is feeling the best she's felt in months now that she's on two meds - apparently the episodes still happen but now less sudden so she can sit down. So now I wonder if the "pressure" is off a bit, so they keep dragging their feet on the testing. Yet on one side they drag their feet on testing vs. on the other it's - can Mayo get her in faster? Uh do they understand what Mayo is? The only way Mayo brings someone in ASAP is if the person is very very ill + whatever needs to be done cannot be done locally and cannot be delayed. They haven't scheduled a test that they could've scheduled over the summer for 3 mos out + have spent the last 6 mos traveling to Cali for Law's wedding; attending Trace's wedding and related showers; traveling to NJ;  going on a beach vacation w/ the inlaws and another one with Zach/Whit - with the beach being like a 10 hr drive; going to Vegas. Like she's def living life here . . . enough that they can't bump a really sick patient from the testing queue bc she showed up.

As much as they seem to drag their feet on testing, you can almost see the wheels turning in Evan's mind re the YT video from the testing esp if they could get it in Fla. You know - frantic last minute packing; driving to Nash to drop off the kids; frantic hysterical crying about leaving her kids; arriving in Fla and showing everyone around the AirBnb/hotel; driving to the hospital - cue palm trees, Jesus music; teary interview from the parking lot before going in etc.

Also noticed that Carlin said something along the lines of - maybe I'm getting better on my own. And Evan added - well God can do whatever he wants. So if they wanted to back away from this, they likely could with God speak and get a LOT of praise re - look how this Godly young couple came thru a tough time.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Also noticed that Carlin said something along the lines of - maybe I'm getting better on my own. And Evan added - well God can do whatever he wants. So if they wanted to back away from this, they likely could with God speak and get a LOT of praise re - look how this Godly young couple came thru a tough time.

That sounds like another excuse. But this is Carvan. They're full of excuses and little action. It's almost like they want to martyr Carlin. It's good for business. 🙄

As for potty training, if it works, do it. Every kid is different.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Wonder if suddenly being VERY happy with this dr has something to do with the fact that this dr has expressly said - this isn't over, we'll still keep testing and seeing what we can find. As opposed to the cardiologist who said - there isn't an issue here, you can go. I mean they've been very hot and cold about medical care - lots of sarcasm, comments re how drs do nothing anyway etc. Now all of a sudden in the last few videos it's - the dr is sooo sweet [uh he's a dr, not your bestie], he's Evan's best friend blah blah.

I have mentioned here the cat hoarder I know IRL whom I believe has factitious disorder, as well as its sister, factitious disorder imposed on another (in this case, her dozens of pets). I am not the only person who is convinced that she has this disease. When I first started to become aware that she is mentally ill, it was because she had similar responses as Carlin to medical/veterinary professionals. Doctors/vets = sources of attention, completely wonderful people, so wise and caring, her new best friends. Doctors/vets who won't give her the unnecessary medications and/or treatments that she wants = total idiots who don't know what they're doing and selfishly don't give a damn about their patients. I have seen her do it time and time again, to the extent that she's burned through most of the vets and emergency clinics in this metropolitan area. There are not many people, other than total fools and people who don't know her well, who still believe her dramatics. 

I think that's what Carlin is doing. I suspect that most of her family also sees through her, and so do her friends, if she has any. 

Edited by Heathen
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4 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I wonder if the reason Carlin hasn’t scheduled the 5-day inpatient EEG is because she’s knows that it will show nothing and then the jig is up, because she’s been faking everything?  I say that but then I think about the video I saw of her falling straight backwards (from a standing position) and hitting a concrete floor.  Who in the world would want to fake that?  It had to have really hurt.

I don’t think she was hurt, oddly enough . . .  She did go to Starbucks directly afterward. 😳

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4 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I don’t think she was hurt, oddly enough . . .  She did go to Starbucks directly afterward. 😳

After I was concussed, I proceeded to open bank accounts for the customer at my desk at closing (I locked the bank and was hit by the swinging door as my head was situated next to the standing door. My head became sandwiched in between the doors). After that, I went home and didn't remember what I had done for several hours. I panicked when I first felt the bumps on both sides of my head, but memory came back, my husband came home, and we were off to the ER. 

Not everyone who is concussed is a woozy mess. 

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11 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I don’t think she was hurt, oddly enough . . .  She did go to Starbucks directly afterward. 😳

I'd like to point out that much like their TV show, Evan and Carlin's videos are staged and edited. I would not be surprised if they've reenacted some of her "episodes" that weren't originally caught on camera. 

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Just now, Salacious Kitty said:

After I was concussed, I proceeded to open bank accounts for the customer at my desk at closing (I locked the bank and was hit by the swinging door as my head was situated next to the standing door. My head became sandwiched in between the doors). After that, I went home and didn't remember what I had done for several hours. I panicked when I first felt the bumps on both sides of my head, but memory came back, my husband came home, and we were off to the ER. 

Not everyone who is concussed is a woozy mess. 

Did Carlin go to the ER after her fall backwards? 

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30 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

Did Carlin go to the ER after her fall backwards? 

IIRC this was when Evan shared he was texting with the doctor who told him not to bother with the ER and to “watch” Carlin that night.

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4 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

IIRC this was when Evan shared he was texting with the doctor who told him not to bother with the ER and to “watch” Carlin that night.

I think this is correct.  Evan contacted the doctor who diagnosed her with a concussion over the phone and told them she didn't need to go to the ER

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Somehow I think Carlin is lying. 🤣 Don't you all pick, a wet leaf slicked concrete back road to play on when your pumpkin picking plans go wrong? The day wasn't about the kids/family, or picking pumpkins, or playing in the leaves. It was about creating content for IG.



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Exactly, GeeGolly. If the day was really about the kids, you'd find another kid-oriented activity to do when the first one didn't work out. Playground, park, zoo, etc. You also wouldn't dress your toddler in that ridiculous get-up. It's funny how obsessed these people are with making memories, but I don't equate weekly photo shoots with real living. You're not in the moment when you're curating every aspect of your life. 

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I don’t remember how old I was, but in school we were asked to draw a picture of a family member. I drew my aunt at a sink washing dishes. She always seemed to be washing dishes. 🤣

Layla will probably draw a cell phone or camera, with arms and legs, of either one of her parents.


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3 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

I did not need to wake up to a man spreading photo this morning. I now know more about Evan than I care to. 

Seriously. Dude needs to stop wearing sweatpants in public. They're not flattering. 

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10 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Somehow I think Carlin is lying. 🤣 Don't you all pick, a wet leaf slicked concrete back road to play on when your pumpkin picking plans go wrong? The day wasn't about the kids/family, or picking pumpkins, or playing in the leaves. It was about creating content for IG.



What in holy he** is that poor child wearing?  Knit bloomers and knee high boots?  Meanwhile, Carlin is 'playing in the leaves' wearing a dress and cowboy boots.

They all look ridiculous.  If someone is giving her these outfits, she needs to give them back.

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On 10/25/2022 at 11:24 AM, Heathen said:

Seriously. Dude needs to stop wearing sweatpants in public. They're not flattering. 

Maybe that's all that fits at this point.  Evan is going to be as big as Zach if he keeps this up.  And I really didn't need to see his package.  Ew.

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3 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

Maybe that's all that fits at this point.  Evan is going to be as big as Zach if he keeps this up.  And I really didn't need to see his package.  Ew.

It's weird because Evan used to be pretty disciplined. The steady diet of frappuccinos and fast food is doing him no favors. 

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3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's weird because Evan used to be pretty disciplined. The steady diet of frappuccinos and fast food is doing him no favors. 

He said in their last video that he's 5'8" and weighs 175. Let's see if he keeps it up. Most fundie men tend to let themselves go. But it's the wives' job to remain trim (JRod's own word) for their men. I hate the sexist double standard.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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54 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's weird because Evan used to be pretty disciplined. The steady diet of frappuccinos and fast food is doing him no favors. 

Not to mention that his "work" now involves parking his butt in a chair to edit videos, instead of working at his chosen trade. 

Edited by Heathen
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5 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

He said in their last video that he's 5'8" and weighs 175. Let's see if he keeps it up. Most fundie men tend to let themselves go. But it's the wives' job to remain trim (JRod's own word) for their men. I hate the sexist double standard.

Lmfaooooooo!!!!!! 5'8"?!!! Not if he was wearing heels and standing on a phone book. Carlin is only 5'2" or 5'3" and Evan isn't much taller than her when they stand side-by-side. He's 5'6" tops, and that's stretching it. 

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25 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's weird because Evan used to be pretty disciplined. The steady diet of frappuccinos and fast food is doing him no favors. 

He's like 27-28, which is the time when many guys start to balloon out as it hasn't yet occurred to them that they can't eat like their 21 year old selves anymore as they sit at a desk job [or in Evan's case sit and twiddle his thumbs all day, editing a YT video per week and playing dress shop]. I mean in Evan's case at 21, he was still living with mommy [as opposed to at college like most guys] and eating way healthier as his mom seems like the type that puts on full meals every night with green vegetables and everything. So yeah to go from that to Chick Fil a many nights per week and Sbux daily for the last 3+ yrs -- of course he's going to look gross.

Before he got with Carlin he seemed somewhat disciplined -- school, working out many nights a week etc. But all it took was Ms. Carlin crying about how he's gone too much [bc there was a time where he'd finish school and then go to the gym for an hr and then come home] and all that got put to rest. Now he talks a good game about a new work out plan or whatever but himself says he sticks with it for 2 days and admitted that he's overweight for his height now. I feel like the Bates laziness has rubbed off on him big time.

And I don't care how expensive those Cuts pants are Carlin, they are doing your man no favors. While you may think that buffoon is soooo sexy, no one needs to see every inch of his wide butt and now the entire outline of his package, so maybe you can get a sponsorship w some company making structured pants like jeans??

Edited by cereality
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10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Lmfaooooooo!!!!!! 5'8"?!!! Not if he was wearing heels and standing on a phone book. Carlin is only 5'2" or 5'3" and Evan isn't much taller than her when they stand side-by-side. He's 5'6" tops, and that's stretching it. 

Carlin is just under 5'4". She is noticably shorter than Evan when she is in flats. As tall as him in heels. If I had to guess, I would say he's maybe 5'7" tops. 

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We're getting into body shaming territory here.  Evan has shared his weight with the world for, well, reasons.  It's okay to comment that he is gaining weight and about the fundie standard of wives must have many children and stay the same size they were when they married for as long as possible while the menfolk do not need to care about their appearance.  Let's not make comments that imply all larger folks are unattractive.   

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2 hours ago, cereality said:

He's like 27-28, which is the time when many guys start to balloon out as it hasn't yet occurred to them that they can't eat like their 21 year old selves anymore as they sit at a desk job [or in Evan's case sit and twiddle his thumbs all day, editing a YT video per week and playing dress shop]. I mean in Evan's case at 21, he was still living with mommy [as opposed to at college like most guys] and eating way healthier as his mom seems like the type that puts on full meals every night with green vegetables and everything. So yeah to go from that to Chick Fil a many nights per week and Sbux daily for the last 3+ yrs -- of course he's going to look gross.

Before he got with Carlin he seemed somewhat disciplined -- school, working out many nights a week etc. But all it took was Ms. Carlin crying about how he's gone too much [bc there was a time where he'd finish school and then go to the gym for an hr and then come home] and all that got put to rest. Now he talks a good game about a new work out plan or whatever but himself says he sticks with it for 2 days and admitted that he's overweight for his height now. I feel like the Bates laziness has rubbed off on him big time.

And I don't care how expensive those Cuts pants are Carlin, they are doing your man no favors. While you may think that buffoon is soooo sexy, no one needs to see every inch of his wide butt and now the entire outline of his package, so maybe you can get a sponsorship w some company making structured pants like jeans??

He also still lived at home which probably helped with being more disciplined. 

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Evan's mentioned many times on social media that he's going to start working out. Then a month later, he admits he's fallen off the wagon. Lather, rinse, repeat with him and his relationship with working out. Mr. Kitty is about Evan's height, is nowhere near 175, but has a bit of a belly. I guess bone structure also has something to do with how they carry their weight. I don't think Evan looks overweight, maybe just a little paunchy. I think he needs cardio. 

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

The Stewarts are "camping" again.

I don't follow anyone on YT, IG or TikTok, so I don't know if the Stewarts fake content is the norm, but IMO, its beyond ridiculous. 

I laughed at Carlin wearing loads of jewelry and full makeup. Do you think they stayed the night or packed it in once they got their campfire footage? 😅

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Last year they filmed throughout the night, I don’t recall why they were up but Carlin looked miserable. They will probably document a diaper blowout by Zade and taking Layla outside to urinate. I would not tent camp with little kids. I’m sure there’s ways to keep them warm in a tent, I just don’t trust C&E to care enough to make sure the babies are toasty and comfortable. 

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I laughed at Carlin wearing loads of jewelry and full makeup. Do you think they stayed the night or packed it in once they got their campfire footage? 😅

Layla is sitting in an open tent playing with an indoor toy. Carlin and Zade are literally just sitting there. They might as well be in their house or on their deck.

And no, no way will they actually sleep there!

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Seems like a totally fake camping trip, and I think it’s the same spot as last year. They’ve gotten better with the camera but last years views showed that it was pretty much them pulling up to a ditch/retaining pond/random pond on the side of the road and “camping.” It’s all to showcase them in their fall outfits, perfect campfire etc. doing another check the box fall activity, and let’s be honest there’s a bit of competition w Josie who does this all the time. Wouldn’t be shocked if soon after the campfire shots, maybe they show a bit of sleeping say at 7 pm and then pack it up and go home, to return the next morning to show early morning. Just like a movie shooting. Though at that point, camp in your backyard - Layla would find it just as fun.

And I realize they’re jobless but who goes camping on a random Wed? If you’re at a real campground (which they aren’t), you want to be there when it’s got other families, not the random guys living in vans doing whatever. But hey manly Evan has got this.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

So they actually started a fire. Please note the lighter. 😱


JHC. That's into just plain stupid territory. Will the lighter melt or combust first? 

It's a wonder to me how people so stupid manage to stay alive into old age. Dumb luck? 

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11 minutes ago, Heathen said:

JHC. That's into just plain stupid territory. Will the lighter melt or combust first? 

It's a wonder to me how people so stupid manage to stay alive into old age. Dumb luck? 

I really hope their kids survive their stupid parenting. 

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12 minutes ago, Heathen said:

JHC. That's into just plain stupid territory. Will the lighter melt or combust first? 

It's a wonder to me how people so stupid manage to stay alive into old age. Dumb luck? 

Its a wonder to me as well.

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