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S05.E05: Miss Me x 100

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The 100th episode of PLL!


The day has finally arrived -- Alison's first day back at Rosewood High, and neither the PLLs nor Alison are really ready for it. Determined to put on a brave face, Alison returns to also help heal the damage she did years ago. But are apologies enough for those who Alison has hurt in the past? Not if Mona and her army have anything to say about it. Meanwhile, Caleb and an old foe return to Rosewood.


Jenna seems like the most likely option since we haven't seen her in awhile, and The Jenna Thing has been a major point of interest since the beginning. 


Even though Sasha's now 18, I still can't really buy that this young girl is/was the HBIC with all these mid to late 20somethings. It doesn't help that I've never really cared for her acting skills.

And this begs the question -- will Alison return to high school to the grade when she 'died' (which would put her 2 years behind the other Liars) or will she get credit for having been 'kidnapped' and walk straight into senior year ?  It's not like she was taking courses online while she was 'abducted' since that's the story she's officially sticking with.


Meanwhile, Caleb and an old foe return to Rosewood.


Probably Jenna, but it could be anyone even former supposedly dead people since Alison came back from the dead.  Holbrook, Ian, Nate, Maya -- who else had died or the body disappeared or kind of left town with no resolution in their spat with the Liars ?


Then again, it could be an old foe of Caleb's -- the wording in that description is weird, maybe he brings back a ghost of someone from Ravenswood. </snark>

  • Love 1
And this begs the question -- will Alison return to high school to the grade when she 'died' (which would put her 2 years behind the other Liars) or will she get credit for having been 'kidnapped' and walk straight into senior year ?  It's not like she was taking courses online while she was 'abducted' since that's the story she's officially sticking with.



After the last episode, I've been wondering about this. Considering this is TV, I'd guess the school will make Ali take some tests given her "special situation" so she can skip the grades she missed and at most there might be talk of getting her a tutor so she can pull that off.

I think the old foe is Jenna. I saw her in a promo clip some where online but I don't remember where. SMH.

I think they will have Ali take a test as well to see where her level of education should be. Its kind of like a foreign student being tested as well. But really she should be a freshman but this show will so make her a senior because the writers are stuck on stupid.

After that last shot of Ali looking at her page with glazed eyes something tells me she's going to love coming back to where she left off. I'm starting to think she has DID or something.

Also don't you guys notice that the coda shots end with Ali now? This show is not so subtle is it?



And this begs the question -- will Alison return to high school to the grade when she 'died' (which would put her 2 years behind the other Liars) or will she get credit for having been 'kidnapped' and walk straight into senior year ?  It's not like she was taking courses online while she was 'abducted' since that's the story she's officially sticking with.


School in Rosewood seems like a place to see and be seen, and not to be taken seriously for education, moral development or career planning. Spencer, our supposedly studious Liar, hardly cracks a book, everyone skips class, and teachers sometimes blackmail and sleep with their students.  They don't care what Ali didn't learn, or how behind she is. Just one more aspect of the show that makes it puzzling that it airs on a "family" channel. 

Edited by M1977G
  • Love 1

Wouldn't it be awesome if it was ghost-Caleb who returned from Ravenswood ?  That's why he disappeared so quickly, and would explain the group of lettermen and cheerleaders behind in the coffee shop.

So new swimmer girl is a minion of Jenna (Jenna Junior, Jenna-lite) -- NO ONE saw that coming, and she is apparently loaded (did you see that car she was driving ?).

Did no one check Mona's video to see if it was edited ?  C'mon, it's Mona !!

So Ezria is a thing again.  Snooze.
And Emilison/Alily/whatever was back on for about 5 minutes.

'A' has graduated to car bombs -- shit just got serious.  Was that the engine block that sailed through the house window ? (ETA: nope, just the lamp that was on the table in front of the window). This will attract the attention of not only Rosewood Police dept., but I would think that DHS would likely get involved -- what with an act of domestic terrorism and all. But being this show, nothing major will happen to whomever built and detonated the bomb.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Wouldn't it be awesome if it was ghost-Caleb who returned from Ravenswood ?  That's why he disappeared so quickly, and would explain the group of lettermen and cheerleaders behind in the coffee shop.


So new swimmer girl is a minion of Jenna (Jenna Junior, Jenna-lite) -- NO ONE saw that coming, and she is apparently loaded (did you see that car she was driving ?).


Did no one check Mona's video to see if it was edited ?  C'mom, it's Mona !!


So Ezria is a thing again.  Snooze.

And Emilison/Alily/whatever was back on for about 5 minutes.


'A' has graduated to car bombs -- shit just got serious.  Was that the engine block that sailed through the house window ?

This will attract the attention of not only Rosewood Police dept., but I would think that DHS would likely get involved -- what with an act of domestic terrorism and all. But being this show, nothing major will happen to whomever built and detonated the bomb.


The episode was underwhelming, I just didn't care about the couples or Mona vs. Ali which was just pointless at this point.


I didn't mind the Ezria scene for one reason. They screwed to "every breath you take." You can not tell me that this show does not know this couple is creepy and wrong. 


I was so glad to see Caleb back. The haircut is not the best. But he just gets Hanna. "You changed your hair because Allison is back?" No judging or anything..he just knows her. 


Also..I've always been team Emison. 


Sasha is so brilliant. She plays Alison in a way that the audience really can't tell whether Ali is really trying to make amends or an actual psychopath that is trying to manipulate people. 


That house that blew up...was it Toby's? If so..isn't this a few times where A has targeted Jenna. And I don't think it's in the "Mona" way, because you know..she keeps almost dying. 


Speaking of A..I was happier to see her/him than I was to see Caleb (which I was really excited about.) Are we dealing with big bad yet? Those other A's seem like child play when you go and blow up a house/car..


I'm really glad because the show was beginning to feel..too high school. We need the crazy of A to keep this show going. But I love Mona. I'm really starting to think that Mona's reason for getting rid of Ali is to try and get Hanna back as a friend. (or more..) And I love how she was all "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested."


Jenna knows how to whip the girls, doesn't she. Interesting twist. She should watch it though..girlfriends of the hot lesbians end up dead. 


I'm wondering who Bethany Young is related too. And how she ended up in Ali's clothes. And in Ali's grave..


It really shouldn't be surprising that the 100th episode asked 10000 more questions, and answered one question in a way that means little too it's audience. 

Edited by mercfan3
  • Love 4

Underwhelmed by the episode, but the final shot of all eight main characters kind of made up for it. It was just strange and awesome to see them all together for the first time. Plus, it sounded like all of their cell phones were going off. It's so nice of A to include the guys in whatever evil plot s/he's cooking up next. Also I liked that they had extras who also came out to look at the damage.


I'm confused about Hanna's question to Caleb of "Did Miranda find her family?" Are we forgetting about the crossover episodes and having Hanna thinking Miranda was just looking for her uncle like when they first met? Or was that a strange way of asking if Miranda had moved on?

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 2

They need to give us a trigger warning for when ever we are subjected to whatever Ezra and Aria was doing. Ugh. I'm just glad it was short. I'm starting to think Keegan and Troian are more comfortable at love scenes than the rest.

Crazy vs Crazy needed more. I loved seeing Mona get one from Ali but I don't want the show to make Allison a victim. She's clearly afraid of someone but I think Ali knows who it is. Or she's a really good actress and set this whole shit up.

Jenna has mad game getting hot lesbians to do her bidding but I think the only person she truly cares about is Toby and the fact that he still ran in there even after the crap she put him through makes me shake me head. Id let her burn. lol.

Spencer and her family drama. Why do these people not have their own show? But I bet Papa Hastings is probably hiding for Mama Hastings. Both seem to be trying to protect Spencer from the other parent. I'm still convinced Melissa saw her mom in a compromising position and assumed she clocked who ever was buried behind the yard. For smart people that whole family has terrible communication.

Over all this episode has excited me for the series again. For a while I was watching the show as a chore or to see Troian act but this A is not playing high school games anymore.

  • Love 2

If Jenna was in that house and survived her 3rd explosion she should consider herself indestructible. 


So new girl is another Team Jenna spy, she sure finds people quickly, is there a website or something for teenage spies in Rosewood? She lost her first spy Caleb to the Liars, is that why she's been using girls?


Jenna has mad game getting hot lesbians to do her bidding


Not just lesbians, she gets hurt and Toby goes running after her. That's why her and Alison are two sides of the same coin, people are just drawn them to no matter what horrible things they do to them.


Mona and Jenna working together, Ali's screwed. She could probably handle them apart, but not when they put their two brains together. Since they didn't show A's face are we supposed to not think it's them? Or is blowing up Jenna's house a way to keep them off her trail. I also wonder if they will finally find Jenna and Toby's parents skeletons in the basement.

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 1

Yeah for the most part this episode was mediocre, but there were a few things that stood out. 


The car bomb at the end was cool.  I would have thought a car bomb would be the dumbest thing this show has ever done, but they actually made it dramatic.


The fight between Alison and Mona was a hot mess.  Mona was her super creepy self and for a minute, I thought we were going to see the old Alison.  Then they threw in slap sound effects straight out of a cartoon.  Also when Mona confronted her the next day, Alison just stood there and looked shocked she was double crossed.  Seriously couldn't Alison have just said, "Way to edit out the part were you slapped me first you, bitch" or something like that.


Why was Ezra with everyone else when they were watching the news?  Aria might be 18 but that relationship is still crazy messed up.  Was everyone else like, "Cool Aria is back together with her controlling, lying, stalking, statutory rapist boyfriend"?


I wasn't feeling the teary apology between Alison and Paige. Its bad enough that Alison is sorry for everything that happened, but can't Paige, at least, be less well adjusted.  I really wanted to see her punch out Alison over some snarky comment.


Lastly, Emilson happened.  I really thought that Alison was just going to pretend to be asleep and that they were going to drag this out like another five episodes, but they didn't.  Holy shit, it actually happened.  I always shipped Ali and Emily even though I knew what an unhealthy relationship it was.  That kiss in the library was just so sweet.  I know I should just move on but I can't believe it actually happened.


Also I loved that Hanna asked if Alison and Emily were together while they were all watching the news.  I know its just Hanna being Hanna, but I couldn't help picturing her going into a rant.  "Don't you guys realize what this means?  Crack ships are fair game!  Any pairing is possible now!  Aria/Spencer!  Caleb/Toby!  Emily/Spencer!  Emily/Spencer/Paige!  Aria/Jenna!  It's all but guaranteed that I am going to hook up with Mona by the end of the season!  We need to stock up on sexy underwear and start practicing sexy looks, right now!"

Edited by superman1204
  • Love 6

Oh and I forgot how Spencer called Hanna because she understands having a divorced parent. Spencer clearly forgot about Aria or she doesn't think much of her when it comes to stuff like that.

Emily and Ali kissed and then it quickly ended. I'm sure its not over. I want Paige to go on a kick a garbage can spear. Lyndsay did a good job showing how uncomfortable Ali makes Paige at least. Well to me she did.

I've shipped Emily/Jenna since the first Halloween special as well. If she could have Toby and Emily to herself she'd sell her soul for it.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 1

Well, they saved everything for the 100th, didn't they? Alison going back to school, Ali/Paige and Ali/Mona showdowns, Jenna's return, the reveal of a Jenna/Mona/Sydney plot of some sort, Caleb's return, Ezra and Aria reuniting, the Alison/Emily confession and kiss, all of the liars/love interests in one room, the real murder victim identified, another explosion, and the return of A.


I know it's all flash and no real answers, but this show just keeps pulling me back in. I have to admit that I ship Alison and Emily (I ship Emily with anyone, honestly), even though I know they're almost certainly a very bad idea. I've always liked Caleb, and I'm always happy to see Jenna, especially when she's actively plotting. I can even handle Toby and Ezra in small doses like this. And I like that we really can't tell if Ali is different or if she's just gotten smarter about playing the game. Does she have feelings for Emily, or does she still see Emily as the easiest to get on her side, and knows that appearing to reciprocate her feelings is the easiest way to do that? Is she at all sorry for how she treated Paige, or would she have treated her like she treated Mona had Emily not been there to see?


Also, did anyone else find it odd that Alison couldn't remember where the guidance office was? Sometimes I wonder if they're going to do the twin thing.

  • Love 4

The Jenna Thing!


Toby Hair Porn!


Spencer:  I want the truth.  Spencer's  mom:  You can't handle the truth!


Since when do Hasting's hug?


Geeze Aria you killed someone.  get over it.  


For a town with so many dead bodies,  creepers and liars.  The townsfolk should really start locking their doors.


Slap fight!  


Blue Snarf  that sounds dirty.  


Did someone throw another car through a house or was it just a run of the mill house explosion?  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 2
Blue Snarf  that sounds dirty.


Apparently it's a real thing -- I'd never heard of it before




Did someone throw another car through a house or was it just a run of the mill house explosion?


I initially thought it was just a car bomb (since that car was demoed), but maybe it was more than one bomb in order to set Toby's house on fire so far away.

I think this A is hardcore, they set off a house and a car bomb. 


Who's house were they at? I can never remember the crazy set up that is Rosewood's neighborhood. Jenna lives across from Emily and next door to Alison's who lives next to Spencer?


For a town with so many dead bodies,  creepers and liars.  The townsfolk should really start locking their doors.


I'm surprised anyone still lives in that town, with people almost being murdered every week, people actually getting killed and dead people that aren't really dead. That town is practically nothing but murderers, psychopaths and pedophiles. 

I almost forgot Ali was in high school before she decided to visit the whole east coast. I thought the girls were at Emily's. Doesn't Em live next door to Toby?

I hate that the writers forget what year the show is set in other wise Raven Baxter must live in Rosewood because they are able to predict the future. I don't even think Obama is on his second term but they have Emily mention Frozen and Adel Dazeem.

  • Love 1
I hate that the writers forget what year the show is set in other wise Raven Baxter must live in Rosewood because they are able to predict the future. I don't even think Obama is on his second term but they have Emily mention Frozen and Adel Dazeem.


I think you're right -- this season and last season have moved super slow time-wise -- since the Hallowee'n episode have they even got to Xmas yet ?  I don't think so, in which case 'Frozen' wouldn't even exist in movie theaters for another year or more.

I love that I'm not the only one who noticed The Ultimate Stalker Song playing during both the Ezria and Emison hook-ups. 


When Ali was giving herself that pep talk before school started, the cuts and camera angles definitely made it look like she was talking to someone else in the room. I definitely think they're setting Ali up to be the one with the twin. I hope they don't because it's so predictable. It would be way more interesting if she had DID or something like that.


Another twin thing: Jenna and Sydney (who I've been calling Swimfan) looked damn near identical when they were going over to Mona.


I truly don't understand why anyone is pushing Ali to stay in town. If I lived in Rosewood, I would have been out as soon as all this crazy stuff started happening.

  • Love 3
At some point, did this town used to be called Cabot Cove?


Jessica Fletcher is A! She had Shana shoot Ezra so she could publish the Alison DiLaurentis story first because she hasn't had a hit book since the 90s!


Although, yes, it is hard to believe people still want to live in this town, although the good news is if you avoid these five girls, you won't be involved.

  • Love 3

I'm all for portraying both gay and straight relationships with equal respect and importance, but statistically speaking, the girl-on-girl relationships here are increasing at quite a clip. Emily, Maya, Paige, Allison, Jenna, Shana ..... It's a lot!

I find the lesbianism in Rosewood silly as well. She did it for Jenna/Ali because... because... love!! It's the writer's fall back explanation for every crazy character's motive: male and female.


Pretty much a cop out excuse to avoid giving us creative, well thought out motives since high schoolers rarely are portrayed even on television to fall deeply and obsessively in love that frequently. 


But the fans who wanted more out of Emily's love life must be excited. She's got 3 different girls (Paige, Ali, new girl) vying for her at the same time! 

Edited by resonance
  • Love 1

My favorite part was when Aria and Ezra ate pie. I totally called that last week. Other than that Ezria was just gross. These girls have terrible memories. Ezra stalked them for at least a year and lied to Aria but he was shot so all is forgiven. Actually that's pretty much exactly what happened with Toby. He was thought to be dead so now he's okay. I guess you could say Ali is working the same angle.

If Bethany Young was 17 at the time of her murder, she at least can't be Ali's twin because wasn't Ali 14 or 15 when she "died"?

Weird how A's first new act was to recreate "the Jenna thing" at an extreme level.

I like Mona and Jenna teaming up.

I don't understand why Ali would need help finding the guidance counselor's office. I feel like she's just trying to make herself seem vulnerable.

Count me in on loving "Every Breath You Take" as the Ezria reunion song.

I also loved Spencer turning to Hanna when her parents split up. I do wonder what exactly is happening between the Hastings. I doubt Peter killed Jessica.

I also noticed that when Ali was talking to the mirror it seemed that someone else was in the room.

Who is Lucas' girlfriend?

  • Love 1

This episode was pretty awesome.  It had just about everything I could have asked for!  I can't even process my thoughts right now so I'll just make a list. You can ignore me for the most part.


  • The Jenna Thing part 100.  How many times can this girl survive explosions?  Who leaves her alone in houses anymore?  Who decided that she needs to be blown up and why can't they succeed?!  After she didn't blow up the first two times or drown when you tried the water thing, you should probably just let it go.  Bitch can't be taken down.
  • Aria remains the dumbest liar.  Why would you even go to Jenna's house?  Why would you let her in yours?  Why would you sleep with the pedophile teacher who clearly tricked you into loving him?  You don't love yourself, girl.
  • Caleb returns with absolutely no answers but somehow I love him more than I did when he left.  I was so confused about the Miranda thing.  He says he never saw her after Hanna left but didn't we see Hanna trying to talk to her ghost?  I need answers! Did Miranda and ghost!Caleb find happiness?  Did Caleb cut HIS hair because ghost!Caleb came back?  How is Remy sleeping these days?!?  I loved the look on his face when he walked in and saw Ali.  You see a dead girl and move on.  Just another day at the office for him.  His reaction to the explosion was totally "....I JUST got back, guys. Come on."
  • Hastings drama. You know your family is screwed up when your mom pulls you out of school to leave your dad.  I don't trust that Veronica is really afraid of Peter, but I barely trust Spencer at this point.  Did they ever get their stuff moved out of her house?  Where is Melissa?  I agree with the poster upthread. We need a separate show for their dysfunctionality.
  • Ali says one thing but does another.  I'm not sure if we're supposed to believe Ali in the scenes where she's by herself or if we are supposed to be suspicious of her.  She shows vulnerability when she's alone and that has to be real because there's no one to lie to...but I feel like I shouldn't trust that. 
  • I knew better than to trust Donna LaDonna.  I was so confused when she appeared in those sunglasses and then Jenna appeared next to her.  I thought for sure I was losing my mind. 
  • Hermie!  Lucas is so orchestrating this whole thing.  He made sure all of the Liars were distracted so that Mona could distract Ali.  I bet his girlfriend from Philly is Donna LaDonna.
  • I loved the scene with the whole cast together.  It made me really happy for some reason. I liked seeing our main players in one scene and I liked that Paige wasn't a part of that.

Whew.  That episode was so great.

  • Love 3

I'm all for portraying both gay and straight relationships with equal respect and importance, but statistically speaking, the girl-on-girl relationships here are increasing at quite a clip. Emily, Maya, Paige, Allison, Jenna, Shana ..... It's a lot!

Emily is a very beautiful woman so it is hardly unusual that Maya, bisexual women, or Paige, a lesbian, would be attracted to her.  She is also primary character.  So of course there is, as with the other primary characters, going to be a focus on her love life.  Maya, Paige, Allison, and Samira receive attention because they are all a part of Emily's life.  That women, who find women sexually attractive, would desire Emily and that Emily would have women even fighting over her is not surprising.  It would be surprising if she was not having women falling for her. 


As for Jenna and Shana, they have had opponents of the main 4 that were straight so why not two women that appear to have been romantically involved.   


As for the Emily and Allison kissing, I believe they are intimating they had sex.  The sequence has them in bed together and it is crosscut with Aria and Ezra having sex.  The reality is they tend not to show as much when it is Emily and a girlfriend.  However, as with the Maya and Emily sequence where they end up on a bed together, it seems the show is showing a love scene while appeasing censors.  To cut out doubt, they really should not shy away in those sequences.  They don't, after all, when it is a straight couple. Still, if the intent was to show they are kissing again, they could have easily had that sequence not in bed and not intercut with a sex scene.  That they went the route they did indicates love scene.

Edited by dohe
  • Love 7

Aria and Ezra should have screwed to another Police song..."Don"t Stand So Close".

I can't stand Toby. Spencer is a beautiful, educated, high achiever and she can do 1000% better. Toby is an unemployed doofus who doesn't go to school. What does he do for a living.

He does work though and I'm pretty sure he got his GED (he's a year older I believe.) because people were bullying him in school.

The show jumped the shark ages ago. They just keep jumping it on loop for all their stupid plans.

Edited by mjgchick

I love when the "previously on" segment reminds me of something from the last episode. When Aria was freaking out about killing Shana and Ezra said she would just have to find a way to forgive herself, I totally laughed because OF COURSE Ezra has no problem forgiving himself for befriending aa teenager as research for his book, having sex with her, and installing camera all over town to spy on her and her friends. Water under the bridge!


That's what makes the Ezra nice guy retcon even more annoying. "I wish I could fix this for you." Ugh, really, Ezra? I wish I could fix some perv who was spying on high school girls!


Even though I know that Jenna being blinded was a horrible thing (and losing my sight is one of my fears!), seeing her get off the bus with her big sunglasses and cane didn't make me feel sorry for her. If anything, it just made me suspicious of her once again. "Bitch can see!"


I'm also suspicious of Alison. When she asked Emily if she could hang out in her room because she didn't want to go home to an empty house, I thought girl, she is going to snoop through all your shit while you're gone! I thought the same thing when Aria invited Jenna in for tea. I know she's blind but she can still snoop! This is what PLL has reduced me to. I'm convinced that every person is a creepy stalker who is going to go through your stuff, steal your laptop, and plant a camera in your bedroom.


I never thought Toby was a dummy or a nerd like Spencer. He always seemed like a guy who got decent grades but wasn't as much of a bookworm as Spencer. But when he said, "Action is character," Spencer looked so proud as she asked if he had been reading Fitzgerald. Then he got all Spencer smug, when he informed her that he's been RE-reading Fitzgerald. That was the first time I have ever felt oh, you two crazy kids belong together!


I fully support his Pinterest-esque advice that it's okay to close the door on someone toxic, but you know that the girls will not shut out Alison - or at least not at this point. If she reverts back to her bitch mean girl self once she's settled back in, then maybe. Based on the way she lied about how she just stared at Mona and conveniently left out the part where she slapped her back, I think it's just a matter of time before Ali returns in full force to her previous personality. She's already lying and hiding things from her alleged best friends and threatening Mona (to be fair, Mona has been stalking her so it's not like Ali was unprovoked but still).


Part of me feels bad for Alison based solely upon the fact that her mother has been murdered, her brother ran off, and her dad is always at work.


Interesting that they initially decided to keep the truth about Shana from Toby. I thought he and Caleb were unofficial PLLs who were allowed to know everything. Haha, when Hanna ran into Caleb at the coffee place, I was totally cracking up. First of all, he didn't have time to call Hanna but he had time to get a haircut! Now if only he can convince Toby to get a haircut too. Secondly, Caleb disappeared when Hanna went to get her coffee. He learned how to be a ghost when he was in Ravenswood! I love that after the explosion, Werewolf Caleb was the first one to run outside to see what happened.


Even if Alison's dad wanted to drive her to school, doesn't Spencer live right next door? Why wouldn't they driven to school together? I'm really curious about the size of Spencer's yard since it has that huge barn. Is Alison's yard that big too? I remember something about a gazebo (Maya's family was going to put one in?).


What was the point of Lucas's party? Was this all part of Mona's plan to prove to Lucas that Ali wasn't really kidnapped? I thought Lucas was going to get Hanna drunk and start asking her questions, but that didn't happen. I thought maybe he was going to do something with her phone (and it seemed a bit coincidental that when Hanna dropped her phone and he picked it up for her, there was a text from Ali on the screen saying exactly where she was - I expected Mona's army to descend about Emily's house with hoodies immediately). And since we never saw his girlfriend, is it safe to say that she's, ahem, Canadian?


When Spencer explained about the blue snarfing, I thought that Lucas had gotten all the texts from Hanna's phone and that's why everyone was standing arond looking angry at school.


One minor detail I love about this show is that the girls still refer to each other's parents as Mr/Mrs. (last name).


Please do not let PLL turn into Grey's Anatomy with all the emo 80s covers. It does seem apropos that the Ezra/Aria sex scene got a creepy stalker song though,.


Sydney wasn't at Mona's League of Losers meeting, was she? I'm assuming that for now, only Mona and Jenna know that Sydney is a double agent. If Paige knows, that is fucked up.

  • Love 1

I think Lucas' party was to keep Hanna away from Alison.


Jenna found a doppleganger at the local Rosewood Teenage Spies R US. I wonder if she told her the life expectancy for the job is low though. 


Even thought it's cliche (what on this show isn't) I think Alison having the twin makes more sense than anyone else having one. She's the only one that's really been hot and cold since the show started and able to be 100 places in one day. Anyone else having a twin wouldn't really mean anything. 


Alison's slaps draw blood, she really is the devil. Jenna seems to have more power than Mona or Alison, all she needs to do is stand there and everyone freaks out. Jenna being back in town was talked about as much as Alison being returned from the dead was. 

Edited by Sakura12

The 100th ep actually kept me awake, no dozing off which is a first so far this season.


My world is back to normal: Caleb has returned to PLL. Travis seems a nice guy and all but for me I'm Team Caleb/Hanna.


I love how Jenna's back just because she stirs so much shit up by just being Jenna. Girl is CREEPY. Everytime I see her and huge shades all I hear is "bitch can see!" Re: her and Sydney being in on whatever they're doing in Rosewood, I immediately thought that Sydney was Lucas' not-seen girlfriend.


I have a soft spot for Emily, always thought she was the weakest of the Liars, and Ali/Emily just gives me the heebies. Ali is nothing but a user and Emily is going to get hurt again, I just know it. Major props to Paige for even speaking directly to Ali after everything Ali put her thru in the past. And as shifty as I find Mona I still whoo'hoo'd when she soap-opera-slapped Ali. It was no Krystle vs Alexis from Dynasty's heyday but I'll take it. :-)

I think Lucas' party was to keep Hanna away from Alison.


That was a really weird edit -- Hanna goes from picking up coffees for herself and Travis after her chat with Caleb at the coffee shop and in the very next scene after the commercial break she is completely hammered at Lucas' party (Ashley Benson does not do a good sloppy drunk).


Sydney looks like a Poor Man's Anne Hathaway (even kind of sounds like her).

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Jenna found a doppleganger at the local Rosewood Teenage Spies R US. I wonder if she told her the life expectancy for the job is low though.


Shana is gone so she needed someone new with her I guess.  It's only a matter of time before this secondary character is going to end up dead and the writers expect us to care about her like they think we do about Shana.

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Shana is gone so she needed someone new with her I guess.  It's only a matter of time before this secondary character is going to end up dead and the writers expect us to care about her like they think we do about Shana.


The weird part is that Sydney showed up immediately after the PLLs returned to school after coming back from NY.  That means that Jenna would have already set in motion the plans to have Sydney transfer to Rosewood High before Shana was killed (because you just can't show up one day and go 'Here I am, new at school, all ready to join the swim team').

Jessica Fletcher is A! She had Shana shoot Ezra so she could publish the Alison DiLaurentis story first because she hasn't had a hit book since the 90s!

Jessica Fletcher is so Ezra's idol. He even has the old school typewriter.  (Or did... Did Aria smash that up?)  Next episode they should have him lounging around his dumpy apartment watching a marathon. I can hear the theme song playing now.

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I'm so happy! Emily/Alison! I was wondering when the show was going to get to my crackship now that Ali's not dead, and I love that they saved it for the 100th episode. (I'm ignoring that it was sandwiched in between #EzriaForever scenes.) I take back what I said a week or two ago - Paige can stay. Long enough to find out about Emily/Ali so I can watch her head explode. Then she can leave.


I don't actually want Emily/Ali to be endgame (though obviously I don't want Paily to be endgame either, considering how much I can't stand Paige) - I want Emily to eventually leave Ali because Ali's a lying liar who lies, and they do stay friends (I'm complicated like that), but Ali always regrets losing Emily as her girlfriend. To me that's fitting in a number of ways. I don't think Emily can ever get over Ali if she doesn't first have her, and get validation that her feelings weren't one-sided, and then eventually have her passion burn out. And for Ali it's appropriate punishment for all the crap she put Emily through, to have her and then lose her, and maybe that would be impetus for her to finally shape up - she doesn't get Emily back, but doesn't ruin her next relationship.


A couple of little things I liked:

1) Emily telling Ali that it's easier to tell the truth than to lie. I'm honestly not sure that's ever occurred to Ali, because when you get caught up in lying regularly, it starts to seem easier than telling the truth, which perpetuates the cycle of lying.

2) The little smile Ali gave Emily that prompted Emily to finally lean over and kiss her.

3) The "you belong to me" lyric while they were kissing (yeah, again, ignoring the #EzriaForever)

4) All the couples gathered together, even though I can't stand two of them (Ezria and Spoby), only tolerate the third (I like Caleb, but his paternalism towards Hanna annoys - I much prefer Travis with her)...yeah, I'm not sure what it says about me that Emily/Ali is the only couple out of them I like unreservedly, or why I'm comfortable with that. Maybe because even though I like them I'm not rooting for them to stay together forever?


Oh, and JENNA! I fist-pumped when Jenna showed up with her creepy sunglasses on. The last few episodes have been slow, but with Jenna returning, and plotting with Mona, who's back to her old scheming ways, and then a new A blowing Toby's house the fuck up...now I'm excited. I also really liked Mona and Ali's confrontation. Ali's off her game a little, but that was kind of the point, I think - she's not changed as much as she's claiming, but she has changed a little. The things Mona made sure not to include on the recording she showed everyone underlined that...we viewers saw that Ali did try not to go scorched earth on Mona, and even after the threats and slaps Ali dialed it back down a little and told Mona they didn't have to do this. In full context, especially with what Mona did being brought up as well, it was not that bad. The return slap was understandable and Ali really should've told the girls upfront about it; they would have been fine with it, I think. It goes back to Emily's point to Ali, that telling the truth is easier.

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