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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Robin is annoying.  She may have started off life as a human being, but she has transformed into some kind of auto-bot. All of the  unnatural crap she injects in her face has turned her into something decidedly un-human looking. She now looks like something the crew over at "Face Off" would create if the challenge was to update Disney's "Hall of Presidents" automaton figures.  They're kinda humanesque, but obviously not real...just waxy, cartoonish imitations of humans.  I also think Robin has the IQ of one of the bratty 'teen in trouble' drop outs her husband "helps".  The "Sugar Baby" (gah, I hate that I just typed that) last week tried to hint that Dr. Phil could be her Sugar Daddy, and Phil shut her down by motioning to Robin on her perch.  Robin held up her bird-like claw with her big ass diamond and said "And it's REAL, honey!", complete with the elderly white lady's attempt of the 'oh no you didn't' shoulder roll. STFU. First, no one asked you if "he went to Jared's".  Second, she is 18 or 19 and you are 60.  Why are you engaging with a damaged, emotionally & intellectually stunted teenager?   If her aah-mazing products are so fantastic, why can't she get her her own, separate gig on TV? 

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

If her aah-mazing products are so fantastic, why can't she get her her own, separate gig on TV? 

I know, I know!  ?  Because the infomercials that you see on overnight tv are VERY expensive to produce.  And have a very small audience because they are mostly shown in the middle of the night or weekend days.  

Phil's audience is massive, shown on network stations around the country (CBS in LA), and the daily plug  is probably free.  The infomercial landscape is just jammed with beauty creams, with beautiful female spokeswomen of a 'certain age' being paid to be a spokeswoman.  I really doubt Robin would be approached by anyone to promote skin creams.  

I wish she had stuck to When Georgia Smiles and the other meaningful causes she is/was involved in.  She really seems like a nice, caring woman and could be really impactful. 

On 2/1/2017 at 7:30 AM, morriss said:

Watched the episode about the college basketball player turned sugar baby.  I felt so sorry for her father Mo, at the end. The poor guy was almost crying because he felt he failed as a father.   

I just started watching this episode.  She thinks she can parlay this fun pastime into a broadcast journalism career.  Can't wait to see her reporting on CNN.....

  • Love 2
On 2/6/2017 at 5:22 PM, Gam2 said:

I totally forgot that Shill had been married before Robin! How do you get a marriage annulled after 3 years?! Boy he sure sidestepped that question, didn't he? I thought he was all about telling the truth and being totally honest. He did not tell that girl the truth, not that she deserved it but still, he was not honest. I waver between this girl is mentally ill and this girl has worked everyone in her life even Shill. Now she can't bathe herself, wash her own hair, etc? Huh? 

Dr Phil's private life is none of her business and has nothing to do with why she is there.  Not his obligation to tell her anything personal.  I do not fault him for his artful dodge. 

She is definitely acting much of the time.  I don't doubt there is a diagnosis of some kind but she is working it. A friend of mine has a scitzophrenic sister and never did her behavior come close to this.  Sure everyone is different but I think we have a spoiled, indulged child with a mental disorder so we are seeing both.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

OK. So, let's talk about yesterday's episode, shall we?!? It's a two-parter (again) that continues today. Dr. Phil tried to phrase it as a guy catfishing a woman in order to get the car and ring promised to him by his friend who supposedly died of ovarian cancer and was the sister of the woman the guy is supposedly catfishing. Except, of course, the fact is that the guy isn't catfishing anyone because he is who he claims to be (even if he doesn't feel about this woman the way he claims to in messages to her). And it turns out it's the woman catfishing the guy because her supposed sister never existed. The number of lies she's told this guy should make it pretty obvious to him that the whole thing is a set-up, but so far he hasn't wised up.

Honestly, this pair of episodes is at least fun to watch, especially because the lady doesn't know that Dr. Phil knows she's catfishing the dude.

  • Love 9

I thought Dr $hill was hard on the guy, I mean she's a cunning (if unskilled) stalker that is dangling an expensive piece of jewelry and  brand new Alfa-Romeo (or was it an Audi) with the sticker price still on.  Her lying was level 0.  Ryan wasn't too bright not to pick up on discrepancies.

Ryan wasn't all that.  He did nothing for me.

  • Love 7

He should be hard on that guy, he is claiming to love this woman so he can get an Audi and diamond ring!  That is scum ball behavior.  I enjoyed the show and looking forward to today when both are exposed.  The looks on their faces should be good.  

I DVR his shows and watch maybe 40% of them.  I skip all shows on drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual abuse, interviews with people I don't like (Megan Kelly and TD Jakes* to name 2) and young children who are wild.  I already know how they go. 

Love cat fishing and the crazies (don't judge).  I don't mind Dr Phil hawking his books, it's his show he can do whatever he wants.   A diet book from a guy 60 lbs overweight who doesn't cook or know squat about losing weight was hysterical though!  I wonder if he sold many or any.  I FF Robin.  She gives me the creeps.

 * he gives me the creeps, too, big time.  

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

Was it the guy's idea to go on the show so Dr. Phil could help him get the things left to him in the will?

Yes, he wanted Dr Phil to help him get the car and ring.  He thought the will was legitimate and she was with holding what was right fully his.  

It was kind of anticlimactic.  They both got busted.  She is broken, he a scoundrel.  He offered both of them help.  He is never going to take it even though he said sure.  I have no idea if she really wants help, she is still in love with Ryan and I don't think her stalking him will stop.  She apologized for lying then asked him if he loved her.   Oh boy.  He said yes, as a child of god, but not romantically.  She is LDS and announced she wanted to leave the church.  I have no idea why or what that had to do with anything and Phil did not ask.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, hoosiermom said:

Was it the guy's idea to go on the show so Dr. Phil could help him get the things left to him in the will?

No it was her idea, she was complaining he was a mooch letting her pay for everything.

Did she really have a 16 yr old daughter?  For sure no 16 yr old wrote those letters to her mom's stalkee.

  • Love 1

I'm still laughing at the "dead twin" being so proud of her non-existent sports car that she drove it for a week with the price sticker in the windshield and parked it on the sidewalk surrounded by a velvet cordon!  And the "will" with a clause stating that if the executor didn't want to distribute the stuff for whatever reason it was up to her!!!

I think catfish has Tourette's, her eyes rotated strangely in their orbits and she would often stick her tongue out covering her bottom lip.

Ryan was such a dim bulb falling for this.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 9

This really was an interesting episode.  The executor of a will has a duty to get a will probated.  Obviously this will was a fake and even if it had been real would never have held up in court.   An attorney would have asked for a copy of it and told him it was not valid.  He was entitled to property and money he was bequeathed.   I worked for a tax attorney for years and it is important that wills are done properly.  But of course this was all a scam.   She is one strange lady.

The baby Jesus lady--I hope never to hear about her again.  If I were her Mom and she yelled in my face like that I just don't know what I would do.  Maybe pack up one day and leave with no forwarding address.

19 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Only if Dr Phil immediately revealed to her that he knew she was catfishing the guy. Besides, it was a lot more fun as two episodes. You can't expect me to believe you didn't honestly enjoy watching them both squirm. LOL

Yep.  The look on his face when he realized there was NO twin sister.  He immediately added up one and one and got "no car, no ring."  

  • Love 6

After watching the second half, I have to say that the guy who was leading the catfishing woman on really only did what most people would have done. I figure 80% of people would have lead her on in an effort to get what was supposedly left to him in the imaginary will. Some people would have said "Chuck it. I want the stuff [and believe I'm entitled to it according to the will], but ..." and that "but" would be followed by either "this lady is weird and something isn't right here" or "I don't have the heart to lead her on". And then there's me.... I would probably have figured out she was conning me and I would have made it cost her something (and probably more than what he got). And let's be honest: That guy was way stupid. I posited to my wife that the only way he could have continued to fall for that con is if he's got just three brain cells left, his brain cells are playing the telephone game, and the middle one always intentionally screws up the message. Otherwise, there was just way too much stuff there that didn't add up and he should have caught on long before coming on the Dr Phil show. I mean, she couldn't even keep her and her imaginary sister's names straight. Claiming that she's a twin that the imaginary sister's never even mentioned should have been enough to send him running. I've gone to school with identical twins, dated identical twins (well, not both sisters; you know what I mean), and my mother-in-law is an identical twin and there are some universal truths to identical twins:

1. They are always closer to each other than they are to anyone else.
2. The bond described in #1 is virtually unbreakable, even in the face of boyfriend-stealing.
3. They tell each other almost everything.
4. Telling new people they meet (especially people they are dating or considering dating) that they are a twin is almost immediate.

So, he should have sussed out that something was way wrong with this situation just from that. Add to that the fact that the imaginary sister died from ovarian cancer and then the twin sister shows up with ovarian cancer and another type of cancer? Yeah, right; Might I interest you in this handy and beautiful bridge to my left? I don't know if he'd seen the "will" before the Dr Phil show, but if he had then once again that should have been a sign to RUN.

There's also no way those emails were written by a 16 year old either. First of all, no woman or girl who is pregnant ever refers to themselves as "knocked up" unless they're making a joke about it with friends or things with the baby daddy have turned very sour, in which case they only use that term when they're feeling really down about the relationship. The only people who use the term "knocked up" to describe a pregnant person are people who disapprove of the woman having gotten pregnant. It's a derogatory term used to express disapproval and a teen is almost never going to describe themselves that way in this day and age. Second, why would that girl be homeless? Her imaginary deceased mother supposedly left her two houses to live in. Plus, she asks when she's going to get to talk to her aunt and in the very next sentence says "She says you make her happy." So, which is it? Is this supposed 16 year old waiting to talk to her aunt or has she already?

Anyway, that's all the time I have right now. I'll post back again later when I have more time. I have to get ready for a meeting that starts in 50 minutes, and it'll take me almost 30 minutes to get there.

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 6

The woman is mentally ill and probably a stalker, but the guy is no prize either. He talked about his religious faith and the "child of God " stuff and was trying to con someone he never met out of a car and ring. I don't agree that most people would expect expense gifts from a person they never met or would expect a woman to buy them gifts and give them money for no reason. Ryan knew he had no interest in this woman or her imaginary twin. He is just a con artist who met an even bigger one.

  • Love 4

Catfish lady is a very broken and damaged person.  It's very sad, but even with Dr. Phil's mental health experts, I think her case needs some serious long term counseling.  A 28 day stint or access to a shrink via "Dr. OnDemand" ain't gonna cut it for this woman.  And Ryan, as big an asshole as he is for his part in this, had better change his FB account, his email address and the locks on his doors.  Suzanne-Michelle-Elizabeth-Jacklyn-Michelle and her non-existent, dead Wonder Twin will not give up on him so easily. Maybe look into a restraining order.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Today's repeat: "Mistress is five months pregnant with married man's baby. He's cheating on said woman with ANOTHER mistress". I am no pillar of morality, but wow. Do these people have ANY concept of the impact of their behavior on others? And to bring a child into it? Real real nice, dirtbags. If it weren't so sad it'd be hilarious.

I'm looking forward to getting home even more than I usually am! :D

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I have a small, positive for Dr Phil, he was kind to the woman when he started pointing out the problems with her stories. Asking about if she were broken and when she was broken. I had had no sympathy for her, I just kept thinking and saying, liar! But after that, I was sad for her. Him, I have no sympathy or empathy for, he was a jackass.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, friendperidot said:

I have a small, positive for Dr Phil, he was kind to the woman when he started pointing out the problems with her stories. Asking about if she were broken and when she was broken. I had had no sympathy for her, I just kept thinking and saying, liar! But after that, I was sad for her. Him, I have no sympathy or empathy for, he was a jackass.

I don't really have any sympathy for her, still. At some point, you have to grow up and realize "There's something about me that I don't like. I can either do $this, which will not only be unproductive but could also be outright destructive, or I can do $that, which will net some positive results." She clearly wasn't willing to do the introspection required to get to that point. That's her own fault and warrants no sympathy. And before you go away thinking I'm a heartless bastard, I've been through terrible situations of my own making and had to do the hard work of self-examination and introspection in order to get it all sorted out. So, I can empathize with her that it's difficult and uncomfortable work, but she's the only one responsible for whatever happiness and goodness exists in her life. If she's unwilling (for whatever reason) to put in the effort to improve herself, then she isn't deserving of any sympathy.

Edited by MrSmith
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15 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

HEAR HEAR! Abso freakin lutely. I am of this school of thought. At some point, you have to break out and take a look at yourself and get real. If you have the tools to do that, but you're just refusing to pick em up and use em, well, that is all of your misfortune and none of my own. And I don't feel bad for you.

I know someone who is banging her husband's friend. She refuses to leave her husband (who she basically hates because he's a freaking child-I get it) because it's too complicated and she "refuses to give up certain things" (he makes lots of money-but so does she). DAMN hard for me not to judge at this point. She's completely miserable and has disintegrated into a shallow, self-absorbed anxious mess (living a double life'll make ya a little jumpy lol). I have no sympathy after well over a year of it. I won't hear it anymore and I have told her that. If she decides to make positive choices, I'm all there for her. As it stands, we text about the weather and that's about it.

Wow. I'm sure you have, but I'm going to ask anyway (so forgive me): Have you mentioned to her that she might be able to get her husband to make some changes if she put some effort into communicating with him? (Either with or without counseling.) I've never had an affair (and I'm not planning on it; my wife is the trifecta), but it has always seemed to me that people who are unhappy with their relationships could improve them (or reach a point where it's clear it's time to move on) if they simply redirected all the effort they're putting into their affair and invested it in their relationship instead. When it comes to a woman having an affair, I know it feels good to have someone want you and look forward to seeing you, but I would think that at some point it would make you really hollow inside to know that this guy is only interested in you because you're willing to bone. I mean, I don't know for sure since I've never been a woman, either. LOL.

On the flipside, I don't really understand men who have affairs, either. I figure they're either getting this young, attractive woman who's only interested because he's established and has money, or they're getting someone more their own age who has the usual life-stage baggage all their own. Personally, I wouldn't want to invest the energy into getting to know someone the way I know my wife, and if I don't get to know them that well then I'm not really interested in the sex, either. It's one thing to fantasize about it (hello, Laetitia Casta!), but the reality for me would be "Yeah ... no, but thanks".

Anyway, maybe remind your friend that life is full of hard choices and when we don't make them, we become a shallow, empty version of ourselves. And then we elect orangutans President. (Kidding! [sort of])

Edited by MrSmith
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@QuiteContraryMoni Oy, women who play mind games and expect men to be psychic. Blaaaarrrrg. I had just gotten out of a terrible, horrible, awful relationship when I started dating my wife, one in which my then-girlfriend expected me to be psychic and would never communicate - not even after everyone was calmed down and could speak rationally. Nothing ever got resolved with her. (She never married. Bet you're surprised! LOL) The very first thing I did with my wife was to tell her never to play those games; that if she's got something on her mind, say it because I wasn't going to put up with her being upset and saying "I'm fine" when asked. And I told her that if she insisted on doing that, then I would eventually walk because I wasn't going to be in another relationship where there was no communication. There have been things she's wanted me to change over the years, too. Fortunately, she came to me and said so, and I was able to do something about it. It's so nice to be able to talk to her about anything, too. Really makes a difference.

Maybe consider dropping a dime on her to her husband? Up to you. I'm not sure if I would, either.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

Can we ease off the political stuff, please?

I can help!

Today's heroin addict was borderline nodding off the whole hour.  She was soooooooo high I swear I watched every single episode of Intervention and that's the most high I've ever seen anyone, including some passed out showing only the white of their eyes.  She was having a grand old time sitting on that chair, feeling the heroin coursing through her veins bringing her chemical happiness and trying to avoid getting distracted by a pesky Dr $hill and her annoying family members, mumbling "uh... whaaaaa.... whatevah... mmmm this heroin feels so good what are these words you're saying? uh right I don't caaaaaaaaaare"

I suspect the quarter million rehab will fail.  Remember you heard it here first!

  • Love 7
32 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I had to go back and scour for what "the political stuff" was. *shrug*

I love Dr. Phil's catfish episodes usually. I like it when there's a hapless older woman who can't figure out that the guy she's talking to on the phone has a Nigerian accent.

I couldn't find any either.  

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Today's heroin addict made so grateful to have raised kids that are wonderful adults.  I don't know what I would do if I had a daughter like that.  Pregnant, no less.  Just awful, awful, awful!  The mom needs to get her head on straight also.  OK, honey, let's go heroin shopping....my God!  

For the catfishing, I believe the woman was about 10x worse than the man.  If it had really been true, she had no right to hold up what her sister had promised to him.   And he doesn't have much recourse in these things.  For some reason, people who are appointed executor have a wide open pathway to steal all the money themselves rather than share.  So the lying boyfriend gets a pretty good pass from me on his part in the deception.  

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Brattinella said:

How close is she to delivering?  How will they wean her before the baby is born?  Is it possible the baby will not be harmed?  This whole thing makes me sick.  :(

She's six months pregnant. And there is no way she'll be completely drug-free before the baby is born. Unfortunately, this incredibly stupid woman has chosen to get pregnant for a third time (she explicitly stated that all three pregnancies were planned "because I love kids") and this child will also be born addicted to heroin. Dr Phil really pissed me off with how many chances he gave her to take the rehab he was offering. After all that hemming and hawing on stage, fuck her. Let her die in the street. She's had opportunities to make different choices when her head has been clear and not all drug-addled. She chose to go shoot up again. If she screws up in rehab, she should be bounced and no sympathy should be shown nor should there be any further assistance or resources wasted on this skinbag.

I could not believe that her mother didn't have the guy arrested and prosecuted who raped her (now drug-addicted) daughter when she was 10. I know, I know. They said "molested", but anything you do like that to anyone (but especially a child) is a form of rape. And we and our legal system should ken to that and start prosecuting it as such (and more aggressively). That guy is just lucky that her father wasn't alive when he did that because if it had been my kid, my wife would only have been able to kick the guy out of the house one piece at a time. (Yes, if I were a superhero, I would be The Punisher.)

And for her mother to facilitate purchasing drugs off the street while they were in Hollywood .... really? WTAF? She's a NURSE and she doesn't force her daughter to go to the hospital for help? Makes you want to slap the stupid right out of her. Also, why the hell didn't the Uber or Lyft driver call the cops on them after dropping them off? I would be seriously pissed (and may have kicked them out of the car) to be co-opted into a drug run like that. If I didn't kick them out of the car and refuse to take them, then I would have gotten on my phone with the police right after I dropped them off and given the cops their location and description. They would have had a very difficult time getting to the Dr Phil show for their taping the next day.


Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 5

Again with this trashy skank Danielle and her new clown weave she can't stop patting. Turns out her mom is just as trashy and ignorant as she is! Shocking how that works! Screaming "Muslim! You belong in Arab! You're an Arab!" at a kid online? WOW.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 8

Why in the world would Phil have this kid back on his show after $250,000 worth of therapy has gone down the drain and she's back where she started? Is he proud of how much he helped her and her nutso mother?! I really failed to see the purpose of that follow up except to make him seem even more inept than he usually does. If you watch his earlier shows on OWN and his current show, the decline, physically and mentally, is striking.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Again with this trashy skank Danielle and her new clown weave she can't stop patting. Turns out her mom is just as trashy and ignorant as she is! Shocking how that works! Screaming "Muslim! You belong in Arab! You're an Arab!" at a kid online? WOW.

You'd think that, while $hill was spending 10 minutes berating TrashyMom for being so demanding to the producer, he might have at least mentioned that it's probably not a good idea to let SkankDanielle NOT FREAKING GO TO SCHOOL!!  Maybe if she'd get her faux-"street" a$$ into school she'd learn the difference between a host and an audience.

Also, I wonder, if I had been present at TrashyMom's moment of screaming glory, she would instead have screamed at me, "Jew!  You belong in Jew!  You're a Jew!"

The whole show was a total time-kill in order to get to the last 15 minutes so RobinBot could have some face time.

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