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RuPaul’s Drag Race UK: Fierceness Across the Pond

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I enjoyed this episode. I thought the judging was fair. Scarlett really botched up. I could see that double shantay coming though (with Victoria leaving too soon). Charity's lipsync with the cat makeup-mask was hard to read (like Love Masisi's on DR Holland). Not sure what Scarlett was doing with that tissue but it worked for the judges. 

THE BDE songs were meh though. Needed MNEK back on this after his great bops on Seasons 1 and 2. Was happy for the underdogs PickaMix winning. River's story about her mum  was heartwrenching. Kudos to her for finding the strength to carry on. Oh and Choriza really is the narrator of the season.


Edited by Wonderlad71

I am living for Scarlett as a livid queen. Maybe that will give her the fire she needs. It's hard for me to pick a frontrunner though. Krystal is probably it, and, ya know, enh. Kitty would be if she had any wigs up to the job. Every time she comes out, I yearn for a bigger wig. I feel she needs a little more polish overall.

I guess I like the underdog rising narrative for River Medway the best. So I'll float down that Medway all the way. Or at least as far as she can go.

Yeah - Scarlett is giving them a Laganja edit ("I'm feeling very attacked"). She did win the lipsync though.

These advertising tasks have usually been very underwhelming and this was no exception. Choriza chewed the scenery as usual - fun.

Some lovely runways - River's in particular was quite exquisite. But compared to Canada this week, UK felt way less exciting. 

Yes Krystal is probably the frontrunner, but the bodysuit and wig this week was not it. I may have put her in the bottom.

Edited by Wonderlad71
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And suddenly we're down to five queens; that was unexpected.

3 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

A double elimination!  Honestly, I thought Krystal and Vanity could have been in the bottom with River.  But honestly, Choriza and River both needed to sashay.  Right call Ru.

I thought Scarlett's Macaulay Culkin was pretty one note and that wet lettuce look was limp enough to warrant being in the bottom.

I'd call Ru an outer saboteur on the walk through but Ella, Kitty and to a lesser extent Scarlett all benefited from his suggestions and Chroriza was seemingly punished for not changing to a Spanish Cher.

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1 hour ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

Chroriza was seemingly punished for not changing to a Spanish Cher.

I feel so sad about this, and wonder, what if....?

But I don't think Chorizo's snatch game or runway should have relegated her to the bottom two. Both Vanity's fruit-theme outfit and snatch were equal or worse; and that was a dreadful limp lettuce dress on ole Macaulay Culkin, too. I really liked River Medway, but that was her time to go - not the both of them, though. I think that bloody wig coming off the whole way through did it for Chorizo May.

They're a pretty likable cast.

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I like Choriza May and didn't think she deserved to be in the bottom 2, but her lipsync was a disaster. When I was watching this lipsync, I said "they both should go. This is terrible".  I've said that maybe 5 times in all my years watching drag race, and 3 times now, Ru agreed. 

More than the queens, though. I blame the song. Shout is a terrible lipsync song. Very few queens can pull this off. It's high energy with little build up or breaks, it's just at 100% the entire time. So basically contestants have to play it bible belt "I caught the Holy Spirit in church" style or go for broad comedy. So queens with a gospel background have a leg up. Broadway queens and tap dancing "windmill like it's the big finish" queens can maybe pull it off. However they approach it, they have to go full throttle for four minutes and hope they don't pass out. Even with a different bottom 2, it probably still would have been a double sashay.


I always wonder about that ending where the queens watch a sad situation where their only friend goes home or two queens get sent away, and then they have to perk up to some RuPaul song: 

RuPaul: "Queen Blah Blah Blah, you may have lost everyone you know in a plane crash just two days before arriving here, but you will always be... a Rugirl. Now... sashay away."

[Queen walks to the back of the stage, bawling, barely remembers her sad exit line, then exits. The clip clop of her heels are quickly drowned out by "To The Moon".]

RuPaul: "Now queens, dance a merry dance for us! Dance! Dance!"

Edited by 7-Zark-7
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S03E07: Call me cynical but I don't think that countdown clock was terribly accurate, especially when the queens took the time to discuss embarrassing stage mishaps while preparing their first look. Still, it added a certain frisson to the episode which I appreciated.

I thought Krystal deserved to win just for serving three faces in limited time [plus that last look was fantastic] but I don't begrudge Kitty finally getting a badge.

I don't know who the guest judge was but I liked her energy.

Vanity slayed that lip synch. I will not miss Scarlett shouting her talking head interviews.

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me on this episode: 


Actually the mess of it all made it unpredictable and entertaining in it's own way. 

Yes I thought that Krystal deserved to win this, but was happy for Kitty. Most of them were off category (too pretty to be Fugly in Category 1 and not fashion enough in Category 3).

Scandalous is a bop and Vanity served. Scarlett put up a fight though. Not sure how this is going to go down now with 4 queens and 3 more episodes left. I guess one more non -elimination?


Edited by Wonderlad71
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Vanity ATE that lip sync! I think Scarlett is more polished, but damn, she was out performed. Also, Vanity's final runway look was perfection. Total Moncler fantasy. She impressed me on that this week (but yeah, is it too little too late?). I also expected Krystal to win this because it's a looks challenge and she stretched herself as the looks queen. But I'm very happy for Kitty. She embodies a more hopeful future in so many ways -- her parents being cool with the gay thing right from the get-go, her body love, etc. It's everything I've wanted in this world, and here's a younger generation getting to live that.

Ella could be the front runner for me if she could cover her beard better. She's not a genderfuck queen, so it just makes her look less polished than she could be. Wild Michelle has never pointed that out.

I still think Krystal is the inevitable winner. But Ella and Kitty seem to be closing that gap, at least, so I'm hoping for an entertaining finale. (Sorry, Vanity.)

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Not much discussion here as we head into the finale this week. This is IMHO an Ella/Kitty showdown. I this Krystal is beautiful but she has never felt as versatile as the others. If this show was all about the runway, she would win, but this show has become a talent show with a runway element.  Krystal is so young but I know she has a big career ahead of her.

I think either is deserving of the win.

Edited by xander874
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I am rooting for either Krystal or Ella. Kitty's okay, but for a comedy queen, I don't find her all that funny. In the space skit, I found Krystal to be funnier than Kitty, who just seemed to shout everything. And I thought Ella did a much better job than Kitty at the roast.

I really love Alan Carr as a judge. He makes Ru laugh (genuinely, not her fake laugh) and I enjoy that. 

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I think Ella will win. My only issue with her is her underwhelming runways- she was the weakest this week in that regard (Goddess?). That said I've grown to like Kitty alot and think she is the mostly generally charsimatic. Krystal is lovely and will grow into an amazing all round queen once she matures a bit.

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I think Kitty will win.  My 2 cents:

Krystal is amazingly talented and I want to see her drag in 3 years.

Kitty is incredibly funny and I want to go to one of her shows now.

Ella is the ultimate performer and I'd like to see her on stage and have her as a neighbor.

I'd like Ella to win but she is feeling like the British Rose.


My issue with Kitty possibly winning is that I don't see what she brings to the table that The Vivienne and Lawrence Cheney haven't brought - maybe the girl group angle, but that's it. The other two winners are funny, can be campy and could easily host a tour as well or better than Kitty can. At least Ella and Krystal are different, one's got West End talent and the other is clearly a model/ influencer.

I think the show shot itself in the foot by getting rid of the more eclectic queens. I was rooting for Choriza May. Charity Kase also had a lot of fans, and of course, Victoria Scone slid herself home.


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15 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

By the end of the finale I was so enamoured with all three queens I thought I'd be happy with any of them winning...

...yet the winner did surprise me.

I've now predicted the wrong queen in every Drag Race UK finale.

Not surprised, but a little disappointed. She was so polished from the beginning, and I wanted to see something unexpected. 

  • Love 2

Well, that went as expected. Poor Ella. As soon as they said she was "reliable," I knew she was doomed. Reliable doesn't win Drag Race. (except for Bianca, I guess. Who I love. That's not a read.) Kitty is so great, but her looks haven't been elevated enough throughout the season. And Krystal's been stanned by Ru from the start, so.

If I were to critique Ella, it would be to find a way to cover her beard better. Her style of drag seems to favor polished femme, so the stubble has been an issue for me there. Kitty, bigger wigs. Always bigger wigs. Krystal, indeed, you are only 19, calm down on the filler.

Krystal turned out to be a pretty sweet queen, but I do wish we could've seen a season with Victoria as a contender because I bet she'd have gone far. And I'll still come back for season 4. I guess Drag Race and all its associated franchises are settling in the comfortable old shoes of TV watching for me. It's all very pleasant if no longer super exciting.

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During the finally, I realized I was rooting for Krystal to win it. Ella is great, but Krystal wowed so many times, and UK hasn't had that kind of winner yet. I also do think Krystal grew over the season. She started out all looks, but then let her personality come out more and became actually quite funny and self deprecating. She also worked hard on the choreo and acting and got quite good toward the end. I'm sure Ella will be back for a UK All Stars. 

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I was Team Kitty going into the finale but would really have been happy with any of them winning. Kitty and Ella felt too much in their heads the whole episode. Hey Sis, It's Christmas really was not good at all. The returning queens runways were mostly forgettable - except for Anubis and whatever Veronica Green was (not) wearing.

But Krystal slayed on the runway, in the interviews and in the final lipsync - so kudos to her.

Congrats to Anubis on winning Miss Congeniality on PopBuzz (As voted by the other queens). We saw little of her but she seemed fun- won't be surprised if she joins Victoria Scone in the next season.

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On 10/29/2021 at 9:19 PM, 7-Zark-7 said:

I always wonder about that ending where the queens watch a sad situation where their only friend goes home or two queens get sent away, and then they have to perk up to some RuPaul song: 

RuPaul: "Queen Blah Blah Blah, you may have lost everyone you know in a plane crash just two days before arriving here, but you will always be... a Rugirl. Now... sashay away."

[Queen walks to the back of the stage, bawling, barely remembers her sad exit line, then exits. The clip clop of her heels are quickly drowned out by "To The Moon".]

RuPaul: "Now queens, dance a merry dance for us! Dance! Dance!"



So I just finished Season 3 and....um....what happened? I feel like Krystal Versace got the Aquaria win (You're young, beautiful and popular on social media). I get why Ru might see herself in her, and how she is different from the previous two winners but...she was in the bottom a fair bit and is admittedly still learning how to do more than just runway lewks.

I see that Ella was getting a little confident in the end but I was rooting for her. What happened? It was like she forgot how to smile during the Xmas song and then was outed as a "failed musical theatre performer who turned to drag" by Ru, which was news to me. Think she saw the writing on the wall and gave up a bit at the end? Something was off with her. Who turns down their light just in time for the big finale? I couldn't grasp what was going on between the edit and her performance.

Were they trying to "save" Ella and Kitty for another season? If they'd won, they wouldn't have come back as easily. Now they're good to go for an All Stars round.

...and does Krystal really suit the gig of starring in her own series? She's not a personality really.

The whole thing was weird to me. Based on the finale I'd have thought Kitty would win. Huh.

Edited by DisneyBoy

SEASON 4!!!!

A lot of look queens this season and that's probably for the best. Ru doesn't get British comedy drag, I think it's too old school vaudeville for her (see Joe Black and Ginny Lemon), but the fashion she'll appreciate.

Black Peppa's Blobby was fantastic, but I wasn't sold on the second look. I would have given the win to Sminty Drop. 

I was happy to see Dakota Schiffer's personality come out during that lipsync, I was worried for her.  When she was crying and saying "I'll fight", I thought... okay?

Joanna Lumley was a great judge. She made good points and she may have helped save Copper Topp.

Just May had first out written all over, but then she said it out loud too. She called her makeup skills "limited" and admitted she couldn't lipsync. She practically sent herself home.

Edited by 7-Zark-7
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8 hours ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

I was happy to see Dakota Schiffer's personality come out during that lipsync, I was worried for her.  When she crying and saying "I'll fight", I thought... okay?

Dakota Schiffer's transformation during the lip sync is truly what Ru talks about when it says that drag reveals. Like I did not expect that kind of high energy and precision. Like I didn't know the song before so I was wondering why she was keeping her hat on for so long but to take it off exactly at the dyed blond hair line is very smart and someone who can pace their performance.

Black Peppa's entrance look really got me because I was truly gagged that it was a face mask when she took it off.

Just May must have known she was cannon fodder if they are doing a Spice Girls themed mini challenge on episode one.

Edited by BloggerAloud
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I had to look up Cherry Valentine again since there have been so many queens lately. I vaguely remembered that she looked like a young Alan Cumming out of drag. I remembered she worked as a nurse during the worst of the pandemic, which must have been hell. I didn’t know about her BBC documentary. I need to see if I can find that streaming.

28 is so young. RIP girl.

Edited by 7-Zark-7
9 hours ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

I had to look up Cherry Valentine again since there have been so many queens lately. I vaguely remembered that she looked like a young Alan Cumming out of drag. I remembered she worked as a nurse during the worst of the pandemic, which must have been hell. I didn’t know about her BBC documentary. I need to see if I can find that streaming.

28 is so young. RIP girl.

This is so sad. I enjoyed the documentary and thought she was a gentle, thoughtful queen.

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I'm glad Dakota Schiffer was able to name her stylistic influences, but she forgot the most important one: Allison Angrim, a.k.a Nellie Olson, ca. 1973. And I love "Little House on the Prairie", so I'm enjoying her confessional look.

I'm tired of thin, young, fashion queens, but I'll make an exception for Starlet. Those looks: what. I never thought I'd see the First Barbie, ca. 1959, on Drag Race, but she did it impeccably (minus the swimsuit) on the runway.

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2 hours ago, davidcalgary29 said:

I'm glad Dakota Schiffer was able to name her stylistic influences, but she forgot the most important one: Allison Angrim, a.k.a Nellie Olson, ca. 1973. And I love "Little House on the Prairie", so I'm enjoying her confessional look.

I'm tired of thin, young, fashion queens, but I'll make an exception for Starlet. Those looks: what. I never thought I'd see the First Barbie, ca. 1959, on Drag Race, but she did it impeccably (minus the swimsuit) on the runway.

Omg - Nellie Olson... yes! So true. Dakota's confessional look was also giving me Cindy Brady vibes.

When I saw Starlet, I thought, does Trixie know that a queen has actually pulled off her inspiration... the original Barbie doll?! The comparison is uncanny. And that entrance look, how beautiful. I'm glad Ru mentioned it.

This should be a killer look queen season.

6 hours ago, ForumLou said:

Is the new season being shown on tv?

It's on WoW Presents.

Edited by 7-Zark-7
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I'm loving the Irish lass, Jonbers Blonde, Cheddar Gorgeous and Danny Beard. I'm not feeling Black Peppa, Copper Top or Pixie Polite.

It was clear from the start of the start of the episode that Just May was just filler.

And Danny seems set up to narrate for a bit.

There are a lot of look queens, but RuPaul does love personality. 

Edited by Ms.Lulu
On 9/24/2022 at 5:34 AM, davidcalgary29 said:

I'm tired of thin, young, fashion queens, but I'll make an exception for Starlet. Those looks: what. I never thought I'd see the First Barbie, ca. 1959, on Drag Race, but she did it impeccably (minus the swimsuit) on the runway.

That's exactly what I thought, too! Identical! Also, Ru wasn't wrong when she said her entrance look was one of the best to ever grace the show, because it was truly stunning, so elegant and refined. She's a very peculiar queen, so quiet and soft spoken in the talking heads, and that accent is to die for! I'm excited to see what else she has to bring.

So far I'm loving this season, all the queens are very interesting and I like everyone. I would've probably given the win to Starlet, but that's fine. Dakota's lip sync was amazing and I'm willing to bet she won't go home soon. 

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On 9/23/2022 at 6:02 AM, BloggerAloud said:

Just May must have known she was cannon fodder if they are doing a Spice Girls themed mini challenge on episode one.

Her paint was (literally) dragged down by the distracting clown paint below her eyes: painting on Gia Gunn's wonky eyelashes as a glamour feature was probably not a good move. If she wipes them off, and cleans up her eyes, and presents herself with confidence, and brushes out those rats nests of hair she trotted out -- GIRL -- she'd actually be pretty stunning. I want to see her return to Drag Race in a couple of years, because I think she could be a blast on the show.

3 hours ago, stormy weather said:

That's exactly what I thought, too! Identical! Also, Ru wasn't wrong when she said her entrance look was one of the best to ever grace the show, because it was truly stunning, so elegant and refined. She's a very peculiar queen, so quiet and soft spoken in the talking heads, and that accent is to die for! I'm excited to see what else she has to bring.

She managed to perfectly and compellingly brand herself in the first episode, and that's unheard of for a twenty one year-old. I understand why Production might want her to "open up" in order to create good TV, but a lot of Starlet's allure is her enigmatic, mysterious beauty. Let her be a fifties ingenue! Don't force her to become Kandy Muse! 

I would have thought that Drag Race has now evolved enough to allow space for Method Queens who completely live their characters as themselves at all time (has there been one before? Tammie Brown? Max? Jimbo?), but I know that I will be proven wrong. Sigh.

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53 minutes ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

Danny’s beard is nothing compared to Starlet’s brows. Peter Gallagher would be impressed by how well she works around those things.

Tammie Brown immediately sprang to mind, as well. I would dearly love to see Starlet shout out "HUH! HUH! I'm acting." in a challenge skit.

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I'm truly gutted by the passing of Cherry Valentine - she may only competed on a couple of episodes but really was so congenial and that infectious laugh - truly tragic :( 

Onto Season 4 - a really fun start and will possibly be a step up from Season 3.  Black Peppa/ Danny Beard / Cheddar seem like front runners to me. 

The big girls were the bottom IMO, but Ru wouldn't have put both in the bottom. And Dakota TURNED.IT. OUT! Great lipsync to a Mabel song that's quite a bop!

Am also really liking Jonbers Blonde and  Le Fil and hope they go far. I thought Copper Topp had a lot to offer and should not have been in the bottom.

So with regards to Starlet - I have to root for as she's a fellow Saffa from Johannesburg (had never heard of her before so she must be living in the UK for a while). Absolutely gorgeous but I doubt she will make it far on the stage personality / performance side. Few young looks queens can turn that corner (Blair St. Clair/ Aquaria/ Pearl/ and Krystal Versace did last year) but for now she's giving me more Farrah Moan / Miss Fame but time will tell. Sminty Drop is comparatively giving me much more versatility as a look queen (great talking heads persona)and think she'll go further.

Edited by Wonderlad71

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