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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Me too! And I fast-forwarded through parts of this episode. Yawn. Tamra looked so different in the TH with the blonder, shorter hair. Her face looked like she either had another facelift or they used the Kardashian filter. It's weird because in the same episode in another TH she looked more like herself. Emily was right. He undermined her and was disrespectful in front of the kids. She communicated her point well, but I doubt he will change. This is the Shane we saw in earlier seasons. Given Emily's description of her childhood and her problematic relationship with her mother, I'm not surprised she married someone like Shane. It sounds like she had a dysfunctional childhood and she has codependency issues. I know they've been married a long time, but they have very little chemistry to me. This scene seemed so staged! I didn't believe either of them. I also can't figure out where they are getting all the money. I know Terry is a plastic surgeon and they do well, but a $65M house? They travel on private jets and live the life of the uber rich. Heather is such a name dropping snob with the Mark Cuban thing and "We paid." I don't know how anyone stands to be around her.
  2. Getting back to the last episode, I was surprised the woman got so much attention for one photo in the magazine. I can't remember her name, but it was the woman who posed on all fours. I also thought she looked so much older than college age in the photo! If I hadn't known her age, I would have guessed her at around 30. Maybe it was just the angle and the way they were styled back then though. A lot of people looked older. Seemed like a low-rent shoot too. She's posing in a frat house and they used one tiny picture. i want to have compassion for the school teacher who got fired but think she used poor judgment in becoming an online model, advertising her pics on her own social media, and then getting a teaching job just a few years later. If there had been a longer gap in time between when she posed and when she got the job, she might have been able to avoid the scandal. But she was only 21 and the pictures were everywhere. I know she took them down from her SM but apparently that didn't matter. By the way, I've read that being an online model is considered lower tier in Playboy world. The centerfolds have higher "status" to use the term loosely.
  3. I don't either. Just my opinion but I don't see any chemistry between Cisco and Lorna. Not great casting for the actor playing Cisco, and his whisper voice irks me. Sometimes he'll say something and I'll hear his normal voice, and then he goes back to the whisper. It's like Jack Bauer 2.0. I like Lorna but find her more interesting in the scenes without Cisco. Lisa is playing Mickey. I'm surprised he's falling for it.
  4. So the swimsuit competition is back? I just finished the one about Gretchen Carlson and it sounded like they were still no longer doing the swimsuit competition. I have to admit watching this as a child with my family, our favorite part was the swimsuit and evening gown competition. I'm not surprised some of these women had eating disorders and other unhealthy behavior. That's a lot of pressure to get up there in a tiny bikini in front of all the lights, cameras and people. I can't remember when it switched from one-piece suits to bikinis, but I think it got a lot of press. There was also criticism about them wearing heels with their swimsuits as no one does that. I wonder why they didn't interview Gretchen Carlson for this segment. It was weird they showed footage of her driving but she never spoke on camera.
  5. Saw a YouTube video of rumors about Taylor's marriage being on the rocks. I'll see if I can find it to post.
  6. I don't like Gina's voice either. I'm struck by how much weight she has lost and how different she looks compared to the first few seasons. She looks really good. i wonder if she used Ozempic or one of the other injections. I must be immune to Tamra's screeching. I just turn the volume down. The napkin-throwing did surprise me though. I've heard of Nobu and thought it was considered a pretty high end place, so I'm surprised they allowed the show to film there, especially with all the drama. Maybe it was a closed set as another poster indicated. It seems like Jenn is being set up for a fall with Ryan. The clock is ticking on this relationship. Heather is even more pretentious than I remember from earlier seasons.
  7. I didn't make it through the season. It was boring. I'm not surprised NY's initial ratings are down. I think the producers have misread their base audience.
  8. I didn't watch and came here to read the comments. I loved the old show and cast except for Eboni and Leah. I wish they had just gotten rid of those two and gone ahead with the rest instead of recasting. After reading the comments, I definitely will not be watching. I hope the ratings for this reboot are horrible and Bravo comes to its senses.
  9. I noticed Izabella didn't mention having a family. I wonder if she ever married or had chlldren. I thought Izabella's book was interesting for the Playboy stuff, although some of it disgusted me. Another thing they left out of the series was when they went out, Hef would give the women a Qualude and he'd take a Viagra. If the pill worked, they'd have the sexcapade later. If not, they were off the hook. Why did the women need a Qualude? Probably because he figured they should be chemically impaired to do what he wanted them to do later. But once the sex scene was over, the women went back to their rooms. Holly stayed. She always slept with him because she was the number one girlfriend. This was considered a privilege and Holly's reward for her status. I was laughing during Zoe's interview when the producer mentioned that some thought of them as prostitutes. I heard justification in her answer about "playing the part of his girlfriend" and getting the "allowance." She can call it what she likes. They were paid for going out with him in public and having sex with him at his command. I'm out of order but on the first episode of S2 about the search for a centerfold: I don't remember this show when it aired. I probably would've watched it. I can't remember her name but IMO the blonde, curly-haired woman's photos were prettier than the woman who won. Her face was softer and more attractive. I also think the blonde woman with the daughter who didn't make the top three looked lovely in the photos. I guess Hef liked the winner's body better. Watching him look at the photos with a magnifying glass and hearing his commentary about one being a little "thick" and another "long in the torso" was unsettling. It gave me a glimpse of the real Hef.
  10. I just finished this. Wow. What a sad story.
  11. I read the book. Izabella downplayed some of the more sordid aspects in this episode. She was more critical of the experience in her book. There were also more details about the sex with Hef that were left out here. It wasn’t a pretty picture! She came back later. She became a playmate and was also playmate of the year. It sounded like she didn’t react well to the competitive environment but did want to be in the magazine. Her mother also pressured her to do it so that may have influenced her. I thought her mother was horrible.
  12. I could see Carrie's point too, especially about Enid saying "people our age." I would've bristled if someone more than 15 years older than me implied we were the same age.
  13. I thought it was gross. I've never understood the appeal of these type of pics. I find them offensive. I'd rather see the guy's face. This whole episode had me cringing. I couldn't fast-forward through the Che/Miranda/Che's ex bedroom scene fast enough. I didn't want to see Kristin and Harry having sex in any form. I didn't want to hear the women discussing Harry's bedroom issue. Didn't Charlotte used to be reserved about discussions like this? Or maybe it was Carrie? It does remind me of SATC and how it was supposedly written for gay men. My women friends and I don't talk about stuff like this. If my husband was having performance problems, no way would I discuss it at a table with my girlfriends. But this is one of the things I never understood about SATC either. Sometimes this show is just too crude for me. I feel sorry for Steve. I wish he'd push back a little more.
  14. Just found the show the other day. Haven't watched it yet and wanted to check the reviews here first. Sounds like it's fun so I'm going to check it out. I wonder why they did a total reboot of RHNY if they were going to use Sonja and Luann on this show? Sounds like they still see value in them.
  15. What’s interesting is Mauricio’s alleged long history of affairs has been lost in all of this. Everyone is just talking about Kyle. Perhaps that is what she wants.
  16. I also don't remember Mickey being Hispanic, but I feel the same about his accent. This was good casting. It's been so long since I read the books. I don't remember a lot of it.
  17. I noticed the same thing about the great view. I thought of Bosch. However, I didn't realize they were half-brothers. I like Micky a lot. He is appealing and interesting. i didn't like the new woman. i thought she was too aggressive. If I were wearing the same type of shirt as Maggie, I'd have put a camisole under it. The neckline was a little low for work, but that's just me. Mickey has chemistry with Maggie but it's hard for me to see him as once married to Lorna. Their dynamic is more brother-sister to me. The phone thing with "First wife" and "Second wife" seems like a TV trope to me, not something someone would actually do. Minor quibble though. i forgot about most of last season. It's hard to keep track of some of these shows. It seems like a long time between seasons. Glad this show is back.
  18. Sherelll is reporting rumors that Mauricio has been having an affair with a 26 year-old former porn star named Elsa Jean for a few years. She also mentions a 2013 article that claimed he had an affair with someone else. I haven’t watched the whole thing but it’s interesting that in the beginning they’re talking about Mauricio’s alleged affairs, not about Kyle and Morgan.
  19. All I could think during the scene of Carrie at home eating that big burger and fries was how does she eat like that, especially in her 50s, and stay so skinnny? The jewelry scene was stupid. No way would I just give my jewelry to a guy who demanded it. He had no weapon. Miranda lost me sometime last season. Charlotte seems to have grown into a full-on airhead.
  20. I was disappointed in this documentary. As others said, the director inserting herself into the the story is a major flaw. It was irritating and unnecessary. She spent too much time on herself beginning fairly early on, but she really pushed it later with the Machine intimidation scenes and the blonde wig. Ok, let's just give up and admit this is all about YOU. I also didn't learn as much about the process as I expected. I wanted to know more about the daily activities, timeline, preparation, their reactions when they were passed by a sorority, etc. A few of the girls seemed to have emotional issues, and I expected this doc to delve deeper into how rushing a sorority was a crutch for them. Perhaps if they could be accepted into an elite sorority, it meant they were ok. This was especially the case with Isabelle. She seemed fragile. I was concerned about her. Marysol never looked into it, so I wasn't surprised when she dropped out. Shelby was so zealous I was afraid she wouldn't make it.
  21. I don’t put much stock into the denial, at least not now. This is typical in celebrityland. They separate and initially claim they aren’t divorcing, still love each other, ask for privacy, etc. Then after some time passes, one of them files for divorce. Kyle is very image-conscious. I don’t think she’d put out a statement like this unless she was far down the road to walking away for good. Or another option is one or both of them is having an affair and they want to get out in front of it. Kyle’s alleged fling with Morgan could be her reaction to finding out Mauricio has a side piece. There was definitely something amiss in their marriage last season. I remember Kyle was hypersensitive, even more so than usual, and reacting disproportionately to some situations. We discussed it in the forum. And of course Mauricio appeared bored with her and pretty cozy with Dorit in a few scenes. This could’ve been editing, but given the talk about Mauricio over the years, it also could’ve been a glimpse behind the curtain. I don’t know how I feel about watching the upcoming season knowing this big story probably won’t even be featured. I expect they’re too far along in shooting to do anything now. I didn’t realize Kyle and Kathy were on speaking terms again. That is interesting. Is Kyle also speaking to Kim? Is Kathy? It seems rare when the three women are all getting along. Not surprising. It’s a result of their dysfunctional childhood with big Kathy.
  22. She said this over 10 years ago. I think she's getting too much credit for it. Few of these HW marriages last. The show is hard on marriages. Me too! I immediately thought of Chishelle and G-Flip. Just shows we never really know what is going on in these shows. It's all about appearances for filming. Look at Lisa and Harry. I doubt he's living with her full-time. There would't be a statement in People if they weren't really separated. It's pretty credible for news like this.
  23. I'm very late to the party. I have been out of the Dallas loop and didn't realize the show wasn't returning. I'm kind of bummed. I liked most of the cast and the Dallas scene. Oh well.
  24. I was wondering the same thing. I just googled it and couldn't find a release date.
  25. Charity wasn't my choice for Bachelorette so I didn't watch this episode. I wanted to read the comments here though. I I've never been a fan of the first show and the limo scene. I like to watch when the preliminary stuff is over. I may check in a little further in the season. I always record this show and the Bachelor so I can fast-forward through the commercials and fluff. What am I saying? The whole show is fluff. 😛
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