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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Dorinda strikes me a woman you’d see at a bar knocking them back at 10am. She’d be on a barstool, cigarette in hand (go with me here and it imagine it’s allowed), droning on to the poor sucker sitting next to her. Meanwhile the bartender would be putting up glasses and looking around like a trapped animal. He’s hoping the lunch rush comes early, anything to shut her up. I like the other legacy HWS but won’t watch any show with Dorinda in it.
  2. Alexia’s yellowish blonde hair and super dark eyebrows is not flattering IMO, and neither is her makeup. I thought she looked awful at the reunion. The combination of the hair, brows, makeup and Botox gives her a harsh look. I think Nicole is beautiful, but I didn’t like her look here with the slicked back hair. I also like her hair better blonde. She manages to pull off the light blonde hair and dark eyebrows much better than Alexia. I think Adriana and Lisa looked the best. I’m so glad Lisa removed the filler, because she looked bordering on freakish last season. She is still a little plastic, but very pretty. I wish she’d ease up on the lip filler thought. Julia is lovely but I don’t think her outfit was flattering at the bust or waist. She’s not unattractive, but I don’t find Larsa particularly pretty. I think her face looked better in the clip from 10+ years ago. As for her body, she looks short and squat to me. I don’t care about the big butt trend. I would NOT want her butt. It disappointed me to see Adriana begging Alexia and Marysol to forgive her and be her friend again. Her neediness keeps those two in the power seats. I don’t think it will be good for Adriana. I used to be ok with Marysol but after this season, I dislike her. She and Alexia together remind me of mean girls I knew in high school. I think I’m supposed to like Todd, but watching him in those clips reminded me of what a jerk he can be. He’s obnoxious. I guess he and Alexia are well-suited for each other. This has been the most enjoyable HW series I’ve watched in a long time. I love the Miami vibe. I hope there isn’t too long a wait between seasons, but I’m not expecting much. Usually it takes forever!
  3. I’m out. The language is too much for me.
  4. I couldn’t believe how different she looked! She looked better to me in the flashback. Her face shape was even different then. It was narrower. It looks like she’s had cheek implants and possibly filler, and it has widened her face. She should’ve left herself alone. What’s weird is I think she looked more Kardashian flashback, although maybe an earlier version of Kim. Alexia’s refusal to admit she’s wrong and apologize is another sign of her narcissism. I’ve experienced it first hand growing up with a narcissistic mother. They don’t have empathy, so they cannot see another person’s perspective. No amount of reasoning or even evidence will change their minds. They refuse to consider the other person’s feelings. If you can’t do that, then you’re not going to admit you’re wrong. It’s all about what you think, feel, desire, etc., not them. Same with Teresa G. I don’t believe for five seconds that Larsa had sex four times a day, every day, during her 20 year marriage. She is full of it and strikes me as one of those people who exaggerates a lot or just flat-out lies. Either that or she just invents her own version of the truth.
  5. She looks awful. Her makeup is harsh and that combined with the Botox and filler makes her look hard. Alexia needs to learn there’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance. She’s closer to the latter. And when Andy read the narcissistic traits, I was thinking most fit with Alexia, including lack of empathy and grandiose sense of self-importance. Horrible comment she made to Lisa. Alexia is a classic Mean Girl. I guess Larsa can keep insisting her butt is all natural even with the flashbacks of her much smaller and flatter butt. She knows her surgeon can’t say anything, so she’s going to double down. But girl, come on. We know you’re lying. You bought a KK butt. I wonder if she went to Kim’s surgeon.
  6. I didn’t like Alexia from the start, but I dislike her even more now. She is horrible. I can’t believe she wouldn’t even apologize to Adriana for getting it wrong about the guy being married. Yet she makes Adriana grovel and still won’t accept her apology. Alexia has many narcissistic traits.
  7. ITA! I really notice it in Netflix series and also in R-rated movies. It’s like they want to justify the rating so they thrown in as many F-words as they can. In some director’s (Tarantino, Scorsese) I’ve been so distracted by it I’ve had to stop watching. I keep waiting fo the next F-word and can’t enjoy the movie. I recognize Russell but can’t remember the last show or movie I’ve seen him in, so I want to check out his IMDB. I like him and he’s hot!
  8. I’ve been binge-watching since S2. It’s my favorite of the HWs show. So entertaining! Why isn’t it on Bravo?
  9. What the heck happened to the continuity person? Was he/she out to lunch? Keri’s hair goes from lank and dirty to clean and styled, then back to lank and dirty, back to clean and styled… all on the same day. Sloppy error! I don’t like her character. She seems like a defensive, unhappy person who has an air or irritation around her all the time.
  10. I noticed the same thing. She doesn’t look very good and her hair looks dirty. Are they trying to make her look bad? I understand her character isn’t the glam type, but they seem to be taking it a bit far. She projects kind of a masculine energy to me, especially in the scene where she’s having her husband sniff her armpits. It is not easy to make Keri Russell look unattractive but they seem to be giving it a try. Seems overkill. I don’t know what to think yet about her relationship with her husband. It looks like they’re setting up problems with him possibly feeling overshadowed by her. I’m going to keep watching because I like Keri a lot. Enjoyed her in The Americans and I even remember her from Felicity. Also, Keri Russell has such lovely hair and it looked terrible here. Is she wearing a wig? How did they make her hair look thin and lank? Sorry! I know I sound obsessed.
  11. I enjoyed this although there was a lot of screaming. That’s on all the HW shows though LOL. Leah brought the energy down and seemed out of place and miserable. Alexia is full of herself. Was it on this show that she said “I was a born a star” or was that during Miami? I couldn’t believe she said that! Agree she’s out there on a limb judging Whitney when her son has had two incidents. We still don’t know the details of what happened with his girlfriend, although Alexia insists he’s innocent. But no question about the homeless man. He did it. Sorry Alexia. He may have been worried about his brother, but most people manage to deal with stress without assaulting someone. Marysol has become the Dean Martin of this show (only the older people will get the reference ha!) They keep ramping up the alcohol to such a degree it is becoming her storyline. And gosh, she is looking really thin. Has she always been this thin? I don’t remember noticing it as much in the early Miami shows. I doubt Candiace and Giselle will ever make up. I’m on Candiace’s side this time. What Giselle did was horrible. Definitely shady, not reasonable!
  12. Hmm. Last I saw her she looked pretty good, although a little plastic. She's slender but I think she has a nice figure.
  13. Denise did an interview recently and said she's making a ton of money off OnlyFans. Larsa from Miami has said the same thing.
  14. I guess I'm suspicious of the super wealthy on these shows due to the scandals with HWs on NJ, BH and SLC. If their money doesn't seem to match their income potential, I start to wonder.
  15. Yep. Mick also had an affair with a friend of Stevie's. I think he was still married when that one happened too, and Stevie was more ticked that he moved on from her to her friend. Ah... the '70s and the soap opera of Fleetwood Mac. I don't know if Stevie ever got over Lindsey Buckingham. She seems to have held onto some resentment.
  16. Thanks! Makes sense! Lisa was way off. Is she clueless or was she bragging? What I meant by the rental comment was are they really occasionally renting their house out for events as is rumored? Speaking of being super rich for the income they're supposedly making, Anthony and Nicole also have a plane! All those cars, the house, and a plane. What the heck?
  17. My first thought was it was HW but then I considered that there are probably other creepy, predator directors in Hollywood. Meeting in hotel rooms wasn't uncommon in the industry. Still, it could be Harvey. I saw an interview she did recently and she explained why she wasn't naming the guy. She said she didn't want to "give him power." I didn't understand this. How does naming the guy who raped her give him power? Yes, it would call attention to him, but in a negative way. I wonder if she's afraid of being sued.
  18. I'm surprised Lenny was dumb enough to speak about his affair while they were filming. He knows there are microphones and cameras everywhere. Hearing Lisa talk about how her marriage has endured juxtaposed with Lenny telling his friend he wanted to get out... wow. I had to fast-forward through the Jax seasons. I'm a dog lover and have had to put three down. It still breaks my heart. Julia is really struggling with empty nest syndrome. Sounds like she needs professional help.
  19. I don’t know what is going on with Leah but she seems miserable. She looks bad and acts like she’s not happy. Maybe it’s too difficult for her sober to be around all these women who are drinking so much. That is understandable. I don’t really get why Leah signed on for this show. Just the money? Does she have another source or income besides the HWs shows? She seems out of sync with the others. I’m wondering how long she’d been sober when they filmed this show. Perhaps it was too early in her sobriety. Agree she also doesn’t really have a buddy she can align with, so that’s probably making it more challenging. I don’t count Candiace. Their friendship looks show-driven. Whatever the case, whenever Leah appears the energy in the room changes. It’s like she has a black cloud over her head. I don’t know if it was this episode or the last, but what is up with Whitney’s breasts? They looked huge and plastic. She should’ve left well enough alone. Heather is not one of the more attractive HWs I’ve seen. I’m surprised she made the casting cut, but I’m also glad they selected someone who looks more real. I hope she doesn’t get a bunch of surgery and procedures like many of them do after they watch their season.
  20. Lisa was drunk and obnoxious. She kept saying the same thing over and over, as drunks do. I’m glad she decided to have her filler removed. Last season she looked horrible. She looks more like herself this season but the lips are too much for me. Gosh, the writing has been on the wall about Lenny since almost the start of this show. The guy acts so disinterested in his wife. And his starting to work out suddenly and lose weight, not being interested in sex. Is Lisa that clueless or did she not want to say on camera that she suspected something was going on with him? I have no interest in the storyline of Nicole and her father. Interesting how subdued Marysol was in the early seasons when her mother was alive. I noticed a big difference starting in S4, so the new Miami. She’s more lively, opinionated and funny. I wonder if she was overshadowed by her mother or chose to take a back seat to her. It’s hard for me to like Adriana. I’m not sure about Larsa, but I didn’t believe her on the S4 reunion when she said her butt is natural. I’m with Adriana on that one. Here’s what I don’t understand about these HW shows. How do these people get so rich? Lenny is a surgeon and I’m sure he does very well, but an $80M house? That is a whole different level of wealth. Same with Nicole. How do they afford all those cars? They must be worth millions of dollars, not to mention the cost of their home. He’s an attorney—probably a partner—and she’s a doctor, so they’re both wealthy. I get it. But the riches on display look more like Mohammed Hadid (RHBH) level of insane wealth, not someone who’s making a few million dollars per year. And do Lenny and Lisa really not have a mortgage or is the renting their house rumor true?
  21. I just finished it. I’m still amazed the movie Pretty Baby was made and nude photos of Brooke were published. Agree that her mother was absolutely responsible! There were always be director creeps who want to take advantage and exploit a child. Her mother should’ve said NO! But she knew she had a beautiful child and she wanted to make money off her. That was it, pure and simple. I read a book about Elizabeth Taylor and it was a similar story, although not as bad as Brooke. But Elizabeth was an unusually beautiful child. She had those eyes and double eyelashes. Her mother said people would stop on the street to comment on her, so her mother started pawning her out to the studio at a young age. She worked incredibly long hours. There weren’t child labor laws then. What I didn’t understand is why there wasn’t more about Brooke’s father. He was hardly mentioned, although I did notice he was at her wedding. I’ve previously read Brooke took more after him. He was tall and handsome. In some early photos of her mother, I did see some resemblance to Brooke, although of course Brooke is much more attractive. I thought I read Brooke sued her mother as one point for control of her (Brooke’s) income, but the show didn’t mention it so maybe I’m wrong. I have mixed feelings about how careful Brooke was in talking about her mother. I don’t know if she’s made peace of is still affected by what happened and has trauma-bonded with her mother. I had an alcoholic, abusive, controlling mother so some of what I saw in Brooke’s reactions to things seemed familiar. She said more negative things about Andre Agassi than she did her mother. I liked that her daughters challenged Brooke in the discussion at the table, saying as an 11 year-old she couldn’t have given consent. I remember the Tom Cruise controversy. My husband didn’t so I looked up the full interview on YT. It’s about 15 minutes and the first part is going fine with Tom talking about his latest movie and how happy he is. The weird thing is Katie Holmes is sitting offstage watching with a frozen smile on her face. It’s creepy. Then in the second part of the interview when Matt Lauer brings up Scientology, that’s where it turns. I thought Matt did a decent job of trying to reason with Tom, but to no avail as Tom was an arrogant, condescending nutjob. Back on point, I’m assuming Brooke’s father has also died. Wonder why they didn’t mention it.
  22. Agree that Joanna was a loose canon but interesting. I was surprised she married Roman with so many red flag in her relationship with him. I guess the divorce was inevitable. I don’t know anything about her second husband. I wonder if her relationship with her sister is still as complicated as it was on the show. Maybe BH will consider her as a cast member. I remember the stories about her and Brandy but could never figure out what triggered Brandy to be so mean to Joanna.
  23. I liked this series and also enjoyed the ending. Until the last episode, I didn’t think Daisy and Billy were a good match because they’re both alphas. But I like how they had them circle back to each other at the end. They’re sober and at different stages in their life, so perhaps it will work out. The two leads were very good. I wish there had more development of the other characters and they had provided back-up vocals. Every time they showed Karen she was just playing the keyboards and not singing, and it was the same with the others. I’ll admit I was thinking of Fleetwood Mac, and I wanted to hear some of the others sing. But I understand this is fiction. Having said that, oh gosh, I would LOVE a biopic on Fleetwood Mac! They could start out when Lindsey and Stevie join the band and culminate in the incredible drama that happened during the Rumors album. Or maybe they could go to the Tusk album and tour. So much material! Lindsey was accused of being a band dictator, especially about Tusk. But how would they cast it, especially Stevie? Back on topic: I’m glad Graham ended up happily married with a family. He was my favorite character. I understand why Karen let him go and think it was selfless of her. She knew she couldn’t give him what he wanted. Camila getting sick was a surprise to me, as was BIlly’s daughter being the interviewer. Although I didn’t like Daisy for most of the series, I warmed up to her on the last episode when she told Billy she didn’t want to be broken. I also related to her painful conversation with her mother, as my mother was similar to Daisy’s. That line she said, “They don’t know you like I do.” So manipulative and mean! I wonder if any of the Fleetwood Mac band members watched this series. Glad they changed the title of the first hit with Daisy from the book’s “Honeycomb,” which is a cheesy, horrible song name IMO.
  24. Bill cheated twice? I thought it was once. I don’t condone cheating but I also don’t know how the man can stand to live with Jennifer. No one looks great eating on TV, but every time they showed Margaret, I thought of a cow chewing cud. And why was her face so red?
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