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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. That dress confused me. It looks like she's holding a shirt in front of her. Awkward and unflattering.
  2. I figured Charity was out. I didn't see much chemistry between them. It seemed more friend zone to me. I think Gabi's out next. She's nice enough but seems a little immature and emotionally unstable to me. I'm calling final 2 as Ariel and Kaity (I'm unspoiled). He clearly is really into Kaity, but I think he's lusting for Ariel too. Kind of reminds me of the Brad Chantal Emily dynamic. Brad picked Emily but still couldn't keep his hands off Chantal. Their treehouse night made Emily see red when she watched the playback. It's definitely so much more convenient for him with Kaity being in the same town. Has this ever happened on this show before, the lead and his (probable) pick already living in the same town? Plus he clearly was ill at ease with Ariel's family, and he doesn't seem to fit into her NYC lifestyle and culture. I think she's gorgeous and smart though. I'd like to see her as the next Bachelorette. I don't think Gabi is interesting or pretty enough to be the next one. Charity is pretty enough but doesn't have a lot of charisma. Zach looks sweaty, tired and stressed in many of the scenes. The guy seems to have aged five years since the season started. Kaity's mom is nice, but their bond concerns me a little. And where was Mom when Kaity was in a seven-year toxic relationship? Maybe her mom tried to warn her, and that's why Kaity puts so much stock in her opinion now. Agree that if this were a guy, we'd call him a momma's boy. I like Sean well enough, but that scene seemed pointless to me. Either he gave no advice worth anything or they edited it all out. And I like Jesse as the host! I don't even miss Chris Harrison.
  3. It’s mostly the tip that’s the problem. It’s over-projected, pointy and unnatural looking. I wonder if she could get a revision rhino and just have the surgeon reshape the tip and not have to break her nose again. It would probably make the recovery period shorter. Whatever the case, Jennifer was rude to comment on it, especially in front of other people. I wonder if she was drunk and her filter was off, assuming she has one. Bill doesn’t seem happy with Jennifer, but I’m not clear if it’s real or a TV thing to give her a storyline.
  4. Perhaps but Gizelle didn’t have to make such a big deal out of it. It was basically her whole storyline. I don’t want Robyn back. I don’t think she was honest with Andy. Sad she’s willing to stay with Juan when he’s a serial cheater.
  5. Toni Tennille wants her hair back. Yes, I’m dating myself.
  6. I think Ariel is the prettiest, followed by Kaity. I agree about Ariel’s sex appeal. She has it in spades. Ariel and Kaity are my favorites. I love Ariel’s poise and maturity. Kaity is sweet and relatable. I like Charity but I don’t think he has as much chemistry with her, although he likes her. I’m so-so on Gabi. Nice woman but she’s not my favorite. I knew Kat was out when she expressed ambivalence to the mentalist. Plus last week Zach mentioned one of their exchanges felt “off.” Kiss of death. Not surprised Brooklyn got the boot. I could tell he wasn’t feeling it with her. I’ve had to watch his body language, because he claims to like just about everyone. I’ve given up expecting good grammar from people on this show. It must be a generational thing. They grew up texting, so they don’t know how to speak properly. They probably can’t write either. Zach looked genuinely stressed in a few scenes.
  7. I liked Zach at first but I’m picking up a different vibe from him now. He dispenses with women quickly when they air concerns to him or anything doesn’t go as he likes. What happened to keeping them around and eliminating them at the rose ceremony? Why the rush to put them in a car? He handled the discussion with Jess badly. I didn’t find anything she said unreasonable. He was dismissive and cold. If he’s like this in the dating realm, then what will he be like when he’s deep into a relationship with a woman and she expresses concerns or there’s conflict? Is he going to gaslight her or dismiss her? It makes me wonder, but maybe I’m over-analyzing. That’s what I’ve heard too. I think they at least get to tell the producers which contestants they like the best. So he hadn’t tagged Jess as a favorite and she knew it.
  8. Cara, thank you for posting this. At the end of the book I read it said Jackie sued Richey for wrongful death of her mother. I found this story about the result. They settled with the physician, and Richey got off unscathed. Sad that he tried to change Tammy’s name to Tammy Richey on her gravestone. How petty! I agree with Dr. Drew. In my opinion, she was killed with drugs just like Michael Jackson. It just took longer with her as it as Richey injected her for years.
  9. Who is she? This is another woman, not the one from Canada? I think the women were horrible to Wendy after Mia threw the drink at her, but Wendy’s “violated to my core” comment was a bit much for me.
  10. Especially because the word is they aren’t even living together!
  11. Hey everyone. Not sure where to post this. I've never watched Miami and am thinking of watching. What season is best to start with if I'm not sure I want to go all the way back to S1.
  12. Do models not have to attractive at all? I mean, in that last photo she looks horrible. I realize it’s mostly the styling but gosh! I think Lisa is a narcissistic mother. I grew up with one. It was very difficult. Yes, my mother was in competition with me. She was very slender and barely ate. She’d preach things like, “A lady always leaves food on her plate” or “I eat like a bird.” I can’t recall seeing her finish a meal. I learned to do the same. As an adult my mother would often ask me how much I weighed, and she’d tell me her weight. She wanted to be thinner. One of my sister’s was overweight and my mother gave her a rough time about it. My mother died in October 2021. She was seriously malnourished at the time of her death. There was a lot of other trauma including my mother’s jealousy of us spending time with my dad and her limiting how much attention he could give us. I I won’t bore everyone with anymore of it except to say I feel for Lisa’s daughters. It causes deep scars.
  13. So far this has been a lukewarm season for me. I’m bored. I guess I like Kaity the best with Zach, but I don’t really care. I’m fast-forwarding through a lot. Given how many women he has kissed, I’m surprised they don’t all have Covid. I didn’t notice his hand on the thigh move until someone pointed it out, but now I can’t unsee it. It creeps me out because he does it with so many of the women. Greer was immature and dramatic, but Zach was a sanctimonious jerk to her. No need for him to treat her way.
  14. Yep. Imagine growing up with Rinna as a mother. No way did those girls learn healthy body image or eating habits. Their mother is a stick who probably hasn’t had a hamburger in 25 years.
  15. I don’t get it either. It makes people look older. I think Bella Hadid was one of the first celebs I noticed who looks like she had it. I think one of Kyle Richard’s (RHBH) daughter’s had it too.
  16. I was wondering if the book was worth reading. Afraid I’ll get upset as the documentary really got to me.
  17. I can’t keep up with all the fighting. I haven’t watched every season, but in every one I’ve seen Teresa and Joe are arguing. I’m so sick of hearing “my sister” and “my brother” said dramatically with exclamation points in the air. Enough! They don’t get along. Why don’t they accept this as a fact? My sister and I don’t see eye to eye and are at peace not communicating much at all. Maybe it’s this; I saw a YT blogger talking about Joe and Melissa. She said Teresa’s main beef with them is they want nothing to do with her unless the cameras are rolling. She was upset that they don’t ask her to dinner or even want to see her when the show isn’t filming. My first thought was, “Ok, but do you ask them to dinner?” Whatever the case, please come up with another storyline. Teresa’s overly-tanned face and plunging neckline in one of the THs was harsh. Not a good look! Same for Margaret’s. I wish these women would cover their breasts for a change. And Teresa seriously needs a make-under. The one dark-haired woman does seem to have the same nose job as Jennifer!
  18. Same with tattoos. Even three or four decades ago, getting one was a sign of rebellion. Only a small amount of people had them and usually a person would just have one. Now people have tons of them and so many people have them, if you don’t have any tats you are kind of the rebel. Ha! So I guess I’m a rebel. I have no tats and my only piercings are single holes in my ears. Or perhaps I’m just old.
  19. The no eyebrows thing makes everyone look like aliens. Looks like she may have had buccal fat removal, a trend I can’t stand. It makes people look gaunt and older. And she should lay off the lip filler.
  20. I was so distracted watching that scene. I wanted to stop filming and hand him a towel!
  21. Lame response by the SL. He wasn’t visiting; he was living there. And colleges can certainly have rules on how long “visitors” can stay.
  22. I’ll admit to only half-watching and fast-forwarding a lot, but mostly I see Zach kissing a bunch of the women and talking about how much he likes them. I can’t tell who he’s really into. He seems to like most of them. I don’t like Kylie but I have a different impression of what happened. It sounded like Anastasia was bragging about getting Instagram followers to me, so I can see why he cut her. She also had kind of a non-denial denial. She kept saying her remarks were taken out of context but didn’t clarify what she really meant. It may have been editing, but it frustrated me. Not sure about Brooklyn. I’m seeing more friendzone. Bring on Senior Bachelor! I’ll watch!
  23. Edited to add statement from SL that was shown at the end and excerpts from People article. In response to a request for comment on Larry Ray’s presence on campus, Sarah Lawrence College replied: “… While, after thorough investigation, the College uncovered no reports or complaints from 2010 that Ray was living or sleeping in his daughter’s campus residence, the subsequent accounts of former students indicate that he was.” So the school confirmed Larry was living on campus for a period in 2010. He then moved into the NYC apt and several of the students joined him there. I also went back and rewatched the first part of E1. Talia and the rest of them were living in the Slonim Woods dorm on campus in their sophomore year in the fall of 2010. Talia’s dad, Larry, got out of prison and moved into the dorm with them. Excerpts from People: Ray was the father of a Sarah Lawrence student who moved into his daughter's dorm room in 2010 and eventually sexually, psychologically and physically abused her schoolmates and other young people. The abuse began at Sarah Lawrence, a prestigious liberal arts college just outside of New York City when Ray began giving "therapy sessions" to his daughter's roommates, purporting to "help them with psychological problems," an indictment filed against him in 2020 said. The abuse didn't just take place at the college. It continued at Ray's Upper East Side apartment in Manhattan, where several students moved in with him in 2011 — presenting himself as a father figure, a psychologist and a spiritual advisor combined. The leadership at SL should’ve known there was a 50 year-old male, ex-con, living in the dorms with students. No excuse.
  24. I buy a dog calendar every year. I have three dogs, all different breeds, and I alternate which one I select for the calendar each year.
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