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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I am not spoiled so this is only a guess. I think he's going to choose Faith. He has seemed most into her the whole show to me. I was sorry to see Susan go, but she and Gerry had more a of a friendly than romantic vibe. I don't get why he has kept Theresa, but I could tell he wasn't going to pick Mary. His body language was off when she was declaring her love for him. I still like Gerry. He's not perfect but I find him refreshing from what I usually see on these shows... although he cries too much. My sweet dad was in an assisted living place. There were a ton of women and hardly any men. The women were all buzzing around him. He used to joke about it. I have a close friend whose husband passed away in early 2023. She is 65. She's said she would like to date at some point but doesn't think she'll meet anyone because the men her age who aren't married want someone 10-15 years younger.
  2. Wow, I'm way off. I thought Bosch was supposed to be in his 50s. I like the Honey Chandler character and appreciate that Mimi Rogers isn't Botoxed to the nth degree like so many other actresses.
  3. I want to get the book. I didn't realize there was a new one! It was hard to watch the Maddie n the grave scenes. Yikes. II'm glad they didn't drag it past two episodes. I actually like Maddie though and think the actress does a good job. Harry looks a little heavier to me this season. Not overweight but stockier.
  4. Not to mention Kyle played Morgan's love interest in a music video. How would she feel if Mauricio did that with someone he was rumored to be having a fling with?
  5. He does seem to bring out her lighthearted side. I hope they last. She is doing it so much it distracted me. It looks borderline OCD. I have no sympathy for her. I hope Tanner dumps her. The rest of them look scared of her. Sam has a hard edge to her among this crowd. She isn't one of the prettier women to me. I wonder whose man she will go after. Agree about Olivia's THs. Why did they pick her alone to be the Greek chorus?
  6. Dana is quoting an In Touch story saying Dorit and PK are done. I won't believe it until it's in People or a more credible publication, as In Touch is notoriously unreliable. But I do think they're having marital issues. I didn't realize PK owes nearly $1M in taxes. That can put a strain on a marriage.
  7. Yes this was exactly my experience. I mentioned it upthread. It gave me back my figure and helped my libido, but not to the extent of your friend's. I wonder what has made Kyle so mad at Mauricio. Did she find proof that he was cheating on her? She is so angry and acted like she could barely stand to be around him. I also wonder why PK is going to London so much. Does he really have that much work there or is he looking for a break from Dorit and perhaps a few dalliances? It's pretty obvious their marriage is rocky now. When Erika is on screen I can barely watch her. I cannot stand her. I'm glad Lisa Rinna is gone, but I wish they had gotten rid of Erika too. While I don't really like Kyle, I'm also an ACA (Adult Child of Alcoholic) and I can relate to the conflicted, painful feelings she has about her sister. Growing up in that environment creates unhealthy family dynamics. My sister and I haven't recovered from it. We barely communicate. I don't know if this helps but I read this forum on either my MacBook or IPad. The ads are there but don't interfere with scrolling or loading pages.
  8. A sign of a true narcissist. They don't have empathy. I was surprised Erika admitted it. She is hard to like. I don't understand why they brought her back. This wasn't my experience. I didn't try them until late into menopause. I am on the natural (bioidentical) not synthetic ones including testosterone. Since I've been on them, I've lost most of the weight I gained during menopause. My NP said extremely low hormone levels can make you gain weight, especially if your T is next to nothing (mine was). Having said that, I think both Erika and Kyle are on Ozempic or a similar shot despite what they're saying. This episode seems really scripted to me. It was jarring how artificial it seemed, especially the conversation with Kyle and Maurio. And the interactions between the women didn't seem authentic. Dorit's lips look bigger or something is off with them. Is the long hair a wig? If so it's a pretty good one. The comments she made about PK make me wonder if her marriage will be the next one to unravel. Kyle's lips also looked bigger, and she seemed angry to me. It's like she's trying to hold in simmering anger.
  9. I work with two Karens. They are both great women, not control freaks. Exceptions to the rule.
  10. Me too! I also like Liam Neeson. I've noticed the difference in the names for the women on this show vs. regular Bachelor. They're mostly your basic names that are reflective of when they were born: Nancy, Theresa, Kathy, Edith, Ellen, Sandra, Susan, Joan... no Brittany, Kayla, Amber, Kylie, Hailey, etc. And no weird spelling! I liked Theresa at first but am now seeing what Kathy was talking about, although I don't like Kathy and am glad she's gone. There is a sadness in Leslie that is coming through for me.
  11. There is a lot about their marriage in the preview, and Garcelle said in an interview the season heavily focuses on their marriage. They don't separate until after but it looks like it's a big storyline. I don't think they faked the whole thing for a storyline. I think something happened. Perhaps Kyle finally caught Mauricio cheating and she reacted by getting close to Morgan.
  12. I couldn't get past this watching the show! Her stomach is totally flat! She hasn't pooped in 10 days and is wearing a midriff top with absolutely no pooch. I get bloated after two days. Sheesh! This woman is a freak of nature. I guess this is the difference between someone my age and hers. I didn't grow up with social media. If I had this issue on the show, I would've told the producers I had a medical issue and needed to leave. No details. I wouldn't want to be known as the Girl Who Couldn't Poop. Her rant struck me as narcissistic rage. How dare anyone question her? Rachel continues to be a background player on this show. Is she not hot enough for the guys or do the producers dislike her? She's not even in many of the THs. I dislike Eliza based on her behavior last season. I'm not seeing much difference this season. She seems flighty and like she's here for screen time. She is awfully cute though. Sean, you do not look like a Ken doll. The one person in your life who told you this lied to you. Let it go. Kylee and Aven may be a solid couple, but they are incredibly boring to me. I'm not sure who has less of a personality, so I'm giving Aven the slight edge. I'm looking forward to when Tanner dumps Kat. I wish they would've had two or three new women come to the beach so the ratio was a little more even. I also wish they had a rose ceremony each episode instead of dragging it out. Olivia's THs are not funny and smack of trying too hard to me. As the season goes on, her ego expands.
  13. ITA! Cathy was so aggressive with Theresa. I couldn't figure out why she was so angry. It's pretty typical of the women to talk about about their connection with the Bachelor. If Theresa was throwing it in her face, then they edited a lot of that out because I didn't hear it. It seemed more like Cathy was jealous than anything else. Surprised Gerry fell for it. However, the last comment Theresa made to Cathy after this all went down did make me pause. It seemed a bit passive aggressive. But that's ok with me, because Cathy was being mean to her. I also don't think Gerry is attracted to Cathy. She gives off a masculine energy. I think he likes softer women. Having said that, it's hard to look at Theresa in close-up. Whatever work she had on her face isn't especially flattering at some angles and lighting. I noticed Joan's jawline was really tight. I wonder if she had a facelift. He does seem drawn to the women who've had work done, but a lot of them look like they've had some tweaks so it's hard to tell. Edith is so pretty! I wish we had seen more of her personality. The shorter format is so much better to me!
  14. I also thought that "lovely lady" comment sounded odd coming from an 18 year-old. I suspect Angie and her husband don't have a romantic connection. She has eluded to it and if the daughter sleeps them well, then it doesn't bode well for intimacy between Angie and her husband. Maybe that's why he got emotional.
  15. I knew about Linda's bad experience with Cool Sculpting, but I didn't realize she had breast cancer and other health issues with multiple surgeries. I hope she is all right. She eyes are so beautiful. In some of the shots they showed, I was distracted by her eyes. Interesting that guy flat-out said Kate Moss isn't beautiful like Cindy, Christy, etc. It was the start of a different era of models, but I don't think they were 6 inches shorter as the woman in the clip said woman. They are more like 2-3 inches shorter. Kate Moss is 5'7 and Cindy and Christy are 5'9 and 5'10. As for Cindy recreating the Pepsi commercial... I don't now. I'm not sure she should've done that. She looked good but there was something sad about it to me. I can't put my finger on it. Naomi looks like she's had cheekbone implants. Her cheekbones are much larger than in the footage. The menopause line made me chuckle. Cindy looks good from a distance but in close-up, she looks a bit manly to me. But when she was younger, she looked stunning in close-up. I think Christy has aged the best. I know they all moved into different areas post-modeling and I appreciate Christy's work with charities, but the segments didn't interest me as much as the modeling stuff.
  16. And neither of them are revealing all about their personal life, especially their marriages. I don't think Heather and Terry are romantic at all, although they try to portray that on the show. I'm not sure about Tamra and Eddie, but something seems off. Heather strikes me as a controlling, image-conscious woman. Tamra was rude to Andy. I'm surprised he let her talk to him that way. He just sat there chastened. Perhaps that is the same effect she has on the women.
  17. Agree Olivia is over-the-top in her THs. She is trying too hard and is not as funny as she thinks she is. I feel sorry for Will. He doesn't seem emotionally stable enough for this show, so I hope he doesn't get a rose. Not sure about Brayden. Right not it's not looking good for him unless there is producer manipulation. Rachel is an after thought on this show. Wonder if it bothers me given she had to share the limelight when she was Bachelorette. Or could that be why she's not being spotlighted here.
  18. What on earth is Brandi going on about? The show isn't airing anytime soon. I seriously doubt she went to the hospital because of stress about this. What was she drinking and/or ingesting? And the tweets from the hospital look like attention-seeking behavior to me, not someone who would want to keep a profile and wait for this to blow over. Hey Brandi, did you miss the memo that says your season got pushed back? Are you upset that the other Girls Trip season has trumped yours?
  19. I wasn't going to watch the new season because I was ticked off they brought back Ericka. However, after watching the trailer and all the stuff going on with Kyle and Mauricio, I'm in! At least Lisa Rinna is gone. I'm excited Denise will be appearing in some episodes. I wish they'd bring her back as full cast member though.
  20. Yep. I liked that Andy was calling them out our their pile-up on Heather.
  21. I didn't watch Charity's season so this is my only experience seeing Brayden. He is coming off sympathetic. Kat was a jerk. She didn't even acknowledge him when she was going on the date with Tanner. She was dismissive and rude, and then she tried to tell him he wasn't allowed to feel his own feelings! I thought he handled her well in his response. I hope Tanner dumps her! On a similar note, Mercedes is playing Will. Doesn't look like he will last through the rose ceremony. So far Rachel is in the background on this show, surprising for a former Bachelorette. I wonder if she is irked that Tyler didn't pick her for the date. Her hair extensions looks rough in a few shots. The beach weather is not kind to her hair. At the risk of devolving into bathroom talk, I'll say this: 1) Surprised Sam's belly is that flat after 9 days and she's still able to eat 2) I could've done without this story and hope to never see it again 3) Sam looks much older than her reported age to me.. 27?
  22. I don't know what she's on but it's affecting her speech and her face. It looks puffy in some of the scenes. This was a disjointed, weird episode that seemed even more staged than usual. I think there is something up with Angie's marriage and that's why her husband cried. We're not seeing everything. Most of these shows don't show you what is really going on. We find out later when they're off camera. Lisa's ego has grown throughout the seasons. Mary is horrible and adds nothing to this show. The women are afraid of her because her moods shift with the wind. They don't know what she'll say or do at any moment. Mary is either on some serious drugs or mentally ill IMO.
  23. They do seem to be ignoring her. Is this what happens when you're on of two instead of the lead Bachelorette? I find Aven dull. Don't see his appeal at all. Will needs to be a grip. The sobbing over being "chosen" was a bit much for me. His desperation is not going to attract many women.
  24. Exactly! She said she was "triggered" by what happened last time, but Eliza was at the core of the triangle with two men. Rodney was the one who got hurt. So why is she acting like a victim? I think Olivia staying is a producer manipulation. All the gushing over Hannah was annoying. The woman has never been that interesting, not even when she was the Bachelorette. Calm down everyone. Sam looks 10 years older than her age to me.
  25. What is weird is she was on WWHL with VIcki a few weeks ago and she looked good, not bloated and her face didn't look weird like on here. They were filmed what... a few weeks to a month apart? So I can't figure out why her appearance changed so much.
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