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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I know, right? It was like the world's shortest Lifetime movie.
  2. We tried a YouTube kittens-in-a-basket video once for our cat, and we'll never do it again. It's a large-screen TV, so the video cats are life-size. First she jumped on the cabinet that the TV sits on to stare at them up close. We thought that was cute. Then she went around to the back of the TV and tried seeing if she could get in with them that way. We thought that was sweet but obviously frustrating for her. Then she came back around to the front and started butting her head against the screen and crying. So it went from funny to heartbreaking in about a minute.
  3. I'm wondering if Hallmark gets a royalty every time Ed delivers one of his poetic platitudes: "You light up my world" or "Am I your forever?" or "Warm get-well wishes to you from all the gang at the office." Bats eyelashes winsomely.
  4. Do you mean she managed to lick a spot bare and red in just a day? Or did this start before the housekeeper's visit? That seems like a lot of damage in a very short time. Yeah, this: 16 minutes ago, theredhead77 said: If the bare spot is usually covered by fur it developed before yesterday. They can lick themselves raw but it would be pretty hard to do in a day. I'd suggest calling the vet if she doesn't stop licking it by tomorrow. I haven't tried CBD oil on our cat, but lots of people have some luck with it. It's pretty benign, so maybe worth giving a try. Also meant to say that we tried Feliway with no results, which doesn't mean it won't work for you.
  5. I agree with all this. And he's apparently a really nice guy as well. My sister lives in the same general area in south FL, and her best friend was having lunch out one day and spotted Alexi eating at the same place. Being the total opposite kind of person than I am, BF went over to Alexi's table and told him what a fan she was, and they posed for a photo together. I'd post it here (my sister sent it to me), but I wouldn't do that without BF's permission. They look adorable, though. BF is very short and Alexi very tall. My point being that even though his workday lunch was interrupted by a lunatic (my sister's BF), you can see that he has a smile that goes all the way up to his eyes. Not fame-whorey, just a regular nice guy.
  6. A bazillion years ago I took a weekend workshop in making resin jewelry at the crafty YMCA in Manhattan (I can't remember which Y it was, but it's famous for the great classes given there). The workshop itself was great fun, and I kept doing the jewelry afterward, even coming up with my own methods for doing things. The techniques and materials have improved a lot since then, so it's easier and not smelly now. And you can make really gorgeous things. Plus, there's a fair amount of moving around, what with casting stuff, making molds, Dremeling, assembling, etc.
  7. Huh, that's odd. Maybe we have two different versions. But you did what you needed anyway, so yay! (You know that if anyone clicks on that photo, it will open in a larger size, yes?) They're adorable. Nice and comfy on what I assume is your bed--can't ask for better guests than that.
  8. We were just talking about this a few days ago. If you have Paint, open the file there and click Resize. Then reduce the size of the photo by 50% (the program usually does it automatically in both horizontal and vertical dimensions). Try again here. If the pic is really large, you may have to reduce it again. Good luck! Hurry up with those kittens!
  9. Now I have to go look up food warmers. Ever since I saw your funny typo, I've been visualizing a restaurant called Lunch for the Weak, with all these feeble people crawling up to the entrance. It beats working.
  10. All of this ^^^. Plus, it hurts me just watching her walk a couple of yards inside her house. How on earth is she going to work a job that requires you to be on your feet for an eight-hour shift (or longer) every day? My niece, in her twenties and a former gymnast--so she's tiny and young and very fit--is a nurse, and sometimes she's wiped out at the end of the workday. I can't imagine Danielle pulling that off, seeing how painful it looks as she lumbers around. Isn't this a disqualifying thing in a nursing career?
  11. IIRC, when Armando's wife tried to ram his car and ended up killing herself, she was pregnant--pretty far along, seven months, I think--with what was presumably his baby. So if the show weren't as secretive and murky about that whole situation as it's been, it might be a little easier to understand Armando's feelings about having a baby. Assuming all this is true, he's grieving the loss of a child, and that surely must figure in to his desire (again, if that part is real and not just producer BS) to somehow compensate for that loss with another baby. Imagine what a concept it would be--telling people's true stories in an honest way.
  12. I'm actually not the poster who said that bit about her once having a home, a business, etc. It's one of those quote glitches. That was @KateHearts. I said I think she still does have those things, assuming she really owned them in the first place. If she did, I don't believe she sold off anything.
  13. Boy, I've been reading that prices are going to go up because of this whole supply-chain snafu, but I just got my first taste of the reality of it. I've been doing curbside grocery pickup because we don't have any supermarkets that'll deliver to our neck of the woods (and I do mean woods), and I plan to keep doing it that way till this is all over. So I keep a running list of items online, and I add to it whenever I think of a new thing we need and then do a pickup once a month or so. Today I went to add burger buns, and I thought I'd try getting potato buns--I've been hearing that the Martin's brand is particularly good. Well, Martin's buns (that sounds very personal!) are apparently sold only in two-packs of 12 buns each. And the current price is . . . drumroll . . . $22.99 for two packs. That's $11.50 per bag of buns. Yikes! And Parmalat, that shelf-stable milk that I keep on hand for when milk runs out and I don't feel like driving an hour round-trip, isn't available at all. So everyone else is clearly stocking up. Good thing we've got enough toilet paper for a family of ten. Is anybody else seeing this or have I just been asleep for the past month? I'm afraid to look at the rest of the list.
  14. Maybe he considers servicing Jenny sexually to be his job. It's not a totally unreasonable assumption. My suspicion is she still has a home and a business. Wouldn't it be something if at the end of the season Ellie suddenly hulked out on Victor and did something like hang him from a roof joist using his chin braid as a noose? Kind of like a praying mantis female eating the male after screwing him. I think she's hiding her true nature from us.
  15. Who said anything about retiring? They're certainly able to continue what they're doing. And if money is not a motivation, why sign a "huge deal" if not at least in part for a boatload of money?
  16. Ditto. And jeez, how much money does someone in her mid-seventies need anyway? Don't the Gartens already have enough so that they can make a gesture of gratitude toward the people who've supported her show for years now? It's not like she wasn't getting paid for that all along. Sometimes . . .
  17. Me, too, but not always. So it's nice just to have one handed to me.
  18. I just posted that part as a joke, but then I Googled, and kitchen-gadget earrings really are a thing! I'll try to get to Portland ASAP, but in the meantime there's Etsy, and Amazon, and . . .
  19. That's it! You're a star, @Spunkygal! Thanks so much for saving me a bunch of Googling!
  20. I'm really starting to hate our local PBS station. Yesterday I watched both Cook's Country and ATK, both episodes tagged as "new" on the on-screen guide. They were also dated as first aired two weeks ago. When I went to the shows' website, the recipes were no longer available because they were aired two weeks ago, which is when they go behind the paywall. Our local station always seems to be a couple weeks late airing these shows, so this happens all the time. (I also hate the way public TV and radio get monetized, but that's a slightly different subject.) And as long as I'm being cranky, I noticed something yesterday that I've never seen on PBS cooking shows before--maybe I haven't been paying careful enough attention. When they were mentioning the ingredients for two recipes--the strawberry cheesecake bites and the fruit compote, I think--they said "some of this" and "a little of the other" instead of giving the exact measurements. So I couldn't get the recipes by watching the broadcast and I couldn't get them online because they're now behind the paywall. Now I have to do a lot of creative Googling. I'd subscribe if they didn't make me so mad.
  21. As with most idioms by definition, the literal meaning makes no sense. We say "kick the bucket" to mean die. Makes no literal sense, but we all know what it means. Same with hak in Yiddish, which I grew up hearing all the time in my own house, as an isolated verb. So I know what it means, and therefore I'm not as invested in this debate, which I'll now remove myself from.
  22. Somebody probably finally got tired of humoring Sunny and told her to get her ass back inside. They also couldn't let another Halloween pass without pranking her, because she has such a great sense of humor about it </sarcasm>.
  23. Earrings. And kitchen gadgets. And earrings made of kitchen gadgets, which should be a thing if they aren't already.
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