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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. In an oak barrel. Over a waterfall. Makes me think of the early SNL skits, where Garrett Morris used to play an interpreter for the deaf by just repeating everything in a scream. I was pretty sure that in one of those quick shots from a music video she had on what looked like prosthetic lower legs. So it may be entirely possible that Caleb didn't know the extent of her physical differences. His surprise at first seeing her in the flesh certainly seemed genuine. And I don't know how to say this so it doesn't sound insensitive, but she keeps repeating how she wants the fairy tale, and for romance to be perfect and normal. Those things rarely work out that smoothly for those of us who don't have significant challenges and deformities. A wiser person might not set such unrealistic goals for herself--and for another person who's just coming to grips with what he's expected to deal with so casually.
  2. What with Sunny presenting herself as such a social justice warrior on Twitter and such, it's kind of odd that she's so far up GZ's ass given his past history with workers at his restaurant, ripping them off and then declaring bankruptcy to try to escape a judgment: https://www.mashed.com/403133/why-geoffrey-zakarian-was-sued-by-his-own-restaurant-workers/.
  3. You're the first person I've ever seen mention this show! I've only seen maybe three episodes, and I really enjoyed it. I guess I must've tuned out the annoying reminiscences. I do love to watch the repairs being made, and I didn't know it was on Discovery now. Have to go searching--thanks!
  4. I felt really sorry for whoever had the station behind (apt word!) the bare-assed drag queen.
  5. I think you mean Malcolm McDowell. Roddy McDowall died in 1998. Unless they have some very fancy special effects!
  6. I kind of think that Times Square on NYE is like climbing up inside the Statue of Liberty--a thing NYers never do personally. You can see the statue from Lower Manhattan and you can watch the ball drop from the comfort of your couch. I never went there once.
  7. I love that apple peeler/slicer. I'm terrible at peeling and not much better at slicing (the downside of left-handedness). There are so many things I wouldn't have bothered to make without this gadget. Hard-boiled eggs I do in the Instant Pot now. Same great result but no need for an extra appliance.
  8. "Crashed" may not be the best choice of words to make this particular point! 🤕 We had a family tradition when I was growing up that no matter where any of us kids were, as soon as midnight came, we'd either make or get a call from our parents to say "Happy New Year." It took a while before I realized that the main idea was so that our mother could reassure herself that we were all still in one piece. I miss that now. Another thing I miss is going out to hear jazz on NYE. There were still a lot of great jazz clubs in NYC back in the '90s, and it felt like such a sophisticated, grown-up way to spend the night. Not to mention the amazing variety of famous (to people who love jazz) musicians and wonderful music to choose from. Sigh . . . 🎷
  9. No, no, it's totally fine! I don't think I made myself clear enough. It's heartbreaking and infuriating that some people can only get help by sacrificing all privacy to a national TV audience. I'm not sure I understand what the problem is in the UK, but I know from personal experience how it is in rural areas of the US (especially compared to NYC, where I used to live and where you could fall out of bed into a doctor's office).
  10. I know this very well, as I live in such an area. We lost our one dermatology practice four years ago, and the vacuum has never been filled. My point was that it may actually be true that reality TV is the only hero available to these patients if no other doctors even know what they're looking at. I don't think that socialized medicine is the single villain (or a villain at all).
  11. Speaking as someone who right this very moment has a tortie wedged between the backs of my knees and my butt, I can authoritatively say that torties rule. That other guy's not bad either. Congratulations on your new masters, @Scarlett45! I know a good cat butler if you need one.
  12. Toothless looks as if nothing even remotely inconvenient ever happened to him. That's how I want to look when COVID is over. Except with a cocktail in my paw. The duo of Jake and Toothless makes one very nice anniversary present for moi.
  13. Haven't watched this episode yet--it's still on the DVR--but . . . To be fair, isn't this some version of what most of Dr. PP's patients say, too? At least the ones who've actually seen a doctor. I'm not sure if all the other physicians are criminally stupid or if it's required to make the TV doctors seem like heroic geniuses. It does feel as if no one would ever be cured if it weren't for reality television.
  14. Then again, there's this: https://www.delish.com/food-news/a36133247/guy-fieri-25-million-restaurant-worker-fund/ The $25 million figure is as of last April, so the amount is likely even higher now. I'd give him a pass on the cash he lets his friends win on TV.
  15. You know the old saying about how you get what you pay for. It's true.
  16. You should. Don't ask me how I know this.
  17. I'm not @Mrs. Landingham, but I can translate for you. It's just an idiom that means something like "Amen, brother" or "You ain't kidding" or "True dat." She wasn't accusing you of lying--just the opposite. It means she's in complete agreement. Merry Christmas.
  18. Me neither, but you never know these days. If you've ever watched Court Cam over the past year or so, you'll see that all sorts of procedures are being done via Zoom--arraignments, bail hearings, etc., etc. Seems like an excellent way to do jury selection during a pandemic. Even not during a pandemic, especially in places where snow and ice can prevent people from traveling a lot of the year. Or to spare people from having to drive an hour just to be turned around and told to go home after five minutes at the courthouse. Okay, enough of my jury crap. I'm starting to bore myself. COVID might be a better alternative.
  19. I'm the one who failed to make the connection. I meant that voire-dire or whatever could be done via Zoom if the jury pool overall had decent internet. It's not titled a summons. They call it a questionnaire, I guess getting all that info to fatten you up for the actual summons. But it doesn't say anything either way re call-in or in-person. I really must be lacking in imagination. I work on so many crime novels and thrillers, you'd think by now I could figure out how to hide in a sewer system or find a disgraced plastic surgeon to change my appearance. But no . . .
  20. I thought that the very first lines of my post were pretty clear about my enthusiasm for participating. If I could've called up and volunteered for jury duty, I would have, but everyone told me that wasn't done. It's not my lack of enthusiasm, it's my not wanting to be locked in a sealed-from-the-cold room with people I don't know for who knows how long. And by the way, I wasn't the one who said that the criminal in the room was the defendant. That was the assumption of the poster who called me out. So . . . My husband said last time he served that he had to phone in every morning. Time before that he actually went in. Who knows how they're doing it now. If we had adequate internet service here, there wouldn't be any problem. But I'm sure there are people in our county who have no connection at all. I was kidding. I'm not really going to fake my own death. I'm just going to fake faking my own death. It's the nuance that confuses them.
  21. Right. And shouldn't that kind of bias automatically disqualify me?
  22. I cannot believe this. My whole adult life, I've watched everyone I know get called for jury duty. Husband's done it twice, I think. One friend served six times. And I've always said, "Gee, I wish I'd get called." But I never did. Till now. During the plague. For the past two years, I've taken every damn precaution to keep from getting sick. And beyond. We disinfected our groceries, put off social interactions, supplied masks and gloves to repairmen when we had to have them come into the house. I'm lucky to be able to work from home, so I haven't had the issues that so many of you have had to deal with. And now, after all that, I'm supposed to go sit in a room all day with a bunch of strangers and at least one criminal while the most contagious variant of the virus is floating through the air? Not gonna do it. I may fake my own death.
  23. I think we all thought you would have more time with him, @Scarlett45. I'm so sorry for your loss. Everyone who's been there is with you now.
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