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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. This is what I've assumed from the beginning. It doesn't make any sense to waste even a minute reshooting for a duplicated item if all they have to do is replace a used one in the slot.
  2. They try to make it cute by having animated toe fungus. Nothing will ever make toe fungus cute and lovable. And also mucus, for that matter. Cartoon snot isn't in any way more appealing than actual snot.
  3. It was called Starting Over. I think wanting to talk about that show is why I signed up for TWoP.
  4. The best chocolate cake I've ever had was avocado-chocolate, and I didn't even like avocados back then. You don't really taste them--they just give the cake a real richness. So I'm willing to buy pudding, too.
  5. I asked her the same question. She said it's because she's on his health insurance at that job.
  6. My sister was complaining about that very thing today on the phone just an hour ago. She says Medicare wants to know the exact day her husband started the job he's worked at for 26 years. I told her I don't think they're going to have Sherlock Holmes checking her answers, so she can probably give them a ballpark estimate. Then she can blame me if she gets denied.
  7. Lemme link you to a post of mine from about a month ago detailing an experiment that changed my life. I just repeated it with another batch of avocados, and it worked like a charm again. (Post is about 2/3 of the way down the page--I don't know if it's possible to link to a specific post.)
  8. I've only watched about half of that, but I found it hilarious that she was upset that everyone could see her boobs while she was breast-feeding her baby. This is the same woman who came dressed like a cigarette girl passing around tits on a tray. Ugliest, thirstiest dress ever. But very convenient for that one purpose she's angry about.
  9. I wonder if he puts mayonnaise on his hare.
  10. I watched the revisit to the Retro Diner this morning, and I couldn't understand why Robert was so optimistic about their prospects. It made no sense to me why a business that was supposedly doing so well after his first visit would move to a new location (let's assume it's true they had to move) and completely change its identity. If you had a good reputation under your previous name, wouldn't you keep it so your customers could find you at the new place? Some of the things these people do totally confound me.
  11. I think it was especially mean of her to call me out by name. I'm actually lots of fun to hang with. 🥳
  12. My husband knows a lot more about CBD oil than I do, so I'll ask him, but I don't think there's any downside to trying it--i.e., toxicity even if she licks it off. I've seen a couple of remarkable results in people who've used it. Also glucosamine and chondroitin, which I don't know if anyone's mentioned yet. And hyaluronic acid, as long as I'm throwing out long chemical terms I barely comprehend. But it was recommended to us for our dog when the vet still thought he was having joint issues. It's supposed to help keep the synovial fluid in the joints lubricated. I have to go lie down after that last paragraph.
  13. I get it. Happened to me a long time ago, and although I have a pretty good idea of what motivated it, it still stings. Sometimes it's harder to lose a good friend than a mate. I remember that falling into friendship with this person felt almost exactly like falling in love. I don't have any words of wisdom, just words of commiseration. It's not you, it's her. And I'd definitely change my TV log-ins. I mean, fuck that. 📺
  14. I'll dare to disagree, which is probably a mistake, but . . . I'm betting that (almost) no one who posts here regularly is the sort of person who's accustomed to ridiculing people for their weight or bad skin or big nose or physical disability. Nobody here routinely calls other people Wonky Eye or Bucktooth or FatAss. But here those physical shortcomings become shorthand for these awful people's revolting character flaws. I might have some imperfection that gets made fun of here, but I wouldn't object (even though it would hurt me to hear in real life) because I understand that we all get what it means here in the snark bubble. So here Ella's obesity is a symbol of her immaturity or selfishness or blubbering arrogance. I'm not sure there's any fruit that's too low-hanging--except children, who get paraded before us without informed consent, and it really does disturb me when people don't know enough to hit the brakes on mocking them. Y'all can call me Bubble Butt for this opinion, I won't mind.
  15. It probably wouldn't, since he pretty obviously cribbed the name from the American rapper Soulja Boy.
  16. It's such a bad name on several levels. I don't think that place has much of a chance. When the updates say that sales have increased by 10% and you know they always try to put the best spin on it, that can't be good. The owner seemed like a nice guy, but I didn't get the sense he comprehended a whole lot. And if people came there for wings, changing the whole menu and jacking up the prices hugely seemed like a recipe for failure.
  17. That sounds utterly gorgeous. Our house is surrounded by acres of woods. Lots of evergreens, so no droppage from those. The rest of them, the leaves fall and then rot beneath the snow. Free compost. If we raked, we wouldn't have time to do anything else. Ever.
  18. Yeah, woulda, coulda, shoulda. If we made a list of all those--even just pertaining to this show--it'd circle the earth a hundred times. And we'd have nothing to snark about! 😉
  19. This I totally disagree with. To me it looked as if he had to force himself--close his eyes and think of England, as the old saying goes. It looked as if he found her grotesque. And she was, just in more significant ways than her physical deformity.
  20. Defending her as a person isn't the same as defending her racist remarks. What he said was: "I don't condone any sort of prejudice or racism." Caleb mentioned that he never knew about Alina's controversial posts before, and he couldn't comment on what she posted on social media back in her school days. He added, "All i know is that in my heart of hearts Alina is not a racist." Being chivalrous, even if ill-advisedly so, and not throwing her under the bus (and doing what 90% of other cast members would likely do) doesn't equate to "ratifying" her shitty comments. But he does seem to be taking his exclusion well.
  21. Plus, at least as far as we know (or I know anyway), he didn't do anything wrong, so his banishment doesn't seem particularly fair. And it's not as if they were much of a couple. I think even before she revealed herself to be the nasty little piece of work she was, he seemed to want to distance himself from her as much as possible. Can't say I blame him.
  22. What is it about that boy's face??? It's like a love sponge!
  23. Can you roll just one eye? Hypothetically, say I went to a motel to do illicit things with a 12-year-old boy and tried to roofie that boy and then accidentally picked up the wrong glass (the drugged one), because I'm a proven idiot, would that make this story more believable? Assuming that it wasn't me and the boy was a girl.
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