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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. This is really annoying. You do have to sign before you can buy it. I don't even have allergies, and now, thanks to my husband's, I'm on a government watch list as a potential meth maker. Next time I offer to do a drugstore pickup for him, I'll let him do it himself. Hope you're feeling better anyway.
  2. I don't imagine you'd be willing to share this. Right? 🤑
  3. Totally agree. I don't get the logic of thinking a live person, a complete stranger to you, is less of a security risk than a secure website. We hear stories all the time of workers at, say, a pizza place copying card numbers and then using them fraudulently. I think you have this backwards.
  4. I'm surprised she was able to pull her head out of his ass long enough to say anything at all about him, let alone something less than worshipful.
  5. Maybe she meant her gorge rises at the sight of Emily. I know mine does.
  6. That was clearly so they could slip in the plug for Command Adjustables, which Loren mentioned right before there was a commercial for them. Nobody says a brand name unless it's product placement, and it was.
  7. After we had to put our dog down, my husband, who was especially bonded with her, said he couldn't do it again, no more pets. This wasn't going to go over with me, so I wheedled and cajoled for a couple of months till I managed to talk him into a cat. (Which makes no sense, since he's more of the cat person and I'm more of a dog person, but whatever . . .) So my friend, who believes it's her personal mission to find a pet for everyone she knows--and even a few people she doesn't know--escorted me (in handcuffs) to the shelter, and I immediately zeroed in on the cat I wanted, a sweet, beautiful Tortie. Her shelter name was Bree, and I jokingly said I needed to come up with a permanent name that was also cheese-related (even though I knew perfectly well that the cheese is Brie with an i and that Bree was the name of Jane Fonda's character in Klute). The shelter guide who was with us, who didn't realize I was kidding, asked me what cheese I thought I'd name her for, and the first name that popped into my head was Fontina. My husband was out of town for all this, and when he got home, he instantly fell in love with her--"But that stupid name has to go!" I said he had every right to name her, since he'd given in on getting a cat. Eight years later and she's still Fontina. It's actually the perfect name for a cat whose two people make their living in publishing, what with the first syllable being "font." And you can guess what her favorite cheese is.
  8. Bini, despite that butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth sweet demeanor, is really beneath contempt. He's willing to try disrupting this child's life for another skimpy paycheck. He lost one son to his own irresponsibility, and then he turned around and did the same thing all over again. The only reason he has access to this child is that the woman he knocked up is just as lazy and corrupt as he is. And that guy he defeated in his match looked like a wino they dragged over from the bus station. Glorious victory.
  9. Can you imagine how awful the first two guys had to be if Bilal is the one she's planning to go through with???
  10. I refilled three of the five cushions on our sectional. I think it was just under $100 for all three (I don't remember if that included shipping or not). I bought the highest-density foam he carried, wrapped in batting. My cushions measured 24"x36"x5", so yours might be more or less depending on the dimensions. It's not cheap, but a lot cheaper than a whole new couch.
  11. We had the same problem, and I looked at those cushion boards, too. Ended up not buying them after reading the reviews. I like the couch, so I bought new foam and batting for the affected cushions. My (very un-fat) husband is complaining again about the cushion he always sits on, so I was thinking of having someone just cut us a thin board, maybe plywood, slightly smaller than the cushion to put under his spot. I'm not sure you'd need anything fancier than that, and I did take five sessions of adult-ed upholstery, so even though I'm not an expert, I know a little bit. You might want to wrap the board in batting so it doesn't abrade the fabric it touches.
  12. Don't be shocked. Her name is Emily Bieberly, so she's already halfway to being a cartoon character.
  13. Oh, my gosh, that was me! And I just went back and looked at the post, and I see that I called it when your actual vet didn't. If I have any extra time left over from popping people's lipomas, I may set up a veterinary practice on the side. Seriously, I'm so glad to know he's doing as well as he is and that he's being so cooperative about the eyedrops. They aren't always. Good boy, BB!
  14. Me either. The two of them seem to be playing a constant game of gotcha, somehow, but she's the smarter one, so she's the one who emerges looking like the victim, yet in her low-key way she usually gives as good as she gets. If he's the asshole he appears to be, I don't know why she's still there. Unless it's for the Vuitton luggage and the nice suits and the car and the McMansion (which probably aren't the real deal anyway). So if you put up with a mean guy for material goods, what does that make you?
  15. The more I see of Shaeeda, the less I like her. She was really taking a page from Bilal's playbook with his daughter, pressuring her relentlessly over what the child should call her. What is the effin' big deal? She'll call you what she calls you, if you're still around to be called anything. Just shut up and wash your lady parts. (Which, now that I think of it, was a hell of an analogy to bust out with a young girl you barely know.)
  16. I think that getting English words wrong in a "cute" way is a big part of her shtick now. But I agree the cosmetic procedures aren't doing her any favors. I wish they would both disappear.
  17. I hope you're joking. Unless you know for a fact that this kitten has a driver's license.
  18. This drives me nuts! I think the trend of pasting things all over the screen started with 9/11, when we needed to know everything that could possibly be happening all at the same time--which we probably did. But not for more than a few days. And then it just went on and on and got constantly worse. Now the whole bottom third of the screen on the news networks is captions, which we don't need if we're listening to what they're saying. Plus the crawl. And the promos for other shows that pop up constantly on regular shows that obscure what you're supposed to be seeing on the show you're actually trying to watch. I figure these people are in the TV business, so can't they figure out in advance where to put the promo ad so it doesn't block anything? I'm sure that with a couple of days' worth of training, I could. Thanks for bringing that up, @Browncoat. I obviously needed to vent.
  19. I said exactly this to my husband while we were watching. She supposedly was studying fashion and design, which normally would mean you understand how a color in a certain area plays up what's already in that area. If you have flaming red blisters on your cheeks and chin, you don't wear beads the exact same color around your neck and hanging from your ears. No fashion degree needed.
  20. Well, she couldn't be more adorable, could she? We have a beloved Tortie, too. Ours is named for a kind of cheese--long story. Your baby sort of looks like she's wearing a scarf, so I thought maybe Isadora, Izzy for short. She's going to be all kinds of fun!
  21. Jeez, what took you so long?!?!? That's great! Fingers crossed it all comes together.
  22. I would send your son a bill for ten days' worth of professional auto mechanic services with a note saying, "We would've waived the charges for a few pounds of meat. And P.S., Dad poured a couple quarts of soy milk down your gas tank before he left." Seriously, he couldn't feed his father in exchange for all this time, travel, and free labor? I'm a little shocked.
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