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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Lucky I'm not a crazy stalker, because it was very easy to figure out the exact block they were filming on for the scenes outside Bella's apartment. They did the same thing last time, when Gigi moved to NYC--showed very clearly identifiable shots of her building. I really hope they're using dummy locations and that Bella lives somewhere else. But if she does live where they were filming, I can only imagine what a two-bedroom like that is going for. What kind of place would they have bought her if she hadn't blown twice the legal limit???
  2. Plus, it makes you wonder if she unclenches her teeth when she's doing it. Because I'm kind of feeling for Todd.
  3. Bowing deeply. (I swear, I cannot read today. Original credit was correct. Sorry, hunterhunted. It was you all along. I'm an idiot.) ETA: proper proper attribution.
  4. Oh, for sure Teresa. She's been in the joint for, what, a week now? So she's already learned how to make a shank out of a chicken bone.
  5. But Ramona gets to bring along her oar, to make up for the height/reach differential. And when did Yolanda lose her voice for two years? Is this some new ailment, or did I miss it somehow? Either way, toasting your guests by taking the opportunity to kvetch at length yet again about all your illnesses is one more tip for her lifestyle show. (And the more the maladies pile up, the more skeptical I'm getting about them.)
  6. Roger Bobb sounds like the Walton son that nobody bothered to say good night to. I think if you ever needed evidence that Kandi is kind of emotionally stunted, you just have to tune in to Kandi Koated Nights and listen to her talk about sex the way no one I know has since junior high. "Are you good at oral?" I felt embarrassed for her, since she doesn't have the sense to feel embarrassed for herself. Which isn't to say there's not a place in the world for helpful, intelligent, funny discussions about sex, God knows. But this ain't it. Her eagerness to jump in makes me really leery about Claudia, too.
  7. I make a version of that to bring to my friend's annual Easter/Passover potluck. It's called Matzo Crack, and eating it really is like being on crack. Hello, by the way. I posted under the same name back at TWoP. Nice to see you all.
  8. Can you imagine having only one day when you feel good in an entire year and choosing to spend that one day with Brandi Glanville?
  9. The Broadway Theatre (the name just complicates things!) is where Cinderella's been playing, and it has a seating capacity of more than 1,700. So regardless of what a poser NeNe is much of the time, I think she's correct in saying she's appearing in a Broadway show, not off-Broadway.
  10. Sadly, I can confirm that this is true. It must be all those vowels. ;o)
  11. I had the same reaction. It was almost like looking at a completely different person. For a brief instant, I thought I was seeing some ebony carving of an African goddess in profile, and then I realized it was a few-short-years-ago Cynthia. That juxtaposition seems kind of cruel to me now, on the part of the editing monkeys. I mean, I know that she's a victim of her own choices--marrying a male succubus like Peter, befriending a braying egofest like Nene, failing to exploit all the opportunities she's had thanks to the show, and now trying on this very ill-fitting fake persona--but they really threw the contrast between past and present into very harsh relief, and I felt for her. Till she started talking again, that is.
  12. And from the shallow end of the pool, I really like the way she dresses. I've liked everything I've seen on her so far. Yolanda could be the best thing that ever happened to Jewish mothers. They may finally get off the hook for being the world's worst guilt machines and have to hand off the crown to the Dutch masters. Sheesh, why would anybody invite her to anything if all she does when she comes is kvetch at you for whatever you didn't invite her to? Don't forget to include that little tip when you get your lifestyle show, Yo. Always make the hostess feel as sorry as possible for having you there.
  13. I'm not sure that's what it is, although it would be nice to think of her as someone who's so loyal to her old friends. She strikes me as being an unfortunate combination of penny-wise and pound foolish. She'll throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars on the tackiest decor imaginable (even Bobby Trendy would be rolling in his grave--if he were dead) and buying houses for her beast of a mother to tear apart, but then she'll hire people to do important tasks for which they're completely out of their depth because she can get them cheaper than someone qualified would cost. I'm dating myself here, but she reminds me of the Ted Baxter character on the old Mary Tyler Moore Show, who had a whole squad of high-school kids working as his accountant, his manager, his PR person, etc. Except I think those kids were better at their jobs than some of the people Kandi takes on, based on results.
  14. I'm glad I could make you guys laugh simply by stating the obvious. ;o) Brandi is the (Xmas) gift that keeps on giving--just pull the string to unwrap! Hope everyone is having the most wonderful holiday.
  15. Yolanda: "I figured if I didn't wear these boots tonight, I'd never wear them!" Too bad I didn't get a vote, 'cause I would've voted for never. There really is such a thing as too thin. Not having calves is too thin. And wearing (ugly) boots that call attention to the absence of any muscles where your calves should be is not a good look. IMO. Really stupid outfit in general. Didn't she make the usual "What are you wearing?" call to at least one friend? Even Brandi was dressed better. Boy, scratch that faint veneer of "I'm just a regular old girl" on Lisa R and you get Hollywood phony through and through. As if it weren't enough that we had to hear endlessly how hard it is to not deal with your parents' health and aging issues in spite of having all the resources in the world, she couldn't even hug her weeping mother without making sure she was facing the camera when she did it. It's easy to see why her daughters are the way they are.
  16. I mistakenly posted about the e-mail business in the episode thread, and Bastet was kind enough to direct me here. I had a suspicion we'd be hearing more about the incident in the kids' tournament sooner or later. I wish I'd saved that episode, because I had an odd feeling about that child at the start of the show. Her answer to Alex in the interview segment was strange and completely unrelated to what he'd asked her. I thought for a fleeting instant that maybe she was over-the-top nervous (I've been on a couple of game shows and seen it happen to full-grown adults once the cameras come on) or maybe she had some sort of general social disconnectedness. If the latter, then subjecting her to that kind of pressure is all on her parents--the producers can't be expected to screen out every child who might implode when things go badly. I think Trebek handled the situation and himself very well, both during the tapings and in the e-mail. Addressing it the following day was a way of acknowledging what we all saw--that something off had happened at the end of the previous game, but without going into embarrassing detail. He doesn't owe anyone an apology. I had the opportunity to meet Art Fleming during a pilot taping. He was a nice man, not a bit different in real life from the guy I watched on TV as a kid. I think he was born to be a game-show host.
  17. Thanks for the link, Bastet. I'll go check out the discussion.
  18. Hi, all. I haven't posted in this forum before, but I have read here from time to time. I came by a couple of weeks ago to read people's comments on the kids' tournament and see what was being said about Gabby's failure to appear at the end of the show after not qualifying to play in FJ because of a negative score. And then I saw her mom posting all over social media that the girl just wasn't feeling well. But I didn't quite buy that, and today I see that those instincts were probably correct. Wondered if any of you had seen the latest Jeopardy-related fallout of the Sony hacking: http://www.mediaite.com/online/alex-trebek-threatened-to-quit-jeopardy-over-stage-moms-tantrum/
  19. I deleted it also, or I'd double-check, but I think she was implying she had some kind of legal document in her bag, ready to mail out--like a lawyer's letter of intent to sue or somesuch. I totally agree that was a pretty outrageous mistake for the CC to make, but it's far from the only one. Sometimes I think somebody's listening in one language and typing in another! (That's actually true--occasionally I'll get a line or two of Spanish in my CC. Huh???) I posted about this in another thread. I think they use language-recognition software to create the captions, so probably there aren't any live people involved to take the rap for any goofs.
  20. Except Sharon didn't say she was going to shoot Joyce. She said she was going to sue her, and the closed captioning got it wrong and had it as "shoot her." I was watching it with the captions on also, and I thought it was a pretty funny mistake. Understandable, though--Sharon wasn't speaking all that clearly by that point.
  21. Assuming none of us have access to Joyce's private financial records, how can this be stated with such certainty? Especially when all indications are that she is and has been dependent on Kandi's money, even before Kandi bought her a huge house with her own personal basketball court. What job would someone of her limited education and verbal skills hold that would pay her to live in the style to which she's become accustomed? I know that Joyce has said she doesn't rely on Kandi financially, but she's said any number of things that are evidently untrue. And Kandi has said exactly the opposite. Common sense and credibility both lean heavily in the latter direction.
  22. She doesn't seem to have figured out that all these gigs amount to little more than stunt casting and that once the stunt value goes away (very soon, let's pray), so does her career as an aaaactress. I hate to say it, because it's almost hard to imagine Mama Joyce being worse than she already is, but I'm predicting that Sharon's death will give her license to behave even more horribly. Because she knows that now Kandi will be truly terrified to do or say anything that could remotely upset her and send her to her grave. I see the emotional blackmail ratcheting way up.
  23. There was boning. And there was also what looked like curved boning (either that or some kind of trapunto detail), which was the first thing I noticed about the bodice. That was pretty high-level sewing. I was watching on a large screen so the stitching was very clear, and I initially thought, "Wow, that kid is amazing." Except what she did in the studio was nowhere near that skill level. So I'm calling shenanigans on the at-home project. You can see the outfit here: http://threads.projectrunway.com/product/prt106-ciara-look-1/ If you click on the picture and then click on the expanding arrows, you can see the details a little better. Obviously they didn't have that model to fit it on, but they probably could've done a better job of hiking her boobs up into the right place for the few minutes she was wearing it. Iffy fit or not, the sewing was very impressive--by my standards anyway. I don't think it was the child's work. Other than that, I agree with everybody above about ditching both Vanessa and the stupid extra project. I don't know why Christian couldn't take over the mentoring and hosting instead of being a judge. He's terrific with them. The kids, with the exception of a few bratty ones (or bratty-for-TV ones) have been wonderful to see.
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