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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. So was I. It made me think of that movie Longtime Companion, where in the end all those who'd died of AIDS came back to life on the beach at Fire Island. I could barely breathe for sobbing in the theater. So many friends lost. For once Kenny was weeping with good reason.
  2. Preach. We still have our turntable for vinyl LPs. (I bought Mr. Mo a special turntable that converts vinyl records to digital. He's never used it once.) And we have a combo VCR/DVD recorder. When I checked Amazon and eBay to see what one would cost if we bought it today, the prices were through the roof. This is how people become hoarders, I think.
  3. GZ is teetering on the very brink of fashion victim.
  4. I had a suspicion of this from the very beginning. I remember thinking how much she needed to hear him say how beautiful she looked in some particular outfit or other before the actual conversation could proceed. I mean, everyone likes to hear that kind of thing, but it was as if she was demanding it of him. If she really does want to be a model, I'm afraid she's going to be pretty disappointed. But maybe she's playing some other long game. Because most of the time these two don't even seem to like each other.
  5. Those were definitely beautiful wedding outfits, no question. My hard, pruney little heart is way too cynical, though. Sumit's decade-long foot-dragging and lying and mama's-boying has me totally skeptical of this last-minute pivot to a fairy-tale ending. I smell something like a big check or, more likely, a spin-off featuring their life as a weird married couple with Mama Sumit skulking around corners brandishing a broom, a nasal hose, and a vial of instant diarrhea. Something like Monkeyshines with the Singhs! I just can't bring myself to buy it.
  6. Still grateful for the first snow each year. This one started falling yesterday afternoon, and here's what it looks like today: Sorry, I can't get it sized properly. Maybe I'll try again later. It really is pretty.
  7. I have that, too! (I feel like that's what I should have them put on my headstone.) Actually, I don't have the whole box, just a couple of the slide cutters, which you can put on a regular box and save a bunch of money. I got them at a local place for a couple of bucks. When you're done with whatever box, just take off the slide cutter and put it on the next box.
  8. My husband says my favorite words in the English language are "You were right." But "I tried it, and it worked!" might run a close second. I'm glad I was able to help, @GussieK.
  9. Just saw this on the news this morning. Maybe worth looking into, @Xebug67?
  10. Inexplicably, the third finger on his left hand suddenly fell off, so there's no place to put a wedding ring. He thinks he may be a lesbian. He's not really over his ex yet.
  11. Did you try pulling them through a hole in a box grater? Maybe if you pull gently and hold the stem at both ends . . . We bought an herb-deleafing gizmo made of plastic for some friends. They say it works pretty well. Not that that does you any good right now.
  12. This can't be an easy day for you, @Xebug67. I hope you're surrounded by those you love and who love you and understand. 💔
  13. I should've been clearer. I didn't mean Stephanie and Erika (although Erika may be a famewhore, too), I meant Stephanie and her new YourWetSock boyfriend.
  14. I could care less, but I don't. Since I'm a native NYer, I'll fight to the death for the Yiddish influence in "I could care less." So sue me. These two famewhores seem to be meant for each other.
  15. Maybe it's all that Flem! (I love a good bad Belgian joke.)
  16. Yeah, I just looked around a little, and I see that all the replacement parts are for the CHM-3. The one you have may be discontinued, along with the parts for it. Bummer. I hope they can find some for you in the bowels of the Cuisinart warehouse!
  17. I think we were privy to it. In her first season there was mention that she was (maybe still is) a cutter. But apparently she can't cut out being a self-centered monster.
  18. That was my suggestion for naming the live chat! It did a lot better the second time around (which also sounds like a song title)! 🍕🍕🍕
  19. But then again it reinforces the fact that he's the liar that he is, so it's very on-brand for him. And his lovely bride.
  20. And what happens if there's another hurricane and the baby blows away??? I'm trying to help by getting their vows ready for them. I'd like to end it with "for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as we both have hair." 'Cause it's always good to personalize these things.
  21. That's weird. I have the beaters from two, maybe three different hand mixers, and I use them interchangeably. I've always thought of beater blades as kind of like railroad gauges--they all fit. Do you mind saying what the brand is of the one you're trying to find beaters for? (To me this really is a thrilling saga. I feel a surge of power when I'm able to solve this sort of problem.)
  22. Sorry, I hate when that happens. She's 45. She might need to hit up Angela's daughter for an egg. Hoping this is true! I'm on the fence. It could be a lot of fun to see what would happen if she went back to nothing. A cautionary tale. But I doubt that's how it will wind up.
  23. Maybe if we started calling it "accountability culture," it would nudge people into understanding that.
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