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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. That three-bedroom house with the full-time nanny and no need to hold down a job might look pretty attractive when viewed from a certain angle. If you squint.
  2. Oh, for sure, that almost goes without saying. It's very serious and complicated on so many levels, And it's not a TV show, at least not the kind they have on TLC.
  3. And earlier I heard on CNN that the family housekeeper died of a "trip and fall" accident in their house in 2018. There was supposed to be a $475,000 payout to her survivors, which was never made, and now it's being said that the injuries weren't consistent with a fall down a staircase. Everybody around this guy dies, apparently, and lots of people have been covering up for him. I need to see where the LI people were from.
  4. They probably also made an executive decision that viewers would find it pretty boring to watch her pop things on unconscious people as opposed to people she can talk to and who can react. After all, it's supposed to be entertaining.
  5. If she was married to Hulk Hogan, that would explain a lot of things.
  6. True fact. There's a documentary about the street cats of Istanbul that I saw in the theater when it first came out. It was free online back then, but it doesn't seem to be anymore. If anyone's interested, you can see the trailer here. It was a wonderful film.
  7. But where will she get the money for that? She might have to cut some fabric out of all her shoulders and sell it to raise cash! Oh, wait . . .
  8. If you don't stop making so much sense, @Rt66vintage, TLC will hunt you down and force-feed you a whole lotta Kool-Aid. Oh, and on the subject of Armando not wanting to uproot his daughter--he did uproot her. He took her all the way across Mexico. So she's in the same country, but do we really think she's seeing her grandparents, her aunt, her cousins, etc., with the same frequency she saw them before? I'm guessing she hasn't seen them once in the last 6 months, based on the previews. It's enough to make Kenny cry! 😭
  9. All right, so then why would she think that Zakarian was responsible for the prank? He seems probably the least likely of all the cast members to pull something like that. Oh, jeez, this is the most boring whodunit ever! I really am quitting now. 🔎
  10. I can't think of a single time I've heard her call Zakarian anything but GZ, so I'm going to say unlikely. Well, obviously more interesting (to me) than what I'm supposed to be doing, but that's a low bar. 😴
  11. Okay, because I'm on a focused responsibility-avoidance campaign today, I recorded the repeat of last Saturday and watched the relevant parts--mainly Carla, who talked about one pumpkin and then was gone. But I also was trying to figure out how Sunny was both in NJ and also on the patio. It turns out she didn't say she was in NJ, she said that the produce in NJ, "my neck of the woods," was great. They also do those scare pranks on her because she's so easy to scare and because she's so ill-humored about it. I think someone in production really doesn't like her. Also, interestingly, when she got pranked with the bird/bat, she yelled at Jeff, who wasn't even there that day. If she was really out on the patio while they were inside taping, wouldn't she have known that? I'll stop now. My name is on too many posts on this page for comfort.
  12. Thanks, @crazyinalabama (and for some reason I can't get this to tag you). I didn't know this for a fact, but I didn't see how he would possibly still be working there. Or anywhere. What a worthless slug.
  13. From your mouth to you-know-whose ears, as my mother always said. Don't think it'll be happening, though. 😢
  14. Thanks. I probably don't know that because whenever she speaks, I immediately hit FF. But then what was that bit where she was waving to them through the window from the patio outside? I swear I don't know why I care about their nonsense. It's like I'm on a mission from God or something.
  15. Maybe you should call her Coraline instead. But aside from that, it's really lovely.
  16. That's true, but I'm talking about a decision that was made long before the pandemic was a thing, so anti-vaxxing sentiment couldn't have entered into their reasoning. Florida certainly hasn't been unwelcoming to the millions of Cuban immigrants who live there, not that I'm raising any kind of flag for Florida. My family lives there, and I've spent lots of time there. One thing I haven't witnessed is anti-immigrant sentiment. Maybe you're thinking of Texas. Marriage equality is in Mexico's constitution but not in the local law where they now live, as we were told while they were struggling to be allowed to marry. And as I said, they both apparently gave up their incomes to move to a different town in Mexico from the one where Armando lived. If Kenny had stayed in Florida, he wouldn't have had to quit his job. I think I need to gently back away from this line of conversation.
  17. But . . . Kenny wouldn't have to stretch his funds if he were in the US and working. If they have to economize, that's because Kenny quit his job and Armando gave up his business. I just looked on Google Maps, and they seem to be about 4 hours away--which is what I remembered them saying on the show. So it's not a huge distance, but they also probably aren't making an 8-hour round trip every weekend. Especially if Kenny isn't especially welcome at the parents' place, at least by the father. The visit they made there in the preview made it seem as if they haven't been there in quite a while. Thanks for the explanation, but I'm still not seeing it as the sensible choice. Then again, none of these people are famous for their sensible choices!
  18. She also looked filtered within an inch of her life, which was weird. Can someone remind me why Kenny had to move to Mexico rather than have Armando come to the US? They could get married here without any problems, Kenny would be near his kids and grandson, Armando could bring Hannah--who's not able to see her grandparents very often now anyhow--Kenny wouldn't have to learn Spanish while Armando already speaks perfect English, and Kenny'd be able to work. All I can see are upsides, so I'm having trouble remembering why they did it what seems like the ass-backwards way.
  19. Maybe if Jenny just changed one word of the chant, it would have the desired effect: "Marry Krishna, Marry Krishna, Marry Rama, Marry, Marry." Nah.
  20. Me, too. She's smart, she's funny, she's a trained chef, and she's not usually a bull in a china shop. I forgot that she was going to be a guest on yesterday's show, and I deleted the recording after watching about 20 minutes. I'll rerecord tomorrow and FF to her segment. I'm not even sure Sunny was on the patio while they were taping. All the conversational exchanges had the feel of pre-scripted, pre-taped moments spliced in, but who knows? It looks totally ridiculous (and also deceptive) however they're doing it.
  21. Who knew?! (Not me, obviously.) That means this great idea should reach my local supermarkets in another fifty years.
  22. I can't believe that wasn't a completely nutty idea! Yay you, @Stats Queen! I hope you're all healed from your surgery by now. I have two of those grabbers, but not the folding kind--although I may get one now. We keep one downstairs in the laundry area to pick up clothes that fall behind the dryer when they come down the laundry chute and one upstairs, mostly to get things down like baskets that are hanging on the wall in the kitchen, where the ceilings are pretty high. I like the idea of using one to help other shoppers.
  23. I think I might just have had a good idea! You know those grabber thingies--a pole with a trigger grip on one end and a pair of grippers on the other that come together when you pull the trigger? Well, they sell a folding version of those for anywhere from $10 to $20 on Amazon and even less on eBay. If you carry a giant tote bag like I do, you could fold one of them up and carry it into the store for those high-shelf situations. I may just do that myself someday--if I ever go back into a supermarket again. I really hate standing around for half an hour waiting for a stockperson to come into my aisle and get something down for me. I love a solution to some problem that involves a gadget. 🛒 Or this could end up with the manager calling for "Cleanup on Aisle 5."
  24. Probably not. This one was new and unused when I got him. Maybe there's a cookbook idea in there somewhere. Dinner a Teaspoon at a Time? Needs work.
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