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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Wait a minute! There's candied nuts in a wedge salad?!? Oh, jeez, all the years I've been wasting! (And I'm one of those rare people who's never been ashamed to admit loving iceberg lettuce--it was a genuine sacrifice when I boycotted it for the United Farm Workers. Everyone else I knew pretended to be giving up something, but I wasn't fooled.) The world is suddenly Technicolor again! 🌈
  2. No sorry needed. I often forget that sarcasm doesn't translate well to print. And now I have to go start on the coffee I'll be drinking next week! (Kidding again.)
  3. I was hoping it was obvious I was exaggerating for comic effect, but maybe not. At any rate, it was far too much work for way too little end result.
  4. I saw her reveal it once. It's thick and wavy and beautiful. She's some kind of mental case for wearing wigs all the time.
  5. This only aired here last Saturday. It reminded me of the demo where Erin (?) made two cups' worth of cold-brew coffee using like a pound and a half of beans and a week or so of steeping time. Were they going nuts in quarantine, or are we just being punked?
  6. The word "of" is actually a preposition, not an article. But short prepositions are also usually lowercase in titles and acronyms.
  7. Boy, he's been through some stuff, hasn't he? He's already lost his people at least twice. My guess would be that the fear of loud noises probably goes back to the tornado. Can't really blame him. I remember the video of the aftermath, and it was horrific. We have friends, a couple, who only adopt senior dogs. They go to the shelter and ask who's been there the longest, or they take pairs who've had their owner die. At first I didn't understand how they dealt with all that loss, but I think I get it better now. I've already decided that my next dog will be a senior. The thought of a dog spending his/her last days in a cage seems a lot worse than whatever sadness I'd feel when the dog passes. (I can't speak for Mr. Mo, though. He keeps saying he can't do it again. We'll see. He apparently doesn't realize our cat is going to die someday, too.) I hope you find something that helps Cosmo.
  8. @Scarlett45, I went for a long time not posting, but I have followed your story of caring for Cosmo and then giving him a permanent home when his person died, despite your not being a dog lady. And I watched the look on his face go from one of fear and insecurity and loss to a look of love and belonging. All along I've thought what a wonderful person you are to do this. It sounds as if you rearranged a lot of your life for this sweet boy--something not many people would do. It's upsetting to see him so stressed out again. I don't know what part of the country you live in, but it could very well be the heat. This might be some help: https://www.hgtv.com/lifestyle/family/pets/cooling-pet-products-for-summer. (The shoes are pretty hilarious-looking, but I know from walking dogs in NYC that pavement can get really scorching.) When we still had dogs, we never tried one of those cooling vests, but it might be worth a shot if it's the heat that's getting to him. One thing we did try was the Thundershirt--we still have it, in case I can talk my husband into another dog. It helped sometimes, other times not. Another thing worth trying if fireworks or thunderstorms are scaring him. But it looks to me as if you're the best security blanket for Cosmo.🐕
  9. Modern medicine is so amazing. Angela has gastric surgery, but it's Michael who loses 273 pounds of ugly fat! Go figure. I may have to stop watching this franchise. There are too many seriously criminal and abusive people here, and watching them makes me feel complicit. Plus, Pillow Talk is no longer fun when the clowns on the couch yuk it up as monsters like Angela abuse their Third World hostages. I've possibly reached my limit.
  10. I totally agree with this. I just started watching very recently. My husband even likes it. He was complaining recently that all the cooking shows feature nothing but greasy burgers, cheesy pasta, and everything unhealthy. Symon's outdoor show is mostly an exception--and the scenery is really beautiful, too. I covet that garden.
  11. Kitchen Crash. That's coming back? I watched maybe two episodes. It was stupid and boring. FN must be fairly desperate for time-slot fillers. I watched yesterday's The Kitchen this morning. If Sunny is deliberately trying to nudge herself out of a job, she's on the right path. It's already as if she isn't on the show anymore, so if she disappeared utterly, it wouldn't be much of a change. Not that I'd complain. Kardea Brown would be a nice replacement. She actually cooks, which would be an improvement.
  12. Thank you, @RealityCheck! I love potatoes, too, and that recipe is plenty good enough for me. (I probably shouldn't mention that Bobby Flay is my TV husband, so even if it turned out to be a crappy recipe, I'd still be fine with it.)
  13. Well, at least they're aiming high. That's like an aspiring singer trying to be the next Yoko Ono.
  14. Stop me if it seems reality TV has made me cynical to the breaking point, but . . . It occurred to me that it's not inconceivable for production to manufacture a car accident to create a romantic epiphany that justifies Kalani suddenly realizing how much she loves Asuelu and can't live without him. I mean, if it's a crappy, low-value car that's headed for the junkyard anyway and both parties get something out of showing the wreckage (but not the actual accident), how hard would it be to smash it up and take pictures of the aftermath? Not that I think Asuelu is better at driving than he is at most other things. I'd love to see the official accident report.
  15. Also, some credit-card companies (mine is one) have virtual cards you can use. You download their app, and then when you don't want to input your actual number, you launch the app and they'll issue you a unique card number that's only good for that single transaction, or that single vendor. So no one sees your real card number, but the transaction goes through and appears on your statement as an ordinary purchase.
  16. Given the expectations established by Chuck's kids, that's not really surprising. Andrei is a walking manifestation of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Knows nothing, can do nothing, and bursting with confidence and a sense of his own superiority. They should teach him in Psych 101.
  17. It could be worse. Imagine if they were making babies in bed and playing with their pickles. 🥒
  18. I thought she was already supporting at least one boob.
  19. I had the same reaction. And because I'm neither a psychiatrist nor do I play one on TV, I think I'm qualified to offer a diagnosis. Pure sociopath. You're welcome. 👩‍⚕️
  20. Ah, phooey. I had a moment of hope when the title lit up on my homepage. Rats.
  21. The Jackson Pollock At-Home Collection. You'd clean up with it. So to speak. My big concern is, once the pandemic is over, will they make us start wearing a bra again? (The women, I mean.)
  22. All it really takes is one. And then I guess these clowns go back home to their wives, who may or may not care if they're cheating, but worse, to their kids. Who we now know aren't immune to this. So . . . good luck.
  23. Good job on the social distancing. They should all be dead in about two weeks.
  24. I've never had them offer me any kind of credit, but I was already planning on mentioning it this time. Because this isn't entirely recent, and it was going on before the COVID issue was even a twinkle in anyone's eye. Jeff Bezos is rich enough to give me a 20% rebate, I'm guessing. Yeah, I figured that as well, but I think we're long enough into this so that a tiny company like UPS has had time to add another reason to their excuse list. When I see "natural disaster," I keep imagining a volcano erupting in Warwick, Rhode Island.
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