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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Oh, yeah, I forgot about this guy, who clearly broke out of his assisted-living facility to snap up all the printer paper in the Southern Hemisphere. Seriously, does anyone believe that old people are responsible for the selfish panic buying that's going on?
  2. I'm sure that some 85-year-old woman who eats a tin of tuna and a cup of tea every day is stripping the grocery shelves bare. Look, here are some of those greedy oldsters right now! These two frail senior citizens lost their shit when they weren't allowed to buy out all the Mountain Dew in the store. Imagine depriving them of the very staff of life! And Grandma Moses here:
  3. Not relevant to the story at all, but did anyone else think that Jayne looked remarkably like Annette Bening? I'm so sorry for those kids, going through what they did and then losing their mother after it seemed as if the sky had finally cleared. But obviously they were raised right.
  4. It's probably worth remembering that he burned his girlfriend's house down after she ended the relationship they "never had." So any doubts about his guilt re Judy, which I also "never had," kind of went up in smoke. As it were.
  5. Those bed sisters obviously got their values from the same well. At first I was totally on Def's side--Plain seemed like the typical grifter who's been working the system and anyone else she could work (without really working) for a very long time. I thought it was interesting how she hesitated when JJ asked if the guy in the extremely large very pink shirt was her husband. Not a question most married people need to mull over before answering. But then sister who bought the $2,000/$4,000 bed admitted to living on student aid. I have an actual J.O.B., and my bed didn't cost nearly that much. These girls kind of scared me, if I'm honest.
  6. She had the meal that actually involved some cooking. Alton's menu was shrimp cocktail, steak, and chocolate-chip cookies. Seriously?
  7. Here's a list of somebody's 8 Best. It seems like a good resource for figuring out what features are most important to you and basing a decision on that. I've had this scale for about ten years. I switched from a bigger, more cumbersome one when I didn't need to pack up and weigh manuscripts to ship anymore (that's all digital now!). I actually have two--the second one I got on sale for $15, and I use it in my project area for weighing nonfood items. It would be nice to have the pullout panel that chessiegal mentions, but this Escali has a hold button that fulfills the same purpose. I love all the colors it comes in, and it takes up almost zero storage space. I just lean it against the backsplash when it's not in use. Also super easy to clean, just swipe off the glass. I do wish it had a light-up function, though. P.S. This shows range of colors, but the price for the green one is much lower at Amazon.
  8. Would just a couple of days wrapped in a wet towel be long enough to generate that much rust, though? (Not being argumentative, just wondering.) I thought it was strange that it got rusty that fast, so I Googled the kind of gun that was used, and apparently the metallic part of the body is stainless steel. (There are several body types, but the gun they showed as hers was shiny under the rust, so I'm assuming this was the stainless model.) It seemed very quick, unless the gun was kept in the wet towel for some time before the killing. But then . . . why?
  9. At first I was shocked that her credit-card company hadn't alerted her that someone had applied for (let alone received!) an authorized-user card on her account. I get alerts from mine if someone spends a buck-fifty on my card in a place that they flag as unusual for me. But apparently he'd been filtering out email from her financial institutions, so if she'd been alerted, she wouldn't know it. Yet if an accountant noticed she was missing a quarter of a million dollars, you'd think there'd be a more urgent alert than just some casual emails. Also not to victim-blame (well, maybe a little), but these were all mature, successful women. You have to know better than to invite some total stranger into your house and leave your laptop open, your phone lying around, your checkbook in a drawer that anyone can get into without a key, then go take a shower or lie down for a nap and give this person unfettered access to your whole life. Maybe it's just been way too long since I've dated.
  10. It's safer than having nothing at all, if you can't get commercial hand sanitizer. And it won't be gooey if you don't put anything gooey in with the alcohol.
  11. You can make your own hand sanitizer. It was the first thing I Googled when it became obvious that it was hard to find and that sellers were price-gouging. Just mix 2/3 cup isopropyl alcohol (91% strength or stronger) with 1/3 cup aloe vera gel (so it's gentler on your hands, though you can use just plain alcohol). You can add a few drops of some nice-smelling oil also, if you want. In a pinch, you can use overproof booze, but the alcohol strength needs to be at least 80%. If you have a clean, empty pump bottle, you can use that to dispense it. Here's one article, but there are tons of recipes out there. It's absolutely disgusting--and should be criminal--for people to be profiteering at a time like this.
  12. She really wasn't. She shared the couch with her (older?) sister, and her sister seemed like a normal person. Destiney was a total attention/drama whore then, too. I liked almost all the couchies, but Destiney was not one of those. I think you could save a lot of money getting your hair to look like Reza's if you went over to your local AutoZone and brought home a bottle 40-weight motor oil to dump on your head.
  13. The bar could not be lower, and yet they somehow managed to slither under it this season. In the past I've always gotten the sense that at least one contestant learned something. But not even close with this crew. I don't know whether it was these particular people or the attitude that Alton brought to the party (I'm leaning toward the latter), but I feel as if every single person this time around, including the chefs--or maybe even especially the chefs--could've stayed home and achieved the same result.
  14. Well, they're all married women. I'm a married woman, but the last thing I would describe myself as is a housewife. It's a pretty reductive term, when you think about it.
  15. Really beautiful baking, @caitmcg.
  16. I don't see any mentions online that she's out on either show. Where did you see this?
  17. Very sad news, @ButterQueen. I wish you both all my best.
  18. It does say that, but I'm 99% sure it's wrong. Here's a link to info about Rocky's mom at a tribute to a sister of Rocky who died in a car crash. The mom's name is Jericho Bartlow (they're fond of interesting names, apparently). I also know that Glenn Close doesn't have kids. A friend of mine who's a writer went to her home to interview her. She was in her forties at the time, no kids, no reports of any since, as far as I know. My guess is that they were being sarcastic--Rocky's nuts, and she has the frizzy hair like Close's crazy character in Fatal Attraction, so boom, she's Glenn Close's daughter. Or the writer of that piece didn't bother to do a minute's worth of research.
  19. I found this profoundly shocking. I think the phrase used on the voice-over was "by the time they got around to it." Two weeks to "get around to" driving by a house in the teeming metropolis of Rexburg, Idaho (allowing for traffic), and knocking on the door to see if two kids were alive or dead? Your tax dollars at work, apparently.
  20. Fear not. It'll just make you laugh. It's definitely a truism, though. Which is why it's Muphry's law rather than Muphry's inkling. 👮‍♀️
  21. I think it would also have to be bigger in order for them to live a lavish lifestyle on the income from those self-published books of his, but who knows how many loons are snapping them up. I looked at his author page on Amazon, and the most recent reader comments are asking where the children are, so maybe that's an indication that whatever sales have been, they'll start to take a hit. I just realized that I always see @walnutqueen on this board and that she seems not to have been around for a while now. Does anyone know if she's okay? I hope so.
  22. I just came across this on a Twitter account called Quite Interesting Facts: Saverland v. Newton (1837) is a British court case in which a man who attempted to kiss a woman without consent had half his nose bitten off. The judge ruled that "when a man kisses a woman against her will, she is fully entitled to bite his nose off, if she so pleases." . . . "The Chairman told the prosecutor he was sorry for the loss of his nose, but if he would play with cats, he must expect to get scratched." Making note to self . . . Watch your noses, broses. (Or should that be "He who brus-es loses"? "Watch out for your smellers, fellers"?) I could go on, but that would be cruel. I may be enjoying British justice too much.
  23. Just in general on this board, it might be helpful for folks to Google the term "Muphry's law."
  24. Thanks so much, @Melina22! Very kind of you. Even though none of it makes any sense, I really appreciate having those gaps filled in.
  25. I was very tired while I was watching this, so I kept dozing out even though I was really interested in the case. My annoying questions (feel free to ignore): How were the grandparents related to the children? I thought the woman of the older couple was referred to as Charles's sister several times, so this wasn't making sense to me. Wouldn't that make her an aunt rather than a grandmother? Did anyone say what happened to the five children that Chad had with the wife they apparently killed? Presumably they're with some other relative, but he seems as happy to be rid of his kids as she is to be rid of hers. I missed how Alex, the brother, died. Also under suspicious circumstances? Where do these people get the money to support their nice houses and their lengthy Hawaii hotel stays? Hawaii is pretty expensive, and I don't think there was a mention of what Chad's "business" was--not sure how he keeps a business running anyway, with this situation ongoing. I agree that it's nuts that they just get to ignore questions about the whereabouts of the kids with no apparent legal consequences. My sleep-fogged theory is that neither of her kids were perfect enough to bolster her self-image as goddess of the Second Coming, so she disposed of them. The whole story is nuts, even with my limited grasp of it.
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